any other over 35 first time mums?

:hi: robinator - i remember you from 3rd tri!

angel - i know how you feel. we have those nights very often here too...
Oh the burping after the nightfeed is a hard one for us too! Sebastian does not burp, ever. So we don't try with him. But with Dominic we sit him on our knee, support his chin with one hand and the other gently pressing to his back and then be bounce up and down in a gentle way. But to be honest when he is that tired he very often doesn't burp no matter how long we try. Plus there is the risk of waking him again. :wacko:
So, I stuck her on the boob and hopefully she's going to settle now. Re other half being able to settle LO - he normally has about as much chance as I do these days of settling without using a boob! If he's looking after her in the day then he can normally get her to sleep in her buggy. At bedtime she rarely settles for either of us these days without being BF to sleep. I'm always the one who gets up in the night. If OH goes to her in the night she just keeps screaming until I take her. Re the night feed and burping issue, I normally keep LO upright for at least 20 mins after she's fallen asleep and then she doesn't tend to wake up when I put her in the cot. I think when she was younger and fed for longer I used to wind her more often during feeds as I can remember this being a problem. I know what you guys mean about BC. Sometimes it seems that things are said in quite a mean way rather than supportive. I think you can disagree with someone without being mean. Saying that, I've had some great advice from there and found a lot of support too.
Oh the burping after the nightfeed is a hard one for us too! Sebastian does not burp, ever. So we don't try with him. But with Dominic we sit him on our knee, support his chin with one hand and the other gently pressing to his back and then be bounce up and down in a gentle way. But to be honest when he is that tired he very often doesn't burp no matter how long we try. Plus there is the risk of waking him again. :wacko:

So, I stuck her on the boob and hopefully she's going to settle now. Re other half being able to settle LO - he normally has about as much chance as I do these days of settling without using a boob! If he's looking after her in the day then he can normally get her to sleep in her buggy. At bedtime she rarely settles for either of us these days without being BF to sleep. I'm always the one who gets up in the night. If OH goes to her in the night she just keeps screaming until I take her.

same here!!

Re the night feed and burping issue, I normally keep LO upright for at least 20 mins after she's fallen asleep and then she doesn't tend to wake up when I put her in the cot. I think when she was younger and fed for longer I used to wind her more often during feeds as I can remember this being a problem.

someone else said this too, and I tried, but I am sooo tired in the middle ofthe night that I don't last more than 10min!
Yeah I wondered about such brave mums too that manage to stay up another 20 minutes after the feed in the middle of the night! Half an hour (15mins each baby) already seems like forever when it is round 4am :S
Yeah I wondered about such brave mums too that manage to stay up another 20 minutes after the feed in the middle of the night! Half an hour (15mins each baby) already seems like forever when it is round 4am :S

for me it'd be - 10pm, midnight, 2am, 4am, 5am, 6am........:wacko::wacko:
Oh don't get me wrong kosh, I wake that often too. But I only feed them at midnight and then again 4. In between I only need to settle Dom and that usually involves shoving the dummy back in and giving him a jiggle where he lies. And then hoping that he fell asleep again cause if not and the dummy drops out again he will cry 20 minutes later rather than an hour.

Edit Or do you have to feed him every 2 hours??
i actually do feed him every 2 hours :wacko:
i used to think he was waking out of habit and feeding for comfort, but lately he feeds more/longer at night than during the day, so it seems that he is indeed hungry....
Do you BF or FF? Every 2 hours seems loads for his age, doesn't it?
Unfortunately I have no advice for BF as I am FF :( But I doubt you are doing anything wrong. Unless maybe your supply is low and he doesn't get enough in one sitting? But as I said I know zero about BF and am not sure that can happen.
we had loads of problems at the beginning (he was TT and couldn't latch correctly) so I have been told that although my supply is enough to feed him (he's well chubby! :thumbup:) I might, as you say, not have enough per sitting. however, he doesn't completely empty them every time anyway :shrug:

dinner is ready
good night!
Leeze: it makes me feel better someone else has the same trouble about baby wanting mommy more than daddy:).

Robinator: welcome :) glad you can find us:)

Kosh: where are you from? Yeah for southamercians:)

AngeK: I hope Dominic will give you a lovely night of sleep:). How is the cereal going?
:wave: ladies! :hug:

Yes, this thread moves quickly.
I'm going to have to drop some other subscriptions in order to be able to keep up with this one. :winkwink:

Clio - the suicidal baby & the victorious cat :rofl::haha:

Kosh & Clio- I'm now officially the exhausted newbie mom. Mother is gone. Hubby is back to work. :sleep:

BTW, I lose to my cat all the time....

Boppy pillow & blanket have been claimed. :growlmad::haha:

Borboleta...LOVE your avatar pic! So cute! :awww:

Claire...I remember you from the 2012 thread! :hi:

Hi Indigo, I remember you too....seems like so long ago. How are you enjoying motherhood?!:flower:
Borboleta it wasn't making any difference so I dropped it again. I just hope it doesn't mean that when we wean him at 6 months that that too won't make any difference :wacko:
I am off to bed in the hope for an hour or two of sleep. Night night lovely ladies xxx
Oh wow, this thread is going crazy fast! I'm glad more people are finding us. Hi Claire and robinator!

Borboleta--that is a seriously, seriously cute picture. Now I'm thinking I should give J a bubble bath. And your husband and the Baby Whisperer! I laughed so hard when I read that. Though it must be incredibly frustrating to be the only one who can settle LO. That would make me feel really tired...

Indigo--gorgeous cat! And they always win, don't they. Mine took over my big pregnancy pillow (the Snoogle or something?) before I had a chance to use it. Ewwww.

And I'm so sorry you've lost all of your help. :hug:

AngelUK--Ours is actually a "Sia-manx." I had never heard of a Manx until I found Morgan on Craig's List. She's supposed to understand the word "no," play fetch, respond to her name... I think we got the slow one of the litter. Not once has she done any of these things. I'm sorry about your cat--I lost my first to a tumour on her jaw.

kosh--I'm glad that LO's cold isn't too bad. The fact that he can sleep is a great sign.

Re: burping. We gave up ages ago. I thought it wasn't necessary after a certain point. This expert knowledge is based only on wishful thinking, though. He was always the laziest burper, and I got bored, so the non-burping policy has worked out well for all.

I was just at the pharmacy picking up a prescription with J in his stroller. Now J is quite the flirt--he raises his eyebrows seductively at all the ladies to make them pay attention to him. While in line, we were behind a woman, and J looked at me with a sort of "should I?" expression. I actually nodded yes and he looked towards her, raised his eyebrows and did a dainty squeal. She didn't turn around, so he looked at me again, and I nodded again, and he looked back at her, wiggled his eyebrows and gave a slightly louder squeal. Still nothing. He looked so confused. I actually wanted to tap the woman on the shoulder and tell her that my son wished to meet her and be adored by her, but I was too shy.

Turns out, she was a really mean lady, who, when she finally turned around, scowled at us and shoved her way past the stroller, which was obviously inconveniencing her. I told J that he had just dodged a bullet there.
Leeze: it makes me feel better someone else has the same trouble about baby wanting mommy more than daddy:).

Robinator: welcome :) glad you can find us:)

Kosh: where are you from? Yeah for southamercians:)

AngeK: I hope Dominic will give you a lovely night of sleep:). How is the cereal going?

I'm from Argentina :thumbup:
kosh--I'm glad that LO's cold isn't too bad. The fact that he can sleep is a great sign.

Re: burping. We gave up ages ago. I thought it wasn't necessary after a certain point. This expert knowledge is based only on wishful thinking, though. He was always the laziest burper, and I got bored, so the non-burping policy has worked out well for all.

I was too told it's not necessary, but if I don't burp him he wakes up 30min later in pain :shrug:
Clio, that's hilarious about the woman in the pharmacy. I have to admit, I did sometimes get annoyed with all the attention Kia got in the first few months. Now I'm used to it and have come to expect it so I have similar feelings when people don't engage with her. I'm like, what's your problem, can't you see how adorable she is? She's so smiley too and loves checking people out then dazzling them with her cheeky smile! And, Kosh, the waiting 20 mins in the night thing - it's because I learnt the hard way that if I put her down sooner she'd mostly likely wake up again and then it would take longer to settle her. I normally come on here, or facebook or google baby tips for whatever thing we're experiencing! Oh, and whoever said their OH was going to check out the Baby Whisperer books, my OH constantly asks me what Tracy Hogg says about stuff eg what time does she say to give the evening meal, when does she say to introduce new food etc. My response is normally to tell him to read it himself to check or I have even dared to suggest she might not be the expert on all things baby eg weaning! Also that we gave up on the EASY routine at about 4 months. I did find some of her stuff helpful but I think there's a lot to be said for knowing your own baby and trying different things out yourself. Kosh, re BF every 2 hours - how long are you feeding each time and how much from each side and do you rotate breasts? Only that I read somewhere that the more fatty milk that helps fill them up normally comes through after about 10 to 15 mins on whichever side you're feeding from. My LO still feeds every 3 hours during the day and about every 4 hours during the night. Occasionally she sleeps through the night but that tends to be if we've had difficulty settling her in the evening. For example that she's not gone to sleep till after 11pm then she might sleep till 7. Her average night at the moment is to be asleep by about 9 or 10 then wake at 2am and 6am and get up at about 8. Last night she only woke once at 4am but I still woke up 3 times to check on her. She's just started to get more mobile and is rolling all around the cot, sleeping on her front, getting her legs caught between the bars etc. All enough to make me worry if she's ok and keep waking to check on her. She's only just falling asleep now, she didn't settle earlier. So, tonight this has been about 4.5 hours of trying to settle her. I hear these stories of babies who go to bed at 7.30 but that's pretty unheard of for us! Well, that's enough rambling from me. Wishing you all some good quality sleep tonight xx

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