any other over 35 first time mums?

Ok, so I answered my own question... More sleep has been linked to growth spurts. :thumbup:


An infant undergoing a growth spurt will want to feed frequently and may be restless or fussy. It is also not uncommon for the baby to sleep more than usual. During the growth spurt, the baby may grow physically but can also experience cognitive development as the brain develops. Growth spurts can be accompanied with the establishment of new connections in the brain that may result in increased agility, greater understanding of concepts, and other events related to cognitive development.

Ummm....check, check, check...:wacko::dohh:
Okay, dreamfeed.

Essentially, once the baby is asleep, you feed him. Just like your cluster feed, but he will be asleep. Here's what we used to do:

He would go down at 6 pm, after his nighttime bottle in his room. Then, at 10:30, we would go back in with another bottle, pick him up, feed him and gently place him back in bed. He never woke up--he just drank instinctively. So, essentially, we tanked him up, and he began to drop night feeds. He went from three to one in the period of maybe two weeks, and has been that way ever since (and we've also now dropped the dreamfeed).

But this is important: don't burp him and don't change him. Don't do anything that might wake him up. You'll be surprised that he doesn't wake for the feed, but they simply don't. The recommended time to do the feed is between 10 and 11 pm.
Okay, dreamfeed.

Essentially, once the baby is asleep, you feed him. Just like your cluster feed, but he will be asleep. Here's what we used to do:

He would go down at 6 pm, after his nighttime bottle in his room. Then, at 10:30, we would go back in with another bottle, pick him up, feed him and gently place him back in bed. He never woke up--he just drank instinctively. So, essentially, we tanked him up, and he began to drop night feeds. He went from three to one in the period of maybe two weeks, and has been that way ever since (and we've also now dropped the dreamfeed).

But this is important: don't burp him and don't change him. Don't do anything that might wake him up. You'll be surprised that he doesn't wake for the feed, but they simply don't. The recommended time to do the feed is between 10 and 11 pm.

Got it, thanks! :thumbup:
thanks hon its both i spose - i think ive been worrying cos its too early but i psose i should just relax and go with her pace - she falls nforwards usually which worries me - so many bumps if i dont catch her in time - will invest in more cushions lol shes getting v frustrated too lays on her tummy raging! :)

thats really good to know tho hon thanks for the reassurance x

Is she falling into the bars, or into the mat? I know they make these things for cribs called wonder bars or something like that that go over each bar, and if she is falling into the mat, maybe a mattress? I have a mattress for our pack n play because she still sleeps in it. It's firm, but much softer than the board like thing the pack n play came with (it's a moonlight slumber mattress) GOod for her for picking up crawling and standing so early!!! Mine is only managing to push herself backwards and in circles!
I posted here ages ago -- in March, I think and then forgot about this thread - LOL!

Anybody feeling their age with LO?

I mentioned my back went last week (it's much better now), but LO is so used to mummy playing on the ground with him that he was looking so sad when I had to rest on the couch (my OH took the day off to look after him and spent most of the time on the computer)....thankfully, have almost recovered and we were able to go for a long walk in the beautiful sunshine today....!

best wishes

ps. was putting a filter into the window (that my OH was supposed to do ages ago) and thought standing on the sofa was a good idea (it wasn't).....
I keep reading about dream feeds, but no, I'm not sure I've surmised the correct definition, so please do explain when you have a moment.

I'm also wondering about the characteristics of a growth spurt.
I thought he would be up much more than usual this morning after last night, but he's not. :shrug:

We did that with thiago. The last feeding was at 11pm but if you can be up till 12am even better:). We were too tired to go later than 11pm :sleep:. He just slept while I fed him. The whole time his eyes were closed. I first changed his diaper ( eyes still close) and them fed him. He would sleep till 4 or 5 am them when we started cereal he started sleeping till 6 or 7:30am.
Glad to hear you had a good night!!! Hope it will happen again:)!!!
I posted here ages ago -- in March, I think and then forgot about this thread - LOL!

Anybody feeling their age with LO?

I mentioned my back went last week (it's much better now), but LO is so used to mummy playing on the ground with him that he was looking so sad when I had to rest on the couch (my OH took the day off to look after him and spent most of the time on the computer)....thankfully, have almost recovered and we were able to go for a long walk in the beautiful sunshine today....!

best wishes

ps. was putting a filter into the window (that my OH was supposed to do ages ago) and thought standing on the sofa was a good idea (it wasn't).....

Welcome sabrinakat:)!!!

Sorry to hear about your back. Do you exercise? Try some Pilates if you can. They even have Pilates to do with the baby:)!! It works great for your core. I have not have back pain for ages!!! Although yesterday I decided to be superwoman and grab this cooler full of beer that was in my hubby's car trunk and tried to move to the house but could make it and drop that thing on the ground and I went with it!!! It was a moment worth of recording to have a laugh later:haha:!!! Good thing my husband was coming to help me with it and he protected me for having a face plant on the concrete floor :dohh:! Don't need to say I feel my lower back since :growlmad:! I hope I learned my lesson too:)!
Clio: I just told my husband that if it starts getting harder to put thiago down I will do CIo and I not care what he says :haha:. It was a fight tonight too. But it was my fault because I let him be overtired. The rocking in the chair did not work, the bottle did not work so I had to stand and rock him while humming the American anthem :haha:. So it finally worked and I was able to shove the bottle in his month so I know he will sleep good since his tummy is full:).

And to tell you girls the truth I like the baby wise better than the baby whisperer. She is a little more hard core on putting baby to go to sleep than the baby whisperer lady:).

Oh man, you just described exactly what we've been going through lately, and how we tried to fix it. (The Anthem--that is funny. But you need a song you remember the words to, right?) But when J was 5 months, he couldn't beat me up. My husband is making fun of me because I'm going to have to call CPS on my own baby. J even gave me a black eye the other day because he head-butted me. My husband said that when we were out, he kept on wanting to yell out to everybody: "I didn't hit her! It was the baby!" but realized that sounded even worse. Sure guy, blame the baby...

What do they say to do in Babywise?

Baby wise believes too on the easy method but it is called PDF " parenting directed fedding". She does believe that we are the ones that dictate to baby when to play, feed and for how long they should sleep ( doesn't always work that way as we can tell :haha:) and that our lives should not be all about baby but baby should be part of the family and not the boss of the family :haha:. And she is in favor of putting baby in crib and letting cry for 10 to 15 min to see if he/she will go to sleep by him self. So a little CIO there. Like baby whisperer it has good advice and bad ones.

By the way, love the story about your LO at the pharmacy!!! To funny!!! Tell him that he would have me at the first smile :haha:!!

And you calling the cps to your child is hilarious!!! I told hubby they should have a mps (mother protective service)!!!! :haha:
Dream feeds, hey. We never got it sussed. I think partly because Kia has mainly been late to settle anyway. Her usual time to go to sleep for the night used to be about 11 anyway! More recently it's usually somewhere between 8 and 9.30. She did used to sleep through most nights until around 6 months. Not sure if teething, sleep regression, developmental changes, not eating enough in day or some possible combination. Also, re dream feeds, if Kia's asleep I can't get her to breastfeed without waking her. Must be good if it works though! Chat more soon and welcome to those who've joined or re-joined today! I'm a very recent re-joiner too!
Having a hard time keepin up, lots going on in my life, will update later...i updated my journal, but will try to keep better on this thread, I love you ladies.
We are also doing BLW, Avery loves it as do I. Thought I would add a pic!! This is him after my spaghetti...heehee

I totally remember you Robinator from all through our pregnancy.

Also I am barely ever on BC at all, only on here for the over 35 threads and journals of the ladies I follow. I should go have a nose it has been awhile, last time I was just so disappointed in the ladies attitudes.

My goal from here is to keep up with this thread...


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OMGosh Avery is too sweet! Love that happy smeared mouth of his! :D
I keep forgetting about this thread as well!

Definitely have days where I feel soooo old. I was 36 when I had my older son and now that seems soooo young! Big difference in 44 and 36! And now I have turned 45!:wacko:

I am also still having trouble with SPD-like symptom; still have the pelvic popping and hip pain.
Bah. I've got Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction which sucks. If it gets bad, my husband has to do everything because rest is the only thing that helps it. So I can't let it get bad, which means I'm still reliant on my husband for carrying things, getting the stroller in and out of the car, etc. I feel very frustrated all the time, and feel OLD.

For all of you suffering from "old bone pain," I can completely sympathize!
Avery looks very happy after his spaghetti. We started on traditional weaning, with purees, but I've been getting more adventurous with finger foods and also bought a BLW cookbook recently. In terms of what she can feed herself Kia loves toast soldiers, asparagus and ella's kitchen biscuits. She'll happily eat other things if someone else holds it and she bites a bit off like bananas, strawberries and avocado. I'm still bit of a wuss when it comes to giving her anything that involves too much chewing! And re back pain, it's probably not as severe as what you ladies are describing, but I'm starting to get sore shoulders from carrying Kia round in the ergo all day. I'm definitely not as young and fit as I used to be!
Having a hard time keepin up, lots going on in my life, will update later...i updated my journal, but will try to keep better on this thread, I love you ladies.
We are also doing BLW, Avery loves it as do I. Thought I would add a pic!! This is him after my spaghetti...heehee

I totally remember you Robinator from all through our pregnancy.

Also I am barely ever on BC at all, only on here for the over 35 threads and journals of the ladies I follow. I should go have a nose it has been awhile, last time I was just so disappointed in the ladies attitudes.

My goal from here is to keep up with this thread...

He is adorable! I cannot wait to feed thiago his first spaghetti;)!! Do you still feed his formula every 3 hours now that he eats more food? How many times do you feed him food?
Okay as a fitness instructor and personal trainer I would like to offer you girls some motivation. :thumbup: even if you just have 20 min on a day to do something go for it. A walk, then a little walk and 30s jogging, and go from there. Find something you like. Me was dancing so I love Zumba! I don't like Pilates so much but I saw the wonderful results I had so I keep doing it. And don't forget weights, very important as we age. Try to do something different whenever you can so your body will not get used to what you are doing.
I know is hard to find time or motivation but think about your LOs and even though we might be older mommies we can still kick butt but most important have a healthy body :winkwink:.
I think I'm going to buy the BLW cookbook, too. I've run out of things to give Jonah other than sticks of veggies and fruit. I like the fact that there is no salt or sugar in the recipes.

So, CIO update for tonight: around a minute of crying/fussing, and he's out. No hysterics. He's been resisting sleep all day and has been really cranky, so I was worried it'd be hard to get him down. But no, thank god.

I'm wiped. Stupid cranky baby...
I think I'm going to buy the BLW cookbook, too. I've run out of things to give Jonah other than sticks of veggies and fruit. I like the fact that there is no salt or sugar in the recipes.

So, CIO update for tonight: around a minute of crying/fussing, and he's out. No hysterics. He's been resisting sleep all day and has been really cranky, so I was worried it'd be hard to get him down. But no, thank god.

I'm wiped. Stupid cranky baby...

:happydance:! I need to show this to my hubby:)!
He still has formula probably 3-4 times in a 24 hour period. He is up once a night for a feed. So maybe 5 bottles in a 24 hour period?!?! He is fed three meals a day. Is we are rushing or on the road he will get a puree.

Thank you Angel :)

And thanks Borbeleta I need to get moving for sure! You will be good to keep me motivation up, or at least start the motivation! I LOVVVVVED Pilates before I got pregnant I should start there, also loved yoga!
He still has formula probably 3-4 times in a 24 hour period. He is up once a night for a feed. So maybe 5 bottles in a 24 hour period?!?! He is fed three meals a day. Is we are rushing or on the road he will get a puree.

Thank you Angel :)

And thanks Borbeleta I need to get moving for sure! You will be good to keep me motivation up, or at least start the motivation! I LOVVVVVED Pilates before I got pregnant I should start there, also loved yoga!

They are both great for you. I like yoga better than Pilates :haha:.

How many times a day did you feed food to Avery when he was 5 months old? I am trying to decide if I should feed thiago 1 or 2 times a day.

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