any other over 35 first time mums?

I am very glad Storm. Hope she doesn't mind the plasters and leaves them alone? FX for a good night for you and Miss L :) xx
Hi! Just found this group and hoping I can join you ladies?

I'm 36 and just had my first baby in December, Blake William. He was born 2 months early and spent 7 weeks in the NICU. He's been home for about 3 months now and is doing great! :cloud9:

No news from Jules yet? It is so much to take in in the beginning isn't it!

Kitty love: welcome:)!!! We are more than happy to have you join us:). The ladies here are lovely!! Just jump in whenever you can, no pressure:). And so happy to hear your little man is doing well!! If you don't mind me asking what was the reason he came early?

Claire: did you find out if L is allergic to cooked eggs too? So sorry about your SIL. Does she has help caring for her little ones?

Leeze: poor thing. You deserve a vacation with paid baby sitter and full nights of sleep.

Not much to report here. Little t is doing great. My little Velcro or shadow as usual. He would be happy to be carried around by me the whole day. Maybe I should have been a canguru instead of a human so I can have a pouch to carry him around :haha:.
We went to the splash pad on Sunday since it is starting to get hot in here and he loved it! Got all wet:). So cute! He felt down and got his first little knee scratches. Oh well, many more will come right :thumbup:. His sleeping has greatly improved and no more night time wakening. :thumbup:.
The only sad thing is that my SIL is having a terrible time with her marriage and I don't think things are going to end well. My BIL has major issues ( was molested by a priest for 7 years!!!) and never dealt with the issue ( therapy). So things are catching up with him now. Feel sad for her and the kids. But we love her and we are here for her and our nephew and niece.
Well talk to you ladies soon. Hope everyone is well:). :hugs: to Clio and Charlie.
Oh man, how many posts have I started?... And I was going to write them all out in word, but then lost track of which was which. Face it, I'm a mess.

Did I even get a post out wishing Jules good luck? I wrote so many... Anyway, I am now officially and eagerly awaiting the news.

And welcome Kitty Love! Please join us--this is a pretty special group of women here. I can't believe 2 months early and 7 weeks in the NICU! I'm glad he's doing well now! That must have been pretty frightening for you! Why was
Blake born so early?

Okay, now that's done.

My mum arrived yesterday, and OH left this morning for the mountains to ski, but even with his large presence gone, this house seems too small for all of us. I think we really have to start getting rid of some of J's toys, because this is getting crazy. Oh, and I guess all of our students' papers, that would help. And the winter clothes... Okay, starting to see why things are a bit nutty.

Borboleta--it sounds like you and your velcro shadow are having fun. We still have to do indoor stuff here, but in a few years (I think when J is four), OH will take him skiing. I think that's when OH started. Me, I'm going to be sitting back in the chalet with some spiked hot cocoa and my ipad. Sleeping.

That is awful news about your BIL and SIL (what the relationship? Who is the actual family member, and to whom? Is it Glen's sister?) And your poor, poor BIL. But it's obvious that you have a very loving and supportive family there.

Leeze--:hugs::hugs::hugs: You must be exhausted. I hope things start to get better, soon.

Storm--I'm glad little L is doing better! I can't believe you're TTCing! So, is your cycle regular? Or do you have to test for ovulation? Do you chart your temperature? This is so exciting! I spent so many years on the TTC boards, that I've got to say, I miss it. Just not the actual TTCing. So my dear...BABY DUST TO YOU!!!

Angel--the number of times I have started posts about games for the boys. Okay, I'll just throw out one: pots, pans and a spoon. Have you tried that one yet? It's great because they can play on their own for a bit with it.

Okay, I've got to go. I know I missed people--I'm sorry!

SK--your neighbours are ridiculous, and what a nightmare for you. I really hope the council will help you out. Can you also let them know about the "hidden" pipes?
Oh I hope Jules and her new baby are doing well!

Casually TTC Clio, I'm pretty regular so just knocking a few in (haha) during what should be my fertile week. I'm not temping of testing for ovulation at all, even though I have all the stuff! I bought a cbfm last time round and I'm not even sure where it is, might hunt it out further down the line if nothing happens. Man I wish I could adopt a baby, I dread the possibility of pregnancy!

In a funny mood at the moment, a very close friend who I have known all my life was confirmed to have cancer of the oesphogus yesterday, he's 42 and the father of twins who are 5, I'm so worried. His mum was my mums best friend and they have always been in my life, I call him my other brother! Stressful times..

Anyway hope you are all well, sleep time for me.. hopefully....
I don't have fb!! :dohh:
are they fine? what is he called?:baby:
Just quickly as I got to go nap the boys. From Jules' FB page:
Baby Nelson-Bowling arrived on Monday 29 April just after 6pm, 7lbs 7oz (name TBC). Mummy in pieces and baby an adorable, velvety, snuffly bundle of joy. Little pic with Grandma Geraldine right after delivery x

I don't think I can link the piccie but I am sure she will update us here more fully when she can :) Her little boy looks adorable! And I am SOOOO broody! lol
I saw him too. So cute:)! Hope Jules is recuperating well. First week is kind of rough with the surgery and the baby isn't it. :wacko:
Thanks so much for the welcome ladies!

We don't have any answers as to why Blake came so early. Pregnancy was going well, no issues at all. On a saturday, dh and I went shopping for some of the last baby bits we needed, had a nice day shopping and then relaxing together. Next day on Sunday, dh was making some pasta for dinner and I started getting some crampy feelings and bh that were a little painful, maybe 15 min apart. We started eating, and the pain got worse, soon coming every 5 min. Started getting worried, went to bathroom and found some blood, so rushed off to hospital. Contractions kept up every 4-5 minutes, they couldnt stop them, and baby Blake was here after a few hours. He was 3 lbs 12 oz, and thank goodness breathing on his own! I remember just wanting to hear him cry, and he did right away! :cloud9: drs said he was in great shape for his age, just needed some time in NICU to grow stronger and be monitored. It was so scary, but we were so very lucky!

Storm - very sorry to hear about your friend. :hugs:
forgot to say welcome Kitty_love:thumbup: nice to have you on board!

Jules we look forward to hearing all about bubba!:baby: - when you're ready.........we all know how all consuming a newborn is!! lol

Storm so sorry to hear about your friend:cry: I do hope he will be ok?

still waiting for the results of the blood tests to see if Lucy might be able to have baked eggs:wacko:
not much here - speaking to the owner regarding the lovely shed/cabin (WTF?) tonight before going the legal route -- it's a huge eye-sore and for our own privacy, may have to plant a few trees (tall ones) as we can't legally put up a 10 foot fence to hide their illegal building....

LO is great - not sttn per se, but falling back asleep (on my bed, sigh) almost immediately, so I still get some half-decent sleep. He seems to love sleeping next to me as I find him snuggled up next to me and holding my hand when I wake (although wet kisses sometimes wake up me anyway).....(don't worry - no pillows or blankets near him!) -- never thought I'd be able to bedshare, but he hates being in the cot when he can see me right there....

hope everybody is good!


ps. hugs - storm!; my cousin (now 48) has been battling breast cancer for years, but is now a proud survivor....
Just popped into say hi. Have been really poorly and waiting some blood results to see if I have post partum thyroidits :( OH taken leave as I'm pretty much inbed! Wanted to to see if Jules had been on but I see baby has arrived safely, hope you are well Jules and recovering. Hello to everyone else, will catch up when feeling better but hope all are doing well. X
Just popped into say hi. Have been really poorly and waiting some blood results to see if I have post partum thyroidits :( OH taken leave as I'm pretty much inbed! Wanted to to see if Jules had been on but I see baby has arrived safely, hope you are well Jules and recovering. Hello to everyone else, will catch up when feeling better but hope all are doing well. X

Oh Charlie, you poor thing! I have never heard of that condition - will have to google it,but it doesn't sound nice! I was going to contact you regarding meeting up, but obviously it is not a good time right now:dohh: but we will do it when you are better for sure!!!:thumbup: wishing you a speedy recovery! Shopia is growing quickly and is gorgeous!!:happydance:

well....talked to the owner, who didn't know about the building 'project' and is coming by tomorrow to see for herself. Her boyfriend is a lawyer, so hopefully will be able to tell the tenants that the building must come down....The worst thing is that the neighbours will treat us badly because we complained about their illegal behaviour!

had a horrible time with LO today. He was crying and screaming and so was I. He wouldn't settle for his afternoon nap, but after a cuddle, I would put him down, but he would scream so I did too! He would throw the dummy over and at me, and when I picked him up because he was inconsolable, he would start hitting and grabbing me -- GROWL! I even tried the 'going into another room' trick, but he tried to climb out of his basket (on the floor) and got tangled, so I came running back in and all he wanted was cuddles....He did finally fall asleep, but I fellt horrible. Then, he pulled the same trick with daddy later and I told him that LO had been cranky for me, too. He acts great most of the time and I have patience most of the time, but today, what with the hammers and building works, and AF - GRUMBLE!

oh, well....hugs to all....


ps. charlie - I have an underactive thyroid and have been taking medication for a few years (they think that was why I had problems ttc) and it has been a godsend as the meds make my cycles mainly regular, but it can take a few months for everything to 'resolve' - hugs, though!
Good afternoon ladies :) Did you all see the adorable pic of Jules and her little boy? So sweet! Making me super super broody too lol.
Kosh I am not sure this works if you aren't connected to her on FB but this is the link. I hope Jules won't mind. :flower:

Sabrina I am sorry this whole process is so involved. But I guess that is bureaucracy for you :dohh: Hope they get it sorted soon though!
I am like you, I can never remember those children's songs, but I am getting better as we have them on the external HD of our tv and put them on for the boys during the day. Some of them are annoying though cause of the voices who sing them and I only leave them on there cause the boys seem to like them.
Your mentioning how different our LO's childhoods will be to ours got me thinking. I was raised in a sort of suburban village with cows and cowbells and the kids of the neighbourhood being out and about on our bikes till dusk. We never were scared and neither were our parents. We all had swimming pools in our gardens and had pool parties from early childhood on and parents were very much de trop. And the fact that we had pools wasn't cause all our families were super rich, but maybe just a thing where we grew up. Every winter saw us in the mountains skiing and we even got a special vacation from school called skiing vacation! I went to school on my bike over a small road that went through fields with cows and with wheat and things like that. My boys will have to be escorted to school as leaving them to go alone wouldn't be safe till they are much older. We played in the forests by our house and again never did my parents fear for us. But maybe this has changed in my home village now too and it was just a more innocent time thing? All in all I had an idyllic childhood. I suppose I could go back with my family but I don't think I could afford to live in Switzerland even if I wanted to.
I hope Finn is more cheerful today and you feel better too :hugs:

Storm how is L? Is her finger all better?
I am so sorry about your friend. How dreadful! I hope he can be successfully treated and will be better soon :hugs:
Sorry you dread pregnancy so. But maybe this one would be easy and pleasant? Here is crossing my fingers for you! I so wish I could ttc too. Am a bit envious (in a non horrible, wistful way!)

Borboleta the story about your friend's little girl is horrifying. I hope all is well now?
Do you have swimming shorts for T for when you go the splash pool or do you use one of those wet suits? Either way I bet he looks adorable :D And yeah it is hard for us mums to get used to seeing scraped knees and bumps isn't it? Every time my boys bump their head and I make a startled worried sound and they look at me and cry. OH told me to try and not react cause often the bump isn't bad but cause I reacted the way I did they thought they had to cry. I have noticed when I smile at them and make encouraging noises, they often don't even stop.
I am so sorry your BIL had such an experience when he was a child! How horrible! I hope things can be sorted out peacefully between him and his wife for the kids' sake.

Claire any results yet on the egg allergy? Hope you and L are well. xx

Kitty_love welcome :D I am glad your little boy is doing well now. How worrying this would have been for you to have him in the NICU for all that time. Any chance of seeing a few pics? :D

Clio thank you for your suggestion but really I need games I can play with them as I feel they play well enough on their own but I am the one that gets a little bored just hanging out and doing our usual things. I need new things to do with them. But I will see how they react to pots and pans and a spoon :thumbup:
We also should sort through stuff to get rid off. Our flat is tiny as is and I am a hoarder. But it is hard to part from things lol
I hope you have a nice time with your mum :) Skiing used to be part of my life too (as it is part of every Swiss child) though I never actually liked the skiing part it self very much lol. I much preferred lounging on the sun terrace and drinking hot chocolate or even- gasp- the occasional Glühwein :D

Charlie I am so sorry you aren't well! Have you had your results back yet? I hope they can help you as soon as you know more. What is the treatment for thyroditis? Hope you feel better soon!

As for us: We are getting Sebastian's hair cut for the first time today at 3. Am a bit worried that he will scream. But it really is constantly in his eyes and it bothers him I think. Plus more and more ppl seem to think he is a girl so I guess the hair is too long. A woman at gymboree the other day actually asked if Sebastian was a girl's name too. And when I said not that I know, she said "Oh so he is a boy?! But he has such a pretty face!" Erm... thanks but hm.
Also, Sebastian is now a climber. He has conquered Mount Sofa and Mount Sofatable :dohh: So as soon as he starts to not slip down the latter we have to clear the table by the window as really that is what he wants to get at.
Dominic has started to hand us stuff. So cute! This morning after their nap, OH took Sebastian's dummy away and put it on the sidetable. Dominic saw it and took his own out and handed it over to OH :cloud9: So cute!
He has been less whiney lately so here is hoping we are getting over that phase. I want my happy smiley Domdom back!
Anyway, time for their nap again. But here is a pic of Sebastian being all self satisfied for conquering the sofa for the first time and lounging back :)


Hope you are all well otherwise. Sending :hugs:

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