any other over 35 first time mums?

LO seems much better today - LOL! It turns out (hahaha) that it is common for LO to be Mr. Misery with mummy; my OH thinks LO is testing am glad that I was able to be somewhat patient with him (but lord, it was hard!)....

hope everybody else is having a good day!


ps. charlie - also meant to say that I was always a bit tired pre-thyroid diagnosis (thought it was post-glandular fever), so once sorted, you WILL feel better!
Storm--oh Storm. It just keep on coming for you, doesn't it? I'm so sorry for your friend; this must be hard to learn when you have little ones.

Darn you and your totally natural TTCing! :growlmad: How am I to get my fix? Though I guess when you've been weaned off of something for over two years, it can't really be called an addiction anymore.

Jules--should you ever see this: :wohoo: Congratulations! He's beautiful. I hope we find out his name soon!


Waaaah! Found this here from yesterday. I think my brain is melting. Nowhere near finished, but I want Jules to know I'm thinking of her and her new LO!
Charlie--oh, you poor thing! I wondered where you had gone! I hope they work things out for you, and fast. Is it treatable? And how kind of your OH to stay home from work to take care of you!
well....talked to the owner, who didn't know about the building 'project' and is coming by tomorrow to see for herself. Her boyfriend is a lawyer, so hopefully will be able to tell the tenants that the building must come down....The worst thing is that the neighbours will treat us badly because we complained about their illegal behaviour!

had a horrible time with LO today. He was crying and screaming and so was I. He wouldn't settle for his afternoon nap, but after a cuddle, I would put him down, but he would scream so I did too! He would throw the dummy over and at me, and when I picked him up because he was inconsolable, he would start hitting and grabbing me -- GROWL! I even tried the 'going into another room' trick, but he tried to climb out of his basket (on the floor) and got tangled, so I came running back in and all he wanted was cuddles....He did finally fall asleep, but I fellt horrible. Then, he pulled the same trick with daddy later and I told him that LO had been cranky for me, too. He acts great most of the time and I have patience most of the time, but today, what with the hammers and building works, and AF - GRUMBLE!

oh, well....hugs to all....


ps. charlie - I have an underactive thyroid and have been taking medication for a few years (they think that was why I had problems ttc) and it has been a godsend as the meds make my cycles mainly regular, but it can take a few months for everything to 'resolve' - hugs, though!
I figure that this is the most effective way of addressing everyone...

SK--I hope that you get this ridiculous "shed" down! Did the owners come by yet? Planting big trees sounds expensive! But maybe one can "accidentally" fall on the shed?

We've had times with J when he just won't stop crying, and nothing can console him. Not holding him, not not holding him... Nothing works. So, OH and I just sit on the ground with him, don't touch him, and let him cry until he's decided he's cried enough. Doesn't mean his mood is particularly better, but at least he's cried out for a while, and he knows that we're there.

But I'm sorry--I know how frustrating that can be. I would have, and have, cried as well. Actually, I yell really loud. Not at him, just a loud yell. It obviously doesn't stop his crying, but it makes me a bit calmer. Oma says that it's all part of learning to deal with overwhelming emotions, which they don't know what to do with yet, nor can find comfort for. I thought that was teenage-hood...
thanks, clio - the owner came by and was not pleased. Hopefully, it will be down within a few days, but the council also sent a warning letter as another neighbour also complained. I'm feeling better about the situation, but GROWL!

LO was much better today as well, e.g. only took about 10 minutes to go to sleep and I think the reason he was so grumpy yesterday was the construction (drilling and hammering) until almost 5.30, so he was upset about that as well. I try very hard not to let exterior noise bother me, but this is/was ridiculous!

re: haircuts - nope not yet. We've trimmed a little on the sides, but he still has babyfine hair (although when brushed over, it looks alot like a mini-Hitler look, no mustache, tho!)

OH is pressuring me about visiting his mother, so I gave in and said one day this weekend (it's a bank holiday), depending on the weather - e.g. if it's okay, then we can walk around, go to the park as me thinks LO will be very unhappy in a house where he can't touch, crawl or grab things. GIVE ME STRENGTH to survive!

hugs to all!

Evening all.. we have a bokey baby! Oh I suppose that should be toddler.. L has been sick sin e last night, she threw up all over me, the sofa, herself, 3 cushions and poor Lily! Lily was surprised to be covered in a huge spray of vomit.. I kid you not it was like a hose, how can someone so small hold so much vomit! Anyway more vomit and all day today, I had to go to work so dh had a lovely day... And I have no washing machine (part is on its way).. felt so sorry for the wee lady, had to buy new vests, Pjs, pillows, duvet, covers etc.. in my lunch break today.. and of course a pair of sunglasses and ladybird pop up tent cause I felt guilty I had to go to work. Dh is home with her tomorrow and I have a long weekend cause of the bank holiday.

Sk I feel so frustrated for you! Nightmare.. Angel I love the new haircut, looks so cute!

Sorry everyone else, too tired for personals.. I also suspect in for a long night!
Good morning ladies,

Sorry I have been away. Had a very busy week. Still loads of yard work to do and had to sub for a lady that teaches at the studio since she went to travel for vacation.

Angel: I love seb's new haircut!!!! Oh my godness doesn't he look adorable!!!! How did he do? Did you cut yourself? I love when thiago gets his hair done, he looks so cute and looks like a little boy:).

Sabrina: good for you that you talked to your landlord!!! I hope that those people will be evicted. Do you think there is a chance for this to happen?
And so sorry you had a hard day with Finn :hugs:. Thiago once in a while has those too. But I think that is because there is something hurting or their are overtired, or hungry.

Charlie: I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Did you find out if it is your thyroid? I had the opposite long time ago. Hyperthyroid. I lost loads of weight and eat like a horse. My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my mouth, I had this constant tremor in my hands, didnt sleep well, and had loads of energy. After a year of treatment everything went back to normal. Now is my sister that has the same thing. I wonder if it is all the hormonal changes that we go thru after giving birth. Hope you feel better and they find out what it is. :hugs:

Clio: did you get pocoyo yet? Is it snowing by you? It is on the 40s today here!!! It was 80s yesterday :dohh:!!! And yes it is my OH's sister that is having the marriage trouble. She told him over the phone ( he works in California) that she wants him out. He is coming back this weekend so we will see what will happen. She is really worried about her son specially. He has anxiety attacks and takes meds to help him control that. Her brother has squizofrenia ( don't know how to write this word in English sorry) and she is afraid that her son will go thru the same path if he has a deep traumatic emotional experience. Poor thing!

Kitty-love: I guess your little man just wanted to get out to meet mommy and daddy early:). How is he as a baby?

Storm: oh my!! Poor you!! Vomiting child is no fun! How is she doing today? Is it a virus? And no washer!!!!! That sounds terrible. Hope she feels better:). :hugs:

Claire and kosh: :hugs:

We are doing well here. Little t is happy no teething. He is so funny! He loves playing chase and hide and seek. Yesterday when I got home from the studio I was eating diner and my OH was playing hide and seek with him and he came and got my hand so I could help him find daddy. Every time we would find him he screamed so hard!!!! :haha: it was hilarious!!!! Screamed in excititement, and we would run around the house to try to find him again. He is just too cute!!!
I better go wake him up. It is 7:30am and he is still sleeping, that means late second nap and late night night time :dohh:!!
why is it so hard to find a plain navy t-shirt that it isn't too expensive? I tried Primark/Penneys and did buy a few things, but all the t-shirts had decoration, etc. And the posh shop that I like they were 16 euros each, may have to go and get...GROWL!

LO seems much happier now that the noise has stopped. They haven't taken it down yet, but no progress today, so cross fingers! Oh, and I thought he was putting his hands over his ears due to teething, but it was the noise from the neighbours (the building works went on until 5 ish on Wednesday and that's probably why he was so cranky!)...

storm (hugs!) -- vomit and no washing machine is horrible (I use a nail brush under warmish water to scrub before washing, at least, you can get the stench of vomit out somewhat).....

nothing much else - we have a bank holiday weekend and that means this time, I get TWO mornings lie-ins (and if they start any construction noise, I am calling the police!)...yeah!

Just a really quick post to add a copule of titbits :)
I got a letter today confirming that I have been excused from jury service!!!! I'm so relieved!!:thumbup:
Also my best friend went for her 12 week scan today (after having had 3 miscarriages) and all is well with baby - and would you believe that another best friend (can you have more than one?! lol) who lives in NZ has just told me she is now just over 12 weeks pregnant too (she also has suffered 2 MC's) such great news and they will both be due their babies in the same week too!!!!!
Feel really broody with all this baby talk!!:baby::baby:

I LOVE happy stories about ladies getting their rainbows (like me!)....

Giving MR. Cranky a bath tonight (no afternoon nap) and the neighbours banged on the wall because LO was crying - they have 5 children and we never complain about that noise (just the loud music) and oh, yes, the ILLEGALLY BUILT I knew that they would start making life miserable for us. C'est la vie. Fortunately, though, I am hopeful that it will only be a few bangs on the wall and nothing more serious, but the owner and the police are on notice (the neighbour on the other side who also complained about the building won't take any 'cr*p' either)!

hope all are well!

hugs, etc!
Claire, yey for no jury service! Congrats for your friends BFPs :) yes when I'm better we will sort out that coffee!

SK hope that the BH is peaceful, great that you have a bolshy neighbour that won't put up with it! I have had it once with building work and on a bank hol after a night shift, I was like WTF?! I was at their door in my Pj's growling, they stopped with no problems tho, I have nice neighbours here.

Only have some bloods back, not my thyroid function which is the main one. Now as it's a bank hol I won't get that back until Tuesday :( my mum has hypothyroid, but we are so different I never thought I inherited much from her!! Clearly not. I still feel like pants and look very swollen and odd with a HUGE neck, puffy face, eyes, arms and feet. And am 3 stone heavier that pre preg, have really dry skin and brittle hair, tired and not quite with it! But when I have someone at home helping me I can last longer and feel a little less exhausted and more just tired until about 9pm. In a way I am lucky that S is not younger and feeding 2 hourly and is also now STTN very well so OH is currently doing all the nights, but there's not much to do as she really sleeps pretty well most of the time with the odd bad night. Also lucky that she's not moving about much yet, sitting up and rolling but nit yet crawling as that would be awful while I feel like this. Hopefully results back tues then drugs!!

Borboleta, sorryy you had hyperthyroid once, was it a one off? I think that must have been what I had when S was 3 months as I lost loads of baby weight and got insomnia, was so hungry but I was thinking that was breastfeeding, but clearly not! Yeah the post partum is different to regular thyroid in that you often go through both hyper and hypo.

Angel love the haircut for Sebastian, so cute and so not a girl, what was that lady thinking at Gymboree, is that a girls name too?! Doh! How is level 3 going? S was put in level 2 last week as she is sitting unsupported now. It was fun, unfortunately I have missed everything with her this week though,makes me feel bad but I am a better mum staying at home and not doing much other than cuddles and play for the mo.

Storm so sorry to hear about your good friend, it's always so awful to hear these things when people have such young children too, kind of brings it home now. I really hope he gets speedy treatment that gets rid of the cancer, treatments are so often very effective these days for cancer so I hope so.

Clio did you get that link i sent you on FB? Look on my profile on FB, I thought I had shared it with you but maybe that didn't work, it's turtle themed :)
Anyway back to snooze land before my little monkey wakes up for the day.

Enjoy this sunny BH UK ladies, yey!
L is sick, I am sick, everything is covered in boke or poo and I still have no washing machine! I have the spring but no hubby to put it in, he's at work! Scream!
Storm: oh godness! No washer yet!!! Maybe you are pucking because you are pregnant :winkwink:!!! What a way to spend you bank holiday!!

Claire: I forgot to congratulate your friends for their bfp's!!! Are they around our age?

Charlie: once you get those meds going things will sure be different. It does sounds like hypothyroid. But at least S is being good to you:). And I am really bad about checking my thyroid so no telling if the problem comes and goes.

Sabrina: your neighbors are just plain rude people. If I was your landlord I would evict them.

Angel: I think I missed your post that you said someone at Gymboree said that seb was a girl :shrug:? What??? He doesn't look like a girl!

I am looking forward to my dermatologist appointment, even though I lost the doctors phone number, I don't know where the office is and I can't find where I wrote the date of the appointment :dohh:!!! I know is next week. :haha:

Got a go teach a class:). Talk to you girls soon:).
absolutely beautiful day here! Tomorrow, we're off to see MIL (first lunch, then a walk around a nearby park), so cross fingers ALL will be okay -- this way, though, she gets to see LO, but we control when we come and go. OH does agree that MIL's house isn't too baby friendly and LO would go crazy if unable to explore and crawl everywhere, so hopefully, a park is a good idea?

not much else, which is fine with me! Neighbours have been quiet today and no building works (but not taking it down yet, either).

Good morning ladies :) Quiet on here lately isn't it? Hope you are all well?
First of all, thank you all for the compliments on my little Sebastian. :) I find the shorter hair somehow really brings out his big eyes :cloud9: :blush:

Sabrina have you checked out the Fruit of the Loom t-shirts on Amazon? They have loads and with different necklines, arm length etc. I like this one for example :)
I hope Finn is in a better mood today? And did you get some decent sleep?
I really hope your horrible neighbours move out! Unreal that they should bang on the wall after all the noise they were making!
I hope your day out with MIL goes smoothly. I think you are wise not to take F to her house. How is Finn now in the stroller though? Has turning it around to forward facing solved the crying issue?

Clio is J's hair sort of all knotted and matted at the back? Cause we have that with Sebastian's hair a bit. I suppose it comes from lying on the part and him having relatively fine hair. Dominic doesn't have that but his hair is a lot thicker (the individual hair I mean).
Are you all done with the students papers etc? And how are you feeling these days? Hope all is well. :)

Storm you poor thing, I hope L and you are both recovering? It is one thing after another isn't it. First the thumb and now the vomiting not to mention the washing machine breaking down at the very worst moment. Do you think L might have caught that bug at the emergency room? Or is it another nursery one? I am very sorry you got it too though :hugs:

Borboleta we went to a children's hairdresser as I was not confident enough to do it myself. Sebastian cried blue murder through out the haircut! I had to hold him on my lap and he was clinging to me and trying to hide his face in my shoulder. Poor little thing! How does little T react? Can you distract him with the iPad there too?
And yay for a break in teething :D And what you tell us about the hide and seek is just too cute for words! What a sweetie he is! :D
As for ppl thinking that Sebastian is a girl, soooo many do! He is a lot more delicate looking than Dominic so maybe next to my sturdy little lad, Sebastian looks more feminine? I don't know. I never found him girly either. :shrug:
When is your dermatologist appointment again? I really hope it isn't anything bad. :hugs:

Claire yay for being excused from Jury Duty :D And double yay for your friends' pregnancies! And yes I am super broody too. I keep thinking about ways and means by which we might have another baby. But I am just greedy and there really is no way cause it is not likely alas, that I shall win the lottery. :( But you were thinking of a second baby, are you still waiting till the end of the year before ttc?
Btw when do you expect to get the results back for Lucy's egg allergy? The thought that she might never have a biccie is getting to me lol

Charlie, you poor thing being stuck in bed like that. It sounds uncomfy and miserable. I much rather have the hyper one if that at least means losing weight. Though preferably neither of course. ;) I hope you get your results Tuesday and that it will be easily and painlessly treatable :hugs:
Yay for S sttn! And for sitting up unsupported! :D
Level 3 gymbo is going very well, thank you. Most of the babies there can walk or totter but not all and my boys are so inquisitive and active and want to explore everything that I think this is the perfect fit for them for now :)

Kitty_love hope all is ok with you and your little man?

Rowan I loved the new piccie of Martha on FB! So cute! Any chance you could come here and post some of Michael too? How is your infection? I hope it is clearing up? I had one too and had to take two courses of antibiotics as one didn't do the trick. Painful isn't it when clothes rub over the infected part. :hugs: Hope all else is going well. :)

Jules if you are reading this, we all of course know how overwhelming the first few days and weeks are, especially if you BF so don't worry about not finding time to chat to us here. BUT I am absolutely gagging for news lol :blush: I hope all is well with you and your little boy. Still no name? Sending lots of :hugs:

As for us: Sebastian has a new trick to slay me, when told No, he grins and shakes his head. So cute! And I don't mean the stern NO when we really mean NO! (though we never really try anyway) but the sort of gentler one.
Changing Dominic's nappy is becoming an increasing struggle. He fights us absolutely with everything he has, he screams and cries and wants to turn over and crawl away. We were thinking of buying Pull-Up nappies for him but that still leaves us with how to clean him. Lately he has quite a rashy bottom and it is very hard to clean him, dry him and put the cream on properly. Are your LOs as difficult? And if so what do you do?
Dominic is still, or again, whiney but then he only had two very short naps yesterday. So maybe that accounted for it yesterday. I feel bad but sometimes I just have to walk out of the room and leave him to whine and cry. It just gets a bit much. I think the last time I was without the boys was Sunday a week ago when I went for coffee with my friend Beau for 2 hours. Oh and yesterday when I took empty boxes to the recycling bins. Yay... OH goes out once every day at least to do the shopping. And he never buys the stuff for the next day even when he knows exactly what he will need, lest that will not allow him to leave the house for that pretext. Ah well it is my own fault for not going out of the house more myself too.
I am going to Switzerland with the first flight on Monday morning and coming back in the afternoon. (OH cannot manage on his own over night). My friend Andrea is finally being operated on on Tuesday and she wants to see me one last time. She has been in hospital for over 3 months now and has only put on 4 kilos. She is far too skinny at 45kg and 1m72 height but they cannot wait any longer now. I am very scared she won't make it, though she is so amazingly strong and brave that I do have hope that she will. I am dreading it all and I hope I can be calm and cheerful when I see her so she won't have to expend her little bit of strength comforting me!

Well on that un-cheerful note it is time to go and feed my little boys their brekkie. Hope you are all well. Sending :hugs:
Sabrina: hope your day goes smooth with your MIL.

Angel: thiago screamed his head off specially during the second time he had his hair cut. The lady started with the clippers and he cried and I had to hold his head against my chest while she tried to cut his hair. Not looking forward to his next hair cut :dohh:!!!
And as changing diapers thiago does the same thing as Dom. Try to give him a toy or turn the music on and dance while changing his diaper. I have to be fast though :haha:. It works most of the time. I thought of the pull ups too but I am not sure if his weight is enough to start him on them. And like you said if he has a poopy diaper you still need to lay him down and clean him.
I am so sorry to hear your friend is still at the hospital. Hope the surgery will go well. But the most important thing is that she will have a wonderful friend like you by her side. :hugs:

Today we are going to have dinner with the family that I baby sit their kids for a while:). I love them to pieces:). They are 10 and 7. And they have a little sister now that is 2. So loads of fun and craziness for thiago:).
Hope you are all doing well:).
Had to share. Thiago now goes around a good part of the neighborhood kicking his soccer ball around. :kiss:. It is sooo cute!! This morning he probably kicked his ball for about 20 to 30 mins. He was so tired when we got back home. I am going to try to post a video of him on Facebook.

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