any other over 35 first time mums?

Clio private healthcare in this country is fairly expensive,but it reallly depends on who you insure with and what level of cover you want etc,etc. The thing with the NHS is that people refer to it as "free healthcare",but technically it's not free as we pay a portion of our wages towards it in the from of National insurance, a bit like income tax on your earnings.
I think when the results are fairly non urgent then I don't worry too much, but obviously in hospital etc then you get results a whole lot quicker!!

Borboleta She likes wearing the hat and loves her sunglasses,but I think she likes to put them on and take them off more than she likes actually wearing them. lol

Have had 3 nights of very little sleep as Lucy has a little cold and has been soooo unsettled.:wacko:
Hoping for a better night tonight!

Yay for Jules and baby William!!:baby::baby: lovely name.:happydance:
As for healthcare I'm lucky to get free bupa with work (its over £100 a month) and I pay to have L and dh bolted on to mine! When I had to get scoped I got the bills through and it cost nearly £800 but bupa footed the bill. :)
Well back from the doctor's and it is vitiligo :cry:. But she told me not to worry so much because the pictures you see on the Internet are the worst cases. So I have to put two creams in my hand ( one with steroids) and go back there in the beginning of September. Hopefully my coloration will be back by then. And thiago had another crying spell when my OH took him to an eletronic store today :shrug:. They were just watching something in a big scream tv and he decided to cry. But then stopped when a clock showed up on the tv :dohh:! I don't get it. Wish he could say what is bothering him.

Claire: so sorry that L is sick and your nights are not good. And tell her she looks lovely with the hat and the sunglasses:).

Storm: there is always the next month for that bfp to show up:). And hope little L is getting better. :thumbup:
And I do agree with you little t is a thinker:).

Kitty: oh I miss those days when thiago was so little even though I enjoy him so much now:). And I can imagine the grandparents will be at your door when you tell then they can come see him. Do you know when that is going to be?

Sabrina: I am glad to hear you have this fear of autism too. I guess we wouldn't be mothers if we didnt worry about stupid things right :winkwink:.

Clio: I wonder if he cries because he is tired. But sometimes I wonder if it is because of teething. I don't know :shrug:.

Angel: how is your friend?
Borboleta--oh my dear, I'm sorry it is vitiligo. But that was comforting, what the doctor said. Keep us updated on the status of your hand.

As for T, that is odd. But try not to worry about autism. Or, as my wise old psychiatrist used to say: "Don't waste worry. Worry when you get closer to the age that they can tell." I don't know if that helps your worrying, but it actually helped me, the consummate worrier. I could worry for Canada at the Olympics, if I wished. And I agree, T seems like a very serious thinker. Is he particularly cautious in new places, checking things out before he goes forward? (J's like that. Pake loves it, because he thinks he's like that. He's not. Can you tell I'm mad at Pake? Bah!)

Oh wait, OH just reminded me that I freaked out about autism anyway, so forget my whole "worrying" advice. He calmed me down by reading out all the "baby red flags" and pointing out that J was so social that there was such a small chance of him having it. Plus, with T it would be considered "regressive autism," whereby he showed all the normal signs of toddler-ness, and then suddenly stopped. And that only happens in 20% of autistic kids.

I will definitely post pre- and post-haircut pictures. Auntie M is actually really good at them.

As I continue to write, I'll think of a J story...

SK--THAT's the shed? I agree with whomever said it looks like a small house. Do you think it's perhaps akin to an apartment or another room? Anyway, I agree with you! Down it should go!

Storm--Well, it seems that the storm (see what I did there?) is passing. But your poor OH! And you can never have too many clothes. When I sent my sister clothes for her as-yet-unborn baby, she said she couldn't believe how many clothes J had worn up until now (J was close to a year at the time). She was shocked to hear that were all newborn clothes!

Kitty Love--I think I missed why B was born so early. And why he can't be around germs (though I CAN see why that is sometimes a benefit :winkwink:). Can you re-cap? And I'm glad you're joining in--we're losing too many people to babies right now! Now if only we could get more of a North American presence...

Charlie--I can't believe it's BLW time already! :wohoo: S sounds awesome, by the way. I think she's going to take the world by storm! Gosh these babies grow up so fast!

Rowan--if you ever make it on here, we miss you, and hope you're having a blast (a tired blast?) with M&M!

Jules--if you also ever make on here, my fav pic on FB is the one of you two asleep. Almost makes me broody. Almost.

Angel--you asked this two days ago, but I can't find more recent posts! I hope you're okay! Anyway, my course is done, I marked the papers, found out that I had to follow the grading curve after all, but because I had deliberately marked people low-ish on their essays and final exams, I actually got to hand out the A's and A+'s to people I felt deserved them. I love doing that. So, I guess I'm on summer vacation! Now if it only seemed even spring-like out there...

Claire--Americans love reminding us too that our health care isn't "free" either, which is why I call it "universal." Come to think about it, things go faster here in this province, anyway, because the last Premiere (person who runs the province) decided to privatize all of the testing places, and they are simply faster. We need insurance for things like drugs, glasses, physiotherapy, etc. Why do you guys need insurance?

Okay, J story. A little while ago, J was climbing upstairs when he realized I was behind him. So he turned around, said "come!" and started yelling "TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!!!!!" as he continued up the stairs. Now, BOTH of us knew that Tata was not upstairs, but he kept yelling her name until he got to my bedroom, where, yes, she has been known to hang out/hide from him under the bed. He then started banging on the door, yelling "Door!!! Door!!! Door!!!" until I caught up with him and opened it. Crying "TATATATATATATATATATATA!!!", he headed for the bed. Then he stopped, started to lower himself to look under the bed, then, squatting, decided to give up the ruse, looked at me and asked, "up?" The little bugger had wanted to romp on my bed in the feather duvets and pillows the entire time. I tried to look up the milestone for "trying to trick parent," but couldn't find it.

My mother told me a cute one this morning. He asked her to go into his room, and then pulled out "Good Night Moon" and began to read it to her! Of course, he can't actually read, so he turned the pages slowly, pointing out the bowl of "mush" which looks like his breakfast oatmeal, and solemnly "read" to her: "Mmmmmm." Then he would point out the woman "who was whispering hush," and read to my mum, "shhhhhhhhhhhhh!" They're on almost every page, so he had a LOT to read to her.
aaaaaaaaaargh! It appears that foot, mouth and hand virus is running rampant through the creche and LO may have it......(he has a slight rash on his legs and around his nappy, but I thought maybe it was reaction to MMR, in which a rash can develop 3-4wks after)..........aargh. So, OH is taking him to the doctors tomorrow, and using some of his holidays.....

clio - the Irish system is similar to the UK; we have health insurance because there are huge queues in the public system and we can see the GP and other consultants immediately (you have to pay, but get a little (not much) back), but it also means that if we need treatment in the UK or USA, it's 'covered', which is a bit of peace of mind. When I was injured in a bus accident (arm crushed in the door), I had over 45 physio sessions over 2 years and paid for all but the last 15 as I had to wait almost two years for the public physio! We still have to pay for the GP here (free in the UK), though...

oh, to sing 'baa baa black sheep' to my little foot and mouther (just's not the same disease!), but cross fingers that it's just a slight heat or MMR rash....

Sk don't worry if its foot and mouth, its no biggie but just really contagious, it should pass quickly x
Good morning ladies :) Sorry I have been MIA, I was feeling a little down and not up to posting after my visit to my friend. Thank you all for your kind inquiries :)
Just briefly then, Andrea was operated on for 7 hours which was a lot shorter than expected. But the op went well and she is now in an artificial coma for 10 days to 2 weeks. The only problem is that her liver and gall bladder cannot cope with the intravenous food as it is too fatty. So she will likely lose more weight and she cannot afford to. But there is hope, as she wants to live and that is what matters. :)

Clio first of all how cute is that pic of J in your siggy! :D Is he about to bite your knee?
As per your suggestion we have been trying to be strict with Dominic when changing him and I think it may work. We keep telling him to lie still and look at him sternly when he tries to turn over. He does cry but hopefully he will soon be happier. His bottom is not so raw and red now so I am also thinking that cleaning him might no longer be painful and therefore the whole process not such an ordeal. Thanks :thumbup:
As for who has been calling Sebastian a girl, lots of ppl. In cafes, at the checkout etc. We get asked If they are a boy and girl and when told no both are boys they always point to Sebastian and say Oh he looks like a girl. :( Mind you, OH thinks it is flattering cause he sees it as a confirmation of Sebastian just being so gorgeous. He is very biased in regards to his boys and always thinks that everyone out there must secretly envy us for having such gorgeous boys lol.
As for the misnamed UglyDolls, Sebastian loves them, especially his Tulu. I think Dominic likes his Groody too but he is more focused on balls and rattles and his books at the moment.
What you say about your Pake's "Bah" would irritate me to the blood! I hate it when ppl dismiss me. By all means argue your point if you have one but don't just dismiss what I say. And when it comes to my children I think I would hit the wall. And I have. I hope you can either keep calm or talk some sense into your mother and father in law. When we were kids and my mum said no to us we just went to my dad and most of the time he gave us what we wanted (probably to keep us quiet and occupied) and that was so wrong cause we just disregarded her verdicts a lot! Poor mum!
Love the story about how J tricked you lol How cute that he likes to romp on your bed though :D And my golly him reading to his grandmother is so cute! I bet she melted :)

Sabrina thanks for the suggestion of a toy when changing the boys. We too have done that but both find it more amusing to drop it to the floor with a thunk than play with it, sigh.
I hope F is not feeling too bad with that bug he picked up? Poor little thing!
As for the shed, well that only qualifies as a shed cause it is wooden but for the size I would say it is way more like a little house! I'd grumble and complain too! I hope they cannot use it commercially if they aren't forced to take it down completely.

Claire I would love to meet up sometime for coffee but I am not sure I can do that date. My mum was supposed to have come visit last Saturday till yesterday but of course had to cancel as I had to go to Zurich. So she is planning on coming over around the 20th instead. She hasn't specified when exactly so there is still a chance she might either be gone by the 24th or not yet here. I will let you know if that is ok?
Hope L is over her cold and that last night was more restful. :hugs:

Storm I hope you and L are recovered? Yay for the washing machine :D
Sorry your first attempt at ttc failed, although I guess you aren't, if you are so scared. Are you sure you want to go through it all again if that is how you feel about pregnancy? I know you have talked about it before but I forgot what made your pregnancy with L such a horror to you? Were you very sick throughout?

Borboleta I am so sorry the thing in your hand turned out what you feared. But the fact that you found out early and that your doctor isn't worried too much must be a good sign and I hope you can get it under control very soon :hugs:
My boys don't suddenly cry as such but sometimes when I leave them alone in the sitting room they do get fed up and start crying for me. but I guess this is different. I agree with Kosh though. From what you say I think T gets frustrated and that is why he cries? Unless of course it is much simpler and he is just tired? I really don't think that T has autism cause as far as I understood one of the early signs is delays in development and milestones. I looked up a list on the internet about early warning signs and T has none of those as far as I can tell from your posts. Also, there was a sentence there that I thought was significant: "The earliest signs of autism involve the absence of normal behaviors—not the presence of abnormal ones..." So while I wouldn't say that T's sudden tears are abnormal they certainly do not point to any severe problem :hugs: I haven't worried about Autism much myself (except when my brother harasses me about the dangers of vaccinations :dohh:) but there is always something for us mummies to go crazy over isn't there? I think it is one of the things that mummies do. :hugs:

Kosh and Sabrina about the vaccination, I thought the ones at 12 months are just MMR? What other vaccs have they? Oh golly I hate the thought already! We are booked for the 21st as my GP was swamped till then, probably cause of that Measles outbreak everywhere. Kosh you delaying G's?

Charlie it must be kind of good that you now know for sure what you have and that it can be treated. So a little yay for that. Hopefully it won't take long till you feel much better :)
I hope your milk supply will get back to normal soon. I don't remember but have you tried taking Fenugreek? A lot of ppl swear by that for upping their supply. I tried it for a while while I was pumping and I do think it helped a little. The only downside is that it makes you smell like maple syrup, which is a lot less pleasing than it sounds lol.

Kitty_love that sounds so cute, you and Blake blowing raspberries at each other! And yay for baby giggles, best sound in the world isn't it? :D All that interacting also sounds quite advanced considering his adjusted age so yay for Blake :D

Jules you are probably too busy to come visit here but just in case you do, I just wanted to let you know that I come and check your FB page almost daily to see if there are new pics or updates on how you are. William is adorable! :D Not a Shrekbaby in sight! Just I knew there wouldn't be lol I hope you are recovering well and manage to get the occasional sleep. :hugs:

As for us: I don't know if I mentioned it before but Dominic has been biting us for a while now. He gets very exuberant and then suddenly bites. It isn't done in a mean way but simple joie de vivre, much like Tomcats bite out of love and excitement too I think. Usually he bites our legs arms or knees which doesn't really hurt through the clothes. But yesterday he bit my poor Sebastian on the cheek and left teeth-marks! They are still a little visible today! He bit me on my collar bone the other day and it hurt like heck! Not sure how to stop him from doing that. I think Sabrina you mentioned that F bites too at times? What did you do to make him stop or was it just a phase and he stopped by himself? Anyone else's LO do this too?
But what is also now obvious is that my boys understand more than I thought. They like to be on the sofa and from there stand up and play with the huge painting that hangs above it. It doesn't hang very securely. It won't fall by itself but might, if they move it too much back and forth. So I have been telling them No! And they know what I mean but test me by putting one finger on it and looking at me in an assessing way! Cheeky little things! lol And of course Dominic knows Lie Still! They understand wave and clap too but I think I mentioned this before? Oh and Sebastian knows what OH means with Ai-lie-lee (which is the first "word" from a Greek nursery rhyme I think and doesn't mean anything) but he then does this thing with his hand. He holds it up and turns it at the wrist back and forth, a bit like belly dancers do if you know what I mean. So OH just says that line and Sebastian does the hand movement :)
These are just a few examples, there are more but I have to go and give them a nap they are whining. So I hope all is well with you ladies. Sending :hugs:

ETA: Bitemarks and today hanging out on the sofa watching tv with Groody and Tulu :)


LO not well today - a bit of nappy rash, but no spots on hands, mouth or feet, and pretty sleepy with a mild temperature. I've made a doctor's appointment for Saturday morning, so hopefully, it's just a mild case of whatever and he'll be on the mend...

hugs to all

update: LO's temperature was all over the place, so I rang up to the doctors, who saw him immediately -- he has a throat infection, not foot/mouth/hand (sigh of relief) and we started anti-biotics, so hopefully, will feel better soon! He's eating some chicken and watching the cat at the moment (the small cat who is becoming very bold!) who is watching him.....!


ps. so much vomit, so much.....aargh! I have clothes soaking everywhere....
Angel: thiago bites sometimes too. For some reason he likes to do that just with me and OH. That is the reason I keep the pacifier in his mouth :haha:! But sometimes I forget and if he gets close to my leg I just push his little face away from my leg :dohh:! He was biting more frequently before but now is not as often. I think it might be related to teething. Poor little seb got a good bite on his cheek:(. I bet he cried a lot.
And I love the picture of them sitting in the couch. I am just now putting thiago in the couch but he likes to run and play while in it and just throws himself off of it :dohh:! Aren't you afraid they are going to fall off the couch?

Sabrina: poor little Finn. One sickness after another:(. Glad to hear you took him in and they found out what was wrong with him. Hope he gets better soon.

And little T hasn't had his crying spells for about 2 days now:). He is all happy playing with his toy balls. He loves them!!! Angel, I am glad to hear that Dom likes them too. My nephew was like that too. He was obssesed with trains and them with cars. Thiago is balls. And now he squicks with joy when we take him to a store and let him walk around on his own :haha:. And when we play chase or hide and seek. He screams with happiness. The other day I could swear he said dog, egg and luz( light). No mamma yet :dohh:! Maybe when he is 10 he will say it :haha:.
Thank you all so much for making me feel better about no autism for little t. Like you all said he is really progressing on his development and he is has the thinker personality that storm so well wrote in here:).
Angel, don't worry about if you can or can't do that date. I'm there regardless so just let me know nearer the time. If not we could always meet another time ?

We are in the process of dropping Lucy down toons nap a day to serif it sorts out some of the sleep issues, early waking etc. it's a bit hit and miss right now and I think the change is going to take me a while to get used to :(( a whole new routine. How long do all your lo's sleep in the day??
Oh Angel I really feel for you and your darling friend, I sincerely hope Andrea recovers well from her surgery. Friends like you are hard to come by and I hope if I'm ever that ill I have such a caring and wonderful friend x

L bites too and she would bite a lot when she was teething, remember she bit her cousin on Christmas day! Wee monkey!

Oh Sk poor you, we are thankfully past the vomit and poo stage this time, the smell of toddler vomit is awful. I hope F recovers quickly!

Angel my pregnancy with L was just pretty unpleasant, I had morning sickness til 14 weeks, terrible heartburn the whole time, pelvic pain which was crippling at times, acne across my shoulders and back and huge amounts of swelling with minor carpal tunnel etc... Nothing that bad, just lots of horrible little niggly things! I had to buy shoes a size bigger and wide fit my feet were so swollen, they look hilarious when I try them on now :) then a back to back labour where I left it too late for anything other than gas and air, silly me...

Hope everyone else is well and your little ones too x
Ps Clairey sometimes L has 2 half hour naps, sometimes one for over an hour and sometimes she refuses to nap at all! Today she had one half hour nap....
Claire: little t still takes two naps and I don't think we will be going for one nap anytime soon because he is exhausted after 3 hours of being awake. So he takes about 1:30 to 2 hours each nap. Sometimes he goes for 3 hour but not as often anymore. And since I refused to go and rock him during the night he has been Sttn since :thumbup::).

Angel: I forgot to comment on your friend. I really hope she will be okay. Sometimes I would like to understand why some people have to suffer like that. Good people!!! I know it doesn't have anything to do with what she is going thru but I don't know if you ladies saw the news about this horrible man that kept 3 girls captive for 10 years!!!! :cry:. How can someone survive after something horrible like that! Monsters like that should suffer, not good innocent people. I get so worked up by news like that!
LO doing slightly better, e.g. no vomiting so far today, and seems a little better, but man, what a scary time! Will post later/tomorrow, but hope all are well otherwise!

hi all :hi:

sabrina - sorry F is not well. hope he gets better soon

borboleta - sorry about the vitiligo, but hopefully the creams will help ::hugs:

clio - loved J's stories. I bet grandma melted when he 'read' to her.

angel - really sorry about andrea. hope she stars to recover soon. :hugs:
re. nappy changes - Gael is/was the same. I used to give him toys to distract him and that worked for a while but then stopped working. I now found that singing his favourite songs work. and, the new one: asking him where his willy is! :blush::winkwink:
re. vaccines - here at 12 months, it's the MMR and another 3 shots :nope: and yes, we delayed the MMR as it seems that measles part takes better after 15months.
re. biting - Gael is doing this too and I don't knwo what to do either :nope: he's also getting very whingey which, again, I think it is a sign of frustration. the other day he was playing with a ball and started whining for no reason (known to me! :winkwink:), he seemed to want to lift the ball but would immediately get upset, we tried everything and he would not stop, until we realised he wanted DH to hold the ball on top of his head so he could touch it :shrug: he was really happy when we finally worked it out! :haha:
Angel--I'm so sorry, I somehow completely missed that your friend was having surgery. I'm glad she's okay, and I hope her remarkable spirit, if not already back, will come back soon. And what an amazing friend you are!

I'm glad the suggestion with Dominic worked. If J tried again, I put my whole hand on his chest and forcefully pushed him back onto his back (and was stern, of course). But he only tried once or twice again. Now he just cries (oh these stages and phases!), so I practice words or sounds with him to distract him. That and play peekaboo with a blanket, when OH and I freak out when we can't "find" J, and then sigh with great relief when he "reveals" himself again. Man, I hate that game. Most boring one in the world, but the only one that gives him belly laughs. Awesome.

The description of the little imps and the lamp is adorable. Can you keep a straight face? And Sebastian and his belly dancing! I laughed out loud! Isn't it amazing how much they understand and you just don't know? I truly believe that it's simply a matter of figuring out how to tell you the stuff they've known for a long time, even if it's not through words. Yesterday, my mother was whistling. As my mother whistled, J ran and got this book which has buttons for different zoo animals (which frankly all sound the same. Even the parrot roars). And then he hit the Zoo Keeper button, who...whistles!

Have I emphasized this book enough (or even at all)?

It is awesome. If Dominic is into books, he might like this one. The colours are great, and J's expanded his vocab because of it. I also bought the animal one. Every lion and cheetah and tiger is "TATA!!!!!" Except, strangely, the actual cat. He flips by her with disdain. I guess Tata is much grander in his mind.

Oh, and the pics of the two of them are darling. What are they watching? They look completely enthralled. I see the bite marks on S's cheek and wow. Did he cry a lot? I started this post yesterday, wondering what I'd do if J bit me, and I found out pretty quickly. He didn't want to go to bed, so he bit my hand! I told him off, and said that only Tata bites, because she is an animal, and not little boy, and because biting hurts people, etc., etc. Remember the whole "I understand more than I can express" theory? I was hoping this was true for this little lecture on human etiquette.

SK--I guess this is what I get to look forward to when J goes to day care: illnesses. I'm so glad that it's not FH and M disease and a throat infection that is easily treated instead. But why the vomiting? I hope he is feeling better!

Borboleta--J once fell of the couch and from a very bad position. He was leaning over an arm of the couch to reach the light switch :)blush: okay, this story is not showing my finest parenting moments) and toppled head first off the couch. I ran to him, he cried, and never did it again. It's a rite of passage, I think. Just more bumps and bruises. Well, maybe a bigger bump on this occasion. And otherwise, J can now get down off the couch on his own. I think that T is taller than J, so he could probably do it safely, too.

Oh man, look at the time. Okay, so this is going another day without fully responding to everyone. I'm sorry guys! Till tomorrow!
Finn seems much better this morning! We saw the doctor early and he's also happy with Finn, so yeah!

Not much else, except the neighbours from hell are continuing their build (even though the owner told them no and the council sent a warning letter), so lots of noise, and they started at 8.30 this morning (sat) - and the police can't do anything.

re: vomit - we think it was mucus making him vomit and also, his gag/cough reflex isn't as developed as an older child's, so any coughing seemed to result in vomit. Just a little yesterday as the antibiotics seem to be clearing up his chest/throat, so cross fingers!

bus strike tomorrow, so may have problems getting to work on Monday - fun, huh?

Good morning ladies :)
First of all, thank you all so much for your kind comments about my friend. You are all very sweet :) :hugs:

And on a totally different subject, have you noticed that sometimes posts on here move? I could have sworn, Sabrina's update was on the next page before and now it is back on the previous page. Do you think it might be that some older posts by ppl who are no longer active on BnB are vanishing?

Sabrina your poor Finn with the vomiting! Poor you too of course having to soak and wash it all. I hope he is feeling better today?
And have they stopped work on the shed still or is it in fact complete?

Borboleta oh dear, T throwing himself off the sofa sounds scary! My boys don't do that but know how to get down safely. Either they "swim" down head first or they turn around and put their legs over and to the ground. The sofa isn't very high. But yes, Sebastian has fallen when he was leaning over the arm of the sofa and was too close to the edge. But as Clio said, it is a learning curve and hopefully he will be more careful in the future. He did cry but I think it was more from shock than hurt. Still, I am not sure I would let them climb up it if they threw themselves off like T!

Claire sure meeting up another time would be great if I cannot make that date. :D
I hope dropping Lucy down to one nap is going to make an improvement to her sleeping. My boys are still on two naps a day and especially Dominic seems to need them as he usually falls asleep within the first 5 minutes of being in the bouncer with the white noise on etc. Usually they have one nap of ca. 1 hour and mostly that is the morning one and then they have another nap at around 1:30pm for about 30 to 45 minutes. Sometimes they only nap 30 mins each nap and that usually means a whiney Dominic for the rest of the day :wacko:

Storm sorry pregnancy was so unpleasant for you. I remember having all day sickness till 14 weeks too and nibbling on Weightwatchers ginger and lemon biscuits as that was the only thing that helped. And I had the acne on the back too! Totally forgot about that! I think I had pretty much what you did but it didn't make me feel as bad. In fact as you probably know by now, I would love to be pregnant again. :blush: If only I could win the lottery or something like that lol (Played an instant scratch card game on the national lottery site today, naughty me! But won £75 so yay lol) I really hope this next pregnancy will be easy peasy for you AND that you will be in time for more than gas and air when giving birth, you poor thing! :wacko:

Kosh yes singing seems to work for Dominic too sometimes when changing nappies. Oddly enough best is the intro of the Imperial March from Star Wars and then change the usual duhduh noises into Domdom Dom Domdeedom DomdeeDom etc, it enthrals him lol. But alas not always.
As for the MMR, we have it scheduled for the 21st when they boys will not be quite 14 months. I hope it takes. And I guess I should research more and see if we have to have those other shots too :(
Gael sounds cute! I love the story with the ball on the head :D But poor thing, trying to communicate and getting upset at his dumb parents lol :hugs:

Clio the peekaboo while changing him sometimes works with Dominic too but we usually just put a wet wipe over his face and he grins and breathes heavily, whisks it off, grins hugely and we then have to say HAH! Repeat... But I don't mind that, as long as he holds still lol.
And yeah when they try out something they aren't supposed to, it is hard to keep a straight face while saying No. Bodes well for the future and their antics, doesn't it lol
Must check out this book! Sounds great. We have one that has buttons but they don't like that one so much maybe as there are no words with it, just pictures and nothing for me to read to them maybe. Btw both boys love books, Sebastian probably slightly more than Dominic even. He really likes to concentrate on them and look at each page in depth and over and over. This is hard as Dominic always wants what Sebastian is having, so he often chases him across the room to get what he wants while poor Sebastian tries to get away. But it is also vice versa at times so no need to feel too sorry lol.
Is it now decided that J will go to nursery a few times a week? Have you found one that you like? I suppose this is for after your summer vacation? How long is it btw? I think ours at college started in June, not in May already. Must be very long over there :thumbup:
As for what the boys are watching in the pic, OH downloaded nursery rhymes and songs from Youtube and put it on the external HD of our tv. He also put on some Baby Einstein which they are less interested in but is a sweet relief for me as that usually has lovely classical music and that makes a nice change lol. We also have Pocoyo but sadly they aren't interested yet. :( Oh and of course there is also Sebastian's favourite song by Lenka "All at once". He loves that and is completely absorbed when that comes on. They also both like "Little Boxes" and "Fly your Kite". But the rest is pretty much just the nursery rhymes. Sigh.

Charlie I hope you are already feeling a bit better with your meds? How is S doing? Her usual energetic self?

Rowan, Jules and Kitty_love hope all is well with you. :)

As for us: My boys have a cold :shock: Proper slimy snotty noses and a bit of a cough too. They seem not to feel bad though and are their usual selves. I hope they shake it off as quickly as the last cold they had. Which I think was in November or December. I don't know how it comes that they are so rarely ill but I am not complaining ;) :)

But last evening Dominic woke at around 8:30 and cried for at least an hour. Not continuously but on and off and when he got more agitated OH went in to rock him for 20 minutes. But it didn't help and he cried again as soon as he was put in his bed. I don't know why, cause when we put them to bed in the evening, neither of them so much as protests these days. So in the end I went in again and gave him Calpol in a bit of milk. And then rocked him for another 20 mins. He dropped off on me and I put him in his cot and he woke, started screaming and crying again. But at least I now knew we had covered all bases and he was neither wet, nor in pain or cold or anything I could fathom. So then I didn't mind so much to wait for him to drop off by himself. Which he did in 15 minutes. But man, I hate that crying thing. It knots my insides into a tight ball of anxiety. But we know going in to him makes matters worse and prolongs the crying and yet how can we not when he is so upset? I hate the thought that he feels alone and scared and abandoned, even though he has Sebastian right beside him. Luckily this is a rare occurrence these days, and contrary to OH I don't think my giving him a bit of milk with the Calpol will make him demand it again tonight.

We then watched the Pilot of the new series called Hannibal. Whoooohh, gruesome and gripping. Anyone else watching this?

Hope all are well? Sending :hugs: to all.
Only saw your new post now Sabrina. Woah those neighbours! I cannot believe their cheek!
But I am glad F is better. Poor thing with the vomit though! Mind you, since my pregnancy I find it hard to cough and not vomit too. Has something to do with my parted abdominals I think. And apparently babies don't have such strong ones as adults so maybe that too plays a part? I really hope he will recover really soon now :hugs:

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