any other over 35 first time mums?

So, we're back to teething. Two break through, but it means no break for us. You know, I think it would be a touch more bearable if we could tell where it was coming in. Last time we had those little white cysts before the first two broke through, so there was a sense of something happening. You know, like a progress report.

Now he won't even let us look. I feel so left out. I'm just the supplier of drugs and the changer of runny diapers. Bah.

Mine is teething too. 3 teeth on a 5 month old! Seriously :dohh:!!! He has being more fussy too and wants to be held all the time!!! I hope he has a break after this one. And I agree on the correct order of teeth coming in is does not apply to every baby. Thiago has 2 bottom teeth and now the third one is coming on the bottom too. Go figure!

This is the exact same as Georgina, 3 teeth by 5 months old and all on the bottom, she got all 4 bottom ones then 4 top ones so now at 10 months she has 8 teeth! Madness!
hi ladies :hi:
as usual things are moving fast here!
LO's cold is getting worse - blocked nose and what it sounds like a painful cough, poor thing :nope: so we haven't had much sleep recently :sleep:

speak to you soon :flower:

Oh, I'm so sorry. Cold are horrible. Have you tried the Nose Frieda? It was the only thing that got us through the last cold.

nope, was this?
I got mine at a swanky baby store. The type where you would buy expensive cloth diapers and even more expensive carriers.

It works really well, though J doesn't like me to use it. Some babies are fine with it, though. He just had a stuffy nose for so long that he got tired of me clearing it. You actually suck the snot out yourself, but it doesn't get in your mouth. Here's a link to it:
hi ladies :hi:
as usual things are moving fast here!
LO's cold is getting worse - blocked nose and what it sounds like a painful cough, poor thing :nope: so we haven't had much sleep recently :sleep:

speak to you soon :flower:

Oh, I'm so sorry. Cold are horrible. Have you tried the Nose Frieda? It was the only thing that got us through the last cold.

Where do you buy the nose Frieda?

Huh. I posted about the Nose Frieda, and apparently they won't post it until a moderator looks at it and deems it okay? Maybe because I included a link to the Nose Frieda site?

Anyway, as I said in the original post, I got it at a swanky baby store that sells cloth diapers and $25 onsies. I won't post a link this time, but it's easy to find through google.

Hopefully this one will go through...

ETA: and kosh, I'm sorry it's getting worse. J had a cold at 2 weeks old and I really, really wanted to return him during that whole time.
So, we're back to teething. Two break through, but it means no break for us. You know, I think it would be a touch more bearable if we could tell where it was coming in. Last time we had those little white cysts before the first two broke through, so there was a sense of something happening. You know, like a progress report.

Now he won't even let us look. I feel so left out. I'm just the supplier of drugs and the changer of runny diapers. Bah.

Mine is teething too. 3 teeth on a 5 month old! Seriously :dohh:!!! He has being more fussy too and wants to be held all the time!!! I hope he has a break after this one. And I agree on the correct order of teeth coming in is does not apply to every baby. Thiago has 2 bottom teeth and now the third one is coming on the bottom too. Go figure!

This is the exact same as Georgina, 3 teeth by 5 months old and all on the bottom, she got all 4 bottom ones then 4 top ones so now at 10 months she has 8 teeth! Madness!

Man, so I have something to look forward to :wacko:!!
hi ladies :hi:
as usual things are moving fast here!
LO's cold is getting worse - blocked nose and what it sounds like a painful cough, poor thing :nope: so we haven't had much sleep recently :sleep:

speak to you soon :flower:

Oh, I'm so sorry. Cold are horrible. Have you tried the Nose Frieda? It was the only thing that got us through the last cold.

Where do you buy the nose Frieda?

Huh. I posted about the Nose Frieda, and apparently they won't post it until a moderator looks at it and deems it okay? Maybe because I included a link to the Nose Frieda site?

Anyway, as I said in the original post, I got it at a swanky baby store that sells cloth diapers and $25 onsies. I won't post a link this time, but it's easy to find through google.

Hopefully this one will go

ETA: and kosh, I'm sorry it's getting worse. J had a cold at 2 weeks old and I really, really wanted to return him during that whole time.

So you do cloth diapers Clio?
and the supplier of fingers for LO to bite down HARD on (he broke a nail!) ?

(my LO has two in the front and another coming in the back?)

best wishes

ps. LO HATES his new highchair -- I put him in and he just started crying...sigh.....

Ohhhh I hope he gets use to the chair!!!!

I know! They are so friggin' sharp, aren't they! And they are his first line of defence when I try to figure out where the other one(s) are coming in. I'll try to look and end up retreating in pain.

In the back? All the "experts" (ie. Google) talks about there being an order to these teeth, but this never seems to be true. Is it a molar?

What does your new high chair look like? Any idea why he hates it?

Google experts heehee
wow 3 teeth by 5 months thats fab! well depending how you look at it lol!

Martha has her bottom two front and one is coming to the right - can see the gum splitting but its taking its sweet time! teeth are so sharp when putting bongela on :)
quick hello from me! sooo tired today. need a week of sleeping. And last night was only one wake up too. we've got lots of teething going on too - chewing everything including fingers and nipples (ouch), drooling, screaming, restless etc. 2 teeth through at the bottom with one of the top middle through and its mate starting to break through - plus 2 more top and bottom that are on their way.

Kosh - it's so hard when LO's have a cold, isn't it? Kia had 3 in a row from about 6 months to 8 months. Each lasted about 10-14 days with about a week in between then another one.

hats off to any of you doing exercise. I walk about quite a lot with Kia in the sling (main way to guarantee a daytime nap) so I've just about lost my pregnancy weight but I haven't done any sort of toning exercises or stomach exercises. I'm into the loose, floaty tops at the moment!!!!!!

We're off to a festival next week - crazy or fun or both? Not sure yet!!! fingers crossed for no rain. xx
quick hello from me! sooo tired today. need a week of sleeping. And last night was only one wake up too. we've got lots of teething going on too - chewing everything including fingers and nipples (ouch), drooling, screaming, restless etc. 2 teeth through at the bottom with one of the top middle through and its mate starting to break through - plus 2 more top and bottom that are on their way.

Kosh - it's so hard when LO's have a cold, isn't it? Kia had 3 in a row from about 6 months to 8 months. Each lasted about 10-14 days with about a week in between then another one.

hats off to any of you doing exercise. I walk about quite a lot with Kia in the sling (main way to guarantee a daytime nap) so I've just about lost my pregnancy weight but I haven't done any sort of toning exercises or stomach exercises. I'm into the loose, floaty tops at the moment!!!!!!

We're off to a festival next week - crazy or fun or both? Not sure yet!!! fingers crossed for no rain. xx

Oh my gosh leeze! It sounds painful poor baby! How many teeth total including the ones coming in ?
So you do cloth diapers Clio?

No. I looked into it, but was so expensive and I knew my husband wouldn't go along with it.

Plus, then I discovered that my city has a program where they turn diapers in ethanol. So, ironically, it actually is better for the environment for me to use 'sposies.

Anyone else cloth diaper?
hi ladies :hi:
as usual things are moving fast here!
LO's cold is getting worse - blocked nose and what it sounds like a painful cough, poor thing :nope: so we haven't had much sleep recently :sleep:

speak to you soon :flower:

Oh, I'm so sorry. Cold are horrible. Have you tried the Nose Frieda? It was the only thing that got us through the last cold.

Where do you buy the nose Frieda?

Huh. I posted about the Nose Frieda, and apparently they won't post it until a moderator looks at it and deems it okay? Maybe because I included a link to the Nose Frieda site?

Anyway, as I said in the original post, I got it at a swanky baby store that sells cloth diapers and $25 onsies. I won't post a link this time, but it's easy to find through google.

Hopefully this one will go through...

ETA: and kosh, I'm sorry it's getting worse. J had a cold at 2 weeks old and I really, really wanted to return him during that whole time.

funnily enough I bought one of those today, but it's called something different. haven't used it yet.

I've just managed to put Gael to bed after about 2hr of him sleeping on my shoulder - as soon as I laid him down he'd start coughing in pain :nope:
better have some food and prepare for the rest of the night! :wacko:
I've just managed to put Gael to bed after about 2hr of him sleeping on my shoulder - as soon as I laid him down he'd start coughing in pain :nope:
better have some food and prepare for the rest of the night! :wacko:

Coughs and stuffed noses are so cruel for our LOs. When J had a cough the last time, he would wake himself and couldn't settle himself back asleep. Poor Gael. Poor you. Do have any chocolate?

ETA: Update on CIO--night 3: He totally expected it this time. After he finished his bottle, I kissed him good night, put him in his crib and he immediately rolled into his favourite sleeping position (on front, arms tucked under him, bum in air).

Naps are still a problem, though. He fights being held then, too, but doesn't stop crying when I put him in the crib. I need to find a way to solve this problem See, I should have listened to the Baby Whisperer. I am now the victim of...ACCIDENTAL PARENTING. MUUUHAAHAAHAAA!!!
So, we're back to teething. Two break through, but it means no break for us. You know, I think it would be a touch more bearable if we could tell where it was coming in. Last time we had those little white cysts before the first two broke through, so there was a sense of something happening. You know, like a progress report.

Now he won't even let us look. I feel so left out. I'm just the supplier of drugs and the changer of runny diapers. Bah.

Mine is teething too. 3 teeth on a 5 month old! Seriously :dohh:!!! He has being more fussy too and wants to be held all the time!!! I hope he has a break after this one. And I agree on the correct order of teeth coming in is does not apply to every baby. Thiago has 2 bottom teeth and now the third one is coming on the bottom too. Go figure!

Your kidding!!! Mine turned 7 months today and NO teeth!! Where are they? She has been drooling like crazy and chomping on everything that comes near her for like 4 months now! I thought she was teething early, but nothing!! How do you know when they break through? Do you just keep checking, or do the babies let you know with fussiness, waking etc?
I've just managed to put Gael to bed after about 2hr of him sleeping on my shoulder - as soon as I laid him down he'd start coughing in pain :nope:
better have some food and prepare for the rest of the night! :wacko:

Coughs and stuffed noses are so cruel for our LOs. When J had a cough the last time, he would wake himself and couldn't settle himself back asleep. Poor Gael. Poor you. Do have any chocolate?

ETA: Update on CIO--night 3: He totally expected it this time. After he finished his bottle, I kissed him good night, put him in his crib and he immediately rolled into his favourite sleeping position (on front, arms tucked under him, bum in air).

Naps are still a problem, though. He fights being held then, too, but doesn't stop crying when I put him in the crib. I need to find a way to solve this problem See, I should have listened to the Baby Whisperer. I am now the victim of...ACCIDENTAL PARENTING. MUUUHAAHAAHAAA!!!

That's great that it is working! I bet both of you feel so much better! Is he overtired at nap time? I notice that when dd gets overtired she is SO hard to get down for a nap. Sometimes I have to give in and take her out in her stroller and hten she will settle and fall asleep. If I catch her early enough it is usually much easier. It was weird because her last nap is usually a struggle and today I was surprised that she just fell right asleep in her swing and then I realized that I had misread the clock and put her down an hour earlier than I had planned to. Maybe I need to try that again tomorrow!
martha seems to get really fed up when they are breaking through cant settle pulling her ears scratching her head chewing on everything and tired

we dont use cloth nappies but marthas been using the potty since 5 months so im hoping we wont be using nappies for too long so i figure thats my contribution lol
ETA: Update on CIO--night 3: He totally expected it this time. After he finished his bottle, I kissed him good night, put him in his crib and he immediately rolled into his favourite sleeping position (on front, arms tucked under him, bum in air).

Yay! :wohoo::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

That sleeping position is adorable, isn't it?

:hi: ladies

It's the 3rd night in a row N STTN. :wacko:
What is going on? :shrug:
It just happened. He just did it. Will it last? :coffee:
I've just managed to put Gael to bed after about 2hr of him sleeping on my shoulder - as soon as I laid him down he'd start coughing in pain :nope:
better have some food and prepare for the rest of the night! :wacko:

Coughs and stuffed noses are so cruel for our LOs. When J had a cough the last time, he would wake himself and couldn't settle himself back asleep. Poor Gael. Poor you. Do have any chocolate?

ETA: Update on CIO--night 3: He totally expected it this time. After he finished his bottle, I kissed him good night, put him in his crib and he immediately rolled into his favourite sleeping position (on front, arms tucked under him, bum in air).

Naps are still a problem, though. He fights being held then, too, but doesn't stop crying when I put him in the crib. I need to find a way to solve this problem See, I should have listened to the Baby Whisperer. I am now the victim of...ACCIDENTAL PARENTING. MUUUHAAHAAHAAA!!!

That's great that it is working! I bet both of you feel so much better! Is he overtired at nap time? I notice that when dd gets overtired she is SO hard to get down for a nap. Sometimes I have to give in and take her out in her stroller and hten she will settle and fall asleep. If I catch her early enough it is usually much easier. It was weird because her last nap is usually a struggle and today I was surprised that she just fell right asleep in her swing and then I realized that I had misread the clock and put her down an hour earlier than I had planned to. Maybe I need to try that again tomorrow!

You just keep putting your fingers in their mouth and the gums are kind of swollen but you can definetely see a little white thing thru the gums. He does get a little more fussy and wants to be held all the time.
I know a lady that has a 8 month old baby and he has no teeth yet. Hope they don't come all at once :wacko:!!!!

So thiago decides to follow Clio's son advice and get going with a par-tay at around 3:30am!!! I think we all just need to really look forward to day when they are teenager and we will go on their rooms at 6 am to wake them up for school and we have to drag them out of bad:)!!! Revenge from theses days of sleep depravation to us:haha:!!!
ETA: Update on CIO--night 3: He totally expected it this time. After he finished his bottle, I kissed him good night, put him in his crib and he immediately rolled into his favourite sleeping position (on front, arms tucked under him, bum in air).

Yay! :wohoo::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

That sleeping position is adorable, isn't it?

:hi: ladies

It's the 3rd night in a row N STTN. :wacko:
What is going on? :shrug:
It just happened. He just did it. Will it last? :coffee:

I am so happy for you:)!!! Enjoy it because every night is a surprise :)!! You never know what is going to happen next :haha:.

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