any other over 35 first time mums?

Morning ladies,

Charlie thats great about being able to only 2 days a week for such a long time! DH works for the NHS but his shifts are so random its frustrating, we have to pay for full time childcare when there are weeks we would only need it for 2 or 3 days, then being a typical man he insists on putting her in nursery as we are paying for it, for paying for it translate to shes too much like hard work at times :) Its also frustrating as he seems to be working at least 3 full weekends out of 4 so 3 weekends I have L on my own, which is fine I adore her and I wouldn't give up my weekends with her for anyone but I would like a little help sometimes!

Borboleta - isn't funny that little T is so obsessed with footballs! Does he have any other interests at this stage. Actually everyone do your little ones have any obvious likes at this stage? L is such a mix of DH and I, she loves music and dancing, running and climbing and believe it or not SHOES! Sometimes she gives off when you are putting certain shoes on her as she wants the other ones and some nights she goes and gets her shoes and makes me put them on her with her pjs - she certainly got the shoe obsession from me :)

Oh yes we had to sign our first accident form in nursery yesterday - apparently L was waiting in line for her toast and she ran off and tripped and smacked her head off the windowsill, she managed to acquire rather a large bump on her head with a little graze on it but she was fine. I'm actually surprised we have got those far without any accident forms cause she is the queen of accidents at home.

Angel I wasn't working from home cause of my MS, we were asked to by work incase of any issues with the G8 summit - but there has been nothing! My MS certainly started a few days later this time with L it was full on at 5 weeks I couldn't believe it, but I'm 6 weeks today and its coming in waves and leaving and then another big wave. Its weird cause yesterday I made stew (extra lean beef mince, onions, carrots and potatoes basically boiled up in a big pot - its nice though) and I had some for lunch which was fine, but when I tried to have some for dinner with L it was literally making me gag! Then when I was bathing L she likes to fill her mouth full of bath water and spray it out (yes not very ladylike I know) but every time she did it I could feel my stomach heaving! Why would that bother me, actually typing it make me feel queasy. No vomiting yet though, but I'm sure its on the way... Man I wish I had twins like you did and I wouldn't have to do this again!

Kitty have you tested yet? Are you on facebook? Many of us here are friends on FB and its a great way to keep up with each other, but we also fully understand that some people prefer the anonimity of B&B so either way we are good :) I'd love to know if you have tested yet though! :test:

Oh Angel back to you again - the story about the boys with the icecream, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes my heart just feels like its going to explode with love for L and there are times when she throws her little arms around my neck and hugs me and its the best feeling in the world! I can't believe that after such a shakey start I love this little person with every fibre of my being :) Aren't they just AMAZING.

Right Im going to post this before I loose it! Oh and before I do SK any sign of AF? Have your cycles been messed up before?
Oh and Clio the photo of J is adoreable - hes such a big boy in comparison now!

And Angel I just realised you put a link in to the 99 - hahah love it :)
Today is the dreaded MMR day!!! I hope my baby is brave- well, braver than mummy! Lol
Crossing my fingers for you and L that all will be well and that she will have no fever or rashes etc. Sending tons of :hugs: to you both!
not much here - no parties last night per se, but it was OH's night!

LO bit another child again in creche today...sigh. He did bite me a few times over the weekend, but we are trying the 'remove the child from the situation and explain it isn't nice to bite', but I feel like a terrible mummy - his teeth are bothering him, but yikes!

Neighbours were relatively quiet yesterday (on both sides), so hopefully, will be okay? I dunno, but I think maybe it's time to move to an isolated farm in the middle of the Oz outback....

hugs to all (and for me, still no AF, but my body is acting as if it's in mid-ovuation, so I dunno.....) bye!

J just bit my breast (ooowwwww!!!!), yesterday he nearly (I swear, he bit so hard) bit my finger off while I looked for new teeth, and he has started pinching and hitting. In fact, OH just right now gave J the "We don't bite, we don't hit and we don't pinch people," speech. I was looking through 18 month milestones, though, and this is all typical as you head closer to a year and a half. So, we must resign ourselves to this for a while, I guess.

I hope AF comes soon! I used to wait forever for mine, too, fellow PCOSer. Once when I was TTC, I waited 51 days, and became increasingly depressed after day 33. When I was doing IUI, my RE wouldn't do two cycles in a row; you had to skip one. After waiting 6 weeks for my next IUI because my period took forever to come, I started asking for birth control so I only had to wait 28 days in between IUI cycles. And they fought me and fought me and fought me because I was "wasting a cycle." I told them it was a waste anyway because I wasn't going to bother using 50 million OPKs to find out when I was Oing.

I still have looong cycles, but I'm back to not counting. Since we never DTD, I'm not worried.

I'm glad both sets of neighbours were quiet; maybe this is the dawn of a new era?
After losing post after post, I'm just posting responses if I have one to specific posts (as you might have already noticed).

But good news on the computer front (because I know you were all riveted to your seats by my computer dilemma...). Macbook came back, and they fixed everything for free, including the wine stained keyboard which had short circuited the backlight last year. Warranty is intact, too, so J is no longer grounded.

Somebody--sorry, can't remember who--wanted to know what book is in the dancing video; the one turned to the page "Black." It is a wonderful, and quite stunning book; every page is a different colour, and is also a treasure hunt. Along the sides of the pages, it tells you how many cats, apples, etc., to find in the picture. Currently J just identifies the objects, but it should "grow" with him. It's actually done by the same person and publisher that put out the "My First 100 Words," and "My First 100 Animals" series. They are the only books J wants to "read" these days. Here is the link to the "Black" book:

And the other two J loves, and which have expanded his vocab quite a bit:



If I were to say which books were the best I've bought, I'd say these ones. And the Potty book, of course. Never forget the Potty book...

Oh, and thanks for the comments re: the newspaper pic! It's funny--I think the publication of the pic is when Pake first decided J was worth paying attention to (he doesn't think babies have any personality; I knew this and wasn't offended). Once that picture came out, Pake and J were inseparable. Of course, he was getting kudos from the other old people in his neighbourhood (and they're all old), as J's last name isn't a common one. Only one family in this city has that name.

Okay, I'm off again to respond individually to posts...
Tested again this morning and got another neg, but still no AF (expected it on Friday). Just want to know one way or the other now, feeling frustrated and crabby about it all today. I know, I know, a few more days should tell the tale, but I want to know NOW! Ok, just wanted to update you girls, be back to chat more when I'm not in such a crabby mood.

But I have to say how incredibly cute little L was is her duckie dress!!! Storm, she is so adorable!!!
Angel: my next hand appointment is the beginning of September. So we shall see what they say and hopefully by them OH has a job and our insurance will better than the one we currently have :growlmad:!
And so cute your story about the ice cream:). When I used to baby sit that was one of my favorites things to do with the kids. Give them a treat:). Their little faces just light up isn't it. You can see how much every bite is sooo delicious!!! And yes, I do have moments that if I could just become one person with thiago again I would :kiss:!! He is the biggest gift God has gave me and OH. Sometimes you want to cry because you just get so filed with love for that little creature :kiss:.

Storm: yes little t has other interests too like books, shape puzzles and he loves his lettering blocks. Actually we noticed that when he sees a sign or book he points at the letters for us to spell them to him.
And so sorry about little L nursery fall. But like you said she is very active so it was a matter of time for this to happen. It will not be the last fall they will have right.

Sabrina: I was thinking of you when I woke up at 2:30am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep for another hour :growlmad:. But anyways, have you missed you period before?

Claire: hope L will be okay today. It was not a big deal for us. :hugs:

Clio: It sounds like J is hitting the terrible 2s isn't it. I am not looking forward to that!!! Although I have said this before the 2s are nothing compared to the terrible 3s!!! Hang in there!

So after a couple of ladies mentioned that I needed a tan :dohh: I purchased this spray on loreal sublime tan thing. Now I am addicted to thething:dohh:!! I do have to admit that a tan makes you look better ( well at least me :haha:). So OH has been spraying me so I don't look like a leopard :haha:!!! He is so sweet :haha:!
Little t didn't feel good yesterday evening. Maybe he had a little delayed reaction to one of his last vacinations. They said he could have a little reaction 30 days after he took the shot. But he is fine today and happy.
Do you ladies have this App called zulily? I love it!!! They have kids and woman's clothes and accessories for a lot cheaper. Just got a shoe for thiago number 7 that is so cute that he can wear in the winter. He is a size 6 now.
Ps how wrong is this dress

She will hate me when she is older but its just so cute - hehe

What a cutie! I haven't seen a picture of Lydia for so long! (I'm horrible with FB, I know...) She looks like such a big girl! As for the dress, I agree with SK, it is perhaps the stockings and shoes that throw it off. May I suggest rounding out the look with bright yellow tights and overly large orange webbed shoes?

I think it's her expression that is priceless, even though she is the one who wanted the dress. But quite seriously, it is a sweet dress!
Tested again this morning and got another neg, but still no AF (expected it on Friday). Just want to know one way or the other now, feeling frustrated and crabby about it all today. I know, I know, a few more days should tell the tale, but I want to know NOW! Ok, just wanted to update you girls, be back to chat more when I'm not in such a crabby mood.

I'm sorry that your mood is so crabby! I'd feel exactly the same way, too. How unfair that on the first month TTC, your period should act like such a sh*t. Are you usually late?
clio - it was me who asked about the book. thanks! I've ordered it already, looks great! :thumbup:

re. tantrums - I've read recently that the 'terrible 2's' actually start around 1 1/2 and ease off during 2s.

will try and reply more later :flower:
Ah what a cute photo of J, he looks so much older than Sophia does at this age,not sure why??

I've been to work today to meet with my manager about changing my hours. Even though I'm not back until Nivember I just wanted to confirm that they are happy with what I would like. So all good, am going back to work 10 days a month ( normal full time is 13 days of 12.5 hr shifts) but I have accrued sooooo much annual leave (one of the best thing about being employed by the NHS for years is I get soooooo much holiday :thumbup:) so I have 3 weeks leave after mat leave is done then I can take 2 days annual leave a month meaning I will only work 2 days a week at least until April :happydance:

Hope you are all well x

:wohoo: That is fabulous about the two days a week! Will you put S in a creche for those two days?

Ever since J hit around 6 months, people keep saying that J looks older than he actually is, even though he is short! Maybe he seems rounder than other kids? Though his pants keep falling down, so that probably isn't it. He does look stocky, though. Maybe he just is an old soul... :haha:

Actually, question for everyone: talking about "old souls," do any of you feel like your LO is one? Contrary to what I wrote above, J is the last thing from an old soul. He still gets excited over oatmeal as if he's never seen it or tasted it before. I'm not even certain how one would define "old soul."
Charlie--I don't think I even have you on FB! I don't look often, but you guys and a few other good friends are the ones I chose for my feed. So if you would add me, that be wonderful! My name is Eva Kater and my email [email protected].

Kitty--same request, if you are comfortable adding me! Above, obviously, are my "deets." I want to see more pics of little B! And I've seen none of you!

Storm--I found the video of L walking! I know the video is from January, but what a wonderful moment to have captured! And I love hearing your Irish accent!

I should really change my FB cover and avatar pics to more recent ones of J, but he is so incredibly hard to get a good pic of these days because he is always moving. Plus, then everyone and their dog comment on the pics, and I feel so badly because I never look at or comment on other people's kid pics, other than all of ours.

Borboleta--I really hope you're not offended by this, but I marvel all the time at how much your English writing has improved since we all joined the thread. It was never ever bad at all, but it's to the point now that no one would think that English isn't your first language. I'm also jealous; I may speak some German, but I would write like a 13 year old if I tried.

And if we could get that afternoon nap back, it would be heavenly.

Again, Question for all:--whose LO still takes two naps a day? Do you simply have a routine, where you plop him/her in bed at a pre-arranged nap time, or are you like us--waiting for a meltdown or other tell-tale signs?
hopefully, I have a few minutes:

naps: yep, Finn still takes two naps a day -- one at creche around 12 (weekends at home around 10-11am) for about 1-2 hours and another around 4:30 until 6 (even if he falls asleep around 5, we wake him up around 6 unless he wakes up on his own). He simply can't last until evening without a later nap and if he went to sleep around 7pm, he would (and does) wake up around 3am.

Still no AF (and I've stopping counting....well, some 48 days+) and since going on the thyroid meds, they've been about 26 to 31 days-ish. I only went onto the proper dose the month before getting pregnant with LO, but when they were adjusting the dose, my longest cycle then was about 42 days and before any meds, the longest was about 44 days (except for one summer back in my mid-20s when the same thing (no cycle) happened and another summer when I had two in one month (about 14-16 days apart - growl) and that's how I was diagnosed with's very strange. My weight is slowly going down, but aside from that, I'm not particularly stressed....You know how you get that 'I'm getting my AF feeling, so you use a pad just in case? I have used an entire packet of pads over the past two weeks because I have had that 'I'm getting my AF feeling' - and nothing! except clearish mucus (TMI) as if I was perhaps ovulating a bit more than usual? It's very strange....! (oh, and my thryoid was checked two months ago and the dosage was fine, etc.....

storm - I never really had terrible morning sickness to the point of vomiting, but was a bit uncomfortable (okay, very uncomfortable....and guzzled down gaviscon like I had shares in it)...., but I do love that dress of LO's!

a good friend of mine at work is 7 weeks pregnant (her second) and I am jealous! I am so delighted for everyone (storm, rowan and my non-BnB friends), but I just wish I was a little younger and had known I could have children and that I wanted children....!

oh, and angel - LO has discovered how to climb onto the couch/sofa as well (I was on the phone with Tesco who overcharged me and never credited my bank account and thought LO was safe (I was on the other side of the sofa (we have a room divider across the room) and suddenly, he had climbed and decided that he wanted the phone NOW!), so now, must watch LO very, very carefully (and Tesco offered me a voucher for double the refund as an apology (it was only 10 euros, but they offered a voucher for 25, so worth it, but the slight of LO leaning over the back of the sofa was scary!)

hugs to all and must go and rescue the cats, who are now lying (laying?) on the sofa back, unaware that LO can get them....!

and....LO walked a little by himself! After a few steps, he suddenly realised that he wasn't holding onto anything and fell on his butt, but he does know how to do it!


ps. maybe we should try a football/soccer ball like T, borboleta? - he might forget about the walking and just try to chase the ball?
clio - it was me who asked about the book. thanks! I've ordered it already, looks great! :thumbup:

re. tantrums - I've read recently that the 'terrible 2's' actually start around 1 1/2 and ease off during 2s.

will try and reply more later :flower:

I'm sure ia has just started terrible twos! Really hard combination of sleep-deprived mummy and frustrated wilful.child..
I.thought I'd jump on and say hello and try to join in rather than just apologizing again for being absent.

Kia mostly has one nap a day, after lunch . Its normally 5 hou after making and the tends to yawn and get grumpy to give us signs she's ready. She occasionally still 'nap' at bedtime in that we try to settle her and half an hour later she wakes up full of beans for another 3 hours or so.

Sabrina - honorary for first steps. How exciting XX
Evening ladies just a quick one. Be warned Sk those first few steps will soon turn into power running round the house!

L is on one nap and if we can keep that nap til after 2 she does much better but nursery put her down before 12 so she's a nightmare at teatime for an hour but if I let her sleep then she won't go to bed. We have full on tantrums tonights was cause I wouldn't hold her up to look over the fence she actually banged her head off the table in frustration! Then she cried some more!

I love zulily Borboleta, that's were the ducky dress came from :)

As for me just had full on vomiting, no morning with this sickness, only another 8 weeks or so of feeling like utter crap. Eughhhhhhh

Clairey hope little L got through the mmr and mummy didn't cry too much xx
Charlie--I don't think I even have you on FB! I don't look often, but you guys and a few other good friends are the ones I chose for my feed. So if you would add me, that be wonderful! My name is Eva Kater and my email [email protected].

Kitty--same request, if you are comfortable adding me! Above, obviously, are my "deets." I want to see more pics of little B! And I've seen none of you!

Storm--I found the video of L walking! I know the video is from January, but what a wonderful moment to have captured! And I love hearing your Irish accent!

I should really change my FB cover and avatar pics to more recent ones of J, but he is so incredibly hard to get a good pic of these days because he is always moving. Plus, then everyone and their dog comment on the pics, and I feel so badly because I never look at or comment on other people's kid pics, other than all of ours.

Borboleta--I really hope you're not offended by this, but I marvel all the time at how much your English writing has improved since we all joined the thread. It was never ever bad at all, but it's to the point now that no one would think that English isn't your first language. I'm also jealous; I may speak some German, but I would write like a 13 year old if I tried.

And if we could get that afternoon nap back, it would be heavenly.

Again, Question for all:--whose LO still takes two naps a day? Do you simply have a routine, where you plop him/her in bed at a pre-arranged nap time, or are you like us--waiting for a meltdown or other tell-tale signs?

Clio :kiss::kiss::kiss:!!! You are so sweet!!!! :hugs: I still have trouble with off, on, in, out, etc. :haha: But I happily take your compliment to heart :hugs:!!!

And as you know, yes little T still takes 2 naps. He is normally waking up at 7am so he will go down at around 10 or 10:30am; wakes up at around 11:30/ 12pm and goes down again for his second nap at 3:30pm and wakes up at around 5pm. But remember that the boy does not go back to sleep until about 9:30pm or 10pm :dohh: so since J goes to sleep so early he probably doesn't need a second nap anymore. I can imagine that it will be hard for a couple of weeks to hold him off for night night time but just hang in there. What time does he goes down for a nap? At one point they will be all napping after lunch time, around 2pm. I remember that from my baby sitting days :thumbup:.
Clio: and I forgot to mention that we still rock thiago to sleep :dohh:! OH has put him in his crib and left and he felt asleep in less than 5 min but I guess I just enjoy rocking him to sleep!!:haha:

Leeze: good to see you hear:). I love the pictures of KIa on fb!!! Her expressions are hilarious!!! Too cute!

Sabrina: yeah, you should try the ball and see what happens. And I would give you an advice about climbing the couch. Remember when little t started doing that and he would just walk out of the couch like he could fly or something :wacko:? I just worked with him for about a week or two of how to get off the couch safely and he learned. Maybe you can do that with Finn :thumbup:.

Storm: that is so cool you have zulily there too!!! I just purchased a dress for myself :blush: and some shoes for little t.
And sorry to hear about your sickness. Like you said 8 more weeks :thumbup:!!

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