any other over 35 first time mums?

:hi: all

storm - sorry about the full on MS :sick:

leeze - as a fellow sleep deprived mum :hugs: but aren't you amazed at how much your body can endure? :winkwink:
are you still BFing? has AF come back?

sabrina - first steps!:happydance:
are you going to see the docs re. AF?

angel - had one of those moments you described the other day. we went for our first 'proper' walk. so I opened the door and said 'come on' and Gael held my hand and stepped outside, and after a couple of steps he looked up at me and smiled, so happy and proud he was walking in the street! :cloud9:

(you asked me something but I can't remember what it was. I'll have to go back and check, sorry!)

re. naps - only one nap here, unless he wakes ridiculously early for him, say at 5:30-6am then he'll have two (but this is very very rare)

re. old souls - I was actually not familiar with the 'concept' but gussed what it meant after two differnt ppl (both older ladies) said that Gael seemed to 'have been around here before' :shrug:

re. tantrums - before I had G I used to see tantrums in a completely different way. I used to think a tantrum was bad or misbehaviour, but now i see it as frustration. don't know, if you think about it, their reasons for wanting to do something are sometimes as valid as our reasons for not letting them do them! :shrug:

something about us:
Gael is leaving his 'ladybirds' room and moving up to 'caterpillars' :cloud9:
I was a bit aprehensive at first as I thought it might be a bit rushed and not fully based on his development, but he's started going there for visits today and he loved it! they have climbing frames and a slide and he was sooo excited to be running around! :happydance:
my main concern is how they'll get him to sleep as they put them down all at the same time on mats the floor....:nope:
kosh - I was worried too when Finn moved from junior babies (they sleep when they want) to senior babies (they take a nap around 12-ish) and TBH, Finn was fine as he sees the other children sleeping and is fine with it (obviously, if he didn't sleep the night before or is teething, etc., then if he wants an earlier nap, no problem!). In fact, at creche, he falls asleep after getting into his sleeping bag and being offered a cuddle and 'Foxy' (a red stuffed fox from IKEA), but at home, he needs to be rocked by mummy and/or rocked to sleep by dada, so obviously, Finn adjusts to whatever circumstances! (I work mornings only and collect him around 2, so we have all afternoon together and then, he does usually take another nap around 4.30ish)

I dunno about seeing the doctor re: AF (or lack thereof) as what can they do? It might be because of the change in temperature (finally 'warm', e.g in the 70s!) or that my cycle might be erratic this one time or any other reason (grumble!) least, I'm not ttc-ing!

Borboleta - as the I am the TEFL/EFL teacher of the group - hehehe!', your english is very good and never even think about English being your second language -- I have Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese students and tell them that I certainly couldn't speak their languages very well, so anybody who can write in another language - yeah! My question, though you think in English? When I was studying my ancient languages, I never could think in Greek, but Latin, it seemed almost an instinct and I tell my students that the 'click' (e.g. when the language becomes 'part of you' does happen!)...

okay....had a few glasses of wine and must go off to sleep before I bid on more lovely stuff on ebay....!

and....LO walked a little by himself! After a few steps, he suddenly realised that he wasn't holding onto anything and fell on his butt, but he does know how to do it!


ps. maybe we should try a football/soccer ball like T, borboleta? - he might forget about the walking and just try to chase the ball?

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

Yay Finn! That is awesome!
Kosh - thanks for the sympathy! We've got teething hell again and hourly wake ups. Ugh. Work is hard-going as I'm such a zombie. We did have 3 good nights last week with only one wake up each night so I know its possible. I'm still BF and no AF yet. She has 2 bottles most days and often goes from 7.30 am to 6pm without a BF but no AF. I think I might be one of these people that has to stop BF completely before AF returns.

Kia just moved rooms at nursery. We has rough nights that week which I think were linked to the transition. She sleeps easily there with just a little back-rub and lying on a mat. Not for me though, still mostly nursing to sleep or nap in the buggy. I tried the back-rub trick a few times but she's having none of it! XX
Kosh L is moving up to the next room and they told me they all slept on mats, I said good luck with that and the little madam slept for an hour and a half her first day! My dad said she's following the herd :) I find it unbelievable she lay down on a mat voluntarily and went to sleep!
Kosh - thanks for the sympathy! We've got teething hell again and hourly wake ups. Ugh. Work is hard-going as I'm such a zombie. We did have 3 good nights last week with only one wake up each night so I know its possible. I'm still BF and no AF yet. She has 2 bottles most days and often goes from 7.30 am to 6pm without a BF but no AF. I think I might be one of these people that has to stop BF completely before AF returns.

Kia just moved rooms at nursery. We has rough nights that week which I think were linked to the transition. She sleeps easily there with just a little back-rub and lying on a mat. Not for me though, still mostly nursing to sleep or nap in the buggy. I tried the back-rub trick a few times but she's having none of it! XX

thanks Leeze. yes, I have the feeling he will sleep for them :dohh:
can't believe AF is still not back! mine came back after 5months and I was BF every 2hr day and night! :growlmad:
Kosh L is moving up to the next room and they told me they all slept on mats, I said good luck with that and the little madam slept for an hour and a half her first day! My dad said she's following the herd :) I find it unbelievable she lay down on a mat voluntarily and went to sleep!

she slept too. mmmhm, I see a trend re. going to sleep easily for others....:winkwink:


forgot to say, I hadn't seen any pictures of L (only your avatar) and she is gorgeous. Please don't get me wrong, but you know who she reminds me of? a baby Scarlett Johansson!
Good morning ladies :)

Storm I am so sorry Lydia hurt herself like that! I am glad she is ok though but it sounds painful!
Glad there were no riots over the summit. And good that your MS isn't so bad that you need to stay home. But still, I am sorry you got it again and that you had to vomit so badly :(
And I agree, twins are great in so many ways :D
You asked about obvious likes in our LOs. I would say that both my boys like music, though right now the main thing they get to hear is their animated nursery rhymes that Nick downloaded for them from youtube. Oh and that song by Lenka and Little Boxes by Malvina Reynolds and Let's go Fly a Kite from Mary Poppins as they are on that hard drive too. Oh and I guess the music from Baby Einstein which is mostly classical. They do sometimes bop in rhythm to things but I wouldn't call that dancing as such.
But I think one of the most obvious things that Sebastian really loves are animals. He is obsessed with Alfie and won't leave him alone if he comes into the room. And when we are out in the park he squeaks in that same high pitch when he sees pigeons and dogs. Very cute!
When we go to Waterstones and choose books for the boys they start crying if they cannot have them right away. In fact we now no longer buy books when the boys can see us do it. So maybe that also qualifies?

Claire from FB I know that the MMR went ok-ish but that Lucy had a bit of a temp in the evening. How is she now? And how did she sleep after? Dare one hope for a good night?

Clio I am sure that J had a lot of personality from the start and your Pake was just wrong! But I am glad he loves him so now :)
As for old souls, hm I am not sure. I don't think I believe in things like that and therefore I find it hard to spot if my boys had a personality that would fit that description. Also I am not too sure what those traits would be?
My boys usually take two naps a day unless they wake up after 7am. Our rule is that they cannot sleep after 3pm or they won't fall sleep when we put them to bed at 7pm. But the whole nap business is a difficult balancing act! The boys won't nap if they have been up shorter than 3 hours and preferably 3h 30 but if they wake later than 7am then things get difficult with the no sleep after 3pm rule. And yet dropping one nap means they are awake at least 5 hours in the morning and 5 1/2 hours in the afternoon as they will not sleep longer than 1h30 max in one go. And 5 hours awake time means whiney Dominics! On the whole we don't wait for tell tale signs which they don't always exhibit but stick to this awake rule and I think we are doing the right thing as usually Dominic drops off within 4 minutes of being put to bed and Sebastian within 10 minutes.

Kitty_love how horrible to not know! I would be the same and want to know NOW! It would put me in a crabby mood too, so while I hope you feel better today, I am still sending millions of sympathetic :hugs:

Borboleta September for your next appointment is quite a wait. But I suppose it also reflects that your doctor is not too worried? Maybe you should take a picture of how it is now and then again in a week or so. That way you can compare and see if it is getting better?
And when you say you sometimes get this feeling of wanting to become one again with Thiago, I soo know what you mean! Except I usually say that I want to eat my boys up! lol
And yeah a tan makes one look better definitely! I always look like a big piece of cottage cheese when I show any skin in summer lol. But I don't tan easily and I have yet to find a spray or cream tan that didn't look fake on me :( Maybe I will go to the sun-bed for 3 minutes once or twice just to get a bit of a hue.

Kosh the terrible twos start at 1 1/2? Argh! I thought we would have more time till then! Dominic is already so wilful that I cannot imagine he will skip the tantrum phase :( But I guess you are right and it is more frustration than bad behaviour. Though surely that also depends on the age of the child and it later probably becomes frustrated AND spoilt child ;) I saw a little girl of about 4 years old in a shop with her mother. The mum said she could choose one item but the girl chose two. At the till the mum said "no only one, which one do you want". The girl threw herself on the floor and sobbed and screamed hysterically. So the mum chose one of the items. Hm. I told my OH that if my boys do that at that age they will get neither item!
The story of you and G going for a walk is soooo sweet! I would have melted into a puddle of mummy love too :cloud9: How adorable.
Please let us know how G does with the sleeping on the mattress? I have been wondering how he does at the nursery when it comes to naps. Is he a willing napper or is that a fight too?

Sabrina YAY for Finn walking by himself! I bet it won't be long till he does it all the time now :D
Sorry your AF is no show but I suppose you could just have skipped a cycle? It isn't unheard of after all? I hope that is all it is and that it doesn't mean your thyroid is playing up all of a sudden! :hugs:
As for feeling a little jealous for when other ppl get pregnant, I so know this feeling! I am following several journals on here of girls who finally managed to get pregnant after losses and I am sooo happy for them and excited for scans etc but I am also broody and a bit envious! How I wish I were younger so I could have more babies. I know financially it wouldn't be possible as is but when one is younger one can always work to better one's finances where as when one is in one's 40s then that is pretty much as good as it will get. I know I am crazy as I at least have two and should be satisfied and I am! But well, I am greedy too lol
And yeah I know seeing your boy on the sofa must have been scary! It was so for us! And imagine my shock when seeing Dominic on the rickety side table for the first time! I think now that Finn knows how to get up there, he will do it again and again so best thing to do is like Borboleta with T teach him how to get down safely by himself, unless he knows how to do it already? And of course it is an all together different problem if your sofa is free-standing. Mine is against a wall so they cannot fall over the back. So when they want to get down they usually turn onto their bellies and then push themselves backwards to the edge and till their feet touch the floor. Best way I think but I have seen them "swim" down head first too even though that usually means that their knees will then plop to the ground which might not feel so good, depending on how hard the surface is. But I seem to remember you saying that you have mats there too?
Btw now that you asked Borboleta whether or not she thinks in English, I was analysing how I think and I have come to the conclusion that I do think in English as when I am on the phone with my mum I often want to use an English word and have to search my memory for the correct German word. I suppose that is also the reason why I hardly ever talk to the boys in German. Which I regret but I seem unable to stick with German for any length of time :(

Leeze lovely to hear from you but so sorry you are still sleep deprived you poor thing! Are you planning to stop BF any time soon or do you think that it won't make much of a difference to Kia's sleeping? If her waking is down to teething I suppose it makes no difference. I am so sorry she has such problems with that :(
But I loved the new pics of Kia on FB! She is such a cutie and her pics are always so full of character :D

As for us We went to the Battersea Children's Zoo yesterday but it was a bit disappointing. I guess it is aimed at older children cause most of the animals there were small and not only just behind meshes and glasses but behind an additional barrier too. I can understand that cause I am sure a lot of children would otherwise bang against the cages/windows but when you have two little boys that are stuck in their buggies and don't really know that the immobile lump of fur on that branch behind the mesh is a sleeping Emperor Tamarin monkey (cutest thing I have EVER seen btw!) then it is all a bit pointless. They liked the KuneKune pigs I guess and maybe also the Shetland pony but they did not like the Donkey as it started braying when we were next to it and it is SOO loud! It frightened my Sebastian who even cried a little! So in all not a great outing. I had so hoped that Sebastian would see lots of animals that would make him squeak but he only did this once we were out again and this little terrier ran towards us. :( Maybe the proper zoo with bigger animals or even the aquarium would be better? I wish they were a little closer to us though. Ah well.
I think that is all for now. Oh except that I won £20 in the Euromillions on Tuesday. Yay me lol. But it is a roll-over again and the jackpot is now a whopping £141 million! I am SOOOOO going to win that, right? ;) :p

ETA: Yesterday when we came home Nick managed to covertly film the boys playing together. :)
angel - the boys playing together are soooo cute :kiss:

I don't think you'll win the Euromillions, 'cause I will :haha:
i am not usually moved by this type of thing but james gandolfini (aka tony soprano) died! :nope:
I wrote this yesterday and haven't read any posts yet today, so I hope it's still relevant!

Congratulations to all the LOs moving rooms at creche! It's like a graduation! What do they look for to know if they're ready?

Leeze--you poor thing, you must be dying from exhaustion! How long does it take for teeth to come in??? They are taking their sweet time, aren't they? Poor Kia! How many does she have by now?

SK--you know, I agree with Angel and Borboleta about letting Finn have more room. It seems like he's rearing to go! And every time we opened up a new part of the house to J, we all felt such a sense of freedom because the living room, and then the downstairs were getting sooooooo claustrophobic! And about trying to get F not to think about walking by using a ball, I'm not certain that would work. Those first accidental steps (which F now knows he can take!) will very soon turn into two deliberate steps, then five, then ten... In fact I don't think it will take long at all before you're chasing him all over! Oh, and what Borboleta said about teaching F to get off of the sofa on his own is a great idea. I felt so relieved when J finally learned how to do it because then I knew he wouldn't hurt himself and I didn't have to be so vigilant.

Storm--oh, poor you and the m/s! Only meds got me through first trimester m/s. Though my first tri problem was my blood pressure. I couldn't go anywhere because it dropped whenever I walked, to the point of nearly fainting. I really hope none of your other awful symptoms come back as well! Was there anything other than m/s that you had to endure in the first tri? When did the other problems start?

Angel--you asked a while back about feeling overwhelmed with love for our LOs. I, however, just read it yesterday. You know, after thinking about it, I thought, no! I don't! Oh no!!! Until OH then came in after checking on J in his BBB and said that he can't get over how much he loves this boy, and I thought of all the new things, and all the crazy things this boy does, and realized that, yes, I am often overwhelmed with love for him. I'm also often frustrated and frazzled and tired, as I know we all often are. I must have read what you had written at a frustrated, frazzled and tired moment.

But Angel, I adore your stories about the twins. I know it was (is?) tough, but your stories of their interactions make me want twins! To watch two LOs and their first reaction to things must be wonderful. For some reason I think it's even sweeter that they are not identical; it reinforces the sense that they are such individuals!

And that is so funny and sweet about Nick choosing the boys' outfits. Eric does it out of speed and duress--whatever he can get his hands on that resembles pants and a shirt is what J wears. That is, until I see what OH has done and change him immediately!

Talking about clothes, OH has officially been taken off of laundry duty, which he insisted on doing because it hurt my joint. I actually didn't want to give it up, but OH wouldn't let me continue. Until he reached for pants for J yesterday, and found...nothing. I asked him if he had put the laundry in the dryer when I asked him to, but he hadn't. Then I found around a quarter of J's clothes, including pants, in an overflowing laundry basket that had been covered by blankets and forgotten for around a week. :grr: So I'm back on the job, SI joint be damned, and OH had to admit that doing laundry and keeping up with it is actually a hard job.

Ahhh, J just had a massive meltdown over the book "Tractor." Excellent. The book is certainly a bad one (gift from Oma), but not meltdown-worthy. So, he's now upstairs "taking a nap." Naps in the BBB now first consist of running around the whole room, talking, yelling, opening and slamming drawers and even banging on the door crying. But eventually he falls asleep in the BBB. And he's still sleeping 12 hours a night--7pm to 7am--which is awesome. We've never had this before.
Clio: that is so awesome that J sleeps for 12 hours!!! I cannot make thiago sleep for more than 9.5... Well now I just thought about Claire, Leeze and kosh and maybe I should be so greatful about the sleeping ( which I am). Forget my last comment :haha:.
And so funny your OH thinks that laundry is hard work. I love laundry:)!! He needs to be sent to Brasil and than he can say doing laundry is hard work :haha:. And talking about Brasil have you ladies seen the news about the protests over there :thumbup:!! Brasil is a wonderful country but full of corruption so I think it is a great thing what they are doing over there. I just wished that the people's mentality would change too. :growlmad:

Angel: my godness gracious what a cute video!!! I love it!!! Can you post more? How do you post videos here?
And about my hand appointment I think they know that once you get vitiligo it takes a while for the coloration to come back if even does come back. So I just need to be patient with it, which I am. :thumbup:
And you should speak in German with the boys:). It is not too late. Is German your first language. I just got a YouTube video from a cousin and it talks about how blessed is a child that has the chance to learn another language. It is your gift to them. They will just gain from this experience. But you need to be persistent and make them speak even if they don't want to. That is my goal with thiago.

Sabrina: I forgot to answer you question. Yes I do think in English now:). It is so weird that sometimes I am talking to my dad on the phone and an English word comes in :dohh:!! But I am happy that my Portuguese has improved again since I have been speaking with thiago.

Claire: how did the MMR go?

Kitty: any news?

Kosh and Sabrina and storm: yeah for LOs moving to the next class at crèche:)!!

Clio: do you still plan on putting j at crèche?

Thiago woke up have to go:).
nothing much here, I guess....LO was a complete brat yesterday (teething), but fortunately, slept last night. He was fine today and even after his nap, he was in good spirits -- but now that daddy is home, Mr. Cranky has returned. I don't know whether it's because my OH can't multi-task, so Finn gets upset when my OH can't watch TV and play with him, too (whereas I just sit on the floor with LO and can watch from there (hehehehe!))....

still no AF - maybe I did just 'skip' a cycle, but so much bloating (GROWL!)

have to go make something to eat -- OH said that he had ordered a supermarket delivery, so I didn't make anything as he said they were delivering between 6 and 8, but are actually delivering between 7 and 9...(I, of course, misunderstood what time....) -- this is the same person who sent me a text saying that a B&B that I booked was over an hour away from a wedding, but then realised he had the location of the wedding wrong....

No news either way here yet...will test again tomorrow morning. Thanks for asking. I'm just keeping busy with cleaning, getting to some stuff I had let slide so that's good. I'm embarrassed to admit I still had some Easter decorations to wrap up and pack away that finally got done yesterday, bunch of little ceramic bunnies and chicks and eggs in the china cabinet.

:hugs: girls
Another rough night here. Sorry for not answering questions but my eyes hurt when I look at the screen XX
OMG, Angel. I am completely in love with your twins. More vids, please!

And Borboleta--do you have any videos of Thiago and the soccer net and him saying "goal!"? I would love to see that!

So now that it's summer here, a marvellous thing is happening on our street: all the toddlers are coming out with their mothers/nannies to play! J has met three little girls in the past few days. One girl is exactly his age, one is a year older than him, and the last one just turned three. It was amazing to see how he interacted with each of them. To the girl his age, he was really really nice. He is in love with the two year old, and he played "Chase!" with the three year old. Apparently there are even more babies/toddlers at the top of our crescent, so J and I will take a walk up there. He is so social though and I had no idea up until now! When he saw a new kid he was off like a shot to meet them. I feel badly, though; I feel like I've deprived him of social interaction. :nope:
hey everyone - sneaking on the pc upstairs as i dont know my password so cant get on with ipad, i never get chance to come on this pc anymore so Im sooooo behind! Sorry all!

corr. 2 under 2, Hard Work!!!!!!

Michael is gorge, gorge gorge, Martha is fab fun and learning all sorts, think the terrible twos arent far off, her aims outstrip her abilities and this leads to frustration, she loves climbing and loves peppa pig lol

had a few challenging weeks, turns out Michael is refluxy and also dairy intolerant, so got him on nutragamin milk (after a stay in hospital) and he has improved tenfold, really hoping he'll stay well and happy. Got to use this milk for a month then go back to other milk (yikes) for 2 weeks then see consultant again with symptoms journal and go from there..

a toddler and a newborn....its a challenge, their needs are so different and martha is not old enough to be able to reason with etc...she loves to climb on top of the furniture when im feeding him and at playgroup its hard to watch both of them, the double buggy is a monster, ill be built like a shot putter soon lol..

the guilt is terrible im finding...cant be a good enough mother to either of them....but its only 11 weeks in....and they are Gorgeous and there are moments of pure loveliness and hours of calm in between the madness. I have never been so exhausted....

right best get dressed before they wake up again - they both decided that 5.30am would be a good time to get up, no chance! Id already been up at 2am, 4am and bull is my saviour!!

bottles made (oh with this milk i am loving being able to make the bottles in advance wahoo!) martha going to ma and pas today, going to get Mikeyboy weighed, then back home to do as many chores as I can if he sleeps, then seeing a friend whose baby is due next week - she has an 18yr old already - big gap!!!

csection healed really well - got 7lb to lose to be at pre pg weight, wierd overhang tho...been doing my erin dvd from 8 weeks and next week I can start fit to push exercise class and can go running (oh lordy for a run and a bit of me time!) (depends on dh ofc...he is still not a little baby sort of guy....sure once Michael gets to 6 months or so he'll get more involved...hmmm finding that rather more irritating this time round lmao - remember how we didnt argue?! not so now! turns out 2 kids is our trigger :) )

Hope all well with everyone x
Morning everyone - loved reading all your updates :) Will try and answer a few posts before I go off on one about feeling ill :sick:

Clio the move in nursery seems to be based on L being the only nutter left in the baby room, they have to be well on their feet and pretty much able to feed themselves. We still leave her in the baby room in the mornings but she goes downstairs shortly after and stays there most of the day. I think shes in the Tiddler room at the minute, actually they seem to move between a couple or rooms for more variation and she now gets to go outside into the garden which is good. She also has her lunch in the conservatory where she gets to sit at little tables with teeny tiny chairs as opposed to being in a highchair. She seems happy enough and even though I was dreading sending her to nursery in the first place she now seems really settled and enjoys it. Sometimes she still cries when I leave her in but most of the time she doesn't and she never cries for DH! Oh and she never wants to come home - she runs off when I try and grab her - monkey!

Oh Leeze you poor poor thing, I think I would actually die if I was getting as little sleep as you, I did it for 14 months and sometimes we still have bad nights but generally they are good. That said L still drinks 24oz of milk during the night, I kid you not 24oz, I can only imagine how hard that would be if she was Bfed! Its a really bad habit with her but I just don't have the strength at the minute to try and stop her - a bad case of accidental parenting in my case! I hope K cuts you some slack soon and you get a decent nights sleep as you must be beyond exhausted.

Angel I haven't had a chance to look at the video of the boys but I will try and get a look tonight I can just imagine how adorable they are!

Rowan not sure you will get to read this hun but I take my hat off to you (if I had one) I could NOT cope with L and a baby, Im hoping things change drastically in the next 8 months... Good that Michael has the correct milk now, but bad they make you put him back on normal milk for 2 weeks, this is standard procedure btw they need the lactose to build up so they can test properly. Its one of the reasons that with L being so old before she went lactose free that I refused to go via the drs when offered as I knew they would do that - I just wanted them to confirm she wasn't missing out on any nutrients etc!

SK L is often a little brat - either sore teeth, constipation or the usual suspect is just being tired! She often wants to go to sleep at 6pm and there is no way she is doing that as I put her to bed at 7.45 and she won't go if shes had a nap after about 4. As for F biting, thankfully no biting in nursery but shes bitten DH and I and of course her cousin on Christmas day :D Hopefully F will give up on the biting!

Kitty how irritating! I knew I was preggers cause of the heartburn and the feeling really ill! How do you feel? Any gut feelings about whats going on?

As for us the little madam looked so cute this am in navy leggins and a lovely little navy cotton top that had a frill round the waist - she did protest when I put a clip in her hair - but she can't see through her hair without it :) She had a sore butt last night (I blame nursery for the lack of pseudocream) and she squealed blue murder when put in the bath, I had to go and rescue her from DH and tell him it was ok if it was that sore she didnt really need a bath that badly! So lots of metanium last night and it looks much better today.

Oh forgot to say this - this had me really mad so I'm keen to see what you ladies think. DH has a brother who lives in England who has 3 boys who are 7,5 and 3 - basically about a year ago his wife walked out one day and took the 3 boys. So a year down the line she is living with her parents and the boys live with her and then go to their dads a couple of nights a week. I don't know the full story but BIL appears to have been pretty horrible to her and she eventually just had enough. Anyway she has been my friend on FB since I met her 3 years ago and I like having her on FB as I can see pics of the boys who are after all L cousins. Then the night before last DH gets a text from his brother saying that his wife has filed for divorce so to tell me to delete her email, her phone number and remove her from FB - zero contact. I went crazy nuts 1) I'm a 37 year old woman you do not tell me what to do 2) You are my BIL you have no right to tell me what to do 3) She is still the mother of my nephews and Ls cousins so don't tell me what to do 4) She has done nothing to me so why would I snub her? and 5) Im hormonal how dare you demand what I do! I am so mad at being told to remove her and delete contact details - I can fully understand being asked not to discuss anything with her but to cut her out altogether? Is that not just wrong???

Ok this is getting long, so the MS - I only remember MS and heartburn in the first tri with L and this time I seem to have had more heartburn at the start and random hearthburn now and big bouts of MS - I was sick again last night which was nice... I can't remember when the other issues started last time but I do know the MS was relentless until about 14 weeks... oh man I'm not looking forward to that.

Right this is too long - better go :hugs: to all
Oh and Kosh I'd be more than happy for L to look like Scarlett Johansson ;)

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