any other over 35 first time mums?

Well, AF is now a week late, but tested this morning and got another neg? Guess I'll just wait and see and try to forget about it, driving me crazy not knowing what's going on! I was disappointed, actually thought I was going to see a positive this morning.
storm - I think your OH is out of line; personally, I would keep in contact with her as it might the only way you (both) see pictures of the kids, etc! (I'm a child of divorce and it was pretty nasty, but grew up happily knowing my dad's family (and wish my own LO had more family here)....

Finn is staying in the senior baby room for awhile, although he's technically old enough to go to 'wobblers', he just isn't steady on his feet yet (but he sneaks walks on his own if he thinks nobody is watching (we catch him at home and today, was caught out at creche!)) -- he can feed himself (we do BLW) and has loads of fun trying to feed himself with a spoon (for ice-cream, etc). Query - anybody else find their LOs not into breakfast? He will eat the creche toast, but only a few spoonfuls of porridge or ceral -- at home, we have a little dry bowl of cheerios and he will snack from that. I think he's not interested in any food that we have to use a spoon as he wants to use the spoon...socially, he's pretty good and uses 2 word sentences: yes, mamamamama....and no, no dada and yum-yum for food, and when he plays on the telephone, he goes: 'um, yes....ah, um....', but we think he is making the souncs rather than completely understanding, and he says 'hi ya'! so, he'll stay in senior baby room for awhile, but I'd rather that than the rough and tumble of wobblers whilst he is still a bit unsteady on his feet...

hugs to all!

ps. still no AF, but I have talked with some other 'older' ladies and if it was menopause, it doesn't just stop so maybe it is just skipping a month>
drat! I just typed a bit and lost it!

GRUMBLE! other than, storm - as a child of divorce, I am grateful that my father's family were determined to keep in contact and miss my grandparents (passed away a few years ago) and my aunt/uncle and cousins, so please do try to keep in touch with the SIL as your LOs will appreciate it!

Well, AF is now a week late, but tested this morning and got another neg? Guess I'll just wait and see and try to forget about it, driving me crazy not knowing what's going on! I was disappointed, actually thought I was going to see a positive this morning.

been there, done it and wasted enough tests....grumble!

Kitty--how incredibly annoying! Have you ever been late like this before when not pregnant? Have your cycles been normal since B was born? And I'm sorry there was no positive. I'd be really disappointed, too!

Rowan--how wonderful to hear from you! But you sound shattered! Though I'm glad that both M1 and M2 are both still so fab and gorge (when I first joined this thread, it took forever for me to figure out what "gorge" meant!). It sounds like a crazy life right now, but I bet it's incredibly worth it. How is M1 dealing with walking with you? Do you have to keep her in the double stroller to keep her with you, or does she follow you when you tell her to? I have no idea how I'd manage with J and a baby; he doesn't listen to "come" nor stay by my side for long, or really, at all. I'd have to strap him in. I remember way back last year that M1 insisted on pushing her own stroller--is she doing the same with the double stroller? Can you train her to? :haha:

Poor M2 with his digestive problems. How did you end up in the hospital?!? Oh, and doesn't the Nutragen (sp?) smell horrible? And what are his poos like now--horribly thick and stinky because of it? Both my nephews were on something similar called Alimentium, and my BIL started to call it "Alimentiyuck."

I'm sorry about the fighting with your OH. It must be frustrating if he seriously won't help until 6 months. :grr: I've found, though, that OH's and my spats barely register anymore because they happen so frequently. They just seem so...normal now, I guess. Oh dear, now I'm wondering if that's a bad sign...

Okay, going to post this now, even though I still have more to respond to. I am just so sick and tired of losing posts!
Storm--I think you have every right to be angry. It doesn't even make much sense to erase her completely. Unless he's worried that something she wrote could be held against him later on? What does your OH say about it--does he agree with his brother?
Good morning ladies :)

Kosh I see you haven't won the Euromillions (yet) either as it rolled over again and is now an unbelievable 157M! :shock: Well, that is good cause surely now I will win it ;) Mind you, I did win £2,50 last night. Yay me! lol

Clio I feel bad that my boys are still confined to the sitting room after what you say about J and the freedom. But I do think your house is very likely a lot bigger than my ca 75 SqM flat and you can therefore store your things better and safer :( Britain famously has the smallest houses in Europe. Why do I live here again? Ah yes, the museums I used to go to and all the culture I used to enjoy, oh and cause I couldn't afford to live anywhere else lol.
Thank you for your compliments about my boys. :D Yes it was tough when Dominic wouldn't sleep at night or when they were small and all they did all day was to cry and I was with them on my own. But now that Dominic sttn, it really isn't that hard at all. I actually think it might be harder for mothers with one child as they would have to provide the entertainment all the time. My boys have each other and play so well together. Doesn't mean that they don't want me and OH to play with too of course but it isn't all the time. Also, though both have their own ideas about things, they really don't qualify as difficult children, quite in the contrary I think. We do have the odd tantrum but as Kosh wisely commented, it is just frustration (or tiredness) and I can understand it and sympathise.
Nick is like you and actually is glad the boys aren't identical and look so different. I wouldn't have minded identical ones (or, let's faces it, ANY reasonably healthy baby really ;)), I am actually following a journal of a mum with identical girls and they are adorable and are totally different in personality, even though they are only 7 months old. So that is fascinating to me to see too :)
As for washing, I am sorry you are back to doing it cause of your joint but I must say the thought of Nick doing our washing is impossible to even imagine. I seriously think that his mother used to go round to his place and do his washing before he moved in with me. He denies it but he knows ZERO about washing machines so what else can I believe? lol And it IS a hard job isn't it. I feel I have just done a load and yet the boys' laundry basket already overflows again. And because there is always such a load so quickly I must admit that the once pristine snowy white muslins now have a decided blueish-greyish tint cause I didn't wash them separately :( So I am actually not that good at it all either. lol
Why is the book tractor a bad one? I looked it up and it seems to be a touchy feely one with pictures of real tractors. Not something I'd choose perhaps but why is it bad?
But yay for 12 hour nights :D We get them too, well almost. Usually 11 hours and a bit but sometimes (oddly enough mostly OH's nights) more than 12 hours. I would never have believed it possible a few months ago :D
What you say about J and the children on the crescent sounds so sweet! How lovely that he is so social! Maybe there could be some sort of meet with all the children in a park or a playground or something? I bet J would love it! I don't think you deprived him of being social any more than any other mother who is lucky enough to be home with their child most of the time. But didn't you say that you were considering a nursery for him? Are you still going ahead with this or is this for after the summer holidays of your college?

Borboleta thank you for your compliments :D I don't have any videos that are worth watching at the moment. I often try and capture what they are doing but as soon as I have my phone in position they stop lol But I do try all the time :) As for how I post the videos, I upload them to my Youtube account and then just post the link here.
I know I should speak German to the boys and yes it is my first language as my mum is German. It would be a great gift to them you are absolutely right. I must make more of an effort!

Sabrina I bet you are right and F was frustrated with his daddy for not paying attention to him. But still, hope Mr Cranky won't reappear today ;)
As for your question about breakfast, no my boys love their breakkie. And of course Dominic loves his food anyway which is why he is somewhat round lol. We usually give porridge with fruit-puree or maybe even a jar of baby breakfast.
As for talking, my boys still only say one or two words. Sebastian says Mama, Dominic says Daddeee and gooyg for book. So yay Finn :D

Kitty gosh so overdue and still no BFP must be so frustrating! Is this usual for you to be so overdue though? I really hope it is a BFP after all but it is weird that so far in the pee sticks still don't pick it up. So sorry :hugs:

Leeze you poor woman! I am so sorry Kia still sleeps so badly and you get those rough nights still. I don't know how you function and I wish I could help :hugs:

Rowan SO lovely to hear from you! :D I am glad Michael is happy with his new milk. I too heard that that one smells quite badly though? Does he not mind? Also, it seems that Jules is having similar problems with her William but so far the milk hasn't helped him that much yet I guess, as he is not sleeping and crying a lot too.
Which double buggy did you go for in the end? I don't remember. But I am so in awe of you that you did your exercise video and are only 8lbs over your prepreg weight. I am a fat slob still and an exercise free zone :(
Sorry your DH is still not helping out with Michael. Does he at least help with Martha? But OH and I argued all the time too when we were so sleep deprived. It is so much better now and I am sure once Michael sleeps better it will improve for you too! xx

Storm you poor thing and the sickness! I really had hoped it wouldn't be so bad this time round :(
I am glad L enjoys her nursery now. What a relief that must be to you! And also what a relief that most nights are now good! Bet you now think back with horror and dread that it might get that bad again? I know we do lol. And if she isn't overweight and eats well during the day I don't see why you should get her off her night milk. Unless it is bad for her teeth? I seem to have read this somewhere but have only a vague recollection.
Poor Lyds though for having a sore bottom. Does this mean she is teething again? My boys get it from time to time and I always wonder if it is related. But they never had it so bad that a carefully dried bottom and a thin layer of Bepanthen didn't clear it up.
AS for your BIL, I think he is totally out of line! I would so kick if my BIL told me what to do like that. Maybe there is an indication right there of what went wrong in that marriage, if he is that bossy with his SIL? As for cutting your SIL off, I wouldn't. Actually we had a not totally dissimilar problem in my family. My father's youngest brother suddenly ditched his second wife and mother of 3 of his children and brought his new lover to my grandmother's place. (This was the year before she died) My whole family, uncles, aunts and cousins always used to go to my grandmother's in summer. So unannounced he suddenly turns up with this new woman and we are meant to be nice and welcoming to her?! Erm no! I wouldn't be so disloyal to my aunt, who was heartbroken! So I was icy instead. My uncle no longer talks to me, cancelled his ongoing commission of greeting cards for his bank that I was doing every year and is still with the new woman who is universally disliked. Of course over time I would have had to come to accept his new life but this woman is truly HORRIBLE and a gold digger to boot! (My uncle is seriously rich!) And I am very fond of my aunt so yeah. I always preferred his two wives to him anyway. LOL how horrid of me!

As for us nothing much new here, except that I had the boys on my own all day yesterday. OH had to go and help his sister and mother evict a problematic tenant and he didn't come back till almost 8. So I had to put the boys to bed on my own too. I was a little worried how I would manage but they were good as gold and Dominic fell asleep as soon as I left the room, as usual. I think it helped that I have put them to bed on my own for their naps so many times so that it wasn't so alien to them not to have daddy there too. I am sure they missed him but I cannot say that him not being there all day made them cry or anything.
Oh and I want to tell you about one cute thing they did yesterday. We usually have the animated nursery rhymes on the tv for them and they have a tendency to play with the controls on the tv. So yesterday when I was playing with the boys the music was a bit loud in the background. Dominic likes to hand me stuff and then I have to tell him the name of it and give it back to him. They have this little bug that plays music when pressed, has a soft body but also some teething bits at the bottom. They love it and always want me to turn on the music for them but sometimes it doesn't work for whatever reason. So when Dominic handed it to me yesterday, I pressed it and put it to my ear to hear if it was working. It was and when I handed it to Dominic he put it to his ear as well and swayed back and forward like a DJ with an headphone. We also have this sun/flower thing that plays You are my Sunshine. When Sebastian handed that to me and I turned that on, he immediately put it to his ear too and swayed back and forward too! Seriously, these little boys just kill me :cloud9: :D

Hope all are well. Sending :hugs: to all :D
Angel: that is so cute the story of the boys and the music toy. :kiss:. I would love to have seen this.
Yesterday I was telling OH how I think that a lot of babies that have stay home parents ( not by choice in our case :haha:) like to be entertained when they play more often than babies that go to a daycare I think. Thiago wants us to play with him now of the time. He just gives us a break at night for a little while :dohh:! I do wish he would play by himself a little more but with me and OH at home he has plenty of entertainment!!!

Clio: how sweet of J that he likes to play with other kids from the street. He has little buddies now. Isn't it amazing how we find out things about our kids that we didnt know before :haha:.

Sabrina: I meant to ask you what time does Finn goes to bed at night? It sounds like thiago and him are in the same schedule as nap goes.
We had mr. Cranky visiting us yesterday too :dohh:. Not sure what was bothering thiago but I gave him some Advil before bed time yesterday. Hope he is gone today :haha:.
And thiago says goal, squirrel, luz ( light), Bo ( acabou - finished), ball, ca( car or carro), lula ( the character from pocoyo), coyo ( for pocoyo), mamma and dadda ( once in a while :dohh:). Mind you a lot of these words would not be understood by anyone but us :haha:!

Kitty: how strange. Maybe you ovulated later than you thought :shrug:?

Storm: you BIL story is crazy! I am totally in agreement with you. Hello ... 37 years old ... Does that qualify as an adult in your book? :growlmad:
And I agree with kosh, L is now going to be called baby scarlet johansen :haha:.

Rowan: you poor thing. I got really scared after reading your post :haha:. No babies here for now :haha:. But like you said there are moments that are just wonderful:). And like yesterday, I just have one and last night I was sooo ready for little t to go to sleep. I was cranky and so as he. AF is on its way :haha:! I was actually imagining me eating a delicious chocolate cake covered in marshmallow cream :haha:! Now tell me that is not AF on its way :haha:!!!
And your OH :growlmad:! No comments :growlmad:!!! He needs so man up and help you. Two is tough!!

Thiago has this new thing now. He hums ( how do you spell that?) pretending like he is singing. Yesterday night we were all humming together. So cute. Does you LOs do that?
Today my MIL is coming to watch thiago so OH and I can go watch superman. Then we are going out to dinner with them and take little t to watch a ballet presentation. We will see how that goes :dohh:.

Hope you ladies have a lovely Saturday:).
Borboleta - we give LO a bath around 8.30pm and then coax him into his sleeping bag around 9, usually, he's asleep by 10 and will sleep until about 6-7am. If we didn't give him that second nap (4.30 to 6), he would probably fall asleep around 7-8pm, but definitely would awake around 3am. As it is, he does seem to wake up a little around 4am, but usually, if we move him onto the bed, he will fall asleep (as he did last night) again. Of course, we find that teething can affect his sleep so much (not so much naps, but definitely hopeful sttn)....oh, and I rock him to sleep, but he will fall asleep in daddy's arms, whereas in creche, he gets a cuddle and then seems to fall asleep no problem (on a mat)...

neighbours were blasting music again, so put the Sex Pistols on -- I kept checking after each song as to whether they were quiet, but it took awhile, but finally, they turned their music down/off.

clio - hope all is well? We saw on the news about the flooding in calgary (but I think you're in Edmonton?)...

hope all are well! bye!
Sorry I have been AWOL. I have had the most awful migraine that started on Thursday evening and only subsided yesterday afternoon. It was one if those that actually made me feel nauseous! Storm- I know you can sympathise right now with your ms! Similar feeling and just horrid! I was lucky that my mil has been staying so she could entertain Lucy while I died in a Corner! Lol
Lucy's mmr did go ok and she has had a few days with a slight fever, but keep watching out for any other signs.
Angel- I have my appointment at the Chelsea and West tomorrow. It's at 11.15,do you think there is any chance to meet up? Not sure how its going to work for us tomorrow with naps?? If she has a sneaky one in the car on the way then we could meet you after?? But I don't know when your boys nap or eat? Let me know anyway, it would be nice to meet - even if its just for a quick coffee.
Must dash and do some cooking.
Chat soon all.
SK--It sounds like Finn is doing wonderfully! I love the description of him on the phone--it made me laugh!! :haha: What a smart and funny cookie!

Re: Breakfast--can you give him a spoon to muck about with? Is the spoon the only problem with the porridge? We make our oatmeal thick enough to stick to a spoon so breakfast doesn't take as long. J will demand a spoon or fork for each meal, and tries it, but at some point he realizes that he's much faster with his hands than with cutlery. But at the same time, he tries a bit each time, and he's slowly getting better.

Re: Menopause--I've heard the same thing; apparently your period goes into overdrive because you're flooded with estrogen, so that can't be it. Maybe it came today? It's probably a random PCOS thing. PCOS is a sadist.

Re: Flooding--no, thank the lord we are safe up here. But it is quite a shock because Calgary is so close--only three hours away--and there but for the grace of God go I... So many houses were destroyed and 75,000 people had to be evacuated (though they're letting some people go home again). It's so sad.

Angel--I do forget that my house is probably bigger than those in the UK and Ireland. We have 1300 sqft (75 sqm!!! :shock:), which is actually on the small side for here! I also hadn't thought of storage room. We've got a basement where we toss everything. And, it's an open concept house, so we can see or hear J all the time. So I'm obviously thinking in North American terms with my "advice." I'm sorry to make you or SK feel badly! (Sorry SK!!!) But in order to afford a house this size (or any house, for that matter), we had to move out of the city core. Luckily this means little for us, because Edmonton has no culture, but if I were still in Toronto, I would certainly make sacrifices regarding the size of our abode. Or the quality; my sister bought a ramshackle house in a questionable neighbourhood just to stay in the city.

Re: laundry—Oh, I gave up sorting J’s things a long time ago. And our things, for that matter. I went on a laundry rampage yesterday: I washed at least 4 loads, folded it all, and today will direct OH where to put it all. I feel so much better now. Cleaner. Purged, in a sense.

Re: SI joint—it is so much better, so laundry wasn’t a painful experience at all! It is a bit sore today, but the pot takes the pain away immediately, and the anti-inflammatory effects appear to be cumulative, so it feels increasingly less “angry.” Did I tell you guys that my doc phoned with yet another painkiller suggestion? I got very, very mad.

Re: nursery school--I wouldn't need it again until the Winter Term, because that's when they said they might need me again. I've taken him to playgrounds, but he's so much smaller and slower than the other kids that they basically run him over.

The twins are too cute! You must be having the most wonderful time! And the fact that they play together and take the pressure off of you must be nice. How does it work with your bedtimes? I'm the one who officially does bedtime with J; OH is just there for the changing into PJs ritual. But how do you put two down at the same time? Do they each have their own routine?

Borboleta--ah, T and J are kindred spirits. J says "oo-la" (Lula), Eh-yee (Ellie), Coco (Pocoyo) and "PATO!!!" Pocoyo is like crack to J.

I haven't hummed yet with J, so maybe I'll try it out! He likes to imitate our lip movements and sounds, so it might just work.

How did T do at the ballet? If he got through the whole thing, or even half of it, then he is officially the best baby in the world.

So J's latest obsession with cleanliness has taken a turn for the odd. The other day, I told him we wouldn't use newspaper during his lunch so he could sweep up what fell afterwards. He then ate absolutely nothing because he dropped one kidney bean on the floor and he HAD to pick it up. But before we could pick it up, he held his hands up like a surgeon, and said "dirty!" and "towel!" Once clean, he stomped his foot and cried until I removed all obstacles in the way of the bean under his chair. When he finally got to it, he delicately picked it up, opened the kitchen garbage, and threw the bean away.


I was afraid this was a sign of impending OCD, but OH said it was natural for toddlers to imitate us. So, I am so glad that this is what he decided to imitate!

We're also having trouble with naps in the BBB. He won’t sleep in it for his naps lately; the rest of the room is too exciting for him. He, in fact, went for 3 days without a nap. That is a looooong time to entertain him! Borboleta, what you said about SAHMs and having to find ways to occupy him all day long made me laugh because that is exactly what we’ve been thinking these past 3 days! In the end we decided to turn his crib around during naps, so the open section is against the wall. And he had a good nap this morning, so I’m glad we found a solution.
Claire--good to hear from you, but that migraine sounds awful! I'm glad your MIL is able to help you. How long do they typically last?

Does L always run a fever after the MMR? Or is this one particularly bad? We have J's coming up, and I'm interested in the LOs' reactions. And I keep on meaning to ask: are you still having trouble with L's sleeping, or has it started to sort itself out?
Clio- I very rarely get migraines but they are pretty much like the one I just had, with the only difference being that this time I have a 17month old to fun around after, so not as easy to recover from.
Lucy never had any fevers with all her other jabs, but I know the mmr is a live vaccine, so I don't know if that has any bearing?
Lucy's sleep still pretty dire, but I guess I'm just used to the lack if it! Lol I dream if the day she sttn- still hasn't happened....... Not even once!
Evening all, just popping by quickly, the ms beast has engulfed me completely and I've been battling the vomiting since our brief outing to see the red arrows... Oh man its rough and that was with dh off work :( I may well need some sick leave, sob!
Oh, and Angel--we must be looking at different tractor books. He does have a touchy feely one, with a button that goes "broom-broom"--is that the one you're thinking of? That one is a fine tractor book. This one is a cheap, stupid tractor book Oma fished out of a bargain bin at the supermarket. We're actually in an ideological struggle over my refusal to expose him to heavy machinery and construction site pictures. I find them too gendered, and don't like the version of masculinity they project.

Question for all:--Am I being ridiculous? Is it even possible to hide an entire industry from my son's world?
Evening all, just popping by quickly, the ms beast has engulfed me completely and I've been battling the vomiting since our brief outing to see the red arrows... Oh man its rough and that was with dh off work :( I may well need some sick leave, sob!

Oh no, Storm! Was it this bad with L? Here in Canada we can at least get a drug called Diclectin (sp)? which completely takes the edge off, and is actually really easy to reproduce. I don't remember the details other than vitamin B-something is involved. Maybe it's worth looking up? So many Canadian women have said that it saved them. It did me, for certain!
Hi ladies,

Clio: what is SAHMs? :haha: I feel kind of stupid to ask but I couldn't figure it out :haha:!!
And about not being too gender like with toys: I am not going to buy thiago a doll but if we are at someone's house and they have one and he wants to play with it that is fine to me:). I am even thinking about buying him a little kitchen so for Christmas so he can pretend that he is cooking and stuff like that. If he likes trucks I will buy him little trucks. Just not dolls :haha: or bright pink shirts :haha:!! I had a friend that had her 16 month old Ina bright pink polo shirt and I am sorry but he did look like a little girl :dohh:. That is just me ... I am sorry if I offended anyone.
And the story of J and the cleaning is so funny! Again mark my words that he will own a cleaning company one day:). He will have the luckiest wife ever!!!!!
Glad that you were quick to think about how to make him take naps again. That was very clever!!! :thumbup:

Sabrina: yes, little t and Finn have pretty much the same schedule:). And as breakfast goes he does pretty good with it. He normally eats, bacon or eggs, two fruits, some of my oatmeal Quaker cereal dry and a piece of toast with butter or a waffle with syrup ( the last two sometimes he eats sometimes he doesn't).
I have tried a spoon with him but he just picks it up and throws it on the floor :dohh:. So I gave up for now.
And I have heard some woman saying that menopause started when they start missing a period here and there. :shrug:

Claire: so sorry about your migraine. I had it two times and it was awful!! And with a kid just be even worst!!!
Does Claire sleeps in her crib or with you? I always wonder if she sleeps with you how she doesn't roll out of bed?

Kitty: nothing yet?

Storm: you poor girl. I think like Clio said it is time for medicines.

I am going to try to post some pictures in a bit. We will see if it works:).
Clio- I very rarely get migraines but they are pretty much like the one I just had, with the only difference being that this time I have a 17month old to fun around after, so not as easy to recover from.
Lucy never had any fevers with all her other jabs, but I know the mmr is a live vaccine, so I don't know if that has any bearing?
Lucy's sleep still pretty dire, but I guess I'm just used to the lack if it! Lol I dream if the day she sttn- still hasn't happened....... Not even once!

Oh my, you must be so exhausted! It's you and kosh who are still members of the bad sleepers club, aren't you? I can empathize; my BIL and SIL have non-sleepers, and it takes its toll. Do you or your OH have insomnia? I'm beginning to believe it's inherited. I have it, and I inherited it from my Dad--we had precisely the same sleep rhythms, and we are night owls. But OH sleeps like the dead the minute his head hits the pillow, and wakes up super early, and J appears to be the same. At the same time, my BIL, OH's brother, has horrible insomnia, and the eldest--the bad sleeper--appears to have inherited it. It's just a theory, based on nothing, really, but I'm wondering about the genetics of it all.
OMG - Storm, are you pregnant? That's amazing news. There's a lot of pages I haven't caught up on yet. How far along are you? Due date? How long TTC did it take?

We had 2 nights STTN. Amazing. 2 in a row. One was 11 hours. So, it can and will happen again. I felt amazing yesterday. My relationship with OH felt so much better too. Oh dear.

My other big news is that I think I'm ovulating. Had some fertile.mucous, sorry if TMI, and so I took an ovulation test. It was almost positive. Going to try again today. OH and I were talking again seriously last night about trying for another. I know its crazy in some ways but I know it will be completely worth it in the long run. I was out with a friend and her 2 girls yesterday - they're 5 and 2 and have such a lovely bond. She said its been hard work at times but is totally worth it. I feel excited..See what 2 nights STUN does for me!

Storm, what a difficult situation re your BIL. He must be hurting a lot. Can you ask him more about why he is making this request and explain to him you don't want to get involved and won't be contacting his ex but really like getting update on the children and think its good for L to keep feeling connected to her cousins.

Borboleta, your recent photos of T are adorable. He's such a handsome little fella.

Angel, it doesn't sound like you're depriving your boys of social contact. They've got each other so they've got constant!
Sorry but I can't remember anything else and Kia has just settled again so I'm going to try to go back to sleep. Catch you all soon, I hope! XX

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