any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies :)

Borboleta You didn't ask me but I thought I'd tell you anyway. SAHM means Stay At Home Mum. :)
I am sure you are right about children in daycare versus children at home. The ones at home rely completely on their parents for entertainment etc. But I also think it is a character thing. I know that Sebastian is much better at playing by himself than Dominic, which is why he can be so absorbed in what ever he is doing and then Dominic trying to take his toy away. He simply wants to see what is fascinating Sebastian so.
How lovely that Thiago can say all those words! And like you I am sure no one else would know that Dominic definitely means book when he says gooyg lol And how sweet that T hums! :D
And imagining things chocolate cake with marshmallow cream is what I do all the time, AF on the way or not :haha:
As for the ballet, did he like it? Was it children or adults dancing?

Claire you poor thing with the migraine! I hope you feel 100% better today. Hopefully also Lucy's fevers have disappeared?
I am so sorry but I cannot meet you :( Usually the boys nap till about 11 in the morning and then have their lunch at 11:30. But even if it was not that, my parents are coming to London on Tuesday for a Do on Wednesday evening. And my flat looks like I never heard of the concept "tidy". I can absolutely let no one see this - except OH who is responsible for more than 50% of this mess. And I cannot tidy in advance ever with OH around but need to do it the day before or it will be messy again the next day :grr: I hate tidying when I don't know where to put everything, it makes me want to cry! lol
I hope your appointment goes ok and maybe the next time you are in the area we can set up a meeting?

Sabrina any news at all when you can expect your neighbour to be evicted finally? I really hope they hate the Sex Pistols! Imagine if they liked it and bopped to it in rhythm lol!

Clio I think you made a mistake there somewhere in your conversion. lol If your house has a square footage of 1300, you in fact have 120.7 square metres which is almost double to what we have. Btw is that counting in the basement and upper floor? Oh how I would love to have a basement! We probably need to move out of our area too if we want something bigger but the thought it horrible to me. There is an exceptionally beautiful park right outside my house with the most gorgeous walk under ancient trees along the river and an absolutely great play area for kids of all ages. And then there is the lovely Bishops Palace in that park too which is where the Bishops of London used to live but which is now open to the public and has the most beautiful walled garden and greenhouses. The drawing room of the palace faces out on to the lawn and it has been transformed into a lovely café (the drawing room, not the lawn) and you can have lunch there or outside on the terrace. It is just so idyllic :(
But you didn't make me feel bad about your larger house or your ability to let J have more freedom. I just always question whether I am doing an ok job by my boys or not but that is just natural to me as I am a natural worrier and have not that much self assurance in some things.
I had to look up where Edmonton is in relation to Toronto and wow I didn't realise you moved so far away! That seems not even a little close. I bet you miss it though?
I am so glad the pot is making things so much easier for you with the joint! As for your doctor, I would not go to her any more. Can you sign up with another practice or are you bound to her cause of the area you live in? We have something like that over here.
As for teaching in the winter term, are you hoping they will need you or not? I would like to cross my fingers for you but for the correct outcome ;)
Thank you for your compliments about my boys. :D It is so weird but I never think of them as "my twins". I always think of them just as "my boys" and when I read about "the twins" it's like oh yeah that would be mine lol. Odd huh?
Their bedtime routine goes like this: We both take them into their nursery which would be already prepared with the curtains drawn, the white noise on but only softly and the lights dimmed a bit. I first change Dominic's nappy and put his sleeping onsie on, while OH sits on the nursery bed (where I used to sleep when the boys were tiny) and takes off Sebastian's clothes and puts him in his sleeping onesie. I then put Dominic next to OH on the nursery bed and he puts him in his sleeping bag while I change Sebastian's nappy. Then when Sebastian is in his sleeping bag we turn down the lights and up the white noise and they get their bed time bottle. Very often Dominic drops off as the bottle is finished. But we usually cuddle with them a tiny bit first and then put them to bed. When I was alone the other night, I just had to "store" one boy in the cot while I changed and got the other ready and vice versa and then I put them on the nursery bed as usual but let them hold their own bottles. And when they were done I put one after the other in to their cots. One has to just be quick enough so that they cannot make good their escape and crawl off the bed. But they were too tired and too full of milk to move all that much lol.
As for J not napping in his BBB unless it is turned to the wall, that doesn't surprise me. My boys are obviously not as mobile as yours but they wouldn't nap either if there was the exciting prospect of wrecking their room instead lol. Glad you found a solution though and I hope it isn't too difficult for you to turn the bed around.
As for your worries about the gender thing. Hm. I am not so informed on that subject but while I think I am very liberal towards what men and women should be left to do, if they so choose, I don't actually see anything bad in a boy being shown construction site pictures. Ok, so it is traditionally a typically male place cause so few women work in such an environment but are you equally refusing to expose him to traditionally extremely female stereotypical stuff such as the ballet? Are you really sticking rigorously to gender neutral things? And had you a daughter, would you refuse to expose her to dollies and the colour pink? I am not trying to talk you out of your views but I am very interested. Like Borboleta, while I wouldn't buy my boys a doll, I would have no problem if they played with one at someone's else's home. I would totally let them wear a pink shirt or shorts but only if it wasn't of a female cut. My brother (a huge hulking manly man at 6'5) wears pink dress shirts with his suits and also has pink polo shirts and shorts too (though not worn at the same time). Nothing female about them but they aren't gender neutral either. But back to the gender specific toys, I think I probably have more of a problem with children having toy guns (Both my brother and I did btw). I don't like the idea as there is so much violence the world already. But OH pointed out that all the other children will have water guns and things like that. Still, I will draw the line at bb guns and hopefully will not be overborne.

Storm I am so sorry you are suffering so with the MS! I really think you should ask your doctor (or your brother maybe?) if there is anything you can take. I hardly ever threw up but feeling constantly nauseous as I did was a severe hindrance to even such simple things as going out to the supermarket. So having to work while you feel like this plus your throwing up must be hell! :hugs:

Leeze how lovely to have such a long post from you and may I say it shows that you got some sleep. It sounded much more upbeat! I am so pleased for you! And I agree, once Kia has done it she will do it again! I really hope it will soon become the norm!
Yay for ovulating and trying for a second! And having 2 is amazing and blissful I tell you, though of course I know that twins are a bit different than to have two children of different ages. I hope it works for you soon and you, Kitty and Storm can be bump buddies :D
As for depriving my boys of social contact, do you perhaps confuse my post with Clio's there?

Kitty talking of bump buddies, any news? I hope our asking doesn't make you more depressed when you still don't know. :hugs:

As for us: nothing overly exciting except, as I said, my parents are coming to London for 2 nights (not staying with me obviously, phew lol) and I have to go on a mad cleaning spree today. How I hate cleaning and tidying! And OH will have to cook Tuesday evening as the Do they are coming to London for is on Wednesday evening. But this is not all that easy, as my mother doesn't eat meat (but does eat poultry and fish) and my father thinks that all pasta makes you fat (he must eat a lot of pasta then secretly :haha:). So I think OH will make a Coq au Vin with roast potatoes which oddly enough my father will wolf down as if he was starving and cause he thinks they do not make you fat. Sigh. LOL. My father is then leaving again on Thursday but my mum is going to stay on for a few days more :D
Ah yes, also, our oven conked out on Saturday evening, just when OH wanted to shove in the lovely Moussaka he had prepared. So yesterday we went to buy a new one and also a new ceramic hob as our old one was getting on a bit and I think one of the hot plates only ever got luke warm now. Plus dirt was constantly gathering under the knobs. So this new one, though not very expensive, has touch buttons! So swish lol! So anyway we had the Moussaka for dinner yesterday instead and it was so yummy I wanted to throw myself into it! lol I am a greedy piglet!
Hmm there was something I wanted to ask you all but I forgot. So I will post this now and maybe add it later if I can think of it again.
Hope you are all doing well? :hugs:

ETA: I remembered one of the things I wanted to ask you. Especially you mothers with boys, what do you call your son's private parts? My OH is a bit uptight oddly enough and declared that he is fine with us referring to them as their bits or their little thing. But c'mon I cannot teach my tiny sons to say "My Bits"?! On the other hand I don't like Willy that much either cause I actually had a great uncle by that name :haha: (it isn't as odd in German!). I thought maybe peepee though OH seems to not like that? And I have no idea what girl bits could be called. But I know that toddlers are embarrassingly loud about things like that and I think I should have adequate words ready that won't be too twee either. Any ideas? :)
Afternoon all - oh Angel I did laugh at your asking what to call the boys bits - lol - a firm favourite round here is 'wee man' which I'm not keen on either. I have no idea what to call Ls either, when talking to DH about her I refer to it as her lady dute but I'm pretty sure I can't tell her that! She will be running round telling everyone.

Yes Leeze I am indeed pregnant again and riding the rough ride of morning sickness, estimated due date isn't until 11th Feb so only 7 weeks tomorrow and we got lucky on our second cycle. I hated being pregnant with L so I can only assume this time will be as horrible - but worth it in the end. L is such a social little madam that I knew if I could I wanted to give her a brother or sister - and then I am so done! 2 is my limit :)

Talking of MS have any of you ladies who live in the UK ever got any help? I don't know anyone that has - in NI for sure the answer seems to be 'suck it up' and get on with it unless you are so sick you can't keep down liquid and then its into the hospital for a drip - I assume you get meds then? Today isn't as bad as the weekend, I still feel utterly awful but no vomiting yet, that said all I have managed is a cereal bar and a can of full sugar coke, which I would never drink usually but its the only liquid I can tolerate this morning well that and a few sips of water but the water isn't going down too well. Anyway I will be putting the broody ladies off so I will stop!

L is doing wonderfully well and yesterday she had a pancake and a fromage frais with no noticeable ill effect on her, I'm hopeful that she will start tolerating lactose a little more in the incoming months although I'm too scared to try her with normal milk yet! I did laugh on Saturday when we took her to see the red arrows, she was so excited for about 15 minutes until she clocked a lady with a golden retreiver and an old English sheep dog - the dogs won hands down and she had to go and stroke them - red arrows duly forgotten about :)

Right Im off to attempt a banana - wish my luck :D
Leeze: :happydance: for sttn!!! Isnt it amazing!! Kia you better keep this up girl so your mommy can give you a little brother or sister soon :haha:.

Storm: I would imagine if you would go see your OBgyn he would give you meds. I know they would here.

Angel: I love a man dressed in a pink shirt:). I am just not a huge fan of a baby or a little toddler because people already confuse boys and girls so if you put pink in a boy than chances are that you are going to get loads of " what a cute little girl :haha:". Actually we were at a restaurant and this little toddler was sitting on a booth behind us and he turned to us and my OH said "what's up dude?" and I told him I think he is a girl cause he was covered in glitter. But later on when they left I looked at his outfit and I could see that he was a little boy :dohh:!!! Glitter and boys do not match either :haha:.
And as you can see I finally put a picture of the front yard. No more grass for us. Thiago will be a grassless child :haha:.
The boys part ... OH and I have not talked about that but we both just call it penis. They call it pipi ( peepee) in Portuguese for little kids but there is a part of me that prefers to call it as is. Going to talk about that with OH in a while:). Good question by the way:).

Hope you are all doing well!
angel: I forgot to ask you, is you mom and your dad still married or is you mom and your step dad? I remember you said that you and your dad do not have a good relationship. I just need a refreshment:).
angel - we call it a penis or his peepee (didn't realise it was portuguese!). I guess I'd rather he'd use the 'correct' terms, but we do use poopie, milkee and other -ee sounding words.

Not much here - party until about 2.30am, where one of us (me) fell asleep but LO was on the bed next to me from about 12.30am -- it does make a huge difference that OH and I take turns, so at least we know that we are exhausted from one night, we have the chance of some sort of decent sleep the next....

Finn loves to walk now! Lots of wobbles, but he is so proud of himself! He will go into a crawl for faster movement, but he is definitely a wobbler now. Also, he can climb everywhere and is definitely 'my monkey baby' now!

storm - re: morning sickness. I ate alot of lemon drops, lemon sorbet (you can get at Aldi) and loads of gaviscon. I hated minty things, so peppermint tea wasn't an option, but I read that that might help? My morning sickness never resulted in vomit, but loads of queasy tummies and slight headaches....

hugs to all! bye!
Hello ladies, just wanted to say hello quickly, been a bit busy baby proofing for a ever increasingly mobile Sophia!

Have started so many posts over the last week and not posted as got sidetracked! So just a hello as so tired and going to chill watching the tennis. Will have a good read and write something more substational soon.

Hope you and all the LO's and bumps are keeping well x

Oh and love those photos Borboleta, a handsome cutie.
Aww Borboleta I love your photos, you looking amazing and T is adorable as ever :)

Sk brilliant about F and the walking, there will be no stopping him now and thank you re lemon advice, lemon drops sound really appealing! Must get some :)

Well this afternoon resulted in a very dramatic throwing up session in the toilets with serious retching, really not nice! Thankfully the toilets are little individual rooms and not just cubicles! Its a lot more private.

It's just after 9 and I'm in bed, night all xxx
hello all,

borboleta - love Thiago's photos, he's so cute! I thought of you the other day as we were in a store and Gael got a football and was kicking it around the ailes!

leeze - wow, did kia go from hourly wakings to sttn?? :wacko::happydance: so there is hope!!
and :happydance: for ovulation!! so you think AF will be coming this cycle? I can't believe it took so long for you, mine came at 5months and I was BFing every 2 hrs and co-sleeping!!:dohh:

angel - we have a made up word for G's penis: piturquito :blush::haha: don't ask me where that came from!! and if you ask him where it is, he points at it :thumbup: :winkwink: he doesn't know too many body parts: nose, hands and penis!:dohh::haha:

you asked me long ago about the metro journeys. it's been much better recently. I usually have to take him out of the buggy and sit him next to me. food and books always help but he still gets impatient from time to time and starts screaming. :nope: the best thing to do in those situations is to 'count the screws on the wall' - hope I am not creating some OCD tendencies there :dohh:

as you probably know if you wandered again by the other thread, his sleep is still cr@p for most ppl standards, although is a tiny bit better than a few months ago. he will get there one day :coffee:
and yes, we are still co-sleeping.

clio - i know what you mean about the gender stereotypes but tbh, i don't know if it is feasible to keep him away from tractors and heavy machinery, unless as angel says you go full-on gender neutral?
there was a thread recently about a boy choosing a 'my little pony' in the toy store and the reaction it got from his grandparents. re. buying your boys a doll - I guess I wouldn't choose one for him myself but if he picked one in the store and was convinced that's what he liked/wanted I would not say something like 'no, that's for girls' :nope:

storm - sorry about the horrible MS!! :hugs: I had mild nausea today and thought of you (no, I am not pregnant!)

sabrina -
:happydance::happydance:for Finn walking!!! it's great to see them so proud, isn't it?
as for your neighbours, you're lucky you don't have ours - last night they played The Ramones until 2am!!:growlmad:

to pocoyo fans - have you seen 'pocoyo gangnam style'?

enough for today
I'm sure I am forgetting something :dohh:
time to go to bed :sleep:
clio - just got the 'counting colours' book on the post and I love it! thanks!! :thumbup:
Angel--ah, no, I just didn't bother converting it while writing it out; I did my own place in sq feet, and yours in sq metres. Inconsistent, yes. Lazy? Oh yes. But while house hunting, the size was sometimes presented in square metres, so I got a sense of it. And no, the basement isn't included in that number. But I can't emphasize enough that our house is on the small size here. If there is one thing the prairies have, it's space.

Your area sounds so lovely, and that palace looks wonderful! I'm so jealous. Makes me miss Toronto even more. :cry::cry::cry: And yup, Toronto is a four hour flight away and a 3 day drive. But this is where the jobs were.

Re: gendered professions--I have asked myself many of the same questions. BUT, I also began to think of all the industries and professions the books were NOT teaching the kid about (for example, what about the Cod Fishery? Tourism? Social working? Factory workers? Historians!) and decided that I was going to make my own choice about what industries or professions to show him. And I have decided to leave out construction for now. And the military. But if he shows an interest, then okay.

Oh, and I'm not gender neutral at all. I don't know how one could be, really? I just wish the world were more gender neutral. But I think pink has become an acceptable male colour as well. So, if anything, among grown men, it has become gender neutral. I would buy J a doll, and any pink clothing he likes.


I've just come back from buying J shoes, and was thinking about it all. And I think I have an answer: I hope J will help make this world gender equal. And I think the media, including books, and mediums (ie. toys and J's clothes) are doing a piss-poor job in this supposedly post-feminist world. I want him to look at this world critically, and to be conscious of how many aspects of life (ex. race, class and gender) are pitted against certain people. And I figure these lessons can begin very early on, but right now he is still too young to understand why only men work at construction sites. Does that make any sense?

***This is from yesterday, so I'm going to post it now and go back and read...
clio - just got the 'counting colours' book on the post and I love it! thanks!! :thumbup:

Yay! It's really neat, isn't it? What was Gael's reaction? Every time I turned a page for J, he said: "Ooooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Right now J is obsessed with another one from the series, called "Colors, ABC, Numbers." I thought he'd like it later on, because what does he know of any of those things right now? But it has so many pictures that relate to his life that he loves it and it's one of the few books he'll "read" on his own. Are there any books that you particularly like? I'm trying to get away from Goodnight Moon because reading it every night for over 6 months is doing my head in.
Not much here - a few temper tantrums, but I just let him cry it out, e.g. sat next to him on the living room floor and made sure he was okay, but then didn't 'react'. First tantrum was after a few minutes of colouring, he decided to eat one of the crayons. Then, he decided to climb onto the sofa and try to get the phone (now on the second shelf of the side table, but he can see it underneath the glass tonp (it's a glass top set into wood), and wanted that phone. Then, he was upset reason that time, but fortunately, decided that with no attention, he might as well as stop and play with mummy....

still no AF, but decided not to worry. My body feels very protracted ovulation (mucus), so maybe it's just one of those months where science, logic and my body disagree....

hugs to all!

ps. gender: grew up with an older brother, so was always a bit rough and tumble with construction blocks, etc., so although LO does have a dumptruck (from my stepmother in the USA), I think he's more fascinated with its wheels than anything else. He has loads of stuffed animals, so I think it's a good compromise?

Leeze--that's wonderful news about you ovulating! I know you were planning to TTC, but I can't believe so many of our thread members are already! We used to talk about it in such far-off terms! And, of course, there is Storm, our very own fertile myrtle...

And the STTN! :happydance: But did it happen again? Isn't it amazing how the whole world turns around with even just two nights of sleep after months of so little? It must also be a bit of a relief to realize that your fights with OH are related to sleep deprivation and are not an inherent problem.

Borboleta--Can you imagine that we ultimately went 5 days without a nap? Even with the bed turned around, he gave us 45 min. max both days, and nothing yesterday. So that was a full-on 12 hours with a toddler that never stops moving. Luckily he's finally conked out for around 2.5 hours now, but they've been tiring days.

I love those pictures! My favourite is the very last one, where he smiles his little T smile, and is so tanned and his hair is lighter because of the sun. He looks so handsome! Oh, and I love him with this dad and grandfather, too. Thank you for posting them--we all know I adore pics. If J would stop moving long enough to let me take one, I'd be posting more, but they are all blurry! :growlmad: Also, is that the front of your house (oops--just read that it is). It looks so lovely, and even with the grass gone, the trees still make it look so lush! But I don't remember--why did you replace the grass with rocks? Do you have to put rocks back at the end of the day, or does little T leave them alone? I know I'd never be able to pull J away from them.

Oh, since Angel and I have been discussing house and flat sizes in the UK and here, what's it like in Texas? Are houses typically as large as they are here in Canada--even the "small" ones?

Question for all: Do your LOs also move constantly? Like, NEVER stopping unless strapped down or mesmerized by Pocoyo (in our case)?

Storm--how's the m/s today? (I bet you're tired of being asked that!) Yesterday afternoon sounds horrible, you poor thing! Can you really not get any meds in Ireland? As both Borboleta and I have experienced, they dole them out like candy here. All I had to mention to my OB was that I was slightly nauseous at 7 weeks, and I had a script in my hand before I finished the sentence. I wasn't even looking to take anything! (But, oh boy, was I grateful in the end!) Mine also tapered off at 9 weeks and was gone by 10, which is very typical, apparently. Does it get any better after 10 weeks, at least?

SK--that's wonderful about F and his "wobbling"!!! Does he hold your hand when he walks? J never did and still doesn't. :cry: Also, I'd love to see what Finn looks like now. Do you have any recent pics to show us?

And I totally agree with you that it's wheels that allow things to "GO!" that are the fascinating element. And right now, all J can think about is trains, but I wanted a train set from a very early age, too. That and an Easy Bake oven. Maybe my answer to Angel might clear things up a little. But no, no gender neutral world. But it could be a far less unequal world. And it always makes me sad when my female students tell me that they aren't feminists because they think it's irrelevant. And you also have to remember that this is what I did for the longest time while in university. For years, my life was all about studying issues of race/class/gender. So I'm wading as best I can through this ideological minefield, trying to find a way to approach these issues with J, even at this young age.

Charlie--I know exactly what you mean about the abandoned posts. Are you still tired because of your thyroid, or have the meds fixed everything by now? And how's the baby-proofing going?

Kosh--I really should go look at your other thread again. That's great that there is at least some improvement with Gael. :happydance:

Angel--which journals do you follow? Any interesting ones you might recommend? I'm not really a journal or blog reader, but I'm so bored of BC and TC that I'd happily read something else.

Re: private parts' names--We just call it his penis. I've called it his "Wee-Willy-Winkie" before, but OH was not amused. I think I would use "vagina" with a girl, too.

As for us: Um... It's raining almost constantly here, which is great for my garden, but not great for going outside with J. Oh, and he's up! Got to go!
Evening all, another rough day for me, sick in work (I really must bring a toothbrush) and sick again just now. I think I was only physically sick with L 4 times, so this little one is winning hands down. Ironically today I'm 7 weeks and today my mum would have been 70..

Anyway Clio the gender thing, L has lots of very boyish things, but I'm not really a girly girl, have always chosen male oriented studies and always worked in a job that's predominantly male. Actually the job I do now there are 4 girls on the team which is unheard of, that said globally the team has 80 people, 5 girls in total. Maybe NI girls are just tough eh? And yup that's us 4 plus one other in Bahrain :)

We are in the middle of poogate, or anti poogate, one poo yesterday (usually 3) and NONE today - L that is, not me. I've put her back on the lactulose for a few days to get things moving but that takes 2 days to work...

Ok Dh is working so its all up to me tonight so best get some sleep as L is unsettled poor pet...
A bit of a nothing post really. Just dropping by to say hi :)
Angel- don't worry about not meeting-maybe next time, but that might not be for another 6 months to a year! Lol maybe we could arrange to meet another time independently of my hospital visits??

I'm on my phone here so trawling back through posts takes too long so forgive me for not answering any questions etc.
Can't even think of what I was going to write??
Hmmm, think I'm going to try and get an early night.
Hugs to All.

Kosh: that is so cute about Gael kicking a ball at a store too:). Is he fascinated by them like thiago? He actually likes anything that spins like Clio mentioned.
And :happydance: for having a better night of sleep. Anything you can get right:).

Charlie: thank you for saying that thiago is handsome:). :haha:. I just love that little guy soooooo much :kiss:!!! And baby proofing!!! Oh that is fun isn't it!!!

Clio: the houses here in Texas are big. They say everything is bigger in Texas :haha:!!! And they are pretty affordable compared to other parts of the states. Our house is 2550 sq/ft but we do not have basements down here. I know they have them up north.
And the rocks on the front yard: we removed the grass because we have so much shade that they kept dying. So we were fed up and put pebbles instead. He does try to eat them but we just don't let him do it:). And we don't really play on the backyard or front yard. We just go on the street and play with the ball although right now it is way to hot to do that too. So we need to be indoors or on the pool.
And little t wants us to play with him all the time. He apparently gets bored of playing by himself or my OH and I are more fun to play with :dohh:. So not much gets done when he is awake. Is J like that too?
At least you got 45 min nap:). Better than nothing :winkwink:.

Sabrina: sounds like Finn likes playing with mommy too instead of playing by himself:). And thiago now does this fake cry that it is the cutest thing ever :haha:!!! Well, it is cute if I am in a good mood cause if I am tired and crabby it is not cute :haha:. And now he grabs our hand and demands that we go places with him. So if we are sitting on the couch watching tv and he grabs your hand ... Forget it... You have to go with him. Good times when we could sit and watch a show or a movie isn't it :haha:.

Today we got a new bike for OH because his was old and the brakes kept the bike from moving sometimes. We tried to get fixed but the bike store guy laugh at glen and said that he would be better off just buying a new bike. I hate those fancy bike places that they look at your cheap bike like it is a piece of you know what and we will not fix it because it will cost you more money than buying another piece of you know what. So we got new piece of you know what :haha:! OH loves it and it is his belated Father's Day gift so he can stroll thiago around.
Oh, and I think thiago is trying to say his name. He saw a picture of himself and said: "go". So maybe he is trying to say thiago. And he says lua ( moon).

Storm: so sorry you are so sick. Go to the doctor. I hate been nauseated!!! Hate it!!! Vomiting than is the worst!!!
And your mom was going to be 70. If my mom was still alive she would be 77 years old this year. She was an older mommy like us. Your mom passed very young too. My mom was 58 years old. :cry:. I hope I do not inherent the heart problems that all her family has. I want to see thiago graduating, getting married and hopefully see my grandkids:).

Do you ladies imagine how your LOs will be whenever you see a teenager on the street? I do. I always wonder how thiago will be at that age.

Oh, we didnt go to the ballet after all!! Thiago woke up at 5:30pm that day and we went out to dinner with my in laws and they took forever to bring our food. So we missed the ballet :growlmad:. But OH and I had fun watching Man of Steel. Really good actually. I got emotional a couple of times but OH won by far. He started crying 5 min into the movie :haha:!!! He cries all the time in movies :haha:!! Actually he is a man that cries a good amount. :haha:. There is a scene of superman giving a hug on his mom and I just melted. I imagine thiago as an adult giving me a big hug :cloud9:. And by the way superman is gorgeous!!!! Eye candy for sure!!! :haha:

Bye ladies!!
Hi lovelies. Just a quick one from me again. Thanks for your positive vibes about the STTN. We've had 4 good nights in a row now. Not fully STTN each night, but at least 5 hours in a row each night. Still feel tired but feel amazing compared to last week. The last few months have been awful, re sleep. Really hoping we're moving out of it now. I'm on my phone with small screen so sorry for not answering all questions.XX
Borboleta your house is huge! Mine is 1100sq ft which is a good size for a semi over here and I paid 185k for it, its now worth about 110k, stupid housing market. My mum was 68 when she died so Im thankful I got ten more years than you did, your mum was so young! I too hope I get to see L grow up and hopefully find someone that loves her as much as I do, well nearly as much. I want her to be happy and secure and loved.

Miss L has the worst constipation again :( DH was on nightshift and I had a hell of a night with her, so much so that mixed with the ms had me a shaking mess this am. I got ready for work but I had to phone in sick :sick: I left L to nursery and came back to bed, I'm still not up.. really struggling with liquids, they make me feel so ill and I usually vomit. The only thing I can drink is real coke! Full of sugar and far from ideal, I'm only having a large glass or 2 and now watering it down too, I never drink full sugar coke!

Oh and I had a nightmare last night I lost this baby, I remember thinking oh no, but at least the ms is gone! I woke up feeling confused, am I still pregnant? Guilty, am I wishing the baby away? Basically feeling rubbish, I can only assume it was the ms and Ls constant crying so I never got into a good sleep. Man I hope she has a poo today!

Trying to eat some grapes and crackers, see how that goes. I did note that even with all the vomiting and little food I've only lost 1lb? Not that I'm trying to loose weight but seriously how am I maintaining? Must be all the coke :)

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