any other over 35 first time mums?

storm - I love your FB picture with your mum; both lovely ladies!

Got a letter from the tenant board (we have it instead of a court system to complain about tenants) and even with it expedited, we don't have a hearing date until September. This is going to be a very noisy summer (this afternoon, she was blasting the music, but at least, the other side (who also like to blast music) seem to be quiet))....aargh!

LO is okay - a few attempts to bite (me) and grabbing of the glasses (mine), but seems in a okay mood. I do agree, though, if you've had enough sleep, it's 'cute', but when you are exhausted, it seems like Mr. Crabby has come to stay (and torment, etc). On a positive, we now let LO scream all he wants as who cares about the neighbours!


ps. somebody mentioned their neighbours playing the Ramones until 2am? I would have called the police after 12 myself, but if it was a one-off, okay.....
Storm: you better start packing because you would love the house prices down here:). We payed $196.000,00 for our house here. I know that now it is worth about $240.000,00 but there is a big oil company moving close to us and they are saying th house market is going to explode around here. So hope that will really happen:).
But growing up in Brasil we live in a very small house. My sister and I shared a room, no yard, it looked more like an apartment here. As I got older I wished I had my own room but my dad was always afraid of debt and the house was payed off so he didn't want to buy a bigger house. So I totally understand when angel talks about the lack of space:).
Storm: and I forgot to tell you that apple juice works great for constipation with Thiago. He had a horrible hard poop like bunny poop the past couple of days and I mixed water with the apple juice and today is like he had a cleansing process lol!!!
Grr - I just lost my post!

Need to go now. Will try come back tomorrow XX
I admit defeat, 2nd day off work sick and currently sitting in the dr waiting room, keen to see how this goes! :sick:
nothing here - just rain and somewhat cranky LO. He bit me so hard I think my scream of pain shocked him (e.g. I was giving him teetha gel for his gums and he got me and it hurt! He was very quiet after that), and no he didn't make me bleed, but gave me a bruise on the finger....aargh!

hope all are well, and hugs to storm (hope the docs find something to help....)

Hello! So yes, saw Dr, female one and after a chat and testing my urine which had ketones in it I have some cyclizine, a whole ten days worth but hey its a start, have had one and feel so much better already! Have been able to eat and drink which rocks.

Dh picked L up from nursery, complete with bacterial conjunctivitis! So we went to the pharmacy, they couldn't treat her as she's under 2, back to the drs and they kindly saw us so back to the same pharmacy with a script for what the pharmacist could have given us if she was 2.. and nope she can't go to nursery tomorrow poor pet, but dh is off so he can have a day with the little madam, ok she's out of the bath, better run x
Good morning ladies. :) Sorry for having been MIA. Was too tired to respond much after all the cleaning I had to do lol

Storm Poor little L and her eye infection! How horrible that she picks up something all the time. But I do wonder at other parents taking their children to nursery even when they are ill. But I guess they don't have much of a choice if they are working :(
I am so glad you got something to help the nausea! Let's hope that in two weeks you won't need it any more! Or that they give you some more if you do!
Over here the housing market has slowed too but house prices are still rising. I bought my flat for 100k but that was 20 years ago and now it is worth 5 times as much. Sounds great but isn't cause it obviously means that anything larger will be correspondingly more expensive too :(
Btw I had dreams of losses all the time during the pregnancy. I guess it is always a fear in the back of our mind and that is why we dream about it. :hugs:
And your pic with your mum was very touching. I am so sorry for your loss my lovely. :hugs:

Borboleta I loved your pics of T! He is such a handsome little chap :D As for you, you look amazing! So lovely! And the pic with your DH and your FIL is super sweet! I think you should frame this for your DH and your FIL :D
And yes my parents are still married but live a separate life more or less. I don't so much have a bad relationship with my father as no relationship. Sadly my father is extremely selfish in certain aspects. He pursues what interests him with vigour and passion. But his two children do not interest him and haven't since we were small. He used to just appease his bad conscience with money. He was always more than generous with material things when we were younger but always very stingy with his time and his attention. And since he had an 8-fold by-pass surgery 7 years ago, it has become much much worse. Also, he has never been faithful to my mother and now has horrible mistresses that are much younger than me. It is hard to respect him because of that, especially also as he gives them sooooo much money that he put his company in jeopardy and my brother who recently bought the company from him is struggling to fix things and has to work way too hard. Sorry to vent on that but having seen my father just now makes everything fresh again and it makes me sad and bitter. :flower:
I do imagine my boys as teenagers and I always have this thought: I so hope they will be happy :) We see boys in the park riding their scooters and skate boards and my OH always says, that will be our boys in a few years :D Are scooters really popular over there too? Seems all children have them over here. They do look like fun :)
I haven't seen Superman yet but the guy who plays him was in The Tudors and I thought then he was eye candy too ;)

Charlie hows the baby proofing going and is S on the move now? How exciting!
And how are you feeling? Are you definitely on the mend now or still very tired?

Kosh the thought that your boy knows his body parts does make me smile! And your word for penis is cute! I wish my OH wasn't so uptight and we could make one up too lol. And when you say count the screws, does he count already??
Btw I am sure all the other ladies agree, we would love to see a newer pic of Gael! I bet he is gorgeous!
And after you mentioned it, I looked on youtube for Pocoyo Gangnam style! Hilarious! My OH and I laughed soo much! So cute!
And I agree with Sabrina, I would have called the police if my neighbours had played music that loudly and that late! How inconsiderate :(

Sabrina sorry Finn is biting still. Dominic is back to it too. He bit poor Sebastian on the cheek again and harder even this time! It was really red and raised. Poor Sebastian cried soo much too! :(

Sabrina and Clio I think calling it penis is fine for a boy but if we are then to stick to the correct words, wouldn't we then have to call girl bits vulva? My mind baulks at a child saying vulva lol.

Clio ahhh to have a basement to dump stuff into! I would rather have that even than a dressing room lol
You are right that there are a lot of industries that kids don't get told about but I am guessing that this is cause it would be harder to illustrate cutely?
I am glad you said gender equal rather than gender neutral. I do think that the genders are equal but I always wondered why gender should have become almost politically incorrect. And are all their differences really just nurture and not also partly nature? One example is hunting, so few women like to hunt and I have that down because women are by nature more nurturing and men are by nature more hunter/gatherers. Do you think this is wrong? Cause if it is then a lot of psychology that I thought results from that would probably be wrong also. I really have to think about this in more depth. Hm.
As for your question about our LOs moving all the time. No I cannot say they do. Dominic more than Sebastian but both like to sit on my lap together and watch tv. Sebastian leans against my chest with his legs over the arm of the armchair and Dominic sits on my knees. Dominic isn't very cuddly on the whole but he does like to relax and wake up a bit on me after a nap. Then he is very quiet and just looks around while suckling on his dummy and fingering his muslin. So sweet!
As for which journals I follow, one of them is by a young woman who was the first to stalk my own journal and I returned the favour. She suffered two losses during this time but is now 31 weeks pregnant with a rainbow girl :) The next lady I found through that first journal. She too is a sweetie (she lives in Quebec btw) and also had two losses but is very upbeat and funny and just amazingly strong really in the face of some tough trials. She is now 9 weeks pregnant :) And a third one is a mad scientist lady who has one little girl already and is now 14 weeks pregnant with triplets! They were quads at first but one little bean didn't make it. It is very fascinating and she has gazillion of stalkers as you can imagine lol. Then there are a couple of twin mummy journals too. On the whole I enjoy all these journals but I suppose apart from the triplet pregnancy there nothing that is downright fascinating. Just all really nice ladies who I felt attracted to for various reasons :)
ETA OH and of course another journal I follow is by creatingpeace who used to be part of this thread :)

Claire we will definitely have to set up a meeting outside your Chelsea & Westminster schedule then! If we get a summer after all, it would be lovely if for example you could come to our local park and we can have coffee there at some point maybe? :)

Leeze how lovely that sleep is finally improving! And I know how I used to wish for 5 hour blocks of sleep. But once you get it, your body still doesn't know how to be grateful cause of course you are still tired as it just isn't enough, even though it is better than it was. But hopefully Kia is on the road to permanently improving now :)
I briefly dreamt of you last night btw. We were both out pushing our buggies, Kia was asleep and looking cute and peaceful and you said you were ttc too now. That was all. Odd huh?

Hope all other ladies are ok? Kitty how are you and Blake? Rowan you are probably too busy to drop in even. And poor Jules the same.

I am sure I left out half of what I should have commented on, but there is so much I missed that my post would get too long again.

As for us: Well as mentioned, my parents were here and mum is staying on till Tuesday. My dad was ok I guess but no help will be forthcoming from him. He no longer has the company to dip into and the money he does have is going to be spent on himself, on houses for his mistresses and his passion for hunting. I know he has helped me enough with all my studies etc and of course with this flat (though I had half of what it cost left to me from a great-uncle and aunt and he would have had to spend more for rented accommodation for me during my studies). But when he boasts that he has shot a 12 pointer stag in New Zealand and that that one shot cost him £35k then I feel a bit upset, especially as the New Zealand hunt was one of 4 that year, though the other 3 were in Africa where he probably spent even more to kill other animals :( I honestly don't get it, that anyone would enjoy killing magnificent animals so much that they would fork out those sums. Especially as there are two little grand-kids that surely are more worthy of help? But please know that I do not feel entitled to his money. I do not. I just know how I would feel if I were in that position. Ah well, rant over.
Hugs to all :hugs:
aaaaaaargh -- another biting at creche...sigh. I keep apologising and we are trying to stop at home....

not much here - I have been very good food-wise, even keeping a log, and still nothing (nothing lost, nothing gained) and still no AF, so am going to the doctors next week if I can -- something isn't right, but I am so bloated, etc., that I just am hoping that I will get my AF soon (and then will probably lose some weight then...) -- it's now almost a month overdue. I asked my mom about her menopause and nope, far too early....

On a good note, we booked our tickets home for Xmas and will be in the States from the 16th December until the 31st and I have arranged for the 'bassinet' seats on the plane, which even if LO doesn't sleep, my OH (who is 6 foot tall) will at least have more leg room. We're going to NYC for a few days (I lived there for awhile back in the 1990s and OH went with me for a visit back in 2010), then either to my dad's in NC or directly to Phoenix to stay with my mom. (my dad seems a bit like yours, angel, e.g. money-wise, but he has fortunately mellowed out alot in the last ten years)

hugs to all, and TGIF (I really need it a bit of a break this weekend - It's so disheartening to be 'good' food-wise (between 1,000-1,500 calories a day (and yes, I do count the glass or two of wine!)) and NOTHING, and I've even continued the extra walking exercise....))and what are my plans? To buy wooden shades for the kitchen so the neighbours can't see in if they are on the trampoline (but not curtains, as the cats wouldn't be able to see out) and grocery shopping. WOW!

Hey ladies,

Right, i am going to try and catch up a wee bit now I have a moment to myself, both Sophia, OH and Charlie are fast asleep so some time for me!

SK, sorry you're not quite right, have you had your thyroid checked recently?? Hope your Doc does some appropriate investigations and gets to the bottom of it! It is really frustrating being so careful and not shifting any weight as well as been so bloated :hugs:

Angel, wow 35K for a hunt!!!!!!! wow i have no knowledge whatsoever about hunting and as a vegetarian I'm not so pro hunting anything, like it seems you aren't. But that's a crazy amount of money and i can totally get your disappointment about you father not wanting to maybe invest some of that in his grandsons present and future. It's not about entitlement, it's more about what choices he is making, I can't say that i understand :shrug: I know the area exactly where you live. I use to live over the river in Wandsworth and worked at Charing Cross Hospital, so passed by every day. Very nice part of London right by the Thames. I'd love to come for a coffee in your park, you're only 2 stops on the train from me, let me know what you think, or message me on FB. Like i think Clio once mentioned, i too love your posts as i know what everyone's up to thanks to your detailed replies :thumbup:

Storm, sorry your MS is so much worse this time around but i hope that the cyclizine continues to work for you and you manage to eat a drink some more to get rid of those ketone. How is L's conjunctivitis?? i too can't believe all the illnesses that LO's pick up at nursery, it's one thing after another! what does your DH do on the NHS?? i see he works nightshifts and weekends so I am assuming that he is clinical?

Clio, i love what you wrote about a gender equal world and how you hope that J will contribute to this :thumbup: This is something that i feel strongly about and i get so pissed off when people say we have equality and that there's no need for feminism anymore...bullshit! I do think that there are fundamental genetic differences between men and women but i don't think that these should define who you are or what you do. However as a nurse i clearly work in a very female dominant and "feminine" job as it is a nurturing, caring role. However it is not a well respected profession in the UK and i believe that this is because it is defined by female traits that are not highly regarded in our society as opposed to the male world of bankers (for example!!) I have though a lot about gender with Sophia as she is older. I initially thought that i did not want her to have girly things, but then that in itself is making a statement, so I think we'll go for a mixed bag of all sorts regardless of gender. I have to say someone saw Sophia the other day in a summer dress (on a random warm day here!!) and Sophia was playing with a soft mirror and this lady commented on how happy she was as she was in a pretty dress and get use to the will be your best friend soon...i just smiled but inside i was like:nope:> Now i know Sophia is only 7 months so this means nothing to her yet, but it's attitude like that, that scare me about having a that being pretty is all that matters as you're a girl!! :growlmad: sorry that's my gender rant over!!

Leeze, :thumbup: for STTN. I don't know how you girls have coped so long without STTN, i mean you, Claire and Kosh and i know that Storm too for a long time. I am a lucky lady with little Sophia, she loves her night time sleep. I hope it continues and start to get better. I can't remember where i heard or read it but somewhere a theory about poor sleepers being genetic. The worst sleepers that i know all have one parent who suffers from insomnia, so i have no idea if that applies or not?? Good luck with TTC!

Borboleta, i am so jealous of your huge home! i have a 2 bed apartment with a lovely, decent sized garden (for London that is!) but i do have an attic which is where all of our unwanted at the moment belongings end up, I'm grateful for that! about Thigao being a future soccer star which i am sure he will be one day, my very good friends daughter has just signed up with the under 13's team at Arsenal which in the UK is the top of the league women's team :happydance: she a talented girl and i remember her when she was Thiagos age kicking the ball around, it was even evident at that age that she was good with the ball! but women's sport, another gender divide! but i know that women's soccer in the states is much more high profile than it is here which is great.

Claire, how are you? maybe we should all meet up in Fulham with Angel for a coffee?? loved Lucys photo with her banana, a cutie.

Things here have been busy! Sophia is not crawling quite, but almost, she's going in reverse at the mo :haha: but she rolls and rolls. We have stored away lots of thing as well as a BIG charity shop deposit in order to create Sophia's corner for all of her things. So she has her little office as i call it in our living room! she keeps herself busy rummaging through her bits and pieces. Her favourite things to do is open the mystery shoe box with lots of bit and bobs in it that change every day and attempting to chase the ball, the cat, a car on all fours, it's not a very fast chase at the mo! Sophia has almost said cat, she is trying to but she hasn't quite got the T yet, so charlie is ca for the moment :thumbup:

As for me, i am OK, doing much better than i was. I had my endoccrine appointment this week and one of the 2 levels was fine the other still slightly elevated. I have told the doc that we were hoping to TTC before Sophia turns one, i have been told not to now, but hopefully we will be able to in Sept depending on my thyroid reading at the next appointment in August and also that small matter of AF which has yet to reappear! Other than that not too much else to say, i am staying at home a lot more with Sophia as i have found the older she has got the harder it is to get out! we still go swimming and i meet up with people every so often but she naps and eats so much better at home, so for the moment i figure that's better for Sophia. I will try and post a recent picture of Sophia, i have a great foodie one :)

Hope everyone else is well, Kosh, Kitty and Jules
Here are 2 recent photos of Sophia that are my favourites, i think they show her personality :cloud9:


night night x
charlie - I've been on low level thyroid meds for about 2 years+ and was checked about two-three months ago, but am wondering if the thyroid could go psycho? If so, it would explain ALOT....sigh, even the water retention tablets aren't helping, even with the bloating....I promise to try and see the doctor in the next week or two....growl.

Tonight, I ate dominos pizza (but a small one), and a bag of peanut m&ms (yummy), but got that/those cravings out of my system, so will go back to being good tomorrow (and I did write in my log!) . I have such a strange relationship with food, e.g. if I behave food-wise, then I feel 'confident and in control', but let any bad food in and I feel fat, slovenly and stupid. At least, I can 'comfort' myself that I am trying to be good (but those peanut M&Ms were so lovely.....!)-- I just started the food log in the last week or so because I want to show the doctor what I am eating and maybe look into some other blood tests, aside from thyroid?

AND I think I figured out why LO is so stroppy in the evenings after OH gets home - and feel kinda stupid....I play with LO all afternoon and he's ok with me 95% of the time, but after OH gets home, I do other stuff around the house and he feels neglected? or else, is just testing me? aaargh!

after reading your comments, charlie-- I went on-line and looked at a few reputable sites and I think it is my thyroid -:thumbup:- supposedly, a viral infection (which I had about six to eight weeks ago) can temporarily cause increased hypothyroidism (including swelling (yep), hoarseness (lost my voice a week or so ago), brittle nails, etc), so I will try to get into the doctors Monday and have them run a blood was so odd looking at the list of symptoms and ticking them off (and it all makes sense about not losing weight, not getting my period, etc) cross fingers, but thanks (at least I have a better idea rather than just 'stress')....hugs :hugs:

and LO is sound asleep (OH has tonight!)

huh. weird. I don't even know what happened to that post.

Am I just getting older? Are we all? How many posts have we all lost recently?
Charlie--she is to die for! Her eyes are devine...and then there's her smile! She looks like such a happy baby!
Angel--:cloud9:Sebastian!:cloud9: J would never do that! If he's really sleepy, he might deign to sit on me, or stand in front of me, but otherwise, this kid is on the go. Even at bedtime, he can barely wait for me to leave the room so he can get up and play. He's actually ordered me out!

Thank you for all of those journal suggestions; I'll definitely check them out.

Clio You are right that there are a lot of industries that kids don't get told about but I am guessing that this is cause it would be harder to illustrate cutely?
I am glad you said gender equal rather than gender neutral. I do think that the genders are equal but I always wondered why gender should have become almost politically incorrect. And are all their differences really just nurture and not also partly nature? One example is hunting, so few women like to hunt and I have that down because women are by nature more nurturing and men are by nature more hunter/gatherers. Do you think this is wrong? Cause if it is then a lot of psychology that I thought results from that would probably be wrong also. I really have to think about this in more depth. Hm.

Regarding gender equal, what I meant was that I want people to stop associating only men or women with a particular job. Doctors for men, women for nurses, etc.

As for psychological studies, I don't know. I've read one sociological book based on psychological studies, and it did conclude females had inherent traits. And it does make total sense. I do believe in evolution, so I believe in inherent traits, such as a more nurturing mother or a more physically protective father. I just have problems with the way these biological traits have translated into an inherent imbalance of power today, with men always the more superior even though their hunting skills have long been unnecessary.

I just want J to grow up not taking his white, male, middle class self for granted. Hell, with the "big machines" stuff, I have already had to give on: car, truck, tractor, airplane, and, his personal favourite right now, train. So, I'm just trying to go with the flow. But just as you draw a line at BB guns, I currently draw a line at construction sites. Not much else, actually, but construction sites. I could go into a really boring explanation why, but it really is boring. But, if I had a girl, I wouldn't restrict her from doing anything. And I wouldn't restrict J from doing anything stereotypically female, like gymnastics or dance, either.
Clio, i love what you wrote about a gender equal world and how you hope that J will contribute to this :thumbup: This is something that i feel strongly about and i get so pissed off when people say we have equality and that there's no need for feminism anymore...bullshit! I do think that there are fundamental genetic differences between men and women but i don't think that these should define who you are or what you do. However as a nurse i clearly work in a very female dominant and "feminine" job as it is a nurturing, caring role. However it is not a well respected profession in the UK and i believe that this is because it is defined by female traits that are not highly regarded in our society as opposed to the male world of bankers (for example!!) I have though a lot about gender with Sophia as she is older. I initially thought that i did not want her to have girly things, but then that in itself is making a statement, so I think we'll go for a mixed bag of all sorts regardless of gender. I have to say someone saw Sophia the other day in a summer dress (on a random warm day here!!) and Sophia was playing with a soft mirror and this lady commented on how happy she was as she was in a pretty dress and get use to the will be your best friend soon...i just smiled but inside i was like:nope:> Now i know Sophia is only 7 months so this means nothing to her yet, but it's attitude like that, that scare me about having a that being pretty is all that matters as you're a girl!! :growlmad: sorry that's my gender rant over!!

Oh, sing it sistah!

It looks like we agree completely. :thumbup: If I had a girl, I'd be doing exactly what you're doing with Sophia: trying to figure out how to avoid these feminine stereotypes. I saw it quite clearly with a little girl at IKEA in the children's section. I liked her dress, and I told her that. I said: "I like your dress." No reaction. "I like all the colours." No reaction. "Um, you look pretty?" HUGE smile.

(But to be fair, I know nothing of raising a girl. Maybe it would be something I would tell my daughter--that she's pretty.)

When I taught high school (another nuturing career), I found that no one respects teachers either in this country, especially female ones. They're certainly paid horribly.

My poor kid. We're raising a Marxist Feminist Historian.
As for us: Well as mentioned, my parents were here and mum is staying on till Tuesday. My dad was ok I guess but no help will be forthcoming from him. He no longer has the company to dip into and the money he does have is going to be spent on himself, on houses for his mistresses and his passion for hunting. I know he has helped me enough with all my studies etc and of course with this flat (though I had half of what it cost left to me from a great-uncle and aunt and he would have had to spend more for rented accommodation for me during my studies). But when he boasts that he has shot a 12 pointer stag in New Zealand and that that one shot cost him £35k then I feel a bit upset, especially as the New Zealand hunt was one of 4 that year, though the other 3 were in Africa where he probably spent even more to kill other animals :( I honestly don't get it, that anyone would enjoy killing magnificent animals so much that they would fork out those sums. Especially as there are two little grand-kids that surely are more worthy of help? But please know that I do not feel entitled to his money. I do not. I just know how I would feel if I were in that position. Ah well, rant over.
Hugs to all :hugs:

:shock: Oh wow. I agree, that's incomprehensible. And it's so...:cry: I can see why you would find this unfair!

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