any other over 35 first time mums?

First, Thiago and Avery are incredibly adorable. Beautiful, in fact! And Borboleta, Jennifer Beales indeed!

I have a question. thiago was sleeping really good before this tooth started coming in. So the past couple of nights he has been waking up between 3:30 and 4:30am and decides to play on his crib. He is really just now been able to roll from tummy to back and back and forth. Did your Lo's had a harder time sleeping thru the night once they new how to roll? At least for a while because it was a new thing for them so they want to keep practicing ?:wacko:

For J, it was frustrating because he had learned to roll onto his stomach long before he had learned to roll back. So he kept on waking up because he hated being on his stomach. And then, out of the blue, he suddenly liked sleeping on his stomach and that was it. No more waking up. So, hopefully the trouble will end soon!

Kosh he is adorable! Soo so sweet!
I've been trying to follow weightwatchers but with the constant exhaustion I am always reaching for food to compensate and it is not working. :cry:
I am also loosing hair BIG time! But so far I have no grey hairs. :touchwood: It really would be/is a bummer if the new ones come in grey! That would just about do me in: horrible crepey jelly belly, saggier boobs AND grey hair? No please! :cry:
Clio :hugs: :hugs:

Thank you for the hugs. I do feel quite sad. I usually highlight my hair blonde, but can't afford it right now, so I've got grey, dirty blonde and fake blonde going on right now. I'm hoping my winning smile will make people ignore my sad, multicoloured hair.

Re: weight, oh man, it's even sadder. My SI joint is so bad and had been bad for 9 months before the pregnancy. No one knew what was wrong and kept giving me exercises that exacerbated the problem, not fixed it. A chiro can't fix it. After I gave birth, I sought out the best I could find in spinal care and finally had it diagnosed. But what this has meant is that I have been unable to exercise, or do anything for...9 plus 9 (pregnancy) plus 8 months. So, 26 months. I used to ride horses. I used to be thin. Now I'm not, and it's pretty hard to deal with this new body. I'm still wearing my maternity pants because they are the most comfortable.

Plus, I can't take my boy anywhere without my husband's help, or, if I want to go on my own, a lot of pain afterward. I finally have the proper exercises to deal with it, but they are as complex as "lift right leg." But, you have to start somewhere.

But my life isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be. One learns to adapt.

Okay, so, Indigo--did he sleep through the night again?

And kosh, after reading your thread in BC, I continue to wonder how you function after SO MANY months of this. You too, Angel! You're my heroes!
Thank you for the hugs. I do feel quite sad. I usually highlight my hair blonde, but can't afford it right now, so I've got grey, dirty blonde and fake blonde going on right now. I'm hoping my winning smile will make people ignore my sad, multicoloured hair.
LOL you really make me laugh so I am sure you will dazzle ppl with your sense of humour and your smile and I bet your hair isn't half as bad as you think. One tends to focus on things one dislikes and other ppl hardly notice

And kosh, after reading your thread in BC, I continue to wonder how you function after SO MANY months of this. You too, Angel! You're my heroes!

I have no claim on hero status cause OH has not been working in over a month now and we alternate night duties, so I get to sleep every other night. Before he had 4 days, 5 max a week so that I got to sleep 1 or sometimes 2 nights a week. But when he goes back to work it will be full time and I am not looking forward to that at all!
Clio thanks for the reply. Thiago is a tummy sleeper from the beggining so he must be so proud of being able to see his mobile and ceiling from his crib. At least he goes back to sleep once we go in there and get him nd bring him to our bed and feed him. He is out with hubby now so I can get ready for class. And the multi hair color sounds beautiful:). Go for it:). Or if you don't like it just do it like me and go buy a hair dye at the pharmacy and dye your whole hair. I refuse to pay $75.00) to have someone do the same thing I do for ($5.00)!!

Angelk I am with Clio I am not sure why I am complaining about thiago sleeping the past couple of nights! You and kosh are my hero too:) and :hugs:To you two:).
Angel--when is he going back to work? Shift work always helps, doesn't it. If my husband didn't have such a flexible job, I think I'd beg my mother to move across the country to live with us. Permanently. And that is saying something...

Question for all:
I'm still trying to fix the nap problem. My husband is still big enough and strong enough to wrestle J to sleep (it's a method I called "wait it out." I would hold him while he cried the house down and struggled after his bottle, but eventually he would relax and lie in my arms saying "woo, woo, woo." Then he'd fall asleep.) I need to find another trick. I'm wondering about light shows. Does anyone use them to good effect? Some of you have mentioned this glowworm (or something like that), which I am going to try too, but I think the light show might be a bit more effective. Anyone use a good one that works?

ETA: Angel and Borboleta, thank you so much for the support for my hair. It means a lot. Borboleta, I would buy Loreal if I wasn't incredibly scared to use it. I've been going the expensive route for years now. And where on earth can you find someone who will do highlights for $75?!? Do you live in a land where houses are made out of candy and animals talk? Do you maybe live in Heaven? Because that's around a quarter of what I pay, and if you want it done right here, you HAVE to pay that much. That's why I only go every 6 to 9 months, though.
Thank you for the hugs. I do feel quite sad. I usually highlight my hair blonde, but can't afford it right now, so I've got grey, dirty blonde and fake blonde going on right now. I'm hoping my winning smile will make people ignore my sad, multicoloured hair.
LOL you really make me laugh so I am sure you will dazzle ppl with your sense of humour and your smile and I bet your hair isn't half as bad as you think. One tends to focus on things one dislikes and other ppl hardly notice

And kosh, after reading your thread in BC, I continue to wonder how you function after SO MANY months of this. You too, Angel! You're my heroes!

I have no claim on hero status cause OH has not been working in over a month now and we alternate night duties, so I get to sleep every other night. Before he had 4 days, 5 max a week so that I got to sleep 1 or sometimes 2 nights a week. But when he goes back to work it will be full time and I am not looking forward to that at all!

Oh, and Angelk I totally agree on the different body after pregnancy! My belly looks different ( although it might have to do with the brownies that I keep making every week!!) and the BOOBS ... Oh my gosh what happen to them!!!!! Not that they were all nice and perky before pregnancy ( they started to face south land) but now they are as saggy and deflated as they can be!!! I try to avoid looking them in the mirror :dohh:! Victoria secrets push up bra has been my best friend lately! But I am really considering getting implants!!! But I need to start saving money for it :haha:! I am not sure if you heard but people like going to brazil to have plastic surgery done and teeth work done because it is cheaper so when I go visit family one day I will be back with new inflated boobs and a beautiful smile:). But I am kind of unhappy about my boobs and tummy of course ( if I could just stop eating those brownies).
Some beautiful photos in the thread ladies, Barboleta I love your avatar, beyond cute!!

Re the "glow worm" we have the Fisher Price lullaby seahorse, it really helped Georgie with naps and night time sleeps, its the first thing she actually cuddled and it helped her to start self settling, I'd recommend it :)

Re weight, us ladies will never really be happy with our weight will we, its par for the course but just remember 9 months on 9 months off and shapes change after babies. I have friends who were always really slim who swear blind they are now a stone heavier than pre preg and not able to get into their old jeans etc and I genuinely cant see it. You've all got beautiful bubbas which our incredible bodies brought into the world so we should embrace that :) I hear you on the chocolate and sweet stuff tho, before Georgie started STTN I just needed so much sugar to get me through the day, it does get better I promise xxx
p.s I normally go on bnb from my phone and the format changed, same for anyone else? x
First, Thiago and Avery are incredibly adorable. Beautiful, in fact! And Borboleta, Jennifer Beales indeed!
hey, and what about Gael?:winkwink: :haha:

And kosh, after reading your thread in BC, I continue to wonder how you function after SO MANY months of this. You too, Angel! You're my heroes!

thanks but I'm not hero or martyr, I just survive!To be honest I do little else these days than look after Gael, but as I said I'm getting really stressed thinking about going back to work,no idea how I'll cope...

re: hair - I thought i'd loose tons, but I haven't yet. grey ones? 100s! plus I have to have it always tied otherwise someone pulls it out, ouch!
but as others said, I'm sure yours Clio, doesn't look as bad as you think. ($300 for highlights???:wacko:)

re: body/weight - i did go back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but the shape is completely different! like, my hips are waaaay wider now! and my back, knees and ribs (yes, ribs!) are killing me, I walk like an old lady! :dohh:

Question for all: I'm wondering about light shows. Does anyone use them to good effect? Some of you have mentioned this glowworm (or something like that), which I am going to try too, but I think the light show might be a bit more effective. Anyone use a good one that works?

I'm looking for something similar. We've tried the light show in the BT baby monitor and pacifier but was no good. we need something that moves more I think.I was going to buy a glow LED mobile. I'll look for the link and post it in a minute.

Oh, and Angelk I totally agree on the different body after pregnancy! My belly looks different ( although it might have to do with the brownies that I keep making every week!!) and the BOOBS ... Oh my gosh what happen to them!!!!! Not that they were all nice and perky before pregnancy ( they started to face south land) but now they are as saggy and deflated as they can be!!! I try to avoid looking them in the mirror :dohh:! Victoria secrets push up bra has been my best friend lately! But I am really considering getting implants!!! But I need to start saving money for it :haha:! I am not sure if you heard but people like going to brazil to have plastic surgery done and teeth work done because it is cheaper so when I go visit family one day I will be back with new inflated boobs and a beautiful smile:). But I am kind of unhappy about my boobs and tummy of course ( if I could just stop eating those brownies).

that's an interesting point! I always thought the poor state of my boobs was due to BFing (eventhough pro-BF people tell you it's not the case) - what do you think? is it pregnancy or Bfing? I'm sure having your boobs inflated and deflated with milk every few hours can't do them any good! plus I used to have one slightly bigger than the other one, say A and AA :blush::haha: but now, I'm totally loopsided - they are B and D!!! it looks soooo bad! :nope:

Some beautiful photos in the thread ladies, Barboleta I love your avatar, beyond cute!!

Re the "glow worm" we have the Fisher Price lullaby seahorse, it really helped Georgie with naps and night time sleeps, its the first thing she actually cuddled and it helped her to start self settling, I'd recommend it :)

could you tell us a bit more? what is it? a projector?
I hear you on the chocolate and sweet stuff tho, before Georgie started STTN I just needed so much sugar to get me through the day, it does get better I promise xxx

I know. I don't even savour the chocolate. I simply rapidly chomp it down. It's purely the sugar I'm looking for.

hey, and what about Gael?:winkwink: :haha:
Now I'm thoroughly confused. But, it turns out I [was] referring to Gael. I have to go back and sort through who posted what pictures now.

but as others said, I'm sure yours Clio, doesn't look as bad as you think. ($300 for highlights???:wacko:)
I know--it's madness. But it's not all for the highlights. I think $60 bucks is for the haircut. Hence why I only go every 6 to 9 months.

Re the "glow worm" we have the Fisher Price lullaby seahorse, it really helped Georgie with naps and night time sleeps, its the first thing she actually cuddled and it helped her to start self settling, I'd recommend it :)
Okay, I'll look for it today at Babies R Us today. Thanks!
And what I want is a breast lift. I've got enough breast--but they are a sagging mess. And nope, I didn't BF.
First, Thiago and Avery are incredibly adorable. Beautiful, in fact! And Borboleta, Jennifer Beales indeed!
hey, and what about Gael?:winkwink: :haha:

And kosh, after reading your thread in BC, I continue to wonder how you function after SO MANY months of this. You too, Angel! You're my heroes!

thanks but I'm not hero or martyr, I just survive!To be honest I do little else these days than look after Gael, but as I said I'm getting really stressed thinking about going back to work,no idea how I'll cope...

re: hair - I thought i'd loose tons, but I haven't yet. grey ones? 100s! plus I have to have it always tied otherwise someone pulls it out, ouch!
but as others said, I'm sure yours Clio, doesn't look as bad as you think. ($300 for highlights???:wacko:)

re: body/weight - i did go back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but the shape is completely different! like, my hips are waaaay wider now! and my back, knees and ribs (yes, ribs!) are killing me, I walk like an old lady! :dohh:

Question for all: I'm wondering about light shows. Does anyone use them to good effect? Some of you have mentioned this glowworm (or something like that), which I am going to try too, but I think the light show might be a bit more effective. Anyone use a good one that works?

I'm looking for something similar. We've tried the light show in the BT baby monitor and pacifier but was no good. we need something that moves more I think.I was going to buy a glow LED mobile. I'll look for the link and post it in a minute.

Oh, and Angelk I totally agree on the different body after pregnancy! My belly looks different ( although it might have to do with the brownies that I keep making every week!!) and the BOOBS ... Oh my gosh what happen to them!!!!! Not that they were all nice and perky before pregnancy ( they started to face south land) but now they are as saggy and deflated as they can be!!! I try to avoid looking them in the mirror :dohh:! Victoria secrets push up bra has been my best friend lately! But I am really considering getting implants!!! But I need to start saving money for it :haha:! I am not sure if you heard but people like going to brazil to have plastic surgery done and teeth work done because it is cheaper so when I go visit family one day I will be back with new inflated boobs and a beautiful smile:). But I am kind of unhappy about my boobs and tummy of course ( if I could just stop eating those brownies).

that's an interesting point! I always thought the poor state of my boobs was due to BFing (eventhough pro-BF people tell you it's not the case) - what do you think? is it pregnancy or Bfing? I'm sure having your boobs inflated and deflated with milk every few hours can't do them any good! plus I used to have one slightly bigger than the other one, say A and AA :blush::haha: but now, I'm totally loopsided - they are B and D!!! it looks soooo bad! :nope:

Some beautiful photos in the thread ladies, Barboleta I love your avatar, beyond cute!!

Re the "glow worm" we have the Fisher Price lullaby seahorse, it really helped Georgie with naps and night time sleeps, its the first thing she actually cuddled and it helped her to start self settling, I'd recommend it :)

could you tell us a bit more? what is it? a projector?

I think the boob thing for me I think it was some of the bf. but some is aging process :haha:. And I did like how full they got during pregnancy and breastfeeding :thumbup:. Them they just shrunk :growlmad:. I am sure hubby miss them too.:haha:
I'm with you all on the post-pregnancy body. I'm just back to pre-pregnancy weight but my tummy is very wobbly with a mummy apron and overhang, my hips are much wider and my boobs have dropped quite a lot. I'm starting to accept it now but I would quite like a tummy tuck! Re rolling and sleeping, kia has only just started rolling in the cot even though she's been able to roll for a while. She normally only wakes up if her feet get caught in the bars, otherwise she seems to like sleeping on her tummy or her side. And, re hair - mine is such a mess these days, I never have time to do anything with it, there's loads of short bits where it's broken off and there's a lot of grey coming in. I'm going to get it cut tomorrow and hope my hairdresser can work some magic on it!
:hi: ladies! :hug:

Clio - yes! He slept through the night 3 nights in a row! We still cannot believe our luck & are crossing our fingers that it isn't temporary.

This is my DH's favorite baby gift:

It projects constellations in different colors on the walls & ceiling of the nursery. My DH wants one for our room. :haha: Idk if N will like it because we are keeping him in our room for the first 6 months. I love all the Cloud b stuff. We also have the Lamb.

The seahorse got excellent reviews on Amazon.
Them they just shrunk :growlmad:

So did mine! :growlmad:

I also still have my linea negra. When will it go away? :wacko:

When does the hair loss begin? I'm hoping to dodge that bullet. :nope:

I weigh less now than pre-pregnancy, but I looked better before. I can't pinpoint exactly what is different, but my body is definitely different now. :shrug:

I always lived so much in my head....but pregnancy forces you to pay attention to your this has been a bizarre experience for me & it still is...I naively thought everything would immediately go back to normal once he was here. :haha:
:hi: ladies! :hug:

Clio - yes! He slept through the night 3 nights in a row! We still cannot believe our luck & are crossing our fingers that it isn't temporary.

This is my DH's favorite baby gift:

It projects constellations in different colors on the walls & ceiling of the nursery. My DH wants one for our room. :haha: Idk if N will like it because we are keeping him in our room for the first 6 months. I love all the Cloud b stuff. We also have the Lamb.

The seahorse got excellent reviews on Amazon.

awww i want that turtle!!! :thumbup:
do the constellations move?
I also still have my linea negra. When will it go away? :wacko:

Good question, I still have mine though I like to think it is less dark at the top. My nipples are still not back to normal either, still darkish :(
I also still have my linea negra. When will it go away? :wacko:

Good question, I still have mine though I like to think it is less dark at the top. My nipples are still not back to normal either, still darkish :(

I had mine for quite a long time, but I've just checked :)dohh:) and it's not there anymore!

angel - I aaaalways forget to ask you - whic one is Dominic and which one is Sebastian in your avatar (btw, I love that picture, they look too cute). My guess is the one with the dummy is Dominic?
Thank you very much :D Nope Dominic is on the left. Reason is that during the day that boy likes to chat a lot and Sebastian doesn't like going into the car-seat though he is fine once he is in (we were on our way out that day) and the dummy was inserted to calm him down prior to lifting him up and into it. :)
I love that seahorse and the turtle! We have this frog but what it does, doesn't look as good as those turtles. We don't use the sounds at all but then we have white noise on a cd and that is on quite loud. And since the boys are swaddled, the cuddling isn't an option yet anyway. I might invest in the Seahorse x 2 when the boys are able to sleep without the woombie.

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