any other over 35 first time mums?

Good point storm:). I will find something around $800.000,00 for angel:). Maybe you could get the $500.000,00 one:).
Wow! I watch that House Hunters show too, and always impressed by the size of houses in Texas! Ours is not nearly that big, not sure of the sq ft, but probably medium size 3 bd? We do have a nice big basement, though, common I think here.
SK - Where did you live in the States?
I loove house hunting/improvement shows! I used to watch location location location and property ladder on one of those repeat channels. But nothing in Britain (unless in the mansion range which would then be several million pounds) would give such huge rooms! Still, I do think I would die in the heat in Texas! lol
Charlie: we will fight for the first one lol!! My favorite too! I always loved modern houses with lots of windows:). Just wish I had $500.000,00 to burn on that house:). And you mentioned you live oversees. Where did you live before:)?
Funny you OH doesn't like the heat. Was he born in the UK?

Sabrina: I will make sure I take pictures of the fireworks and send it to you:). Do you wish you still leave here? Or just sometimes?

Kitty: yes the houses over here are big. And I love house hunters. Specially the international one. I tell my OH that when we are older we can move to a house in the Bahamas or something:). I would really like that:). He thinks I am crazy lol!!
Sorry ladies the first one in mine, just need to sell my house, my dads house and hubbys house. I have a degree in geology so maybe I can get a job in the oil industry in Texas ... Lol.... Actually what am I thinking my current job has a site in Texas maybe I should relocate! Off to bed now in my tiny house without a basement in rainy northern Ireland..... Minus the snakes mind you!
Random update - I've just noticed my wedding photographer is using my weding pic from 2 1/2 years ago????? the one in the snow! Why now eh?
Storm: do it do it:)!!! You can most definitely find a job in the oil field as a geologist here. And so as your OH:). And that is what the pool is for to cool of during summer time. But the snakes are not that bad just once in a while you see them and they are garden snakes. Actually this year was the one that I saw more of them than previous years. Probably because they are cutting too many trees and building new houses. :growlmad:. Tell you OH "we are moving to Texas :haha:". What is the price range for a house you are looking for? Like mine? You can still get a house with a pool:).
And your wedding dress is gorgeous!!! Was that real snow?
Yup real snow, it was a freak winter for us, 12 inches of snow and minus 15.... I was cold :). That and I had the winter vomiting bug made for a day to remember!
just a quick one...

finally got AF! it came on 'schedule' if I hadn't missed last month, very strange...AND another biting in creche, so they think moving him up to the next level (wobblers) is the best idea as it is probably because he is bored playing with other babies (under 1 year) whereas Finn is 17 months today (he stayed 'behind' as was a bit wobbly, but he wasn't the oldest in senior babies) and they are going to transition him over the next few weeks (he would have moved up next month anyway), but they think he's bored with all the baby stuff, so now it's time for the rough and tumble of wobblers, but at least, the other children can run/move away if he 'bites'....

Sk yay for AF and I'm sure F will be much happier with the bigger kids. L only officially moved on Monday after a months transition. She was a danger to the other babies :)
Angel--lol! I called J cute, beautiful and gorgeous and handsome yesterday, and was conscious every time. So I figured that if I do that, "pretty" is NOT a strange thing to tell a girl. Now I'm no longer conscious of it. But Charlie, I am still so with you about what that woman said!

I hope you had a lovely time with your mother, though it seems you typically do. Oh, how nice to have her so close! Where does your father live?

RE: eye--what? When did this happen, you poor thing! (I really thought I was keeping up well!) Is it your eye, or around your eye? What happened?

So a cute story OH told me about J. I thought you might find this one funny, Storm. We were at Sunday Dinner, and S, the bratty cousin, threw fits for no reason for a lot of the evening. I mean, full on, face down on the ground, tears, screams and thrashing of arms and legs. That is until... All the cousins and OH and BIL and Pake were outside, and S threw another fit on the ground. J, however, thought this was "The Sleeping Game," so he lay down next to S on the concrete and started to snore! S continued until he realized J was next to him, snoring, and he realized that he, at six, was acting more immature than a 1.5 year old! It didn't help that all the adults burst out laughing, taking all the remaining air out of S's tantrum balloon.

***much later...***

I've met the new next door neighbours, and they're lovely! She is from a city in Ontario just a half hour drive from the town I grew up in! They have a two year old boy who is just 7 months older than J, and a five year old boy. She's a teacher at the Nellie McClung School in our school board, which is a feminist school for middle school girls. She was so excited to show me her house that she jumped with joy. And, she's 32. I think I'm in love with her... Oh, and her husband shook OH's hand, introduced himself, and said, "I'm so excited!!!" I think I love both of them...

Okay, bedtime!
Good morning ladies :) And to all you Americans (and americans) Happy Independence Day :D

Sabrina yay for AF showing. But when do you get your results back from your blood tests?
And yep, would you believe it, my allergy flared up again after the doctor's appointment. Typical! :dohh:
I hope Finn will be happier and less bitey in the wobblers section. I could imagine that it was down to boredom and frustration, though Dominic bites out of affection and exuberance. So could be that with Finn too?
I hope you still manage to have a nice day today even though you are understandably homesick and working to boot :hugs:

Borboleta moving to the Bahamas for your retirement sounds lovely! Although it seems to me that most Americans move to Florida. I would frankly be too scared with the hurricanes to live there but I am sure it would be lovely otherwise! Though I think Bahamas would be even nicer!
I hope you had a lovely massage and facial and didn't tense up too much again after teaching your new lady. Do you know what is causing your stiff neck? I have it a lot too though not as bad as it was in the past, when my neck would seize up so much that I could hardly move. Very painful! Mine was/is posture and stress related. And sitting hunched over when painting or chatting on the computer doesn't help. But for you it must be really hard when you have to be all lively and do your Zumba class, you poor thing! :hugs:

Charlie Sri Lanka does sound lovely - apart from the horrible tsunami and earthquake! I am such a coward and would always fear this would happen again and I couldn't live there for that reason. Those poor people! How heartbreaking that was! (I realise it wasn't just Sri Lanka that was hit of course but I have an acquaintance who is from there so that made me especially focus on Sri Lanka). And apart from that I think the heat there would be quite humid and therefore so much harder to bear. But you are right, I think Brits have a unique way of appreciating the heat and summer. I don't know anyone else who, at the slightest hint of a beam of sun comes out in flip flops and shorts! Even if it is only 18C (64F)! But apparently this weekend is meant to be warm so YAY!
The fruit lolly sound easy and lovely. Have you given any to S yet? If so how did she like it? Will have to try it out too. I think I saw that they have some holders at Cargo so will check those out. If they are too big, there is always Amazon :D (I LOVE Amazon, as Clio knows ;))

Kitty I know, when I came to Britain I was so astounded that none of the houses here (or very, very few) actually have a basement! In Switzerland that would be against the law. When my parents built our house (and maybe even today), the law was that you had to have a air raid shelter in the basement. And in principle the people from the council could come and check yours out any time. So one was not allowed to obstruct the heavy heavy cement door and one had to have it mostly empty. I don't think ppl followed that rule though. My parents keep the wine in there and the big food freezer and all sorts of other junk. lol Basements are so lovely and useful! I envy you all yours lol
How is Blake doing? I hope still no cold has touched him and he is his usual sweet self?

Storm yep having no snakes is a definite bonus to me too! I like the non venomous ones but encountering one in the garden would still freak me out no doubt!
I love that pic of you in the wedding dress! You looked so lovely and one could certainly not tell that you were sick that day. You poor thing! What a way to have one's wedding ruined!

Clio glad I am not the only one to call her boys handsome and beautiful etc. I don't think I can stop either to be honest. I am just so in love with them and it is one way of expressing this I guess.
Yes usually mum and I have a lovely time. Though sometimes I must admit she does get on my nerves a tiny bit. And it is unfair cause she is getting older and I must make allowances. I find it just so hard to get used to that my extremely competent and all knowing mother is now in fact a bit slower and has forgotten so much about child care. I ask her stuff and she doesn't remember how and when she did things with us when we were little. It is entirely reasonable, it has been over 40 years after all but my mother always had all the answers when I was growing up and never said I don't know! I am not talking about things like difficult history or literature questions or stuff like that but just about life and illnesses and advice on life in general etc. I hate that she is getting older. I want her to stay young and spritely always! But she is still getting down on the floor and plays so cutely with the boys, who adore her! Especially Sebastian was all over her and cuddling her and putting his head on her shoulder etc. So you can imagine how over the moon she was with that, considering that he used to first cry for a day or so when she came to visit. This time he had a huge smile on his face right away as he remembered her :)
My father theoretically lives in the same house as my mother. But he travels so much for his hunts and spends so much time in his various houses in Romania that they don't have to co habit very often. Also, my mum goes to her little vacation flat in Spain for several weeks several times a year too. Anyway, mum moved into my brother's old room at home quite a few years ago.
As for my eye, it is just an allergy or something like that around it. I have had it on and off for 3 months and just cause it got really bad the other week I went to the doctors. As predicted he (I get who ever is free at the practice) wasn't very helpful. He said several things can cause the reaction, water, make-up, make-up remover, the air, food I eat, anything. He said it is more likely to be some sort of dermatitis and to wash it with Dermol 500 and put emulsifying lotion on it and use hydrocortison when it flares up. And since I have all of those things for my boys, I didn't even need any prescriptions. Ah well, at least OH is appeased now.
I absolutely loved the story of J and his cousin! I really hope he learnt a lesson from this! How tiring it must be to have such a bratty child, huh? (Says she, blithely but feared the future!) Glad your neighbours sound nice! Do you think you might strike up a friendship with them? :)

As for us: Dominic's second molar is through and it is at the top. It is only the tip of the iceberg so to speak but enough for him to grind the teeth together in a horrible noise that makes me shudder! lol And his bottom is SOO red and sore. This morning his poo smelled like acid and there was a raw bit which bled a tiny bit when I wiped and (maybe TMI) a bit of a tear behind his anus (no cuter way of putting this, sorry). And it hurt him when I wiped, I know, poor boy! Can all this be caused by a tooth that is actually already through the gum? I am not used to such raw bottoms! He is his usual cheerful self otherwise but has a bit of a cough and a snotty nose. The snotty nose might be teething related but the cough obviously isn't. Doesn't seem to bother him but I am keeping an eye (ear) on it.

And now for something else that I would like your opinion on but it is a bit long and involved, so I hope you don't mind.
As most of you know, I have known my best friend Andrea since we were tiny. We have been best friends for almost 20 years now and I know she loves me like a sister. As most of you also know, she has been ill all her life and has gotten really bad lately. She has been in hospital for almost 6 months now and has had 6 operations so far. I had not heard from her since after the first one of those ca 2 months ago but have sent her emails every week, to which I never got any answer. So yesterday her mother calls me and tells me Andrea hasn't heard from me in ages etc and it turns out that for various reasons her email didn't work. What most of you also might remember is that she is Sebastian's godmother and that sadly, heartbreakingly for her she cannot have children of her own. Since my boys were born, she has never once told me that my children are cute or adorable etc. Not even when she met them for their Christening. On not a single picture in facebook has she made a comment as you would expect for a baby, such as Aww he is so cute or something. And she is not the sort of person who disdains superficiality. In fact, her looks were always super important to her, which is perhaps not surprising. And when I sent her the picture of me and my boys that I have as my avvie on FB she didn't even mention getting it. I asked and all she said "yes I got it". But not even "what a cute pic" or somethng like that. So I am a little hurt I must admit. Anyway, yesterday I called her to reassure her that I had not forgotten her and to explain that instead of the usual sms I had sent her emails for the last month and a half or so and just thought she was too weak to write back, even just one line. Anyway, she said that she saw the pics on FB that were taken at the studio and then she said "Sebastian is really cute." And this is what hurt me. So all these months she says nothing at all and then she says Sebastian is cute but says not a word about Dominic. Is it possible for someone who says they love me like a sister and tells me all the time how important I am to her, to think my Dominic is ugly? In fact so ugly that he doesn't even maybe qualify for sweet? I am so hurt I don't know how to shake this off. Maybe I am refining too much on this and am being too superficial but I cannot help it. I know she is ill and probably so envious of my life (in a non horrible way) that she cannot bring her self to be complimentary. But still, I almost wish she had said nothing at all then. :( Obviously I cannot ask her about this as I wouldn't want to tax her with any argument or reproach but I needed to vent. Sorry if this was silly of me and boring to you.

Got to go feed breakfast to my beautiful, adorable and sweet little boys! Hope all are well. xx
Happy Independence Day!!

SK yey for AF! When do you get your results back? About F and biting, it does sound like he's more than ready to go to the wobblers, I love these names, what are the crawlers called?

Clio, loved that J showed his much older cousin up! And you sound like you have a lot in common with your neighbours and hopefully a playmate for sociable J too :)

Angel yes Sophia now has one lolly a day and loves them, will be buying some blueberries today to mix it up a bit from mango...she does love her mangoes though! I'm not sure what to say about your friend, it does sound like she may be feeling a little envious of you and your boys. Maybe she's being feeling a bit down about herself and has become a bit absorbed in herself to think much of others. And I really don't mean that in a nasty way it's just how I know some people can get at times. My nearest and dearest friend, who does have children can become like that. When she is not in a good place herself she sees others as having the perfect life and she really does wallow in her own problems, which are also, like your friend, very real, but it gets to a point when she cannot see the wood for the trees and really doesn't mean offence by not being nice, positive and complimentary with things happening with friends. I totally get why you are upset though, I am sure the lack of comment of Dominic does not mean that she thinks he's ugly at all, he's your rogueish rugby boy!! But that photo of Sebastian is just too beautiful to not comment on! I have also got upset by a good friend of mine, he hasn't even congratulated me on the birth of Sophia 8 months ago! And will never comment on FB photos but anything else I post he will offer comments galore!!I think at our older ages, we are the lucky ones who have been able to have our LO's and that can rub salt in the wound of those who by our ages may be feeling that there time is up, so find it hard to deal with. I know with your friend it is probably her health more than age that means that she can never have children though. I have no idea if that gives yiu another perspective or not :shrug: but no you are not being selfish at all, I think it's natural to feel upset by lack of loveliness about your 2 gorgeous boys. Are there any plans for her to be discharge home soon? Maybe then she may be a little more able to feel happier?

Things with us are a bit crazy, I think someone has taken my smiling sweetie away as we have a real grumpy lady now :shrug: I could blame teething, but I've been blaming that for all bad thing for 6 months now and still no teeth! :haha:so I am now blaming learning to crawl, she sets herself up perfectly and has that little determined look in her eyes that she will get to that ball that she has pushed away and then she shuffles backwards into the wall, then we have tears, not of pain but of immense frustration, poor baby she's so close but not quite there yet! Yesterday I think all this crawling practice was too much and she spent most of the day in my arms as she did nit want to be on floor at all!

Right I hear cries that she's up from napping...
Oh Angel you poor thing – I’m trying to think back to what I was before I had L and I’m finding it hard, I do know that when my friend had twins I didn’t know what to write on the card and my mum told me to write that ‘I was delighted for her’ – and I snapped at my mum and said I would do no such thing because deep down (well not so deep) I was INCREDIBLY jealous that she had a husband and 2 babies, I wasn’t jealous of her husband or her babies – but I desperately wanted one of my own and my own children… man I feel bad about that now. I guess Andrea just doesn’t comment much on the boys as she can’t have what you have and the comment about how cute Sebastian is yet ignoring Dominic she probably hasn’t even thought through. By the way I think your boys are BOTH incredibly good looking, Sebastian does indeed have whats a way of putting it, a finer composition but Dominic is equally gorgeous and as they both grow up I swear you are going to be fighting all the girls off the both of them! I am sure you are incredibly hurt with Andreas comments and the fact she appears to have indicated that one of your boys is better than the other – but we all know that isn’t true – they are just different. Actually I think it’s great that your boys aren’t identical – it’s very obvious they are brothers but I like the way they not only have their own personalities but they are going to look similar but different, I think that will be good for them as they get older and more independent. I knew twin girls once who were identical and they found it very hard indeed, they used to cut their hair the same etc.. as they said that if one had long hair and one had short hair then boys would choose the one with the kind of hair they liked the best and not bother trying to get to know either of them! You know both your boys are wonderful and honestly try not to be hurt by Andreas comments (impossible I know) but she probably isn’t thinking and if she genuinely thinks Sebastian is cuter than Dominic and feels the need to tell you that then she is silly and doesn’t understand that you being their mum could never be happy with her liking one boy more than the other! Big hug xxxx
I agree with storm, angel - I don't think it's a conscious thing per se, but I do remember how I felt post-mc when the urge to have a baby was so strong and I found it difficult to deal with others and their own happiness.

somebody asked where I was from the USA? I'm from the Washington, DC area (Maryland/Virginia), which is pretty nice (proper winters, but the humidity in the summer with 30+ yuck!).....but went to university in New York city....

hugs to all! (and yes, it was strange working today, sob!)

L only officially moved on Monday after a months transition. She was a danger to the other babies :)

:rofl: Oh little L. Storm, the more you tell us about her, the more I adore her. I don't think J would be afraid, but he certainly would stand back and quietly assess the situation. I think, though, after pondering things, he'd then get in the fray.
Hi girls:)

Happy Fourth of July:)!! I am now home just with little t so he could take his afternoon nap and then we go back to his Nana's house and we go hang out and have dinner and go watch the fireworks. OH was feeling down again about the job thing so I told him that we really should be open to the possibility of moving to a different city. As you probably know by now I have no fear of going to a different place or even country. So I think he got excited about the possibility. He is going to start applying for different jobs in different city and maybe if we can find out how maybe different country :shrug:.

Angel: so sorry about your friend. It sounds like she has a very dark cloud over her head right now. It is like storm and Sabrina said that it is hard to be happy for other people when they have what you want but you know you cannot have it. But I would feel the same way as you. You are her friend and you wish she would be happy for you as you would be for her. And the seb is cute and no comment about Dominic, I can totally relate to that too. The other day thiago was playing soccer out in the street and this lady passed us and didnt say anything ( oh, look how cute he is or man, he is really good with that ball). I was so mad at her :haha:!!! I told OH when we got home how rude people can be :haha:. And I think on your situation with the boys you will be protective of both of them. So if one gets a nice comment the other should get too. That is normal. They are the apple of our eyes :kiss:. And by the way Dominic is as cute as seb in my book. :kiss:. I know it is hard but try to put yourself in her shoes and think that she is not doing that because she doesn't like your babies it is just a way maybe of expressing her anger about her own life. As hard as that can sound. We as human can hurt people that we love most. But we still love them if that makes sense. Okay I am going to stop right here otherwise I will become to philosophical and end up not knowing what I was talking about :haha:!!

Charlie: I bet it is a combination of frustration and teething :haha:. She might be like Lucy ( Claire's baby) and just get teeth slowly:).

Big kisses to all of you ladies:).
Borboleta--Happy July 4th! I hope you get to celebrate the festivities! Are you taking T to see fireworks? Oh, and the Bahamas sound like a fine, fine choice...

And again, I so appreciate Angel's posts. I went back to find out what was wrong with your neck, but couldn't find your actual post. Is it muscle spasm and pain? I remember something vaguely about a massage--was that you? Anyway, I can totally relate. I hate neck and shoulder pain from seized muscles; makes me want to carve the knots right out! I always get it because of stress, and mainly when my mother visits. So I actually ask for her to pay for the massage as a "treat" for me. I figure she caused it, so she might as well pay for the treatment! How is your neck now?

Storm--I can see why she has the picture up! It's beautiful! And you look so glamorous! I can't believe that you were sick, you poor thing. But it's hard to cancel your own wedding, I suppose...

And must you ask why you need a pool? Because they are the most awesomest thing around, no matter where you live! L and the new LO will love you for it. In fact, I think they'd love you MORE than if you didn't have a pool.

SK--Yay for AF! I guess it just missed a round. Odd. Have you got your thyroid checked out yet? Congratulations on Finn's graduation! I would put even money on him being bored. Has anyone ever bitten Finn?

Angel--I know exactly what you mean about our mothers getting older. I don't know how old your mum is, but if both of ours lived through the war, then they must be close in age. My mum is 73 now. She believes that she can still do things, but she can't. But she also insists on booking these 10 day visits, and then insists on helping with J so much because of my joint. She has finally admitted that looking after a toddler all day is tiring!!! By the end of her visits, we ALL wish she had come for half the time, as originally planned. So I think the visits will be shorter now. But then, I thought that last time...

That is so sweet about Sebastian and your mum. Makes my heart melt. She must love those two so so much! Does your brother have children?

Did I tell you about Edmontonians' reaction to the slightest warm day (which, for them, is considered above 5C)? Shorts. T-shirts. Tank tops. Flip flops. Short white lacy dresses with halter tops (I saw that outfit this last time). We are starved after so much winter, though, that we don't want to miss a second of the "warmth."

It does sound exactly like teething symptoms for Dominic. The bum rash is a big give away. If he has only one in, what do you bet the other 3 are on their way? They seem to get the molars in fours--that's what happened with J. So that may be causing the problems after that one tooth is in.

Oh, a friendship with the neighbours is so happening. They're going on to British Columbia for the next month, but after that... I just talked to their 5 year old, and he is so sweet and responsive. He asked if J could come out and play, but I explained that he was at his grandparents, but when they came back from their trip, they were welcome to play in our backyard whenever they wished. They bought the house from a man who built a deck so large that it takes up almost all of their tiny backyard, so the kids hardly have any grass.

As for your friend, my own uneducated guess would be that she does envy your life and your children. When I thought I couldn't have any kids, my life was a misery, especially when it came to seeing or hearing about children, and I assume that there are even more things that your friend doesn't have because of her illness. Is there maybe a way you can just let this one go, or accept that this is simply part of your relationship that is best not to share? I know I say this so cavalierly (they are your children, after all), but it seems to cause her some level of distress. And not only do you have a child, you actually have twins, and both of them are beautiful and wonderful.

My best friend from childhood also developed bi-polar, but I am higher functioning. So, I got "further" in life than she did. I remember once emailing her a pic of Eric, one of my horse, and one of my wedding dress, as we were to be married that summer. She cut off all communication for a year. I later asked why, and she said it was because of the pics, especially of Eric and the wedding dress. She's since come back because of Jonah, because she never wanted children, and has loved her own niece for years. So, is it possible that this is a hard stage of life for her to go through?
Clio: oh nothing terrible with my neck. I just put a lot of tension on that part of my back and with all the weight lifting and arm movements that I do throughout the week my shoulders and neck feels like a rock in a bad way :haha:. So I got my massage done but I am so bad that even though I wish the massage lady would massage me deeper I didn't say anything :dohh:!!! I am such a wimp sometimes. I didn't want to offend her by asking her " can you Massage me harder!!!". Yep, I am an idiot!!! :haha:

And your comment about the grass made me giggle. Thiago has this love for grass and we have none :haha:!!! I have to take a picture of the backyard so you can see it. So whenever we go outside to walk on the street he always wants to walk in the grass :dohh:!!

And the flip flop at 5C sounds awful!!! I would have 3 sweaters and warm pants, 5 socks :haha:!!!

And yes little T will go see the fireworks tonight:). He really enjoyed them last year.

Angel: I forgot to tell you that thiago never had a red bum from teething :shrug:. Maybe because they came too fast so no time for the bum to be red :haha:.

I better go wake up thiago. He has been sleeping a lot during his naps the past couple of days. But decides that 6 or 6:30am is a good time to wake up in the morning :wacko:!!!

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