any other over 35 first time mums?

Thanks everyone for all tips and book suggestions on reading. We have 4 of the "that's not my" books, they are well chewed!! actually the one thing that Sophia has enjoyed with books are those pop up books, she's just likes grabbing the flaps!! maybe i will read her more of those!

Clio, love that pic of J. J and S do sound quite similar, she definitely knows her own mind, like J! She too has taken a book from my hand and tossed it away!!

Kitty Love, hope all goes well with your Docs appointment.

Borboleta, more teething!! oh no, does T go off his food when he's teething? as long as he's otherwise well and is drinking water and his milk, i really would try not to worry. he'll eat again!

Angel, i meant to ask you, how were the smootie lollies?? i hope Dominic and Sebastian like them.

night all
Okay, you girls have to look the video that I just posted on Facebook:). It is me and little t on my mother in law scooter that she owns when she had a foot surgery done while ago. We decided to all go for a walk with her dogs and we had a funny idea. Oh and no animals got hurt during the video:). It is a very short video. Crazy ideas lol!!!
Okay, you girls have to look the video that I just posted on Facebook:). It is me and little t on my mother in law scooter that she owns when she had a foot surgery done while ago. We decided to all go for a walk with her dogs and we had a funny idea. Oh and no animals got hurt during the video:). It is a very short video. Crazy ideas lol!!!

I love it! I love your laugh! What was little T's reaction?
Okay, you girls have to look the video that I just posted on Facebook:). It is me and little t on my mother in law scooter that she owns when she had a foot surgery done while ago. We decided to all go for a walk with her dogs and we had a funny idea. Oh and no animals got hurt during the video:). It is a very short video. Crazy ideas lol!!!

I love it! I love your laugh! What was little T's reaction?

I couldn't tell, but he thought it was funny when the dogs decided to fight with a neighbors dog :dohh:!! Yes, I was laughing of our crazy idea :haha:!!

Oh, and by the way congratulations to my English friends for the Wimbledon win today:happydance:!!!
Good morning lovely ladies :)

Just for those of you who watch Dexter,
we have just finished season 6 and I think the story arc of Deb being in love with Dexter is somewhat sick. He is her brother in every sense, except biologically. I am not liking this!! But then I don't like her all that much anyway. I just really hope they don't get together :sick:!
Oh golly, listen to me! :haha: :haha:

Sabrina wow Finn is running! Yay congratulations :D! That was quick from walking his first unaided step to this, wasn't it? Very very cool! :D
I am sorry you are feeling so ill. I hope it isn't anything as serious as persistent virus, you poor thing! Hopefully you feel even better today?
Sorry your ebay wasn't more lucartive. :( I am reluctant to even sell some of the boys more expensive things now cause I love them and to get so little for them would be sad. But then again, it is more than if I just give them away, which I do do with the more every day stuff.

Claire yay Lucy for two more teeth! I hope she didn't suffer too much with it?
Thank you also for the kind words re Andrea. It is painful even when one knows the cause and understands, isn't it? Especially when everything else was always joyfully shared. :hugs:
As for the house being burgled during the funeral, that is so sick but I have heard of this happening before too. I guess people who feel entitled to break into other people's houses and to take their things, won't have much conscience or heart anyway, so why should they not make use of a guaranteed absence. :(
I hope you and L got to enjoy the lovely weather, even if the lunch was cause of your BIL's passing :hugs: :)

Clio I love the picture of J reading! He is so lovely and so much like a big boy already, sitting there in the chair. So cute!
Do you mean your family pushes buttons on purpose to stir up strife? My mother doesn't, she is very peace-loving and hurt when I get annoyed. Which is why I said I don't understand how she can still not know what will get my goat after 4 decades! (I am not counting the additional 3 years as I assume below 3 years of age, I didn't have such buttons :haha:)
Thanks for reassuring me about colds and the damp grass etc. I am often worrying too much and I think it annoys my OH who worries too little. I doubt he would not even think of putting hats and sun-cream on the boys even if he took them out at noon. :(
I will definitely have a look at your book recommendations, thank you :)
I haven't been using the cortisone cream as I think it might make it worse. The last time I put it on it felt as if it burnt my skin. But since then kitty has mentioned that her mould allergy felt and looked like her skin was burnt too, so maybe it wasn't the cream. I am not sure. But although I am leaving off the concealer and only put on a tiny bit of mascara and wash with Dermol, I am not seeing any improvement as yet. So maybe I need to try the cream again :(
And you are right, my friend Beau is the kindest person I know, apart from my mum but I still didn't take my sunglasses off lol.
As for my backyard, I don't think I can take a picture at the moment as it is so overgrown. We have a Budelaia gone mad and taking over more or less the whole space that isn't taken up by our equally wild California Lilac Shrub. And you might think no shrub could be that huge and no, they aren't gigantic but my garden is only ca 7m x 4.5m, so truly tiny!
J sounds adorable with his saying hello to everyone :D I am sorry he is bored though and I agree, you will have to take him out yourself. Hopefully it won't make things worse with your hip again though. Isn't the pot working any more? Or have you stopped smoking it. Btw, I know nothing about this but does it make you silly too and really hungry after like one sees in films etc? ;)
As for taking J swimming, you are a braver woman than I! All my love for my boys will not induce me to don a swimming cossie and be seen in it by people! No way! lol Still, I hope you will both have fun and I think just wading in the water should be ok for your hip?

Borboleta thank you for your compliments :) We took the boys to the park again yesterday and again they had so much fun :D
I hope the interviews go well for your DH. It must be such a blow when he tries so hard and gets a rejection time after time. No wonder he is down. I remember so well how it felt when I was trying to get a museum or gallery job. Very disheartening.
I think Sebastian wouldn't like pools either if I were to take him as he hates being in the bath. He is ok with the inflatable duck in which we bathe the boys but the big bath scares him. And of course your little T is obsessed with balls so no wonder he goes after them when he can lol
Sorry he is teething and biting again though. But maybe once those molars are in, he will be done? He surely must have most of his teeth by now?
Loved the video! How cute! :D Are they poodles?

Charlie you cooked a roast for your mum, even though you are a vegetarian? That is love :)
And yay for S rolling! My Sebastian did this too before he could crawl and my, was he fast! He then learnt to army crawl and did this for absolutely ages before he finally started to crawl properly.
The smoothie lollies didn't really work out cause I got the ratio of yoghurt to mango wrong so I didn't give it to them. I made some Mango and Apple ones (from an Organix fruit pot) yesterday but only with a bit of honey as per a Annabel Karmel recipe (though she used different fruits). I tried one yesterday but it sort of broke off. I am not sure if that was cause I wriggled it out too vigorously or if the mix just doesn't hold together well. But the taste was nice so we shall see today. I will try and give the boys a lolly each for lunch.
Our park was/is swarming with people too. Ppl obviously like it there cause some even brought small marquises/baldachins and table and chairs and had proper meals! How odd ppl are but I guess they don't have a garden and are not at all private like that. I am not a huge fan of humanity "en masse" I must admit and I find this accumulation of ppl in our park a very grave downside to the lovely restoration thereof. Before all that work was done, the park was only visited by ppl who live close by it, like me. Now it is like an anthill and the streets chocker-block with parked cars :( At least I can go during the week too when it is much more quiet and only has mums and toddlers and smaller children.
Do you use your park much or is it too crowded?
Your situation with your neighbours sounds ideal for S! Have you set up play-dates for her already or is the age gap too great still at the moment?
As for books, (and this is in answer to kitty_love too) my boys love all the "That's not my..." books we have but I liked "That's not my monster" best cause one of them has pink fluffy eyebrows lol. Also there is one that is called "That's not my Baby" and the last page has a mirror. That page says "That's my baby! It is you!" :D It comes in boy and girl edition and I think it's very sweet. But we also have two books by Georgie Birkett that especially Sebastian just adores. One is Peepo Baby and the other one is called Peekaboo, Where are you?. The first one was actually given by our Health Visitor and I wasn't convinced at first as it is small and not as sturdy as the "That is not my..." books. But then I gave it to the boys when I changed their nappies and it is still one of the few things that will stop Dominic fighting me and crying as if on a spit! It has little flaps with holes and windows in between each page and that seems to fascinate them. The second book has flaps made from felt and Sebastian makes the most delighted noises when he explores the flaps to discover what is underneath. But apart from a few sentences none of these books can be read as such. We have lovely books by Lynley Dodd about cats and dogs that are in rhyme and I adore those but the boys don't have the patience. They will let me read one or two pages at the most and then wrestle the book out of my hand and turn pages by themselves. So yeah I have given up on that for the moment but I keep trying every once in a while.

Kitty_love I'll be thinking of you today. I hope everything is ok and your obgyn can give you some answers.
Yay for Blake's weight. That does sound good. :) And I love the shrieking game! How cute that must be! Sorry Dan lol
Your suggestion of Dominic's name slipping Andrea's memory cause of all the meds, is a possibility. She does tend to stop in mid-sentence at times and forget what she was saying when she is really heavily dosed up. But she usually mumbles too when that is the case. She was waiting to take her painkillers till after she hung up the phone with me this time but that isn't saying you aren't right. There can be an accumulative effect after all. What ever her reason was, even if she doesn't think Dominic cute, it doesn't really matter in hindsight and now that I have overcome the first initial hurt. She has such a horrible life, filled with so much pain, that my little hurt really isn't anything in comparison. So I just try not to dwell on it. But thank you so much for trying to find such a kind explanation :D :hugs:
As for allergy and kitties, I am like you! I would rather take pills every day than get rid a beloved kitty! I had an argument with a friend about something like that once. She said she would be re-homing her cats if she were to have a boyfriend who is allergic. I said no way! He would just not be able to come to my place. My cats are for life, boyfriends come and go (well no not really but you know what I mean lol). Which is why I felt so very very horrible when after a month I had to return Felina (the kitty I adopted before Alfie). But she attacked me, OH and more importantly my boys and that is something I could not risk or tolerate. :(

Storm how is the sickness? Hope you are ok.
I loved Lydia's little dress in the picture on FB :D And her hairdo is so cute! A proper little French bob! I always said that this is what my daughter would have, if I had one. Like that cute little French girl in the Petit Filou adverts :D

How are our other ladies? Rowan and Leeze and kosh and Jules? I am sending many hugs to you all :)

As for us nothing very much new here. Both boys still are very snotty but we took them to the park again yesterday and let them crawl on the grass. They love it so much! :D And then OH took each boy in turn and put them on his shoulders and jogged around the trees for a bit. Both laughed so much! I wanted to film it but OH isn't keen on his picture being taken, let alone featuring a film to be shown to others :/
Oh yes and I wanted to ask, do any of you have any knowledge or experience with lip ties? I am 99% sure that Sebastian has this but I only discovered this recently. The little skin thing that runs from upper lip to gum seems to be attached between his upper teeth. I am not sure what this means and if we have to do something about it. I will probably google it but wanted to see if any of you know anything about this.
Dominic has bitten Sebastian again, this time on the arm. Saw the teeth-marks when we were in the park. They only show up after a little while and we aren't always with the boys to prevent this. But I know Dominic only does it out of affection and exuberance, as he does it to us too. Still, poor Sebastian :(

Hope all are well, sending :hugs: as always
Angel: have not heard of lip ties before. Interested to hear what you find out :thumbup:. And your OH didnt want to be filmed :haha:, man are as vain as we are dont they :haha:.
Ad yes the dogs are a mix of poodle and Bijon. They are the pack leaders of the house :dohh:!!!
Are you still trying to keep the paci just for night time? I wonder if that would help with Dom biting seb? Although they do spit them out when they want to bite something different :dohh:. We are trying to just give thiago his paci during naps and night time. But sometimes he finds them around the house and puts it back in his mouth. Although I have to admit that he does fine without it. OH told me that we need to quit the paci by 18 months or it is bad for their speech. It sure how are we going to do that during the sleep time though. I put about 2 or 3 in his bed and he just loves it. When he wakes up he just goes grabs them and brings them close to his face like it is a teddy bear. So cute:). Oh well, we will figure it out later. Actually I think it is just seb and Dom, thiago and Finn that use pacifiers? Is that right Sabrina?
yep, Finn still uses a pacifier - borboleta!

not a great day - no afternoon nap for LO, it's hot and humid and the neighbours are blasting music (and have for 5 hours), so am very cranky! will post more later....

So ladies we are here for two days arrived after lunch, took the little lady swimming which she loved and then went for dinner in the golf restaurant... That didn't go so well! It was stifflingly hot, L was bored and dh said some people were giving us looks??? Ok she was a bit unsettled but she wasn't that bad! For the most part she stayed in her high chair watching wooly and tig, when she was running about it was only at empty tables and we went at 5.30 to avoid people so get over it! After we went for a quick walk and then back to the room, thankfully I booked a junior suite so there is plenty of floorspace and the little madam has just gone to sleep after giving me the run around for an hour and a half! Dh helped by leaving??? Men eh! How on earth do you ladies who travel with your lo s get them to sleep? L is now in a travel cot (i brought my own travel cot mattress) but I couldn't get her to calm down even in the big bed with me...

The food was lovely, I had chicken strips and chilli dip, steak and chips and apple pudding and ice cream (well about half of each course), then when we came back to the room L jumped on me and I was sick :( bah!

Oh and the dog seems to be doing well after the deep ear cleaning, but she is such a good dog anyway! She's with my dad at the minute so I hope he remembers her meds!

Not much else to report other than its stupid hot and this country isn't used to it, thus no air con in hotel... Roasting...
Yep mega short naps today for us toofar too hot without much breeze today!

Angel, I have no idea about lip ties, maybe a dentist might be able to help? With the smoothies did yiu add milk, without that it can be too thick. Sophia also has a dummy or paci. She only has it to go to sleep with and now she doesn't wake up if it comes out but she seems to need it to drift off. Would love to stop it by when she's 1 but we shall see nearer the time! Angel I know what you mean about over popular parks, luckily where I a, this park is very local, it does not sound as special as your one. I am a great people, watcher though so I love sitting at my window and just watching, must be why rear window is one of my favourite movies!

Borboleta, it's true that dummies can affect speech development and more so with boys, is girls just love to talk whatever it seems!

Storm it looks lovely where you are,what are your plans for tomorrow. Sorry you were sick again, do you have a scan date yet? And yes I could grumble about men too! Yesterday I cooked breakfast and lunch, washed up, got Sophia up, breast feed a lot more than normal because of the heat, changed copious nappies and all I wanted was to be able to properly watch the men's final! But nope OH fell asleep for 4 hours as he stayed up until 2 am, grrrr so I ate his dessert and Ice cream :) he has promised to make it up though! I will be holding him to it.

Right off to try and get some sleep, night x
Forgot to say a leaf fell on Ls head when we went for our walk and she freaked out! Im sure it surprised her but wow what a reaction! Just remembered that after seeing Angels fab photos on fb :)
Kill me now, between Ls sporadic crying and DHS coughing, sleep didnt happen, dh got chucked to the bed settee but I could still hear him given its the same room but at least the bed didn't shake when he coughed. L was in with me from 5.15, she was roasting and so sweaty! She had 30 oz of milk in her sleep and 8 oz of juice first thing.. oh my am I tired... This is why I wouldn't go away for a week!
Charlie: so it is confirmed that the paci is not that good as they get older:(. I have no idea how I am going to stop it. And it sounds like it is warm where most of you ladies are. How many degrees? I guess it doesn't matter if you don't have air conditioning. That is how it was in Brasil!!! Now I would die if I go there and there is no air in the car :haha:.

Storm: what a beautiful place!!! How long are you staying? Your night sounds terrible poor thing. That is why I do not go see my sister in law at the moment that lives 1 1/2 hour away. Don't want to deal with thiago sleeping in a different place. Specially now that we have a good thing going :thumbup:. I am not planning on going to Brasil anytime soon cause I don't want to deal with the airplane either. :haha:. And no A/C in the hotel :growlmad:!! As beatiful as is? I would be mad too. Maybe your OH can take L to do something for a couple of hours and you can take a nap. And the leaf thing made me laugh. Did she just screamed or cry too?
Oh ladies this morning sickness is killing me, I look huge and bloated and about 5 months pregnant and I've just emptied my stomach into nappy bags in the car... Tiredness, heat and ms is a bad bad bad combination :(
we use the pacifier for sleep and for bitings (to stop them!), but he is more than happy to remove himself (and does so) for talking, eating and general life. Finn is very vocal (and we can tell tantrum talking (we tell him to stop swearing!), chatter to the cats and general conversation, etc), so perhaps limit rather than completely stop, borboleta!

It is hot here, but remembering why I got contacts in the first place (I hate sweat under my glasses on my face), so used them today - bliss! Wore a one piece t-shirt A-line dress - bliss! Put the fan on in the living room and put it on a chair, so it circulates around - bliss. Closing the curtains, so it's not as hot in the room - bliss ....It's supposed to be almost 30 here today, but using little tricks learned when I was younger, today is much better. Yesterday, it was yucky and I felt crap, but today is better - also, no loud music from the neighbours and no screaming children on the trampoline - it's too hot for them - hahahahaha (probably when I go downstairs (am upstairs on the top floor as am afraid might wake up LO from his afternoon nap - bliss !), the noise might start again, but it's almost gin&tonic time! (my gin is one shot and a huge amount of tonic, so almost like non-alcoholic and with loads of ice!)

sorry that the holiday isn't much storm, I remember when I was about 3-4 months pregnant, we went away for a few days and I had a horrible headache the whole time (it was the pillows) and NO AIR whatsoever (Ireland's rare heat wave then, okay, probably 15-20, but the room was so stuffy!), but I asked for and got a fan -- can you at least get reception to get one for you (if you are still there?) that might also drown out OH's snoring, too (I speak from experience here....!)

hope all are well - better go do dinner -- I'm having a salad, but my OH will want potatoes with his - WTF? yep, he's Irish....

Oh no, big hugs Storm! :hugs:

Well, finally good news here, AF arrived this morning (only took 7.5 weeks)!!! Of course, the day right after my dr appt. :dohh: But, at least I got some more bloodwork done, thyroid included, so it wasn't a wasted trip I guess. My dr I used to like so much wasn't so great yesterday. He kept saying it must be stress, tough time for me (guess he meant baby?) even though I told him firmly that I am not really that stressed at all (except for this af mystery). Finally I said," look dr I'm not stressed, my baby is a very good baby, he sleeps, he's happy, my husband helps out a lot, I'm finally a sahm, so no more of that stressful job. Can we please stop assuming I'm a stressed out female and start doing some tests?". :haha: He was nicer then, and said we'd do some bloodwork, checking thyroid, hormone levels, and 2 other things (he rattled off medical terms so fast I didn't hear clearly). But what annoyed me the most is that he didn't even ask how Blakey was doing - I hadn't seen him since Blake was halfway through his NICU stay. Grrrrr, not my fav dr anymore!:growlmad:

Sorry for the rant.

Hope you feel better soon, Storm. Sucks it so hot, the heat makes everything even worse! :hugs:

Love to you all! :hugs:
Evening all, well the little madam is asleep at last today she has played in the sand, paddled in the sea, had her first Mr whippy ice cream cone (couldn't believe it when I asked for a tiny cone for her the nice ice cream man put sprinkles on it and gave her it for free and then gave her a free pack of starburst sweets!), eaten sand and promptly vomited, been bathed 3 times, been to a country park, eaten half her body weight in fruit and banged her head off the table... She's also started waving her finger at me and saying no no no no! You have to laugh :)

Kitty I'm glad af arrived and hopefully you will get some test results soon! As for the Dr, they probably never thought to ask after Blake, but I'd be annoyed too!

Sk glad you had a better day today, for us,the temp ranged from 26 to 30 degrees... Too hot for me for sure!

Borboleta air con isn't usual in hotels here cause its always usually cold lol :)

Home in the am. I will be glad to see my dog and my bed and Ls cot.

Oh yes and I had a dummy/pacifier until I was 4 and I can speak perfectly well, managed a degree a masters, numerous computer exams etc. Didn't do me any harm :) L doesn't have one cause she had no interest, believe me I tried! Lol
Evening all, well the little madam is asleep at last today she has played in the sand, paddled in the sea, had her first Mr whippy ice cream cone (couldn't believe it when I asked for a tiny cone for her the nice ice cream man put sprinkles on it and gave her it for free and then gave her a free pack of starburst sweets!), eaten sand and promptly vomited, been bathed 3 times, been to a country park, eaten half her body weight in fruit and banged her head off the table... She's also started waving her finger at me and saying no no no no! You have to laugh :)

Kitty I'm glad af arrived and hopefully you will get some test results soon! As for the Dr, they probably never thought to ask after Blake, but I'd be annoyed too!

Sk glad you had a better day today, for us,the temp ranged from 26 to 30 degrees... Too hot for me for sure!

Borboleta air con isn't usual in hotels here cause its always usually cold lol :)

Home in the am. I will be glad to see my dog and my bed and Ls cot.

Oh yes and I had a dummy/pacifier until I was 4 and I can speak perfectly well, managed a degree a masters, numerous computer exams etc. Didn't do me any harm :) L doesn't have one cause she had no interest, believe me I tried! Lol
Well, not much going on here. Trying to get some sleep in the heat has been tricky... Lucy has been quite restless and she's been sleeping in just shorts and a short sleeve top. Every time I tried to cover her up she promptly moved them, so I figured she was comfortable without it??
Storm - I feel for you at the hotel without air con! I remember being in the Caribbean years ago and I got put in a room without ac!!!! Needless to say I didn't stay too many nights in that room! ;-) not that I can normally really put Northern Ireland and the Caribbean in the same category!! Lol
On top of the 2 bottom teeth that have broken the gum I think I can see a molar starting to make its way through.
Well, another short and sweet post from me as I'm off to try and sleep.
Night all.
Hugs to all. Xxx
Hi lovelies. Sorry again for not keeping up. Thankfully Kia has been sleeping a lot better the last couple of weeks although we're back to late bedtimes.

Clio, we've got a new favourite book. It's called "I'm not cute" and is by Jonathan Allen. It's about a baby owl, and also features a rabbit, fox and squirrel. Kia loves it..Very simple story and cute illustrations .

Charlie - Kia started off liking cloth books, especially ones with bits you can pull on or open. "My monkey book" and "My ducking book" were 2 of her favourites

Angel - re your friend and the comment about Sebastian - is it possible she singled him out because she*s his godmother
By the way, I got my first period! Although was very light.and I even considered it might be implantation bleeding although I took a test and it was negative! Apparently its really common for your first few periods when breastfeeding to be light, and it came around 7do which means my luteal phase is too short to get pregnant. Its a step in the right direction though! I'm 41 this month feel like its now or never! I'm worried about the extreme tiredness and nausea etc. Storm - how is it for you in the first trimester to be looking after a toddler? Sometimes I think its going to be too hard and I get put off the idea. Then I remind myself how worth it they are and how amazing it would be to have 2 once all the sleep deprivation is over !

Hugs to all. XX

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