any other over 35 first time mums?

but it's almost gin&tonic time! (my gin is one shot and a huge amount of tonic, so almost like non-alcoholic and with loads of ice!)

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Why are you putting so little gin in, woman?
Angel- I laughed so much at your gardener post!! I bet we would all love to see what he looks like??!! Esp with this warm weather......I bet he was perspiring through his top!! Lol

I had the most awful time earlier. London ladies will understand most ( I think) I was stuck in the car for over an hour to drive 1 junction on the M25!! I had to abandon my journey as i had Lucy in the car and she was getting understandably grumpy! All I can say is thank god for a/c in my car!!

To all those international friends- the journey that took 1hr should normally take 5mins!!!
My mac wont start so I only have my iPad but I hate typing with one finger. So I will only be able to post and respond once my beloved mac is mended. I really hope I won't have to get a new one!! :cry: Hope you are all well xxx
Hi ladies,

Angel: your story was too funny :haha:!! And your OH getting all jealous :haha:!!! I bet that the cute guy had a big smile on his face when he heard that :haha:!! And I didn't you wish you had some kind of warming that a good looking guy was coming to your house so you could put make up on and get nicely dress :haha:? You know what would've be even funnier is if after you told your OH you had gone get dressed up!! I would pay to get to see his face :haha::haha::haha:!!
And I remember when I got the iPhone I could not get used to typing so fast like most people. But maybe this is a good time to practice:). I got a lot better at it. And the iPad is easier. :winkwink:

Claire: godness getting stuck in traffic with a toddler!!! And 5 min turned into 1 hour :growlmad:!! I would get mad too, poor little Lucy.
I was thinking of you this morning. Are you still thinking about getting married after you have a second baby? I bet you will be a lovely bride:). Do you and your DF talk about when you would get married?

Kosh: love the news about Gael. And how he will not take a nap on a mat at crèche but will try at home :haha:. Kids!!! How was he sleeping before in crèche? In a stroller or they rocked him? And thiago is doing much better with his words. He will say words in Portuguese sometimes and some words in English. He is probably saying about 10 words but it is not constant. He will say it for a while than he quit saying and than he says it again. Although there are some that he just keeps says it all the time like lua ( moon) ball, ...
And hope he is feeling better from his cold poor thing.

Sabrina: I laughed too about the gin&tonic :haha:. You need to come down here and we can go have some margaritas :happydance:!!!

And thanks for all the best wishes for my OH's interview. Can you believe that the man never called him :growlmad:! Then OH called him yesterday and he said that they had to put it on hold, but he never sent OH an apologetic or an explanation to what was happening. So unprofessional.!! I told OH that might be a sign that this is not a good company to work for. :growlmad:
But he does has his second interview today with a different company :happydance:!! He is super excited! It will be about 3 to 4 hours long :wacko:! He really wants this to be a good interview so he is really prepared for it. Pray for us:)!!

Little t is definitely working on his back molars :dohh:!! The poor thing yesterday was whining and had his finger down his mouth, so I gave him some Advil to help him with the pain. I am not putting my finger in there to check though :haha:. I might not have fingers left :haha:. I really hope that they will stop at 20 teeth :haha:.
And yesterday OH said that he thinks as soon as he gets a job we should think about having another one :dohh:. I am still not sold on the idea :haha:. We started the conversation because I was telling him that one lady that I train was telling me how said she is going to be because both of her sons are going away to college now so she will be empty nester. So I told her that I heard a man saying that boys are all about their mommies until they get married, and then they forget their family. So she told me that she will spoil her daughter in law and buy a house by the beach so she will want to be with his family instead of hers :haha:!!! I laughed so hard!!! I thought " man, she really thought this through " :haha:. Than OH said that we need to have a little girl then :dohh:!!
My mac wont start so I only have my iPad but I hate typing with one finger. So I will only be able to post and respond once my beloved mac is mended. I really hope I won't have to get a new one!! :cry: Hope you are all well xxx

Totally understand. :cry: :cry: :cry: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Did you get the three year warranty? Or is your mac even beyond that?

How are you even coping? Do you have a bluetooth keyboard for the iPad? The smaller ones are crap, but it got me through my horrible mac-less experience. I returned the keyboard when I got my mac back, which had been my intention from the start.
Angel--I'm so glad about the books! J's favourite Ten Fingers baby is the really chill little Black boy wrapped in eiderdown. He loves that on the next page, you can see the baby's bellybutton. That's why we had to stop at that page that first time. He asks for it, or "I love you through and through" so often at bedtime. He in particular LOVES the teddy, whom he calls "Boo."

Soon you'll know Ten Fingers off by heart. Trust me.

Um, where we keep J's books...well, everywhere. At night, we collect them with the other toys and put them into one of his toy boxes. Like this:

During the day, he pulls them out when he wants them, so he does have access whenever he wants (unless we are so tired of a book that we hide it). By the end of the day, the books are everywhere again. We tried a bookshelf, but it was getting silly; he just pulled them from there, instead, and he also couldn't see the covers. So, like the rest of the day, the living room is given over to books and toys. And those board books can take a LOT. We have only a few bent covers because the publishers made the cover page too thin, but otherwise, the only damage they have is from J chewing on them, which occurred to exactly 2 books. Otherwise, they're just banged up from use, which I consider a badge of honour. I'm horrible about my own books, though; I want them to be pristine forever and feel a physical pain when something happens to one, so I understand.

That toy is so cool! How clever is Sebastian! Oma gave J the Fisher Price plastic one ages ago, but he showed no interest whatsoever, and was able to pull off the cover so easily as well that he just threw things into the bucket instead. Now I just hand him the cover and let him fit the shapes in that. He can fit exactly one shape: the star (?) :shrug: Looks like Sebastian will probably become an engineer. J will probably become a slack-jawed star gazer. :dohh:

I love the idea of the Dummy Tree in the Zoo! It sounds like a lovely children's story! Do you think you could illustrate children's books? Anyway, I tried to get J to take a dummy during his first few days, but he just wouldn't keep his mouth shut long enough to keep it in. I guess some things never change... Though the dummy has been a life saver for my sister and her LO.

I'm glad you figured out Sebastian's lip tie! Those don't look like benign effects at all. Can they numb toddlers' mouths yet so it won't hurt as much (for him and you!)? And how are the boys and their colds?

And that story about the hot gardener is hilarious! I bet he's so going to make himself look even hotter when he comes again because he knows you fancy him. You'll probably turn a corner in your garden and find him smearing baby oil all over his torso so he'd look even drool-ier. Your poor OH! Must be nice to have him still be jealous. lol!

Kitty--What's Blake learning? And 11 pounds! Wow! You must be so proud! Where is he on the growth charts?

Oh, the shrieking stage. We called J our "baby pterodactyl," and thought it was all hilarious. The best time was while I was on a flight home, and he shrieked for joy the entire 5 hours. Funny thing is, he is starting it again, but I can tell it's in preparation for future toddler meltdowns. These are not screams of joy! He's doing it more and more often and I want to leave him wherever he is when he does it. Sadly, if it's my own living room, there is not much I can do.

kosh--that's too bad about the book! But I agree, it is overwhelming with all the colours. I like the author's other books better right now because J can only name a few items on each page of this one still.

The story of G and the mattress made me laugh! What a funny little boy! Can he actually haul his mattress around? He must be one strong kid!

Borboleta--My thoughts are with you and Glen today! Good luck to him! And I agree--that first company sounds like it wouldn't have worked out if that's how they treat people! But four hours for an interview?! Wow! That's intense! But if he makes it through, that sounds like strong evidence that he knows his stuff.

Your husband wants another one? Am I going to be the only one who has only one in the end? Charlie, are you planning another? SK--still thinking about adoption?

I wonder if that woman is right: that your boy adores you until he gets married. I know that OH and his mom are very close and call each other every day and even see each other three times minimum a week because of the boy. And yet, strangely, you would never call OH a "Mama's boy." He just likes his mom a lot. But I also know that Oma, with her three sons, always wanted a girl so she could go through pregnancy with her, and have unquestioned access to the baby when it was born. This actually broke my heart (as it will probably be my future, too), but since my mum wasn't here for the vast majority of my pregnancy, we took Oma with us to ultrasounds, and shopping to prepare for the baby. I would also pull my shirt up so she could see the baby move, and I would make sure she could feel him whenever he kicked if we were together. I remember once uncovering my huge, blue veined, straining belly (I was a week away from popping) in front of my MIL and BIL and thought how strange it was that I wasn't even embarrassed. Later, after Eric and I told her she was allowed to be with J anytime she wished, she thanked me; she said she had never had such access to a grandchild. All because she had three sons. :nope: What if this happens to all of us mothers of boys?

Poor little T and his teeth! But if these are his back molars, and the canines are in, aren't you then finished? No more Advil, no more anguish, no more fear of losing fingers... Turns out J is teething at least five teeth (four molars and at least one canine), and his mood has been rotten for the last few days. He's also not napping, so that doesn't help. I just keep dosing with Advil and Tylenol. I was so happy to read that I could increase the dosage because J finally hit the minimum weight for it.

Claire--I totally forgot about your wedding! Just like B asked, are you going to have it still? How do your families feel about your current marital status? My sister is refusing to marry her partner, with whom she has a child (not for moral reasons--it's simply that she wants a huge wedding and can't afford one), and my father is freaking out to the point where he won't even talk to my sis's OH (poor guy!). Ah, old school Europeans. Can't join 'em, can't change their minds. :dohh:

Leeze--after Storm's and Rowan's stories, I wouldn't discount that "one time." Storm, didn't you say that you didn't even DTD on or all that near O this last time?

SK--that lump sounds alarming! Does it hurt when you touch it? Do you think it could just be a cyst? Good luck at the doctor's and tell us what they say! And how's the hay fever?

Charlie--I think we were talking recently about how similar J and S are. I think this all the time when you tell us stories about S. How do you feel about arranged marriages? I'm sure you and I could pull it off discretely...

Storm--I'm sorry but I had to laugh at your weekend story. You had this lovely first post with that webpage of that gorgeous place, and such a happy Lydia, and then it all goes down from there. No sleeping, no a/c, vomiting from L and you, snoring... I feel badly, too, though, but I'm also beginning to wonder when the luck of the Irish starts kicking in for you! I'm so glad the first and second days were so lovely after that night!

As for us--A day or two ago, during J's shot we discovered that, at 19 mths, J weighs only 24 lbs! He's on the 25% still, like 6 months ago, but has moved up to 75% in height (he started out at 50% for both and has been moving steadily up and steadily down). So, not so short stuff, as I thought--he's getting long and skinny. BUT, it's all in the torso; this explains why his 2 year old shirts aren't long enough to cover his diaper! Also doesn't help that most of his 18 months pants fall down all the time. :haha:

Charlie and Kitty--while talking to the nurse, she asked me how J eats--is he picky? I said we did BLW so he eats everything. She said she had never heard of this before, thought it was fascinating, and so I gave her Gil Rapley's name. She says that she's going to teach the practice at her new mothers' group, which ends when the baby is 6 months. She actually thought parents should really know about this option. Cool!

Oh, and OH did get his act together somewhat, and started to take J out again, but I think he's only done it twice since we talked about it. I'm actually starting to get quite pi$$ed off at him. He doesn't want to take the boy anywhere and knows I can't if I go alone. He claims it's because he has work to do, but then he sits in the living room with us, doing his work and feeling justified in ignoring J or acting extremely irritated if the boy tries to get his attention. And then he complains later about how he's getting nothing done. :growlmad: So I've been kicking him out of the living room to go work somewhere else. It just reminds me of my father; he ignored us or was irritated by us for years because we interrupted his work. But at least he had his own work space in another part of the house!
lump was, as I thought, just a cyst! doctor not too worried about missing AF and thinks I've just a had a bit of a lingering virus (like mono, but one that will take some time to go....).

LO is good spirits - had his last of the before school vaccinations with daddy in attendance...nothing else...

Hey ladies - just a quick one, not feeling good - boke city.

SK glad it was only a cyst thats a relief!

Angel I laughed at the gardener thing - OH must have been jealous :) Oh and our books are in a plastic tub but more than often all over the floor!

Borboleta I hope that your DHs second interview went well! Oh and ladies with boys as for the sons growing up and leaving their mums my 2 brothers never did! People were often surprised at how close they still were to my mum and my mum had HUGE involvement with all their kids, which is partly why I feel so so so so sad that L won't get that. My mum looked after my first nephew for the first year when my SIL went back to work, she only stopped when my SIL got pregnant with my neice and took a career break. My mum had an amazing relationship with my brothers and both my SILs... she used to say it was rubbish about boys leaving as hers never did, I guess it depends on the people!

Clio yes you are right we didnt manage to DTD on my peak day, but we did the day before... I guess the little guys were lying in wait!

Kitty sounds like Blake is doing fantastically - you guys have come a long way from his early arrival!

Charlie and Clio if you guys are going for an arranged marriage for S and F I want and invite - hehehe

As for us, its so warm L has pretty much had nothing on but a nappy all day, she was in her paddling pool at 9am while I lay in bed dying may I add and she is roasting, she even has a heat rash - we just can't cope with this immense heat! The dog is dying too - after her walk this afternoon she keeled over, she was grand after tonights walk though.

I on the otherhand (sorry TTC ladies) am dying a death, I made dinner for DHs parents tonight and I started being sick during the cooking process, sick after it and sick just now.. I am so so so so fed up. I have some tablets left so ive taken one now and I'm going to be begging the dr for more. Being sick in this heat is ridiculously unfunny - I'm a broken woman today.

OK time to go - need to try and get some sleep, love to all x
Storm- big hugs to you for the ms. It must be so hard in the heat. I hope the doctor can give you some more tablets.

Borboleta and Clio- re: the wedding. I am still planning on marrying, but just not sure when I will get around go it? The priority is to move house, ttc no 2 and then think about a wedding. Ideally I would like to be pregnant when Lucy turns 2 in jan or shortly after. I am led to believe though that you actually have to have some kind of sexual contact with ones partner??!! Lol
My family do not have a problem with my "living in sin" arrangement.....thankfully ;-))

Right off to bed for me!

This is what Lucy has her books in......or in most cases, out of!! Lol:winkwink:
Claire: we have the same book holder:). And is your DF excited about having another one first or getting married you think? Do you want t big wedding? Cause if you dont than you might want to think about getting married soon before you get pregnant so you can buy a beautiful dress and it will fit you like a glove rather than having to wait for you wait to go back to where it was after the baby:).

Storm: I am so sorry you are suffering so much with this pregnancy. I would want to die too!!! Hate nausea and vomiting. Heartburn was bad but nothing worst than vomiting and nausea. And by the way since L is so crazy and thiago is so laid back I think we need to have an arranged marriage between L and little t like S and J :haha:. Thiago needs some action in his life :haha:!!

Sabrina: so happy to hear that your lump was nothing serious. I bet you felt a big relief!! And that Finn is his happy normal self again:). Hope teething gave him a break:).

Clio: yes little t than will be done once he gets his last 4 molars. Maybe I should try to see if there is something in there. I might put gloves on though :haha:.
You made a good point about the boys and their mommies. Boys are just different. And once you have a daughter in law as connect as you can be you are still not their mother, so you will always have that barrier wondering if you can say something to your daughter in law without sounding rude. Cause you are afraid that she will tell your son that she does not want to have you around that much. If we think about it us women have a powerful role in our family dynamic. At least most of us do:). I think I told you girls this before, but my dad has a cousin and his wife kept him and their kids from visiting his family for a long time. And his mom is the most wonderful person ever. :growlmad: I hope thiago will marry a nice girl and I might take that lady's advice and spoil my daughter in aw too so I can hang out with my grandkids more often ( if I am still alive by than :haha:).
And yes OH wants another one, but I am not sold on it just yet. But I think Kosh is done I think. So you are not alone Clio:).

OH's interview went great :happydance:. He was there for 5 hours :wacko:!! Talked to 6 people!!! And they all seem to like him specially the CEO of the company. They will probably give him an answer beginning of next week I think. I will keep you all posted:). Hope this is it!!!!!!!!!
Ideally I would like to be pregnant when Lucy turns 2 in jan or shortly after. I am led to believe though that you actually have to have some kind of sexual contact with ones partner??!!

Total urban myth. I can't believe people still believe it.
:hi: ladies!

Remember me?

I hope you don't mind me stalking a bit once in a while.

Congrats to Storm on new pregnancy & to Angel on her new gardner!

Everyone's LOs look so much older & bigger!
You ladies make me laugh! Sadly I doubt that OH was jealous of the gardener. He just wanted to tease me ;) It did make me laugh too, later, though but I hardly looked the guy in the face while he was here. And neither of them took off their shirts. I actually heard the younger guy say "Shame we cannot take off our shirts, it's so hot." So I wonder if maybe that is company policy. They come from your local garden centre which belongs to the Prince's Trust. But even if they had taken their shirts off, I could hardly peak through the curtain, imagine if they had seen me! lol I am not sure when they will be back, Mr Yummy said he would let me know when they had time cause usually they don't do returfing. But he will for me. :) But is so nice to have one's garden cleared! It looks so much bigger all of a sudden (though is still tiny.) Yesterday evening Nick and I sat out on our bench reading/playing silly phone app games (him!), watching the sprinkler do its work. It was balmy and lovely. :)

Indigo welcome back! I often wondered why you left us!! How are you and Niko doing?
A bit cooler today and LO slept okay-ish last night with me (woke up at 3am, but after being brought onto the bed, thankfully fell back asleep until about 6.30/7am - almost a lie-in!) and seems better overall (or else, I'm feeling better?)....

Not much else here,, nothing!

actually, a quick question re: books. We have loads of proper books, but Finn seems happiest with thick cardboard books as he tends to try and tear the paper of other books, brochures, circulars, we tend to leave only his undestructable books lying around -- anybody else have a paper shredder as well?

Yep, two shredders here! And both of them manage to break spines on thicker books too. They just bend them back and around till it breaks. Hm :(
Hey Indigo, how are things with you?

I too have a shredder SK, and a doodler on and eater of crayons!

Borboleta I'm all for T calming influence on L! Glad to hear things are going well for DH! Fingers crossed...

It's hot again today and I'm feeling ridiculously unwell, meds and all. Back to work on Tuesday and have my first hospital appt on Tuesday evening?? No idea what for as I think the dating scan is 2 and a half weeks away.

Better go as little madam is,back...
Huh. Shredders don't sound good! Sounds like you have good reason to put them away, Angel!

So J made his first verbal joke. And can you believe it--it's a fart joke! We don't really understand the joke, but he went off into peals of laughter after he said it. So:

Daddy is changing diaper. Jonah toots.

OH: Toot!!!
J: Baby toot!!! (laugh laugh laugh laugh)

He been going around all morning saying it, so he is very proud of his first joke, whatever it may mean.

Hope you're all well and not throwing up too much! XOXO And welcome back, Indigo!
Angel, Clio, Storm :hi:

I always loved this thread & group, but couldn't keep up. :shrug::blush:

Niko & I are well. He's 1! I can't believe how quickly time flew! He's 26 lbs & 32" & thank god he's walking because he's HEAVY! Lol

I'm so envious that your Los are into books. I was a Lit major, so try to imagine my disappointment....N can't be bothered w them. I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong. Right now, he's into walking, pulling & pushing stuff along, brushing his & my teeth & hair, climbing & pretending to fix stuff because "it's loose!" Lol

I wanted another for a long time, but my DH was adamantly against it until now. Now he wants another, but as he's transitioning into 1 nap/day....I'm seeing the light/freedom at the end of the tunnel & my desire for another has dissipated into oblivion. I think it was the hormones fueling my desire. The thought of TTC, being pregnant & another CS....:nope:

Plus, I'm 41...:wacko:

Is anyone else contemplating another?

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