any other over 35 first time mums?

hey ladies way behnd as usual!!

congratulations storm :) nappy changing with ms is hard huh! I used to suck mints all the time :)

were good, v v busy! challengin afternoon today, no nap for Martha and hell to pay! dh left stairgate open after he'd gone out and she got upstairs when i was feeding michael, then when i went to get wipes before changing a v horrid nappy for martha, i came back in the room and she was pressing a vest over his face...yikes! think she was trying to wipe his drool she was v upset in a hurt feelings way when i shouted, then she nearly broke my nose on the next nappy change and was v deliberately i shut her in the playpen and told her i was v upset that she had kicked e. is it too early for a naughty step? other than that she is gorge and brill, but lordy lets hope she naps normally from now on!

michael gorge, rolling over, laughing, lovely - loving his new milk nutramigen, am waiting for consultant appointment, his reflux isnt too bad either fingers crossed!

2 under 2 is hard work, but I think itll be great later on, already theyre acknowledging eachother and its lovely michaels face lights up when martha walks into the room and she laughs her socks off when he laughs and she tries to entertain him with rattles etc and wipes his sick with a bib - she has fallen on him once, yikes but she felt bad about it - i think this time next year will be brill...i hope so lol

re dummies were restricting marthas to nap time only and thought it would be v hard as she likes 3 at once but its working up to now and shes chattering loads more, she regressed a lot during my recovery and michaels first few weeks but is gaining ground again - she lost all the words she knew but is starting again - wierd huh!

she is a joy to be around usually (apart from when she throws food) so as scarlett used to say tomorrow is another day....

really hope all you ladies and your lovely babies are good i try to keep up as much as poss on fb - must try to get to bed before midnight tonight, am up and down all night with one or the other, not feeds for michael but hes in his crib and is so wiggly he gets stuck - cot for him at the weekend then he'll have lots of room

Rowan I don't know how you do it! L will be just over 2 and I'm sure that will be hard enough :) Just think though, when I'm hitting the nightmare you will be out the other side!

Leeze the ms and exhaustion and a crazy kid is hard going! I've been very vomity this time and its interesting when you are trying to be sick and there is a tiny person grabbing you cause they don't want you bring sick! That said if I didn't do it now I probably never would! Not so much the age thing but the going back to having a newborn! L loves other kids so I hope she likes her sibling!

L was a nightmare at breakfast today, she screamed and cried so much dh had to take her out while I gagged down a bowl of cereal, then I took her out while he had a huge fry! I am the parent with the badly behaved child!
Good morning ladies :)

Borboleta I read a bit online about lip ties. No wonder Sebastian would not latch on at all when I tried to BF! Apparently children with lip ties find this difficult. I don't think Dominic has it, so I guess his not latching properly was largely my fault for not positioning him correctly or something.
It seems that ideally the tie should be cut as in toddlers it can cause:

- A gap in-between the two top teeth requiring braces (but then I always thought both my boys would have braces, as I certainly needed them)
- Cavities in the four top front teeth as food is unable to escape freely
- Speech issues
- Dental issues
I will have to talk to my GP about this. But the thought of cutting anything on my lovely little pixie boy is horrendous! Submitting him for his vaccinations was bad enough! :cry:
As for the paci, yes we largely only give them for the night or naps. But we take them out with us too when we go shopping or to the park, so that if the boys get tired and upset, we can give those to comfort them. Sounds like we plug them to be silent but I don't think that is so, as we encourage all their shouts and hoots etc. and join in with them shamelessly (well not when they shout in shops etc but as often as we can). Plus they never have a problem with crying like mad while keeping the dummies in their mouths lol. But we don't just have 2 or 3 in their bed but at least 10 (!) so that they are never far from one when/if they wake at night. It really has made a difference to Dominic's sleeping. He often half wakes for a tiny moment, puts a dummy in his mouth, grabs his muslin and drops off again. If he has to search for the dummy and the muslin, he tends to wake fully and cry. Same with Sebastian though he very rarely cries. So we have two muslins in with the boys too now to make it easier to find one, too. I think we will take away their dummies when they are old enough to understand the story of the dummy fairy and the tree. Apparently there is a tree in the Zoo in Zurich full of dummies, where children can go and hang up their dummies :) Cute idea I think! And maybe we shall do it there when we visit my mum one day :)

Sabrina yep, like Finn the dummy doesn't deter Dominic from biting either. :(
Glad you felt better yesterday and hopefully today will be even better and that the neighbours will go away for the rest of the nice weather!

Storm what a lovely place you went to and what a shame that the sleeping arrangements and your MS and the heat ruined it for you :(
Maybe people stared in the dining room cause you have such a beautiful lively child and they envied you? :)
I have such a fear of no sleep with the boys that I decided not to go to Switzerland this summer. Mum is sad but I just don't want to upset our lovely routine. The thought of the boys not settling down in a strange place and crying all night... horror! lol I don't think I will ever recover from the stress of those first 10+ months and I do not know how Leeze, Claire, Kosh and you still cope without going gaga!
Glad your dog is doing well though and I bet she will be happy for you to come home :D
How is your dad doing? And any news on your friend and his cancer? xx

Charlie for the smoothies I did add yoghurt and milk but the amount fruit we had wasn't enough so that the lollies just tasted of bland yoghurt. But I will try again :) They certainly loved the fruit pot ones with honey I made them. Dominic had two in the time it took Sebastian to eat one. lol He is so greedy and Sebastian SUCH a slow eater.
Letting your OH sleep for 4 hours was extremely kind of you if he stayed up till 2 for no other reason than watching a film or something like that! And you totally deserved to eat his dessert and ice cream. lol

Kitty Aw shame for AF showing! I was hoping you might be preggers after all. :hugs: But how typical for it to show when you just went to your docs to have things checked out lol. But I still hope your obgyn can give you answers what was going on. When will they have the results?
And I can totally understand that you were disappointed that your doctor didn't ask after Blake. How odd of him not to! Unless he felt you talked about him already when you mentioned that he is a good baby etc? Still, he could have used that opportunity to say that it is good to hear he is doing well and so on. Hm :(

Claire I was thinking of you and Lucy (and Leeze and Kosh) when it got so hot and wondered if sleep would now deteriorate into even worse? How on earth are you still sane? lol
Hopefully her new molars coming won't bother Lucy too much. Sounds as though her teeth might suddenly be coming in fast one after another hm? How has she been with teething so far?

Leeze how wonderful to hear the Kia is sleeping better! I guess a late bedtime isn't ideal but as long as you get at least one stretch of a good few hours it does make a huge difference to the day, doesn't it.
Yay for AF and ttc. I really hope it will work as quickly for you as it did for Storm and Rowan :D And yes, having two children is utterly wonderful, I assure you. :D Though of course I realise that having two little ones of different ages will be a different challenge than having twins, which is actually not so hard any more now that they are older. At least not with mine, as they behave very well most of the time and sleep well too now. And maybe you will be lucky and won't have such bad MS as Storm does, the poor thing. I am crossing my fingers for you anyway. :)
And you are right about Andrea, it could well be that this is why she singled out Sebastian, even though she never said anything complimentary about either of them since they were tiny. :shrug:

Rowan how lovely to hear from you! Any chance of some newer piccies of your cute MnMs?
I am glad that Martha seems to love Michael already and vice versa. I was wondering if perhaps she would get jealous. So glad that she isn't :) And I do think next year will be great with the two of them.
And I am so impressed that Michael is already rolling over! Seems you have another little genius in him :D
Glad to hear that his reflux isn't so bad and that he loves the milk still :)
Does Martha still not sttn then, that you get up with her? I do hope you get the chance to sleep a bit from time to time you poor thing! :hugs:

Clio I ordered and got the two books you recommended and Sebastian sat on my lap and let me read the entire "Ten little fingers and ten little toes" one to him! He seems to really like that one. Dominic wanted to turn the pages himself but also seemed to look at the pictures longer than usual. But I think he preferred the "I love you through and through" more cause he kept flicking through it, even when we were done reading it and while Sebastian was studying "Ten little fingers". Usually he immediately wants what Sebastian has but this time he took his time with his own book. So yay and thank you for recommending them :D

Actually that reminds me of a question I wanted to ask you all: Where do you keep your LOs books? Do they reside in a shelf accessible to them or do you give them their books and put them away again when you are done? And if the latter, how often and how long during the day do you let them have books? Our books are stuffed into our bookcase where ever we can find a gap and we give them books about maybe once or twice a day and put them away when they seem to move on to other things. The boys don't ask for books yet, or at least not as far as I can tell lol. Actually, Dominic's only word apart from Daddy (and maybe mummy) is gooyg which definitely means book. But he says that a lot about the soft fabric books too (those they have access to all day) so it isn't as if he asks that we give him books. We also give them books to look at when we change their nappies as this is the most effective way to keep them from wriggling or downright fighting us. I wondered if perhaps we should have a child-friendly small bookcase somewhere but I don't want them to just rip out all books, have them strewn all over the floor and bent backwards and then not even read. But maybe I am being too precious about them?
In other news, I prevented Dominic from eating a live woodlouse this morning :sick:. I had the windows open a tiny bit in the sitting room all night to let some fresh cool air in and I guess the woodlouse must have come in that way. So this morning when I had put Dominic in the sitting room and went to get Sebastian as well, I just managed to rescue that poor woodlouse from his greedy little hand when I came back in! It was on the way to his mouth but my shouting stopped him with his mouth already open. lol Ew.
Last week or so ago we bought them this Wooden Shape Sorter box as we noticed that Sebastian was keen on putting things through the holes of their tunnel. He loves this toy! The yellow lid with the shape holes comes off too easily for him to actually push the shapes through and into the box but he does like fitting it onto the box. He also likes to hold just the lid and then try to push the shapes through that way. He so far only really manages to put the round one through but doesn't unerringly find the correct hole. But he does know unerringly that the round shape will only fit through if held upright. So I think this is a good toy to make him think and try things out. Dominic just likes the noise the shapes make when thrown into the box and it is a very satisfactory noise, I must admit.
They both like these stacking cubes but we only gave them the smaller 5 so far. They love fitting them into each other and rattling them around and Sebastian will try and build small towers with them, until Dominic wades in and knocks them over :dohh: It is quite clear that Sebastian is much better at focusing and playing by himself. Dominic wants noise and attention. He is best with games that involve us. For example he is much better at body parts than Sebastian cause it involves playing with us.
They both still have snotty noses but Sebastian's is worse. He wipes his face and the snot goes every where! I just wiped some snot-strands off his eyelashes and there was some dried on his forehead with some of his hair glued to it, ew! If they would let me wipe their noses properly it wouldn't be so bad but of course they hate this so much that they cry if I insist and fight with surprising strength! Actually Sebastian quite likes the nose suction bulb, the odd boy that he is but he won't hold still long enough to do more than extract a long strand, which he then proceeds to smear all over himself again. Sorry if that is TMI. lol I really hope that cold clears soon! We didn't go to gymboree yesterday cause of the quantity of smeared snot. Not fair to the other children I think.
Sebastian is starting to stand without support too now cause we make it into a game and clap when he does it for a good amount of time. And when we clap for Dominic he laughs and sometimes claps too and vice versa :cloud9:
Hm what else, oh yes we are going to try to drop them down to one nap today. When we put them down for their nap in the morning they now often sleep for an hour and a half or even up to an hour and fifty. But the afternoon nap is a different story. The last few days Sebastian has refused to sleep at all and often wakes Dominic by standing by the bars, by twittering at him and throwing dummies at him. But even when I take Sebastian out of the room when Dominic has fallen asleep, Dominic never seems to sleep much longer than 30 minutes. So maybe they are ready? I am expecting a very whiney Dominic come their lunch time but hopefully lunch will distract him and then they can sleep shortly after that, so around noon. We shall see how that works out. Wish me luck :)

Ok I started this post shortly after 6 when I got woken up and it took me till now to finish. I better go now and have another coffee before lunch is due.
Hope you are all well and am sending you :hugs: as usual :)
Angel, woodlouse, yuk lucky Dominic for having an observant mummy! Imagine what children eat when parents don't notice!! Yey for standing Sebastian :) it's so amazing how both of your boys have such different personalities, amazing and wonderful to have such different characters and see them grow! Sophia's personality is resembling mine in many traits, I do often wonder if we are lucky enough to have another if they would be very different to Sophia.

About the dummies I think you made a great point mentioning that you don't use them to keep the boys quiet. What I had read was about delayed speech development and emotional development, in that over use of dummies inhibits emotional expression, mainly in boys. But to use dummies as a soother when tired to help sleep etc is one thing but I think this study probably more than likely applies when using the dummy to keep children and babies quiet, which is quite different. We only use it for sleep but I have been amazed at how many of my OH's family and my mum ( who hates dummies) have frequently just popped the dummy in Sophia's mouth because it was there and then I become nagging mother and remove it! I have been pretty anal about not using the dummy when Sophia is awake and chatty and I am sure I have annoyed many people with that as I know some people love dummies on babies. For me they do their job but I don't like think they are cute, but that's me!

Kitty love, sorry the doc didn't ask about Blake I second what Angel said. I hope yiu get some answers soon or that it all regulates itself soon.

Storm sorry to hear MS is still going on :( hope you all settle at home and get some decent shut eye. We are away this weekend to see the in laws in Amsterdam, no idea how things will work out with sleep!

Advice from breastfeeding mums please...I have a serious case of wonky, lopsided boobs! Sophia just loves the left one and not so much the right one, so now I have one approx G cup boob and one possibly E :( what can I do if, anything to balance this out. there has alway been a booby preference and wonkiness, but now it's so obvious and odd looking, I am not even sure my least popular boob is actually lactating anymore at all!

Right, now need to go and take my mums dog to the vet...she 16 and still plodding on!
angel - I know about lip/tongue ties! Gael had a tongue tie (aka TT :winkwink:), luckily a BF adviser noticed it after all the failing advise re. why he could not latch at all :nope: we got a referal to the local hospital and he got it cut when he was 4weeks old. I was soooo worried but the surgeon was a lovely lady and teh whole thing took less than 2min. not only that but, listen to this, Gael actually slept through the procedure!! :shrug:
mind you, maybe that's why he wakes so much now? maybe he thinks something will happen to him during his sleep? :haha:
It seems his case was not too bad, but I think it is true that it can cause speech problems. be careful, because GPs are not trained enough about it, as I think a few years back it was dismissed as a real problem, so less and less doctors actually do know what they are looking for. the surgeon told us she gets referals from as far as Leeds and Edinburgh!!
I know there is a website (can't remember now, but I will look it up if you want) where you can send them a picture and they will do an 'on-line diagnostic'.
Did Seb have any other symptoms when trying to feed? Babies with LP and/or TT shake their heads and tight their fists :nope:

charlie - oh the lopsided boobs, I've been there too :haha: mine were size C and size G! but I think in my case was due to real differences in storage capacity and latch, so I tried really hard to feed him from the smaller boob. If Sophia is just prefering one over the other I don't know if there is anything you can really do? Unless it's a positioning preference so you can try a different hold (as in rugby hold)? to be honest I don't knwo how much of what I did actually helped or if it was my supply (and boob size) just going down slowly. but yes, the first thing to try would be to block feed from the cup E :winkwink:

will write more later, hope all are well :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Angel: I hope the boys do well for you with the one nap. So you don't want to keep them awake till 9:30om :haha:!! I think we just got so used to having little t wake with us until we decide to go to bed that one nap seems something far far away:). And he never skips his naps during the day. So he has a good routine that works for us at the moment. But sometimes I wonder till when can we keep doing the two naps with him. Maybe when he is 2 :haha:.
Oh and we keep thiago's books in a little bookcase like this one:

So he can go and grab his books whenever he wants. The house is already a mess so some books on the floor and couch is no big deal :haha:.
What is a woodlouse? Sounds nasty whatever it is :haha:.

Rowan: so good to hear from you!! After hearing your story with two babies I am definitely waiting or maybe even stop considering having another one :haha:!! I am just so happy with just little t. Things are a lot easier now that he is bigger. But sometimes I feel bad that he doesn't have anyone to play with. And sometimes I think if he has a personality to be a only child or to have a sibling. I know a friend of mine that has 3 and I think that her second one would be super happy just being an only child. He just has that kind of personality. I don't know.

Leeze: yay for better sleep and for ttc. I hope that you and kitty get that bfp soon:).

Storm: I love you comment on fb when you mentioned that you need vacation after going on vacation with a toddler :haha:!! So true!! :haha:

Claire: :happydance: for more teeth for L!!! So now she is up to 7 or 8?

Do you UK ladies have A/C in your houses?

OH is going for a second interview with a company and has another interview today:)!!! Hope something will come out of any of those interviews!!
We had a good time yesterday. My mother in law watched thiago and OH and I went to see world war z with brad Pitt. It is a great movie. Not full of blood and weird zombies. Just makes you think if good forbidden a virus spreads quickly how devastating that can be. Scary!

Okay little t is up. Have to go:).
grumble - had a nice longish message, but the computer gremlin ate!

borboleta - good luck to OH for interviews....
glad to see news from leeza and rowan!

hugs to all!


ps. Finn went to wobblers today for a visit (transition to the next level) and saw/played with one of his favourites (she's an older woman!) and it is nice to know that they haven't forgotten each other!
Angel, Kia tries to catch bees! Not sure if she plans to eat them but she tries to grab them! We put her books on high shelves and lift her up to get them down it they're too accessible she tends to rip pages out or draw all over them

Charlie, re favouring one boob - Kia definitely used to but seems ok with both now. I think just keep offering both in turn and give the least favourite when she's particularly hungry XX
Borboleta no ac in houses over here, I do have oil fired central heating though :) its so warm tonight L is away to bed in just a nappy with a sheet. She had a little nightie on but she was drenched in sweat.

Must sleep, dying with ms today :(
Thanks Kosh and Leeze, I will try those time from tomorrow, especially when she is really hungry first thing in the morning.

Borboleta, good luck to your OH with the interviews, I hope something comes from them .

Night ladies x
Charlie- no advice really re: the wonky boob issue. Lucy did seen to have a preference but never to the extent of yours. I hope you can "even" things out.
What happens If you pump from it??
Am hot with embarrassment! The gardeners are here today and one of them is just sooo handsome and so tall and so fit and bronzed and has such blue eyes with dark hair which I think is... :drool: !! Drool! But I made the mistake to tell Nick that I found him handsome (minus the drool part) and just now he shouted across the flat, I'll look after the boys, you go and flirt with your handsome gardener! And who was just outside the kitchen door? This :blush: smiley doesn't even come close! lol And of course the guy is about ten years younger than me and must think what does that old biddy want of me?! DIE!
Am hot with embarrassment! The gardeners are here today and one of them is just sooo handsome and so tall and so fit and bronzed and has such blue eyes with dark hair which I think is... :drool: !! Drool! But I made the mistake to tell Nick that I found him handsome (minus the drool part) and just now he shouted across the flat, I'll look after the boys, you go and flirt with your handsome gardener! And who was just outside the kitchen door? This :blush: smiley doesn't even come close! lol And of course the guy is about ten years younger than me and must think what does that old biddy want of me?! DIE!


---eta: I'm not laughing at you, of course, but the thought of your OH shouting that is so funny!
Am hot with embarrassment! The gardeners are here today and one of them is just sooo handsome and so tall and so fit and bronzed and has such blue eyes with dark hair which I think is... :drool: !! Drool! But I made the mistake to tell Nick that I found him handsome (minus the drool part) and just now he shouted across the flat, I'll look after the boys, you go and flirt with your handsome gardener! And who was just outside the kitchen door? This :blush: smiley doesn't even come close! lol And of course the guy is about ten years younger than me and must think what does that old biddy want of me?! DIE!

:haha: he's probably flattered! Did you watch desperate housewives? There was a rather gorgeous gardener in that! Reminds me of that! Enjoy ogling!
Charlie- no advice really re: the wonky boob issue. Lucy did seen to have a preference but never to the extent of yours. I hope you can "even" things out.
What happens If you pump from it??

I haven't pumped for a while but will try when I get back from weekend away.

Sophia took more from that one this morning when hungry but still guzzled away on her favourite side. I think my let down on the right one may be slower :shrug:
aarrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I had the longest post ever and when I clicked submit it all dissapeared :grr:
(luckily I had saved some of the post as I had started it last night!)

storm - how are you feeling? I really don't know how you do it with MS and a toddler! same for you rowan! a baby and a toddler - but how nice that they already have a nice relationship!

kitty - sorry about AF showing up, but at least you know what's happening now and you can start again! :growlmad: re the doctor not asking about Blake

borboleta - how was your OH interview?

leeze - :happydance: for AF!! so are you actively TTC now?

sabrina - yay for Finn moving up to wobblers! hope he enjoys it there!

Gael officially moved to 'caterpillars' last week after two weeks of settling in (someone I think it was storm? mentioned they had a month of settling in period? I am jealous!) and it's going ok but not great. He loves to play there and all the new challenges (they have climbing frames etc) but he's def not too happy with his new key worker yet, so we are almost back to square one with the crying when I leave :nope: the other day we bumped into his old key worker (an older lady too sabrina) who he absolutely adored and he put his arms out to be held and started to wave goodbye at me. It was so sweet and sad at the same time that he can no longer be with her. :cry:

Re. sleeping on mats at nursery – well I was hoping G will surprise me (like Lydia and Kia) but no luck so far. Not only that but he developed a phobia - now as soon as they put the mats out for the other kids, he gets really upset :nope: so they are getting him to nap in a pushchair for now until he’s more settled in the new room and they will then try to move him to the mats. Good luck to them. Funnily enough, for the past week, at bedtime, he asks me to get the mattress from his cot (which he doesn’t use) and put it on the floor. He then lays there with his jellycat monkey and ‘requests’ to be covered with a blanket and patted on the bum! :cloud9: But then he starts to wriggle and gets up and moves the mat to a different location, etc etc. so he is- trying, if only he laid still and closed his eyes! :dohh:

angel - re. 'counting screws' on our metro journeys, I didn't mean G. he's miles from being able to count - he points and I count! his speech is coming on slowly I think, but I guess that would be expected as he’s being brought up bilingual? How's T's speech borboleta?

Re. Andrea’s comment – another thought: did she say that Seb was cute or that his picture was cute? A friend of mine has this way of detaching herself from situations that upset her. When I showed her my wedding pictures, she didn’t say how nice (or not! :haha:) I looked, she said that the pictures were nice. It may be a very subtle difference, but knowing her, to me that meant that she actually didn’t want to comment on the fact that I was getting married. When I had my MMC, I was nearly 40 and I thought that was my last chance to have a baby. The few times I had to congratulate a pregnant lady I felt absolutely awful and I would have rather not said anything at all. This is no excuse for your friends comment (or lack of) and I totally understand why you were hurt (I would have felt exactly the same), but maybe she just cannot deal with the situation properly.
How is she doing by the way, is she recovering?

clio - I owed you a reply re. the colour book. to be honest, I think Gael was a bit overwhelmed by it :haha: so for the moment it's back on the shelf! he's not at a stage where he points at things and asks what it is yet, and it doesn't matter how much I repeat words he says only the ones he wants! our new one is shoe, which should be 'zapato', but comes out as 'pao'! one of my favourites is ‘get down’ (comes out as ‘te-town’ :cloud9:) – he says it while he’s climbing onto something, I guess that’s what he’s told at nursery all day! :haha:

Gael was ill over the weekend, had an ear infection and 39.2 fever :nope: we were both really tired as he wanted to sleep on me all the time. He’s much better now, but has a very blocked nose that doesn’t let him breathe properly so he snores.

Well, that was a very long post from me!

Claire - :hi:

formatting question - how do you add a link attached to a word, like angel does?
hayfever very bad today...growl!

I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow to see what to do about thyroid/AFs, etc, but found a lump on my breast (on, not in) and me thinks it's the usual cyst that I get periodically, e.g. when very stressed (and it looks like a pimple), but will have the GP check as well.

Finn has the last of his vaccinations tomorrow (the rest when he goes to school), but daddy will take him, so hopefully Finn won't miss me too much....sob

can't think of anything else, sorry....bye!
Angel, that made me laugh so hard! How embarrassing! Can't believe he yelled that out at the exact wrong time! :haha:

Kosh, glad G is feeling better. So funny the te-town, he must be a big climber!

Sk, good luck to both you and Finn at the dr apps tomorrow. Hope he's not too bothered by his shots. :hugs:

Borboleta, good news about the second interview! Fx for him!
Kosh, if you count one time of DTD as 'actively' trying - then yes! Somehow active doesn't quite seem the right word!

Angel, the gardener story is hilarious! Why not have a little flirt? He should be flattered. And less of the old biddy! We're all in our prime, surely?

Gotta go just now. Try post more later XX

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