any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies,

Indigo: welcome back:). We love to hear about our LOs even if just once in a while:). I saw his picture on FB and he is so cute and big!!! How is your friend (?) or family member that was here for a while and she was trying for her 4th or 5th baby? Did she get pregnant? Hope so :thumbup:.

And I am so with you on ttc :haha:!!! There are days I feel like it and there are days I have no desire. Like you I feel old and don't know if I have the energy to have another one :haha:. And as they get older I think it is easier so why add work again :haha:!!! But then you think maybe I should give them a little brother or sister so they can play with each other. I was reading Rowan's post and that made me think that I do not want have any more babies :haha:!! I don't know ... Such a hard decision when we are under age pressure. I am going to be 40 in September. And OH thinks we should try it :dohh:.
But are you ttc?

Angel: ah, the gardener sounded lovely. You should have told them that it would be okay for them to take their shirt off. It was just going to be between you and them :haha:!!! No one needed to know :haha:. Hope they will come back. Them you take a picture of the guy so we can drool too:).

Sabrina: yes paper shredder here too. He loves to eat paper. Maybe is for a reason that baby books are made with cardboard :haha:.

Clio: that toot joke is hilarious!!! I can't believe that he is already telling jokes!!! You need to check his IQ!! The boy is a genius :thumbup:.

Today we have dinner with two friends, their spouses and their toddlers. So little t will have a chance to work on his sharing :haha:!! Will se how that goes!!, not yet, but she's still trying....She's 45 now & was going to stop ttc, but she isn't letting it go. She's one determined, amazing lady!

You're not even 40 yet? You're a baby! :haha:
Clio I laughed at the baby toot :)

As for the TTC I hope I'm not putting people off! The way I see it is that all my friends said when they weren't sure if their family was complete they ended up having another, others have said the door was firmly shut to more kids. Dh was desperate for another and I guess my door wasn't shut.. lol... But I think if I had waited any longer I couldn't have gone back..

Indigo why don't I have you on fb? What's your icon so I can find you under Borboleta!

Better go, meant to be tidying while dh baths the little miss...

Oh and I look huge, my friend who is a mw just called and said 'you aren't hiding that anymore girl, ate you sure there is only one in there!'.. lol
If I had more time....maybe another one, but at 45, we're talking about it, but nothing tangible....maybe adoption (in the USA) in a few years, and to be honest, I would want LO to be a bit older before we have another one! (but that's just me!)

having a nice day....bye!
hi indigo! :hi:
re. having another one, i always wanted two but i love Gael so much that i'm not too sure if I'd like to have another too soon, if that makes any sense? but I'm 42, so I cant really wait, so don't know really?

say hello to despie! is she still on BnB?

also - would love to see a pict of niko!
Hi indigo, I remember you from the ttc boards. Seems like a lifetime ago! Lol I can't believe where the time has gone?
We are planning on ttc towards the end of this year when Lucy is nearly 2. I will be 40 in jan. oh how I wish I was just a few years younger, but I guess we can't always plan everything in our lives?!

We too have a shredder, although she is getting better with her books.

Can't remember what else I was going to write ?
Hugs to all.
Storm, I'm Indigo Sydney on FB...(mama & baby giraffe avatar) :)

Kosh, she's still on BnB, but w a different username. (Long story) I can PM it to you if you wish.

& yes, it totally makes sense to me... I love N so much, how could I possibly love anyone else as much; he has my undivided attention now, another would affect that & I wouldn't want to take anything away from him; etc...

I would love to see Gael! I will try to post a pic of N later. :)
Storm, I'm Indigo Sydney on FB...(mama & baby giraffe avatar) :)

Kosh, she's still on BnB, but w a different username. (Long story) I can PM it to you if you wish.

& yes, it totally makes sense to me... I love N so much, how could I possibly love anyone else as much; he has my undivided attention now, another would affect that & I wouldn't want to take anything away from him; etc...

I would love to see Gael! I will try to post a pic of N later. :)

yep, I remember the change in username. i'll send her a PM.

angel asked for a picture of G too, will have to post one soon!
Morning ladies! Last day off work today as Ls nursery is closed, that said dh is off anyway, he's up with her and I'm have a sneaky lie in :) My hayfever is killing me, I wake up every morning with my eyes glued shut and a bunged up nose and rattly chest, but I can't take my usual meds :(

L is being a right little madam these days, funny and cute but wow what a temper and willful determination.. and word of the week is outside, I swear you can't keep that child in! She now runs (doesn't walk anywhere) to the back door shouting outside outside outside! And she keeps hoking through the cupboards looking for snacks, I really must move those... And last night she was in a huff about something and decided to hit the dog?!? We soon put a stop to that, poor tortured dog, she is such a lovely dog and I will not let L bully her...

Indigo/Clairey I ended up deletingy banner as L was born in 2011 :) little minx came a few days early. We need a team baby 2014 banner! Also can someone pm me Desperados new name or pass on my regards?

Clio I'm still laughing at baby toot, I got L to say it last night :)

Borboleta any word on DHS interviews? Did T share? L stole her cousins sunglasses yesterday and made her cry, when she has exactly the same sunglasses she has no interest in! Monkey.

Gosh I'm hungry, I need to get up and get some food!
Indigo--the door is closed for me. First, I'm almost 41, and don't want to go through all the stuff we went through last time. I doubt I'd be 41 when I got pregnant! And second, just like some of you have said--including you Indigo-- both of us love J so much that we can't imagine having another and not being able to give our undivided attention to the next child like we could with J. OH and I have felt for a long time (probably when we first found out I was pregnant with J!) that our family is complete.

Borboleta--ah yes, the genius of fart jokes. He's also been doing stuff like pulling my hand while I'm sitting and saying in the most serious of ways: "Come! Come!!!" So I "go" with him, till I turn around and find out he's raced back to my chair so he can sit on it! Rascal!

Storm--I can't believe you taught her "baby toot!" That is hilarious! The funny thing was this was no "baby" fart, it was a massive ripper that was louder and smellier than most adult farts! So a "baby" toot it was not!

Ah, "outside." One of the worst words a kid could learn. For J, he brings me his rubber boots and my sandals at around 6 am and says "OUT!!!" Like little L, he is obsessed with outside as well, and spends most of his time there. Do you have to be as vigilant if L's out in the backyard, or do you feel she's safer?

I'm sorry that you're still feeling so awful! :hugs: Are the drugs still not working? Have you tried vitamin B6? It's a major ingredient in the drug we have here in Canada.

As for us--J has always had these little "projects," as we like to call them, where he is busy for a long time doing something very intently. For example, recently he got very busy picking up all the rocks he could see and putting them in the neighbours' rock bed, whether they belonged there or not. Now, once he feels he's finished a project, he says "done!" and then does that "I'm finished" movement with his hands where you smack them up and down as if you're clapping dirt or flour off of them. :shrug: Where does he learn these things from?

Yesterday, I bought this wagon for J off of Craig's List for $30. It's in pristine condition, and would have cost $90 at TRU. He LOVES it. I took him for a long walk around the neighbourhood and kept on asking him if he wanted to go home. "No." Do you want to get out of the wagon and run a bit? "No." Do you want to see Daddy? "No." When we finally got back, I pushed the wagon into the backyard, and J still refused to get out. He just sat there, in the wagon, and when OH came out to let me have a nap, J just pointed to the gate and said "Door!" So then OH had to take him for an even longer walk in the opposite direction I went in. J'd probably still be sitting in the wagon right now until someone finally took him for a walk again.

Ugh. It's raining here. Eric and I are wheeling and dealing as to who will take the boy out this afternoon. The verdict: I shall take him shopping first, then OH will then take him to the museum.

I hope you all have a It's morning here, right now...
Thanks Clio I will ask about b6 tomorrow, given I can buy them for 80p... Btw she won't say baby toot only baba toot.. its funny though :) I let L run pretty free in the garden, both mine and my dads are fenced in with a 6ft fence... It's the muck she eats that worrys me :) she's nuts!
storm - re:hayfever. I think after 12wks you can take piriton (sp), at least, I (who usually suffer very badly from hay fever) didn't during both pregnancies and with LO, only started having hay fever in the last week or so (at 35-6 wks), also, I think also Beconase spray is okay - but check with your GP just in case....

nothing much here. We've booked part of our flights to the states for Christmas and my father emailed my mother about splitting the cost of us going to see him - they have been divorced for over 30 years! We are going (from NYC) to NC for a few days and the cost is almost as high as our transatlantic flights - I hate when my father pays money games, e.g. offering to pay, then emailing my mother! She was not impressed (nor was I)!....

hope all are well - must go as it's time to wake up the sleeping monster...literally, another child wanted a toy of Finn's at creche, so F bit them again...sigh. We are trying so hard to curb this and I understand it is a phase children go through, but it would help if my OH didn't laugh when F bites us! (Finn is a lovely, sweet boy and we had gone over a week+ without any bitings...sigh)

Clio - that is so funny how J "lures" you out of your seat! Love it!

SK - great that you got your flights! NYC will be so lovely at Christmas time! I hear you about divorced parents and money games. Dh parents fought for years over who to help pay for his college, well through other people of course, each claiming they had already paid the other and that other had kept it for themselves?!? You've all probably guessed how this turned out - yeah, big college loans we will be paying off forever. :growlmad: oh well, education is worth the cost, and i suppose we should be grateful we even have those types of opportunities.

Storm - hoping you feel better soon, mine passed about 9-10 weeks with Blake, so maybe you're right at the end? Everyones diff though, huh?

As for us, we're doing great. Blake is such a little sweetie, and I'm loving this age. He's now rolling both ways fairly easily for about a week now, finally mastered getting that arm out from underneath him when going back to tummy. :haha: He's still shrieking and blowing lots of raspberries :cloud9: I love trying to communicate with him! I've also been doing sign language (only 4-5 signs) with him for months now, and he def recognizes the milk one. Anyone else try sign language with their lo?

His new fav thing is grabbing and banging on the bag of pretzels. It's just a crinkly plastic bag, but he touched it once this weekend while he was on my lap and I was finishing up lunch. When he heard the noise he could make with it, he got so excited and kept banging on it. Funny the little things they enjoy!

Sending everyone hugs!
We sign eat, drink, more & all done...I kind of dropped the ball there...:blush:

I really hate 'outside'! It doesn't matter how early, late, hot, rainy...'outside! outside! outside!'

Oh, and I made the mistake of walking w him in the EVERY time it rains he wants to go for a walk. :dohh:
Welcome back Indigo! Good to see you again. I'm not able to keep up all the time but the girls on here are very understanding about it! We're TTC and I'm 41 in a couple of weeks. Nothing ventured ...

Kia is a bit of a shredder and doodler. She also loves to draw on the sofa, which is equally cute and irritating!

We're both off work this week and are planning to get stuff done in the flat and have a date day. We're putting Kia in nursery for her 3 days still. Today we went to an animal park in Hertfordshire - for you London ladies I very much recommend it. Very toddler friendly. Paradise Animal Park in Broxbourne XX
Thanks Clio I will ask about b6 tomorrow, given I can buy them for 80p... Btw she won't say baby toot only baba toot.. its funny though :) I let L run pretty free in the garden, both mine and my dads are fenced in with a 6ft fence... It's the muck she eats that worrys me :) she's nuts!

This is exactly our problem. We have a very high fence, so he is safe, but he won't stop eating dirt! Or he throws it on the grass. Oh, and I hate it when he destroys flowers. He's getting better now, but he constantly "forgets." :growlmad:
Leeze- was the animal place good then?? I'm not too far from there. I live in between jct 17/18 on the m25. Df wants to take Lucy to somewhere like this so recommendations are great.
Hi ladies,

Storm: so sorry you are suffering with MS and hay fever!! And the outside word thiago cannot say it yet but he goes to the door and bangs on it when he wants us to take him out. Unfortunelly I cannot do like you and Clio that can let him out in the back yard because of the pond, the little rocks ( he would totally eat them :dohh: and of course the snakes. So I have to go with him. We normally go walk on the street or take him for a ride on his tricycle.

Kitty: Blake sounds so adorable:). Can we see a new picture of him? And we did not do sign language. Mainly because I was lazy about it and I thought that maybe it was a bit much for we put the poor child to learn 3 different languages :haha:. Portuguese and English sounds like enough work for a little 16 months old brain :haha:.

Leeze: I see the pictures of your flat and it looks beautiful. Looks like you get a lot of sun light there with those nice big windows:). And I love the pictures of Kia on fb:). Her hair is so long:).

Indigo: yesterday was raining in here ( finally!!) and OH took thiago for a ride in his tricycle. Of course when they came back started raining and I told him about your raining story so he went running in the rain with thiago :haha:. He loved it:).

Angel: hope you Mac is fixable :thumbup:.

Clio: I love the Story of J doing projects. You can send him here I have loads of ideas :haha:. And the wagon sounds fun. We ended up never getting thiago one. But $30.00 sounds even better:).

Sabrina: thiago is bitting too. But for some reason is just me :growlmad:. And I tell him no bitting and he smiles really big thinking is a game. Can you believe that the other day he bit my breast :growlmad:!!! It hurt so bad!!!

Kosh: can wait to see a picture of Gael too:).

Claire: love the picture of L with her grandma:). Is she your mom? Does she live in another city?

So we are still waiting to hear the result of OH's interview. But he said that he will keep in touch and hopefully today or by the end of this week we will have good news!!!!

Our play date with thiago's friend was lovely. I have never seen thiago playing with another baby so well. They actually interacted with each other for a bit. They did a lot for parallel playing but we recorded this video of both of them together doing a little dance. Super cute. They didnt cry or push each other either. We had a great evening:). We sat and talked with their parents and let them play with each other.

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