any other over 35 first time mums?

Charlie - that's so wonderful!! Good job Sophia - you picked the most perfect first word!!! So sweet, must've really warmed your heart :cloud9:

Sk - oh wow, Finn's tantrums sound funny (the laughing at the end when realizing you're not reacting). Little stinker! :haha:

Blake has a "fake" cry already as well. He'll use it if one of us walks away after playing with him, if I stop dancing in front of him, etc. I call him Fakey Blakey, and he usually stops and smiles. :haha:

Borboleta - keeping my fingers crossed for your oh. So hope they make him an offer!!!

Angel - I was just thinking about your eye, too. How is it feeling? :hugs:

I started the sign language with Blake in March I think, with just one sign - milk. He definitely recognizes it now, calms him when he screaming for food, gets him focused back on the bottle when he gets distracted...I think it was sometime end of May or June I started seeing his little eyes light up with recognition. :cloud9:

Since then, I've added mommy (I made up my own sign), kitty, and all done. He always smiles when I do mommy, but not sure if he understands that one (maybe just because I smile when I do it?). He def does not understand kitty yet. All done, I think he's getting this one out of sheer frustration at daddy! Lol! When feeding Blake, Dan always tries to keep putting the bottle back in his mouth to offer him more even when he's clearly finished (multiple times) - gets Blake so frustrated! Sometimes he even smiles when I use stern voice with daddy and say, stop shoving that damn bottle back in his mouth, he's done, can't you tell?!? :haha:
Just the past week or so, when I say all done and do the sign for it, Blake will look right at me and go "ahhhh", then gets all happy and ready to be burped. If he doesn't answer, he wants more. It's really working out great, little pumpkin seems very pleased with himself for answering (or happy he no longer has to deal with stupid parents who don't understand when he's full) and I don't have to wonder if he wants more or not!
Clio - that is amazing about J and the bubbles! He really is a smart cookie! And seems to love words and language, maybe a budding author? I haven't looked at that Dr Suess ABC book yet, I'll have to check it out. :hugs:
Just had a fight with OH about spending almost $700.00 on tree trimming and cutting :growlmad:!! He is in a bad mood and he is mad at the neighbors because they had this man ( not a professional tree cutter) come by their house when they where out on vacation and trim their trees which include one of our trees that was getting a little bushy and going over their driveway. Well, the man butchered our tree pretty much! OH is mad at the neighbors but I reminded him that it was not than that cut the tree but their contractor. But he doesn't listen and wants to spend all this money to have our tree looking good again and remove a dead tree and trim other that need a hair cut. I told him it doesn't make any sense for us to do that at this moment with our financial burden :growlmad:! He got mad at me :growlmad:! I think he is really just fed up and tired of not having a job. I wonder if he could email the guy from that company that interviewed him to see if they made a decision yet? Do you think that would be a bad move? At least we know either way :shrug:. I cannot wait for this to be over :cry:!!! Sorry for the rant.

Clio: j is the smartest boy!!! His little head is thinking all the time. Thiago likes the abc book too :thumbup:.

Kitty: too funny your story about your OH overseeing B:). How many times a day does he need to be fed? When can you start feeding him solids?

Charlie: I remembered when thiago used to wake up at 5am too!!! No fun! Hope you enjoyed your time with your momma's group:).
And thiago has never opened his arms and said mamma :dohh:! If you ask where is mamma he will point to me but sometimes he says it but I am nt sure he is referring to me :haha: :shrug:.

Sabrina: Finn is a character:). I still want to see an updated picture of him:).
Good morning ladies :)

My mac is still not repaired :)cry:) so this will be brief(ish) again.

kosh I meant to say that I think Gael is adorable! Love the comparison to Puss in Boots lol
What you said about your Dh being Mexican and you wondering if your boy will pick up either accent made me wonder too. Some ppl say they cannot hear my accent but others do and I know there is a Germanic intonation there at times at the very least. I wonder if my boys will speak like me or like OH. He has a relatively neutral English accent considering he was born in North London. But he is so silent and I talk ALL the time so who knows :haha:

Indigo your Nico too is such a cutie! :)

Charlie yay for Sophia saying mama! :D You obviously have a clever girl there! :)
My boys seem ok with the heat. They still have that cold and cough however which worries me a little. Especially Sebastian is coughing and snotting as much as ever. I am guessing being hot and then cool in the breeze doesn't help but it is hard to avoid. :(

Claire good news about Lucy's test! But yeah how odd that you weren't given more info. :( Is there no one you could talk to about this? Maybe of course they don't really know what she can and cannot have and you will have to gradually try things out with her. Sounds horrible though if she got sick from it. Btw what form does her allergy take? Just rashes or the horrible swelling ppl seem to get? And I also meant to ask, since you BF her, do you have to avoid eggs too or isn't it passed on to her like that?

Charlie and Claire my eyes are heaps better, thank you. Still itchy but not swollen - at the moment. So yes let us arrange a meeting. :) If we are to meet at the Fulham Palace then maybe it would be best to do this during the week so the park isn't quite so full of people. We could either meet at the Bishops Park as they have a cute play area that Lucy might like or on the lawn of the Palace. There are lots of big trees that give shade. Especially if we were to meet at around 4 maybe?

Storm aww I am sorry you don't fit into your new dress. Have you considered shape underwear? I am not talking about serious compression but just so that the bloat stays a bit flatter? Might make the dress fit again and I think at this stage wouldn't harm your bean?

Borboleta am crossing my fingers for your DH and that he gets a positive reply soon!

Sabrina wow for Finn opening his sippies! Clever boy but how inconvenient too lol! And as for fake tantrums, clever cheeky monkey lol
And yay for the annoying neighbours being on holiday :D
I too would love to see a newer pic of Finn please :)

Clio too true, the boys are very different. So far Sebastian gets whiney when we try to finger walk him. He can do it but he doesn't want to. Standing up is a game of letting himself fall back onto us rather than finding his balance. But I am not worried, he will do it eventually. My mum said I didn't walk till I was 17 months old and my brother 18 months and we both turned out relatively normal lol (Me more so than my brother however :haha:)
I love the story of J and the letter B! He is an amazing boy! So clever. :D

kitty your little Blake sounds utterly adorable! I love how interactive he is with you and the fakey Blakey is cute! :D
And the story about your DH and the bottle made me grin! And clever boy to let you know that he is done!

As for us: Dominic hasn't taken any more steps. I mean he is is still taking about 4 but he doesn't always want to practice and often just sits down and crawls over rather than walk. But at least he is interested in walking which is more than can be said about Sebastian. But Dominic is standing unaided more without being made to, if you know what I mean. He will let go of his support and play with two things in his hand a good while before sitting down. So I think he is definitely working on his balance.
Question for you all, I know that babies often say words that don't sound quite right but are with a bit of imagination a variation of the proper word. But did any of your children clearly and definitely have words for things that they obviously made up? I thought only Dominic called a book gooyg (not sure how to spell it, it is more like goo-y but with a short oo sound and the g is kinda silent) but Sebastian also calls it that. And both boys call a ball "day". And there is no doubt at all that this is exactly what they mean as they only use those "words" in context. I wonder if this a language they made up between themselves maybe and has nothing to do with what we teach them? Odd huh?
As mentioned before, they still haven't shaken off their cold. Dominic isn't so snotty as Sebastian but they both still cough and it sounds like loose but chesty stuff. But neither coughs lots. It has been weeks now. Should I be worried and maybe take them to the doctor?
ETA Oh and I meant to report that the dropping to one nap isn't working so well. Dominic gets soo tired in the morning after being up for 3 hours! Today we wanted to wait till 10:30 to put them down for a nap. But by 10:15 he actually dropped off on the coffee table /steamer trunk which, with its studs and wooden slats cannot have been comfy. We tried giving them a short nap of no more than an hour in the morning and then let them sleep again at 2 but instead of then sleeping another hour, they usually wake up after 30 mins, so that they haven't had enough sleep on the whole and that makes for a whiney Dominic in the afternoon and a fragile Sebastian who will as likely as not refuse his dinner cause he is crying with exhaustion. This is difficult!

I hope all are well. Sending lotsa :hugs:
Nice to hear from you Angel. Would you mind meeting at say 3 ish? Or 3.30 even, as need to be home for 6 at the latest for bedtime? Will FB you both with some dates.

About Sebastian's walking, I didn't walk until late either and I am fine too :) not sure about their lingering cough, if you think something is on their chest i would normally suggest steamy bathroom to help soften it and bring it up, but not in this heat! It could be teething related as a lot of babies get a weird cough with that. If not though might be worth getting their GP to have a listen to their chests.

SK would love to see a more recent pic of Finn too.

Clio, love your stories about J, he is a very clever little boy.

Borboleta, any news? I would contact the company next week if I hadn't heard, I have done that in the past and had good news, so you never know.

Storm, is your little monkeys hair still in one place?? That photo is so cute.

Kitty have you persuaded your OH to share a photo of Blake yet? Would be lovely to see him.

about accents, Kosh, Gael may have a Gordie accent?? I have a good friend who's father was Spanish and mother Irish both with VERY strong accents and she and her brothers just sound very southern English. Mind you my mum is Aussie and people pick up an Australian accent with me :shrug: no idea what Sophia will sound like as OH has a kind of euro asian accent. I'm guessing she'll sound English though as she is with me more and I am a chatterbox and OH isn't!

Wow last night it took us 3 hours to get Sophia to sleep, which hasn't happened in months! She was just crawling, rolling, downward dog, you name it as long as she was moving, she just didn't stop :dohh: we got there eventually but then the same again at 5 am, for the 4th morning! But OH was with her this morning and has offered to do tonight as well, it is so exhausting. I hope once she has mastered crawling we go back to easy bedtimes and later mornings again!

Have a lovely weekend everyone x
Borboleta I am sure you were annoyed about the money dh wanted to spend on gardening and I am sure he hates not being financially independent and waiting for people to get back to him all the time, so frustrating and disappointing!

I have a weddingbin a few hours, sils brother married a girl from south Korea (he lives there) but she's Korean American, they were legally married 2 weeks ago, having a family meal today and another wedding in Korea in Oct! L wasn't invited so dh is staying home with her and I'm going with my dad.

Oh my we had such a disaster earlier, I'm at my dads as dh is just off night shift, L was up the stairs and I'm standing at the top of the stairs with her and she's holding a torch my dad give her, I had just said 'wait for mummy', so I can get one step in front of her when she fell down the stairs! I couldn't stop her and she literally somersaulted and bounced right to the bottom getting stuck against the gate. I nearly died, thankfully she was crying from shock and not hurt, so as soon as my dad produced sweets she stopped, but I was horrified! Thing is I'm too scared to put a gate at the top incase my dad falls... Don't know what to do :(

Meant to say Clairey I'm not surprised you aren't getting much help with Ls egg allergy, its ridiculous!

Right better get some food while L is napping...
Storm golly how scary!! I am glad Lydia is ok but my golly how dreadful! One thing one can hope is that she will be more careful in future after taking such a horrible fall? Still, :hugs:
As for a stairgate, there are those that don't have a bar on the floor but have only attachments at the sides on the wall. Something like this So your dad wouldn't accidentally stumble over anything. Wouldn't that work?
I just overheard this conversation with J and OH. J was getting a poopy diaper changed. Then I guess he decided that enough was enough, even though he was still dirty, and told OH, "Bum done! Bum done!" Then, because OH didn't seem to be getting the message, J insisted: "Bye Bum! Bye Bum!" :haha:
I will have a look Angel, all ours have,the bars!

Ooh poor L and you! Stairs are very scary, glad all is ok tho.

We have a baby dan one without the bars, it's fixed into the wall. Amazon :thumbup: I was also worries about that when mum stays, but this one is perfect.
I just overheard this conversation with J and OH. J was getting a poopy diaper changed. Then I guess he decided that enough was enough, even though he was still dirty, and told OH, "Bum done! Bum done!" Then, because OH didn't seem to be getting the message, J insisted: "Bye Bum! Bye Bum!" :haha:

Storm - wow, how scary, so glad L only had tears from the shock of falling!! We also got one of the baby gates without the bar on the bottom - it had a giant "top of the stairs" sticker on the box.

My mom always tells a story about her best friend when they each had babies in 2-story homes next door to each other (wouldn't that be a dream, if we lived that close to a dear friend with a kid close in age!) My mom was always so careful and never let me by the stairs (she's a worrier), while her friend was more of a free spirit and didn't put up any barriers or gates at the steps. She used to say, well if he falls down the steps, he'll learn and never do it again. Apparently, her boy did fall down the steps...and never did it again.

Angel - so glad your eye is starting to feel better! And those 2 cuties with their own language! So sweet! :cloud9:

Ordered an ikea highchair today for Blake. We don't intend to start on food until he can sit up on his own and looks interested in food. Dr said no reason to rush it. Oh and I think someone asked, he's taking 5 bottles a day now, about 7 oz each.

Clio - funny J, getting daddy to hurry with his diaper! He had more important things to do than sit still for diaper changing! :haha:
we got a lovely pressie today for Sophia from an old friend of mine. It's great book that i thought i would share with you all as some may appreciate especially J with his bottom humour! it's called The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was none of his business. Be warned it's toilet humour :winkwink:
Storm... How scary! Thank God she's ok!

Borboleta...I hope your DH will agree to must be frustrating for both of you ATM.

Angel...that's amazing & so very cute that they're making up their own language!

Clio... your J stories always crack me up...

:hi: everyone else!

N has been transitioning to 1 nap for a while now....but it's still unpredictable. When did your LOs drop their 2nd naps?

Clairey...i know this was a while ago, but did you ever try the ear buddies?

I went to a movie (The Conjuring :thumbup:) w my sister & left the boys entertain themselves for a while. Idk why, but I STILL feel guilty when I'm away from N. Does this feeling ever go away? :shrug:

We decided to try for #2, but ever since my TTC stash arrived (prenatals, coq10, test strips, etc), I have felt anxious about it. We're so content right now...why mess w a good thing?
Indigo - we never did try the buddies. I hope we don't live to regret it? Tbh her ears are not really bad at all.
Lucy went down to one nap at about 16 months. She transitioned really well, although we still have to time things as if she gets close to nap time and we need to go in the car she will fall asleep ( she doesn't sleep long enough in the car) and it will mess up the whole day! :-(
Clio- I loved the diaper story!! I read it out loud to my df and mil and we had a good laugh! :))

We are waiting until next weekend to try Lucy on the baked egg goods. There was too much going on this weekend. I'm nervous about it, I really hope she doesn't react :-( I think the general rule is that the items need to be baked fit over 35mins at a temp of over 350degrees f or 150 c. So it can't be anything like French toast ,meringue ,scrambled egg etc. so it will still be quite limiting.

Hugs to all.
Hi girls

Storm: glad to hear little L is fine. I would've had a heart attack!!! How scary! Our stairs are wood so we do have a gate on top and bottom of the stairs, if anyone would fall down it would not be pretty. How is she today?

Indigo: thiago is still taking two naps. And I don't see up moving him to one anytime soon :haha:.
And you are crazy to go watch conjuring!!! Was it super scary?
I feel just like you when I leave thiago with anyone, I miss him dearly and I feel bad ... Almost like I am a bad mother for not watching him all the time. :dohh:. Crazy I know.
So you are ready to ttc :happydance:!!! If you want to do it just do it. It will be fine:).

Angel: maybe you just keep the two naps for the boys s little longer. Even one of them is just about 30 min. There are days that I wake up thiago for all his naps because I don't want him to oversleep and them we have to stay up till 11pm :haha:. And about the make up word I don't think thiago has done that. Maybe is a twin language:). Super cute !!

Clio: j is amazing:).

Sabrina: still waiting for Finn's picture :haha:.

Claire: glad to hear that L is going to be allowed to have. Little cooked egg. I wonder what she is going to think of a real cookie:).

Charlie: how was your visit ith your friends? Does S likes to do yoga?

And my OH did call the company on Friday and they told him they are still deliberating. So hopefully they will have an answer next week. And he is going to cut the dead tree himself:). He is just so intense once in a while. It is like anger take over and his brain stops working or something. All heart and emotion :dohh:.
And yesterday we went to visit my SIL and nephew ( they live about 1 1/2 hours from here) and thiago took a morning nap and didnt sleep till 9:45pm!!!!! Yes woke up at 11:45am and kept going till we got home! I couldn't believe it!! And I have the loveliest boy ever because he didnt have a major meltdown. Just a little one here a there. Couldn't be prouder of my boy. But today he will take two naps even though we have this baby shower to go ( I don't even know the couple having the baby, they are my OH aunt's friends). So we have the excuse to leave earlier because of thiago :haha:.

Storm--oh my goodness! I would have been SO frightened watching it happen. I'm so glad L is okay!

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