any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi, popping in to join if ok, Barboleta suggested the thread...Hi!

I'm 41 and my miracle baby Hannah is 10 weeks.
hi Lady H! :hi:

storm - I'm glad L is ok, but omg, that must have been sooo scary!!

indigo - :thumbup: for TTC but don't put pressure on yourself if you keep feeling anxious.
oh, can't remember if I said already, N is gorgeous, and very big now!

clio - J's language is unbelievable :amartass: and his sense of humour...!!

angel, charlie - re. accents, I actually meant which accent G will have in Spanish. but yes, in English he'll probably end up sounding Geordie :dohh: (no offence!)

forgot what else I wantd to say
Welcome Lady H and congratulations!! Hannah is a very pretty name.

Installing the baby gate (we have an open stairway into the basement from the family room) this afternoon. Blake has been rolling and covering a lot of ground quickly, so it's time. We got the KidCo one too for top of stairs, so no bar to trip over. I guess when I say installing the baby gate, I mean I am supervising while on the iPad while Dan installs. :haha:
oh, I remembered! angel - Gael does have words that sound very very little like real word, and he also has the same sound/word for different objects, so for example 'pa' can mean 'pan' (bread), zaPAto (shoe) or PelotA (ball), o inthe morning when he stats 'pa, pa' you never whn whether he's hungry, wants to go out, or play! :dohh:
but I find it really interesting that the twins use the same made up word for book. maybe Dom started ad then Seb copied him?
a crazy weekend with LO, who has decided that walking, running and climbing are his favourite things. We're working on the tantrums and whenever he starts to pull hair (either ours or the cats), I've started petting him on the head and repeating: 'gentle, gentle...this how we pet the cats and pet mummy and daddy!) - who knows if it will work, but he's just too young for the naughty step (I'm going to call it the 'time-out' step)...., but he is 90% good, in fact, this weekend, he was able to put his toys away (or help me), so a good sign. His latest project is trying to get the shoelace in the old boot and wobbling across with cups from one side of the living room to the other (handing one at a time to daddy), but then, turns into Finnzilla and destroys all in his path - it's quite funny....

the noisy neighbours are back -- in fact, the alarm was going on and off all weekend, but as our bedrooms are on the back, it didn't bother us too much but other neighbours are really angry -- and the alarm is broken! e.g. it keeps emiting this weird sounds....

hugs to all and welcome to our newest over 35, lady h
and storm - scary!

and we're thinking of not going to my dad's because I am fed up with the attitude, so we might go to vegas and then drive to my mom's in arizona...!


ps. we tried to take pictures, but the minute he sees the camera, he comes running towards you and then starts crying when we don't give him the camera and he knows the difference between the fake plastic one and the real one and will dismiss the fake one immediately, so very tricky!
Lady H: happy you found us :happydance:. Te ladies here awesome:).

Kitty: sounds like Dan is having a lovely Sunday :haha:. Better safe than sorry :thumbup:.

Kosh: I wonder if thiago will have a little accent too. I bet when he speaks Portuguese he will:).

Clio: does J have a pillow? And if yes, does he likes it?
Sabrina: love the finnzilla :haha:!!! But have to say that I am very impressed that he helps you clean up. I tried with thiago but didn't work. I had to hold his hand and he could care less. I have a feeling he is gong to be like his daddy on this cleaning department :dohh:!!!
Hello lady H and congratulations on Hannah, love that name as well.
Hello lady H and welcome to the thread!

SK I'm relieved when I hear about F messing around as L is the Queen of messing! I sometimes wonder if my child is the only one that is badly behaved as everyone elses LOs seem to much more placid that L! We had a right weekend of it, she threw a right tantrum on Sunday because she didn't want to go for a sleep, it took me an hour and a quarter to get her calmed down and down for a sleep which by then was 3.15 which is far too late and the little madam slept until 5. She won't go to sleep out in the pram anymore either, too nosey. Oh and she keeps slapping us in the face, tried everything to get her to stop that but its not working!

Shes absolutely fine after the tumble on Saturday... she managed to fall later on when DH was minding her and now has a big bruise on her forhead from that! She seems to have 2 speeds - stopped and super fast.

Oh I can't remember who asked about the pillow but yes L has a pillow, I bought toddler ones but they are so small her head keeps coming off them so I basically bought really cheap pillows so its a nice thin pillow and she likes them.

Not much else to report - I am stupidly tired today.. in work and shattered.. the joys of pregnancy.

Indigo try not to stress about the TTC, I think the fact you are vaguely trying shows that if possible deep down you would like another. I feel bad for baby number 2 as I just don't have the time to spend indulging myself in this pregnancy and I worry about how I am going to cope with L and a newborn. Sometimes I think what have I done! I honestly thought it would take longer this time but nope cycle 2 and bean is on his or her way.. I think that shocked me too.

Right better go and do some work, Borboleta glad DH is doing the tree himself and hope he gets an answer from the company soon.

Oh and Clio J and the bum conversation had me in stitches - he is a funny little lad!
had a bit of boo-boo at creche today - LO fell forward and bumped his nose, so now looks like he went 3 rounds with mike tyson (or maybe katie taylor?), so no pictures at the moment (he was running and fell forward and there was a little blood - yikes), but he seems okay. thanks for your stories, storm about L! (psst - forget a match between thiago - finn is much closer!)

not much else here - hope all are well and hugs!


ps. any news, Borboleta?
N won't stop pulling my hair. I hate it. I'm surprised I'm not totally bald yet. :growlmad: If you figure out how to stop L from slapping, please let me know.

Can L tell something is different w you? Have you ever vomited in her presence? I think N would cry. I was very ill 24/7 for the first 20 weeks, so I don't even know how I would cope while caring for him. Maybe it's just a baaaad idea. :nope:

I wish I could just be laid-back about it, but I'm an 'all-or-nothing' sort of person. :wacko:

Today he thought it would be entertaining to toss his raisins all over the car. :dohh:

:wave: everyone!
Hi girls,

Storm: I love reading L's adventures:). She is such a wild woman already:thumbup:!! She might be loads of work now but she will be a go getter when she is older:).
And don't listen to Sabrina :haha:... Couples that do great together have very different personalities. Like little t and L ... Water and fire ... Coffe and milk ... Perfect combination. :haha:

Sabrina: no news yet, but I haven't lost faith yet :thumbup:. He said on Friday they are still deliberating. I would imagine he will hear something this week:).

Indigo: you sound like you are not sure about ttc. I fell the same way. Go back and forth. Why age have to be an issue :growlmad:!!!! Did you have a hard time getting pregnant with niko?
It took us 8 cycles to conceive. We decided we would just TTC Sept - Dec & if it was meant to be, then....

Yes, I go back & forth constantly.
God, I'm so,so tired today! :-(( Lucy's sleep has been hideous the last week. I can't workout if its the heat?? It's been nearly 28degrees some nights in the bedroom :-( she is just moaning, rolling and wriggling and wanting milk all night long. To top it off she was up for the day at 5.10am!!
I really didn't think sleep would still be soooo bad at 18+ months!:nope:

Storm- I think Lucy can be quite "naughty" at times and she is def very hard work. She has started slapping and scratching too and we don't know how to deal with it either? She thinks its funny.

A question for you ladies re: AF.
I gad my 1st one pp when Lucy turned 11 months and I have had one every month since with varying cycle lengths. I'm still waiting for AF to come this month and it's over 45 days now?? And no, I'm def not pregnant!!
I guess it could be still down to BF'ing messing it up, but why now??

Hope everyone is all ok.
according to my GP (remember my AF never came last month?); it's not atypical to miss one, but if it continues, I would touch base with your GP?

Claire, Sophia's sleep is awful at the moment too and she is normally a fantastic sleeper. With us I think it could be the heat or developmental...yes we now have a crawler, albeit at snail pace at the moment! But last night was awful too for us. 3 hours to get to sleep, then wake up at 3 am until 5am, lots of rolling and crawling and hitting me! It was too hot to cuddle too :nope: I know you have bad nights regularly, do not know how you and Kosh do it :hugs: hope it's better tonight. Maybe your AF is delayed as L is feeding more in this heat? I got mine back earlier this month, but am guessing my next one will be a long cycle as I have been doing night feeds again with this weather.

Indigo, we are also hoping to start TTC in September, I am really keen to get going on the one hand, but I am really nervous too. It only took us one cycle to get pregnant with Sophia, which I feel so lucky and grateful for, so I am nervous how I will cope if i don't get pregnant this time, as well been worried about all the risks. I am also concerned how I will cope with Sophia while pregnant and I had an easy pregnancy! I feel that as I want 2 I need to get on with it now, I sometimes wish I had more time to play with but :nope: there's so much to think about and analyse, there are risks and benefits, we hope! So I'm not surprised you are apprehensive.

SK how is Finnzillas nose today?
Morning ladies -

SK L has had a few ‘bumps’ in nursery and I can never complain cause I know what she is like given the number of bumps she has at home! Poor F though, hope he recovers quickly.

Clio – has J had any major tumbles? I get the impression that he’s more intelligent than L and less likely to cause himself the physical damage she does :)

Borboleta I am sure your husband is fed up waiting! Hope he gets an answer soon, if not can he ask for feedback on his interviews etc.. as we can do that over here and they legally have to provide it. I hope he gets sorted soon!

Indigo ah the TTC, I got pregnant on the second cycle and I was a bit taken aback – L isn’t upset when I am sick she is just put out that I am not doing what she wants. I’ve had to run to the sink many times (gross but better than the floor) and she runs after me squeezes in between my legs and the cupboard and tries to push me away. Its not that she is bothered that I am being sick but she just needs me to do something else cause being sick is boring. I honestly wouldn’t be surviving this pregnancy if it wasn’t for the cyclizine - I still feel rubbish but I’m not physically being sick – but oh the exhaustion, I hope that lifts soon though it can also be a side effect of the cyclizine!

Clairey I wondered if you have tried the ear buddies, I wasn’t sure if you would or not but Lucy is such a pretty little princess and I never notice her ears! How’s the sleep or lack of sleep going? (Update just read your post and saw its not going well! Oh poor you – L hasn’t been great the last while and I’m sure it’s the heat, she goes down ok but shes crying, drinking at least 24oz milk and sweaty and up at the crack of dawn) I’m glad L is ‘naughty’ too cause sometimes I’m shocked with Ls ‘bad’ behaviour! She she as a terrible temper like her mummy and she too flares up as quickly as me and then forgets about it a few minutes later. I’m hoping things will be easier to deal with when she can actually communicate what she wants a little better, shes pretty good now but the odd time there is just no reasoning with her.

Angel how are you coping with Ds walking? Any sign of S trying to copy him? Good luck for when they are both running in opposite directions LOL :)

Nothing major to report with us, thankfully no more accidents, only one major meltdown as bad mummy wouldn’t let her play in the dish washer oh and apparently one can only eat strawberries outside now?!?!? She sat clutching her bowl of strawberries going ‘Outside…outside..outside..’ not entirely sure where this leaves us given its kind of wet today – will we have to go outside in the rain? I guess so…

Charlie ohhh another TTC lady, I have all the doubts everyone else has and I too wish I had more time to play with, I know I’m considered one of the young uns on here at a mere 37 (will be 38 when nos 2 arrives) DH is 40 and I felt immense pressure to either go for it now or not do it at all. I have to say this pregnancy has been worse sickness wise than with L but this time I pushed for meds whereas before I just sucked it up, but I need to be able to function with a toddler to run after and as DH is working 12 hours shifts plus 2 hours travel time there are many days I’m going it alone, and nights… I do feel bad about taking the meds though but my friend the midwife was on cyclizine for the duration of both her pregnancies after pushing it too far and being hospitalized with dehydration and both her 2 are absolutely fine. I know what you mean about the stress of TTC, it took me 4 cycles with L (although DH was only trying for 2, the first 2 I was just off birth control) and 2 this time and the first time I was a bit disappointed and then the 2nd time in utter shock I was pregnant already.. I don’t know how the ladies who took a long time on here coped with the monthly disappointment – they are stronger than me.

I’m 11 weeks today and I honestly look like I did with L at about 18 weeks – I’m huge, it’s mostly bloat but there is no sucking it in and no hiding it, maternity trousers all the way for me… I have a 3 hours appointment at the hospital on 2nd August so hopefully get a scan then and do the FB reveal. My friend with the cancer of the oesophagus has just finished 6 weeks of chemo and gets his big scan this Thursday and I’m really hoping he gets good news – I haven’t told them yet I’m pregnant – it seems odd telling them I’m planning to add to my family when they are in such a difficult position at present. No more news on my dads ‘skin cancer’ either, it seems to be treated for now and he is waiting for a date for his hernia op… July seems to be surgeons month off so no word yet.

Dhs grandfather is very ill at the moment, he is nearly 92 and by all accounts on his way out slowly. Its hard on the family but he wants to die since his wife died last year he has been lost. At the moment its just a waiting game, tbh I’m not particularly emotionally involved but it is Ls great grandfather and dh is sad its nearly time but sensible about the fact the man is done and hes old! Dhs family on the otherhand no doubt will be weeping and wailing etc etc… Dhs mum keeps going on about what a shock it was for her her mother dying last year – and I’m like ‘Um yeah she was 89 and you are 68 did you think the woman was going to live forever??? Every time I see her she mentions her mum – this is from the woman who gave me no support when my mum died within 4 weeks of diagnosis and when I had just had L! I might also add the woman who tried to actively avoid her own mother at all costs as she was ‘always wanting a lift somewhere’… ok I’m not bitter – honest…. Does anyone else have issues with their inlaws? I know SK does. My inlaws are what I call ‘takers’ they will come if they get fed and are happy to spend a few hours with L when she is in good form but they basically ignored her for the first year plus of her life and DH wouldn’t take her to their house as he felt awkward when she cried! I call mine fair weather grandparents……….

Ok this is wayyyy too long…

for those already pregnant, actively TTC or vaguely contemplating a second one (I'm in this category), I just read this :winkwink:

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