any other over 35 first time mums?

Has your MIL actually made an effort to spend time w him on a consistent basis?

N loves my ILs to death & is totally lovely & comfortable with them. He's the same w my sister. But, they see him AT LEAST 1x/week. When we went to Chicago for a conference in April, my other sister made the effort because she was determined to bond with him. She came to the conference hotel every day for 3 days & we stayed with her & my BIL 3 nights after that. He was totally comfortable w her by day 4...they napped together on days 4, 5 & 6 & he even let her feed & bathe him. My BIL only came to the hotel once for dinner, so he wasn't totally comfortable with him until the last day.

Some kids just take more time to warm up to people. :shrug: It's just a personality trait (that may change later). When he was younger, N would go to anyone.

& maybe he just doesn't like her!
Welcome Lady H! Please jump in whenever you'd like. We love new members! Why do you consider your LO your little miracle (on your ticker). J is our miracle because it just took so darn long to have him. Is there a story behind your miracle, if you don't mind sharing?

Angel--J says "gook" too. Which is silly; he can recite the "B" section of an alphabet poem, but can't say "BBBBook"? Slacker. And a racist, to boot.

I call her my miracle as she took 16 months to conceive, I fell pregnant at 40 and my DH was 54. I didn't ever get a BFP in that whole time and gave up ttc the month we got pregnant! We had high risk for Downs and potential placenta problems but she came out perfectly happy and healthy and I'm so grateful. I don't think we we will try for a second as the risks just increase.

I will,catch up on here soon and work out who you all are and you precious little people, as well as your challenges and highs.

Borboleta definitely needs :hugs:though.
Hugs to you Borboleta:hugs:
Your mil needs to learn to think 1st before speaking.
borboleta - :hugs: sorry, but the one that seems to have 'issues' is your MIL. It really annoyes me that some ppl think that babies/toddlers are like toys that should entertain you as you please, and if they don't then, there is something wrong with them :dohh:
some babies are easy going and warm to ppl more quickly (like N?) others (like G) take ages to trust ppl - when my MIL and also my mum were here, he was fine playing with them as long as me or DH where with him in the room, there was no way we could live him alone with them. like T, he's very attached to us and does have a good amount of separation anxiety, but I believe that's totally normal at this stage, and part of his personality.
so for all what you tell us abouth him here, T is absolutely normal!! and stop googling autism traits because he is nothing like that, woman! :dohh::winkwink:
I am in such a flaming angry mood! The flat above ours is let out on a individual room basis. There are 4 bedrooms and and 3 guys and one elephant of a woman (though very slim and young) in loud chunky platforms live there but they aren't friends with each other or anything. It shows that this is just a bedsit to them as they take ZERO care of the place! We have problems with foxes raiding the bins and leaving a mess. Do they clean it up when it clearly was their bags? Uh, nope. Do they occasionally clean up the fliers and junkmail that come through the door? Nope never.
But what happened yesterday/last night takes the cake! I went to open my boys' window wider this morning to let some more fresh air in. Instead the sour smell of sick assailed my nostrils. The so-and-so who lives in the room above my boys' was sick out of his window! He splattered the drainpipe, our window-sill, my garden tool box, the wall and he even got the kitchen window. And it is chunky too. GAG! I put an angry note on their door that they have to clean that mess but neither I nor OH are hopeful that they will. I could email the landlord but as OH said, from experience we know that he doesn't care and will just ignore me.
But who is sick out of their fricking window??? I am soo angry!

PS their bathroom is next door to that guy's bedroom too!
I am in such a flaming angry mood! The flat above ours is let out on a individual room basis. There are 4 bedrooms and and 3 guys and one elephant of a woman (though very slim and young) in loud chunky platforms live there but they aren't friends with each other or anything. It shows that this is just a bedsit to them as they take ZERO care of the place! We have problems with foxes raiding the bins and leaving a mess. Do they clean it up when it clearly was their bags? Uh, nope. Do they occasionally clean up the fliers and junkmail that come through the door? Nope never.
But what happened yesterday/last night takes the cake! I went to open my boys' window wider this morning to let some more fresh air in. Instead the sour smell of sick assailed my nostrils. The so-and-so who lives in the room above my boys' was sick out of his window! He splattered the drainpipe, our window-sill, my garden tool box, the wall and he even got the kitchen window. And it is chunky too. GAG! I put an angry note on their door that they have to clean that mess but neither I nor OH are hopeful that they will. I could email the landlord but as OH said, from experience we know that he doesn't care and will just ignore me.
But who is sick out of their fricking window??? I am soo angry!

PS their bathroom is next door to that guy's bedroom too!

i'm speechless
That is totally disgusting. I would speak to them face to face so they can't ignore you. Wow I would be MAD!
Angel that is not on at all. You are way too polite leaving a little note - I'd be leaving a big dent in their front door as I battered the door until they came and answered it .. dirty animals!
Ewwww, disgusting! I would be so angry!!! I'd be screaming my head off until someone came out to have a confrontation, probably not the brightest idea though. I hope they move out soon!
Angel get the hose out and make sure that you get lots of water through any open windows upstairs if you have to clean it off!
Borboleta--I agree with all the others. J never suffered from sep. anx. but every kid he approached, like at Gymboree, would only interact with him if their mothers were around. So, in other words, I've encountered SO many shy children because mine wasn't shy. Indeed, the vast majority of the children were shy. I agree with the person who said that your MIL was upset and lashed out. But I also think that she was embarrassed, which is always awful for anyone. But still, I would be incredibly upset if anything like that happened! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Angel: that is disgusting :growlmad:!!! I would be so mad too. Poor Dom and seb have to smell that! Are they young? We had some neighbors in our subdivision that don't cut their grass left newspaper just our on their driveway so they would get mashed everytime a car would drive in and left their garbage can sitting in front of their house until it was the next time the garbage truck came :growlmad:. I think a neighbors made a complaint with the community association and they are doing a little better. Pigs!! They are young though. But no excuses!!!

Thanks again ladies for all your kind words and :hugs:.

Indigo: thiago sees my MIL once or twice a week. He doesn't cry when she tries to hold him or anything he just doesn't go to her. The other day he actually sat on her lap for her to read him a story. I think she hopes he will be like some babies that just love attention and wants hugs and kisses and smiles at any stranger. Thiago is not like that. If a person comes up to him in a store and smiles to him and try to talk he will look at them very serious and might point at something so they can say what they are seeing. But he won't smile. I just spoke to a lady that comes to exercise at the studio and she told me that her son was a very serious baby too. Her MIL once said he doesn't smile. And I knew another little girl that she would scream and cry everytime her mom left the room without her and she was not a big fan of strangers either.
It is just so hard to not internalize some people's comments about your child :nope:. Specially when is your MIL. And her 2 other grandchildren were very different from thiago so I think she doesn't know what to do when she is with him. He is the unknown to her and I think it bothers her that they didnt connect yet. I told her that it will be the day that he won't want her to leave.

Kosh: I need to stop watching early autism videos on YouTube :haha:. My dad is coming in November for a week so it will be interesting to see how thiago will do. He is coming with his girlfriend and I would imagine he will warm up to them by the time they are leaving. :dohh:
borboleta - I'm upset as well...growl! T seems to be a lovely little fellow and your MIL is so off base. Even F is a bit hesitant around people and a little shy, and he interacts with loads of people in creche, etc.

angel - I think you should 'clean up the sick' and throw it in front of their door. In fact, I like the squirting water idea, but is there anyway you can confront the landlord? In fact, I would take pictures and put on the front door and show everybody their behaviour...grumble...

not much here - no bitings and no injuries today!

We weighed and measured LO last night, and he seems very small and slender (about at the 10th-20th percentile), but when I asked at creche if they were concerned, they weren't, he is thriving and very clever, but borboleta - I think we worry about our LOs all the time! That's normal!

better go and have something to eat (had a migraine today and it's still lingering a bit)....

Thank you all for your great suggestions. They made me grin :D OH cleaned it with the hose but sadly their window was closed or he might have been tempted. Hehe! But he decided to do it himself as the boys needed to go to bed and we always leave the window open a crack. Also, the neighbours often come home after 7. Anyway, the first one came home and talked to us just when we were feeding the boys dinner and he said it wasn't him but he would tell his flatmate, which he obviously did as the guy cleaned a bit more and then knocked on the door and apologised very politely and humbly. So I am ok with that. But I did tell him that he should have left a note and cleaned it up and not have left it. Anyway.

Nothing much new here but I will try and do a proper update tomorrow morning. Hope all are well xxx
Angel, that's just awful!! And outside the boys bedroom too! I'm with Storm on this one, I would be beating a path to their door!!! Filthy animal!!
Good morning ladies :)

I don't think I can catch up with all the posts, I have been reading but there is just too much to answer, were I to do it in my usual way. So I will just reply to a few things that I remember.

Single child v having two I guess I am lucky with my twofer, so I don't really have to think about that. But I think that if you do want another child then, though it is hard at first, having a smallish age gap is best. Otherwise your older child will be so much ahead of your younger one that their only chance of becoming close friends and playmates is when they are adults. Sure, a 5 or 6 year old may play with a toddler but it won't be the same kind of playing as he or she would do with her same aged friends at school. The younger child might always want to tag along the older sibling and be sad when he or she is being excluded cause of age and ability.
On the other hand there is only a year and five days gap between my brother and I and that was not bliss at all, as my brother was ragingly jealous of me and used to hit me and destroy my games etc in his rages. But he suffered from ADHD, as he got too little oxygen during birth and had all sorts of difficulties as a result. (He is in no way disabled and is now a perfectly "normal" (hmh! :haha:) adult). On the other hand, as long as it didn't involve my parents, he and I would always band together against the outside world. If someone threatened or hurt me, my big brother would always protect me and it was always us together doing mischief to others and laughing about it secretly. So that aspect was wonderful.
So while my experience was a mixed bag, I still would say, go for it if you can have another, the difficult baby/toddler years are so short and it will be worth it in the end :)

Storm I think your friend's scan was yesterday? Good news I hope?
Glad your dad's skin cancer is ok for now and I hope his hernia isn't incapacitating him too much while he waits for his op date? Is he wearing a support belt or something?

Clio I loooved the story of J and the bum! Your boys is so funny and clever! :D
I never thought of the word gook lol How horrible lol Reminds me of a story by comedian Michael Mcintyre whose little son apparently only could say "no" and "juice" but pronounced it "jews" and how embarrassed he was when taking him out and the boy shouted "No Juice!" from his buggy in their very Jewish neighbourhood in N London! lol Maybe I should be glad it has now mutated into more of a "goy" sound lol

Borboleta any news for your husband yet? I so hope he gets this. :hugs:
And just to add something about T and the whole shyness issue, there are two children at our gymboree who I have yet to see smiling. They are obviously perfectly normal healthy children, judging by the way they interact with other children but one of them is very shy with the other adults and clings a lot to his mum and the other investigates everything very thoroughly and looks at you very seriously but doesn't smile. I don't think all children have to be all smiley and outgoing to be "normal". Like adults, they have a myriad of different characters. Besides, T does laugh and smile with you and that is the main thing. :hugs:

Lady H your Hannah does sound like a lovely miracle indeed :D I totally understand why you wouldn't try for another if the likelihood of placenta problems would be strong again in another pregnancy. But as for your downs scare, I was pregnant at 41 and our numbers were extremely good. So I think it varies from pregnancy to pregnancy.
I would love to hear more about your lovely Hannah and how things are going with her. :)

As for us: nothing new on the sick situation but I too was kind of impressed with the apology. The guy even said that he would have hated that to have happened to him (someone being sick down his window). So I was of course very mollified :)

As some of you have seen on FB, Sebastian had another haircut. This one is a bit too short for my taste but he is still my cute pixie boy of course! He cried again but not as hysterically as the first time and really wanted to stare at the hairdresser as he kept turning his head to look at her through his tears.
There was another lady who walked in with her ca 5 year old girl and toddler boy (who was also walking). We got into conversation and I asked how old her boy was and she asked how old mine were. Hers was 1 year old and when she found out that mine are almost 16 months and not walking yet, she made a face and said "hmm that is very unusual, surely". :growlmad: I said to her, ah well I never heard of anyone crawling to their wedding, so I am sure they all learn eventually. She laughed a bit sheepishly at that and I then left. It upset me a little, I must say. I would never make a comment like that about developmental stuff to a total stranger. But maybe some ppl are not very considerate by nature. And anyway, I know she is wrong, as from BnB I know that there are many perfectly normal children who don't walk at my boys' age. And my brother was a year and a half and I 16 months old when we started walking. Anyway, yesterday Dominic took 6 tottering steps without being prompted. So we are getting there. :)

Then yesterday evening I heard this weird and very loud hooting noise from outside our kitchen door. I am always so anxious lest something might wake my boys, so I thought if this is a neighbour trying out some sort of football vuvuzela or hooting horn or whatever, I shall tell him off (YAY!! :haha:). So I look out of the kitchen door and there across the fence I see a peahen sitting on the roof of next door's extension! It flapped over onto our extension roof by the time I called out OH. I cannot imagine where it could have come from as there are no parks really close by that have peafowl. As far as I know they are usually flightless and can only sort of flap a bit like chickens, right? I tried calling the RSPCA three times but apparently their call volume was so high that I should please try again later. The peahen then flapped away into someone else's garden and I gave up. But I think she was on our extension (which is our bedroom) roof again this morning as I was woken by something scrabbling up there. Sometimes it is cats but this sounded more heavy and clumsy. Could have been Alfie of course who is the most clumsy and ungraceful cat I have yet met. lol But by the time I had made a coffee and got up the boys etc there was nothing to be seen.

Below are pictures of the haircut and the peahen. :)




Got to go and give porridge to my sweetlings. I hope all are well? Sending :hugs:
Good morning my lovelies - hope everyone is well. We had one of those yukky nights, in bed for 8, crying at 9, 10, crying for half an hour at 2 and then up up at 5.40 - wow I'm tired, she seems a little constipated again so she had some grapes and apple juice before nursery this am. DH was of course on nightshift so I was single parenting it... YAWWWNNNNNNNNNNN

Today is dress down day in work so I'm currently wearing my 'Mini me in the making' t-shirt - given everyone is staring at me with the 'is she isn't she' look I thought I'd clear it up :) I know its a bit early but its hard to miss in the first instance!

Lady H we would love to hear more about your little girl, I love this thread and feel like I know everyone and their LOs.

SK the biting is perfectly normal - F is still young and if you are trying to discourage it I don't see what else you can do? As for F being small and slight my friend from works little boy is 2 and L is both taller and much much heavier than him! My dad keeps saying kids will eat when they are hungry and everyone fusses too much. L on the other hand is a chunky monkey but given she had 32oz milk from going to bed til she got up shes definately eating enough!

Angel I love the peahen, that is so cool! And I liked Sebastians haircut, but cause it was so short it made him look less babyish! You have 2 gorgeous little boys, you really should be very proud of them. As for the walking my friends kids didn't start walking until they were 16 months and as he said they can all walk as well as the next person now!

Ok better go and do some work, catch up later :)

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