any other over 35 first time mums?

Not much here, guys - as they show on the beginning of the Simpsons - it's day 3 of No Bitings in Creche, so we are very impressed with Finn and he was trying to pull my hair and I started stroking his hair and saying 'gentle, gentle' and he actually tried to stroke my hair - supposedly, he goes around stroking the hair of any upset wobblers in creche....

am annoyed - our paychecks didn't arrive today, so I had to borrow some money off a co-worker, which is annoying as I said it was for creche, but actually, I also needed money to buy flowers and a card (and wine) for the two ladies who were in charge of the baby room at creche (finn was there since October and only moved to wobblers completely on Monday), but it seemed to make more sense to bring flowers (and wine!) on a Friday afternoon than on Monday (when I could use OH's credit card over the weekend).....

finn was pretty good - actually sttn last night, but...the noisy neighbours were banging doors, etc. on and off from about 10 to 12 last night, and growl! I guess they figure that they can do want they want until the hearing date in September, but another neighbour pointed out to them that they were making it worse for themselves, but who listens to logic? So frustrating. I was able, however, to explain to my OH, exactly why some noises really upset me - e.g. the loud boom-boom of loud music is similar to migraines and when I have migraines, I get the boom-boom, so when people play loud music (oddly only with a boom-boom bass, but not mild music), I am afraid it will trigger a migraine? Odd, yes....oh, well...

sorry, so me-centred, but have read through everybody's and hope all are well? storm - I hope tonight is a little better, and borboleta - any news? and angel - I am glad that you got an apology, but really hope that it doesn't happen again! and hugs to all!


ps. anybody's LOs wearing sandals? Finn is outgrowing his 'first shoes' and I was thinking maybe sandals might be better re: clumsiness? or no?
pps. is it normal to hear the neighbours from the other side of a house (not even near the shared party wall)? They are doing something banging-wise and it's half past 12 in the morning!
ppps. um....LO's nose/face is all back to normal so will try to take pictures this weekend and update....sigh
Well we have a fully fledged crawler here now, so I have my own shadow too!! I am pretty sure Charlie is the inspiration behind this latest development, but I think Charlie may be having some serious regrets now about teasing Sophia with her tail :dohh:

SK yey for less biting! But :nope: to your awful neighbours!

storm did you have your scan? Or is it next week? Any one comment on your t shirt and bump at work?

Angel, I am impressed with both the apology and your quick witted response to that lady about crawling :haha: good for you! Plenty of babies walk later and what usually happens is that when they walk, they walk really well straight away. Oh I wish these people would butt out and stop talking nonsense especially when it's none of their business. It's like a girl telling me that Sophia was weird for crying when she was over tired, say what? How is that weird, but apparently her baby, just fell asleep when he was tired! I won't repeat what I said to her!

Hello to everyone else, hope you are all having a lovely weekend x
Hi ladies,

Just a quick one.

Sabrina: no news:(. We have to keep trying and tomorrow we are having new friends coming over and he works for a big company here and is willing to refer glen to the company so we will see:).
And thiago wears sandals all the time. He actually has about 4 pairs and loves them:). Just make sure before you buy it that you can bend the sole fairly easy. Otherwise I think it is hard for them to walk.

Charlie : :happydance: for S crawling!!! Do you have the house baby proofed yet?

Thiago has a cold. Poor thing. This is his second cold and I feel so bad for him. He has a little fever and runny nose. Have to go he wants me. Bye:)!
Hi ladies, for those of you that don't know already, Lucy had cake and biscuit which contained egg for the very 1st time today.......with no reactions!!!! Yay!!! She still can't have egg goods like scrambled,boiled or mayo etc, but at least it's not so limiting.
Hugs to all.:hugs:
Seems like everyone here already has their babies. I'm 35yrs old and 33w with my first. It'll be nice to be here because I'll get to see what happens AFTER pregnancy LOL! If it's one thing I hate, it's not having a heads-up in advance!
Welcome squiggy :hi:

Claire - I said it already but :happydance: for lucy's first cake!!!!

Charlie - :happydance: for sophia crawling!!

Sabrina - :happydance: for no bitting. Gael rarely bites but he does hit/slap/kick often and I get very upset when he does it :nope:

Angel - Gael walked at 16 months. I wouldnt worry about the boys at all

Question for all - My brother is insisting we go to see them in Spain but DH doesnt know if he'll be able to come and the idea of a 3hr flight in one seat with Gael on my own makes me really anxious. Am I the only one to feel this way? I know it's 'ơnly' 3 hrs but I know how difficult Gael can get in a 30min metro journey....I said this to my brother today and of course I ended up feeling worse as he made look like a neurotic mother...:nope:
I couldn't do it, Kosh & N is apparently an easy baby.

:hi: ladies!

:wave: Squiggly

Borboleta....I hope T feels better soon..

Clairey....that's excellent news re the egg allergy.

N is now obsessed w my car keys. He grabs them every chance he gets, heads over to the front door & hits the panic button. You can hear it from miles away, but it's much louder near the front door. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. I tell him to turn it off & he does....waits 30 seconds....& then BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. 'Please turn it off, Niko!' Then silence....giggling....& BEEP, etc..

Indigo - Gael is obsessed with car and garage keys to the point we had to buy him a spare set :dohh: but a few days ago he got hold of the real ones and was playing in the kitchen, etc etc next morning we found the garage had been left open overnight!!

Borboleta - sorry I missed the bit about T being ill. Hope he gets better soon.
Good morning ladies :) Thread seems to be moving slower than usual, I hope everyone is ok?

Squiggy welcome :D Would love to get to know you better so do tell us a bit more. Have you decided on a name, and if so, are you telling? And as for everyone already having their babies, yes but Storm is preggo with her second and we are all so excited :) Some of the other ladies are also ttc so we are majorly crossing our fingers and toes here :D

Storm how did it go at the office with your tshirt announcing your second bean? I love the idea btw! How cute!
How is sleep now? I saw you tried to sell Lyds on FB lol And also how is the nausea?

Sabrina yay for no bitings. But I too think it is normal. One lady whose journal I follow, has a little girl of about 12 months and a bit and she apparently bites and pinches (the little girl, not the mum) the other babies in her nursery too. It is not nice but apparently happens more than you'd think.
I can imagine that certain types of music could trigger a migraine, but do you not get it from the Sex Pistols then? Or maybe they didn't have that kind of bass yet.
Looking forward to a new pic of Finn, unless you'd rather not post one of course.

Charlie congrats to Sophia on crawling :D Is everything baby proofed around the house then? Cause it won't be long now till she can get to every lowish surface!
That girl who told you it was weird that Sophia cried when over tired is seriously odd! Has she read not a single baby book, ever?? How unusual of her baby to just drop off like that, unless he is newborn? Or maybe she isn't very bright? ;)

Borboleta sorry T has a cold! Is he feeling poorly in himself or is he as usual? Would you believe, Sebastian still has his cold (Dominic started improving last week) and I think it must be nearly 3 weeks now! But it is getting better, he is still coughing a bit but not much. Like your T it was only their second cold ever but they had no fever and seemed cheerful as usual. I hope T gets better soon and that it won't last long. It is so hard to see your baby unwell isn't it?! How on earth will we cope when they get those more serious children's illnesses?!
Your friend referring your DH to the company he works at sounds like it might be a great entry for him! I hope this works out, unless he does still get the job he interviewed for of course!

Claire Woohoo for Lucy and cake and biccies! That indeed is a relief! As you know the thought of a life without either was quite daunting to me lol

Kosh you are not at all a neurotic mother, unless I am one too. We were meant to go home to Switzerland to visit my mum (and dad if he happened to be there) and my OH would have come with me but the thought of even a one hour and forty-five minute plane... errm... ride, flight (?) and getting the boys out of their sacrosanct routine, made me break out in a cold sweat and we are not going. My brother and mum are so disappointed :( But Mum is now hoping we will come for xmas and I said yes maybe but I am by no means convinced lol.
But I am impressed you have Gael's passport already. We keep forgetting to fill out the form and bring it to their GP to sign. Probably underlying unwillingness to go anywhere hehe.

Indigo oh gosh Nico and the panic button! Don't you get a fright every time?? But I am impressed that he knows what turn it off means and actually does it! Very cool! And I am amazed at your forbearance and patience that you let him have the key still after the first time he set of the alarm. But then, I get scared easily. The amount of time my OH came into the room not abnormally quietly and I jumped a mile high, is unreal. It used to annoy my brother who thought I was putting it on and who has no nerves whatsoever (so therefore cannot lose them) and whom I NEVER, in our over 40 years, managed to make jump. Never, not once! Abnormal, huh? LOL

Clio I just wanted to tell you that Dominic LOVES Ten Little Fingers and he always wants the page with the feet and the hands! Sadly he has pretty much destroyed the book already by bending it backwards and around. But I know he would just do it again if I got another book so we are still using this wreck. But he even sits on my lap and lets me read the entire book to him without grabbing at it. After, he wants "his" page and then he wants me to turn the book around and put his feet on the page to compare the toes. So cute!
And also Pocoyo has now become a favourite with Sebastian. As soon as we say do you want to watch Pocoyo he starts laughing. But maybe this is also cause we announce the characters along with the programme and make a huge thing out of it. But he then gets up in the chair and watches, really watches. :)

As for us Dominic has all his canines now which is surprising as his second incisor on the right is not yet through. I cannot see if he is working on a third and fourth molar but he might well be. These teeth seem to come in in groups.
He is making progress with his walking but not in leaps and bounds. He does however occasionally take a few steps without being prompted and he is getting better at standing up without having to pull up on something highish. Yesterday I was sitting on the floor with my legs stretched out in front of me and he used my knee as leverage and stood up by only pushing up on me knee. So that is good too :)
Sebastian is starting to stand unsupported for longer seconds now but he still thinks it is a game where he surprises us when he will be falling backwards into our arms.
Also, we have this very cheap little book with about 4 pages in it and the song row row row your boat. And both boys love it. OH reads it to them with noises at the scream and roar. It makes them laugh so. And yesterday, Dominic was going through the book by himself and made roaring noises at every page, the cutie! :cloud9: Golly I love those boys! :blush:

And now for a bit of a pity party. Read on at your own peril ;)
Friends of mine, whose little boy is about 7 months old, are off for a 4 days break in Mallorca and are leaving their little boy at her mother's. I was sitting here thinking about that and was feeling a bit envious that she has someone to leave him with, I admit. But mostly I felt bewildered at her sheer joy of looking forward to being away with just her hubby and to hung over lie ins in the morning. Apart from my never liking alcohol and therefore not understanding the attraction of a hang over, I don't think being away from my boys for that long, would fill me with such joy. I miss them and feel guilty to be without them when I very occasionally go out for an hour on my own!
But then something occurred to me that took me aback: most of all I wouldn't want to be without my boys and with just my OH cause I have no idea what we would do with each other during that time! We would no doubt talk of nothing but the boys. But there doesn't seem to be anything else for us to talk about or to do. On August 9th (I think) it will be 2 years that we last had sex! I think there is nothing much couply left between us, apart from being parents to the boys. Ok, so we sort of cuddle when we sit on the sofa together and watch tv and we give each other a brief hug and a kiss on the lips before going to sleep or when of us leaves the house. But that is it. If there is nothing on tv we like to watch, we are stumped for the evening. :( So going on holiday with him alone would be... daunting. How sad is that?! What do you do with your OH apart from being parents? Sex is out. Apart from my feeling too fat and having a disgusting overhanging belly now, I don't think OH has fancied me in years. So unless I lose lots of weight and gain back my confidence and somehow talk him into it then, there will be no sex. Any other suggestions? We have no one to watch the boys so we cannot really go for a romantic dinner either. :( How sad this all sounds.
Ok Pity Party over! lol

Hope all are well. Sending :hugs: to all :)
kosh - ask your brother to take care of G and see how he reacts! You're not neurotic at all, but normal! Unless you've actually travelled with an under-2 (and I haven't yet...), nobody knows how hard it can you know, we are flying to the States for Christmas and my father wants us to come visit him in North Carolina before we go to Arizona because it's more convenient for him, but adding another flight (Dublin-New York-Phoenix and then return Phoenix-New York-Dublin) is going to be very tricky for us (and it's a short flight (about 1 1/2 hours), but aside from some money issues (my dad keeps changing his mind)), I just not sure I want to put myself under such pressure just because my dad says he can't leave his dogs (WTF?)....

okayish here, LO slept okay, but I didn't and he's a bit fussy today; he's had diarrhoa (sp), but not loose/continuous (maybe a wee bug?) and a little hyper, but normalish....I am so tired! and sorry, he's now trying to demolish the living room, so must go!

angel - you are lovely! I'm so sorry that you (like me) feel unattractive....I've only dtd with OH a few times since having LO, partly because of exhaustion, partly because both myself and OH have tummies now (I only lost about 8lbs since January, but at least, I kept it off....grumble)....

hugs, honey.....sigh (and I completely understand how you feel.....)

must go, somebody is crying....

Thank you so much Sabrina :hugs: :) "Sadly" my OH is super slim, looks 10 years younger than his real age and now that he has acquired a bit of a tan, I find him quite devastating. Why couldn't he be the Fatty McFatterson and me the skinny reed?! lol

Wanted to add: Happy Birthday Leeze! Hope it will be a really nice day for you and that you get lots of non mummy related pressies and lots of delicious cake! :) xx
Wow so much to catch up on. Hope you are all well and thanks for the warm welcome.

Maybe I can be cheeky and ask for advice? For the last four days or so I'm finding Hannah taking less milk and its a real struggle to get her to drink. She was taking around 150ml and feeding 7 times a day. She has mild silent reflux so she has half a packet of infant Gaviscon in the milk. She was taking forever to drink and falling asleep repeatedly while drinking, so I moved over to size 2 teats. She's still adjusting to the faster flow but still only takes 100ml. She does do 150ml for her night feed ok though. Could it be she is feeling the reflux more and I need to see Dr about upping the Gaviscon or something else? In the evenings the feeds are a major battle with lots of screaming. Sometimes we get the 100 in over an hour in three separate goes. She seems ok in herself, wet nappies etc. I'm just worried she's not getting enough. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Storm is most expert on Reflux on this thread I think but both my boys had it too. Gaviscone didn't help my boys much at all plus it made the teat cloggy as it never seemed to dissolve well. My boys were prescribed ranitidine which helped lots. Dominic was always a good feeder but Sebastian used to be a bit of a struggle too. But what you say does seem rather long for a feed even at that age. I would definitely have a word with your doctor.
Also I seem to remember that we had size 3 teats just a little before they were the recommended 3 months old and that seemed to help a little (once they were on ranitidine) for Sebastian not to fall asleep on the bottle. But if Hannah is struggling with the number 2 then I would wait a bit.
Sorry I don't have any better advice. :hugs:
Oh Angel, you are not alone! I feel the most unattractive ever, I was a slim size 10 and now I am 2 stone heavier and it's just not budging :nope: I get so jealous when I see these svelte like mummies with babies half the age of Sophia! My OH is a fair bit younger than me which before was never an issue but now I feel like an old woman compared to him! But having said that, I have bought an exercise DVD, a pretty intense one, and we are doing that together :haha: his idea though, well I got the DVD but his idea t do it together. we have done it last for the last 2 nights and so far I have needed to be his motivator :haha: I just really want to get trimmer, maybe not like before but better than now to make me feel better and actually agree to :sex:( we haven't for about a year but that was because in my mid trimester I became rampant :shrug:) and to get into my clothes again etc. As for ideas, maybe date night at home? No telly, candles and a nice meal? We have no one either to look after Sophia so I do understand. When we were in Holland we went for a walk one evening while the in laws babysat while Sophia was asleep, it was lovely actually, we did find some things to talk about, but it felt weird to be together without Sophia. I would totally babysit your lovely boys if I got to know them, we are not far and OH is fine on his own here with Sophia so you could have some together time and re kindle that old spark?

Kosh, I totally would never fly with Sophia on my own! We went to Holland and on the way there was great, but mainly as the lady sitting next to us adored babies and was fantastic at entertaining Sophia, so we lucked out. On the way back, well it was a nightmare. The long queues at schipol meant we could barely change a nappy let alone feed Sophia before we got on the plane! Sophia had not napped and was frustrated at been stuck in her buggy for so long etc and that was with my OH! We are flying to Australia in a month, I must be mad as a hatter as we are also taking my elderly mother :dohh: but for that we have got Sophia her own seat. So no you are not being neurotic, it is so hard traveling with babies and toddlers and I would say Gaels age would be harder than Sophia's especially on your own.

Lady H sorry, I am not really the best to advise on either reflux or using teets. But all I would say is if LO has wet nappies and is pooing then she is probably getting enough. Don't forget at 12 weeks there's a big growth spurt so maybe all this sleeping is gearing up for that? Then Hannah will guzzle away again.

Hello Squiggy, welcome, have you a name? When is your due date?

Well now we have a crawler, the cot side have gone up, which she has been happy with as the bed is right next to the cot. However now she has decided that standing up is the next mission and cot sides are great for that :dohh: so rather than crawling and rolling all over the bed, which was keeping her awake, we are now trying to stand up with the cot sides! What to do?!! The living room and hallway are pretty much baby proofed and gates are up, but there's only so much baby proofing you can do. What do you all do with cat litter boxes? We have had to move it for the mo but I want to teach Sophia not to go there rather than just hide it. Any ideas from fellow cat mummies?

Borboleta, hope little Thiago gets better soon.

Claire has Lucy had any more cake?

Hello to everyone else, hope you are all well x
Hi ladies,

Having a rough day!! Thiago still sick with his cold and being super whinney and clingy and OH ate a bad fish yesterday and has diahrreia and vomiting since 2 am this morning!! At least I feel fine I guess :dohh:!!

Squiggy : welcome!! You are almost there:). And we would be more than happy giving tips of what worked and it didnt work with our LOs.

Angel: yeah for Dom working on his walking and so as seb on his standing. People can be so mean when making little comments like that. I still think about what my MIL said but try to avoid thinking too hard about it.
Do you mind me asking you a question? Do you try make a move on your OH? Sometimes we just need a little push you know :haha:. Since thiago is born I haven't feel very much in need if sex but OH is always the one that makes the move so I just go with the flow and than I enjoy it :haha:. But sometimes he gets the usual " I am too tired" which I totally true :coffee:. So maybe if you stop worrying about how you look, cause I am sure you are beautiful, and buy a cute nightgown or something, he might enjoy it the surprise :thumbup:. Do you ever talk about the reason why you don't have sex anymore? Sometimes OH and I talk and I tell him that the frequency has greatly diminish due to tiredness at the end of the day :haha:. Another idea ... Maybe you should start the day with some good snuggling. :happydance:. You know man ... They are always up for it in the morning :haha:.

Charlie: I can't believe that S is just standing in the crib already! Amazing. She is a very determined little one. Does she have a cute look on her face when trying to achieve something. And I totally agree with you, it is kind of nice to go places without our LO's but we do miss them dearly. But I think our OH's need some time just with us too.

Kosh: I am not going to Brasil anytime soon. Financial reasons but most of all don't want to deal with thiago in a airplane for 9 hours. I am with you it must be exhausting!! I had a friend that went to see her family in Iran and he was 17 months when they went and it is almost one day flying!!! She said it was horrible!!!

Claire: yeah for Lucy and the cooked egg goods :happydance:.

Lady H: thiago didn't have reflux so I couldn't give you advice on the feeding but like some of the other ladies said I think if she is still gaining weight and has wet and poopie diapers she should be okay. But I would phone the doctor too just to make sure:thumbup:.

Indigo: the story about the panic button was great!! And him laughing cause he knows he is not suppose to be doing that :haha:. Too funny!!
And ask me today if I want to start ttcing: answer : " NO" :haha:. I was just thinking of that, can you imagine having OH sick your son sick and them having to care for a baby all at once!!!!! :wacko:

Sabrina: still waiting for Finn's picture :haha:. Is he still taking 2 naps or moved to one?

Clio: hope all is well:)

Storm: yeah how did the announcement at the office went? And you selling L on Facebook was hilarious!!! When are you gong to announce on Facebook? A friend of mine just told me she is pregnant:happydance:. She is 7 weeks:)!! So happy for her:). It will be her first. Now I am waiting for 2 other friends to get pregnant of their firsts. They are not trying but can't wait for them to tell me the good news. They are both 33 so that should come soon.

Bye ladies:)!!
Quick question

did your LOs ever get 102F fevers quite cutting molars?

Thiago's nurse said that teething fever is a low fever so I think high fever could be a virus. Poor little Niko hope he is better.
I was about halfway pregnant with this one when I started calculating when I could/should start TTCing for my next one.

A bit of a rant: I'm so sick of hearing how "high risk" I am out of everyone. And then my friend comes from the other side of the pole, she never wanted kids and so never wanted ME to have kids. Now that I'm preg with first she's preaching how I need to wait at least 2 years before trying again.
Well, my hope is for 3 children. I'm already 35!

I don't want to get pregnant again too soon and end up with complications. But I'm at a point where I don't know WHOSE advice to take!!! Everybody's got something different to say.

:cry: :growlmad:
Quick question

did your LOs ever get 102F fevers quite cutting molars?

i don't think so. last time gael had high temp and I thught it was his canines, it ended up being an ear infection :dohh:

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