any other over 35 first time mums?

We took him in & the doc guessed teething. I guess I'm just not convinced.

He was given the chicken pox vaccine 9 days ago.

He also has one huge (mosquito? spider? fire ant?) bite on his arm.

We were told to give him oral Benadryl for the bite & Tylenol for the teething pain & fever.

The Tylenol is reducing his fever a bit, but it's still there. Is that ok?
thanks ladies for your comments re. flying on your own with your LOs. feel slightly better, I think what doesn't help is that my two closest friends seem to have managed with no problem: one did Spain-Argentina with a 7month old and Spain-UK with a 18month old on her own. the other one did several trips to Argentina on her own with her 2 babies/toddlers!!! I really have no idea how she did it. I know in one occasion her daughter was sick several times on the plane and her son had bad diahrrea!!!! I'd kill myself!!

angel - :hugs: :hugs: I am going through a rough patch with DH myself so I know the feeling. :cry: but I agree with borboleta we should try and initiate sex if we fancy it but also talk more to understand what the problem is.
i'm actually feeling really down at the moment :nope:
Hi everyone and thanks to Angel for birthday wishes.on here and to those who posted on Facebook. 41 today. Hoping to have another LO here or on the way by next birthday!

Had a big grump with OH this morning due to rough teething night and he promised go help out during night but slept through Kia screaming. Can anyone else's OH manage that?

Angel - that's so gross re the sick - glad you got an apology.

It was a few pages ago but someone.- Clio maybe - asked about signing. Kia started signing.for milk around 12 months and for water a couple.of.months later. She has only just started saying the words for milk and water so at least 8 months of signing milk. One of the best decisions I made to go to signing.classes. She also.can do the sign for.oucb and has told us about sore teeth and sore tummy. Both been really helpful. I'd recommend it to everyone. You don't even need to go to classes. You can buy a book on amazon or even a baby signing app! You just need to do the sign whenever you say the word. I think its really helped her speech too as it has given her more tools and more incentive to communicate.

Welcome to squiggy and Lady H. Everyone here is lovely and very welcoming.

Sorry again for the millionth time for not.more.personals and not such regular posting. Have so little free time these days but am thinking of you all. Hugs XX
Kosh - big hugs re feeling down. How's your sleep going at the moment? I always worse.when sleep isn't going too well. Also working and being a Mum to a toddler really takes it out of you. I find it so hard to cope at work after.4 or 5 hours sleep.
We took him in & the doc guessed teething. I guess I'm just not convinced.

He was given the chicken pox vaccine 9 days ago.

He also has one huge (mosquito? spider? fire ant?) bite on his arm.

We were told to give him oral Benadryl for the bite & Tylenol for the teething pain & fever.

The Tylenol is reducing his fever a bit, but it's still there. Is that ok?

he might be having a reaction to the vaccine?
how is he coping with the high temp? if Gael is relatively ok I try not to give him anything to reduce the fever to let his body fight whatever is causing it.
hope his ok soon.
thanks leeze. sleep was going great a week or so ago but is crap-ish at the moment again. i somehow manage to cope ok, but it's true that i see everything darker when sleep is not going well.
thanks leeze. sleep was going great a week or so ago but is crap-ish at the moment again. i somehow manage to cope ok, but it's true that i see everything darker when sleep is not going well.

I know that feeling. Its much harder to be positive when you're just surviving on getting through the day. Big hugs XX
Squiggly: do what it is right for you:). Your friend is probably jealous. But if you do want three children than maybe you,can wait a couple of years than have another and than maybe a year to have the last one :winkwink:. You are a baby at 35years:). Look at Sabrina, she had Finn with 44(?). I love it!!

Indigo: it might be the vaccine than. Just give him some Advil or Tylenol. Advil works best for us:).

Leeze: good to see you here:). Happy birthday again:). How is ttc going?

Kosh: :hugs:. I know the feeling of sometimes it looks like there is so much pressure in our lives but we will see the end of the tunnel soon :hugs:.
thanks leeze. sleep was going great a week or so ago but is crap-ish at the moment again. i somehow manage to cope ok, but it's true that i see everything darker when sleep is not going well.

Can't your DH take the night shift for a while?

Hello ladies - such a lot to catch up on - I did read the posts over the weekend but I was too lazy to reply on my phone. Dhs grandpa died on Friday (he was 92) so DH was up and down to the family rather a lot which left me with an every demanding young lady.. oh my goodness that child sometimes... anyway back to everyone else.

Lady H, I didn't find the gaviscogne to be of much use at all and you certainly need the level 2 teats, I was raging no one warned me about the need to increase the teat size and when I tried the gaviscogne for the first time I wondered why on earth she wasn't drinking much - she was tired of trying to suck the thick milk through the tiny teat! L had very obvious reflux, there was nothing silent about it and was put on carobel also to thicken the milk which made it even worse. In the end Losec was the magic cure for us. But if your LO is happy enough on 100ml and is gaining weight and still has plenty of wets I wouldn't be too worried. But if you are worried phone your mw or doctor. I spent too much time not asking questions as I was worried people would think I was over anxious!

Borboleta I hope T and G are feeling a bit better, not good having a sick toddler and husband at the same time!

Angel my dear you are not alone, DH only stepped up to the mark with the DTD when he decided he wanted another child! Other than that he generally shows no interest whatsoever in sex... I used to worry about it, especially when other people are practically beating their partners off! Oh and I doubt very much we will DTD this entire pregnancy and I will be too scared to after as I don't want any more babies! I do think you really put yourself down though and you are much prettier than you believe you are. Maybe you should seduce OH :) Oh and we have NO ONE to look after L, my dads not capable and both my brothers have their own kids, so until it gets to the point she can go for sleepovers shes with us... I'm not even entirely sure where she goes when I am giving birth but hoping shes a lot more settled in 6 months time..

I can't remember who had the fever - sorry I know it was either G or N... no I don't think L had any really bad fevers with teething, she did with 2 urinary infections and once with slap cheek - I wouldn't let his temp get too high though. Oh read through again N - I hope the little dude feels better soon!

Happy birthday Leeze, I loved the look of your picnic on FB and then felt rather sad L will never have a birthday picnic with her rubbish 29th Dec birthday. Actually her birthday is on such a rubbish date I'm thinking of having a half year bbq every year on 29th June :)

Charlie yay for Sophia and the standing - she is coming on in leeps and bounds! It's so exciting for them being able to crawl about.

Squiggle - hello! I find the best advice is to ignore most of the advice and do what is best for you :) Once you have your first you will know when the time is right for you to have more! Ignore your friend, you can't not have children cause someone else has decided they don't want them!

Kosh the tiredness is terrible and it is like a dark cloud descending - I remember all to well the days of wanting to collapse I was so exhausted and how everything was just a nightmare!

Ok I'm completely lost on what else I meant to write about! Big dr appt on Friday so if all goes well I will do my FB update then. Hardly anyone in work noticed my t-shirt - haha, but some of them already knew anyway. DHs family all know now and his cousin is due 2 weeks before me :)

I'm so so tired today, DH had me up from 2am coughing I was still awake at 4.15 when L kicked off, she had run out of milk and DHs coughing was bugging her so I had to change her nappy and lift her in with me - where she shuffled and squeaked, crawled about, lay against me, lay on top of me, lay up my back... eventually she stopped moving about an hour later and I fell asleep just before 6 only to be woken at 6.40 by L jumping on my head... I am so so so tired I can't stop yawning and I can't drink much coffee - bah!

Have a good day everyone!
I'll write more later but I thought in the meantime I could post a couple of pictures of my little man :cloud9:

eta: hope you don't get offended by the t-shirt, it says MILK on the back :winkwink:
kosh he is gorgeous!! I love the dimple in his chin too. I always think it means a strong character and very determined will ;)

Got to go, want to take the boys out on my own today and need to hurry if I want to do the shopping before they need their nap at 2. Would you believe it, Dominic woke at 4am this morning and didn't go back to sleep. Was my OH's night though so I went back to sleep. But I really hope we aren't back to that!
Will answer more in detail later or tomorrow. But thank you all for your kindness. :D
Awww Kosh he is adorable - a proper little man now! Our babies are getting all grown up! As for the t-shirt I thought it was an F not an S and I was thinking 'wow I'm not sure thats appropriate!' - I laughed when I realised it was an S - hahahaha
"Hello ladies!" ;)

For those not familiar with us yet, that is Sebastian and he is trying on daddy's sunglasses :)
Kosh: oh my godness he is so cute!!! He has the best skin :)!! And of course his eyes are to die for:).

Storm: I love the stories of L :haha:!! I laugh so hard when you tell us how she woke you up!! What a little monkey:).

Angel: can I go back in time 40 years :haha:. He is adorable:).
Awwww, hi Sebastian!!!

Kosh, he's a real cutie! I thought it was an f on his shirt at first, too! :haha:

I know what you girls mean about body image and feeling fat and flabby. I've been thin/fairly fit my whole life, and it's always been important to me. Before getting pregnant, I was about 125 lbs. I'm 5'8". When Blake came home, I was a bit over 150, flabby everywhere and felt gross. I think I saw myself bigger than I actually was, though. Today, I'm around 137, so losing slowly. I think I could be happy at 130, but we'll see. I'm determined to get there eventually!

Anyway, back when I was closer to 150, thought dh would be grossed out like I was, but he didn't seem to care at all. I think we women put all this stress on ourselves about our own body image ideas, but our men really don't think the same way, especially when dtd. Once I put my extra pounds out of my mind, dtd was just as much fun as before (but it was difficult to forget at first).

Angel - you say such lovely things about your oh, I bet he'd be so so flattered if he knew! Maybe he just doesnt want to pressure you, or maybe like my oh, he'd rather avoid a "feelings" discussion at all costs. I think you should make a move you're comfortable with to show him you're ready, maybe wear nothing to bed and ask for a hug/cuddle? Walk around topless "searching" for a certain bra or shirt? Or even a simple comment suggesting you're ready without having a big discussion. I bet he'll jump at the chance! Go for it!!! :hugs:
Kosh- he is just gorgeous!!! I will have to show Lucy his pictures and see what she thinks of him??

What us if with all these babies waking up so early??? Lucy was awake from about 4am ( she did go back down.....eventually, but oh I'm tired! :-(((
Speaking of which, I'm off to bed!
Night all.
Ah Kosh, he is just so cute, with beautiful big eyes! Love the t shirt, where did you get it?
Hi ladies

Angel - I totally get what you mean about DTD. We've only done it once in absolutely ages and this was because of TTC. I think OH doesn't really realise that I feel like he doesn't fancy me etc because he doesn't initiate it. I've tried speaking with him honestly but I still don't think he gets it. I did read something written from a man's perspective once that said they often think women should initiate it the first time after a baby to show they"re ready and somehow the men feel they're being respectful by doing that. I dunno though, its hard not to take it personally. When we did actually do it, we haa bit of a laugh about it - like about whether we could remember what to do etc . That lightened the mood a little

Storm - sorry to hear about your OH's Grandpa. Great age though. I know what you mean about birthday picnics Kia's birthday is mid-November. Her birthday is always going to come after Halloween and Bonfire night. Mind you, having a summer birthday does often mean people are away on holiday or busy with weddings etc and not around to celebrate.

Kosh - I initially thought it was an F on the t-shirt too! Great t-shirt though. And lovely photos.

Can't remember what else I wanted to say. Hi to everyone else. My cat has got to have an operation on Thursday. One of his thyroid glands removed. He's quite old, around 13, so I'm a bit worried. XX
thanks for the comments ladies, but I must agree he does look cute in those pictures :winkwink::cloud9:
re. the t-shirt, yes it's an S not an F :haha: charlie, I bought it from ebay. funnily enough the seller had twins so she had two of these. I've emailed her asking if she still has the other one in case you're interested?

angel - love Seb's picture! so charming!

squiggy - forgot to say, are you 35? you are a baby, of course you have time to have 3!!

indigo - how's N? still high temp?
re. DH doing a night shift, unfortunately it won't work as Gael is pretty clear re. what he wants when he wakes in the middle of the night: 'mama' and 'teta' (mum and boobie) :dohh: so if I DH took charge it wouldn't be a relaxing night, quite the opposite...

clio - are you ok?

storm - I hadn't realised that L's birthday was the 29 Dec. that was my due date!, but he was born on the 14 Jan in the end! :dohh:

re. DTD etc - I think one of the problems is that we are used to hearing that 'men are always interested in sex' so when they are not we cannot understand why, and of course we take it personally and it's upsetting. I too tried to talk openly about it, but he still doesn't get it eitther. the other day I went to him and said 'if you want a shag let me know'!! how sexy is that, uh?:dohh: :haha: but I was running out of subtle ways....

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