any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies. Welcome Mindy.

Kitty - the sign for ouch/sore is a bit like a wave with your hand upside down. Almost like you're trying to flick water off your hand. I just do it any time something hurts or could hurt. So if Kia falls and bangs her head I say 'head ow'; or if I think she's teething I do 'teeth ow' or if she's walking towards a hot oven I do 'oven hot ow'. Her way of signing ouch is actually very similar to waving so it took me a few times to work it out. I also do a facial expression like someone in pain! The main other signs she did were duck, bird and moon. She sometimes does the sign for 'where?' - this is probably the cute one. I think its generally really helped give her the confidence in communicating. For the first 2 months or so she mainly only did the sign for milk which meant she was hungry, thirsty, tired or wanted Mummy - but she didn't have to cry to communicate this. She also now says 'mouth' when she's hungry and I think signing has given her that idea!

Clio - I'm loving the idea of J lying down in puddles. What a great image! XX
Hi ladies,

Mindy: welcome:). 5 months is a great age:). They are just so cute:).

Clio: welcome back:). So sorry you are dealing with a lot right now:(. When it rains it pours isn't it!!! I loved the story of J and the poodle:). And how are you surviving without the naps :wacko:!!! He must go to bed early. Does he wake up early too? I feel for you my friend :hugs:.

Storm: sorry about your OH's grandfather. But like the other ladies said 92 is a great age. I still have my grandmother that is 97. Still going strong although doesnt do much anymore. Kind of said how your mind start fading away.

Sabrina: it sounds like Finn is getting the whole no bitting and no pulling hair idea:). Give us more tips on the super nanny book:).

:hugs: to everyone else:).

As for us everything the same. Good days and bad. Thiago and OH still getting over their sickness. Thiago decided that he is a diet and has not been eating for the past week. Well, barely eating. Not sure if it is because of the cold, or the back molars ( his finger lives in back of the left side of his mouth now :dohh:) or maybe he just think that he needs to trim some pounds or something :dohh:!! He has been super clingy and a bit whiney too but I make that as the cold and not eating. He is a momma's boy what can I say :kiss:.

I told OH the other day how interesting and a bit sad it is to see how he has moved on from his obsession with balls to cars and trains now. He still plays with the balls once in a while but not constant like before. He loves to see the wheels spinning in the cars and play with them.

I think he woke up from his nap. Have to go:). Bye:).
Thanks for the welcome ladies :)

We are visiting my family in Toronto so they can all meet our little monster. We go home tomorrow. I can't wait to get back in our own bed. Not looking forward to the flight, though.

Sorry about your DH's grandad, Storm.

Clio, I hope you have less pain soon. 4 months is awesome! He will be 5 months old next week. He is more than awesome!!

Sabrina, yay for another Finn :)

I'm originally from TO! Where does your family live? Are you originally from Newfoundland? I've never been, but have heard that it is beautiful. I'm still adjusting to the prairies, and I've been here for five years!

Oh, it just occurred to me--have you ever booked your seats online? We go on to WestJet or AC exactly 12 hours before--the earliest they'll let you do this--and book our seats. This way I was able to secure a seat in the bulkhead ($40 more) which gave us more leg room.

Oh, enjoy five months! It starts to change after they can sit up, and suddenly you're dealing with a whole new set of circumstances (not better, not worse, just different. Though I must say, I do, on occasion, miss those times when J was immobile.) Can you tell us some of Finn the Second's quirks and likes/dislikes? We've come to know the LOs on this thread almost as well as we know each other, and I'd love to hear about Finn II!
We booked our flights via aer lingus and I called to reserve the bulkhead/bassinette seats, so cross fingers, we get them for our transatlantic journey for Christmas....!

now, I need some advice: I said that I would decide by 1st August and that's Thursday! As some of you know, we are travelling to the USA for Christmas, and originally our plans were to fly NYC (stay a few days and visit family/friends), then fly to Phoenix (where my mum relocated/retired to) and back Phoenix-Chicago-Dublin. My father (parents divorced) suggested that we also fly to North Carolina as he and my stepmother haven't met Finn and that he would pay for it. Okay, I guess. Then, he emailed my mother to split the cost (they have been divorced for 30+ years), which really upset my mother (and me), so we are not sure what to do, (on an aside, OH and I are paying for all flights ourselves and not expecting any parents to contribute, it's the extra flight that my dad suggested paying!) e.g. my OH isn't sure about going to NC now as it will result in additional costs for us (flights NYC to Phoenix are reasonable, but going NYC to NC and then NC to Phoenix is a bit more), but also the frustration that my father is trying to control again with money....e.g. the threat of not giving money if we don't do exactly what he wants....part of me wants to go see my dad (my stepmother is lovely), part of me wants to say 'forget it' and a small part of me wants to go to Vegas with OH and LO and drive through to Phoenix. My father always used money to control (ultimately, at age 20, I told him to 'eff off and paid for college working three jobs (my grandparents found out and assisted with college fees), and we have been friends only for the last ten years or so. I guess I should also say that my father has refused to meet us in NYC as he has 9 dogs and 4 cats and it would be too 'expensive for him' to get a house-sitter, but then, I get angry because it would be so much easier if he did come to NYC for a day or two. On the other hand, my stepmother lost her son last year in a particularly tragic way (he had a blood clot, coma for 6 months...) and I know it would mean alot to her to see Finn. Actually, I think, after writing this all out -- we probably will go to NC as I think it would matter alot to my stepmother....aargh....

oh, well...any thoughts?

hugs and bye!
SK...if it were me, I'd just go & pay for it myself. My father passed away in only have a limited time with your parents & you never know what may happen unexpectedly.... I just feel sorry for people that try to control things w $. Something is amiss w them & they deserve pity.

Gotta back later...

:hi: everyone!
Forgot to welcome squiggy and Mindy!!!:hugs:
Struggling here today as we had another 5.15 wake up! :-(
sabrina - half way through your post I was going to ask if your dad couldn't go to NYC, but then you answered that....although will a sitter be actually more expensive than paying for your flights? anyway, I agree with indigo and if you think you can afford it and would like to see your dad/stepmother, I'd pay for the flights myself so you do not feel he's controlling you but is actually your desicion.

clio - forgot to say - loved the snoring game on a puddle!!:haha:
sorry you're so much pain. hope it gets better

claire - :hugs: again

I thought I'd share I've just had a first success with a bit of reverse psychology! we were on the metro and Gael asked me to get suncream and he was playing opening it and putting some on his hands etc etc. after a while when he started to want to eat it :)dohh:) I said, now we put it back in the bag, to which of course he siad no. I tried a couple of times and he, of course again, got more I remembered the trick and I said to him, no, we cann't put it in the bag, no no no. he looked at me a bit confused and mumbled something , so I told him again, no, in the bag no. and then, as if by magic, he first wanted to put it underneath his seat and then just handed the suncream back to me and asked me to put in the bag!! :thumbup: Def worth trying!!

question re. words
- do your LOs have the same word/sound for different meanings? we have a new meaning for PA. now, it's not only bread, ball and shoe but also bag! :dohh:
re. words again - Gael said pretzel teh other day, although it came out as: pff-pff :haha:
Hey Clio, good to hear from you but sorry things aren't so good :hugs: loved the Jonah and the puddle story :haha: do let me know how J find the book, look forward to the day I can read it to Sophia, well any book for that matter, she's far to busy for books it seems!

SK I agree with Indigo and Kosh. I lost my dad 18 months ago and it still upsets me so much that he never got to meet Sophia, he would have adored her! I would go and pay myself, life's too short.

Borboleta, is T eating again? Wow you have a 97 year old grandma! Does she know about T? You mention that she is strong, but that her mind might be failing? Sophia has a great grandpa, but he's a mere 83 and lives in Sri Lanka, we hope that sometime next year they will meet.

Kosh, thank for the link, nit sure I would pay that much! It seems to be a bit if a cult t shirt and that price! But am keeping my eye out for a cheaper one! Love the reverse psychology! Good the suntan lotion got put back in the bag and all Gaels idea :thumbup:

Mindy, loved 5 months and everything after too, a lovely time. Are you from Newfoundland originally? That is a place that I would love to visit along with Alaska on the other side! It looks so beautiful and untouched!

Right, am dog sitting for mum, need to take her for a little walk, she's a 16 year old westie, so it's slow but not very far!
Kosh: what a smart idea!!! Should try that:)!! And no thiago does not have same name for different things. But you know kids ... They come up with some crazy things :haha:.

Sabrina: like the ladies said if you can afford go see you dad, but if you can't just tell him it will be easier for you if they would come visit you in NY and that you would love to see them. But I agree with you I hate when people play games like he is doing it :growlmad:!!

Charlie: yes the boy is teething again :growlmad:!!! It is his real back molars that are suppose to start making an apperance at 28 months or so :growlmad:. I am so done with teething :growlmad:!!!
And my grandma is still going strong. My aunt that takes care of her hopes she doesn't last to 100!! I know it is kind of mean but she is just exhausted of taking care of my grandma. Let's just say that when she was young she was not a very nice person. But I think she will get to 100 :haha:. She sure outlived her mom that passed away at 96.

Claire: we had an early morning too 6:15am. Not as bad as you I must agree :haha:. What time does L goes to bed? Thiago went down at 9:30pm but a lot of times he doesn't fall asleep till 10 pm. Mind you I still rock him To go to sleep :dohh::dohh:!!!
Borboleta- she went to sleep at just before 7 as she was shattered from her other early morning start! Putting her down later wouldn't help either as she wakes at the same time if not earlier and if just means she has even less sleep.
I'm hoping it will pass soon.....I hope?
I'm off to Ireland with my mum again next week and have to do that epic drive through the night etc on my own. Fingers crossed Lucy is sleeping better by then:winkwink:
Borboleta- she went to sleep at just before 7 as she was shattered from her other early morning start! Putting her down later wouldn't help either as she wakes at the same time if not earlier and if just means she has even less sleep.
I'm hoping it will pass soon.....I hope?
I'm off to Ireland with my mum again next week and have to do that epic drive through the night etc on my own. Fingers crossed Lucy is sleeping better by then:winkwink:

Oh I wish T would go down at 7!! The earliest he ever slept was 8:45pm!!
I'm originally from TO! Where does your family live? Are you originally from Newfoundland? I've never been, but have heard that it is beautiful. I'm still adjusting to the prairies, and I've been here for five years!

Oh, it just occurred to me--have you ever booked your seats online? We go on to WestJet or AC exactly 12 hours before--the earliest they'll let you do this--and book our seats. This way I was able to secure a seat in the bulkhead ($40 more) which gave us more leg room.

Oh, enjoy five months! It starts to change after they can sit up, and suddenly you're dealing with a whole new set of circumstances (not better, not worse, just different. Though I must say, I do, on occasion, miss those times when J was immobile.) Can you tell us some of Finn the Second's quirks and likes/dislikes? We've come to know the LOs on this thread almost as well as we know each other, and I'd love to hear about Finn II!

I am originally from TO too :) I grew up in Newfoundland from grade 6 on. It i my home. I love Newfoundland. We have tried to move away a few times but always end up right back in Newfoundland. Our longest time away has been 1.5 years. :haha:

My parents live in Scarborough and I have family in Whitby and Oshawa too. My sister lives in Huntsville and just had a little girl 3 months before Finn arrived :) We spent some time up there and she came down here for a little while too. It was so nice to meet her little girl too :)

I'm not sure where the bulkhead is on a plane (I avoid flying at all cost! :haha:) but we have tried to check in both on the way up and on the way back home, but for some reason I haven't been able to. I had to call both times because the West Jet site kept telling me they couldn't find my reservation. Very stress inducing! Haha! They put us in an aisle seat and a window seat both times with a free seat between us. It is nice to have the extra room. The flights haven't been overly full.

Finn has been sitting quite well since about 3.5 months! I think it is because he is so "round". :haha: Lots of extra pudge to help him with balance. Haha! He just started scooting on his bum on Saturday. He isn't balanced enough to do it without someone holding his back for support but he is getting there! I can't believe my little man is almost mobile already! He's still not rolling, and doesn't seem like he is ever going to! He seems content to just lay there and play with his toys.

Finn is a super cuddly little man. He loves to be in our arms but he also has times where he just wants to lay on his own and do his own thing. He loves to watch our fish tank. He is a super giggly boy and laughs out loud quite a bit. He also loves to listen to his daddy play guitar for him.

We do cloth diapers, bed share, and baby wear. I can't wait to start baby led weaning. :)

Mindy, loved 5 months and everything after too, a lovely time. Are you from Newfoundland originally? That is a place that I would love to visit along with Alaska on the other side! It looks so beautiful and untouched!

I love Newfoundland! We live in a small town in central Newfoundland. There are about 1200 people. It is beautiful. We are from Corner Brook, though. It is more of a city. I prefer our small town, with our house and our pets and the "laid back-ness" of it all.

We are flying back home this evening. We will get to Newfoundland at 12 am :wacko: We will stay the night at my in-law's house and then pick up the doggies at the kennel the next day and drive home. I can't wait to get home!

I hope you are all having a good day today :flow:
mindy - Finn sounds adorable and quite easy-going!
Hi SK! Just wanted to give you my thoughts quick on your trip to US. Dh and I decided while Blake was still in my belly that when family "issues" came up, as they inevitably would, we would try not to argue between us about it, or be sucked into any manipulations/drama from family members. When decisions like that needed to be made, we promised ourselves that the ONLY consideration would be what was best for Blake.

Just my opinion...Sure wish they could just find a nice neighborhood kid to feed their pets for a few days and meet you in NYC though, a lot less traveling for the little guy! And so much fun and educational things to do in NYC, you could use a few more days there instead of spent on planes and in airports.
Storm - about the top of the stairs baby gate (without the bar on the bottom)...just wanted to let you know that it's working great for us, but I would still be a bit concerned about your dad having it in his house every day, as it's still a bit tricky once you're through and going down the stairs but still have to turn around (while descending) and lock the gate again. Probably fine if he's super sure on his feet, but my mom is a bit wobbly sometimes, and I'd probably worry about her having to use it all the time. The turning backwards and latching while on the steps part.

Hope you're feeling well today! Is Friday your big appt?
thanks everybody - I'll puzzle a bit more myself and agree with all the opinions (that's the problem!), but ultimately, we won't know how LO deals with airplanes until we actually get on the first one....sigh...

clairey -where in Ireland? and when? (you can pm if you want to give specifics), but wouldn't it be cool if we met up (and storm!...We may just have to do a day trip so my Finn can meet her LO - hehehe!)....

sadly, a biting today at creche. He is getting better with the gentle, gentle patting of your head (rather than pulling!), but aargh!

hope all are well? bye!

ps. my OH has been to newfoundland! (sadly, it was in connection with September 11, 2001 as he was on a plane to Vegas for a holiday and they were re-routed and stopped at Gander for 2 or 3 days....)
Sad reason to go to Newfoundland, but glad he was safe. Gander is not very scenic. Very flat and boring :haha:

My Finn did quite well on the plane. Our flight was only 3 hours, though. He did get a bit of a bellyache and didn't nurse during the landing so he cried a bit. He is usually easily distracted so it was ok with lots of play and bouncing. We were hoping he would sleep but he's so nosy he only had a half hour nap. Your Finn is much older than my guy so I'm sure the experience will be different. Hopefully not too bad if you do fly with him.
SK,I will be in west cork. I did chuckle at the comment you made about Finn wearing cork colours when the hurling was on!! ( up the rebels! Lol)
It would be cool to meet up, but it's still a fair distance...any suggestions??

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