any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies! Sorry I have been falling behind again.

Welcome Mindy and Finn :) Yay for another new lady and LO joining us! Looking forward to getting to know you both :)
I am 43, live in London UK and have fraternal twin boys Dominic and Sebastian, as you probably saw from my ticker and avvie. They are the delight and love of my life too and I cannot imagine it without them any more :cloud9:
OH and I have been together for over 10 years and on the whole he is a lovely partner and a wonderful father.
Your little man sounds adorable indeed! Aren't baby laughs just the best thing ever?? As for the rolling, my lazy boys didn't do this till much later either! I think Dominic was 6 months and Sebastian 7. But Finn sitting up and scooting sounds very good for his age so I don't think you have anything to worry about in the development area :)

Squiggy you are a spring chicken at 35! Don't let anyone tell you what you have to do! Your friend sounds odd to be honest. Why shouldn't you have kids just cause she doesn't want any?! And I just love parenting advice from the childless. Makes me angry! But then again if I am honest, I had no idea how much I would change when I became a mum. All the things I thought about babies were basically wrong, including of how I would feel about them. I know it sounds like a cliche but having my boys has opened up a dimension of love that I had no notion even existed. Before them I seriously thought I couldn't love babies any more than my kitty lol.
Anyway, the only advice I would take in your place is that of a trained medical person such as a midwife or your obgyn! But personally I don't see why you shouldn't manage 3 kids. You have loads of time still! I had my boys at 42 and it was an easy pregnancy and no one even mentioned the word high risk even though I had twins. But even if you did have to wait 2 years before trying again and then another 2 years, you'd still only be just over 40 when your 3rd is born (unless I got the maths wrong?).

Leeze loved your birthday pics too! I never had any picnic for my birthday either as it tends to be still too cold mid-March. My boys' birthday is end of March so I am guessing their parties will be indoors too. But you are right, I remember a few girls in my primary school who had their birthdays during the summer holidays and of course that wasn't fun either. Actually I think Kia will be fine with her bday in Nov cause that is party season anyway :)
How is Milo? Is his op today? How old is he? And what will the effect be of having the gland removed? Will he get overweight or too skinny? I alwys confuse the effects of over and under active. I am crossing my fingers for him! xx

Storm I am sorry about your DH's grandfather's passing. I think you did the right thing in putting L in the nursery for the funeral. She is too small to understand not to be boisterous at such an occasion. Also, it might have upset her anyway to see so many ppl being so sad? And yeah 93 is a great age of course but my grandmother died at 94 (we think) and still I feel she went too early and I miss her so much still. But I too feel so lucky to have had her so long. :)

Rowan you probably are too busy to see this but I wanted to say it is so lovely to hear from you and how things are with your lovely MnMs :)

kosh I saw that it was an S on the tshirt but it made me laugh too cause I remember wearing my French Connection tshirt in the US when visiting my then boyfriend. It was one of those infamous FCUK ones and he got soo offended lol. I was so surprised cause I thought it was a mild joke at best. Mind you, on a child it might be a lil different. ;)
Yay for reverse psychology! Hope he won't catch on too quickly ;)
And yes it seems that Dominic means both cat and duck when he says Ka! lol

clio you poor thing! I didn't know youhad to do that battle about the MJ. But I am thinking if there is anyway you can have it on licence it would be better than having to buy it on the black-market so to speak. I really hope you manage to get the right stuff for you.
I have seen Fred the Octopus and I love him! The episode with the juggling is so cute and I love how his voice is that opera laaahhh! I am not sure I have seen the episode with the art cause to be honest, the boys get so absorbed when I put Pocoyo on, that I often use that time to sit down and have a coffee or a read here lol.
I loved the story of J and the puddle! He is so cute! And wow for counting to 2! He is amazing! I am also so impressed that he lets you draw something. My boys would sooo take away the crayon from me and proceed to eat it o doubt. lol

Sabrina for your travel plans, overall I second kitty_love's sentiments, that you should do what is best for Finn in this instance. Ok so you don't know how he will take to flying but I am thinking less flying/travelling and less time changes will probably be best for him. That said I would try and see your dad if it is at all possible and somehow arranging a sitter for his many pets so that he could come to see you, might be a good idea? It cannot cost more than all of you flying down there to stay with him and your stepmum? I know how difficult things can be with family and having your old buttons pressed but I think you would regret it if you didn't see him. Finn won't remember him from this visit either way but you will remember them together and who knows how long any of us will have our parents around and how many more occasions for memories with them there will be. :hugs:

Indigo how is Nico? No more fever I hope?

Borboleta how are your men? I hope completely recovered now? As for him now being fascinated by cars, maybe he won't be a Pele but a Ayrton Senna? ;)
Hope his teeth won't bother him too long and then he truly WILL be done with them till he gets his grown-up teeth. Fingers crossed!

Lady H how are you and Hannah? Hope all is well.

kitty_love how are you and Blake? Would love to hear more on how he is doing and new stuff he is learning :)

Claire and Charlie :wave: :D

I am sure I have forgotten people and I am sorry but this is getting so long already and I still wanted to thank you all for your kindness re dtd and my OH etc. Sadly the issue is a little bit more complicated than that and has been for quite a few years.
Without wanting to go into too many details, my OH has had a "staying problem" during sex for many years now which I found hard not to attribute to me, especially as he refused to talk to his doctor about this and to try the little blue pills. But at the time it started, I thought it is just a man thing and he is embarrassed and I resigned myself. But then, as some of you may remember my telling you, he had an affair with, according to him, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen (not something he ever said about me). He had no problem with her but thought he might, so he got the little blue pills from his doctor to use with her...
This is of course a very brief and simplistic explanation of what happened and doesn't explain at all why I am still with him but it is from all of that, that I have my conviction that he hasn't fancied me in years. I could not and would not walk around him topless, I am far too shy and I seriously don't think it would spark his interest at all anyway. So until I feel more confident, I will definitely not make any moves on him. And in truth, one gets used to it, even if it makes me sad.

In other news, Dominic is making progress with his walking and does it more and more even when not prompted. He still wobbles lots but he is getting better. Yesterday he even managed to stand up without pulling up on something. He did a sort of down ward dog position and just stood up. Sadly I then startled him with my gasp of admiration and he sat down again after only a step or two lol
Not sure if I mentioned it already but he has all his canines through now and his third molar too. Sebastian also has at least one canine through and I think is working on a molar but he is more difficult to check as he doesn't willingly open his mouth so much.
Sebastian is starting to be really hard to feed. Very often now he refuses his stage 2 puree and of course still spits out any lumpier food or shop bought stage 3. But he also spits out any finger food we give him such as home made fish fingers, burgers and tortellini! But mostly it is that he refuses to chew. :( I have tried giving him avocado slices which Dominic actually loved so much that he went hmm throughout lol. Sebastian threw them on the floor. He usually likes banana slices and sometimes watermelon pieces but sometimes he will only have one or two and then throw the rest on the floor too. He will never refuse yoghurt or fromage frais or the Organix Goodies that are sort of like melt in the mouth puffy things but I am getting a bit stumped as to what to feed him now and I don't want to always just give him yoghurt as I think this will set him up to always refuse everything else in the hope of getting dessert right away :( I am going to try Gnocci in tomato for lunch sauce as that doesn't involve chewing either. I really hope this non chewing thing will get better once he gets his molars. :(

Anyway I better stop here as this is already half a novel. Sorry to those reading on your phone :haha:
Sending :hugs: to all
Hi everyone! I forgot my phone in work today and I am so lost without it - its making me twitchy! Anyway I had a quick read this am of the posts and can hardly remember anything...

SK hard decision - you will do what its right for you in the end, although the thought of having Miss L on a plane breaks me out into a cold sweat - the child cannot and will not sit still and there is no way I could cope with her for hours on a plane... the horrors!

3 hour appointment at the hospital tomorrow so hopefully I will get some scan pics!

Clio I did laugh at you saying your where in a spat with DH and then you asked him and he said no it was over - I think men in general just let things drop whereas I like to thrash them out.. Hope you get somewhere with the MJ, just seems crazy to me that they are willing to give you pills so readily but this is a battle...

Angel I can honestly say I don't think my DH has any interest in DTD at all - he never initiates it, has no issues when we do but just has no desire to do so. Honestly the man has no sex drive! As you know we don't even sleep in the same room so no chance of any kind of spontaneous DTD. As for OH having an affair, you know the grass is always greener and having a fling with someone no matter how beautiful they are is not the same as making a life with someone. A fling isn't reality - its pretty much just sex (chemically helped or not) and I bet you that the thrill and excitment was half the turn on.. Very annoying for you though that he was willing to look for help for this other woman! Oh and I wanted to say that don't forget you are the mother of his 2 boys so in any battle you win hands down. I also wanted to say that woman dear get some CONFIDENCE! You are a beautiful woman and it kills me to hear you put yourself down all the time... hold your head up high. Maybe you should buy OH some little pills slap them down in front of him and say 'high time we had some action matey' :) I have a tiny box (there might only be one in it as I think its a sample box) that my brother the GP thought would be hilarious to give to DH and my brother on their 40th birthdays - I can post it to you :)

In other news my little monkey is cheeky as ever, never stops and is chattering away like nobodys business, lots of it nonsense but lots of new words - she can repeat most words. She can't say Thiago though Borboleta as I've tried - I only know how to pronounce it from some of you utube videos :) Thought I better get her to say her future husbands name at some stage - if she doesn't elope with SKs Finn.... heheh

Im nervous about tomorrow, I am quite frankly huge. When I went to my 12 week appt with L I was wearing normal size 12 trousers and didn't look pregnant - this time round the bloat is scandalous and I have been in maternity gear for weeks- I can cross my arms over my belly under my boobs and rest them there quite comfortably... oh man I'm like a beached whale aready... HELP! Oh and super constipated - its a joy - still on the cyclizine for the lovely MS and still shattered... Im hoping 14 weeks brings the relief that I found when having L before the pain kicks in and the insomnia again...

Oh dear this is long and I have lots to do - better go and catch up later - its lunch and I need some food (well I probably don't but I'm hungry!).

Oh and Charlie I'm sorry to hear your dad didn't get to meet S, thats one of my regrets this time round my mum won't know and she only got 4 weeks with L, only 3 of which she was aware of. Thats the major downside to having babies in your 30s :(
Angel: you are the loveliest woman, and you should never think that you are not pretty enough. Sometimes men makes us feel that we are not desired and I am sure most of us have been in this kind of relantionship. Why is that we have this horrible pressure on our shoulders to look physically pretty all the time? :cry:. Sometimes I am happy that I have a little boy and that we won't have to deal with this pressure as much as we would have with a little girl unfortunelly. And I am sorry but I got so mad when I heard you saying that your OH said to you that he had met the most beautiful woman he had ever met :growlmad:!!! Unreal!!!! YOU are the most beautiful woman that he has ever seen!!!! Men are such idiots sometimes :growlmad:!!! They do think with their "dicks" don't they!!! :growlmad: Well know I am worried about raising a boy :dohh:!!!

Think like that. It doesn't matter how you look but how you see yourself. How many woman out there are very overweight but they take their time to dress nicely put on make up just because that makes them feel good about themselves. They act very confident and we perceive them as confident women. I know with kids it is hard to find a little time to shower, do our hair, put on a nice piece of clothing and makeup but the funny thing is that when you do it you feel good. I do :winkwink:. Why don't you try starting like that. Baby steps. You will feel better and eventually your OH will see a different side of you and maybe he will want to do something about that :winkwink:.

I hope you don't mind but I showed my OH what you said to have a man perspective on this and he said that you should go do Zumba or some kind of sensual dance like belly dancing, pole dancing ... Something that will make you explore your sexy side :). In the beginning you might laugh of yourself but than you will start to enjoy it:). I see ladies in the studio that probably never shakes their hips and we start they laugh and I can see that we are tapping on something that has been repressed for a while. :haha:. It is really cute to see their reaction :).

Gosh look at me I am writing a book too :haha:!!! Anyways it is hard to do something that is not familiar to us. But if we want a change we need to give start with the baby steps. And to me you have this Awareness that something is not right and might be making you unhappy. You deserve to be loved and you deserve to enjoy yourself. You are a beautiful woman and it is never to late to start a change for our own good :hugs:.
Storm: let's record to L thiago's name and make her listen to it every night :haha:. She will like him. He will be a challenge to her :haha:. Don't teach her how to say Finn :haha:!!! He is blond with the blue eyes ( is that right Sabrina?) ... Too much like her ... She needs a tan skin ( he tans really well :thumbup:) brown hair hazel eyes boy in her life to calm her down :kiss:.

So sorry to hear about you feeling bigger already. But I always heard that you will get bigger during a second pregnancy. I know I am not pregnant but my belly at the end of the day thinks that I am :haha:!!!
Storm I do find it reassuring to hear that some other men have no sex drive either lol. The media just lies. Thank you so much for your encouraging and kind words. You are so sweet and lovely always :) :hugs: :hugs:

Borboleta you are simply the most adorable, sweet and lovely person ever! I wish I could give you a hug and say thank you in person. I hope your DH knows how lucky he is to have found you. :hugs: :hugs:

Today my boys had a playdate with the beautiful Lucy and the gorgeous Sophia. Charlie and Claire were there too of course lol and are both as lovely and fun as I knew they would be. I just wish it could have been a meeting of all ladies from this thread as I feel I know you all and your LOs too.

Picture taken when we were ready to leave. My phone doesn't have the greatest camera and the LOs were getting tired I think. Maybe either Claire or Charlie will have a better pic? At any rate here is ours :)

Aw - how cute do they all look together! Let me know next time you plan to meet and I'll try get me and Kia along too! We're North London so Fulham might be a bit far though - is it a good meeting point for you guys?

Milo seems to have got through the op ok although is very subdued and looks like a bald eagle. The vet said they're worried his thyroid gland might breadtfeeding cancerous as its so enlarged. It has caused him to lose some weight but he was a pretty big cat to begin with.

Sorry for lack of personals. Kia only just gone to sleep and its after.midnight. Its so hot here today. Nearly 33 degrees and we don't do this kind of heat very well in the UK x
they look so cute together :aww: and tired too! lol

angel - as I said, I think a big problem is that we are made to believe that men think of nothing but sex, which is obviously not true!
I second borboleta in trying to do something that makes you feel better. I was going to suggest try to paint more (assuming that's something that makes you feel good about yourself) I knwo that when I feel cr@p if I manage to get the energy/enthusiasm to do something that I know I can do well, I feel so much better/confident, even sexier, afterwards. :blush:
But I should def stop talking and do it myself too :dohh:
oh, meant to ask you - what happened re. Sebs lip tie? do you want me to send you the info I mentioned?

leeze - really hope Milo gets better. (but was the 'might breadtfeeding cancerous' some weird type of auto-correct text??)
I saw you posted on the 'it's OK' thread. interesting comments, don't you think?

storm - let us know how the appointment went, looking forward to seeing some pictures! :baby:

will write more later
:hugs: to all
Afternoon ladies - just a quick one - had my hospital appointment today and actually met with the consultant - very nice man he was too. Very friendly, open, funny etc.. he did a quick scan and bubs is measuring exactly 12+3, he or she didn't like being proded and did a huge big full body kick - it was cute :) All looking ok so far as in there is a baby in there wiggling about :)

The consultant asked if I wanted any genetic testing and I declined, I know its personal choice but regardless of what may or may not be wrong with this baby its a coming - I just couldn't choose to terminate based on the basis there may be something wrong. The consultant said a great deal of people over here refuse testing as there isn't the culture that if there is something wrong its straight to abortion. Anyway I said my results would probably be bad due to my age anyway - he disagreed - he said that actually over 35 your are less likely to have a baby with say downs syndrome as before 30 your body tends to hold on to most pregnancys but over 35 you are more likely to have a miscarriage if your body perceives that there is 'something amiss'.. interesting I'd never heard that before. He also called me young lady and said it was nonsense when I said this was my last I was too old for anymore :) I would like to point out that I am so done after this one - hehe

Anyway I can't seem to upload a pic to photobucket at the moment! It will be on FB for my FB buddies later today but I will try and get it on here for Kosh etc who doesn't have a FB account (get one woman!)

Bad night for us last night, L was screaming 5 times and up up at 5 somethingish - how does the little madam survive on so little sleep! She better sleep tonight!

Lots of thunder and lightening and rain here at the minute - noisey and wet! I went outside about an hour ago to put something in the bin and thankfully noticed DH had left Ls lelli Kelly shoes outside! Why - I got them in before the rain - but I might pretend I didn't so I can shout at him for leaving them outside :) hehehe

Catch up later x
Thanks for updating us, Storm, I was thinking of you today. Glad your appt went well! Such great news that everything looks good with little bubs! :happydance:
storm - I feel/felt the same; we declined the amnio (we did have all the scans and nucal fold at 12wks), as I was scared that it might cause an mc and by that time, I was attached to LO anyway! (In fact, that was a horrible week for me as I was in tears even thinking about it, and we decided not to...what will be, will be!)...and my pregnancy at 43 was 'high risk' only in that it was my first pregnancy (well, obviously the mc before, but....) and I didn't have any problems until we hit wk 34 and then pre-eclampsia, but no gestational diabetes, no other issues at all...

angel - that is so cool that you met up with claire and charlie! Now storm, claire and I should meet up with all of us on the same island (notice I didn't say 'same country'!). I bought the cutest romper for Finn from Tesco (we can now order on-line in Ireland - :happydance:) and it says 'keep calm and cuddle me', so very 'british'!

no bitings today in creche (none since wednesday, so now, 2 days since a biting), but they are shadowing him when there is group activity outside, it seems that his natural enthusiasm might be the reason for biting, e.g. he thinks he's giving kisses? and the girl in the wobblers room said that he pretty much had most of his teeth, which is somewhat unusual for an 18th month old (but hopefully that means that teething will be over soon?)

I love the long letters/posts from everybody!

and I might have to try the samba classes or do something - I haven't shifted anymore weight, but at least, I haven't gained the 8lbs+ (about 4kgs) back....

hugs to all! bye!
great news storm, glad everything is going well :happydance::baby:
Hi ladies. Kosh - that was some kind of weird autocorrect! I mostly use my phone on here and it types one line at a time and its really hard not to do lots of typos. It takes me ages to type so when I've finished I often dont check posts in case I lose them. Yeah - re the whole "It's OK" debate - I really don't like the idea of possibly dismissing Kia's feelings. I also understand that sometimes its hard to not want everything to be ok. But I want Kia to feel like I can handle it when she's not ok.

Storm - great news about the scan and I totally understand not wanting to get anomaly tests done. Sounds like you saw a great Doctor with some lovely positive comments. So, is it all feeling real to you now? Are you still experiencing morning sickness?

Sabrina - great to hear there was no biting today. Kia has started hitting a lot at home but luckily not at nursery. Mostly she will stop if you tell her that gentle strokes are much better than hitting. I read recently that toddlers have little or no impulse control so its not really deliberate when they do such this. Who knows? XX
Good morning ladies :)

Leeze glad to hear that Milo is doing ok. Are they sending in the gland they took out to have it checked if it is cancerous? Seems cancer is such a wide spread illness among cats too. :( I really hope all will be ok.
And it would be lovely to meet up with you too but I am not sure where would be good for all of us as it is so difficult to time it right so that it won't interfere with either their afternoon naps nor their bedtime :dohh: I wish London was a little smaller and less congested at times. My MIL and SIL live in North London and sometimes it used to take us 3 hours to get there, depending on traffic. MIL doesn't understand why we don't come and visit her with the boys.
To Leeze and Kosh I read the It's Ok thread in the toddler section too, even though I didn't post as it doesn't apply to us (yet). I was not really aware of this "It's ok" phrase as it isn't something I would say but found the whole thread very interesting in regards to in/validating one's child's feelings. I never really thought of it like that before but definitely should put in some thoughts about it now - and then impart them to OH as he never reads anything lol. I had read Happiest Baby on the Block and liked that very much and thought it helpful with my boys (though not as magic as I had hoped ;)) so I will give the toddler version a go too.

Storm yay I am so glad your appointment went well :D I saw your scan piccie on FB and loove it! Makes me sooo broody! How I loved getting scan piccies when preggo with the boys! The scans were always something I looked forward to so much and cause of it being twins I got loads of scans. :D I was wondering when you said he gave you a quick scan, do they not measure nuchal translucency in NI too at that scan and then calculate your percentage of risk for trisonomy and downs? We were so scared cause of my age on one hand but the risk of testing on the other. So we decided to base any further decision on our percentage numbers. And as they came back really excellent we didn't have any further tests. I don't think I could have had an abortion either (unless something was so wrong that the child would not be able to live a life without great pain and suffering) but I wanted to be prepared.
Btw I totally understand that you are done after this bean but you are certainly not too old to have a third! ;)
I hope last night went better with L and she let you sleep a bit. And did you take the opportunity to shout at your DH? That made me giggle so much! ;)
Oh and I meant to tell you, we have been watching a tv series called The Fall. It is set in Belfast and had Gillian Anderson in it. Do you know it? It is about a serial killer so it isn't very cheerful but very gripping. Seems all OH and I watch is about serial killers :dohh: but mostly it is cause the only thing we both like is suspense and thrillers I guess. But the series made me think of you of course. I wonder however how accurate the portrayal is in regards to the danger of entering certain areas in the city if you aren't a resident and well known?

Sabrina yes I agree it was really cool meeting up with the ladies :) And I am so impressed and touched especially for Claire and Lucy to have made the effort as they had to come over the dreaded M4 and the road that leads on and off it is one of the most congested roads in London!
Glad there are no bitings at creche again but to be honest we get the occasional break too and then like yesterday, at least two bites and even maybe three, but one might have been over Sebastian's tshirt, so there were no marks on his skin. I am not hopeful that Dominic will stop any time soon as he just doesn't understand why he shouldn't and like your Finn most likely does it out of affection :( I guess we shall just have to ride it out and be glad for every day they don't bite :hugs:

Hope all you other ladies are ok? Would love updates on everyone and their LOs please :D

As for us nothing really comes to mind except that I went to see my GP on Wednesday about my diastasis recti of which he had not heard under that term and kept referring to it as... (I forget the name but something else with recti) and he then denied that it could be the cause of my backpain :dohh: In the end he googled it and of course found it under diastasis recti (wikipedia no less!!) and I think got offended at me for having known it better but said "I learn something new every day". He made me lay down on the bench thing and felt my tummy and said that the muscles had closed up. No they most certainly have not! I had to show him that to feel those muscles I had to actually lift my head a bit so that the muscles would try and contract towards the belly button. I am usually reluctant to contradict doctors but in this case I had to as I have a parting of at least 3 fingers wide. I told him that the in-house physio (of the practice) had actually told the reception lady/ nurse to tell me, that if the separation was 3 fingers or more, the NHS might even repair it for me but that I could certainly be referred to physio therapy to help me. The doctor never heard of such a thing and kept telling me that a bit of separation was normal. And then he was a bit surprised that my belly is very painful when prodded. Well that is cause the connecting muscles are apart and you are prodding my internal organs I would guess, no? Anyway he is referring me to an ultrascan. I am hoping they won't be equally ignorant :(
Also had a blood test and my thyroid is a tiny bit underactive but not very much so. But I need to have another blood test towards the end of the month to monitor it. I am almost hoping it will be something that can be treated as it would explain my constant tiredness and why I cannot seem to shift any weight.
The boys are doing well and Dominic is taking unaided and unprompted steps all the time now but is of course still very wobbly. He did well at gymboree on Tuesday though as I guess the surface is a good one to practice. :)
I think that is it for now. I am sending tons of :hugs: to you all and hope to have new things to read soon ;)
Storm- glad you had a good appointment! It's refreshing to hear positive stories re: over 35 pregnancies! Hopefully the ms will subside and you can go on to have a trouble free pregnancy and birth!

I too use my phone a lot to post in here and it goes do some strange things with spelling etc!
Leeze, whereabouts in north London are you?? I'm over in Herts, so depending where you are we could perhaps meet somewhere Inbetween??

Storm and SK- I think you should all come to cork for a nice day out in the rain!!! Lol
I have to say our night last night was by Lucy's standards.......amazing!!!! I'm still in shock ;-)
She slept from 7.15pm until 2.50am, had some milk and went back til 5.30, had a bit more milk and slept until 6.30! Only 2 wake ups!!!!

Right off to get some lunch now.
Hugs to all! Xx
Hi everyone! First thing yay for a great night miss Lucy! I too like nights with 2 wakeups and yet I know people who think those are bad nights :)

Angel Ive declined all the tests, invasive or not, im happy not to know. It's not that ignorance is bliss I just don't want to waste my energy during my pregnancy worrying. Baby bean will be what they are and hopefully they will be ok!

Actually turns out ni is a small place, my sister in law is friendly with the consultants wife as their kids all go to school together. Apparently 'Gary' is indeed a very nice man and unsurprisingly my brother knows him too... Small world. I told my sil I was going to feel like a stalker now as I know too much about the consultant :)

In other news my brother and sil are now proud parents to a puppy! The kids have been begging for a dog for years and they went to look at some and funny enough now have one. She's tiny and a Cockapoo (aka supposed designer dog but really a mongrel, a cross between a cocker spaniel and a miniature poodle). Lydia wasn't bothered at all, she was more interested in the trampoline, climbing frame, slide, cousins and rocket ice lollies... After about 2 hours she went to look at the pup. But hey we have a dog and cats at home but not a complete outdoor playground :) Cara (my dog) wasn't much bothered by the pup either, but when she squeaked she checked she was ok, it was cute.

Miss L is out cold now after all the excitement, she's had a busy busy day :)
Just wanted to share quickly. Sebastian is walking (!) with his little walker :) :cloud9:
Angel: so cute the video:). I love his little "tongue talk"!! Is that their bedroom? It makes me feel better when I see pictures of our homes full of toys all over the place :haha:!! I gave up on cleaning up everyday :haha:.

Storm: same to you. I love the pictures of Where L had been on the yard :haha::haha:!!! She is a little tornado isn't she :haha:!!! And so cool little bean is doing well:)! Congratulations again:). I hope once you have the baby you can popping once in a while over here to say hello:).
I kind of forgot that you are Irish :dohh:!! I got to say I have the worst time watching Irish movies :haha:! It is so hard to me to understand the accents sometimes :haha:!! I ask OH to put the subtitles on so I can understand what they are saying. But it is a beautiful accent:). We will see how little t and L will communicate in the future :winkwink:.

Claire: :happydance:for 2 wake ups during the night :happydance:!!! Hope she will keep improving!! And I am still amazed by how she keeps the hat on hair her:). I had a friend that told me that I just need to keep putting the hat on thiago head and eventually he will stop trying to get it out. :dohh:

Sabrina: yes try the Zumba DVD and see what you think. Do you like dancing? And yeah for no biting!!!

Leeze: I need to find out what is " that's okay thread is about :thumbup:. And glad to hear your cat is okay:).

Hope all the other ladies are doing well :).

We are doing good in here too. Not sure if I mention but I sent my MIL an article about 18 months separation anxiety and she seemed to get it and it is not looking at thiago like he is a weirdo :growlmad:! Yesterday she came to baby sit him for a couple of ours while OH and I went to have dinner with some friends ( it was so nice to be able to eat and enjoy our food and talk like adults again :haha:) and she had a good time with him.
He really is an easy baby. Doesn't throw fits very often and if he does it is never a full blown one and can be managed fairly easy. He loves to cuddle with mommy and daddy too. I love him so much :kiss:!!
The couple we went to see yesterday are trying to have a baby of their own. She is 43 and not sure how old he is but I assume mid 40s. It will be their first. They have gone thru 2 unsuccessful IVFs and now decided to go with an egg donor and his sperm and see what happens. The procedure will take place this Tuesday so I am praying she will be able to get pregnant this time:). They said they will try one more time with the egg donors and if nothing happens they will adopt a baby than. Oh, and she mentioned that to adopt a baby here it is harder if you are over 40 ( thought of what you said Sabrina)!! That is just plain crazy!!!! And her doctor said that is they used her eggs the chances of her getting pregnant was just 6% but with a 28 years old woman's egg is 60%. That is why they decided to give it a try this time:).

Little t is up. Have to go:). :baby:
Hi ladies

All ok here. We had STTN last night. Last week or so we've mostly had only one wake up in the night so I'm feeling a lot better at the moment.

Clairey - we live not far from Finsbury Park or Hornsey station and both of these have trains going in the direction of Herts. The only problem is that neither of these are step-free. I hate carrying the buggy up and down steps and normally try to find somewhere with a lift! Where's accessible for you? X

Angel - that is such a cute video. So both the boys are on the verge of walking. How exciting! Before you know it they'll be climbing. Kia is so into climbing at the moment. Its a bit scary at times as she has no fear! Do you live anywhere near the Overground? Can you get to Forest Hill? The Horniman Museum is very toddler and baby friendly. X

Borboleta - what a great idea to give your MIL that article. I like that approach - you're educating her in a non-confrontational way. Do you think grandparents forget what its like to be parents of babies and toddlers? I sometimes feel like this with my parents and MIL! I hope if Kia has children one day that I can be more understanding! X

Hugs to all XX
Not much here -- had a relaxed day with LO throwing a few temper tantrums and a few bitings of mummy, but I'd rather he'd act up at home and not at creche - LOL!

Still haven't decided what to do regarding Christmas....I absolutely agree that my dad and stepmom should see LO (having the widest circle of people who love him (according to Judge Judy (I'm addicted to her show!) is the best thing, BUT I have to think of Finn first)...Borboleta - we can get cheap flights from Charlotte to Phoenix with a stop-over in Houston and I mentioned that one of my over-35s lived there, so we could actually meet up (okay, for about 20 minutes, but that would be funny!)....I have narrowed it down to three options: 1) we go to NC; 2) we fly direct to Phoenix from NYC, and/or 3) we just fly to Vegas and drive to Arizona. I know I should do no. 1,, will try and decide sooner rather than later. I just wish my dad hadn't started all this hassle/fighting/BS!

um.....not much else. It appears that our noisy neighbours have another family living with them, e.g. living in the living room (next to our master bedroom with the shared party wall), and they like to blast music. GROWL. The landlord/owner has begun eviction proceedings, but it can take months regardless of the hearing in a few months time (to the Irish Tenancy Board) and the complaints to the council. As it stands, we can't use our garden (tried earlier in the week, but Finn got scared about all the noise....) sigh.

hugs to all!

Hi all, v quick update, tired, sore (hip and leg) and grumpy (hormones).

Angel I forgot to say I haven't seen any of the fall, I tend not to watch those kind of things but now I'm curious!

Leeze, hope your kitty is doing ok? I hate it when they are poorly!

Sk your neighbours are officially nuts!

Oh and my friend with the cancer got the results of his PET scan, nothing has increased in side and most have decreased, including those on the lymphnodes so they are pleased and are going to hit him with another 9 weeks of chemo, but its a positive start!

As for miss L, we have had many arguments today, she's pulled my hair out, smacked me in the face, climbed on my back and hugged and kissed me making up for all the hard bits of the day. Man she is hard work.. she better sleep tonight cause I'm about to put my earplugs in and daddy can sort her, he's on night's the next 2 so I will be on my own..

Must dash.. sleep is,calling xxx

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