any other over 35 first time mums?

thanks, storm, for your report on Miss L -- maybe my Finn and her are in cahoots as Finn bit mummy, grabbed mummy, screamed at mummy, but he did stop pulling my hair when I said 'gentle, gentle', but grumble!

We went to M&S today to get some summer shoes for him and after trying them on, he started running around the store, absolutely delighted with himself (and it was cute!)....

not much else here. I think we're going to suggest to my father that he come up to NYC for the day to meet up with us as I am hesitant about taking LO there (house borders on a lake, he has huge dogs and it's not very baby-friendly). I have to think about Finn first....sigh.

I'm feeling a little melancholy as I hate August bank holidays (I had my mc back in 2009 on the Tuesday following), but it's not so bad this year as I have my LO, and I guess it's normal to wonder 'what if'....

hugs to all and to all, a good night!

SK--J and I (no OH) are flying back to Toronto in the fall. Because J won't stay on my lap for a second, we're buying a seat for him as well, and are installing his car seat there. This is common practice here, unless you have a mutant toddler who sits quietly and tries to make life as easy for you as possible. Finn, however, has demonstrated that he is no such mutant, so is this a possibility for you? It's an extra ticket and at an adult fare too, because the seat takes up so much room. But I can't imagine how you'd do it otherwise...
Hi SK! Just wanted to give you my thoughts quick on your trip to US. Dh and I decided while Blake was still in my belly that when family "issues" came up, as they inevitably would, we would try not to argue between us about it, or be sucked into any manipulations/drama from family members. When decisions like that needed to be made, we promised ourselves that the ONLY consideration would be what was best for Blake.

Just my opinion...Sure wish they could just find a nice neighborhood kid to feed their pets for a few days and meet you in NYC though, a lot less traveling for the little guy! And so much fun and educational things to do in NYC, you could use a few more days there instead of spent on planes and in airports.

Sing it, sistah! I totally agree. My mother started a fight with me the last time she was here. It certainly wasn't the first fight, but it was the first in front of the boy. She wouldn't shut up until I finally turned to her and ferociously said: "Not in front of my son!" Man, did that feel good. Sadly, it did not stop fights that were not in front of my son. But, like you said, Kitty, as long as J's psyche was safe, that was what mattered most. I hope your dad decides to come up for you guys, and I hope there are places you can go, SK. Central Park must be amazing for kids! Isn't there a zoo?
Oh my! :shock: How many pages do I have to go back to really know what's going on?
Hi everyone - not much to report here - L has a day trip to the zoo today with nursery so I am keen to see how that went. She was shattered this am and in rubbish form. I was trying to explain to DH that I think her mouth is sore as she isn't eating much but he really couldn't cope with her grumpiness.... *sigh* I'm sure she was dropped to nursery the minute I left for work.

In other news the cousins are over, so I have taken Thursday off work so Miss L can meet them and we can go out for the day! I hope BIL sticks to his word as we have been promised the boys for the day and I want to take them out without BIL hanging over my shoulder!

Hope everyone is doing well - come on ladies I need more updates to read!
Good morning ladies

Sabrina: I would love to meet you at the airport!!! :happydance:. Please come, even if it is for 20 min so we can meet:).

We had a great day yesterday. Went to the beach with little t and he loved it. His favorite part besides walking on the beach as a good toddler that he is was feeling the waves hitting him.:haha:. He had no fear. He got a little whinny at certain point because he didnt take his 2 nap but handled very well. He liked playing in the sand too destroying the castle that daddy and I were trying to build. He is a destroyer. Anything that is stacked he will bring it down:dohh:.

Have to go bye!!
Hi ladies!

Storm - hope L has a fun time at the zoo...I can't wait until I get to take Blake to the zoo! We actually have a really nice zoo here in Columbus, Ohio thanks to Jack Hanna.

Busy laundry day here, little puke monster needs clean stuff! :haha: He's actually gotten a lot better with his reflux, thank goodness.

Blake is at such a fun age, lots of squealing, giggling, and having fun with his toys. He's rolling like crazy, all over the place, definitely needed the baby gate. He rolls over to it, looks through the bars down the stairs like, what's down there? He wants to crawl, but not quite there yet, but he does find a way to get around. He's discovered that if he lays on his back with his head down and hands in his mouth, and he pushes with his feet really hard, he moves! He's so funny, he gets this look on his face like wow look what I did! I think it's really cute when he tries this same idea on his stomach...puts his hands in his mouth and then buries his little head into the ground and pushes with his feet, but it doesn't quite work as well :haha:

I ordered a "baby jail" - metal playpen type thing from Amazon since he's across the room in moments. Most of our house is carpeted, but we have ceramic tile in the hallway and kitchen, so I worry about him getting to that and clunking his little head. Dan will probably set up this weekend, I'll let you all know how it goes. We ordered the extension kit too, so hopefully Blake will have enough room in there to play comfortably.

Also ordered Blake a bunch of toys from Amazon. Found these great non-toxic toys called Green Toys. They have trucks, baby toys, bath toys, etc. He has a couple and loves them, so got him a bunch more. Not sure how many of you are "weird" like I am about trying to keep the more toxic plastic crap away from our LO's, but thought I'd mention them.

Hugs to all! :hugs:

Oh, question for you...wanted to order some of the "That's not my....." Usborne books, but not sure which to get? Any favorites? Or definitely didn't likes? Please let me know your thoughts - thanks!
Kitty....I'm weird like you are...most of his toys are Green, Plan or Haba. I'll relax a bit once he stops mouthing everything. He's almost there.

B...N does the same thing...:haha:

:hi: ladies :wave:

I'm trying to keep up....we're on vacation this week & the wifi is spotty..
Oh oh now I feel like a bad mum, I never ever considered plastic being an issue.... Most of Ls guff is plastic although my favourite toy of hers the cow wheeliebug is wooden. Imust get her some more wooden toys!
Hello ladies, just back from a weekend away so not had a chance to read all posts, but wanted to say hi and hope all well. I see on FB that yiu have gone public Storm :) great scan pic, very clear.

Very tired, night all x
Feeling frustrated :growlmad:! Thiago has barely eaten anything the past couple of days!! His only meal was breakfast!! Not sure what is wrong with him :nope:. At least he does drink his milk!! Maybe is teething :shrug:!!
Morning everyone - hope you had a good weekend Charlie!

Oh my word what a night for us, L was up at 6am yesterday, they took her to the zoo in nursery and she slept for 1/2 an hour all day! Needless to say she was shattered by the time I got her home and nothing pleased her, eventually after a pathetic dinner (she too isn't eating at the minute Borboleta - must be teeth) and a rushed bath she settled down a bit - was bouncing off the walls at 7.30 and I eventually got her to bed later than usual cause she was over tired. She was asleep by about 8.30 and I swear she did nothing but cry and moan and squeak and thrash around, I ended up lifting her at 2.15am and bringing her in with me in the hope I would get some sleep... hmm that didn't go the best, she ran out of milk I had to get more at 5.15 this morning.. I am soooooo tired............ OH was at work so that was a pain, sometimes I really resent his nightshifts knowing he is coming home this morning and can sleep - uninterupted!

In other news my grumpiness is compounded by horrendous pain my left hip and down my leg, I remember this with L it came and went the whole way through my pregnancy and there is nothing I can take for it :( Ah the joys....

I'm cheesed off with OH too, he was going to work last night so he had all day free - he went to see his nephews in the am, but he did NOTHING in the house, I mean NOTHING. I had to collect L from nursery so he could sleep in the afternoon and when I came home he hadn't even spent 15 mins tidying up - he just leaves it all to me! So I gave off before he went to work and he literally said 'See Ya' went to work and didn't even send one text the whole night to see how we were.. apparently he was too busy???? Yeah right I don't believe that for a moment. He was just huffing cause I was annoyed he is so lazy. Sometimes I really could scream - in fact I think I might - but not just yet as I'm in the office :)

Borboleta L is being terrible with food at the moment, all she wants to eat is ice lollies and even then shes been crying trying to bite them sometimes. Shes hardly eaten anything for me and doesn't even want strawberries or grapes etc.. I tried her with fish pie last night (oh the smell made me feel ill) which she usually loves, its salmon, cod, smoked haddock in a creamy sauce with peas and mashed potatoes made by my own fair hands and she pretty much just threw it on the floor. I even tried some tiny sausages from the butchers which she adores - but nope - they went to the cats.. I gave up in the end and reckon she will let me know when she is hungry. This morning she had a fruit puree pouch as I couldn't be bothered fighting the fight and didn't have time to try a pile of different things... I'm keen to see how she gets on in nursery! I'm doing a pasta bake tonight and I don't think she will eat that either! Silly teeth.

Not much else to report apart from my tiredness and grumpiness - it just felt like the bad old days last night where you don't get any blocks of sleep at all.... *sigh*
storm - sorry you're in pain and grumpy :hugs:

storm/borboleta - G is not eating anything these days either. it makes me nervous but I have to remind myself that the boys goes through weekly cycles - one week he doesn't eat at all, the next one he eats for England :dohh:

kitty - we don't have any of the 'that's not my...' books, but I recently bought this one , at first I wasn't too sure whether G would like it but it was a success! it's very simple but quite cute.

we had a scare at nursery yesterday - G was playing rough with a friend and they both lost their balance and G fell back and hit his head on the floor while the other child fell on his (G's) chest! it seems he went totally white and slightly floppy!! :nope: Luckily I am literally 2 min away so could be there really quickly when they called. He was much better when I arrived although still a bit shakey, poor thing. I stayed with him for a while until he wanted to back to play :thumbup:

i'm very stressed at the moment as we will have to evict our tenant after over 2 months of unpaid rent and lack of communication :growlmad: we've done absolutely everything we could to help her and offer different options ect but she just decided to stop replying to calls/texts. I really don't understand as she's a single mum of two, surely she'd prefer to stay in the house? :shrug: but we cannot afford losing more money as we need that rent to pay our own mortgage :nope: I hate being in this situation!

hope all are well :flower:
clio - can you remind me the title of your potty book?

any other books you ladies would recommend? I'm after something with a simple story line (no rhyming as I prefer to read in Spanish to G)
Oh Kosh poor G - glad he is ok and its great you could get there so quickly!

Kitty we have thats not my
Santa - she likes this buts its a bit seasonal
Reindeer - again she likes it but seasonal
Snowman - love it as one snowman has a flulffy scarf - v seasonal again
Truck - yup likes this one too
Aeroplane - also a winner
Teddy - likes this one too and broke the spine messing with it

She inherited them from her male cousins thus the slightly more male theme.

Shes also gone back to this is my puppy/kitten/duck and monster with much RARING for the monster boom - hehehe

Still not keen on Slinky Malinki but I love those books :) I must get some Dr Suess books....
Kosh: glad to hear G is better. That must have been scary!! And so sorry you are having to deal with having to evict someone from your rented home:(. That must be hard.
Glad to hear thiago is not the only one that is on a diet now :dohh:!!! But he never eats for the entire US either :dohh:!! Yesterday after he refused to eat pizza for dinner ( one of his favorites) when he was playing around he ate a little box or raisins, some dried cereal and one raw snap pea.
Book: he is now interested in the following: on the night you were born ( nancy Tillman), brainy baby books, biscuit book collection ( specially the one with letter and numbers) and time to tell time ( one of his favorites).

Storm: I would totally be furious with OH too!! You go girl!!

Kitty: sorry we never got the books you mentioned. And like storm I fell bad because thiago chews on anything :dohh:. No green toys for him either :dohh:!!

Clio: no worries about going back just read what you can :thumbup:.

Question: do you ladies give your LO's vitamins? I started today. Since he doesn't eat at least he chews on vitamins :dohh:!!

Thiago now is fascinated with letters!! If you ask him "where is letter ...?" He normally gets it right:). Of course, sometimes he messes up but I think it is impressive :haha:. We have an alphabet letter magnet toys on the fridge door and everytime we have a meal we need to sing the alphabet for him:dohh:!! I told my OH that we need to record the alphabet song in Portuguese and English so we can eat in peace and thiago is happy to hear the song while eating too :haha:!! We are creating an alphabet monster :wacko:!!
He now likes to press buttons on the fisher price toy musical table and spin around until he almost falls down or just shake his head until he almost falls down :wacko::dohh:!! Do your LOs do that too? This morning he started shaking his head again and lost his balance and bumped his head on the kitchen cabinet and started crying and I just told him he needed to stop doing that or he would get hurt again.

Big hugs to everyone!!
Borboleta we give L vitamin d when we remember, its recommended in the UK.

So tonight I started on a list of names with L to see what she can say, boy was it funny. She can say Paul, John, Becca, Lisa, Esther and Ella really well. The face she pulls when she says John is priceless, John is grandpa or PaPa as she calls him. I kept making her say it cause it was just so funny :). Still no progress on Thiago though Borboleta :)
Well ladies, I'm in the throws of packing for my trip over to Ireland and I'm also trying to prepare myself for the long drive through the night.
I have a cold ATM so I'm not very well rested, but hey, I should be used to no sleep- right?! Lol
I will try and pop on when I can in the next few weeks, but the wifi is a bit but and miss.
I give Lucy a multi vitamin, but like storm, it's when I remember:dohh:
Books that Lucy likes are: "oh dear" (rod Campbell)
And we have these books by camilla Reid about a little girl called lulu. We have lulu's shoes, lulu's clothes and the favourite is lulu's lunch! They are kind of burly, but the lunch one would cross over both genders.

Charlie: incase I forget, have a fab time in Australia ! I know your going just yet, but didn't want to forget you ;-)

Leeze- we should try and meet somewhere half way??

Right, I'm fit for nothing but my bed ( fingers crossed Lucy sleeps!)
Night ladies.:sleep:
I'm officially 35w today!!! YAY!!!

*waiting so impatiently for baby*

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