any other over 35 first time mums?

Congratulations Squiggy - not long to go. Have you packed your hospital bag yet?

Borboleta and Storm - Kia goes through phases of not eating much. Things that normally tempt her when she won't eat anything else are crackers, processed cheese and frankfurters. Not the healthiest food but we normally have some of these in to tempt her if she refuses everything else

Kosh - that sounds really stressful about your tenant but also sounds like you've got no other option. Hope it goes ok. Re books. Kia's favourite right now is "I'm not cute" by Jonathan Allen. Look it up on you tube - they've got someone on there reading it aloud and then you can see if you like it.

Update on Kia is that her speech is really coming on. Its amazing. She comes out with the cutest things. I gave her some toast yesterday and she said "Thank you, Mummy" and my heart melted.
Awwww Leeze that is so cute! Way cuter than Ls favourite phase which is 'No way' and now added to the list 'Bum hurt'.. yes she does a have a little nappy rash poor pet. It makes me laugh when they start putting words together it always takes me by suprise that this little person is starting to talk to me properly!

As for the no food thing apparently yesterday was eating day, I got stuck in traffic coming home from work and I was late home, DH picked L up but I was so late I was making the dinner late and Miss L couldn't wait. I had bought a couple of emergency m&s kids meals to throw in the freezer and the little madam ate nearly the entire spaghetti bolognese??? She loved it and apparently it was much nicer than mummys home made stuff - you have to laugh. I was saying to my dad it was £2 which was a bit of a rip off and he said £2 for something she will eat, sounds fair enough to me :) We did try and make up for the micro meal by rounding it off with strawberries, raspberries and blueberries but again apparently the ones in my bowl where WAY nicer than her own...?

Shattered again today, had company from 1:45 this am, took me til nearly 3 to get her settled and back to sleep myself and then we had the random sporadic crying and wiggling and wanting her bottle.... oh man I'm tired. She was standing up in her cot crying and shouting MUMMY MUMMY MUMMY when I went in at 1:45 and I just didn't have the heart to leave her, well I did for 2 minutes while I went to the loo and she screamed the whole time hysterically. I guess she just wanted a mummy cuddle!
Oh and Clairy forgot to say have a nice time in Cork, but seriously Cork?? Could you have picked a place further away for your familys holiday home! I wish I could pop down but its one marathon drive to Cork - its quicker for me to get to London ;) Do you get the boat over and then drive? Where from? You are a braver woman than me!
Storm- cork is where our family home is! Lol well, west cork, not the city.
It's my bil that is from the north! ;-)
Yet Gain I am going to have to do this drive and ferry crossing with not much sleep under my belt :-( I do wonder why I do it??! Lol I guess each time I think Lucy will be sleeping better the next time I go.... Claire laughs to herself at this point!:haha:
Right off to do more sorting of stuff to take.
Lol Claire I meant further away from me :) x. Good luck with the journey!
Just read what you put earlier. I read it wrong in my sleep deprived haze! Lol
Yes,total opposite ends of the island!
not much here - LO is a bit tantrumy (is that a word?), so no afternoon nap due to teething and general crankiness (both of us); frankly, I'm surprised at my level of patience, but my OH does get a tongue lashing at times.

We're off to a family wedding tomorrow (a cousin of my OH's, but it will be nice to show off LO to the family (they saw him last year at a wedding), but I feel frumpy, cranky and generally need a proper break. Oh, well!

re: language skills - LO does say 'hi' and we think 'thank you' and some short two word sentences. His latest skill is unzipping bags and says 'goody' when he does!

hugs to all and to all, good sleep!

Storm - I hear you on the sleep front. I'm like a zombie today. Molars coming in. Agghh. So tired I could sleep standing up.

Has anyone got a play kitchen? I picked one up for a few pounds in a charity shop and Kia absolutely loves it. Its also helped to distract her from pulling everything out the kitchen cupboards or turning the washing machine on. She loves to make 'appitty' which is 'a cup of tea'. She also loves appitty made frombath water - anyone else?

Clairey - have a great time in Cork and good luck with the journey. Have you got some kids CDs? Playing nursery rhymes that you can sing along to really helps Kia when travelling.

Sorry - my mind has gone blank otherwise XX
SK - my OH gets a lot of tongue-lashings from me too! I've started to see it as his role. Hopefully it'll pass XX
Finn has a play kitchen at creche and likes to play in the 'home corner', we think however, it's more the banging of doors and pots/pans that he likes. He also seems to like helping to clean up, e.g. if there is a crumb of something (or half a rice cake!), he will make sure that I tidy it/clean it up, so long may it continue! (My OH is a complete hoarder and his bedroom has clothes and bits of rubbish that is over three feet high (I am NOT kidding!), so hopefully, LO has inherited the clean-ish gene from me)!

awww 'thank you mummy' I woud have melted too leeze! and I love 'appitty', so cute!
we are nowhere near two word sentences, quite the opposite, we keep acquiring meanings to the 'word' 'pa' :dohh: but he does make lots of efforts to communicate and is great at miming everything (from brushing teeth, to cooking, etc)
we don't have a play kitchen but I am dying to get him one! love the ikea ones, but they are really expensive!

sabrina - gael loves tidying/cleaning too! as soon as he sees some food/dirt on the floor, he runs to get the brush! you can also ask him to throw things in the rubbish and/or recyle bin and he deligently does it for you! :thumbup:

storm - I really don't know how you cope with L and one on his/her way!

- :happydance:
Morning all, off work today to take Miss L to the zoo with the 3 cousins she hasn't met yet! They are over from Suffolk with their dad.. I'm sure it will be mayhem. More L messing around last night, I need to do a tooth check.

We have lots of new words now we have downstairs, shoes off, socks off, me see and of course her favourite no way. Oh and mummy kiss which is so cute :) Makes up for her crazy tantrums and throwing things around.

L has a kitchen in a playhouse at my dads, but not here. With everything else we have no room!

Better go get ready, was stupidly sick last night... The joys!
i'm sorry this is totally irrelevant ina way but I'm sitting here crying and I need to vent. I've just realised I made a mistake re. the tenancy rules and not only I might not be able to evict the tenant but might end up paying a big penalty!! I really can't take this, I know it is my fault for not being clued up enough but I did as best as I could in the middle of the stress of moving houses and being sleep deprived :cry:
Oh Kosh big hug! It's a legal minefield. We have DHs house still empty cause we can't get it sorted. Hope you figure it out xx
Sorry Kosh, that sounds so stressful. Hope you can get it all worked out. :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Kosh: so sorry you are having a bad day:(. Do you mind me asking what did you do wrong and what is her rights? I feel really bad too when I make mistakes. But you are human and we do that all the time :hugs:. It will get resolved:).
And it makes me feel better to know that Gael's language skill is far from 2 words usage. Thiago is the same as Gael. We are lucky if he says one word at a time. His favorite word is lua ( moon).

Sabrina and kosh: your LOs are amazing!! Cleaning up already :thumbup:!! Maybe I should consider putting thiago in a daycare so he can learn how to do the same. He is a messy one :dohh:!!!

Leeze: I am thinking about purchasing either a used kitchen or new ( depending on the price :haha:) for Christmas. I think we should incent boys to be in the kitchen cooking more often :haha:. And how sweet that she says thank you mommy :kiss:!!! Can't wait for when thiago says that!!

Squiggy: :happydance: for 35 weeks!! I bet you are so ready to see him!!!

Storm: hope you are having a lovely day at the zoo!! Little L is a hoot :haha:!!! Think of how boring your life would be without her :thumbup:.

And for the ladies that like the YouTube channel Super Simple Songs: they now have a DVD with some of their more popular songs. I am thinking about purchasing for thiago. He still loves twinkle twinkle little star and etc.
By the way, they just came out with a new video called sweet dreams good night song. It is the cutest song ever!!!! Thiago loves it!!! When the video starts he wants us to hold his hand :cloud9: and every time the bear blink his eyes he blinks it too :kiss:. Worth watching with LO:).

And yesterday we went out downtown to see my OH's aunt and thiago went to bed at 11pm!!!! :wacko: by the time we got home. He was exhausted today and didnt last 2 1/2 hours this morning :haha:. He is pooped!! Hopefully early bad time for him today :).

OH found some head hunters to work for him. They are actually doing a good job and might send his resume to two different jobs. Fingers crossed:).

:hugs: to all:).
Big hugs to Kosh. Sounds super-stressful XX
thanks ladies, I was in a really bad place today and your kind words made me feel better :hugs:
borboleta - here in the UK when you rent a property and give a deposit, the landlord is now obliged to put that money into a 'safe scheme' (a third party account). then at the end of the tenany once is agreed how much should the tenant paid for repairs etc, the money is claimed from the scheme and divided accordingly. the system was done to avoid landlords keeping all the deposit.
so as a landlord you have to do that within 30 days of the start of tenancy. i did this but I didn't realise that i also had to send some paperwork for the tenant to sign. without this you are not allowed to evict a tenant, not only that but the tenant can claim 3x the deposit in compensation!!! :nope:
re.her rights - it's a real shame because we really didn't want to evict her, but she hasn't replied to a text/email/call/letter ina month now, so we are totally lost as to what's happened :shrug:
I spent all day searching the net for advise and posted in legal forums etc and it seems there might be a way to solve the problem re. the evition, but the risk of being asked to pay the penalty will always be there!:nope:
I feel better noe that I talked to DH too and he saw sooo distressed that couldn't get annoyed with me.
As you can tell we are not profesional landlords. we decided to rent our house after failing to sell. i had received some inheritance money which meant we had enough for a deposit (to buy) without selling first and we wnet for it. the previous house was nie but the area was not child friendly and I felt totally trapped there. now we are by the sea.:thumbup:

enough of this. thanks for listening

borboleta again - one of Gael's carers at nursery told me today that after lunch when they clean the floors (after all the food the babies throw!) G gets them the brush and shows them where is still dirty!!! :haha:

off to bed
hope everyone is well
Good morning ladies :)

Claire you are probably already in Cork now and I hope the drive went ok. You are a sleep deprived hero! I don't think I could do such a long drive with so little sleep. I find driving at night soporific as it is and doing it while tired? I remember once driving back to Switzerland and falling asleep for a few seconds behind the wheel. It was the most frightening experience ever! Needless to say I pulled over into the next petrol station and had a rest.
Hope to hear from you and that all is well with your and Miss Lucy.

Storm there was a time when two wake ups at night were the dream come true for us too lol. But now it would be bad cause we have gotten so used to being able to sleep through. Also, the boys wake at around 6ish, maybe 6:30 when we are lucky and my OH hates going to bed before midnight. So who ever has night duty, will get a maximum of 6 hours sleep and to me that is the very least I need to not be grumpy and tired all day. I'd rather have one stretch of 6 hours uninterrupted sleep than say 12 hours broken sleep.
Great news about your friend and his scan! I really hope all continues well for him :D But another 9 weeks of chemo do sound gruelling. How is he taking to that? Is he very ill with it or is he one of the lucky ones who does ok?
Sorry nights have been so bad with L but maybe last night was better? On top of your sickness, pain in your leg and general pregnancy blah this must be soo hard to take! Is the leg pain still there? Might it be sciatica? I had that too and only found out after that I could have had physio for it. Maybe you could too?
How did it go with the other sets of cousins? Did L take to them right away? She isn't shy on the whole though is she?
How is L eating? Any better?
And as for No way and bum hurt that made me laugh! How cute though! :D
Oh and I meant to ask, will you find out the gender of your bean at your 20 week scan or will it remain a surprise? Also how are you doing on names? Sooo exciting all that :D

Borboleta I loved the pictures of T at the beach! He is such a cutie! :D
The room in the video of Sebastian with his walker is our sitting-room. There is no room at all in the boys' bedroom as there are already two cotbeds, a single guestbed, a chest of drawers/changing table and a desk with OH's computer. It will get better once we don't need the guest-bed any more. At the moment we give the boys their morning and bedtime bottles on there and my OH prefers changing them on that rather than the changing table. Also, when the boys are old enough, they will get bunk beds. But we make a point of clearing up the sitting room in the evening so that we can have an adult room for when they boys are in bed :)
I am hoping your friend will have good news with getting pregnant this time. Fingers crossed. :)
How is T eating now? Any better? I am so impressed that he knows his letters already! What a smart little man he is!
Fingers crossed these head hunters will finally find something for your DH!

Leeze yay for STTN! I hope she has done it again since? I bet you felt like a new woman :D
Finsbury Park is actually quite close to where my OH's mum lives. She is in Haringey. :) Going to see her feels like more of an effort than flying home. Mind you, I haven't flown anywhere with the boys yet so I am probably talking blithe nonsense lol
How lovely that Kia says Thank you Mummy and appitty! Soo so cute! :cloud9: I cannot imagine that my boys will be there when they reach Kia's age but who knows, they might yet :)

Sabrina hows the situation with the neighbours now? Still as noisy? Poor Finn getting scared and growl that you cannot use your own garden. What hell!
As for Finn biting and hitting you, mostly I manage to stop Dominic biting me but he does sometimes hit me and I think he must mean it cause he frowns and pouts while he does it. Not sure what it means as I am not aware of "deserving" it at that moment lol
Also I wanted to ask you about Finn running, how long would you say did he start actually running from when he first started walking unaided? Dominic is not running yet and I am not anxious for him to start lol.
And how cute that Finn says goodie! :D

Clio how lovely that you will get to visit your beloved Toronto in Autumn! I bet you are looking forward to it. What kind of car seat do you have? I cannot imagine taking our huge bulky car seats into the plane. Is securing it with just the seatbelt safe enough? I miss our maxicosies, they were so handy and compact. But of course they would be far too small now.
You mentioned not fighting in front of J and I think this is a good thing. But sometimes OH and I do argue a bit in front of the boys and we forget. Do you strictly keep your tones calm and loving in front of J always? I really must work on my tone. But like Leeze, I kinda think getting and accepting a tongue-lashing from me from time to time is my OH's duty :rofl:

Kitty_love sounds like Blake is doing excellently well. :D I loved that age too when they starting rolling all over as a means of getting to the other side of the room :D How is he liking the playpen? For a while ours was invaluable to us but that was before the boys started crawling cause after that we had to give up our sitting room to them lol. Now the playpen is a safe storage place for things such as their high-chairs and toys they aren't allowed to have (cause they are noisy and drive me crazy :haha:)
We have a toy shop here that also sells those Green Toys and I was telling OH that we should really look into those more rather than the plasticy things we have. never really thought about it before you mentioned it either :dohh:
As for which ones are favourites among the That is not my... books, I don't really think that the boys have a favourite unless maybe That is not my Monster cause one of them has lovely fluffy pink eyebrows. I think usually they like those the best that have lots of textures. The one about the kitten sadly has fewer textures than others cause for example one kitten has a smooth nose and one has a shiny bell but neither of them are therefore textured. I think That is not my Baby is another favourite cause the last page is a mirror cause it says That is my baby, It is you! Which is really cute I think. The boys like looking in the mirror :)

Indigo I am so impressed that Nico is almost over the stage of putting everything in his mouth! Dominic will pick up pebbles and bits of wood and even plastic pieces whenever we let him crawl on the lawn in the park. It really is bad with him! Wish he would stop already too!

Charlie when are you off to Oz again? I forgot.

Kosh glad G wasn't badly hurt! How scary!
I am so sorry about the tenancy problems. But you know maybe she doesn't know this law and you could still get her out - if you can reach her? Can't you go and knock at her door in the evening?
As for G loving to clean! Long may it last lol. But how utterly cute that is! :)
Oh and I meant to say, I haven0t done anything about Sebastian's lip tie so far as there was a thread in Baby Club not long ago about it, which made me think I didn't really need to since it doesn't involve BF :haha: But next time we are at the doctors I will ask him. Not that I am too confident about him being that knowledgeable about it mind you :dohh:

Squiggy congrats on 35 weeks :D I saw your post in the toddler section about heights and weights. You really do want to be prepared don't you lol. But even if you are the most organised person ever, having a baby will be like nothing you ever expected ;) Hope that doesn't scare you too much :)

As for us: Dominic's walking is coming along and he does it more and more unprompted. He is still very wobbly of course but really is getting there. And in gymboree on Tuesday for the first time he was able to keep up with the other toddlers when pushing the air-log along :)
I think Sebastian might be close too to walking as he did a few steps unprompted here and there. I think with him it is merely a lack of confidence as he can do it very well with the walker. The walker is not very heavy at all and easily overturned so not much weight can be applied and is therefore not much of a prop. So I am thinking he is holding on to it more for the security than cause he needs to.
Feeding Sebastian is still a real problem. He refuses to be spoon-fed anything except his breakfast porridge/muesli and his yoghurt dessert in the evening. But he also refuses to chew. Yesterday evening OH made the boys white fish cause we thought maybe without the crust of the fishfingers he made before, Sebastian would find it more soft and dissolvable. He refused to eat it after he tried and just chucked it on the floor. Same with the sandwiches we gave them for lunch, although there he did lick the hummus off first. I tried ricecakes but it took him 15 minutes to eat half of one and then he chucked the rest. I am really stumped. We tied everything we can think of. :( I really hope he gets that molar soon. Yesterday when brushing his teeth there was a bit of blood so I know he is teething. So maybe it is that too.
Oh and I meant to ask re vitamin D, do I need to give them that even though they still get formula? OH bought some and we put some in their bottle but that already has loads of vitamins doesn't it?

Got to go they are yammering!
Hope all are well, sending :hugs:
Morning everyone, well the zoo went well yesterday – I have to say though the cousins are completely nuts, I know where L gets it from – those kids never stopped. Belfast zoo in entirely up hill (oh what fun with a pram) and those kids ran around for 7 hours! L did flake out for an hour in the middle for a sleep. L was very shy for the first hour but soon came round after that and was in the middle of the mayhem. We had one minor mishap where her eldest cousin was hanging upside on the monkey bars (they have them beside a monkey enclosure) and jumped down and managed to knock L over and stand on her face! Oh my! She was fine though with only a tiny amount of redness and he was very sorry about it. BIL came too (bah) but wow I was surprised at the way those kids are allowed to get on, they were very self-confident almost arrogant and not very disciplined! They pushed the boundaries way more than I will ever let L. I know I’m pretty up tight about lots of things that other people wouldn’t be bothered by but the kids were pulling the fuschia flowers off the bushes, apparently at the bottom of the flower is a tiny bit of I assume pollen water so they were ripping the flowers off to lick them?!?!? I was always brought up not to pull flowers and after a few hours it was really getting on my nerves. Why would you let your kids pull flowers and why on earth would you let them lick fuschia flowers??? Other than that they kept jumping in and out of Ls pram (as she walked 90% of the time) and given I had the entire packed lunch on the pram too I was scared they were going to break it… ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Another couple of things really wound me up too – like 5 minutes after L went to sleep they insisted on going to the café at the top of the zoo to get icecream and they knew I couldn’t take a sleeping L so I ended up standing with pram down the hill a bit for a while for nearly half an hour waiting on them – then when they did come down they hadn’t so much as brought me a bottle of water??? WTF! Also I made the picnic had sandwiches (4 types), apples, bananas, oranges, choc biscuits, crisps and little bags of cheese crackers, I brought 18 fruit shoots, 2 bottles of water, 3 cans of coke and 3 bottles of coke and most of the food was eaten and ALL the drinks. Honestly one of the kids had 6 fruit shoots and was moaning for more – how rude is that! I swear I was fed up with him demanding more drinks while his dad said nothing….Anyway there is loads more I could moan about but Im going to stop – I did my bit – L met her English cousins and no harm I’m glad they live a boat journey away…

Angel my scan isn’t until the start of October and I probably will find out what junior is, not that I’m much bothered but because if it’s a boy I can get rid of the hundreds of pink clothes I have that are Ls! If it’s a girl I need to wash them again. Not sure on names at the minute, if it’s a boy probably Joel or Joshua but I’m a bit stumped if it’s a girl. L was so close to being called Leah that I might go back to that – I’m not sure. Actually that’s the thing I wanted to call L Leah and DH ended up pushing for what she is called now and now that I said if it was a boy I wanted to call him Joel and hes pushing for Joshua! I feel like he got the final say last time and perhaps maybe I should be just allowed to pick the name I want without him changing it! My friend started his 9 weeks of chemo today – he is nervous but hopefully things will go well! As for the hip and leg pain, yes its sciatica and it flares up and down, thankfully its not been too bad the last couple of days. Oh and as for the running, I swear about 2 weeks after L took her first steps she was running round like a lunatic! Shes back to eating more too but she has a terrible chesty cough and the phlegm made her vomit last night 

Kosh the rent thing is just a nightmare – I don’t even know where to start, we stil haven’t finished DHs house to get rented and its been 2 ½ years! I swear I’m going to kill him if he doesn’t sort it soon. We are going to do it through an agency so they at least should be able to keep us vaguely right. Nightmare – hope you get a resolution soon…

Gosh this is such a self-centred post – sorry for that! Better go – lunch is over!

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