any other over 35 first time mums?

Kosh: man, that sounds complicated!! But this is your first time renting so don't be to mad at yourself. I do that kind of stuff all the time, and like angel said maybe your tenant doesn't know about this law :shrug:. Is it a lot of money that you have to put as a deposit to rent a house in the UK? I never rented a house but when we rented apartments before it was not terrible.
And send G this way. Thiago needs some cleaning classes. Maybe you and Sabrina can send your LO's :haha:.

Angel: sounds like the boys are really getting the hand of walking :happydance:!! It took thiago about a month to be fully running. :thumbup:.
And I can just imagine how frustrated you are with seb and not eating!! Thiago is doing a little better now. Back to his bird eating but that is his normal so that is good :thumbup:. Maybe seb is going thru a a fase too. Or it could be that his gums hurt so bad that he doesn't want to eat anything :shrug:.

Storm: the zoo experience sounded stressful!! I bet you were so glad to be home and lay down!! Sometimes I don't want to go places because I just think of the amount of work that is going to be to keep thiago entertained :haha:! My OH's aunt wants to go to this place by the water for he birthday this Saturday that has loads of little shops, merry go round, little train, etc. but I really don't want to go because it is 100 degrees outside and thiago will not stay on his stroller forever, so I will be the one chasing the boy in this heat while they have fun walking around the shops :growlmad:!! Mind you she doesn't have any kids so she has no idea :growlmad:!!
And I am putting my money on the gender: a boy:).

We had good news yesterday finally :happydance:: remember that company that OH interviewed with and he said he had a great interview but we have not heard from them for 2 weeks or more? They called him yesterday and they picked him and another guy to go to the final interview round :happydance:!!! His interview will be next Tuesday so pray for us :thumbup:!!! And a head hunter is setting him up with a financial business company to interview next week for a director of communications job:). So all good!!! Hoping that something will come out of either jobs :thumbup:.

Took little t yesterday to a indoor play place by my house and he had a great time. It is so hot outside that you are either indoor or out in the pool. OH took him to the pool and he is enjoying more and more. We have this floaty for his arms and chest and he just floats And kicks his legs in the water. Hopefully next year OH can work with him on how to swim. He actually doesn't mind getting his face in the water or splashed by the water sprinklers. Me, in the other hand, am a terrible swimmer so T better learn soon so he can save mommy if necessary :haha::haha:.

Hugs to all of you ladies even the ones I haven't heard from in a while :kiss:.
Hello ladies, I have been reading but not had much time to write anything.

Kosh, sorry about the rent thing, it is a bit of a minefield! We rent my mums flat out, but through an agency. I could not face the amount of work doing it myself! I hope she doesn't know her rights. How will you go about evicting her if she is not making contact? It sounds like a mare, I hope it all gets sorted soon for you. Oh and I love that G tells the ladies at nursery where they have missed :haha:

Storm, that zoo trip sounded horrendous! They sounded pretty wild! Would do my head in too! Hope your sciatica is better and that L sleeps well tonight for you, must be exhausting :hugs:

Angel. Yey for a walking Seb and a more confident Dom :happydance:I think that you don't have to give vitamin d as it is added to formula, but maybe check on the packaging as I couldn't be certain. I have started giving Sophia vitamin supps, mainly for vitamin d as i am still breast feeding and as she is half asian, it takes a lot more time for her skin to absorb it from sunlight. I wasn't going to give any, but I did some research into late teething, I read that it can be caused by vitamin d deficiency. We still have no teeth, but a late teether is considered after 13 months, so we have a few more months now.

Squiggy, yey for 35 weeks :happydance: when is your due date? Do you have a birth plan or will you see how it goes? I remember feeling properly heavily pregnant after 35 weeks, more aches and pains evolving and that waddle! Hope you are feeing better than I was.

Claire, hope your journey went well, I saw your pics on FB, L looks very cheeky on her boat trip! Thanks for well wishes for Oz trip. Angel, we leave in 3 weeks, on the 30th! I am looking forward to it, but worried about the journey and beginning to think I must be nuts as Sophia has turned into a baby who does not sit still! She is crawling EVERYWHERE, getting into everything and starting to stand up and wave! It's all wonderful but on a 13 hour flight! It's hard enough to keep her in her buggy now or change her nappy in a large room, let alone in and airplane toilet :dohh:! I can but hope that she will be so distracted that she will be happy to stay sort of still and watch everyone!

Other than that I took S to the health visitor as I had become worried about her weight, which i need not have been, she's in the 50th for weight and 75th for length. The reason that I was concerned was silly really but when we went away for the weekend, a good friend of mine who lives in the north, so I rarely see her, has a boy 3 weeks younger than S and he is enormous!! As in he wears 18 month clothes! Well he made Sophia look so small and well, not quite so padded, so I came away thinking that Sophia was a skinny little thing! So I now feel relieved, but seriously he is the biggest baby I have ever seen. I think he must be nearly the same size as Dominic!

Anyway a tv program about elephants in Sri Lanka has started that I want to watch, so have a lovely weekend ladies. X
Borboleta, sorry I forgot to say, yey yey about the 2nd interview!! Everything is crossed! X
We've just returned from a few days in the north/west of Ireland (not near Cork, tho!) and I forgot the sleep sheep, baby blankets and a few other small, but essential items. GROWL, and with his sleep schedule a bit choatic, LO was not in good spirits yesterday (okay on Thursday, for the wedding) and I've decided re: Christmas. We will stay in NYC for a few days and then straight on to my mom's (so there for 10 days) as it's absolutely imperative for LO to be in some sort of a schedule, otherwise he is a cranky little one! I have also realised that I will need to be super organised and take less toys as LO seems happy to play with anything, e.g. he ran around the B&B with the wicker trash bin and kept taking the 'rubbish' out (and the plastic bag) and literally running around in circles (I put the real rubbish in the bathroom bin!). But travelling with him is so difficult that I just don't want deal with that additional flight to my dad's -- maybe when he is older, but....

noisy neighbours - they must have seen us coming home as the music is extra loud to welcome us!
running - we got some lightweight cloth sandals and LO is much more confident walking, but as for running, only a bit (e.g. when he's certain of the terrain, or inside a room he knows well) but he will drop to a crawl if he really needs speed (to catch a cat or two!)
Borboleta - cross fingers for 2nd interview!

um...not much else here. LO is taking his usual afternoon nap, so hopefully, back to regular schedule?

hugs and bye!
Glad to hear thiago is not the only one that is on a diet now :dohh:!!!

Clio: no worries about going back just read what you can :thumbup:.

Thiago now is fascinated with letters!! If you ask him "where is letter ...?" He normally gets it right:). Of course, sometimes he messes up but I think it is impressive :haha:. We have an alphabet letter magnet toys on the fridge door and everytime we have a meal we need to sing the alphabet for him:dohh:!! I told my OH that we need to record the alphabet song in Portuguese and English so we can eat in peace and thiago is happy to hear the song while eating too :haha:!! We are creating an alphabet monster :wacko:!!
He now likes to press buttons on the fisher price toy musical table and spin around until he almost falls down or just shake his head until he almost falls down :wacko::dohh:!! Do your LOs do that too? This morning he started shaking his head again and lost his balance and bumped his head on the kitchen cabinet and started crying and I just told him he needed to stop doing that or he would get hurt again.

Big hugs to everyone!!

Borboleta--thank you. :hugs: I'm always reading along (you guys are my lifeline right now) and want to respond, but I just feel so...weary. This fight to get a legal license for pot is taking forever and is incredibly extensive and requires so many different Dr's appt's to get letters and permissions and so on. And each meeting is confrontational because they don't want me to do this. And each meeting means a lot of sitting in chairs, which is the worst position for my joint, and, really hurts these days. And all this because I don't want to go on morphine. It's ridiculous.

But, I wanted to tell you that J isn't eating either, and this boy is an eater! He's also getting all of his canines in and at least 2 molars aren't finished yet. So he is SORE! We've been trying different things, but things he doesn't have to chew, like plain yoghurt with pieces of real fruit and some granola cereal tossed in, or soup. I've been spoon feeding him, too, to take away the aggravation of trying to use a spoon. It works. Sometimes. I really should give him vitamins, as well.

What a fantastic idea about singing the alphabet! I've never thought of that! I'm going to start that tonight! J is obsessed with the letter magnets, too, but I think it's just the magnetic part of them. :haha: Have you played "Old Macdonald has a farm" to little T yet? J started saying "e-i-e-i-o" after listening to it. I guess it's really easy for a toddler to say.

As for the twirling, oh my goodness, yes. J used to practice staying in place by opening that book "My First 100 Words" and trying to twirl within its boundaries, which was incredibly unwise, because when open, the book is a rectangle. :dohh: We had a lot of dizzy fall downs whenever he pulled that particular stunt. Otherwise, he not only twirled around in larger spaces, but he'd walk like an airplane with his head tilted to one side and arms out.

Okay, posting this!
Okay, I remember a number of questions about books. Kitty, I think you wanted to know the name of the potty book? It's actually called "Potty"!

Did you also ask about the "That's Not My..." books? We have four: Teddy, Tiger, Dinosaur, and Monkey. Anyway, of the ones we have, the Dinosaur is the best. Of all of them, the colours are the most effective for a baby/toddler: on each page the colours are simple, few, large and bright (hard to explain). But I must say, he wasn't too interested in these books. But that means nothing. J wasn't interested in books until the age of one. So he kinda missed the "That's not my..." window.

kosh--one book J loves is "Goodnight Gorilla."
There are very few words, so you have to insert your own to make the story even richer. But there are so many things to point out and explain that it makes a great book. The gorilla is hilarious, too!

Oh, and we have a new favourite, which J carries around with him (he's obsessed with owls, these days...)
No rhymes, few words and beautiful pictures.

This sounds awful with this tenant! I'm so sorry! :hugs: What is the problem, if I may ask? Why might you have to pay a big fine? Surely two months' missed rent would be enough to get him out? It's hard to get tenants out of rentals here, too, though. They have a lot of rights; more than the property owner. I really hope you manage to pull this off, and that you also let yourself off of the hook for this. :hugs:

Okay, just read the reason why. Oh my gosh! How can they charge you so much??? Oh kosh, this does sound stressful. I hope it is sorted out soon!

Leeze--:cloud9: Oh, how wonderful! I would have been a puddle on the floor! How did you get her to learn "thank you"? J is starting to say "pees" (please) but no "thank you"!

As for a toy kitchen, J would probably adore one, but we have to wait until we've sorted out the outgrown toys and clothes in the basement, because otherwise, we have no room. But J is happy with his cleaning. My nephew's birthday was the other week, and Oma (I wonder if this is a European thing, because my parents did it, too) gave all thee cousins a gift. And J's was a broom, smaller broom and a dust pan. "Delighted" doesn't even begin to describe his reaction. He's put it all with his collection, which consists of a mop, now two brooms, a Swiffer Wetjet, a rake, and a long meter stick (?).

Storm--I was nodding right along when you wrote that it's so insidious, this talking thing. J was barely putting two words together properly a few weeks ago, until it starts taking off, and you start to not notice anymore! J is spotty/lazy with sentences; he still doesn't use many. But suddenly, the other day, as I was putting his socks on, he said: "Stop! I don't want socks! Take socks off, please!" Now that, I noticed. And now he's back to "Car! Bus! Train!!!!" He must really have had a beef with those socks!

SK--are you feeling any better re: grumpiness? I got so mad at J this morning because I was trying to make some order out of his toys, and he came along, and pulled all my sorted piles apart, threw books all around the room, and generally caused chaos. After a while, I started to get so mad at him that I had to leave the room. Too bad I yelled "arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!" incredibly loudly and was actually tossed out by my husband. Otherwise, I would seem so mature in this story.

Re: pretending to eat things...J and I had a fun game going on while I changed his diaper. We both pretended to eat parts of our body and say the word at the same time. At one point he reached down to his bellybutton, and I asked him what he was "eating." His answer? "Bum!" :sick:

Q for Everyone--does anyone know how to make a feather duvet smell fresh again without dry cleaning it? One of ours has been out in the sun for two days now (and this is prairie sun--it's constant) and it still smells musty and stale. Any ideas?

Re: clean-obsessed LOs--lol! How many do we have here? Yesterday, J brought the newspaper that we put under his chair to catch his food because he saw that we had forgotten.

Okay, I'll have to right more later. The joint is flaring up, so I'm going to just continue reading. I'm up to Angel now.

Okay, needed to answer a question from Angel--oh, no way do OH and I NOT fight in front of J. All the time. But there is relatively little tension in our house and our fights don't last long. Though I do find myself cutting "discussions" short by making a joke out of things. Probably not the best way to deal with fights, but I hate them, and they never seem important, anyway. However, OH is getting used to the tongue lashings... Sigh... But how can he NOT remember to check if the car seat harness is secure enough after 20 months of being a parent???
Very quickly - am visiting parents for weekend and am a tired bunny.

Clio - I think the thank you has either come from nursery or just from us saying it around her. I've never asked her to say it, which is part of the reason it was so cute and it took me by surprise.
That book looks lovely. Kia is also really into owls. Her favourite book is about a baby.owl, "I'm not cute" and so whenever she sees a picture or drawing or TV show with an owl in it then she calls it baby owl. Or "bay-ee-ow-ull". Also very cute.

She banged her head quite badly earlier on my parents table and it came up in a big lump..she's been really out of sorts this evening. I also think she's teething again. And i think she's a bit constipated. Bad combination. I'm very much looking forward to the point when she can tell me exactly what's wrong. I find it so frustrating sometimes and I'm sure she does too XX
Hi Clio! Good to hear from you, I was thinking about you recently. Sorry the mj license is so complicated. Just doesn't make sense to me with all the meds and terrible side effects that are given out so easily? Well, I hope you are able to work through the process and get what you need.

Thanks for the book info, we are acquiring quite a collection. Both Dan and I have always been big readers, so Blake's bookcase is filling up quickly. He is starting (in the past 2-3 weeks) to sit quietly in my lap and enjoy a story or two if he's in the right mood. Yay! I love reading to him!

Owls - for those LO's that are into owls, I found a book I really like called "Wow! Said the Owl". It's about a little owl who stays awake during the day and discovers all the different colors in nature. Found it in London when Blake was in my's a link from Amazon...

Leeze - poor Kia and her little head, hope she feels better soon.

Borboleta - sending positive thoughts for the second interview!

Posting before I lose it
SK - glad you made a decision regarding your US trip, must feel good to have a plan in place. :thumbup:

Charlie - hooray for Sophia having a good checkup, and I'm glad her weight is right on target! Wow, your big trip is coming up soon, very exciting! How long will you be staying again?

Angel - those two cuties are going to be running around before you know it! Poor Seb and his little teeth, hope he's feeling better and back to eating. And we do give Blake a multivitamin daily (liquid in his formula). He's supposed to get it at least until he's one, not sure after that, but probably different as he got from early on in the NICU. I was a bit worried about overdoing it on supplements, so spoke with NICU drs and we decided to cut his dosage in half. They weren't concerned either way really.

Clio - I LOVE your story about J and the socks!! What a smart little cutie pie! Blake doesn't like socks either, even when he was a few months old, he would struggle to get them off and then look so pleased with himself. :haha:

The baby "jail" is working out great! We got the extension, so he has a good amount of space. We were able to configure it so I can see him from couch (family room) and from the kitchen and he still can see what I'm doing, too. We also managed to put it in a place where it didn't take over any of the kitties fav spots (where sun comes in, fav chairs and kitty beds remained in the same place). Blake likes it, he roll around, play with his toys, and still see me. I think he really likes me not grabbing him and moving him all the time. He's quite independent. We put his activity mat in there as well as some other toys, so he has plenty to do.

Yesterday Blake was 8 months! Gave him a Green Toys shape sorter as his present, and we had lots of fun playing! :cloud9:
clio - sorry to hear you're in so much pain and the pot license is proving so diffiult to get. I too find it unbelievable that they'd rather you took morphine?? :growlmad: hope you can sort it soon :hugs:

thanks for the book recommendations. it was me who asked you re. the potty one. the one with the owl looks lovely. the pictures and the name sounded familiar and then I realised we have another book by the same author, which Gael didn't seem very interested in, but that was before he was intrested in elephants so I will try it again now.
I will have a look at 'goodnight gorilla'. you mentioned it before but for some reason I wasn't too kin. but 'goodnight moon' is a success, so maybe I should buy it!

kitty - we have 'wow said the owl' too! and another lovely owl book: a bit lost. this was Gael's favorite for a long time.

leeze - hope kia is ok after the bump!
I'll have a look at your baby owl book too!

I hadn't realised that owls were such a baby theme before :shrug:

borboleta - fingers crossed for the second interview! (when it is again?)
Hey, Clio, lovely to see you hear again, even though I know yiu are reading away! Sorry about all the work yiu have to go to to get this license, crazy! Do you have any idea how much longer it will take?

Leeze, I hope Kia head is better soon.

Kitty love, we also have wow said the owl book. I have yet to have Sophia sit quietly to read to her! She tends to like to play with the books herself and if I join in and turn a page, she's not so impressed!! Hopefully in time she will get it! Good to hear that Blake is happy with his safe space. Are you planning on introducing solids soon with his adjusted age at nearly 6 months now? We're you planning on BLW? I can't remember.
Hi ladies,

Clio: so sorry about your ordeal having to try to convince doctors that pot is better than morphine. It is obvious to all of us what will do less damage :dohh: but I guess it is not for them unfortunelly :growlmad:!! It amazes me how powerful the drug corporation is :growlmad:!!
Ad poor little J is teething. So he is getting a lot of them on his way!! No wonder he is not eating. I am amazed by how he is letting you feed him soup. I have not tried that yet with thiago. Maybe because I am not cooking soup because it is 100 degrees outside :haha:.
Oh, and I know that j likes pocoyo and so as thiago but now he has been getting interested in a new show too called "super why ". It is really a great show because it works on spelling and word sounds. We let him watch it once a day:). He loves it. My MIL said that my OH learned the alphabet with Sesame Street. And since thiago is so interested on the alphabet this is one more way for him to learn:). And we also bought a new toy from leap frog called letter factory and he likes playing with it. It says the letter and them sings how to pronounce it. I wish I could find this toy in Portuguese:).
Ad I am sorry but I have no advice on your feather pillow:(.

Charlie: you are a courageous woman :haha:!! Are you flying at night or during the day?
And isn't it amazing how gigantic babies are out there? Sounds like S is doing beautifully though :kiss:.

Kitty: Blake sounds very independent indeed :haha:. Can we see a picture of him? An updated one:). Is he trying to sit? That is the best time when you put them sitting in there and they stay :haha:.

Kosh: OH's interview is on Tuesday:).

Leeze: you have to show Kia the super simple learning video on YouTube twinkle twinkle little star. It is so cute. It is very short but there is an owl that goes play with the star.
Hope Kia is doing okay after he head bump. Poor thing :hugs:.

Sabrina: glad to hear you made your decision on traveling. It sounds like this trip was a good practice so I totally agree with you and do what is best for you and Finn:).

Question: do your LO's sometimes totally ignore you? Sometimes we call thiago and he just totally ignore us. I would say he does that more with other than with us. Like yesterday my MIL baby sit him so OH and I could go watch a movie and when she got home with him it was raining and he ran to the porch and stood in the rain while she was calling him, and calling him and he didnt even turn to look at her. He just stayed there looking at the rain and nice and soaked :dohh:! When he decided to move eventually she was able to grab him and bring him inside. But sometimes he does that. When he doesn't want to be bother he ignore us.
Borboleta -we know that Twinkle Twinkle video and Kia loves it! Kia definitely ignores us sometimes. Particularly if she's doing something important - like re-arranging stones in the garden!
Arrrggghhh! Why do they have to have Amazon 1-click???? Yesterday, I ordered "I'm Not Cute" and just now I ordered "Wow! An Owl". I have to wait until September for them to come, because they're coming from the UK warehouse, but's owls! I looked for the lost owl one a while ago, but I couldn't find it in board book form. We have a few with "adult" pages, but I'm always afraid that he'll rip them.

My working theory (I often have un-working theories, too, so take this with a grain of salt) is that all of them, including my 2 year old nephew, love owls because they're in almost every book. I wonder if there's a "That's Not My Owl" book...

Thank you for all the support, guys. J and OH went on a 5k Celiac Walk today. J went in the wagon I spent days watching for on Craigslist and finally got for a song. And I'm stuck inside on this gorgeous sunny and warm day, lying on my left side only, because it is the only position that doesn't hurt the joint. So I'm feeling very sorry for myself because I don't get to enjoy J in the wagon. :cry::cry::cry:

Kitty--That's wonderful about B and the reading! Makes my heart melt. We used to try to read to J, but he would take the book, slam it shut, and shove it under the couch. No possible misinterpretation of that! Another time, Oma told J that he couldn't watch any more Pocoyo. She brought out books instead, and he took them, threw them violently on the ground and demanded "COCO!!!!!" It's a real question how he learned any words at all, because my husband and I are such quiet people. :)haha:)

How's B's music collection shaping up? I think we all talked about this around a year ago :)shock:!!!), but our babies were so small... Actually, I'd love to hear music ideas from everyone--J's playlist is very stale.

I am always so amazed at the difference between B's "real age" and his adjusted age. Do you think about the adjusted age a lot, with regards to milestones? And when people ask how old B is, what do you tell them?

And have we seen a pic of B yet? Either way, please can we see another?

kosh--it really is the owl that keeps this boy obsessed. But the pictures are so whimsical and in some cases hilarious. Even if I offer it to him as a bedtime story, he'll sometimes push it away until I open it, and he can't resist the owl and sits mesmerized by the story/pictures.

Re: Goodnight Gorilla--I don't know what it is with that book. The only words are "Goodnight [fill in animal here]," and so essentially you tell the story from the pictures. After the Gorilla lets all the animals loose, the book actually gets pretty funny. It's not very Goodnight Moony at all, I guess. But J loves it at bedtime.

Okay, posting this!
Leeze: that us exactly what Thiago does. When he is busy he ignore us sometimes. Thanks for sharing:)

Clio: Thiago has no interest on goodnight gorilla :haha:. Maybe because it doesn't have many words in it :shrug:.
So sorry you are in such pain. I can imagine how upset you are to have missed the walk:(. Can you talk to your guy to get some to help you for now?

Thiago is crabby today!! I am missing the 8 months stage :haha:!! Loads of screaming and whining:(!! He is definetely getting his back molars:(. Just gave him some Advil for the night:).
Oh yes, total selective hearing. J will look at us when our tones become serious enough to demand perfect hearing.

Can anyone's LO say "yes" yet? J has "no" down pat, but doesn't say yes. Silence after a question typically means "yes." But he does say "okay" when the question is phrased correctly (ex. "Do you want an apple?" "Okay!") and lately, we've gotten some "Hi!!!"s out of him, meaning "yes", it appears, in both Japanese and Jonahese. But otherwise, no "yes."
Oh, just saw your post, Borboleta. Well, J chose Goodnight Moon tonight anyway. I think he likes specific things in Goodnight G: the keys the gorilla steals (from Pocoyo), the zookeeper's wife's eyes wide open in the dark, and the gorilla going "Zzzzzzzzzzzzz" in the end.

Oh, and my "friend" is still getting me stuff, but the problem is the type. You can have a nice, energized, clear-headed experience with certain strains, and others that, as they say, "lock you to the couch," which is very relaxing and helps with the pain, but you can't function for a while afterwards. That type I like to take to help me sleep, but otherwise, it's not very helpful. And my friend has no control over what type he gets, and therefore, neither do I. But he is very sweet; he texted me first thing this morning so I could have first crack at his latest arrivals. He has a bad back, so he understands.

Anyway, with a license, I can go to a dispensary, where they sell the strains I want at a cheaper price, and even better quality. But in order to get this license, the gov't has made the forms so hard to fill out that people have them sent back repeatedly to fix this or that. So the better way to go is to use private compassion clinics that are bloody expensive, but do it all for you and provide you with the key thing you need: a doctor willing to sign the forms. Before I decided to go with the clinic, I actually phoned the AIDS organization here and got the list of doctors they know will sign the form. I thought they'd be offended by my asking, but they said they get calls like this all the time. Pain is pain, they said, no matter the ailment.

Ahhhh. Finally someone other than my husband knows this convoluted story. I haven't even told my mother, not because she'd be against it, but rather because she'd insist on paying for at least part of it, and I'd rather that money go towards a wooden train set for J. Okay, it's actually for me, but J and Grandma don't have to know that...

Poor little T! But it must be over soon, right, if it's the back molars? J was fine for a day or so, but is now back to not eating and crying at small things and whining. Oh, and he is still fighting to drop that morning nap! His ONLY nap. So we're dealing with a teething, tired and hungry little grump. Not a good combo. But T standing out in the cool rain must have felt wonderful, so I would have ignored anyone trying to stop me, too!

Oh, thank you for the tip about the toy! I'm working on shapes and numbers with him. He's actually really bad at shapes. This was our latest "what shape is that?" exchange:

I draw a circle, J says "circle."
I draw a triangle, J says "triangle."
I draw a square, and J says "box car." :dohh:

But he is so in love with trains. He was driving with Oma the other day and saw one. So he said "Traaain!!!!" and screeched "WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" at the top of his lungs. Then, after some thought, he very quietly said, "woooo-hoooo!...Baby train."

Oh, and "e-i-e-i-o" has now evolved into: "e-i-e-iPhone."

Angel--I'm envious that you get to see the development of TWO babies instead of just one. Yay for almost walking, Dominic! I bet by the end of the week, Sebastian will be there, too.

I still can't get over the fact that most of us have been part of this thread for a year now! And I love it that everyone who has since joined is just as lovely. Hooray for us!!! :friends:
clio - I am obssesed with buying books too! I used to love buying books for me before so now I have replaced that with books for Gael :dohh:
so after your description of goodnight gorilla, and Borboleta's comment re. lack of words I've just ordered it :haha: I find that although Gael loves books, if they have a story, it has to be very simple and quickly to tell as otherwise he gets impatient and just closes the book! the only one I can actually read to him is 'a bit lost' but probably he already knows the story and somehow manages to wait. :dohh:
by the way, do you want us to get a board copy of it and post it to you? :winkwink:

thanks for telling us re. the license process etc. I was wondering how it worked. and also re. the different strains. hope you don't mind me asking but how much do you actually have to smoke to help with the pain?

loved the square = box car, but do you call that being very bad at shapes? I think Gael doesn't even know shapes have names!!

re. music - we try to play a bit of everything but Gael is obssesed with reggae!! as soon as you play it he starts bopping up and down
that reminds me of this:
Hi ladies,

Kitty: Blake sounds very independent indeed :haha:. Can we see a picture of him? An updated one:). Is he trying to sit? That is the best time when you put them sitting in there and they stay :haha:.

borboleta - sorry about teething and grumpiness. are these the back molars coming through really? wow
and in case I forget - good luck for your DH for tomorrow!

kitty - 8 months! and a shape sorter? :thumbup:

sabrina - I think you made the best desicion re. your US trip. I think I would have done the same. I was on our daily 30 min metro journey today and thought how on earth would I travel for 3hr to Spain on my own with Gael on just one seat? :nope:

- are we the only ones who have lever left LO with anyone (except nursery)?

sorry I'm missing lots of ppl's posts, I need to go back to read.

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