any other over 35 first time mums?

thanks for support re: Christmas. I haven't emailed my dad yet, but will phrase it along the lines of: 'we did a dry run this past weekend and LO (and mummy!) is not a good traveller, so we think it best to stay a few days in NYC and the hurry to mom's asap to get him back into a proper schedule...'

teething those bad teeth: yep, we're there, too -loads of bright red cheeks and lots of grumpiness. Poor thing has taken biting to a new level (I have marks all over me, as he likes to spring his bites whilst you are bending down and trying to straight up the living room and his toys!) and is extra grumpy as well.

hugs to all and to all, a good day!

this is not good, since clio's post I've already bought 3 more books!!:dohh:

have a question for those of you whose LO's are not eating much - is there anything in particular that they do and don't eat? Gael could live on carbs: bread, crackers, potato, rice, pasta, cous-cous and refuses all green/red vegetables!! :dohh:

so I've found this: :winkwink:
Kosh: I laughed so hard at that video:haha:!! First I thought "is that Gael and his dad?" and " the kosh family is pretty open minded by having their kid wearing a "f" word shirt and telling him that pot should be legalized " :rofl: .
Sorry I couldn't miss the opportunity to say this :haha:. I was just kidding :haha:. But then I did noticed that it was not Gael right?
And thiago is not a vegetable eater either. The only thing that he does actually enjoys eating as vegetable goes is uncooked snap peas :dohh:. I think it is because it is crunchy. And sometimes he might eat a broccoli but that is twice a year maybe :dohh:!!! He loves fruits, chips and French fries :wacko:. At least he eats fruits. And he is not a bread eater, or pasta. I don't get it. I can totally see why Gael likes white flour. I am with him. What is not to love :haha:?

Clio: thiago likes listen Latin music. Maybe because he heard that through pregnancy and I always put on a Zumba cd to practice to class but whenever a salsa or merengue starts playing the boy comes to me and wants me to dance with him :kiss::dance:. It is so cute to see him either bobbing his head , spinning or squatting and shaking his little butt:). What does j likes?
Thanks for sharing your experience with pot and the doctors. I hope they will give you a prescription soon my friend. You sound like you are in terrible pain:(.
Oh, and I love the story about the iPhone. That is how kids this days think:). Very technology oriented:).

And yesterday I was putting some wet towels in the dryer and thiago is my laundry "helper" so he grabs on of the wet towels and starts chewing on it for a while. Poor thing, I bet that it felt good on his molars. And yes kosh, it is the back molars. :dohh:. Do you ladies know that song " days of wine and roses"? It is a very old song but yesterday it was " days is whinnying and crying"!!! Long day to say the least!!!
We tried to take him to this old McDonald farm place about 40 min from here and he just cried and whinnied the whole time we where there!! The only thing that made him smile and laugh for 2 min was to feed a lamb. He saw OH doing it ( OH was terrified but I told him to do it and to look that the kids were doing, so he got embarrassed and did it) and thiago wanted to do it too. So we let him do it. Probably not the safest parents moment but he laughed at the lamb eating from his hand:). OH told me that we are not doing that again because the lamb could have bite thiago's finger off. I have to agree with him :thumbup:.

Sabrina: OH wants to buy the baby whisperer for toddlers book. D you have that one? Is it any good?
borboleta - I have the supernanny's guide to toddler care and a funny-ish book called Toddler Owners' Manual (it's like a computer manual), but haven't seen (at the library), the Baby Whisperer Guide, but as I like her approach re: baby, I will definitely try and find!

aaargh! Today was one of those days where I just know my mum would be laughing at me (and the 'just wait until YOU have kids' threat is a reality). He was fine in creche, and okay-ish from 2 until 4ish and seemed like I could move him from a cuddle to a nap - wrong! I got screams, tears, bites and the stroppiest baby I have seen in a long time. Okay, so I tried again around 4.45, nope. Sigh...he was worse, so after I screamed at him (to be fair to me, I only yelled 'stop! stop biting me!) and took him into the kitchen to make dinner. He was okay-ish then, and I exorcised some of my own stroppiness by chopping vegs, etc., but aaaaaaaargh!

food: he eats most things, but not salad (which I try to eat). He isn't much of a breakfast ceral eater with milk, but will eat dry cheerios and loves toast. He eats carrots almost every day and usually broccoli as well. He likes macaroni (which I just add some herbs and maybe some broccoli and a bit of meat (or seafood); he eats pork, sausage, chicken and salmon (always grilled in the oven, I'm not very adventurous) and occasionally a stew or spag bol (daddy makes), and he likes applesauce and yogurt, BUT although he will eat most things, he still has to be in the mood, otherwise, he reaches for the bottle (and we use as a last resort), but hey, there are days I want a bottle, too! (wine, not milk!)

hugs to all! bye!
Another quick one...

Kia doesn't say "yes" but does nod her head excitedly if she wants something. She loves to say "No, Mummy". Her latest cute thing to say is "both", so if you offer her a choice of two things then she wants both.

She would happily eat crackers, bread and cake all day if she could. She's really not into vegetables but win sometimes eat them if they're hidden in something. Like in tiny pieces in a lasagna covered in lots of cheese! She will eat a bit of fruit - mainly apples or pears or fruit pouches, and sometimes corn on the cob. XX
Kosh--oh, I laughed so hard at the bopping boy! Is that Gael and you two? If not, if that is what G does, I'd be playing Bob Marley all the time just to watch that! Well, I definitely have to try Bob Marley!

J is still such a "tar" fan, so all he wants to listen to in the car is country music and folk. But at home it's children's albums, and I'm looking for things to add to his playlist. I just added the Beatles' Octopuses Garden and Obla-di-Obla-da, and Paul Simon's Kodachrome and that Julio in the Playground one because they're all so upbeat, but I need more!

J will use apples to teeth with (green ones!), and loves grapes cut in half and bananas, which go down easy. He adores mango, as well. Have you tried a frozen mango juice lolly? Or sweet potato or squash soup? And fish? Apparently they are to have a lot of orange stuff and eat a lot of fish. We don't follow either rule. :blush:

Re: the smoking--the amount I need depends on how much pot I have left. :haha: Using a vaporizer uses a very small amount. But it takes forever to smoke with it. There's something else I have called a "one toke"--others call it a "dugout" if you want to google a pic of it. It is shaped like a little flask with a metal pipe. That also allows you to use the smallest amount, but I have to smoke it, which I don't like to do. But I will if I have to smoke fast. I'm actually quite lucid and very functional after I've had some of the right strain, and regardless of the strain, the pain always goes away immediately. With Eric around, I can smoke as much as I wish to stay pain-free during the day, but I don't really like doing that. I only smoke during the day if I have some housework to do, or if we're going shopping (with OH) or something and I need to be pain free and have some stamina. And I sing a little more than usual.

Okay, posting this before I lose it!
Morning ladies,

Gosh I didn’t realise what a wide and varied diet L will actually eat in comparison to some of your Los, she adores fruit – bananas, apples, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, strawberries and oranges – we actually have to hide the oranges now or she wants to eat them all! She will also eat chicken, fish, beef, pasta, rice, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, carrots, tomatos, cheese, bread, potato, chips, beans, chilli, curry etc.. Her favourite is pasta and Bolognese sauce, or pretty much pasta and any sauce. She also loves sausages but we try and keep those to a minimum! For Saturday dinner she had rump steak, baked potato, carrots and broccoli and pepper sauce. The kid loves mildy spicy food, I had a little packet of baked soy bites with sweet chilli sauce and she stole them the other day and insisted on eating them for breakfast  She loves sauce pepper/chilli/ tomato so we usually give her a little of whatever sauce we have and she dips everything in it. That said she has to be in the mood for eating and if she isn’t then nope she won’t have it! Oh and of course all the junk food although to be fair she like a little but will ditch it if offered strawberries or grapes 

She also says yes and nods, will its more like ISH with a nod. So if you say do you want some strawberries? She will say ISH Stwob eriies and keep saying it til she gets them – its cute. She does say No more than Yes though  And if you ask her what mummy says she waves her finger at you and says NO NO NO NO NO. Each night now when she is getting her bedtime bottle she plonks herself on the sofa points at the tv and says boat – this means she wants to watch in the night garden with iggle piggle in his boat.. I can’t take anymore in the night garden!

Oh and we are back to rubbish sleeping and I have a tiny visitor who hogs the bed most of the night from about midnight onwards.. I have no idea why! Going to have to sort that before junior arrives…

Oh Angel so glad to see both the boys enjoying their bath – brilliant!

Clio glad to see you back and sorry to hear you are having such issues with the licence – what a joke. Pain is a terrible thing – totally wearing  Oh and I love the pic of J in your signature its brilliant!

SK I think you made the right decision with regards to the extra flight and hopefully your dad will put the effort in to come and see you! Oh and I did laugh at you saying some days you just want a bottle of wine LOL

Kitty can we pretty please have an updated photo of Blake? Or is your DH funny about that?

Leeze K sounds totally adorable and such a little girl – how is the TTC going? I’m out the other side of the horrendous morning sickness, 14 weeks today and feeling much more human at last – hurrah!

Right better go – work to do – laters!
NOTE: nope, the boy in the video is not Gael, but G bops just like him! :haha: :thumbup:
Gael was complaing yesterday and when I changed his nappy found a red mark on his willy and overall redness and swallen :nope: I thought it might have been a bite but this morning there was a little discharge on his nappy so I am dreading a UTI :nope: :nope: I'm taking him to the doc later on today. to those with boys - have you had anything similar??
also, we have an appointment for his very delayed MMR :cry: but I am wondering if I should cancel it if he'd be on antibiotics?
any thoughts?
storm - wow, she has a good diet! :thumbup: Gael used to it all that, but slowly dropped out all non-carbs! :dohh: well, that's not striclty true - he does eat apples, pears, bananas and peaches.
meant to say - if you ever need advise re.letting your DH house, let me know, I am an expert now!
Storm: man, l does eat well!!! You see, little t and her have a lot to share with which other. Can definitely get tips of how to eat with her :haha:.
The only meat we can get him to eat is bacon , ground beef and chicken. I need to keep offering fish and start with steak maybe. The boy has all Those teeth so he might as well use it!
:happydance: for no more MS!!!
Sorry to hear L is not sleeping well again:(.

Sabrina: Finn is another good eater too!! And even though I do not like wine, sometimes I do feel like having one after having a child :haha:!!!

Leeze: so funny that you have to hide vegetables in food for her. Maybe I should start doing that. I told OH that I should buy a fryer and fry everything so it is nice and crispy so thiago will at least try it :haha:. He actually had his first taste of Cheetos the other day and love it :dohh:!!!

Kosh: I have a friend that her son had that and she put a ointment in his penis and it went away. I think it was ( oh gosh I forgot the name, but us woman get once in a while more often than man ... Vaginal discharge and itchiness....) but I would take him to the doctor and confirm that:). His little penis was all swollen poor thing:(. But I don't see why he would be able to have the MMR. But again would confirm with doctor :thumbup:.
another no afternoon nap day, but I was feeling better about it (I didn't lose my cool at all); so we might be dropping that second nap. He was pretty stroppy last night and then fell asleep in my arms around 8pm, so we are giving him an earlier bath today, just in case. He was pretty fussy most of the night, but I tried to move him from cot to bed and then back to cot (I was pretty achey myself, so wanted to stretch out in bed and LO (like storm's LO) takes up so much room) and it worked, so at least, he slept okay-ish from about 11:30 to 6:30am, so cross fingers, he will be okay tonight!

hoping interview for OH goes well today, borboleta!

hugs to all!


ps. kosh - nope, no penis problems, but I think it might be a UTI (which is easily treatable) as Borboleta suggested.
Storm - that is an impressive range of food! Kia will sometimes be a bit more adventurous. She loves tandoori chicken and pilau rice from the take-away. Plus most kinds of sausages. And often will eat burgers or meatballs etc. We had Burger King the other day, the first time since I was pregnant and she loved the fries! Oops. Normally she isn't so keen on chips.

Clio - that sounds awful to be in so much pain. Must be so debilitating. Hope you can get something sorted

Hi to everyone - am trying to rotate personals as never have time to fit everyone in! XX
Oh yeah - re hiding vegetables - I tried a recipe from the "No cry picky eater solution" book which is chocolate brownies with blueberries and spinach hidden in it. It was quite time-consuming to make but Kia did actually seem to enjoy it. I've also hidden vegetables in a creamy chicken sauce and in a tomato sauce and then blended them and added some pasta. Kia is sometimes fooled and other times refuses it!
Clio: thiago likes listen Latin music. Maybe because he heard that through pregnancy and I always put on a Zumba cd to practice to class but whenever a salsa or merengue starts playing the boy comes to me and wants me to dance with him :kiss::dance:. It is so cute to see him either bobbing his head , spinning or squatting and shaking his little butt:). What does j likes?
Thanks for sharing your experience with pot and the doctors. I hope they will give you a prescription soon my friend. You sound like you are in terrible pain:(Oh, and I love the story about the iPhone. That is how kids this days think:). Very technology oriented:).

And yesterday I was putting some wet towels in the dryer and thiago is my laundry "helper" so he grabs on of the wet towels and starts chewing on it for a while. Poor thing, I bet that it felt good on his molars. And yes kosh, it is the back molars. :dohh:. Do you ladies know that song " days of wine and roses"? It is a very old song but yesterday it was " days is whinnying and crying"!!! Long day to say the least!!!
We tried to take him to this old McDonald farm place about 40 min from here and he just cried and whinnied the whole time we where there!! The only thing that made him smile and laugh for 2 min was to feed a lamb. He saw OH doing it ( OH was terrified but I told him to do it and to look that the kids were doing, so he got embarrassed and did it) and thiago wanted to do it too. So we let him do it. Probably not the safest parents moment but he laughed at the lamb eating from his hand:). OH told me that we are not doing that again because the lamb could have bite thiago's finger off. I have to agree with him :thumbup:.

Sabrina: OH wants to buy the baby whisperer for toddlers book. D you have that one? Is it any good?

Tell Glen that when you offer food to a large animal with large teeth, keep your hand flat. This way your fingers curve away from the teeth. Then he can show Thiago. Also tell him that he's a total wimp.

Oh, I laughed so hard at your description of T dancing! :rofl: What an adorable and hilarious sight that must be. Is it one of your "heart-melting" things that he does?

I want to murder J sometimes with his "helping." (As we all know from my getting thrown out of the living room...)

How is T today? Any better? Poor little thing. J has a cold, though it's not stopping him. Runny nose and a dry cough. And teething. And cranky. Eric woke me up early to help deal with him. But he stopped crying when I came down and gave him crayons, which I knew would make him happy. Now, he is running around, smiling, and I'm feeling very...well...smug. Is that awful? :blush:

SK and B—why do you want the toddler whisperer book? What do you feel you need it for? And when you discover stuff that works, can you tell us about it?

SK—I was never a big wine drinker until J came along. For a while, I would have at least one glass, but usually two after he had gone down. Now, over a year later, I barely drink, and was shocked to see that when I was first assessed for the joint, they had asked how much I drink, and the form now reads “14 drinks a week”! :shock: I was actually going to call them and tell them that there was a typo, until I remembered my two glasses of wine a night at that point. Man, did I crave that wine! And chocolate.

kosh—J also gets this when he has a diaper rash. Sometimes it’s only that area that gets inflamed. I’ve never seen discharge, though, so maybe this is something different. All I can say is that J’s usually clears up after a day, maybe two, after I put diaper cream on it. But it has never been so bad that I felt he needed a doctor--just really red and sore looking--so it sounds as if G's problem is different.

And I would cancel. We did once, because J was at the tail end of a cold. I didn’t think his body could fight off the MMR and the cold at the same time. You have no idea what this is, and perhaps you need a diagnosis before he gets his shots?

Storm—oh my, how L eats!!! J is pretty good if he isn’t teething, but I think that L must be the real gourmand of our group! Little cutie! If there is something J rejects it’s carbs! Oatmeal, potato and rice is all he’ll take. And he thinks rice cakes are cookies, and cookies, be believes, belong in small, half-chewn pieces spat out around the house. :growlmad:

If I had to go through what you’re going through with L at night, I think I’d go insane. Not from lack of sleep, but because all that movement would drive me mad! Do you know why her sleep is off again? (You might have said so before, but I think I missed it…)

L's talking is so cute! And quite sophisticated. Must be preparation for her role as gourmand of this thread. Oh, and thank you for the compliment on the pic! I love that one. He looks so joyous!

Leeze—"both"! That slays me! And she's so good with her yes's and head nods! J's "hi" for yes has evolved into "yi" but he still doesn't say it much. And it is actually rather unnerving to know that complete silence mean "yes." Does that make any sense? Did K learn "yes" in sign language?

Talking about languages, I've started talking German to J, but rather inadvertently. My parents spoke German with us all the time, and we understood completely, but we always responded in English. But I find the phrases of my childhood and the terms of endearment my parents had for us just slipping off my tongue as naturally as you please. So I've been doing it consciously now. If he's going to German Immersion, he might as well start understanding some of it now, too.

Okay, have to go to app't.

***after app't with joint specialist***

Well! Would you look at that! Turns out, my own pain meds specialist will fill out the forms and provide any signatures I need! My very complicated and expensive journey to get this license has ended, and I don't have to pay a cent. I went for a very, very belated follow-up app't with the specialist who diagnosed my joint problem to begin with, and I told him that my GP took me off of the drug their pain meds specialist had prescribed (which I now see helped me far more than I realized). They didn't understand her decision, and really didn't understand the whole morphine thing. They said what I already knew, and what my GP refuses to accept: the med I was on before is NOT physically addictive, and has little chance of abuse. Though they don't want to give me a script for it again (not that I really care) because it will undermine my GP, and I understand that.

And the new neighbours with the two kids next door came back from vacation!!! They love our playhouse and our trikes and J loves their toy cars, and we're going back and forth between the two houses and gardens, or they play out front, either running up and down the sidewalk, or drawing with chalk on the pavement. J and the two year old are getting on like wildfire, and OH says that he has never seen J so happy (I have, when he's played with the girls on the street. :winkwink:) J likes the two boys waaaaay more than he does his two cousins who are essentially the same age. But also insane.

Oh, and I lost 20 pounds! I don’t really know how, because I didn’t eat differently, but I guess all the running after J sped up my metabolism. Oh, and I stopped eating sweets. Now, only 40 more to go and I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Though I doubt that this will happen. 40 lbs is a LOT. But I think I’ll feel more comfortable in a bathing suit now, so hopefully I’ll finally take J to an indoor pool with a baby section.

Now I'm off to find a publisher for this novel. :haha:
Morning ladies! Having been blessed with a great sleeper I am now suffering the consequences of a crap sleeper and napper at the moment. Not to sure what is going on, but naps are back to awful and sleep is very broken all of a sudden. And oh we're up now after a 30 min nap so will have to come back to say hi later! Bye
Morning ladies, so yesterday DH took L to the beach with her cousins (they go home soon) and I went to work and had a half day to get DHs cousin to dye my hair, Yes I get my hair dyed when im pregnant and now I’m officially in the second trimester it badly needed done! Anyway when I got home I was under pressure for time to cook dinner and I had some left over roast beef in the fridge so I had this genius idea to make the ‘what we used to call curry as kids’ that my mum made, basically onions fried off in a little oil, a tablespoon of mild curry powder, sultanas, desiccated coconut, small pieces of apple and the cut up roast beef served with boiled rice. Honestly we used to love this when we were small although its laughable that we called it curry – but Lyds loved it! Honestly she sat in her booster seat at the table going YUM.. my child has no taste buds  Tonight she is having beef and ale stew with dumplings and mashed potato (another first for me), basically onions, bay leaves, carrots and celery lightly fried in a little oil for 10 minutes then beef cubes, tinned tomatoes and a bottle of stout added and cooked for 2 ½ hours before adding the dumplings (flour, butter, pepper and parsley) for another half hour. I’m not concerned about the alcohol as that bad boy has been cooked for 3 hours after it was added! I hate dumplings (stodgy horrible little things) but my dad loves them so I’m keen to let Lydia have a taste. Actually they probably don’t taste that great as I never add salt to anything when I’m cooking it, I figure there is enough hidden salt! I shall let you know what L thinks of tonights concoction!

I don’t know what is up with Ls sleeping again – she wakes up screaming and jumping up and down and shouting MUMMY MUMMY MUMMY and when I bring her in she curls up to me and has to be touching my face or be holding hands with me. I don’t know if she is having night terrors but she is so keen to be comforted I don’t have the heart not to, she does seem genuinely upset. If only she would stop wiggling around after that! I try and turn my back on her and let her squish up my back cause at least then I’m not getting smacked in the face! Oh and DH can sleep through L jumping up and down in her cot and screaming… HOW! She makes me laugh in the morning when she wakes up and spies me and jumps on top of me and shoves her little face in mine and gives me a big cheesy grin – with her crazy hair all over her face.. man she’s hard work but she is cute! I’m not sure how this is going to go as I get bigger and bigger and bigger………………

Sorry no personals – I must try harder – lunch is calling!
We've pretty much dropped that second nap, although somebody is a little crankier in the evening, e.g. right now, it's 6pm and LO has been up since about 1.50, but he just didn't seem like he needed a nap. I miss that bit of peace and quiet, too.

Remember I mentioned about my OH being a hoarder and his room (we have separate rooms) is a pig-stye (I am not kidding!), well, I think LO isn't happy there as he is starting to sleep in his cot in my light, airy (and clean/organised) room, so OH was mentioning that he might clean his room - hahahahaha! (He wouldn't even clean it for my mum/stepdad when they came over last summer!)....

clio - I understand the frustration about the medical mary-jane. I was lucky in that whilst my GP didn't condone, he didn't condemn my alterative to morphine based meds (back when I was at Oxford, I got terrible PMT the day before and the first day of AF, which really knocked me 'out' (it was the beginning of the PCOS and before I was able to really handle as it was new for me)....

must go as OH is home and as we all know, I spend all my time on the computer ignoring, I miss those afternoon naps....

bye and hugs!
*Sigh* J's fighting like mad to drop his only nap. That's a full-on 13 hr day with a boy who never stops moving and always wants outside to go for walks. I've decided to get him to stay up until around 8 pm, so he can play longer with his new friends and hopefully wake up later than 6 am. :growlmad: Or, he will hopefully be tired enough to finally take his nap again.:sleep:

Oh, and no eating, again. J hasn't eaten all of his oatmeal for a while now, so I'm going to try my extremely eggy version of French Toast instead for breakfast. Stupid teeth!!!
Oh yeah - re hiding vegetables - I tried a recipe from the "No cry picky eater solution" book which is chocolate brownies with blueberries and spinach hidden in it. It was quite time-consuming to make but Kia did actually seem to enjoy it. I've also hidden vegetables in a creamy chicken sauce and in a tomato sauce and then blended them and added some pasta. Kia is sometimes fooled and other times refuses it!

Have you tried corn on the cob? J goes mad for it because it is so much fun to eat.

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