any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies,

Clio: that is so cool that you got what you needed!!! J having fun with the neighbors sounds wonderful too:). I wish I had neighbors like that:).
I will tell glen about what you said :haha:. It was so funny. And I didn't know that you should feed animals with your palms open :thumbup:.
And little t is better today. He has his whining moments but nothing that Advil won't cure :haha:. We have our nephew staying a couple of days with us. Thiago enjoys him :).
And yes when thiago dances like that is so funny and the cutest thing ever!!
Did I tell you that I found out that they have pocoyo in Portuguese? My dad is going to bring a couple of DVDs with him when he comes in November. :thumbup:. Maybe they have in German and you can show J :winkwink:.

Sabrina : man, do I know your pain!! I think little t is slowly getting ready to switch to one nap too. Today he woke up at 8:15am so I didn't want to be up till 11pm so I decided to just give him one nap. He went down at 1pm. Was a bit crabby one hour before but pocoyo did the trick :dohh: to hold him off. But when he wakes up at 6:30am there is no way he will have one nap.
And so funny that your OH will finally clean his room for Finn :thumbup:.

Charlie: we all feel your pain girl :coffee:!! Just hang in there. It will get better eventually. Maybe she is teething :shrug:.

Storm: I am not even comment on your chicken curry dish :haha:. There would be no way thiago would eat that :haha:. He is so picky!!!
And maybe L is teething too. But I can imagine as you get bigger it will be tough on you to sleep with her:(. Can we see a picture of your belly:)?

Did I say that my OH's meeting yesterday went great? And he has another interview on Monday with another company:). :happydance:
Little t now loves the pool. We have this little floaty and he just floats and kicks his legs. And last time he went with OH to the pool he decided that he wanted to go on the baby slide and loved it. Went up and down about 30 times!!! He doesn't mind getting his face wet or anything :thumbup:.
Oh yeah - re hiding vegetables - I tried a recipe from the "No cry picky eater solution" book which is chocolate brownies with blueberries and spinach hidden in it. It was quite time-consuming to make but Kia did actually seem to enjoy it. I've also hidden vegetables in a creamy chicken sauce and in a tomato sauce and then blended them and added some pasta. Kia is sometimes fooled and other times refuses it!

Have you tried corn on the cob? J goes mad for it because it is so much fun to eat.
Borboleta that's great about DH, hopefully good things are about to happen for him!

Sk we have been on one nap a day for ages now! Sometimes 45 minutes, sometimes an hour and a half... We never know.

L loved the beef stew and mashed potato, dumplings on the,other hand are apparently pure evil. I don't like them either mind you..

Borboleta I am HUGE, about the size I was at 24 weeks with L, its ridiculous.. I might brave a photo at some stage lol
Storm: how can you not like dumplings? I LOVE dumplings and nhoque :happydance:!! I could live on those things :haha:!! Oh pierogis are to dye for too!!! Cook the recipe again and I come over to eat the dumplings :haha:.
Hello again!! Well we finally had a massive nap of 2 whole hours :happydance: and now we have a settled baby fast asleep since 6.30 :happydance: gosh I really do not know how you ladies with bad sleepers do this regularly! I am pooped! Borboleta, would you believe it, teething has not occurred to me until this afternoon when I noticed drool! I feel like such a bad mum, especially as I am a nurse :cry: if that was why she has been so unsettled and I never gave it a thought! Bad mum :nope: I had just accepted that Sophia was going to remain a toothless baby as I have on too many occasions blamed teething for all things bad and we still have no teeth :shrug: maybe they are about to pop? So calpol is now at the ready, poor bubs.

She is also not quite off her food, but not eating as much and not with the same amount of gusto as usual! But other than the rubbish sleep and so so eating, she is a mover and a climber, every where and all the time. Our new favourite game is chase, with me, not with OH or the cat! It's cute, I think she likes to be caught! Today she stood with only one hand holding on :happydance: it took a few determined attempts and some tears, but with gritted gums she got there!

Clio, that's great news about your license :thumbup: and the fun neighbours that J loves to play with. I was an only child and I grew up with lots of other children around where we lived, it was fab, I have lots of great memories of that. Oh and how has J liked the mole and the poo book? I bought the plop up version for a friends daughter who is obssed with poo at the moment :shrug: I think she will like it, she 3, so probably a good age for it. Hope your plan works, no naps is tough with a toddler!

Borboleta, great news about your OH and interviews :thumbup: really hope something good happens soon for him.

Storm, yey for no more sickness! Hmm and your curry, well sounds interesting! Maybe L really doesn't have taste buds after all :winkwink: I hope L's sleep gets better for you, that must be tough being pregnant and god I hate it that men hear nothing in their sleep, that's pretty much what happened to me last night too, while they're busy :sleep:

I was going to write more to other but Sophia is crying so calpol it is. Byeee.
Storm - I'm coming round your house for wonder L was shouting YUM!

Clio - Kia used to absolutely love corn on the cob but nowadays its a bit hit and miss. She ate some of mysseabass yesterday in tomato sauce and some pizza today but that's the nearest she comes to vegetables right now!
Charlie - is it possibly teething? It feels to me like that is generally the main cause of bad sleeping and not eating and general grumpiness from about 6 months onwards!

Borboleta - great news about your OH - hopefully he'll end up with.some options then! X
Great news clio! Finally! :happydance:

Great re. Your oh too borboleta!

will write more tomorrow, off to bed, very tired....:sleep:
Borboleta--I completely forgot to say, good luck to your OH tomorrow!
Charlie--thank you for saying that re: being a single child and growing up with all the children in the area. It makes me feel better, because at times, I worry that I'm depriving him of something. It's gotten even cooler now--the girl who lives in the house on the other side of us--she is three--stood on her deck, watching the three boys play. It broke my heart, but the only people home were her grandparents, who don't speak English. But I just talked to her Dad and said that she was welcome anytime to come and play as well.

I always dreamed about being part of a neighbourhood community of kids, but I lived in an area where there weren't many children. To watch the boys play, and to see J's face is amazing. Just now, when only J and I were playing outside, J pointed to their house and said, "Door! Open!" So we made a big deal of him knocking on a door to visit for the first time. I picked him up so he could push the door bell and then we waited patiently for someone to answer. He was so proud.

ETA--sorry for blathering on about this. I'm just enjoying this so much!
Good morning ladies :) I am soooo far behind again. :( I am really sorry too. The other morning I just didn't have time for my detailed replies as my boys woke in a bitey/cry-y mood and so I just thought I'd leave it till the next early morning, which would have been the day before last. But then my OH got up freakishly early too and then I didn't feel right to write all that long post when he was sitting next to me or entertaining the boys when I should etc. But I checked, I am indeed 6 days behind I think and the post would be too long if I answered as I usually do. So forgive me once again for not being more detailed and just jumping in.

Kosh any news on your tenant situation? And may I say how much I enjoy seeing you on here more! Always love hearing from you and G and how things are with you.
Have you been able to determine what is wrong with G's penis? Does he have thrush? (I think that is what Borboleta meant?) My boys sometimes go a bit red there when they have a nappy rash so maybe it is just that? Did you cancel the MMR?

Storm Yay for no more morning sickness :D
I am sorry if I missed it but did you say that those new cousins are the ones of the BIL who thought he could forbid you to talk to his soon to be ex wife? If so, it would fit into things for me on how you talked about him, on how he behaved at the zoo etc. If he isn't that one, consider I said nothing lol ;)
Sorry L's sleep is being so erratic again. But maybe last night was better?

Clio yay for getting that signature for your license! Now how much longer will it be till you can get the right strand for you? And also I meant to ask, where is J when you smoke this stuff? I am not being judgemental, mind! Having zero experience with weed etc, I actually don't know what the passive smoke would do, if anything at all AND no idea how functional you are if you just had a smoke and had to watch J soon after. So this is just out of interest. I am still 110% for you getting this stuff and see it as no comparison to morphine at all! :hugs:
As for music, it is still the nursery songs for my boys but I am trying to limit their tv time so that usually now they only get them in the afternoon for a bit before their nap and then maybe while we get their dinner ready.
As for J's nap, have you tried putting him to nap after lunch? Maybe he isn't tired after only a few hours up but would be half way through his day? The thought of a toddler on no nap for 13 hours is terrible lol.
Loving your new siggy pic of J! Very very cute!

Borboleta I am so crossing my fingers for your DH! Hopefully he will get the job he really wants this time :D You said the interview went well. Did he have a good feeling about this job or is he just going to take anything that he can get this point?
Glad T likes the pool, especially with the heat you are having! I bet he is super cute in there, the brave little boy :D

Charlie hope last night was better and that the calpol helped. It really might be teething finally :D Any chance of having a look when she smiles or cries? Should be one of the front bottom teeth but could be the top too. My niece first got her top incisors. Hope you got some more sleep anyway. :hugs:

Sabrina good decision re the trip to the US I think. How did your father react when you told him?

Leeze Kia sounds like such a sweetie and I am so impressed with her language skills :)

Kitty congrats to Blake on 8 months! Wow time does fly, he was only teeny tiny just a minute ago! And yay for the playpen working out so well for him :)
We just bought a stacking toy from the Green Toy range and the boys seem to like them very much but find them harder to sort than their cubes/boxes so far, which is good :)

As for us we got a dishwasher yay! We had a small one before that was meant to sit on a counter but it broke down and finally finally I have a full sized normal one! What a relief and feeling of luxury lol. But sadly they installed it badly and I can hear a drip. But they are about to come again now to repair it so still yay!

Dominic is walking so well now! He does it 70% of the time now I'd say but, like Finn, if he wants to be quick he will still crawl.
Sebastian is still largely refusing but on Tuesday in gymboree he climbed really well, much better than Dominic or most of the other toddlers. So yay to that! He also went fearlessly over a sort of bridge and through a tight tunnel when even Dominic had to be coaxed through. So he is making progress too.
He also now likes to sit on my lap and have me read Ten Little Fingers to him. In fact he insists that he sit on my lap while I read it to him. He will climb up me with the book. :) Dominic also so loves this book that he will stand by my knee quietly and listen too without immediately trying to wrench the book from me.
Actually one cute thing that Sebastian has been doing for a while but I haven't mentioned yet, I don't think, is to grab your hand and open it and then with his other really shove what he wants you to have, deep into your palm. And shove and shove until we take note lol. He does the same to Dominic I have seen. But rarely, as he doesn't often want Dominic to have what he has lol.
We got a huge delivery of nappies from Amazon family the other day and the large carton is still in the sitting room with them. I have never heard them laugh so much and so loud. I am not sure how they play with it cause as soon as they hear me coming over, they stop and come to the gate. But I think it is most likely another version of Peekaboo.
They also really like building little towers on the coffee table with their stacking boxes and then noisily knock them all down. It makes me them giggle so much :) I wish I had a recording camera in the sitting room so I could capture how they play with each other. :)
I am so freaking lucky to have these little boys :cloud9:. So besotted!

Hope all are well and I am sorry I didn't reply to all. Will try harder to stay on top of things :hugs:
Hey Angel, good to hear from you! After calpol and boobie Sophia settled for OH for the night and this morning she is still napping 1 hour and 10 minutes later, not that I am counting! :thumbup: I have had a peek and can't see anything yet, who knows with Sophia's mystery teeth!

:happydance: for lots of Dom walking and :happydance: for a climbing adventurous Sebastian showing the others how it's done, again so amazing and wonderful how different they are, I am not surprised you are on :cloud9: I love that Sebastian climbs and sits on your knee for the book, so sweet. And :happydance::happydance::happydance: for big dishwasher, I could not survive without mine!

Kosh I wanted to ask yesterday how things were with your tenant? And how is Gael?

SK, I too think staying in NYC is a good idea, are your dad and step mum going to come and see you? I think it's you that has the sleep sheep for Finn? We bought a small on for Sophia the other day, the plan being to use it on the plane as she is use to white noise. It worked last night, so am hoping to get her use to it before we go.

I cannot remember who asked but yes we are on a night flight for London to HK. Then we spend 3 days there and another night flight to Sydney.

Claire, hope you and Lucy are having fun in Ireland
Storm - I'm coming round your house for wonder L was shouting YUM!

Clio - Kia used to absolutely love corn on the cob but nowadays its a bit hit and miss. She ate some of mysseabass yesterday in tomato sauce and some pizza today but that's the nearest she comes to vegetables right now!

Ach, I know. :dohh: This not eating thing is so frustrating!!! Oh, and OH made the French Toast instead of me this morning, and he made it wrong. I don't know why he does this; I was awake and coming to make it. He even makes my planned crockpot meals and I have no idea because I'm typically out. But he never does it right--he leaves out ingredients and doesn't care, even though I bought them all and some are key! J, as a result, doesn't eat as much, probably because it tastes...questionable. And then the rest is frozen, and I can't make anything else because he took all the ingredients. And OH won't accept criticism because hey--he made the dinner, and I should be grateful, not complaining. Drives me round the bend! :gun:

And so the rant continues:

He's being a big grump these days but denies he's crabby and says that nothing is bothering him. As a result, I just want to punch him.:grr: If nothing is wrong, then why are you ignoring your family as you surf online, reading every newspaper in the country? :coffee: Recently, I yelled at him: "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!." And I find myself picking up the slack laundry-wise, cleaning-wise, playing with J-wise, and putting J down for his nap-wise and bedtime-wise. And then OH tries to soothe me at night when I end up crying because I can't stop the pain, which was in large part due to him to begin with! And yes, I could talk to him about it, but getting past the defensiveness first is exhausting, and I don't have the energy to do it. Things always come to a head, anyway, and we're then forced to deal with it. I'll wait until then.

Okay, rant over. Now I shall go and actually read the thread... :blush:
Storm--um, yes, photo required!!! That's crazy that you're already that big! Did Rowan mention if she was bigger this time round? And I'm jealous of your little L right now--I want my non-fussy eater back!!! Or rather, the eater that finished everything!

Borboleta--is today the day? I'll be thinking of you guys today! Here is the good luck job fairy: :dust:. Are all the interviews Glen has endured so far all for the same type of job? Anyway, when that oil patch opens, there will be so many jobs that they won't be able to fill them all. Do you know when that'll be happening?

Re: T sucking on the wet towel--One of the teething suggestions I once read was to stick a wet wash cloth in the freezer in a plastic baggy. The frozen water in the cloth supposedly helps a lot with teething when he sucks on it. I've never tried it, though.

Charlie--:happydance: I'm glad that S is sleeping again! You know, as an experiment, I'd try the Calpol right away the next time she's stroppy--if she is better within ten minutes, then it probably is teething. Oh, and J wasn't even allowed to touch the mole and poop book because he would have destroyed it. It went straight to my nephew, who also received two HUGE Lego sets at the same time, so all books went to the wayside. But the smaller cousin, L, liked it a lot. I'll have to get the board book for J, because I thought it was hilarious!

Angel--I've wondered where you were, and I'm glad you're okay (I was worried...)! Sebastian and Dominic sound heavenly! :cloud9: It must slay you to hear them giggle together! And :wohoo: for Dominic and his walking, and Sebastian and his bravery and nimble-ness! :happydance: I love the stories of the boys and the Ten Fingers book! J is back to Goodnight Gorilla and Goodnight Moon.

As for the smoking, it's a bit complicated. First, I should say that I used to smoke only at night, until my GP took away the pain med I was on, and the pain became much stronger and constant. I typically use the vaporizer, which is specifically designed to exude only a thin vapour, leaving all the bad stuff behind. That I do in my room in the evening because it also leaves no smell. If I'm going to smoke smoke it, I go to the garage or basement and use the one toke. J is never around during the actual smoking or vaporizing, but if my hip is bad enough, I will use the one toke, which is the equivalent of taking half a Percocet, and continue to take care of him. I once asked OH why he lets me do this, and he said that I had shown absolutely no evidence so far that my judgement is off, or that I'm speaking crazy things about the meaning of life and so on. In fact, he doesn't even know anymore if I've had any, and after a quick buzz, I often forget as well. I smoked so much in my 20s and early 30s that my "getting blitzed" tolerance is incredibly high. So, instead, I just get pain relief from the one toke and go on with my day with a pretty clear head. I used to feel so guilty and weird about it, but Eric insisted that I get over it. He also pointed out that I could be taking care of him while on morphine, instead, and that mj was by far the better drug.

***okay, posting this because we're going out. I am no longer mad at OH, though. I gently asked him what he was worried about. As I suspected, it's the courses he has to design in the next two weeks, so I offered to help. I also said that I don't like it when he keeps things bottled up because he becomes so cold and distant and buries himself in the news to stop feeling anxious. So it's okay again (for now).***
no reply from my dad re: my email. Nice, huh?
and yes, I love the sleep sheep! (Really, I can't sleep without!)

not much else here....sorry, now that LO doesn't take a second nap, I don't get a chance to look at during the day (at home), although I do look at work....and yay for a good interview, Borboleta -- I'm crossing my fingers! and storm, glad the ms is better (I got it a bit, but am not sure whether it was morning sickness or the metformin, but once I stopped that (around wk 24/26, I felt better!), and sorry for everybody's general grumpiness, too!

clio - 20 lbs is excellent! I haven't lost any more weight (but haven't gained it back, yet) and would like to lose 40lbs (I think I've lost about 20-30 lbs since LO was born)

oh, no - poopie? better check!

bye and hugs!
Hmm L is having a non eating day today and is still really chesty... I may have to let big bro listen to her chest! I refused last week cause he's the king of dishing out antibiotics!

What do you ladies use to host your photo uploads? Photobucket is keek so I need an alternative to show massive fat, bloat, bump.. I'm huge and its all hard and horrible... I appreciate its mostly fat and bowel though :)

Ps Clio.. wow 20 off, excellent!
I use Flickr. My iPhoto program on my mac lets me do it from there.
another morning, and the pilot light on the boiler went out last night, so no hot water for me this am (got it fixed when I mentioned to OH, but he managed a hot shower whereas the first time we tried for a hot shower, it was ice cold and then I was filling up kettles for a bath (I refuse to not shower/bathe, if I have to go to work), when OH sorted out shower)....needless to say, a very grumpy morning. LO slept right through the 'drama', though!

we've booked all flights and the hotel in NYC (a suite with a kitchenette), so now, have to save up money to pay for it all! and no, no answer from my dad at all (my mom said that my email was very diplomatic and reasonable, but it shows that my dad wants things his way always and then gets stroppy (like a 2-year old?) otherwise - hahahaha!

hugs to all!

thanks for asking ladies, quick update:
re. willy - ot's on the mend! :winkwink: GP said it might be a skin infection rather than a UTI, gave us antibiotics but told us we could wait to see it it improved on its own. As usual, I waited and the following day was already much better. it actually went from a red mark, to purple to yellow, some maybe it was a bruise??
haven't cancelled the appoinment for his vaccines, so we're going today :nope:
re. tenant - still trying to figure out paperwork I need to send her to start the eviction process :wacko: found out that if she wants to claim that penalty I mentioned, she'll have to take us to court and pay court fees of £1000 in advance, so I doubt she'll do it.

will try and post more later. mind you, I don't think I'll have free hands after the vaccines, as he spent hours in my arms for all the previous ones...

hope you are all well :flower:
hey, my bad luck (no hot water initially) changed a wee bit; was late for the bus and the driver saw me walking down the road from the creche to the bus stop and stopped for me! then, I texted to a radio station (best band of the 1980s) and won a signed Michael Buble CD -- cool, huh! (I said that the best band of the 1980s depends on your mood! but growing up in the USA, it was REM; but The Smiths were great (expensive import), but perfect for teenage angst...) and no bitings all week in creche, but LO is being very stroppy at home....

must dash as LO has control of the remote and that could mean we're watching anything but what mummy wants!


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