any other over 35 first time mums?

im looking pretty pg again already! I always show early pah! im hoping that as my skin is still a bit stretched it'll not be as sore this time - got PUPPPS last time omg horrendous!

What is puppps? Any sickness yet?
She is totally adorable Leeze! :D
I sometimes wish that Dominic would suck his thumb cause that would/might mean that he could self-soothe at night. He does like to suck his fingers but it doesn't calm him as his dummy does. I think we shall stick with the dummy for a while longer though I am still trying to show him that he can indeed fall asleep without it. He doesn't seem convinced of that as yet.
Last night was not as awful as others. We dreamfed them at midnight and Dom then woke me at 2:10 for no reason. I jiggled him a lil put the dummy in for a bit and took it out as he was falling back asleep. Then fed him at 4 and had to change him as he had sprung a leak. And then I fought Seb for almost an hour cause he still doesn't want to drink. Managed to get 130ml down him. Then was woken an hour later by Dom and he was soaked again so I changed him and lay down with him on the nursery bed for a bit till he dropped off again and then snuck off to my own bed where I had 40 mins of sleep. Now we are up and Seb drunk 100ml and will not have more. I am getting worried :(

Is Seb not feeling well? Maybe you should call the doctor to see what could it be. Poor little one. How long had it been?
What kind of diaper do you use? I love pampers! Do not like Huggies , they always leak for me. Could it be the diaper size? Thiago is really a size 3 but I had purchased a box of 2 a while ago and I am trying to finish them so during the day I put on the 2 ( which I have to change him a lot more often) but at night time I am doing the 3s.
She is totally adorable Leeze! :D
I sometimes wish that Dominic would suck his thumb cause that would/might mean that he could self-soothe at night. He does like to suck his fingers but it doesn't calm him as his dummy does. I think we shall stick with the dummy for a while longer though I am still trying to show him that he can indeed fall asleep without it. He doesn't seem convinced of that as yet.
Last night was not as awful as others. We dreamfed them at midnight and Dom then woke me at 2:10 for no reason. I jiggled him a lil put the dummy in for a bit and took it out as he was falling back asleep. Then fed him at 4 and had to change him as he had sprung a leak. And then I fought Seb for almost an hour cause he still doesn't want to drink. Managed to get 130ml down him. Then was woken an hour later by Dom and he was soaked again so I changed him and lay down with him on the nursery bed for a bit till he dropped off again and then snuck off to my own bed where I had 40 mins of sleep. Now we are up and Seb drunk 100ml and will not have more. I am getting worried :(

sorry angel, only jsut read your post properly -why are you worried about Sebastian? is he not eating well? (I have no idea how much they should take)
Last night was not as awful as others. We dreamfed them at midnight and Dom then woke me at 2:10 for no reason. I jiggled him a lil put the dummy in for a bit and took it out as he was falling back asleep. Then fed him at 4 and had to change him as he had sprung a leak. And then I fought Seb for almost an hour cause he still doesn't want to drink. Managed to get 130ml down him. Then was woken an hour later by Dom and he was soaked again so I changed him and lay down with him on the nursery bed for a bit till he dropped off again and then snuck off to my own bed where I had 40 mins of sleep. Now we are up and Seb drunk 100ml and will not have more. I am getting worried :(

This was a better night? Oh Angel... You didn't mention that Seb wan't eating before--is there anything else wrong?

Kosh--what happened?

Nothing new on this front. Since we have not allowed J to leave his room if he wakes up at 4-ish to party, he's decided the party should be in his crib, but he still insists on inviting us. It was my husband's shift last night, and J woke up crying at four, didn't want anything to drink and INSISTED he be put back in his crib. And then the party began. My husband tried to sleep for the next hour, but J's chattering and laughing and stomping could be clearly heard over the monitor.

He's got red cheeks, a runny nose and is drooling this morning. Has been pulling on his left ear for days. Thing is, this would happen for months before those first two teeth. Teething is really, really anti-climatic.

i was covered in itchy blisters and scales in the end....awful wanted to cut my own limbs off lol

im feeling very first tri-ish bit nauseous, boobs are massive (am in a mat top today as cant fit into normal tops already how annoying - good job Id lost all my baby weight and more!) tired etc lots of uterusy feelings

Angel - i think martha was quite old before she was up to 100ml...will check my journal and see - is seb not wanting milk? are you sure they arent refluxy? martha has silent reflux rather than vommy refulx and is never sick just gets the burn its like severe heartburn

aye i thoght teeth took like a week to come or something lol poor babies!

i was covered in itchy blisters and scales in the end....awful wanted to cut my own limbs off lol

im feeling very first tri-ish bit nauseous, boobs are massive (am in a mat top today as cant fit into normal tops already how annoying - good job Id lost all my baby weight and more!) tired etc lots of uterusy feelings

Angel - i think martha was quite old before she was up to 100ml...will check my journal and see - is seb not wanting milk? are you sure they arent refluxy? martha has silent reflux rather than vommy refulx and is never sick just gets the burn its like severe heartburn

aye i thoght teeth took like a week to come or something lol poor babies!

Oh Rowan that looks painful!! Hope you don't get it this time around? Can you get it again?
I had mine for quite a long time, but I've just checked :)dohh:) and it's not there anymore!
:haha: You really JUST noticed? :haha:

believe it or not, I did have to check! I thought it wasn;t there anymore but I wasn't 100% sure :dohh:

oh, and totally forgot to say - yay to the 3rd STTN!! :happydance:
can we swap? :winkwink:
(had a terrible night and feel like sh*t today)

Oh no! :nope: :hugs:

When are you going to pump & let your DH take some night shifts?
How much longer you can keep this up?


N did it again last night. He just had a very wakeful & active morning and just crashed. He is smiling all the time now. :) I just melt every time. :blush::cloud9:

i was covered in itchy blisters and scales in the end....awful wanted to cut my own limbs off lol

Is it painful as well as itchy?

FXed you dont get it again.
thanks ladies youre only supposed to get it once so heres hoping lol it was only painful if i got into a warm / hot bath so i stopped that sharpish lol!

it stopped itching in labour and the blisters finally went about a week after martha was born but then i had an allergic reaction to the hoards of antibiotics i was taking for infected stitches...oh lordy i alternatively laughed at the ridiculousness of it and wept - what with that and being doubly incontinenet i was quite the state lol
Indigo--it sounds like you have a superstar baby on your hands. And I don't mean that as jokey as it sounds; STTN is a real help with trying to stay sane if you're the sole caregiver. And now that his mood is so good! Sounds like he's trying to help you out!

Rowan--PUPPS sounds awful. Is there a certain chance of getting it again if you've already had it once?

Kosh-- :hugs: I agree with Indigo; something has to give. How much are you able to pump? In other words, how many times can DH help out at night?

Angel--All I can say is: :hugs: I don't think reflux shows itself this far in; I think these symptoms would have been evident earlier. Could it be teething?

J is just really frustrating today. You know, you think you have them all sussed out, and then... He's crying for apparently no reason (and by now we know why he cries: he's hungry or tired) and screams even louder if we offer him his bottle. I tried to put him down for a nap (using the turtle, of course) and we never even got as far as the turtle. Total hysterics. Then I bring him down again, put him in his Pack 'n Play, and he's happy as a clam. I made him some breakfast (No Egg Banana French Toast!) and he ate it like a champ. So no tummy trouble, so no reason to resist the bottle. Happy, happy, happy, then my husband comes down and hysterics again. Like he's dying, hysterics. Somewhere in there I gave him some Advil for his teething, and that's probably why he calmed down for a while. But it sure didn't last.

And I used to wonder what went on in the cat's mind... This creature is faaaar more complicated.
thanks ladies youre only supposed to get it once so heres hoping lol it was only painful if i got into a warm / hot bath so i stopped that sharpish lol!

it stopped itching in labour and the blisters finally went about a week after martha was born but then i had an allergic reaction to the hoards of antibiotics i was taking for infected stitches...oh lordy i alternatively laughed at the ridiculousness of it and wept - what with that and being doubly incontinenet i was quite the state lol

Just saw this. You know, evolutionary-wise, something got screwed up somewhere. In order for a species to survive, I would assume that the mother should at least be able to count on her body. Doubly incontient? Eww, and poor you!
AngelK just saw the pictures of your cuties on bc:)!! They are sooooo precious:)! And they have a look of their own. Post them in here so the ladies can enjoy them too :winkwink:.
Creatingpace love the picture of your oh and Avery:). So beautiful!
Yes, post more photos! Rowan, that sounds very painful. Fingers crossed you don't get it again. How exciting to be getting other pregnancy symptoms too. We're planning to start TTC again in a few months! And Kosh, Kia went through a thumb sucking phase too but has mostly stopped. But she's also mostly stopped self-settling too. Angel, your night sounds hardcore. Do you get any daytime naps? Hope your little fella is ok. It's such a worry when they're not quite right, isn't it? Xx
Thank you Borboleta :) Will post the pics here too then and please ladies keep the piccies coming, I love looking at babies. (Which is so weird cause I never used to, at all!)

Sorry ladies I thought I had written about Sebastian's new trick on here but I guess I only mentioned it in my journal. Yeah, basically in the last few days/week he started to refuse to eat. He will fidget and cry when we try to give him the bottle. At first he would just push the teat out with his tongue, milk going everywhere. But we persisted in putting the teat in his mouth and now he squirms and cries and absolutely refuses. We had to resort to dream-feeding him during his naps and at night to get food into him. We weighed him yesterday and he put on 9 grams in the last week as opposed to Dominic's 240 grams! And I am not even sure if that wasn't a half fully tummy from his earlier feed, which would mean he lost weight :( He used to drink 180ml to 210ml in a sitting no problem, now we are happy and relieved if he has 150ml :( He does suffer from reflux but has been on ranitidine for some weeks now with great results. I considered if maybe we needed to up his dosage but I don't think that reflux is the problem here. The way we found out that both boys were suffering from reflux is that they greedily went for their bottle but started to scream and arch during and after their feeds, as well as the constant swallowing and even the clear coloured spit up that they had. Seb's refusal to eat starts as soon as he sees the bottle!

As for last night, it really was better! Cause Dom only waking once between his midnight dreamfeed and his dawn feed at 4am meant that I got one 2h 15 and one 1h 45 block of sleep rather than 45minute ones lol. And I would have gotten another 2 hours from 4:20 lets say to 6:30 had I not have to change Dom's nappy and fight for about 40 mins to get Sebastian to drink half of his bottle. And Dom might have slept longer than 6 too had he not had a nappy-explosion which went all up his back!
We have been using Asda's Little Angels nappies. Asda is a supermarket and the nappies are their own brand. They are nice on the whole and very cheap compared to Pampers but we bought some Pampers today for night-times cause I think the other ones are just not up to it. I don't like Huggies cause they actually leaked through the nappy rather than out of the leg or the top when they got too full which I really thought very bad indeed.
I can sleep tonight and I am soooooo looking forward to it cause I've had a nasty lil headache all day long and since Dom didn't get a proper nap this afternoon (we went to see his gran on the other side of London) he went into a hyper tantrum half an hour after we put him to bed and he had actually fallen asleep. He woke up and went mental. Took about 40 mins of constant walking up and down and swinging him back and forth while jiggling him as well to calm him down. I told OH when we got home that the red eyebrows mean that Dom needs to go to bed immediately but since it was only 6:30 OH thought wait till 7:30. Well I hope he will believe me in the future when I say that Dom makes the schedule, not us! :haha:
Sebastian, in the Ergo on the way out with Daddy

Fallen asleep on the way home :)

Dominic in the car-seat, ready to go out

Fallen asleep on the way home, eventually ;)

The outfit Dom is wearing is the same as in my avvie but these pictures were taken 2 days ago. It was hot again and I really like those short sleeved and short legged lil onesies :)
awww they are sooooo cute!!

hope sebastian eats a bit more tonight :hugs:
we've had a 2 1/2 hr stretch so far!:thumbup:
indigo, clio - yes, i have to get organised and start pumping soon, i know

rowan - that looks v itchy! hope you're safe this time!

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