any other over 35 first time mums?

hey, my bad luck (no hot water initially) changed a wee bit; was late for the bus and the driver saw me walking down the road from the creche to the bus stop and stopped for me! then, I texted to a radio station (best band of the 1980s) and won a signed Michael Buble CD -- cool, huh! (I said that the best band of the 1980s depends on your mood! but growing up in the USA, it was REM; but The Smiths were great (expensive import), but perfect for teenage angst...) and no bitings all week in creche, but LO is being very stroppy at home....

must dash as LO has control of the remote and that could mean we're watching anything but what mummy wants!

:growlmad: Mr. Grump is back. J went down for his nap and I just decided to go upstairs to my room because OH is just depressing to be around. And hurtful, frankly. We had this discussion yesterday--why are we back to this again? And even though we had a nice walk through the dinosaur park yesterday with some of the family, before and after OH just lay there on the couch while I played with J on the floor. If something rolled in a direction that was closest to him, he didn't want to put his laptop aside, get up and get it for me, even though I'm prone on the ground and it's far harder for me to perform this stupid act than it is for him.

The last time he was this way, I ran away to Toronto with J (I left 10 days earlier than we were all supposed to go). That sure snapped him out of it. I may have to do the same thing here--just keep going places with J and leave OH at home all the time. Seems mean, I know, but he needs to see the consequences of acting like my father!!! (I know this seems like projection, but this is exactly what my dad did, except at least he went to his own office to ignore us, not sit next to us in a cramped room and ignore us.)

Oh, but I solved J's early morning wake-up problem! The boys next door don't go to bed until 8 pm, and they play outside until bedtime. So I figured that we should push J's bedtime back as well, and although OH seems really grumpy about this too (he keeps saying things like: "It's on your own head! I'm not dealing with him at that late hour!"), it worked, and J now wakes up between 7 and 8 am! Naps are still hit and miss (he's jumping in his crib right now, talking), but it's fun to hang with him outside after dinner.

Grrrrrr... I'm so tired of fighting this particular fight. I think it will also make it easier for me if I just go somewhere with J. Now...where to go...
Clio come to london and hang with me and angel! ;)

SK, yey for a win. Always nmice to win something, and I love lovely bus drivers that wait, a rare thing here!
Hi ladies! Been a busy couple days for me, busy but good! We got a new computer!! Finally! We'd been using a very old work computer for the basics (iTunes, music, printing) as I'm usually on the iPad. It was going to die soon, and we had been putting this off with all the medical bills. But I figured back to school deals and all, let's just get one! So been setting all that up, getting our pics backed and everything. Soon I'll finally be able to post more recent pics of Blake - promise!

Also got my hair dyed/highlighted and eyebrows done yesterday at a local salon/spa! Felt so good!! Dan came home from work early so I could get in with a new girl that was recommended very highly. So nice of him! New girl was great, really liked her, and my gray is gone!! :happydance: First time I've gotten it done since Blake came home from the NICU.

Storm - read you got yours done recently, too, doesn't it make you feel like a new woman? :haha: Happy second trimester, bring on the hair dye! :haha: No worries on the bloat, feel proud, it's all for a new miracle!

Angel - your boys sound so adorable! You are so blessed to be able to watch them grow and interact together, what fun!

Clio - sorry your oh is being so grumpy. Mine does that ignoring us, staring at the iPad thing too (mind you, I probably do it too sometimes, oops). I usually yell, which probably doesn't help, but at least then he pays attention. Or I say I'm going to throw the damn iPad away if it's more important than your family! I know, rude, but effective. Last resort is the manipulative, he's only going to be eight months old once, do you want to miss it?!?

No, we haven't started food yet with Blake. In my mind, I can't comprehend feeding real food until he can sit up on his own? Must be just me, but I can't wrap my head around it? Anyway, the time will come eventually (we do have a high chair) an well most likely start with puréed veggies and oatmeal.

Someone asked about actual vs adjusted age. Blake is right on target with his adjusted age, which is what is nirmal and to be expected. I have a super nice group of girls that were all due in Feb, and we all still keep in touch. It's so nice to hear how he fits right in with them, development wise.

Tbh, I kind of try to avoid it if someone (strangers mainly) asks my baby's age. I'll usually say 8 months, but he was born 2 months early, and then get looks of alarm, sympathy or concern, oh no's and oh my's as if we all have to be sad about it all the time. Then questions about his "issues", which irritates me. I know people don't know what to say to moms of preemies (there's a big thread in the bnb preemie section about what not to say to us which is SO true, and my mom has said some I them to me :(). I don't want sympathy either as we are so so very lucky, and Blake is doing so great, beyond expectations really!

I consider you guys friends, though, so please feel free to ask questions, doesn't bother me to talk about any of it to this group at all. :hugs: I actually appreciate you asking and caring. Thank you and bug hugs! :hugs:
Lol kitty I love bug hugs, we call L baby bug, so bug hugs just seemed normal! I don't get why people are odd about preterm babies? I know a few, actually the first were twin girls both weighed around 1 half pounds at birth.. I believe they are 25 now, they sure caught up! The other is 13 and she was so small when she was in the incubator her dad put his wedding ring on as a bracelet.. sure sometimes preterm babies have a higher threshold of need in early years but they generally do very well. Oh and friends sister was 6 weeks early and she's now 30, married and pregnant.. she ne er had any issues.

Clio my DH can be a right knob.. I'm mad at him right now, will explain at some stage.

Oh Sk I love Michael Buble and winning rocks. Good on the no biting.. L has,bitten both me and dh this week!

Ok L screaming.. more later!
kitty, my LO was a month early and I've no issues with having a preemie, e.g he's ahead on some things and for others, especially sitting up/rolling, he was delayed a bit, but nobody was worried. (My MIL made a few comments about his 'delayed' walking, but he was happy bum crawling for awhile), so the only time I ever remember he was born early is when I look at developmental sites, etc., fortunately, usually not BnB and never this thread, e.g. Borboleta's Thiago was kicking balls at 10 months (yay!), but Finn wants to throw it! And my LO has great finger movement (he now realises that the middle finger is a naughty one!) - hehehehe! The ladies here on this thread are great!

Argument with OH about money: he pays all the bills and I do most of the housework, plus spend my money on, that's normal, right?

must go as LO and OH have come upstairs!

Okay I haven't read this page yet and I am testing from my phone but wanted to share our good news with my wonderful friends here:).

My OH got a job offer today!!!!!:happydance: We are over the moon!!! After 1 year of unemployment God has blessed us!! He is going to work as a director of marketing for a biotech company:). He is so excited:)!!!

I will post more later:).
Thrilled for you guys Borboleta! Congrats to G, let the good times begin! Xxx
Wow congratulations SOOO much to your OH! This is wonderful! I am very happy for you all! When does he start? :D
Yay!!! What wonderful news! So happy for you and your oh, Borboleta!!! :happydance:

Sounds like a great position! Go out and celebrate!
Borboleta--OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :happydance::happydance::happydance: :dance::dance::dance:

Oh, this is such wonderful news! Tell Glen congratulations and that I so admire his tenacity. Yay!!!!!!!!!

You must feel so much relief, Borboleta!
Good morning ladies :)

Charlie aww I was sure that this time Sophia would cut a tooth. But who knows, they might be on the move inside the gum maybe and just cannot be seen yet. I am sure she must be getting some any time soon now but hopefully not with any more suffering. Especially not when you are on your way to and in Oz!

Clio I am so sorry your DH is being oddly grumpy like that. Hopefully he will snap out of it. As to where you could go, I suppose your mum is too far away to just go and visit? Or maybe that would not be so relaxing either, I know she pushes your buttons too :(
I am glad your mj is so beneficial to you without making you hazy and spacey and your husband is right, taking care of J on morphine would definitely not be clear-headed like that, so yay! :)
Also yay for losing 20lb without trying :D That is what I would like to happen to me lol.

Sabrina I am sorry your dad is sulking like that! How utterly frustrating and hurtful for you :(
But yay for winning and my OH likes the Smiths lots too. I think they have the oddest funniest lyrics ever :D And I too looove REM! I am not sure who I would have voted for. I was such a firm David Bowie fan during much of the 80s and really got into his old stuff but I did adore The Cure too and then later U2, especially their Joshua Tree album. Still one of my all time favourite albums now.
As for your question re money and OH, I suppose it all depends how much you each make. I mean, if you make bucket loads more than him, I would say you should probably help with bills ;). And on the other hand I would say that if you make very little, your OH should help with getting things for Finn once in a while. And as for you doing all the household, well... no! I don't think he should do nothing at all, just cause he pays the bills! You work too and I think he should help! :growlmad:

Storm I don't use my photobucket account much but I also have a flickr account that I hardly use. I guess mostly I use FB but that annoys me soo much cause they mess up your dates and then it has to be reordered manually and if you have loads of pics that take ages as you have to drag and drop one by one :wacko:

kosh glad G's willy is on the mend and it wasn't anything too bad. :) But your description of it going purple does sound like a bruise. But how on earth did he get bruised there? Unless he got kicked in nursery maybe? One would think the nappy would pad him enough though to not allow bruising. Poor boy.
Hope he is ok after his vaccines?

kitty_love yay for new computers! I love getting a new computer and every time I do (which is every 2 or 3 years with laptops) I swear I will keep it pristine and not get the keys all sticky... yeah right lol! But I am looking forward to seeing an updated piccie of your little Blake. How old was he in your avvie pic?
Yay for getting a nice hairdresser and for hair dying! I don't need to die mine but when I come back from the hairdresser I always feel nice and soigné too lol.
I will have to check out this thread about what not to ask a mother of a preemie. Even though you said that you don't mind us asking questions, I wouldn't want to put my foot in it, either with you or another preemie mum. My boys came 3 weeks early but it was planned like that and I guess 37 weeks counts as full term anyway, doesn't it. So I never adjusted their age really. But at any rate I don't think I would have expressed sympathy to a preemie mum unless her LO was still in NICU and that must be worrying. But having a cousin who was born at 26 weeks (she is now 35) and who is perfectly normal, I didn't actually think about "issues" either. And from what you tell of Blake, except that you have to be careful with him catching cold etc, I thought he was doing very well too. :hugs:

Borboleta again, I am so thrilled for you and Glen! He so deserves this after all that time trying to find a job! So so happy for you :D Will you have to change hours at your studio now that he won't be home to watch T while you teach or do you have other arrangements?

As for us I don't know any more what to offer Sebastian as food. So far he refuses everything and even start throwing away banana slices after eating one or two. We have had to resort to tricking him into eating a stage 2 shop bought meal cause he will just not eat anything that remotely requires chewing. But he doesn't really want to be fed any more either. So we have to occupy him with maybe a rice cake and OH sneakily feeds him from behind :wacko: Yesterday we offered small organic sausages and sweetcorn in the evening. He didn't even try the sausages and threw the sweetcorn on the floor. Same with the chicken pieces and steamed mini carrots at lunch. I am getting a bit desperate really as meal times have become such a struggle and I canot think of any other foods that he can feed himself with but don't require any chewing at all. He doesn't like avocado, he only nibbles on mozzarella, he initially nibbled a bit on polenta but now refuses that too. Both boys dislike bread and omelettes. But other than those two things, Dominic is eating everything on offer and does it easily and joyfully. As long as he has one piece in his mouth and one piece in each hand and there more pieces waiting for him, he is a happy boy.
When and how did your LO start using spoons to feed themselves? And does it involve a huge foody mess? Cause I find this hard to deal with as it makes me gag when food goes absolutely everywhere :blush:

I think this is all for now, almost time for the boys' morning nap. I started this post at 6:50 but have been kept busy since then.
Hope all are well and as usual :hugs: to all :)
Lol Angel you should see the devastation after some of Lydias meals! You need to embrace the mess. Will the boys eat spaghetti bolognese or mild chill and rice? L loves those kind of things. She has been feeding herself for ages but sometimes I help too. She won't eat omelette but loves scrambled eggs! Must be the texture... Good luck x
Morning ladies. Not much sleep last night...poor little guy was having teething pain I think. He was waking up every 1/2 hour to hour wanting a cuddle, but as soon as he started to drift to sleep he wanted to lay flat. He's not a huge cuddler, so his poor little mouth must've really hurt. He liked his frozen dummy though, so that helped. Dan finally took over about 3 am, which was nice. We've never given him Tylenol or Advil, and didn't want the first time to be middle of the night when I couldn't monitor him closely. Also, I really hate that there's fake sugar (and other crap) in baby Tylenol. If anyone here has found a safer alternative, please let me know!

Angel - how's the dishwasher? Must be great not to have to wash everything by hand! So sorry Seb is having such a tough time eating. Do you think it's his teeth? Tummy? Or he's just not happy with flavors or textures? Poor kid, I hope it passes soon so he (and all of you) can enjoy meal time. I obviously don't know much about real food and LO's, but would he eat applesauce or puréed pears, sweet potatoes mashed up? Could you go back to the puréed type baby foods for a bit if he doesn't want to chew? Idk? I'm sure it's just a phase. :hugs:

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Borboleta - FANTASTIC NEWS! I am so happy for you and G! That is great!

re: money - my OH makes about 4 times what I do and after paying creche (the rate goes down this month as LO is 19 months), I have about 4-500 euros left, which I use for transport, food and paying off a credit union loan (used to help when I went back to work as wouldn't get paid for two months!). (I also get 'child benefit' of 130, which is gone on stuff for LO almost immediately);but my OH does pay for everything else, and forgets that when I do have money, I am very generous (but then am broke by week 3 of the month, c'est la vie)....oh, well.

hope all are well. I've been knitting a cardigan for LO and keep having to redo as I realised I probably didn't have enough wool to do it as long as I want - grumble, but OH looked after LO this afternoon, and I finally figured out the right measurements (it's for a new born, but am using needles x3 larger, but forgot that when you add arms,'s more wool that the body....

Evening ladies - hope everyone is doing well. Odd day for us, our Church was having a meet the neighbours day, which is basically a multi cultural free open day so anyone of any religion (or none), ethnicity etc can come round and have some free fun with their kids. They had a petting farm, a guy who came with snakes, tarantulas etc. a bouncy castle, bouncy castle assault course, crafts, balloon modeller (aka my dr brother), face painting, free bbq, teddy bears picnic, glitter tattoos etc.. anyway my Dr bro was there with his 2 youngest doing balloon modelling - boy he is good, snakes and poodles seemed to be the order of the day and my other brother came with his 3 kids and I was there with my dad, DH and L - we had intended to just pop in but L was having such fun we stayed for nearly 3 hours! She had a hot dog, juice, got a snake and swan balloon, loved the bouncy castles and was besotted with all the animals, in particular a sheep - hehe.

Anyway we had such a lovely day but when non dr bro turned up he told me SIL friend from uni died during the week! They lived together at Uni (nursing) and she was 35, she was diagnosed with breast cancer after the birth of her child, thought she was doing ok, given the all clear, relapsed a couple of weeks ago and died on Wednesday! SIL didn't find out until today as she had been texting her but hadn't heard anything since Tuesday but just thought she was too poorly to text back, this morning she phoned the hospice and she died on Wednesday. I only met the girl twice at SIL hen night and their wedding but I feel so sad - she leaves a husband and 18 month old child behind. I think that's what really got me, she won't see her LO grow up! How terrible is that :(

Anyway I just wanted to share - not to depress anyone but I guess to make us all feel a little more thankful for our LOs and the time we have with them.

In other news I've just paid the solicitor the money to legalise the house swap - online banking rocks, we signed all the paperwork on Friday so this is the financial side. I guess I feel kind of funny about that too - its my family home but it still holds so much of my darling little mum :(

On a L note, little madam has learnt to say lie down, so that's all she wants us to do and more tickle - I guess she likes tickles - I hate them! Shes in bed late tonight so I'm ever hopeful she was sleep... pllleeasseee

Bed for me - I'm so so so so tired - catch up tomorrow lovely ladies x
Borboleta--still smiling!!! :) Did you guys celebrate last night? Oh, and my status under my name is in dedication to you and Glen and little T.

Angel--I actually thought very carefully about going home right now, seeing as we haven't yet booked our ticket. That would mean missing OH's pre-September freakout at least. But I don't want J missing any time with the kids next door before they go off to pre-school and day care in the fall. Plus, I'm writing two courses with OH, and if I leave, his anxiety level will shoot through the roof. So I spend a lot of time outside with J. I've been on so many frickin' walks with this kid! And they always involve at least one instance where we must lie completely on the sidewalk to examine a patch of clover/dandelions/rocks at eye level. Luckily, there are paths running all throughout here. There's also supposed to be a nature walk somewhere in our area, but they might have built over it. :nope: Though I should talk--I can just imagine what beautiful farmland they destroyed to build our community!

As for the 20 pounds, I know--pretty crazy. I just started to notice that my clothes were suddenly looser. But I've been so inactive for so long that my body must have lost the weight out of shock when I started walking with J!

I don't think I'm as clear-headed as I realize I made it sound, but I'm more clearheaded than I was on the prescription pills I had before. Plus, with the vaporizer, you can set the temperature so it bypasses the THC--the stuff that makes you feel stoned--and goes straight to vaporizing the painkilling and anti-inflamatory cannabinoids.

Re: feeding Sebastian--have you tried Dahl? No chewing needed, and when cut with yoghurt, you've got a very healthy meal there that isn't too sharp. But that description of Dominique double-fisting his food is hilarious! :rofl:

Posting this because I just found it, hours later!!!
Hi! Blake slept through last night, but lots and lots of drool and his poor neck got all red overnight. Glad it doesnt seem to bother him, but it looks angry. Going to put him in the bath after his nap. Not much going on here today, cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning I guess.

Storm - your event yesterday looked like so much fun! Glad L enjoyed herself so much! Sounds like she's a little animal lover!

So sad about your SIL friend. Wow, we definitely need to count our blessings and of alive the time we have with our LO's.

SK - Knitting a sweater, sounds like you have some skills! How long does something like that take you? And, I've been meaning to ask - how do you pronounce the word crèche? Notice you use it like we use daycare?

Clio - forgot to say congrats on the weight loss!! 20 is a lot! Well done! My extra is slowly going, but I just haven't been exercising as I should. I still have about 10 to go. I love fall, so hopefully can get more walks in as it gets cooler.

Sounds like J is just loving being outdoors! Very cute about investigating at ground level! He's very inquisitive, maybe a budding scientist? Sweet you're helping your oh write, can't remember, is your oh a professor? Sorry, not sure if you've mentioned or not.

Everyone - I probably missed this as I joined the thread late, but what does everyone (and their oh) do for a living if you dont mind me asking? Always so interesting to hear! I used to be an actuary (main career after lots of other stuff, HR, bits of IT work, veterinarian assistant in high school and college, lots of waitressing...). My dh is in IT, and did lots of manual work through college.

Need to start cleaning as dh is home from store to look after Blakey...bye!

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