any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies,

Finally can sit here and write:).

We are still so very happy and takes a while to sink in that OH has a job after a year of staying home :haha:. Thiago and I will miss him dearly during the day but we will survive :thumbup:.
Thank you so much for the kind words and prayers:).

Kitty: OH now is a director of marketing for a biotech company. They help doctors analyzing blood samples in regards to cancer. And I graduated in Brasil in music therapy. But then decided to come to the States and try a different life. Met my OH after 1 week of arriving in the US and we have been together since :kiss:. Since I came to the US with a tourist visa couldn't get a regular job so did loads so baby sitting until we finally got married after me begging him to marry me for years :haha:. Than started getting into the fitness world and now own a very small fitness studio. We teach Zumba, Pilates, yoga, Zumba toning and body sculpting. Ad personal training too.
Glad to hear Blake is doing better. Does he have any teeth yet? And I love your comment about what people shouldn't say to a preemie mom. We never think about these kind of things :thumbup:.

Storm: sounds like L had so much fun during the festival. I love the picture of her and the snake. When thiago sees a bug he stares at it and than waves goodbye.
Actually the other day he wanted me to read a book to him so we sat on the floor and he sat on my lap. After finishing the book he went to get another one and I noticed this little thorn like things stuck to my skirt so I was trying to get it out but there was a " funny smell " getting out of than so I was trying to figure it out what was that. All of a sudden I realized that it was a roach's legs :wacko:!!! And it stunk!!!!! So I was trying to find the rest of the bug and found the head but couldn't find the body. After a while I decided to change thiago's diaper and found the roach mashed on the floor when I picked up thiago :dohh:!! He sat on it!!!! Gross!!!

Angel: I think we have to talk to thiago and seb for us to open a weight loss facility and we will follow their diet :dohh:!!! Sounds to me that we have two picky eaters!!! Totally feel your pain!!! We took thiago to a wonderful Italian restaurant and got all these beautiful pasta dishes and do you think he ate anything? Nope :nope:!! He just ate the fruit that I had brought with him. Like you don't know what else to do. But like they say, they will not dye of hunger.

Sabrina: any news from your dad? So Finn has moved totally to one nap? I can still get thiago to take two. Just if he sleeps till past 7:30am than I give him one nap which is not usual. His normal wake up time is 6:45am. :sleep:

Clio: :happydance: for 20 pounds!!! I wish I would be like you and don't have to diet or exercise and lose all this weight :haha::).
J is an explorer for sure. So cool that he has little buddies. I wish we had more little kids in our neighborhood. Well, maybe we do but with all these heat we don't see that maybe people out playing in the street :haha:.
How is your OH? Less moody? I think man go thru andropause (not sure if I am writing correctly). They are just like us. :dohh:. Oh, boy, two hormonal people in the house!!! Poor LOs :haha:!!

Charlie: so no teeth :shrug:! They might me coming though if she is feeling uncomfortable. Little t is still drooling and sometimes feeling moody because of the molars. Sometimes they just take there sweet little time don't they :wacko:!!! I will be praying for you and your trip to Australia!!

No much here happening. Little t is super clingy to mommy as usual. Wants to hold my hand or hold on my clothes while I try to walk at the same time but the cutest thing he did yesterday was while watching the bear song from super simple songs he wanted me to have my head close to his and hold my hand :kiss:. The video shows the mommy bear and the baby bear and remembering what they did during the day before they went to sleep. I think he knows that I am his mommy and he wants me close to him like the bear mommy is close to her baby:). He is such a snuggler!! I think he got that from my OH and my dad. Definitely a momma's boy :thumbup:!!
And now that OH is starting back to work on Wednesday thiago will be seeing hi grandma more often at the end of the day so I can go to the studio and teach my classes or train my clients. The only problem is that this week my MIL is going on a trip so I need to get a baby sitter to watch thiago for 1 1/2 hours on Wednesday and thrusday. I know a girl that can do it but am a little anxious about it because I never left him with someone else than family. Oh well, there is a first for everything isn't it.

B- wow, your hubby's new job sounds like such a great position! And starting already on Wed - he must be so excited! You'll miss him, I'm sure, but you'll find a new "normal" quickly. :hugs:

I didn't know you owned a fitness studio, that is so cool! I remember you mentioning teaching Zumba classes and thinking oh I could really use her help, wish we lived closer. :haha: I enjoy Pilates, used to do it quite a bit before I got pregnant (just on my own, very basic w DVDs). I should start that up again while Blake has his afternoon nap. Must be rewarding helping people become fit, what a fun career! :happydance:
Kitty I work in IT for a global bank, currently in governance as in application standards 'police', you can't get anything past us heehee... DH is a paramedic, basically either drives the ambulance or is with the person needing help, depends who he is working with. If he's working with another paramedic they take turns but if he's with a technician he's always in the back. Oh boy he sees some horrible sights, I couldn't do it!

L had a fun day with her cousins, although I was cross with my 4 year old niece as she said 'go away I don't like you' to L. She's the baby of her family and doesn't like L being the new 'baby'. Her parents won't let her grow up either! She's 4 and 7 months and she still sleeps in a cot in the room with my brother and sil???? What's that all about when they have a huge room ready for her.. she's starting school next month! Anyway L isn't settling well tonight, I'm exhausted and have a cold and dh is working today and the next 3 so I'm on my own :(

I may need chocolate....
Storm, hope you get over your cold ASAP! I am no good at being sick!

Clio,,forgot to day, yey for 20 pounds!! I am jealous! I am still doing my nightly DVD, haven't been to mums for a while to weigh myself, but I am slowly getting my shape back, but not 20 pounds worth! Hope your OH is over his grumpiness! Grrrr.

Kitty Love, i totally agree that it's good to wait until LO's are sitting well before started solids, it is BLW that you are planning on doing? I hope I have never said anything offensive to a mum of a preemie, I don't know what that etiquette is I'm afraid :shrug: my neighbour had a girl who was born at 27 weeks, I think she's 18 months and it's only been over the last 6 months or so that I have seen her out and about, she's a gorgeous little thing and hopefully a future playmate for Sophia along with the 5 month old boy on the other side :thumbup: as for me and my OH, we'll when I work, which will be in November it's as a sister (charge nurse in the US) in A&E ( ER in the US). I use to work in my local hospital, literally down the road from me and a great department with fantastic colleagues, Now I work in a HUGE trauma centre and it's bloody crazy to put it mildly :dohh: how I will cope when I go back??! We'll see but I am not looking forward to it :nope: My OH is an Operating Department Practitioner, which is basically a specialist role in hospital theatres, he specialises in anaesthetics not surgery though. And yes we met at work years ago when we both worked at our local hospital. But now we work at different places on opposite sides of London. What does your OH do?

Angel, I really don't have any foodie advice for you with Sebastian. The only thing that I could suggest is that it is clearly something that is worrying you a lot and understandably so. But LO's are so sensitive to our emotions so maybe Sebastian senses your stress and worry which may be influencing him :shrug:it might be worth just taking a few steps back and trying to convey and more relaxed approach to his eating. I have no idea if this will make any difference but it might be worth trying, even though you will have to learn the art of acting! I'm sure what I am suggesting is easier said than done but I know that toddlers between 1 and 2 typically get fussy, weird food issues! :hugs:

Borboleta :happydance: again for all of you!

Things here are crazy with my little Duracell bunny who just does not stop! After awful naps yesterday and a so so night last night, Sophia had a 3 hour nap this morning! :thumbup: then she was recharged and ready to go! I have actually read today that a sleep regression can happen between 8 and 10 months, I am guessing that is this! I just hope it's done with by the time we go on holiday! And yes still no teeth! :shrug:

Night ladies x
Borboleta - what amazing news re your OH. You must be so happy and relieved!

Angel - finger foods that Kia has liked: sausages, burgers or meatballs, tuna croquettes, fish fingers, apple slices, pear slices, cucumber strips, pitta bread. Nowadays she's sometimes adventurous but goes through a lot of picky phases. She loves pizza and sausages at the moment. Plus bread or crackers and cheese. She ate fish pie tonight, which I was very impressed by. It was quite creamy and cheesy though.its really hard when they don't eat, isn't other? A friend once told me they grow to eat, not eat to grow - so will normally eat lots if going through a growth spurt but often will go through phases of eating very little. X
sorry haven't had time to read any posts but I guessed from all the congratulations that your OH got a job borboleta?!!
:yipee: :yipee: that's amazing nesw!!!! congratulations!! you must be sooo happy!!
When and how did your LO start using spoons to feed themselves? And does it involve a huge foody mess? Cause I find this hard to deal with as it makes me gag when food goes absolutely everywhere.

Angel--it was a very organic process with us. I was scared to let him have a spoon for the longest time, too, and even gave him a fork first, because they're easier to use and keep food on. But then I bit the bullet, and just handed him the spoon for every meal. Remember: Ikea bib-shirts and newspaper on the floor are your best friends. I'd also "pre-load" the spoon, where I'd put things like rice or yoghurt or smushed up banana or avocado on it and then leave it on his plate. He'd always grab the spoon, and slowly got better with it. It's a learning process, just like it is with drinking from a regular cup--they have to learn to keep things up-right and steady.

Today J ate his oatmeal entirely with a knife. :dohh:

Maybe Sebastian will be a little more interested in eating if you gave him at least a fork? You can show him how to spear things--that's always fun.

Sorry guys--I'm still reading, and responding to a few things, so don't count me out! I just keep doing things that screw my joint up (i.e. taking J for walks), and I am enjoying him so much :cloud9: that I'm being far more physical than before. Sadly, that comes with a price...

But, J story! J wanted us to read him a book, but OH and I were both busy. So I told him to get Tata to read him the book. :haha: Next thing I know, I find J in the living room waiting expectantly next to Tata, Tata lying stretched out on her side, and the book open on Tata's head.

Tata isn't very bright. I don't know what J was thinking...

Charlie--how I'd love to come and hang out with you and Angel. Because S and J should meet early, don't you think? That way, it won't seemed so arranged in the end. They'll think they found each other! :haha:
nope, nothing from my dad at all...sigh.

Finn did take a bit of a nap yesterday afternoon; I decided to try quiet time (close the curtains, put him in his sleeping bag and hold him in my arms) and he fell asleep; and in fact, we did get two naps a day over the weekend, so will try the quiet time again today -- if he doesn't sleep, no problem, but at least, I can recharge my batteries!

Yesterday when I picked him up from creche, the girl told me that Finn had sprinkled water from his sippy cup over the low table and had then proceeded to lick it up, and was sticking his hands in his mouth and making odd 'furball' dawned on me that Finn is imitating the cats! If he starts meowing, I'll let you know!

not much else here, hope all are well!

I'm way behind again, sleeping has been absolutely crap and I'm barely coping :cry:

read through briefly, so just a few comments/questions

angel - I'd try not to worry so much re. Seb's food (I know, I know easier said than done), hopefully it's just a phase? Do you think the problem is that he doesn't like the food or that he doesn't want to chew? are his teeth bothering him? have you tried cous-cous? It's one of Gael's favorites.

re. spoon/fork - I used to give G a pre-loaded spoon very early. it did involve a bit of mess but not too much, and it really helps them learn how to grab cuttlery even when they can't pick up the food themselves yet. have you tried that? also, I agree with clio - if you're worried about food going everywhere, you could try a fork first.

re. music - another REM fan here! I saw them in Manchester in 2008 and they were so good, I looove Micheal Stipe. I too like Smiths/Bowie/U2/The Cure. I used to be a big Talking Heads fan too. anyone likes Lou Reed? Nick Cave? Gosh I am trying to think what else I like but my brain is empty :dohh:

oh, that reminds me, borboleta - Gael also likes salsa and merengue! :thumbup:

clio - I loved that J was waiting for Tata to read his book! :cloud9:
and I am sorry your OH was grumpy (or is he still?). mine is grumpy almost every day and it's soooo tiring! :growlmad:

sabrina - has your father replied?

kitty - I am research scientist and work for the university. my DH is a psychologist

bye for now, will try and read more later

eta - sabrina ours posts crossed!
spoon: Finn will use a spoon, in fact, in creche, he won't eat ceral and/or yogurt unless they give him a spoon, so from no ceral in the am, he now eats about 3/4 of a bowl. I said as long as they (in the creche) didn't mind that it was messy and took awhile to eat, he will do it. At home, we offer food either finger style or with a spoon and although it takes awhile, he does eat. I remember a great picture clio had of J a few months ago, covered in yogurt and that's what our kitchen looks like at times....! but fork/knife -- not for a long, long time!

hope all are well! bye!
nope, nothing from my dad at all...sigh.

Finn did take a bit of a nap yesterday afternoon; I decided to try quiet time (close the curtains, put him in his sleeping bag and hold him in my arms) and he fell asleep; and in fact, we did get two naps a day over the weekend, so will try the quiet time again today -- if he doesn't sleep, no problem, but at least, I can recharge my batteries!

Yesterday when I picked him up from creche, the girl told me that Finn had sprinkled water from his sippy cup over the low table and had then proceeded to lick it up, and was sticking his hands in his mouth and making odd 'furball' dawned on me that Finn is imitating the cats! If he starts meowing, I'll let you know!

not much else here, hope all are well!


Kia does the same thing - pours water all over the table then laps it up. I also wondered if she's copying the cat! X
Kia will sometimes use a fork or spoon, but also still likes to use her fingers! She's wanted to use a spoon since she was about 13 months, but its probably only been the last month or so where she's stopped spilling most of it!

Kosh - sorry to hear you're struggling - I'm so exhausted today that I could curl into a ball and hide away from the world for a week!

Can't remember what else I wanted to say. Except I got a positive OPK today; but am so tired I'm not sure if will be possible to BD tonight!XX
Kitty--probably the best word to call us is "historians." We met while doing our PhDs in History. However, my husband is not a professor, but rather a full-time lecturer at the university and also works for a second university up North. As for me, I get tossed a few courses here and there, but essentially, I'm a SAHM.

Oh, as for J seeming inquisitive when lying down and looking at something, he's not. He does it more because it's a fun thing to do. I did it once on our front lawn because my joint hurt and told him I was looking at my flowers. So, he got down with me, and now feels that this is one cool way to look at things. Jonah is often...whimsical, I think. His favourite thing on our crescent is a set of chimes on someone's front porch, and he runs to them, and yells "CHIMES!!!" and stands there, mesmerized.

Borboleta--So, is tomorrow the day? Is your OH nervous? Still, this is so great! Have you made a list yet of all the things you want to buy?

Angel--how's it going with Sebastian and the feeding? My pedi said that with toddlers who won't eat, you just keep offering food again and again and eventually they'll eat it. Of course, I found his advice rather glib. What are you supposed to do with a hungry toddler in between? How is Sebastian's mood since he's gotten so picky? Or is he still on formula?

Leeze's take on things makes a lot of sense.

Re: OH--thanks for your support, guys. It remains to be seen if the problem has been resolved. I'm actually quite tired of it all; I've been through this with OH before and had to chip away at him for days to make him tell me all the things he's worried about. But I don't have the energy to do it this time, so I'm just leaving him alone. It's the start of a new semester, and he always does this. And he can write those courses on his own!

ETA: Oh, I wrote this ages ago today! Okay, posting it!
Good morning ladies. :)
What a night! :wacko: Just when we went to bed last night, Sebastian cried out and whimpered. He does this rarely but often enough not to alarm us immediately. But this was somehow different. So instead of just waiting and letting them drop off again we went in cause I was quite sure that I saw a puddle in Sebastian's bed (over the monitor). I thought maybe he had diarrhoea again. But as it turned out, he had been really sick, my poor little boy! We had to change the bedding of course and his pjs and sleeping bag etc. But as I was holding him and rocking him a little, I could tell he just wanted to sleep now. He dropped off as soon as I put him back in his bed. But Dominic wouldn't sleep. We went to bed and OH fell asleep but Dominic was chattering and yammering a bit so I turned off the sound on the monitor and just kept looking at it to see if he had dropped off yet so that I could turn the volume on again and go to sleep. After an hour of this and my yawning it woke OH again who was soo annoyed with me! Got into a fight about the stupid monitor and why I kept looking at it and how the bright light of it woke him etc. Well by then Dominic started crying so I went in to him. I lay down with him on the nursery bed and stroked him etc but he just wouldn't fall asleep. And when I put him back in his cot and tried sush/pat he just sat up and cried. Sigh. So OH who had obviously seen this on the monitor came in and took over. Dominic finally fell asleep at around 3. Yawn. I am so tired. How did I used to do on 3 and a bit hours asleep before?! And how do you do it, Claire, Leeze, Kosh and still occasionally Storm?!
But at any rate, so far Sebastian seems ok this morning. I have no idea what this was last night. He was super tired at dinner and cried loads and refused all food except two small fromage frais and then fell asleep immediately when in bed. So I hope this was a one off thing. But considering that both boys have had a bit of diarrhoea lately and that Dominic had a fever the other day which cleared by evening, I do wonder what is going on :( I hope it isn't anything bad and I just am missing the signs. But they seem bright and cheerful this morning and that must be a good sign, right?
And of course my mum is coming today for a week and I need to do some last bits of cleaning and tidying. Blah!

Re Sebastian's eating thank you all for your kind words and suggestions. I don't think I can count this as a phase as Sebastian has never not refused to chew. The reason why the boys were still on stage 2 foods till recently, is because Sebastian always has refused anything being fed to him with lumps in. And since recently he had refuses to be fed at all. Except porridge, yoghurt and fromage frais. He wants to feed himself but the problem is that he will not chew! I have given him everything I can think of that is mushy yet can be grabbed by hand but most of it he refuses. I am trying to not be anxious when feeding him and I don't think I am overly. Cause so far usually OH can trick him in being fed a stage 2 pouch, after he has once again thrown everything we offered onto the floor. For some reason, Sebastian will not accept being fed food while we sit in front of him but with OH standing behind him and shoving a spoon in here and there while Sebastian is distracted with a rice cake for example, he will usually eat a whole pouch. I have seen that there are little molars poking through his gums so I really hope that once they are properly through, he will start to chew. In the meantime we will just keep offering.

Anyway, sorry for such a selfish post opener. On to personals now.

Kitty_love I meant to ask, was it the first time Blake slept through that night and has he done it again since? I hope so and that you got lovely wonderful sleep :D Has the red neck thing cleared up btw? Hope it was nothing worse than a dribble rash!
And oh my gosh I loove my dishwasher! And it only takes the thing 50 minutes for a load where as the small counter-top one I had before took 2h30! It is wonderful :D lol (Golly how sad am I?! lol)
As for what Oh and I do. I am a SAHM too but was an illustrator for greeting cards and restorer and painter of fine and antique furniture before. I still the do the occasional commission for greeting cards but gave up the furniture thing before I finally got pregnant and also cause my main contractor was a crazy evil old lady who made me cry! Anyway, working with white spirit and methylated spirit all day long was not a healthy option and though I kinda miss the work, I also don't, if that makes any sense. My OH is a lazy so and so quite frankly. He used to be in IT and then basically stopped in order to work with his mum who owns several houses and rents out the rooms individually. He has taken over the management of one house completely and only helps out with the manual stuff on the others now. He was a bit bored with this and then retrained to be a chef. But the courses are very expensive and we are saving up for the third and finally course. But in the meantime, OH hasn't really tried to find something. While I am grateful to have him home most of the time cause the boys can be a handful, I do think he basically uses them as an excuse. And of course he gets the rental money from the house and I have a (small!) sort of trust-fund through my family's company, so we manage to live modestly but well on that.

Borboleta you made me laugh with your suggestion of the weight loss facility! I wonder if not eating anything that requires chewing would indeed help ppl to lose weight! Bisquits (cookies) would of course be out and bread too! It might work but it wouldn't be fun lol
As for the story of the roach :sick:! Eww eww!! I am so glad we don't really get them over here! There sometimes are some at my mother's holiday home in Spain but it is rare and I think they are a smaller variety than the US ones. Still, horrid!
I am crossing my fingers for you that today will be great for your OH, that he will love the new job and his new co-workers and that being alone with T will be easy and fun for you :hugs:

Sabrina I am not quite sure what you mean by your DH forgets all the things you pay for. Is he saying that you pay for too little? Sounds to me that you pay for a lot of things which I should have thought would come out of some sort of joined account? Especially creche and groceries? Does he think you should co-pay bills too? Hmm!

Storm I am so sorry about your SIL's friend :( How horrible! One wouldn't expect this at such a young age and just after having a baby too. How sad! You are right, every moment with our family is precious and we should always be aware of that.
Sounds like your house swap is coming along well now. I am assuming all the work you wanted to have done, has been completed also? I can imagine however how bitter-sweet those memories must be when you are in your parents' house. :hugs:

Clio how are things with your OH now? Is he still grumpy and shut off? While I am sure J is having a great time being out and about with you, I do wish you would be able to take it easy with your joint you poor woman!
Btw I love your new piccie of J and the book! Soo sweet!
And I loved the story of him and waiting for Tata to read to him! So cute :cloud9: Sounds like your Tata is an amazingly sweet and patient kitty-girl even if not overly bright :)

Charlie I am so impressed that you do a workout every evening. I really should try and do something too!
Sorry you have a new job location. I am not sure how accurate ER was as a series but judging from that, hats off to you to work in such a stressful environment! Can totally understand that you aren't looking forward to going back to that though. When do you btw?

Leeze did Kia ever refuse to chew at all though?
I love that she and Sabrina's Finn imitate the kitty by lapping up the water! So cute :D
Hope sleep was better last night, you poor woman! Hope you manage to dtd today then if you missed it yesterday, should still be ok, right?

Kosh oh yes I do like some Lou Reed and my OH likes some Nick Cave songs. Weird though, aren't they? Especially the one he did with Kylie Minogue about him killing her! I think it is called wild roses or something like that? And I love Michael Stipe's voice too! So distinctive and just great :)
How is G? IS the metro journey better or still bad?

Ok got to go, breakfast is overdue! Hope all are well and we haven't lost our other ladies again. :hugs:
Afternoon ladies - just a quick one - I'm a broken woman, L sleep has been utter rubbish for weeks now - last night she was crying about 4 times before 12 and I ended up lifting her at 1 and bringing her in with me where she cried and thrashed around and actually even managed to fall out of the bed (thankfully its low), but seriously she managed to get out the gap between the rail down one side and the rail at the bottom... she is sooo unsettled!

Kosh I feel your pain - sleep deprivation is just horrible.

Leeze - DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT - get some energy drinks or something :)

L was having an eating day yesterday, I had made chicken curry for dinner and cause it wasn't ready on time and she had to wait 10 minutes she had a complete meltdown - crying, screaming, tantruming.. oh my word - and when it was ready she devoured a huge portion! Other nights I can hardly get her to eat - wee monkey.

I did read all the other posts and I have completely forgotten what they said - sorry - mixture of baby brain and exhaustion - must read them again...
Hi ladies,

Thank you for your kind words about my OH starting his new job today. I told him about it and he thank you all:). I think he was very excited about today but at the same time a little heart broken to leave us this morning. He got tears in his eyes when saying goodbye to thiago this morning :cry:. And when we were saying goodbye to him thiago actually got a little upset because he thought he was going with him for a car ride:(. But I am sure he will get used to it soon:).

Thiago is doing so well with his letters! He knows a good bunch if you ask him where certain letter is and now he says A, B, P, E, K, L, M, N, F ( I forgot what else). But my OH is super smart and has been working with him to say the letters as what they sound in a word and not just the alphabet. Thiago is in love with stop sign now :dohh:. He wants us to say the letters in it.

Now the fork and spoon he just doesn't do it. But I love Clio's idea of the smashed bananas so I will do that and offer him a spoon and see how that goes.
Angel I totally understand you not enjoying the mess with the spoon :thumbup:. I will too!!!

Storm: so sorry about L and not sleeping! Do you think is teething? And I would just totally love to see her eating :haha:. She sounds so much fun:).

Kosh: glad to hear that G is better. So strange how they just get this stuff! And I was laughing about your comment with the music and how all of us are close in age so we love U2, the cure, etc. I loved U2 and INXS :haha:!!!

I have to wash my hair since I just dye it. Be right back with more replies :haha:.
Hi ladies,

Kosh: glad to hear that G is better. So strange how they just get this stuff! And I was laughing about your comment with the music and how all of us are close in age so we love U2, the cure, etc. I loved U2 and INXS :haha:!!!

yeah, thought about that too, you can tell how old we all are by our music taste :haha:
and in my case, as I listened to loads of British music, can actually chat with people here and in the UK!

Finn has been a little stroppy today, but we've gone over a week (almost 2) without any bitings at creche (and only a few bitings at home, although we have learned to distract....!). We are supposed to go to immigration to get my visa renewed, but nobody has any energy, so hopefully, nobody will notice for a week or two! (I have the right to remain as my OH is both Irish and British, but not Irish citizenship - Finn has both USA and Irish citizenship...)

small personals:

storm - LO is sleeping okay-ish for me, but not for OH (so, of course, I am influencing LO to be fussy and fidgety)....
borboleta - hope OH survived!
clio - you and OH are historians as am I -- that our 'jobs', whether as lecturers, SAHMs or language teachers, are different from our studies isn't what defines us -- it's our love of all things historical, which we will pass on to our LOs (at least, that's what I tell myself) and I look forward to starting Latin with my LO (already trying fairy tales, e.g. Julius Caesar and the three little (Roman) 'pigs').....!
leeze - aw, go on! (remember Father Ted?)
angel - I love your long posts! At the moment, Finn is happy eating rice cakes and tea biscuits as his teeth also seem to be bothering him. We're also offering stage 2 milk (toddler milk), so at least, I am reassured that if he isn't eating, he is getting all his nutrients....(fortunately, it's only an issue every few days-ish, such as not interested in lunch at creche).....

hugs to all, and sorry that I missed some of you....OH has to call his mum. Of course.


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