any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies,

Sorry I have so little time lately as we put a new gate by the kitchen and the boys now stare at me if I sit down by my computer in the kitchen and insist on my playing with them! They used to give me a bit in the morning where they played by themselves with lots of chatter and giggle, no more. Wah!

Just wanted to quickly check in and say, Clio I loved the video of Jonah! He is so cute and I love the rocking horse! Awesome!
Also, so lovely to hear from you and read such long posts (I love em!) and I do hope things are looking up for you now.

Borboleta and Indigo the mind boggles at all your activity with your boys! It exhausted me to just read it lol!
Borboleta I am so glad your OH is enjoying his new job so much! What a relief this must be for both of you :)
As for T's teeth, do you mean he is already getting the molars they are supposed to get only between 2 and 3? Poor boy! By this rate he will have his adult teeth by 5! ;)

Sabrina sorry AF is on the way but then again not even Storm managed it on the first cycle of TTC ;)
I do hope you can find some where nice to teach and I totally understand why those neighbours would weigh you down and you'd long for somewhere more peaceful!

Charlie lovely to hear from you and I am so glad you are having such a good time! Yay for Miss Sophia cruising already! I bet she will be walking unaided in no time :D How is your mum? Is she loving visiting her old familiar places and extended family?

Storm I hope your OH calmed down! I agree with Leeze, L just wanted to show off to her daddy how clever she is. But I really hope he doesn't leave you in the lurch like that once your second LO is here!
How are you feeling btw? Have you got that fabled energy boost of the second tri? I never did lol
I forgot again when you have your 20 week scan, must be soon now though right? Very excited for you to find out the gender. How are your name choices coming along? . Oh and I meant to say for ages now, I like Julia, it is a lovely name :) Some of your and you DH' choices for names surprised me as I didn't think they were very usual in NI, such as Levi and Joel? I do like Joel, mind you but I did think it was a mainly Jewish name over here? Not to mention Levi? On another thread, another NI lady was saying how difficult it was there with non traditional names as NI tends to be very straight laced? Is this your experience too? Oh... Unless of course I completely missed the point and you are Jewish? :blush: This only occurred to me just now... though I think you mentioned church so I am thinking maybe not?

Claire I bet hearing mummy (or mumeeeee!) must be soo wonderful. So far I only get a mummum from either boy but Dominic does say Dadeeee a lot and in a very sweet high pitched voice, meh! lol But double yay for Hello Mummy! How cute!!

Kosh I hope things are ok with you and G?

Nothing much new here. Had MIL and SIL here yesterday for SIL 50s bday. Sebastian was shocked as he isn't used to such a double whammy of loud voiced lol. MIL is a little bit deaf and tends to talk very loudly and Rena is just exuberant and so joyful to see the little boys (she has no children of her own), so she tries too hard too soon. Sebastian needs about 30 mins to contemplate new ppl in his place and then he is perfectly fine. But in the meantime he clung to me for dear life. OH managed to coax a little smile out of him though and I guess most of you have seen the piccie of my velcro boy on FB by now :)
I have to go to Switzerland for a night and a day at the end of the month and I still haven't booked my flight. Guilt is weighing me down already that OH will have to put the boys to bed on his own and have no help during the next day. Even though I know he will be fine and he always says that I have no need to feel guilty and to just go. Sigh. I don't know. I just cannot help it. lol Btw it is nothing exciting. I need to renew my Swiss passport and I don't want to do this here as I don't want to be counted as a Swiss living 100% abroad, as that would make things complicated for tax reasons and my private health insurance and for later applying for Swiss citizenship for my boys etc. Sadly I won't have time to visit Andrea, though I doubt she would want me to come and see her anyway, ill as she is. Ah well, at least I get to have a whole evening with just me and my mum and a night in my old bedroom. I am looking forward to that very much :)

Ok got to go and entertain the young masters. I hope all are well and I am sending tons of :hugs: to you all.
Had to share quickly, Sophia has finally cut her first tooth :happydance: :happydance: must be all the Aussie sunshine!

Byeeee x
Hi ladies! Wow Sophia cruising and a tooth! Excellent progress :)

Angel I loved your fb photo, and I was pleased with myself knowing who it was :) I know the boys aren't that similar when together but its a little harder from a side pic on their own. Oh and you should not feel guilty for one night! It's good for OH to be able to cope just incase you are ever sick etc..

Sk Angel is right, I didn't get lucky first time :) I think it takes a month to get into the swing of things ;)

My scan is 2 weeks this Friday, I keep having dreams I'm having a girl and DH is disappointed or dreams I'm bleeding. I had the worst dream the night before last, I was bleeding and losing the baby and my mum was trying to help me.. doubly cruel :(

Yesterday I woke up with a massive cold sore! I havent had one in years! I'm totally run down, then last night we had the night from hell with L, dh was meant to be looking after her but by 2 he had been in numerous times and she was screaming mummy mummy mummy, I lifted her gave her ibuprofen and 2 hours later calpol and she eventually dozed off at 4, she had 3 bottles of milk, 2 bottles of juice and cried off and on til we got up. She told me her teeth were sore! She is crying randomly when eating etc, so I'm assuming teeth! Help! I had to phone in sick to work today, I feel like crap and my head hurts and I ache, I think I just need a few days rest.

Lol Angel no I'm not Jewish, I'm a Northern Ireland Protestant, but was brought up Christian so the protestant bit doesn't matter, I have many many Catholic friends :) btw Lydia isn't common over here, I know it is in the US but not here.. Names are so hard.. I guess I should find out what the baby is,before I worry too much :) It has to be semi sensible, not too Irish and easy to spell. I've spent my life with people leaving the H out of my name...

Ok my head hurts, need a rest before the tiny whirlwind returns!
Angel: that is right, enjoy your day off :thumbup:! And I too love the fb picture:). Thiago does that all the time too. Such a cuddler. Don't you love it? :kiss: when he wakes up from his nap or sleep, he never cries just stays in his crib until we go get him. Then I pick him put and give him a back rub ( which he loves) then come downstairs and put some Latin music and dance with him for a while ( or until my back can't take it anymore :haha:) and he just lays his head on my shoulder enjoying the music before I change his diaper. Seb and thiago's personalities sound kind of similar :winkwink:.
And yes we are talking about the molars that are suppose to come when they are 2 or 3 years old. Not sure when they are coming but they are making his little life miserable sometimes :growlmad:! And I laughed at your comment about him having adult teeth by the time he is 5 :haha:!! That could happen :wacko:!!!

Storm: so sorry you are having bad dreams and L gave you a hard time last night:(. Which teeth is she getting? And if you don't mind me asking what size diaper does L wears? With all the drinking that she does during the night she must be wearing a size 5 ( pampers) to hold so much pee :haha:. Thiago still on size 4 but I am thinking if I should move to 5.

Charlie: :happydance: for first tooth!!!
It's back molars too Borboleta, and its hard going! She already has a right little mouthful of teeth... Oh and we are on size 5 nappies, but we can have 3 nappy changes a night! No nappy holds that much :) night time nappy changes are just a quick swap to a dry one not like day time changes at all :) I can nearly change a nappy with my eyes closed and during the night she lifts her legs to help etc... During the day she runs away LOL :)

Oh man I still feel rubbish and dh is at work, I hope we don't get a repeat of last night.....
It's back molars too Borboleta, and its hard going! She already has a right little mouthful of teeth... Oh and we are on size 5 nappies, but we can have 3 nappy changes a night! No nappy holds that much :) night time nappy changes are just a quick swap to a dry one not like day time changes at all :) I can nearly change a nappy with my eyes closed and during the night she lifts her legs to help etc... During the day she runs away LOL :)

Oh man I still feel rubbish and dh is at work, I hope we don't get a repeat of last night.....

Oh storm, that is funny that she lifts her legs to help :haha:!! I was wondering with all the liquids she drinks during the night how can one diaper hold all that :haha:. Maybe a size 14 :haha:. I am sure she is well hydrated :winkwink:. That is why her skin looks this good :).
So it is you, Clio, Leeze and me that are going thru back molar pains :wacko:! Oh, maybe Sabrina too. I think I said this before that a friend of mine said that these are the worst ones :wacko:!!! Thiago suffered with his canines so we shall see. So far good days and bad days.
Hope you have a good night of sleep and L will give you a rest:).
I think we might be getting molars too! can you ladies see/feel them? because I can't, but I need an explanation of why his sleep went from crap to hell! he doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain but wakes up 100x times complaining and grinding his teeth :wacko:
Morning ladies - thankfully we had a great nights sleep! L was asleep by 8.15, needed a mummy cuddle at 10.30, then just random squeaking until 6.30 when I lifted her and brought her in with me and she snoozed off and on until 8! Oh how I love a good night and it was only a 2 nappy night too :) I have to laugh though as I thought I would be one of those people whos child was doing 7-7 from 6 weeks old - hahahahahahah Anyway shes dressed in the cutest peppa pig outfit today with little purple desert boots and she looks adorable, I did get this brilliant but hilarious stretchy hairband which is utterly adorable but she won't keep it on - why am I not surprised.

I'm feeling a bit better today, so hopefully back to work tomorrow - don't think I could do another day in the house and I have to leave L to nursery as I can't be off work sick and still minding her... that and DH is sleeping after nightshift.

Hope everyone else is well?
I think we might be getting molars too! can you ladies see/feel them? because I can't, but I need an explanation of why his sleep went from crap to hell! he doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain but wakes up 100x times complaining and grinding his teeth :wacko:

I can't see anything either Kosh - but L did say sore teeth and she has been drooling a bit and crying when biting on some things - what else can it be??? She was up for a solid 2 hours the last night before last - not to mention all the other wakings... it has to be teeth - it has to be! I must look again later but if I put my finger in her mouth she bites and it HURTS!
Hi, guys - fast one as at work on my break....

think LO is getting his back, back teeth as well -- also, he has a mild cold and a bit of a cough, but that is getting better. sorry, no personals, but did read through....


another quickie! LO is now hating his bath again -- any ideas?


Yeah, pretty sure Kia got molars coming too. She's got most of her other teeth now except one of the bottom ones just right of centre - its one where she got its twin a long time ago so its strange that one didnt come. She also bites hard if you put your finger in to check. Shes biting down on a lot of things - her top favourites are my mobile phone or TV remote!

On another note, I had a positive OPK on Monday and we DTD on Monday night. So I'm officially in the 2WW! Wish me luck!
Oh Leeze exciting! Got everything crossed for you!

Sorry sk no idea, L usually loves the bath, we have it full of those plastic balls, plastic kids cups and spoons, a singing bath duck and a wind up lobster :) have you toys for F and bubbles? L can usually be bribed with the promise of bubbles :)
Good morning ladies. YAWN! Early start for me! Dominic woke for no apparent reason at 5:50! Meh! He went back to sleep for a bit but I of course had gotten up and gone to the kitchen with the monitor etc. If only I knew why sometimes they sleep till 7 and sometimes they wake before 6! And why they slept almost 2 hours for their nap yesterday afternoon PLUS 45 mins in the morning and sometimes only sleep 45 mins each nap or even not at all. Sigh.
Thank you all for your compliments about the piccy of me and Sebastian on FB. I secretly enjoy his stranger anxiety a tiny bit cause I get to have him cling to me so tightly! lol :blush:

Storm how's the cold sore? Nasty things! Are you allowed zovirax when pregnant? And I do think they have a tendency to pop up when you are run down, I think they are a sign for weakened immune system, aren't they? Are you taking pregnancy multi vitamins?
Hope you got an ok night again last night. Though to me any waking at all wouldn't count for a good night any more. One gets spoiled! :wacko: But I do hope L's molars stop hurting her soon, poor thing! And as for examining them, Borboleta and Kosh, I wouldn't dare put my finger in my boys' mouths to feel for teeth! Dominic the biter would definitely take that opportunity to chew! Owie! And Sebastian would just fight me off and cry.
I am so sorry you had such horrible dreams! I think that is another side effect of the increased hormones sloshing about. But I know how horrible they can be and how sometimes they leave this horrible after taste with you for days. So I am sending tons of :hugs:
I didn't realise Lydia was not a common name. I first met it in Pride and Prejudice and just assumed it was a traditional English name like Emma though perhaps not as widely popular.
Is your DH coming along to your scan? I am very excited for you to find out what you are having :)

Borboleta aww how wonderful that you dance with T when you get up! :cloud9: And I do agree, Sebastian and Thiago do sound alike. Sebastian also never cries in his cot and waits patiently till we come to get him. Mind you, maybe he thinks, why should I cry, Dominic is doing it for me lol. But no, even when Dominic is still asleep, Sebastian will just play with the label of his muslin and relax. :)
Btw Dominic is wearing size 5 nappies and has for at least half a year. I went to that size when he used to have so many leaks and just stayed there. Sebastian is in 4+ (I guess that is like a 4 1/2, do you have that there?) but lately I have noticed that the elastic seems to bruise the inside of his leg sometimes and I wonder if I should get up a size for him. He has much smaller hips than Dominic though, so it would be weird to have them in the same size.
Oh and I meant to ask, how is the vitiligo in your hand? Is it clearing up? I hope it is! Do I remember this correctly that you have an appointment for it this month? :hugs:

Sabrina sorry no fail safe advice re baths, though Sebastian did love sitting in the inflatable duck and I wonder if perhaps the big bath scared him a little? Now of course he is very happy to splash with Dominic but them bathing together is a new thing. I cannot remember if you said if you or OH bathe with Finn? If not, maybe worth a try? Though to be honest when Sebastian hated the bath, my OH getting in with him helped not at all. We also have this bubble toy which they love but that is a mixed blessing as they both always want to stand up and play with it. And I am scared the suckers that hold it to the tiles will give and they will fall and bang their heads. Though I have an anti slip bath mat of course.

Leeze how exciting! I am crossing my fingers and toes and legs for you!! Will you wait till AF is late to test or will you use one of those early results pee sticks and test as early as poss? :D

As for us nothing much new here. Sebastian isn't willing to walk much and so isn't getting a lot of practice. Hm but maybe Dominic was like that at the beginning too.
One cute thing I've been wanting to tell you about, is Dominic and his attempt to cuddle Sebastian. Since he was tiny and able to, Dominic has liked to grab our arms when lying down and hold it to his face and go Aye! Aye! in a high-pitched voice. He does it also when cuddling with a teddy. It basically is his noise of affection and love. For the last few weeks he has been trying to hug Sebastian's arm or back while making those Aye noises :D He also strokes his hair doing the noise and pats him. Unfortunately he is not very gentle and of course Sebastian is wary of Dominic as he gets bitten so often (recently he got bitten between his shoulder blades and had a bad bruise after :() And lately now when they both lie side by side on the nursery bed in the evening for a cuddle with mummy and daddy after having had their bottles, he will roll over to Sebastian and try and hug him and chanting Aye Aye! Soooo cute!! I wish Sebastian would reciprocate or at least not try and shove him off lol.

Anyway, breakkie time! Hope all are well and I am sending :hugs: and love to you all, as always. :)
thanks, guys re: bath. We had had problems when he was younger and we got that attached seat and I got into the bath with him and everything was fine. Now, he hates the seat, isn't interested in any of the toys (we have a 'basketball thing' with little balls, ducks and other toys) and just stands screaming in the bath, e.g. he won't sit down and therefore, I think he gets cold fast, plus my OH does a FAST bath and in doing so, LO gets upset when water gets into his eyes. I did try the trick of getting into the bath again, but this time, it didn't work.

good luck to you, leeze-- I haven't got my AF yet this month, but it's coming, but then again, who knows?

very brief

good luck leeze!! will keep my fingers crossed!!!
how odd sabrina, Gael is doing the same! he always loved his baths but last week he refuses to sit down?!

have lots of things to reply and tell but no time at all, sorry
sleeped deprived and very stressed at work.
oh, and also had an argument with my mum
Sk/Kosh - L refuses to sit down when her bottom is bothering her? I don't suppose the boys have any sign of nappy rash? With her it doesn't have to be obvious just a tiny bit and she doesn't want to be bothered with a bath if she is tired :)

Angel I don't actually know any Lydias! How mad is that, I guess Northern Ireland is just different to the rest of the UK, Emma is a different story its wildly popular and I know many many many Emmas :)

Kosh sorry you had a fight with your mum - I hate fighting with my dad!

My dad is doing ok, but he only let it slip yesterday it was a major repair and he has a 5 inch incision so he is very sore and not able to do much, bless him. As for me feeling a good bit better, multiple wakings from L and my coldsore is improving and I am using zovirax - I hope its ok! I can't remember the last time I had a mouth like this - its not pretty!

L is now in 2-3 clothes, all her 18 month to 2 are too small! The 2-3 clothes looked so big on the hangers it was a surprise when I put them on her and they fitted! When did she get so big??? That and her size 6 shoes are getting too small so its onwards and upwards to a 7... Shes a solid little madam. Actually I'm thinking about getting her hair trimmed but not I'm sure if I can bring myself to get it cut..

Better go - work to do - much to catch up on and I better get some lunch!
Angel - that is so so cute that Dominic wants to hug Sebastian. I bet they grow up being really close to each other. I'll probably test around 11 or 12 dpo - I'm not very good at waiting and have got lots of the cheap tests from the internet! I tested positive with Kia around 10 dpo; so who knows! I'm trying not to get my hopes up as it could take months or even might not ever happen. I've always imagined having 2 though, so fingers crossed!

SK - that is funny about the bath. Hopefully its just a phase. Kia is really into baths at the moment because she's discovered she can climb in herself and slide down the end of the bath. Probably not.the safest.route in but normally she holds my hand and she has so much fun doing it!

hugs to all. Kosh - life sounds stressful.- I eases off for you soon XX
Hello ladies, Angel, Dominic sounds very cute with his affection towards Sebastian.

SK, funnily enough we have just had an episode of screaming at the bath and hating it, which is our first ever time with this as she usually loves the bath. But the last 3 nights have been horrible! Tonight though I just filled the bath a little, maybe am inch high and she just about tolerated it, then had some bath fun for a wee while before screaming to get out :shrug: there's a lovely swimming pool where we are now and I was hoping to take her into that, we will see, but nit sure it's likely with this new dislike of water. I will just keep on with a really shallow bath and hopefully she will get over it, not sure if you have tried that with Finn? As for the flying tips, when we get home I will be even more experienced with all of that, so will let you know of any tips when I have recovered from the flight home :haha:

Hello everyone else, sorry no time for more responses but I hope you are all well x

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