any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies,

Indigo: congrats again on your little to be born nephew:). How exciting!!!

Kitty: thiago slept on his rocker till he was about 3 months and loved it. Even his little head had a funny little shape from laying all night on that thing :haha:! But at about 3 or 4 months we moved him to his crib and his head went back to normal since he was a tummy sleeper. And how wonderful that he has become so mobile!!
Is he taking two naps now?

Storm: the birthday party sound awful :dohh:!! Why they decide to throw a fit at public places :wacko:!!

Kosh: I have not heard from Jules anymore. Haven't seen pictures of her little one either in a while. Hope she is okay:).
a picture done today at creche! (I think he looks alot like clio's J !)

dentist - had two cavities filled last month and will have two done on Friday and then in October, Nov and Dec -- aargh!

nothing much else - just tired and grumpy and OH has a cold, so of course, took some time off and slept in until noon and then yawned all night....and MIL is in one of her depressions so nobody seems happy at the moment, even LO who loves mommy more than anything and suddenly gets clingy when I need to do anything, but does help me sweep up in the kitchen and then tries to sweep up the cats (they are not amused)....



  • finn.JPG
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Just quickly, Sabrina Finn is SOO cute! I love his smile! What a sweetie! Now I doubly don't understand why you are not constantly snapping pics of him! :)
Sabrina: he is so cute! I agree with angel on more photos of Finn:).

Clio: forgot to ask you if you ever got pocoyo's doll? Thiago still likes " coco":).
Borboleta--Well, he doesn't generally like dolls or stuffed animals right now. He likes trains, books, moving incessantly, and fish right now. (Eating them, that is. :shrug: He LOVES fish.) But he still loves Pocoyo. He still calls it "coco" too. Angel--do the boys still love Pocoyo?

Storm--you said the same thing when you saw a pic of me!

Um, trip to Toronto back on. Don't ask. :wacko:
remember the tenant that I had to evict? well, it seems she left of her own accord yesterday! however, it seems I still have to be very careful when to take possesion of the house again, as she could claim unlawful eviction :growlmad:
Clio I can only blame baby brain :) I don't know what I have in my head half the time :)

SK F is absolutely gorgeous - he is doing so well and is a proper little boy, now I have decide between an arranged marriage between L and T or L and F, lol :)

Kosh that is good that your tenant has left but what a pain in the butt having to tip toe around on eggshells waiting to see what you can do with the house - the world has gone mad....

L was up crying for 2 hours last night.. why! I have no idea, I asked her was her tummy sore she said No, asked her if her mouth hurt she said No, she cried for her blankie I brought 2 in but she was still crying for a blankie so I brought her duvet in.. she wanted a bottle, she didn't want a bottle - oh man! I was up from 4-6.30, got to sleep again then and had to get up at 7 *sigh*

In other news DHs mum sent L a top in the post along with a freaking weird card for me about how she hasn't seen L in ages and shes tried to phone but maybe I was bathing L and she hoped we were ok and TO BE HAPPY - wtf?? She also sent me a prayer card about 'Looking for guidance????'.... I saw her on Tues at the birthday party but she obviously had sent the parcel before then and she said she hadn't seen DH for 3 months????? She saw him last week. I can only deduce they won't see L unless I invite them for dinner (they are coming on Friday at Dhs request - kill me now) and apparently the 20 week old pregnant woman who works full time with a toddler is meant to instigate and arrange and provide for these visits. Um perhaps DH could take HIS daughter to see HIS parents on any of the days during the week he isn't working??? Why does it have to be me that has all the hassle??? Honestly I will get home from work tomorrow and they will be sitting in my living room waiting for me to make their dinner... ARGHHHHHHHHH (may I add after I've worked 5 days) Clio/SK does manic depression make people so focused on what they want that they can't see the bigger picture? Am I being unreasonable or hormonal or should DH be the one that works on Ls relationship with his mother??? Bearing in mind my own dearest mother is DEAD... grrrr

Ok that was some rant.. I need to walk away and calm down, sorry ladies :(
Good morning ladies :)

Indigo Congrats on your (baking) nephew! How lovely! :D
Your blackbird story just made me grin again as I am reading over old posts to see from where I should start my replies. :) Cutie!
You said you need to remind Nico not to throw food on the floor. Wow! When he remembers or you tell him, he doesn't throw it on the floor? Oh how I wish my boys would obey me in that! Mind you, Dominic is very good usually at heeding what I tell him, he always looks at me before touching something that is new and when I tell him to not touch, he will usually leave it alone. But when it comes to throwing food, they will do anything to avoid my stretched out hand to throw it on the floor. Sigh. So any tips would be really welcome :)

Borboleta before you come to my house I will have to reorganise the worst of my mess cause I would be FAR too embarrassed letting you see it lol But this reminds me of an episode of Big Bang Theory where Howard and Bernadette let Sheldon organise their closet. Oh my, how I loved the before and after and how I secretly wish I had a Sheldon! Mind you, only for that lol I don't remember if you watch the series? I love it and have withdrawal symptoms already lol Anyway, though I wish I had someone to organise my mess, I know I am far to self conscious to let any one see it lol.
After what you and Clio have been telling us about how your boys love the train sets, I wonder if I should get ours out too. But I do think Dominic would just rip them apart and throw them about. He is too exuberant to sit still for long. Sebastian might like it but as you know, if he quietly plays with something, it always piques Dominic's envy or curiosity and he takes it away from him :S
I love that T strokes your arm when you hold him! How totally adorable! Dominic pats us on the back when we give him a cuddle as if to say "There, there, daddy/mummy" lol

Sabrina sorry AF got you but :thumbup: for your great attitude towards it :)
Your idea of the cats grooming F's hair made me giggle! My Mina used to do that to us and then shake her head in confusion and disgust lol
Oh and I bet your kitties aren't amused when being swpt up by Finn! How cute though :D
Hope your knitting is going ok. How do you find it with the carpal tunnel? Does it not affect it?
So sorry you had so many cavities though. Owie! It is apparently quite common after having a baby though as they seem to suck the calcium right outtaya ;) I am dreading having mine checked as I will have to for the first time in my life go to a British dentist when I always used to go to a super swish one in Zurich. But I cannot afford that any more so on the NHS it is. :S

Leeze I hope you are coping ok with your OH away and having no leisure time at all now. I know how exhausting it can be. :hugs: How is Kia sleeping? I am hoping a little bit better at least?

Storm L's busy day exhausted me just while reading about it! But when you say she sttn does this mean no nappy changing for you?
How is your dad doing? I hope a little less sore already?

Kosh how is G? Hope he is recovering well? And I hope you too feel a bit better now? :hugs: I read somewhere that small children's bones mend much faster than older ones and grown ups, is this true? For G's sake I hope so.
I am curious what the reply was that you started writing to me but of course totally understand that you won't have time now to write it. :)
I haven't heard from Jules either and she doesn't seem very active on FB as there haven't been any new posts in ages. Maybe I should write to her and see how things are. :)
Glad the tenant left of her own accord! But wow this whole renting out business sounds soo complicated! I am so sorry but I bet you are now so expert that in the future it will get easier :)

Clio Love the pic of J and the train set! That is a long train indeed :)
I won't ask but I am hoping that your trip to Toronto being back on means you made peace with your mum. :hugs:
And yes Sebastian only has to hear the word Pocoyo and he starts giggling and bouncing! Sigh. I am trying to limit his watching tv but it is hard as he is in a super clingy phase and only that will allow me to get anything done, unless OH is here and sits with him. But more of that further down.

Claire you probably won't be able to read this but I hope you have a lovely time in Ireland and I am hoping for lots of pics :D
And again, the cake you made for your friend's 40s was AMAZING! Love it!

KittyYAY for Blake crawling properly! That didn't take long at all! Excellent! :D Nothing is now safe lol! Also way to go for sweet potato! Are you sticking with this for a week or longer? And how often does he get it? I bet he looks adorable when eating some! :)
As for napping in his crib, my boys napped in their bouncers till a few months ago. I had to sit with them and occasionally bounce them. I almost miss that now cause that was my time to read and have a valid excuse for not doing any housework lol. Plus I loved looking at their sleeping faces :cloud9: But mostly I was too chicken to try them in their cots lol. Went ok from the start though. Hope it will be going well for Blake too :)

As for us: As you may remember, I mentioned in a previous post that the boys sometimes bang their heads on the walls or floor when frustrated. Dominic doesn't do it so much any more but now it is Sebastian who does it all the time! As soon as I make a move towards the door he start banging his head. But he does it even when not overly frustrated it seems to me. Or at least when he isn't crying as well. He doesn't do it when he is happy and playing but maybe when a bit bored. So naturally I googled again. And yes of course, autism reared its ugly head! Together with the fact that he has no words, doesn't walk much yet, that he doesn't point at things and doesn't really look at things we point at and sometimes, when excited, sort of flaps his arms, had me very worried of course. On calmer thought I don't however think that autism can possibly apply to him as he is in no way lost in his own world nor does he avoid eye contact. He is very affectionate, very interactive with us and Dominic (just think how they giggle and play hide and seek) and isn't obsessive with any toys. Plus he does follow directions such as clap your hands, show me your belly/toes/nose etc. Buuut I think maybe he has some sort of delay and I think I should have my GP check him over just to be safe. I am not so worried about him not walking much yet but compared to Dominic who seems to learn new words weekly or even daily now and parrots lots of things we do and say, it does have me worried that he barely says mum and daddy and doesn't parrot any words. I think he says nana for banana but it might just be a delighted noise he makes when a banana or anything delicious is in the offing.
I suppose until he is 2 I don't really have to worry about such things as speech delay etc but I did read that the sooner there is help, if there is something not quite right, the better the outcome. So I am going to make an appointment with our GP and hope he doesn't just dismiss me.
But with all these considerations, I am/was feeling a bit low - and a spat with OH about it didn't help either.
I am feeling better today though cause I slept better last night and even got a lie in till 7 as for some miracle my boys didn't stir till then :D What a difference a good night's sleep can make :D

I hope you are all well and I am sending :hugs: and love to you all as always :)

Storm only now saw your post. Isn't that typical of men! If it weren't for me Nick's mum would not so much as get a Birthday or Christmas card, let alone a present! I tink men are so used to their mothers looking after them that they just transfer that to their wives! Grr! I totally agree that especially now with your pregnancy your DH should make more of an effort. And I hate cooking and OH loves it, so this is different I guess but there would be no way in HECK that I would work all day and then make dinner as well. Uh-uh, no way! I think you should have a talk with your DH about this and also about L and them. From what you told me, L gets too much for them very quickly anyway so I think your MIL might just enjoy sending you on a guilt trip. And my thinking is that your DH doesn't take L there cause he doesn't actually enjoy going over that much either. So any excuse for not going will do. But that is just conjecture of course. At any rate it shouldn't all fall on you! Order take away instead! ;) :hugs:
SK - Awwww, Finn is so so adorable! Thanks so much for posting it, loved seeing him!

Storm - omg, how frustrating about mil! Sending some weird card with little manipulations inside?!? Why do some mil's act like this, I'll never understand? We've got some of the same issues, always selfishness and wanting to cause drama, but my dh says its been that way since he can remember. I agree it's ridiculous you have to go to all this trouble and have to stress about it. Well, I really hope the dinner goes quickly, bring home some take out, make it easier on yourself! Of course, you may want to be "busy" in the kitchen. Lol! Seriously, I agree dh should be handling his family and the drama, especially with his schedule and days off to do so! Also, no one needs that kind of drama and added stress when pregnant! Tell him mils drama is all his for at least the next 6 months!

Indigo - forgot to say congrats on your soon to be new nephew!!!

Borboleta - Blake loves his crib at night, just not during the day. Well, we will keep working on it. We've gotten a couple naps in up there, so hopefully hell get used to it just like he did for nighttime.

Angel - I know, he is into everything now! I think we're going to try something different this weekend as I felt kind of bad giving him sweet potato since I dislike it. I think I'll try some stuff I like, maybe avocado, applesauce, pears?
Doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about with Seb, but doesn't hurt to get him checked out and have more peace of mind. Sounds like your two cuties just have such different personalities, also like you said once before, perhaps he just let's Dom be the more vocal one. I can't imagine being a toddler and wanting to express myself, but not having the words, must be so very frustrating. Perhaps the head banging is more frustration than anything medical? The eye contact, affection, and how interactive he is sounds really great! Big hugs, we're always worrying about our sweethearts! :hugs::hugs:

Oh and you girls talking about organizing got me motivated yesterday - completely cleaned out the bathroom cabinet under my sink, something Ive meant to but haven't gotten to in years :blush:

Time to FaceTime with my parents, sending hugs to all you lovely ladies :hugs:
Keebs I have seen you read our thread a few times now. Come and join us and don't hide. We are always happy to meet new people ;)
On a happier note my friend in LA is currently checked into the hospital being induced! So excited for them both - YAY!
Best wishes for your friend, Storm!

Clio - forgot to say how cute your picture of J was playing wih his train set! Loved it! I can't wait until Blake is old enough to have a little train set. Hope you're doing well :hugs:
Angel don't forget L bangs her head on the floor or wall or pretty much anything when she gets frustrated or doesn't get her own way!
Thanks for the lovely comments re: Finn!

Angel - I second storm's comments about her LO, Finn will suddenly get all stroppy and whilst not actually banging his head on the floor, will arch his back and if in a safe place, we do put him down on the floor where he rolls and screams - this can last a minute or a few, it depends on what and why he is screaming for, e.g. did I take the dustpan/little broom away, is the cat looking at him funny, is mummy not actually sitting on the floor with him to play?

I've found a few more job possibilities to apply for (in the States), so am crossing fingers that maybe this time next year....? My OH is getting increasingly frustrated with all our expenses (and him having to pay them), but to be honest, I really don't want to go get a full-time job at the moment -- something at a university teaching would be ideal, but there are simply NO jobs like that here (and we heard that another university in Ireland is thinking of closing its classics department, so there will be even more competition for any jobs here and in the UK)....sigh. One job is at Georgetown (in DC, where I grew up and although my mum moved to Arizona, loads of family are still there, which would be great for LO (the kids are all older, but no problem)....

must go and teach a bit of English....

Hi girls! Proud mommy moment I wanted to share with you...Blake went from all fours to sitting up position this morning for the first time (that I saw at least)!!! Such good timing, too, as I had the iPad camera on him trying to get a cute picture of the outfit he had on, so got a couple pics of him doing it! He'd been very close for days now, but today he finally got that secong leg around. Yay for my little man! :cloud9:

SK - checked out The Ohio State's job postings online for you, but none for your specialty. Columbus is a great place, though, if you ever see an opening there. Would be nice to be back in DC with some of your family. DC is such a great city, love it there, can't wait to take Blake someday!

Kosh - how's G doing? Poor little pumpkin!

Storm - is tonight the dreaded dinner? Hope it goes quickly and as stress-free as possible, thinking of you. :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Storm: I would be so mad at OH too after what you told us :growlmad:!!! I am with kitty and would order take out. You are pregnant, have a toddler, work full time and still have to cook!!!!! No way!!!:growlmad:
If he wants a home cooked meal tell him to cook!!!

Kitty: oh, it sounds so exciting that balked is now coming from crawling to sitting. :happydance:. Now you wait till he start pulling himself up on things:). Just a matter of time :thumbup:. I would love to see the video :winkwink:.

Kosh: hope little G and you are doing fine :kiss:.

Clio: I asked about the doll because a while ago you order the pocoyo doll and I forgot to ask if you ever got it and if J liked it. Have you seen the new pocoyo DVD? It is about circus. Really cute but they changed pocoyo's voice :cry:! I loved his little voice :cry:!!! Now it is a little girl and it just doesn't sound the same :nope:.

Angel: I totally understand where you are coming from worrying about seb!!! Isn't it amazing what our minds can do to us :dohh:!!! Crazy!!! I couldn't sleep because I was so worried about T for a couple of months!!!! And mind you once in a while I wonder still :dohh:!!! Yes kill me now :haha:!!!! If he goes in his tip toe when excited, or shakes his head or turns around in a circle! :dohh:. Thank godness he doesn't like to put things in a roll :haha:!!!! But I understand and the only thing that made me stop paranoid was talking to the doctor. So if that will help you I would say go for it.
Seb and thiago have such a similar personalities being a little more sensitive and sometimes shy with strangers. They are not the super smiley, crazy little toddlers that we imagine that all toddlers would be. But like they all said as we adults have different personalities so our LOs. And the fun thing is that you have one of each personalities at home:).
I remember when we went to talk to the doctor the nurse practitioner told us that her doctor that is a nurse as well asked her mom if she thought her son had autism because he bang his head on the all. And her mom said: look at him he does that and smiles, or if he does that he cries. He doesn't have a blank stare on his face. If seb is trying to communicate with you , or licked my doctor said share his world with you, don't worry about it. I told her that thiago says some words but a lot of them we are the only ones that know what that means. Like ca ( car), co ( for clock), etc, and she said that it doesn't matter, still communication:).

Sabrina: can you try to find a job here in Houston? It is a bit hot but we can have Finn and thiago playing with each other:).

Indigo: oh the food throwing on the floor :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:!!!! I am getting do sick of it!!!! I told thiago that I am going to start making him clean the floor when he does that :growlmad:!!! So annoying, but at the same time makes me feel better to hear other LO's are doing the same thing!! The funny thing is that when he throws the food on the floor he makes this "ga" sound like it felt down :dohh:!!! And then I decided to get him out of his chair and he goes and tries to eat the food that is on the floor. So I might as well just put the food on the floor and let him eat it :haha:!!!

Leeze and Claire :hugs:.

So today we are going to have lunch with MIL to commemorate her birthday and mine. And tomorrow I am looking forward to spend sometime with friend and have some adult time while commemorating my 40th birthday:). But I know I will be thinking of little T as I always do:). Yesterday was my mom's birthday:). She would've been 77 years old. Sometimes I can't believe that she has been gone for almost 19 years already. But I always remember her:).
OH has been offered redundancy of a year and 1/2's salary, if he wants to leave as he is increasingly unhappy with alot of changes at his job. Personally and if the small print is okay, I think he should take it and spend a few months relaxing and deciding what to do next (he is thinking of doing some CCNA qualification (I think storm might understand?) and then, if I did get a job in the USA next year, we would have a bit of a nest egg to resettle. I'm scared and excited (I've moved from USA to Oxford to Dublin), but this could really be good for both of us. It's just year 5+ of austerity here and people in our position (okay jobs, degrees, etc.) are just getting fed up....sigh.

hugs to all!


ps. and good luck tonight, storm! and angel - I worry, too, but that's normal, me thinks...sigh......

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