any other over 35 first time mums?

Angel--re: head banging. No need to worry about that. J started doing it against the oven door and then the living room window. Dr. Google was much kinder to me, though. This first hit said it's a sign of teething. The same way they pull on their ears, they bang their head.

Sorry guys, my answers will be VERY spotty today. I'm a bit wiped. We decided to put J into a day home, which is a creche that's run out of a home and has only 6 kids. The woman was very nice, as well, and I like that. It's $12/hr, too, so that's really reasonable. We want her to take J twice a week on Tues and Thurs mornings, which would allow OH to do some work without interruption.

Storm--I'm sorry you're having trouble with your MIL. :hugs: I think the idea of your OH stepping up to work on the relationship between MIL and L is a good one.

SK--adorable picture of little F! I'm also trying to knit something which has some key explanations left out, like how exactly to seam a giraffe's bum to his body.

Oh Oh! :sleep:
Keebs I have seen you read our thread a few times now. Come and join us and don't hide. We are always happy to meet new people ;)

Hi :wave: totally outed :haha:

I do read your thread a lot, I find it very warm and inviting in here. I'm a single mum to my beloved daughter Cara (who's 14 months). I used a known donor to concieve, he gets regular updates on her progress but has no parental rights. It's very liberating not having an OH but there are times I feel she misses out because of it.

I'm 38 now and would love to try for no.2 but no AF yet :nope:

Not sure if I can post much but wanted you to know (should you see me lurking :ninja:) that I am human and not some wierd spy bot or something :flower:
:hi: keebs! come on, join us!
(love your DD's name btw)

I'm affraid I haven't read many posts, sorry

Thanks for asking ladies, Gael is doing really well with his little cast. He uses his good (left) hand much more than before but still tries to use the right one sometimes (I think he'll be right handed). He helps when we dress him and knows that his right arm goes first :thumbup::cloud9:
he was very hyper the first 2-3 days after the accident (maybe the shock) but is getting back to his normal self now.

I found out on Thursday that we didn't get the grant we applied for and therefore I will not get a new contract. I will have no job in January. Funnily enough, on Thursday too, DH got the confirmation that he has to quit his part-time job. I feel 'ok' (numb?) now but I cried my eyes out that night. :cry::cry:
You'll think that I am an attention seeker and i am making all these things up, but I swear all this is true. i just can't believe my luck recently :nope:
We are incredibly lucky in that we have savings and a small income from properties rented back home (thanks to my dad), so we can live for a few months but are very worried about our future. I haven't seen a single suitable job so far. we are even contemplating moving countries again...

so that's us :coffee:
Damn Kosh....:hugs:

First of all, no one here would ever think you're an attention seeker & secondly....Damn! :nope:

Does your DH also have a full time job, or is it just the 1 part-time job?

It must be scary, but the most important thing is that you all are well & healthy & if you need to rely on family for a bit, that's ok.....that's what family is for...:hugs:

Will you be looking in the US? Isn't your DH American, or am I confused?

I'm sorry you are going through very stressful...
agree with Indigo - Kosh - I completely understand what you are going through (although ours is more 'voluntary') as we are both excited and very scared about the future, BUT you and I (and your OH?) have moved countries before -- it's just that now it's harder with a LO!

There is an old 'Chinese?' proverb - may you live in interesting times! Personally, I don't mind a bit of boredom and ordinary life 90% of the time! and so, nothing much here....neighbours were relatively quiet here, so got a proper lie-in (the first one for weeks) and LO seems in good spirits. Am doing up cover letters for a few USA/Canada jobs, (but one is postal and that one is the soonest deadline - growl! I don't live in ancient rome or the 1980s anymore, so why not use the internet?!), but fortunately, the others can be uploaded, etc. My OH is slowly letting MIL know about his possible redundancy, we will wait about any possible overseas moves although OH is slightly hinting as well -

We did passport pictures of LO yesterday (and he looks so serious!) -- I will try and scan later today or tomorrow, as we are off to the American embassy on Tuesday for his first USA passport and OH will do the Irish one....

hugs to all!


and :hugs: kosh!
kosh--oh my dearest, I wish you were making it all up! I'm so sorry! :hugs: Are you still considering Canada?

SK--what types of jobs are you applying for? You sound like you're preparing to flee, what with all the passport brouhaha.

Keebs--I hope you choose to post, but we'll understand if you don't. But still, you are very welcome here! Can I ask why you chose the "route to motherhood" you did? How well do you know the father? ETA: Just read your post again. Got it!

I hope everything's okay with everyone! It's gross here--all rainy and grey. It's like I were in Ireland! :haha:
Hi ladies,

Had a great time yesterday celebrating my 40th with friends and family:). Ate some delicious chocolate and my MIL is going to cook a delicious meal today with some more cake :happydance:!!! I got to workout extra hard tomorrow :haha:!!
Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes :thumbup:.

Kosh: I am so sorry about your bad news :hugs:. I know the feeling as you know, but things will get better. Maybe this is happening because you guys need a change of jobs or city or country. You told me that you did genetic research. So you could work in a biotech company? If yes, I can ask my OH to see if his company is hiring. They do all this blood tests for people with cancer. And there is a big biotech company here in Houston called McKesson. Actually here in Houston they have a big oil and gas market and medical field market. And it is close to Mexico for your husband to see his family:). And thiago and G could be friends :haha:. And the housing market is pretty affordable down here:). Something to think about it:). :hugs:

Keebs: welcome and no worries if you cannot reply often:).
Borboleta--I'm so glad you had a great birthday! Have fun tonight!

Oh, so I've got the period that never stops going on over here. It went for over a week with the old brown blood, which was long enough to make me curious. But then it stopped. For a day. And it came back again around a week ago. I'm running out of pads all the time! I'd call the doc, but I can just imagine what will happen:

1) Doc looks confused, sends me for u/s.
2) U/S reveals nothing but poly-cystic ovaries.
3) PCOS will be named the culprit, or peri-menopause.
4) Doc says to keep an eye on it and to come back if anything changes, or it continues for a certain amount of time.

I figured I'd skip to number 4 right away. This is too much like my TTC years for me to be co-operative with any u/s machine.

OH just asked what I'd like to do today. I looked out the window and wanted to cry.

Anyone contact Jules yet? I'll send her a msg to see if she and the LO are okay... ETA--huh. I can't find her here. :shrug:
It's at this time of the thread (11:30 am, my time), that I feel like thumping on a microphone and saying "Is this on?" I call it the doldrums of a thread whose members are almost entirely from the UK. *Sigh.*

Angel--I need a new TV marathon and because of your recommendation, after I finish re-watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey, I'll try Big Bang. Though I must ask--did you like the re-imagined BSG? It's kinda my litmus test.

Was it anyone here who suggested the awesome Modern Family?

Obs, I'm bored. Everyone's napping.
Clio....similar stuff happening here...wondering if cysts or fibroids are to blame. Either way, not much to be done about it, so why bother w docs?

Modern Family rocks.

RHONJ was not funny this year. Boo!

Boys are upstairs napping & I want a cookie.

Indigo--you too? I know--why bother? It's not like I'm dying or anything... Ach, I just sent OH to the drug store and forgot to tell him to buy pads.

They're all about the "healing" this year. I actually wonder if Andy Cohen and gang thought maybe they went a little overboard in the previous two years, because they really did manufacture situations that worked to tear that family apart. To my mind, anyway. So I'm wondering if that's why there is so much group therapy this year.
Clio: I love you posts:). They make me laugh. Hopefully you will get your AFfigure it out though:). And by the way OH is watching hell on wheels and I actually got into it. Very good show. It is on netflix:).

Indigo: yeah for cookies:).

I just told OH that when we are out in public or hanging out with family he needs to help out with thiago and not just sit his butt on the couch and chat with people while I am the one entertaining thiago :growlmad:!!! And he says " well, you just need to tell me!" And than I say: " well I guess I am telling you now :growlmad:!!!". Why do men always try to get out of helping us :growlmad:!!!
hey, Borboleta - whenever I complain about OH, I get told: 'but you wanted a baby....!', yes, but NOT two! and how is it that if he 'looks after LO', he can't do bottles (we still give a few a day (well, I give 1 or 2, OH will go through 6...sigh)) or even clean up after himself, but I can make the dinner, do the laundry, etc.?

clio - I'm applying for assistant professor jobs in classics with a focus on roman history (actually, I am a Roman historian with a love of Latin, but even though I teach languages, I am a historian!), but the passport is for our Xmas travels back to the USA. As Finn is both Irish and American, I want him to have both passports as I think it would be silly to have to get a visa for him when we go to US for Christmas. So, Tuesday is the american embassy and afterwards, Immigration here as I need my own passport stamped (tax compliant since I illegally arrived here in 1999, but need to go to Immigration every year - silly, huh (became legal some 7 years after I moved here, but since I was paying tax (got a tax number as had been legal in the UK....)....GROWL. I am hoping that since I have a load of publications (reviews, conferences and a book) that I might get a few job offers along the way, BUT.....I don't really want to move home. Sorry, I love my country and am proud to be american, but I like living abroad....sigh.

not much else, except HAPPY BDAY - Borboleta - your 40s are the best as you stop caring about anything but the important stuff (e.g. OH, LO, etc.!)

hugs and bye!
Hello Keebs and welcome, my dog is called Cara (no offence to your LO) and I often wish I hadn't used it for the dog because I love it so much! Silly me :)

Borboleta hope you had a lovely birthday, the big 40, life begins at 40 these days I'm told - I will let you know in 2 months :D

SK I did laugh when I saw you posted about you like living abroad and I'm thinking abroad where but you meant Ireland - lol. As for OH doing CCNA as an exam its a good choice if its the Cisco one I think it is, what he really needs to do is a CCNE - very few people have it and you can name your price if you get it - very very much sought after :)

Clio I hope you get AF sorted, aren't bodies irritating at times!

Not much to report here - L had yet another birthday party on Saturday, dinner was ok on Friday and I am tired - not because of L though by our standards she has been good but I'm not sleeping very well! Oh and 4 more sleeps til the next scan - I'm nervous!

Actually I have a quick question - does anyone shorten your LOs names? Our neighhours have taken to calling L Liddy??? Sometimes I call her Lyds but I don't call her Liddy and I'm not overly thrilled that they have started calling her Liddy.. not that I have said anything but I kind of think why are you calling her that! Grrrrr

Ok try and pop back later - much to do today!

Well, another little milestone for my Blakey...felt his first tooth popping through yesterday!

Well, another little milestone for my Blakey...felt his first tooth popping through yesterday!

yay for first tooth!!! but be prepared for the nightmare of teething!! :winkwink:
it's amazing how different babies are, Blake is getting his first tooth at 7 month, and Gael had it at 17 weeks :wacko:
Kitty - excellent news!

Oh Kosh I completely forgot to refer to your current situation with DH and the job front - how are you feeling? AS for making it up - I find EVERYTHING always comes at once.... It never rains but it pours...
indigo - I know you guys wouldn't really think I was making it up, but it was such a bad luck that it sounded almost like a joke!
re. help from my dad - He died 9 years ago and these are some flats I inherited from him. I sooo wish I could thank him now! :cry:

clio - yes, it would be Canada. I was actually about to PM you for advise.

- thanks for thought, that's really kind of you :hugs: I think we first need to look for jobs for DH, as I believe he will have to be 100% happy about the job situation otherwise it wouldn't work. I am more flexible.

(question for all - do you ladies feel you are 100x more flexible that your OH, or it's just mine that is like this?)

I'm feeling a bit less down at the moment, talking to absolutely everyone I know at work who might know of any future jobs.

angel - I haven't forgotten, I will post that comment at some point! :dohh:

sabrina - is your DH getting 1 1/2 years salary as redundancy?? I think I'll get 2 months!!!! :growlmad:
kosh--pm away! Do you know which province you'd like to move to?

Sorry guys, have to run! Physio today!
Hi ladies, I am back in the UK but with a very poorly baby, I actually am worried that she may have whopping cough :( so I am sitting in bed with her sleeping next to me as I write this quickly, my poor bubs :cry:

So sorry Kosh about the job situation, you really are having a run of it aren't you? :hugs: hope it all ends soon and your good luck comes back. How is G with his cast?

Happy birthday Borboleta for the other day, sounded like you had a lovely time :flower: oh and I hear you about your OH sitting there while you entertain LO in public. I had to have words with OH about that too when we were away as I was getting no time to talk to my family :nope: however he was fine about it, but the minute he did something with Sophia, my family all commented on what a great one I have there!! Well yes he is great but he is also a dad and that's what dads should do. It really made me realise how invisible a mothers work is, while dads seems to wear a high vis jacket if they just pick their LO up! Grrrr.

Kitty, yey for a tooth, since going away Sophia has 2, she cut her second one on the flight back, but tbh she doesn't seem too affected with teething, so you never know Blake may be fine with it too.

Storm, yey for scan soon! :happydance: looking forward to hearing your news! No no one shortens Sophia's name but she has been called Sophie which I hate! I correct people pretty quickly though.

Clio, sorry about AF problems, oh it can suck being a women sometimes! How are you feeling otherwise? I remember you saying that you were taking J to nursery a couple of days a week, how is that going? I think that's a great idea as he's so social I am sure he will love it. I need to fine a couple of play groups for Sophia as she just loves been around other babies as toddlers, she gets so excited when she sees one so once she's better I must do more with her to keep her busy!

Hello all other ladies, sorry no more replies but I haven't read too far back but hope you and your LO's are all well. X

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