any other over 35 first time mums?

Yeah my boys are called after my two grandfathers, Dominic Charles and Sebastian George. It should have been Karl for my Hungarian-German grandfather and probably Gheorghe or Georges (as he was known) for my Romanian grandfather but I preferred the English versions. Besides, they'll be growing up here.
In my family it is however customary to have at least 2 middle names but I couldn't be bothered lol
Julia is out as apparently dhs mum was convinced he was going to be a girl and that was her name, dh being a boy was somewhat of an inconvenience so he had no name for days! Therefore he's not for using Julia!

As for Zara and Sara my friend called her little girl Emma Sara but her husband told his whole family it was Emma Zara so she ended up Emma Zara lol... We have a Clara in the family and couldn't use Ciara as its very Irish over here, politics eh! Oh I just don't know... Arghhhh

L is June Alexandra after her 2 grannys. If I'd known my mum was dying I'd have dropped the Alexandra, oh and if I'd known how rubbish a granny mil would be....
Storm: a little girl!!!! :happydance:. I loved having a sister. We were the best friends growing up:). I actually think if we decided to have another one I would prefer to be another little boy. Just something about same sex siblings and same interests. You husband is going to have an hormonal house that is for sure :haha:.
As for girls names: how about your mom's name? My mom's name was Leila and I would consider this name if I would to have a little girl. I like Chloe, Zoe, Natalia or Natalie, Helena and Cecilia.
And none of this passing L around to angel's boys :growlmad::haha:!! Thiago and Lydia's fate has been already decided :haha:. Angel can now talk to Claire Leeze or keeps:). Cause I have a feeling that Finn is going to enjoy a younger girl and your new baby should belong to him :thumbup:.

Angel: I hope you had a better night last night :thumbup:.

Charlie: I think your husband will do just fine with S at home. I have a friend that he is a stay home dad and they have 3 kids. And he is not what I would call the most calm person in the world :haha:. But he does just fine. And the kids love him. I think like the other ladies said as they grow it gets a little easier on the sense that they are more mobile and will let you know what they want. They might throw a temper here and there but I think it is easier than when they are babies.

I have to wash dishes. Be back soon.
:pink: :wohoo: congratulations!

We (meaning my DH would get used to it) were going to go with Alexa Sofia for a girl. Melea Lilia was also on the list, as well as Aria Lia. But if you like traditional, I have always liked Sarah Elizabeth.

My DH has embraced toddlerhood more readily than I. N hit me last week & it was such a shock, I cried. :cry: He was angry about not getting his way. My reaction shocked him, and he grabbed a kitchen towel & started 'cleaning' the floor. My DH laughed, saying it's a perfectly normal toddler thing to do & told me not to take it personally. I still can't believe he did that! My friend told me that toddlers are bipolar until age 4 or so & that I need to embrace it & have a sense of humor about it.
Borboleta my mums name was June and Lydia is Lydia June Alexandra so it would be a bit odd - and my mum didn't have any middle names either! How do you pronounce Leila? I like Layla (friends daughter), Lola (other friends daughter) and Lila, Mila and Aria... lol I am so indecisive! I love Alexa but again my friends called her LO that- I think I know too many people with girls. My mum always wished she had called me Lucy so maybe that's a consideration - but how confusing with Claireys Lucy!

In other news I just had my flu vaccine, it was fine getting it but now my arm feels heavy and sore already! Maybe its all in my head...
Indigo is a nice name :rofl:

It's not in your head - same here, plus feeling flu-ish :growlmad:
Congrats, Storm!!! So glad everything went well at your appointment! A little girl :cloud9: so happy for you <3

Names: a couple from my feb group were Jade, Ruby, Elodie, Lily...all very pretty. My Nan's name was Evelyn, so I've always liked that, and her middle name was yours! :)

Hugs everyone, sorry not much time, just wanted to jump on and see how Storm's big appt went, I'll catch up soon :hugs:
Okay I am back again since little t is down for a nap.

Storm: Leila is pronounced in Brasil like the Eric Clapton song Layla. But Layla you say the A word like in Spanish "A " and not like in English. And how about Emily?

Charlie: I love the picture of your family on fb:).

Kosh: thiago's middle name is Lucca ( which was the name I wanted for him but OH won the battle :haha:). Lucca is where my great grandmother is from in Italy:).
How about Gael? Does he have a middle name? I don't have one and I think just Catholics in Brazil have a middle name. Mine was my mom's last name followed by my dad's. Now I just have my name and my OH's last name.

Indigo: sorry to hear N got so frustrated that he hit you. But toddlers do that sometimes. Thiago hasn't hit us yet but you never know when the day will come. All you can do is show him that he can't do that and eventually he will learn. :hugs:
And I got a flu shot too yesterday and my arm hurts too!

Clio: so glad to hear you guys are having a fun time at your mom's:). Did she have a crib already or she just bought one or her grandkids to have when they come visit. And J sounded so cute wanted to cuddle with you :kiss:. Love those times:).

Kitty: good to hear from you:).

So I made I list of our arranged marriage group and I think we can do it like this:

Lydia and thiago
Baby girl with Finn
Sophia and Jonah
Lucy with Dom
Kia with Gael ( since they love their mommies milk so much and they can talk while they are awake at night :haha::kiss:). And I bet Kia will like a macho lover :haha:!! Who wouldn't like to have a partner called Gael!!! I would :kiss:!!
Now we need to have more girls in here cause we need to get Niko, Blake and Seb on the wagon :winkwink:.

I am about to go to the mall to get thiago's fifth hair cut. We are trying to let his hair grow but it is a holly mess!!!! I am going to tell the lady to not cut it too short but she can go at it on the back and the sides:). His hair is like mine, not straight not curly. Just wavy :growlmad:!!
And Clio thiago now loves his electric Thomas the train. He plays with that thing a lot but he leaves it on so we have to go thru one battery a day :dohh:!!

Thiago woke up talk to you ladies soon:).
Lol Borboleta...:haha:

I have a feeling N won't settle on 1 :wacko: ....someone needs to have twin girls :haha:
Oh Indigo I meant to say L has hit me LOTS! Obviously I don't tolerate it, we have had many showdowns which have in the past resulted in me holding her arms so she can't hit me again until she calms down, she is willful!

Oh Borboleta I'm wondering if I can get away with spelling Layla as Leila... It's a lovely name :)

Today L came home from nursery, told me she had seen donkeys (they walk the kids in her room up the road to see 2 donkeys in a field) and the donkey says heehaw.. it was just too cute!
Indigo, i have no idea if Indigo is you real name or not, you obviously don't have to say at all but i know someone who has a baby, the same age as Sophia called Indigo or "Indi" with an older sister called Raven! and funnily enough Alexa was my first choice for Sophia! OH poo pooed it as he loves Alexa but doesn't like Alex for a girl. But luckily for us it worked out fine as Sophia really is a Sophia :) But i think if we have another and it's a girl i will try and win him over with either Alexa or Alexandra.

Borboleta, thanks for you comment on the picture, but i hate it!! i have been tagged in possibly the worst photo ever taken of me! so my vanity has made me untag myself! That was actually Dans cousin, who lives in Oz that we also met up with, so not my side of the family. It was my first time meeting them and they were very lovely. They have 2 year old boy, who is lovely but he turns fast! he gave Sophia her first war wound when he grabbed her and pulled her on top of him, as if she were a toy, she however, thought it was a great game and was merrily laughing away while i was really struggling to get him to release her grip and get my baby back! :dohh: she still has a little scar on the top of her shoulder! :nope: however something tells me that she'll give as good as she gets next time they meet!

Oh and i love your list, this does require some kind of migration of either myself or Clio though, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it :haha:

Storm, i love the name Layla/Leila. An ex of mine had a sister called Leila and that was pronounced as in the Eric Clapton song, beautiful name :thumbup:

I actually think that Sophia may be ready for having only 1 nap. Today she was up at 7.30am and asleep at 7pm and all she had was a 45 minute nap. Now she definitely needed a longer nap, and normally it would be 1 and a half hours, but she seemed fine with this, maybe only the last hour before bed was she showing tired signs. Whereas the last 2 days she has had 2 naps and it has been a nightmare to get her to sleep, mainly as she just hasn't been tired enough. I thought she would be too young to drop to 1 nap only :shrug: Clio, i know that J is similar with his napping, when did he drop to 1 nap?
Actually I thought of making a little change on the arrange marriage:

Dom with Kia
Lucy with Gael:).

Charlie: isn't it amazing how the naps are so different with babies. Thiago is 19 months and just now getting ready to drop his second nap. Today no second nap by the way. I tried to rock him for 45 min and nothing!!!! He was just happy saying the alphabet :dohh:!! He is going to bed early today :).
question re names - do all your LOs have middle names?

yes - Finn is Finn Matthew -- after his grandfather (my FIL) who died a few years ago and was the loveliest man you could ever meet!
oops! saw the earlier one....we shall see!

not much here. OH signed the redundancy papers yesterday and he is getting 1 1/2 years+ salary 'tax-free' so we could conceivably survive for 2 years+ on it and he could also claim unemployment for about a year. I am trying to do up applications for jobs, which is actually easier in the USA than UK as in the USA, you just send a cover letter, CV and a sample of academic writing (I just photocopied a chapter from my book) BUT in the UK, you have to actually fill out an application as well. But it is time consuming as I want to tailor each cover letter to each job description. I really want the Toronto job, but hopefully, will get something that both OH and I are happy with. I'm feeling a little sentimental thinking that this time next year, etc....but oh, well!

oh, and re: hiting, biting, etc. I seem to be LO's favourite puching bag, but I also stay 'no!' or 'stop' and sometimes it works, but fortunately, he is very good with other people (and no bitings in creche yesterday!).....

hugs and bye!

ps. storm - what about Lily (oh, that would work with L?) or Cordelia (but that is very old-fashioned!)....
and....since sept 1st, I have lost another 8lbs!

In total, I think since the beginning of the year, I have lost about 16lbs, since LO was born, loads (maybe 30 lbs).....? I am doing slim-fast, which is good for me as I used to eat too much at breakfast and lunch and now, I just worry about dinner and I do snack a bit (rice cakes, a little cheese, an apple, yogurt, etc)....only 30lbs to go!

Good afternoon ladies, sadly I have no time to do any more lengthy post for a while cause I have mum coming tomorrow and I need tidying (the place looks awful of course) and I am supposed to be working on my yearly card commissions. I hope I have chosen a simple picture for the xmas one and I still have to decide what to do for the flower one. Sadly having babies has robbed me of much of my feeble at best memory and I cannot remember which flowers I have done already. Sigh. Anyway, I will try to come on and comment here and there but it will have to be brief.
Boys are awake from their nap and who is not here to get them up so that I can tidy and clean? That is right! OH! He had to go shopping! He better not smell of fags again when he comes home or I will kick him in the shin! ;)

Got to go, hope all are well! :hugs:
Angel...Card commissions?

Borboleta....IDK...Lydia seems quite u really think sweet, gentle Thiago can handle her? :haha:

Charlie...Indigo is the name of my first cat...& strangely enough, Raven was the name of my first dog! My DH doesn't like Alexa, either...but I don't really care...:haha:

SK...well done on the weight loss...:thumbup:

Storm...what about Lauren, Laurel, Lorelai or Leah...
Indigo: I laughed at your comment about Lydia:). But I think thiago will need some fire in his life, someone to push him to do crazy things just like Lydia :kiss:. And it will be good to her to have someone down to earth to try to make her slow down :haha:. I always think that marriages work the best when people have different personalities. Like my MIL and my FIL. Talk about being so different!!! An my mom was more calm while my dad is the crazy one :haha:.

Angel: how lovely that your mom is coming again:). I wish my family could come more often too. And don't forget to show us your Christmas card result:). Last year was beautiful:).

Sabrina: how exciting about your OH!! I can't wait to hear the news that you are moving! And 30 pounds total!!! Girl you rock!! I am trying to loose 10 pounds but don't seen to be able to do it!!!:dohh: all in my belly !!!:growlmad:

And we bit the bullet and put thiago to take one nap today. Yesterday he just took one nap too. Went to bed at 8pm and slept till 7am. We will see today. He seems content and we are happy not to have to rock him for 45 min to one hour each time he goes to bed :dohh:. Now 5 min and he is down for good:).

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