any other over 35 first time mums?

What time did he take his nap?

Yesterday was crazy, he woke from his nap at 11:40am and didn't want to take his afternoon nap at 4pm so we were able to put him down at 8pm, but today he woke up at 7am and we put him down at 12:45pm and it is 2:30pm and he is still sleeping so I hope he will take at least 2 hours nap :thumbup:. Than go down again around 8pm.

What time niko takes his nap?

And I forgot to ask you ladies if you are all commemorating Halloween? I am trying to find a costume for little T. My OH wants him to be superman, which is fine to me but since he is so little I think we can still pick an outfit for him. I am sure there will be the day that he will want to be superman. The only problem is that thiago hates hats so we cannot get anything that has one :dohh:. I guess I just need to keep looking :thumbup:.
I am going to take LO around to a few (nice) neighbours and was thinking of maybe a cat...for halloween!

hopefully, this friday (my birthday- eek and I inching slowly the other side from 40....) we will go to the zoo (I try every year and we took LO for his birthday this past Feb and I was thinking we might invite a few mums/dads and a few friends from creche to the Zoo for his 2nd birthday), and we've been showing him this tv show, 'The zoo' about dublin zoo and he now brings us the stuffed giraffee, the lion, etc., when he sees them on the tv - so hopefully, friday will be nice and not rainy!

must go and hugs!
Well Sophia had 2 naps again today. I did some reading about another regression, the 11 month nap regression! This is probably what we are going through at the moment! It does make sense though as she is not wearing herself out as much, but once she starts walking she will, so will need to two naps for sure then! She might not be wearing herself out, but she's wearing me out! I need another early night!

Hope it all worked out with T's one nap and that he goes down well tonight x
Well Sophia had 2 naps again today. I did some reading about another regression, the 11 month nap regression! This is probably what we are going through at the moment! It does make sense though as she is not wearing herself out as much, but once she starts walking she will, so will need to two naps for sure then! She might not be wearing herself out, but she's wearing me out! I need another early night!

Hope it all worked out with T's one nap and that he goes down well tonight x
Hi ladies, I'm back from "sunny" (well, fairly rainy) Ireland.
I'm very very tired after my long day driving and catching the ferry so I will be off to bed shortly.
Just wanted to say yay for another girl storm!!
Glad you like the name Lucy- feel free to use it, sure we can all find a way to differentiate between the 2?! Lol

Gael and Lucy- sounds like a good match to me!! What do you think kosh?? ;-)
Storm- remind me of your due date??

Right bedtime.
I will try and catch up more soon .

Charlie- glad you gad fun in Oz!

Hugs to all.
Quick one ladies, I have a poorly child who has acquired a streaming nose this am and now has a nasty cough, she's been in bed an hour and is crying every 5 minutes... It's going to be a long night and of course I'm wrecked as I got my flu jab yesterday, in my infinite wisdom started tackling the garden at my dads (technically ours) and dh is on night shift... Go me!

Welcome back Clairey, due date is 11th Feb, they said 8th at scan from measurements but I know its 11th :) this one looks like another active little tyke!

You know I can't remember when L dropped to one nap, but given how rubbish her napping generally was it wasn't a big deal... Today she thought she wasn't napping at all but I forced her as she was wrecked and she slept 90mins! That's when I should have rested but nope I was out with the loppers attacking huge bushes :)

I need to read the name suggestions again, all I remember is Cordelia (my neice wants this), Leah (my chosen name for Lyds) and wanted to say my brother said Julia today too, not knowing the dh story... I need to start a list!

I'm off to sleep, hopefully, as I suspect someone little will be up very soon! Oh and I think my someone little needs a calming I.influence cause she's nuts. Oh and today she saud 'I no like it' when my brother was reving the motorbike which I thought was a cute comment :)
grr - I just lost my post. will need to do short version as its late

Storm - lovely news about baby sister for Lydia. A little friend for her. I always wanted a sister too!

Kia hits sometimes too. Mainly if angry or frustrated, but also sometimes through excitement. I try not to make a big deal of it. I ask her to show me her gentle hands. that sometimes works. Or I say something like, "I know you're angry, but its not ok to hit mummy"

I think Kia would be lucky to be paired up with either Gael or Dom. My only worry is that she's already got at least 3 boys on the go at nursery so I think she may be a bit commitment-phobic!
Leeze: so Dom is going to have to duel other crèche boys for kia's heart :haha:. He can do it:). He is a cutie, how can she resist him :kiss:.

Storm: oh godness poor Lydia:(. I hope she gets over this cold soon and you don't catch it. And all this energy comes with the second trimester isn't it :thumbup:. It was my favorite for sure:).

Claire: welcome back:)!! How does L does on your trips? I am always afraid of spending the night anywhere but home in fear that I am going to mess up thiago's routine :dohh:.

Charlie: yeah for 2 naps :happydance:!!! I was thinking that she is a bit young for one nap but you never know:). And I totally understand about how they wear us out :haha:!! At night I look at the clock and thinks " it is just this time yet?" :dohh:.

Sabrina: oh, a kitty ... How cute. I really have to give a thought of what thiago will be for Halloween.
And our birthdays are so close!!! I really hope the weather will stay beautiful and you can get to have a lovely day at the zoo:).

So thiago took a lovely 3 hour nap today:). He had loads of energy after that :haha:. And didn't go to sleep till about 9:20pm. So we will see what time he will wake up tomorrow,
And I forgot to tell you girls a funny story that happen to me and thiago the other day. My OH, as you all know, goes to bed at 8:30pm to " relax" before he actually goes to sleep. So after he went to bed about 30 min later thiago was playing with his favorite toy the electric Thomas the train and he decided to come behind me while I was sitting in the couch.he than is playing that he is driving his train over my back and shoulder. All of a sudden I realized that my hair is getting caught on the wheels of the train!!! I get the train out of his hands and after stopping it I try to pull my hair off the wheels but it is completely stuck!!! And thiago thought it was funny :dohh:!! So after about 5 min of me trying to get it out I decided to call my husband downstairs and help me out :haha:!!! He comes out of the room and say "what?" And I say " thiago got his train stuck on my hair and I cannot get it out!", he than comes downstairs checking his head!! Thank godness that happened at night time because otherwise I would have a train stuck on my head the whole day until he got home to free me :haha:!!! I was actually worried that I would have to cut part of my hair off to get that train off my hair!!! Now I have to be more careful. :thumbup:
Hi Clairey, welcome home!

Go Kia, why put all your eggs in one basket I say!

Borboleta, :haha: at least you didn't have to cut your hair and your OH left his chill out boudoir to come to your hairs rescue! Wow a 3 hour nap :thumbup: that will so never happen here! I don't really do Halloween at all tbh, I think it's more of an American thing. You do get older kids dressing up and trick and treating a little, but that's it, so a few years away yet for Sophia.

Storm, I hope L gets better soon and that you don't catch it! Is your OH helping out much now your are getting bigger? Have you guys thought about things with a newborn and Lydia yet? I know it's a way off. A friend of mine had a baby and a 2 and a half year old, who was a bit of a mummies girl. I know that while she was pregnant, her daughter spent increasing amounts of time with her Dad, on their own together which helped a lot, as it was crazy with a toddler and a newborn!

Well Sophia had her 2 naps yesterday but I think with 2 naps I have to put her bedtime to later now. She use to go to bed at 6.30 to 7, but now, when she does have nap number 2, it is usually between 3 ish and 4. Last night she would not sleep at all for bed. So I got her up again and she went to bed easily at 8pm. She seems to need a good 4 hours of awake time now, which actually makes things easier with going to play groups etc :
I think N is going to be a Target employee.
DH thinks he's going to be Zues.

N wakes @ 8, naps 1-3 ,& bedtime is usually @ 8, sometimes earlier.

He's really into Bob Marley & Bach at the moment & wants to listen to music all the time. Are your LOs music addicts?
Charlie: since Thiago took such a late second nap he would not be tired before 9:30pm!!! So maybe you will have to keep S up for a while longer but at least she will be rested and in a good mood:).

Indigo: you are funny! N will be a target employee for Halloween?:haha:. You better take a picture of that :thumbup:. And niko sleeps really well:)!!!

Kosh: I just read on Facebook about another daycare incident:(. But the poor little boy ( he is about 2 1/2), broke his femur really badly and had to have surgery:(. It is so sad to see his little pictures. He is doing better but has a cast that goes from one leg and cover his entire pelvis ( I guess to immobilize hip movement:(. It brakes my heart just by looking at it. He won be able to walk for 6 weeks and has to have an adult with him at all times so one of the parents will have to take time off work.

Anyways, Thiago woke up last night at 3:45am and didn't go back to sleep till 5:15am!!! We didn't go get him though. He partied alone:haha:! Now he is tired but will have one nap only again:).
Bye ladies:).
happy sunday -- growl! LO was with me last night and woke up around 5.30, but I managed to coax him back to sleep (I brought him on the bed), but it is a bit disconcerting to slightly wake up and look straight into your LO's eyes as he has decided that YOUR pillow is the best place to put his head and as he sleeps with his eyes open sometimes, not be sure whether he is awake or not (he wasn't, but it was very strange....!). We ultimately got up around 7.30 and had a pretty good morning. My OH had a dodgy tummy, so stayed in bed and I was very nice, offering medicine, toast and tea, but me thinks he is now milking it as he just had to make some sort of rice thing just as my dinner (and LO's) was finished? Fortunately, it was a good day with LO (only two minor tantrums), but I do think OH is starting to take the piss a bit!

I made a jumper for Foxy which matches a jumper for Finn (I think I need something else to do with my bus rides to/from work) and a hat for LO, which makes him look like sailor Joe or a dock worker, but it is funny...will try to take a picture.....(took a few and will try to upload tonight!)

hugs to all!

Storm--:wohoo: :pink:

- Anna (J's "girl" name)
- Thea (in this case, short for Dorothea, my middle name :winkwink:. It's German, so the H is silent: "Tay-a")
- Tali or Talia (short for Natalia)
- Sascha (Alexandra)

I, obviously, like short forms better than the actual name. :haha:

Hi guys! I've been at my parents for a few days now, and J decided to enter the terrible twos early. He will now only eat fish, slices of deli ham, and cheese. Fruit, yes, veggies, no. Nap? If I'm incredibly lucky, one short nap. I've also discovered that he can pull the mother of all tantrums for reasons unknown. I'm hiding out in my room so my parents can deal with him; he's acting up to get my attention and is fine if I'm not there.

And twice now, he turned into a dead weight while holding my hand to cross the road, and he collapsed both times in the face of an oncoming car. I could have frikkin' killed him, but it looks like a car will get to him first.

Re: naps--I think J kicked the afternoon nap to the curb at around age one. He is now trying to get rid of the morning one, and is quite successful most of the time these days.

I have no personals for today. I'm sorry, but!!!
Sorry Clio for the arrival of the terrible 2's and a fussy eater! Hope you got your nap in!

Tbh I feel like a bad mum, I am really really struggling with Sophia at the moment and I am finding it hard to keep calm, I am just so exhausted with it all! She has become random! Sometimes happy, as usual, then very whiny, wants mummy all the time and naps are, well confusing the hell out of me! One day she needed a nap an hour and a half after walking. Then next day 4 hours! One nap will be 10 minutes, the next 2 and a half hours?! She fights naps, bedtime, nappies, clothes, it just feels like everything is a battle and when she's not battling, she doesn't stop and if she doesn't nap, I get no recovery and neither does she! I have read threads in here that this age can be like this, in between baby and toddler and very frustrating for her. I know the best thing would be to get out to playgroups with her, but with naps all around the place, it's hard to plan anything. Not really sure what to do? I just feel so bad as I have never felt so at a loss of what to do since she has been born, I have always gone with my instinct and being pretty spot on and I have always loved been a mum, now I really I am not loving this bit so much. I feel like I need a break. I hope it gets better soon :(

Sorry ladies for selfish moany post, I needed to vent!
Sorry Clio for the arrival of the terrible 2's and a fussy eater! Hope you got your nap in!

Tbh I feel like a bad mum, I am really really struggling with Sophia at the moment and I am finding it hard to keep calm, I am just so exhausted with it all! She has become random! Sometimes happy, as usual, then very whiny, wants mummy all the time and naps are, well confusing the hell out of me! One day she needed a nap an hour and a half after walking. Then next day 4 hours! One nap will be 10 minutes, the next 2 and a half hours?! She fights naps, bedtime, nappies, clothes, it just feels like everything is a battle and when she's not battling, she doesn't stop and if she doesn't nap, I get no recovery and neither does she! I have read threads in here that this age can be like this, in between baby and toddler and very frustrating for her. I know the best thing would be to get out to playgroups with her, but with naps all around the place, it's hard to plan anything. Not really sure what to do? I just feel so bad as I have never felt so at a loss of what to do since she has been born, I have always gone with my instinct and being pretty spot on and I have always loved been a mum, now I really I am not loving this bit so much. I feel like I need a break. I hope it gets better soon :(

Sorry ladies for selfish moany post, I needed to vent!
It was the same for N at that sucks, but it's temporary...

Is she trying to walk? N took his first steps right before 11 months old....& then all hell broke loose w his mood & was a very challenging time for us...
Ah Clio the terrible twos! Im sure we are there already - we have the most random of meltdowns - at least now sometimes she can tell me what is wrong with her. As for the dead weight thing thats usually when I'm trying to get her in the car seat when I'm running late for work!

Charlie you are not a bad mum - everyone goes through it, LOs are exhausting and I usually found that as soon as I thought I had L figured out she went and changed it all! It was frustrating and upsetting and there were times I thought 'Argghhh what have I done why did I have you!' - it does get easier though although you will have the walking etc to contend with, L took her first steps 4 days before her first birthday and has been running around full speed since about 2 weeks after that! I have an incredibly bad temper (I flare up and down so quickly) and there were times I literally had to walk away before I lost it. Sometimes its the only thing you can do. I have no idea how I'm going to manage 2! But I will :)

Miss L was up from 3.30 to 5.30 this morning - well she was then in with me - tossing and turning and tyring to lie on top of me and moaning etc etc.. I eventually got back to sleep about 6 and had to get up at 7 for work - the joy....

Right better go - back later :)
Thanks ladies. Indigo it's good to hear that you had the same thing when N was Sophias age. I do hope it is temporary. I have no idea if she's about to walk, she has been cruising for a month and stands alone for a short time. Seems more hellbent on climbing! She even has carpet burn on her nose from face planting after climbing over her climbing frame( me) yesterday! She is very verbal at the moment, lots of new sounds and one new word, doggie, well it comes out as dagi, but she points to dogs when she says it, so :thumbup: so lots and lots happening for her as well as separation anxiety. At least when she can walk, I can probably wear her out more easily, I don't think she gets too tired easily now.

Storm, thank you. yes I have walked away, last night I did and OH was here, so he took over. And again this morning, deep breath. I have also realised that I have been pre menstral! Got AF today which explains A LOT! Well I hope it does anyway. I think you are right about work, I think working, even just 2 days, even in my crazy job! Will help me get some me time and balance things out a bit. I have arranged to meet a friend for lunch next week without either Sophia or her little boy, just some adult company :thumbup:

Angel, hope you have a lovely time with your mum.

Sophia is napping now! That took some effort, but we finally got there! I hope she has a good long nap today as it's her first nap at midday, so too late fir an afternoon nap! Anyway coffee time. X

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