any other over 35 first time mums?

Great news Clairey! Thanks for letting us know. Wishing your mom a speedy recovery :hugs:
Clairey Glad your mum is out of theatre, it's very stressful and worrying when you don't know what is going on. Hope she makes a speedy, good recovery x

Kosh, great news about the job, I take it that will keep you in the UK, assuming that it's in the UK?

Angel, sorry the boys are poorly, is your mum still here?

Storm, I don't know how you do it at the moment, I hope Lydia settles for you at night soon, before that last tri!

Sophia is still random withnaps, but we got 2 today and she seems happy. I took her to the swings she all of a sudden got very excited, pointed and said dagi, dagi! Sure enough there was a doggy! Even though she has said dagi before, it's always been after I point and say look doggy, so this was a lovely first :cloud9:
Kitty, sorry I have just realised I have not replied to your post about Blake and food. I don't have any advice though as we never had that problem, just wanted to say sorry the solids isn't working out for Blake. Maybe he's just not ready for solids yet like you say? I know of a couple of babies who were 10 months before they were ready to go with solids, so possibly :shrug:

Sophia still driving her mother nuts at times! She is happy happy happy and so much fun when I play with her and luckily she still LOVES her food, so no problems there. But boy everything else is a challenge at the moment. I suppose she is keeping me on my toes at the moment :dohh:

Storm, have you a short list for names yet? Oh the other one similar to Cara that I thought of was Lara :shrug:
Claire: so glad to hear that your mom is doing well:) best feeling ever I am sure:).

Charlie: S is sounding like t when is about clinging :haha:!! He still is my Velcro baby!! He just grabs my legs and won't let go :dohh:!!! And then I have to worry about how am I going to walk with him there and not make him fall!! So I just grab him and carry him.

Angel : sorry to hear the boys are sick:(. And you have double work girl:(. Hope they get better soon :thumbup:.

Kosh: not sure if I mentioned but :happydance: for the new job!!! That was quick:). So happy for you and your family:). How about your OH?

Storm: I don't know how you do it, pregnant and having to deal with the lack of sleep. I am so sorry. I have a friend that she has a newborn and a almost 2 years old and she doesn't sleep thru the night either and go to bed with her mom and dad. The mom said that she is doing a little better now with the baby and just wakes up occasionally during the night.

Yesterday we had two naps and thiago was in a great mood. Today I just gave him one. A bit crabby in the morning but seemed fine till he went to bed at 8:30pm. Now I am just chilling:).
Well, I tried writing a post last night when I got back from the hospital........ That didn't happen!! Lol
Why does everything always happen at once or at the worst possible time?
Lucy developed the most awful stinking cold yesterday and by the time I got home she was full of cold and she just couldn't sleep. I ended up having to go to bed with her but she was soo restless and then when she was sleeping she was snoring so loudly I couldn't sleep.
Needless to say I'm a absolutely shattered today and it also means I won't be able to go to the hospital with Lucy as I can't risk giving my mum any germs! :-(
I saw my mum last night ( without Lucy) and she seemed in good spirits , if a little out if it after the anesthetic. It turns out they were indeed operating all the time we were waiting for a call ......5 1/2 hrs in total! That's some op and that's some mummy so come through it! It was all due to the level if scar tissue from last years emergency surgery.
They are monitoring her for low blood pressure but everything else seems fine and they have put an epidural in place to give her no pain, which is great!
Anyway, sorry for the selfish post and thank you all for your kind words.
Xxx hugs to all
Claire that is great news! I am so glad the op went ok, But I am not really surprised it took that long cause the intestines are more delicate than one would think. But yay for the epi, that is great that she isn't in any pain and not having to have the horrid morphine. At least for now? Any idea how long they will be keeping her in? And will she come to you after for her convalescence?

Here all as usual I guess. Boys still very snotty, no more fever though but Sebastian is off his food completely! He had his bottle this morning and raisins for breakfast but no porridge or anything else. Pretty much refused all dinner also but had a few grapes and raisins then too. I have almost completely lost my voice with this horrid cough I have but am ok apart from a snotty nose too. lol
Mum's birthday is today so I have a little cake, flowers and presents ready for her. Must go and pick her up now, so off again.
Sorry for such short posts but I am reading and I am sending love and :hugs: to you all as always. xx
Morning all - Clairey its great your mum is through the surgery - even if it did take longer than anticipated - but shes through so heres to a successful operation and a not too painful recovery! As for L having the cold - of course she does - they always do when you need them to be well :) I hope little L gets rid of her cold too.

Angel you have a house full of cold too - poor you! Lyds also has the cold but thankfully its reduced from bad cough and cold to just streaming snotty nose. Sometimes she doesn't eat but I honestly don't worry about her not eating if she is hungry she will :)

We had a good night last night! L was down for just after 8, needed seen to at 10.30 and managed to stay in her own bed without any intervention until 5.45! Then she came in with me and we had a snuggly snooze until 7 when I had to get up - then she jumped up all excited shouting MUMMY! It was cute :) I guess she used all her mummy favouritism up as she wouldn't give me a kiss goodbye this am just hung round her daddys neck and said NO! Daddy! She is a wee monkey...

Well its been confirmed I have the extra 9 days off so I'm going to take some time off in Nov and actually move house.. at last! Dad was asking last night and I said November so I guess we better stop putting it off and get to it. I've told DH that we are going carpet shopping for the hall, landing and stairs this weekend and I've decided I like this or something along those lines (haha stripey carpet and lines)...

I haven't discounted any names btw - well apart from Julia which I'm not allowed and have now decided I love (typical) and there are a few that I have friends I would see that have called there kids those names so I'm afraid Alice is out too Clairey. As for Lara Charlie it made me laugh but only cause the lady I bought my house off was called Tara, her daughter was called Lara and my dog was called Cara :) I found Lyra though yesterday and I quite like that... Oh and someone suggested Lily which is out as my cat is called Lily :)

Talking of cats - I have no idea how I'm moving house with 3 cats, well I did it before it was fine but this time I'm moving with 3 cats and there is a resident cat already there. I've decided my dad isn't overly fit to look after a cat so I'm going to try and move all 3 and if its a disaster then I will have to possibly move Poppy to my dads which I'm not keen on moving the 14/15 year old baldy cat out of her environment or move Lily back up with my dad, I'm pretty sure the boys (Storm and Jet) will be ok with Poppy but a little put out by the new environment. Where I am now they have fields and a river they can go play beside as the housing development is out in the country but my dads is more urban, but there are playing fields literally at the end of the street (2 houses down) so I'm sure they will amuse themselves there. Oh and the thought of keeping them in for a month... oh man... I think I only managed a couple of weeks last time until they drove me nuts and I let them out - they always came back mind you. Where I live its pretty unusual for people to have totally indoor cats unless there is a medical reason in case anyone is wondering - I had one but had to get him put to sleep 3 years ago :( No issues moving the dog as she is there half the week anyway and has been since she was a pup and the back garden is totally secure :)

Ok better go as this has turned into a mammoth random waffly post!

Oh meant to say Kitty that L has never ever liked sweet potato or carrot and won't eat anything with them in it! If you give her vegetable soup or anything that has carrots in it now she will literally take them out of her mouth with her hands - which is odd as she will eat lots of green veg.. funny kid!
just a quickie - sorry not been around but have a bad cold (actually tried to go to bed at 6.15 pm on tuesday), but will try and catch up later!


ps. great about the extra days, storm -- my employer didn't realise, but I read about that and they paid me when I came back!
Sorry for all the colds ladies, it is that time of year isn't it?

Storm, yey for the extra 9 days, very handy for you. You do have a job with names, I think you know too many people with girls!

Borboleta,glad the nap transition is going well with T. Yes Sophia is going through separation anxiety for sure. I don't mind that side of it at all. We have baby proofed more of the flat so she can follow me pretty much wherever now, so that's good. The thing is the naps! We use to put Sophia in her cot with some quiet toys, chilled music and a dim light. After 10 to 20 minutes she would be asleep, no crying at all, just happily playing until sleep took over. Now that has gone due to separation anxiety, she screams if I leave her alone, but if I stay, my company doesn't seem to soothe her to sleep, it just stimulates her! :dohh: so it's tough! Anyway I have decided to just chill about these naps, if they happen then great, if not then earlier bed time. The great thing about Sophia is she does sleep for 12 hours every night, so I guess if she doesn't get all the naps she needs all the time it's not the end of the world! Today she only napped for 30 minutes and tbh she was happy all day, it seems one day, 2 naps, the next 1... But I am pretty sure when she starts walking, she will need all her naps again!

Claire, how is your mum? Have you been able to see her with a poorly Lucy? Hope she is doing well and is pain free.
so tired again. Kia up multiple times last few nights. I think teething.

kosh - congrats on job..great news

clairey -
wishing your mum a quick recovery

hugs all x
Morning everyone - hope everyone and their LOs that have the cold are starting to feel a bit better!

Not much to report here - decent night for us, crying at 1.30 for a bottle and up up at 6am - well in with me for more milk and a snuggle - I swear I'm going to have to buy a cow. On the upside we are no longer on lactose free milk :happydance: - its so liberating and after a few weeks of adjustment all seems well!

I'm looking forward to this weekend as DH isn't working and he can help with L - that way I get to do the fun things and he gets to change the nappies etc.. as bending is difficult already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a lovely day :)
Hey guys! Congrats Kosh on the job! And Claire, I hope that your mother is feeling better. And for everyone with colds, I am so sorry because I can so empathize. Everyone is sick in both households (here and back home). I'm finally over mine, and nothing slowed J down, but no one on the plane today will appreciate the runny nose...

Obviously, flying home today, and am about to leave for the airport. J is running around the house trying to find Gus ("Gussy! Gussy? Gussy!"), to give him a hug goodbye. I let Gus out half an hour ago.

Um, so lost another 20 lbs. I've gone from 200 lbs down to 160 lbs, and have now only 10-20 more pounds to go. WTH? I suspect that it is a combo of the pot and a natural supplement that I take for its minimal painkiller effects, both of which, it turns out, regulate my blood sugar and increase my metabolism. I gained weight from PCOS and immobility due to the joint. I guess the two "herbs" and running after J has finally reset my body and I'm going down to my regular weight.

Oh oh! Gotta go!
thanks for the comments ladies, I still can't believe I found a new job so quickly! and for those who asked, no we won't have to move, in fact, my new job is in the same institute where i am working now! :blush:
the last couple of weeks have been absolutely mad, one Thursday I got the bad news about the grant, next Tuesday I heard that a collueague from another research group was resigning, sent my CV, had an informal chat on Wed, another one on Thu, interview next Monday, and that evening I got the job offer!! It was just perfect timing, I've been very lucky for once! :happydance:

leeze - :hugs: hope the multiple wakings stop.

claire - hope your mum is pain free and starting to recover.:hugs:

storm[/B] - Gael doesn't like sweet potato and carrot either!:shrug:

kitty - that sounds like a lot of puking, maybe Blake is not 100% ready yet?

clio - welcome to the world of the picky eaters! :winkwink:
charlie - welcome to the world of the difficult sleepers! :winkwink:
re. your husband and Sophia - I too wonder if my DH could cope for a whole day alone with Gael...

borboleta - this is very old but what made you change your mind re. gael and kia/lucy? I always thought that the two worst sleepers of this thread have to be paired up so that Claire and I can be sure that our grandchildren and crap sleepers too...:haha:
re. your husband - I can totally relate to his anxiety. my family was very judgemental and I too was always looking for perfection, it's very draining. as you know, I still get bouts of anxiety etc, but at least I am not that preocuppied with perfection anymore, I'm too tired for that! :haha:

sabrina - any news re. applications?

angel - how was your mum's birthday?

hope all with colds are getting better!

we had an appointment at the hospital to get Gael's casts off on Thursday, but I got a call from nursery on Wednesday saying that he'd taken it off himself!! :dohh::haha: he was running around with the cast in his hand, and was well chuffed!!

oh, and he said a two words 'sentence' for the first time a couple of days ago! :happydance: he said: 'mama titown' = mummy sit down (to play) :cloud9: I love him sooooo much!
oh, and he said a two words 'sentence' for the first time a couple of days ago! :happydance: he said: 'mama titown' = mummy sit down (to play) :cloud9: I love him sooooo much!

That, my dear, is THREE words! :happydance:

Kosh, what amazing good fortune (and I'm sure your creds and your wonderful brain and awesome work experience helped)! Congratulations again! :wohoo:

Just got in from the airport after an AWFUL flight, and now I'm literally weeping with disappointment and frustration. :cry: My husband not only promised me that he would sort out our basement (it's un-livable, currently, and has been for almost 2 years now), but he later called me at my parents' and said he HAD sorted it out, and I would be so happy when I saw it. Even the piano that's in our garage would be moved down there the next day, and yes, he will also throw out the rug I have down there.

And then I came back and I walked into our house and felt horribly claustrophobic after my parents' large house and even larger and incredibly gorgeous garden. And my house also looked so bare, in comparison. So I went down into the basement, expecting that it, at least, would cheer me up and the place looked absolutely in no way, even if you squint in ANY universe different. Piano? Not there. Yucky rug? Still there. And I lost it. I just started crying. I asked OH what he even did, other than tidy up some remaining boxes with books in them. His answer was, "Well, I worked for two hours and then ran out of steam.":shrug: We agreed to let this drop, but I'm not really ready to. And so, I guess clearing out the basement is my new project. Awesome.

I'm sorry--very selfish post. But I needed to vent. And now, I nap!
Clio: I can come over and tidy up your basement for you:)! I would love to do that!! Man, can NEVER tidy up!! And how was your flight with J? How did he do?

Kosh: I am so happy for you :hugs:!!! You really deserve it. And it sounds like you and my OH have lots in common with crazy families :wacko:!! But we love them anyways:). Sometimes ...
And wasn't really thinking before when I first picked Kia for Gael. But them I thought that Gael and Lucy would be a much better fit and I laughed about your comment about bad sleepers so they can have kids that would be bad sleepers and BAM... There is your revenge :haha:!!! I think I was thinking on the same lines as you :haha:. Actually I thought that since they can't sleep at night they can talk and entertain each other :haha:.

Sabrina: happy birthday!!!! How was the zoo? Hope you had a great time:). Did Finn like the zoo?

Leeze: sorry for your bad nights:(.

Well, I think the molars must be coming because they are making thiago suffer the past couple of days. Poor thing:(. Yesterday I caught him nodding on the edge of a piece of furniture!!! Gave him Advil after that. He has been sticking three fingers in his mouth and just slobbering everywhere. Then he cries in pain:(. Can't wait for those to come thru!!! And they better come all at once.

Hope you all have a wonderful night:).
Clio its a man thing, I went out for coffee with a friend last night, came home 3 hours later to find the remains of the shopping delivery still sitting on the kitchen table and the dinner dishes still unwashed. When I asked why 'he was looking after L' who had been asleep for 2 hours! Arghhh the house was as I'd left it and I never get to go out!
My DH actually said, 'You haven't nagged enough for me to clear out the yard debris, so I figured it could wait.'

Apparently, I have to 'nag' a certain amount? For the record, we are at 19 months & counting. It took him 2.5 years to replace a cracked window. I hate nagging & I mistakenly assume he is a capable & responsible man w his own initiative, so apparently it's my fault. :shrug:

Claire...I'm glad your mother is ok.

Kosh...congrats on the new job.

My sister had a panic attack on Monday & then was riddled w severe anxiety, so I've been trying to take care of her & my own family this week & I'm now exhausted. Thankfully, my other sister flew in yesterday, so I'm relieved. Now I need to catch up on everything I neglected last week... It made me realize that another LO may notbe a good idea. I barely kept afloat last week. I sooooo want N to have a sibling, though...:(

:hi: & :hugs: to everyone & their LOs
Just a quick update ladies.
I just wanted to let you know that my mum us doing well. They have got her pain relief under control now so that a big thing. They had initially given her an epidural for the pain, which worked a treat , but they became concerned about her falling bold pressure, her feeling sick and most importantly they were worried about the movement in her legs. They withdrew it and all the problems faded.......except the pain was very very bad. They then put her on Iv morphine and ketamine. This has been good, but the ketamine was making her very a bit trippy and groggy. They gave now just started morphine on its own and she us a lot more lucid and awake :))
She has also been sitting in the chair and has walked a little way too.
I guess she may have another week to 10 dats left in hospital ( if all goes well)

How's everyone's lo's with colds? Lucys is still pretty bad and I'm hoping it goes soon!
Storm- any more ideas on names?? Df came up with Annabel?

Hugs to all- early night for me I think.
Indigo: sorry to hear about your sister. Does she have anxiety problems normally or something triggered? Hope she is doing a bit better now:).
How many siblings do you have?
And I am just like you when is about having another child :dohh:!! I go back and forth!! I spoke with my dad today and I told him my OH wants to maybe have another one and my dad said that maybe I should think about just having thiago since I am getting a little older :dohh: :haha:!!! Today I agree with him :haha:! But sometimes I have this moments that I feel bad for thiago to be an only child. My nephew was listening to me telling my OH about my dad's advice and he said " yes, there is nothing wrong about being an only child. It is easier on the parents too and you can give all your attention to one kid and not having to be pulled in different directions." And that comes from someone that has a sister 3 years younger than him :haha:. Maybe she wished he was an only child :shrug:.
She got off her antidepressants again, so that didn't help. She also has a very stressful job.
I have 3 siblings, so the idea of having just 1 kid doesn't sit as well as I hoped it would...although, there's no way in hell I'd opt for more than 3. I always thought 3 would be ideal because if they're pissed at one sibling, they'd always have the other...:haha: But that's not going to happen now....& I sort of feel like we've made our bed, so we should just be 1 & done.

For the record, I got a positive on my OPT on Thursday & so we DTD that night, but haven't managed to do it again. So I guess we are half-assed trying until the end of the year & leaving it to fate to decide. :dohh::shrug:

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