any other over 35 first time mums?

not a fantastic night or morning. LO did sleep, but the battery on the car died, so I had to walk to creche in the cold morning (about 10 minutes) alone as my OH WANTED TO EAT HIS BREAKFAST AND WHY SHOULD HE GO OUT IN THE COLD A HALF AN HOUR EARLY, BUT IT'S OKAY FOR ME BECAUSE THE CRECHE IS 'ON THE WAY' TO THE BUS STOP (yes, only if I go the long way). So LO was not impressed at all and neither was I! aargh!

on a plus, no bitings today (two attempts, but quick usage of dummy/pacifier (which I had previously approved) did stop him in time!)....

not much else....!

bye and hugs!
OMGosh Kitty how cute is Blake as an owl!? To die for! What a sweetie! :cloud9:
Kitty--I love the owl costume! Did you make it? Does B like owls the way the rest of our LOs do? By the way, J asks for "Wow Said the Owl" by name now because he loves it so much (though he only wants the page at the end with the colours by now).

Thanks for all of your other suggestions! The mag. subscription is more expensive in Canada, and too old for him yet, I think, but I followed a few links from the National Geographic one, and came across "My Big Book of Dinosaurs," which I think he'd really like. It's also Nat. Geo.

The Santa one (which I think I'll get) reminds me of one that J adores, but now he only wishes to look at a toaster blowing bubbles on the second last page. :wacko: But perhaps B will like it if he likes looking at details, which are quite delightful. It's called "The Goodnight Train." I got it because of his still-on-going train phase and I've read it to him--or looked for the toaster with him--every single night since I bought it months ago. Here's the link:

Though I'm beginning to think that J isn't tired of board books--he's tired of his board books! We have one Oma gave us but we forgot about, and now it's one of his bedtime books. And we have to read it to him THREE times EVERY night since we found it again. This, however, makes me very tired. I spent so much time, energy, and most significantly, money on his current library that I don't want to buy him a new one. But the public library doesn't carry board books, for some reason, so I'm stuck buying them.

And as you tell us more about little B's and your NICU experience, the more I understand what you went through, and it seems terrifying and emotionally horrific. Again, and I say this with complete sincerity, thank you for telling us. I didn't know. :hugs:

SK--I would have been SO mad if someone suggested the biting was a problem stemming from home, and good on you for insisting to talk to the head of the "wobblers." So, they really meant to ask if he bites at home, too? But there does seem to be a pattern to his biting, right (friend leaves, he bites)? I can't remember--are they moving him up? Do you think this will help the problem? Are the children in the "wobblers" too young for him now? And I'm sorry about your tooth. Nagging pain is awful. And why was little F in the NICU for so long? He only came a week before full term; why did they have him in the NICU to begin with? Poor you and poor little F!

Storm--Wow. Gloves. Wow. Well, tell him the next time he wants to be an utter jerk, he should get you masks instead, and suggest he inform himself of the litter box problem.

My Braxton Hicks felt like my bump was incredibly hard and as if it were stretching to accommodate a growing J. When I asked on the December Birth Board what this could possibly be, they said it was BH that were coming at such a fast rate that I didn't even feel the pauses in between. So I don't think I can speak to what you're going through. Sorry!

Claire--:hugs: Although I can understand your jealousy twinges, and don't blame you for them at all, it can't possibly be your fault that L doesn't sleep. I can't imagine that you blame others who are in the same boat, so you need to cut yourself the same amount of slack. Here is the other question: what could you have done differently? It seems to me that you've tried everything. My SIL and BIL had a baby who wouldn't sleep, and thinking it was their fault never crossed anyone's mind. Do you feel that L has suffered because of the lack of sleep?

Angel--I'm sorry that you feel you missed the boys' babyhood.:hugs: I didn't know you felt this way. Though I remember falling in love with Dominique and Sebastian from your descriptions of him right from the beginning, so the love was definitely there. Of course, this was after the three month screaming fest... Does your OH feel the same way--that he missed the first year too?

AFU--J did the most astonishing thing last night. As you know, he is obsessed with both his ukulele (his 'tar) and singing these days. After dinner, he was walking around with his 'tar and singing "Twinkle." Then OH and I realized that he had figured out the first two notes of "Twinkle" and was repeating them over and over again! OH then got out his guitar and began to play with him. At one point J looked over at me, and smiled the proudest, happiest smile and said: "together!" and pointed at OH. :cloud9: He's hilarious, too, when he hears a new version of his very small repertoire. He begins to pace back and forth, head down and you can see the immense concentration in his face. Now he yells out the main instrument (guitar, piano, sax--:shrug:--xylophone) too, before he begins his pacing, which is what my own father does when he hears a piece of music, except he is impelled to call out the musician and the obscure jazz or classical piece he is listening to. It's amazing to see two musical traits from the two sides of the family come together in this one little boy. He also mimics my dancing, which is quite embarrassing, actually.

Okay--got to put laundry that I washed two days ago...through another wash. And I was so proud of myself thinking I had really washed every piece in the house because the drier was empty. Till I glanced at the washer...:dohh:
Oh, I wanted to add, in response to Lydia's hilarious conversations: I don't think J has true conversations with us yet with full sentences, but here is a typical interaction. And by typical, I mean it happens everyday:

OH gives him his dinner:
J: Hot!!!
OH: No, Jonah, it's not too hot.
J: Cold!!!
OH: No, it's not too cold.
J: Warm!!!
OH: Who are you? Goldilocks?

I put him in his car seat:
J: Too tight!!!
Me: No, it's not too tight.
J: Hot!!!
Me: No, it's not too hot.
J: Cold!!!
Me: No, it's not too cold. It's a car seat, Jonah.
J: Warm!!!
Me: I am no longer engaging in this ridiculous conversation.
That's the cutest owl I have ever seen! :awww:

J cracks me up, Clio...:haha: bump & back felt incredibly tight...& it was more than just uncomfortable at times...not sure what this poo thing is about...

Have to cut it short...N is stirring...
We get conversations like:

Me: did you do poopie?
F: (violently shaking head) No!
Me: I smell poopie...
F: (very adamant) No!
Me: Poopie?
F: Pee-Pee!
Me: You did poopie!
F: NO! Daddy poopie (looking very intently at daddy...)

needless to say. yes, there was poopie in his nappy....


Me: Finn, do you want apples and raisins?
Finn: apple!
I hand to Finn, who now eats an apple whole and gets upset if there are sliced apple slices, but I do offer...
Me: Here's an apple and some slices and some raisins.
Finn: apple. I continue making or cooking dinner. I turn around as he is screaming 'cat'. His new game is to try and throw raisins into the cats' water bowl and apple slices at the cat.
Me: Finn! Don't throw the apple slices at the cat!
Finn: Cat!
Me: Are you saying that the cat likes the apple slices, etc? and wants you to throw them at her?
Finn: Oak (for OK) and proceeds to take the entire bowl of apples and raisins and throw at the cat. The cat, however, knows that sometimes there is some good food and wanders slowly away, thinking that I might offer something very tasty. Finn then proceeds to point at the stairs and at the cat, screaming: 'All gone'....

I do, however, think that the cats do have a strange influence on him as LO gets very excited whenever he sees birds!

must go!

Okay I am back.

Claire: I was joking about Lucy having a baby that doesn't like sleeping :winkwink:. I hope she has children that sleeps 12 hours a night :thumbup::).

Clio: maybe J will be the next Mozart? He's obsession with music is like thiago with the alphabet and now numbers. Maybe you should look into gifted children. I heard that is a book to see if your child is gifted. I think it is called " is your child gifted?". I was reading a little on the internet and there are different levels of giftedeness ( I am writing this wrong) and it sounds interesting but can be hard on the child later on depending on how gifted the child is. I was thinking of thiago cause he lives alphabet. I am rocking to go to sleep and he is spelling the alphabet, if he wakes up in the middle of the night he starts spelling words and the alphabet and you can just see the delight on his face when I spell a word for him. And as you described J has pure happiness when involved with music, so maybe you should look into it.
And I love his conversation with you guys :haha:.

Angel: I I will be checking your fb to see pics of seb:). I hope he doesn't cry. I am dreading to take little t!!! He hates it but his hair is starting to look crazy again :dohh:.

Storm: did I say that your husband gets the award of the month of worst husband!!! I cannot believe he did that to you!!! Did you ask him what he was thinking? Like you don't have enough to do already :growlmad:!!! And you made me ease my worry about thiago climbing the crib. :thumbup:
And my BH was just like Clio described:). That is strange about the poop thing. Can you ask your doctor about it?

Kitty: I love Blake dressed as a little owl :kiss:. He is so cute:). What is he on his percentile weight. He looks very healthy little man :thumbup:. And I don't blame you waiting till the spring to get him out of the house. So many germs out there already!!! I would love to see his little face when he goes out for the first time:). How many times do you get to get out during the week? Does he just goes out when he has to go to the doctor?

Sabrina: good for you that you went to crèche and got things straighten out :thumbup:. And I love that Finn says that daddy went poop :haha:!!! Smart one!!!

Claire and kosh and indigo: :hugs:

Okay going to try to take a nap :thumbup:.
Quick selfish post again, sorry all:
Borboleta We didn't have his hair cut after all as I saw that the centre for the Health Visitors has drop-in days on Thursday but only till 3:30 so we hurried there instead and postponed his haircut for next week. I still don't think that Sebastian has autism but his not speaking and ignoring us when we call his name 85% of the time is starting to really get to me. So we thought let's just go and see what they say. The lady was extremely nice! She said that his not talking alone wouldn't worry her and that she refers 40% of 2 year old boys to the speech therapist. Makes you wonder then if perhpas the standard of what is expected should be adjusted to a wider "normal"? But she does understand that I am worried about his ignoring us like that and she is going to have us referred to have his ears tested (cause maybe he has glue ear) and she also put us on the waiting list for speech assessment.
Also she most strongly advised us to ditch all dummies and all bottles :wacko:. I cannot tell you how much I am dreading the weaning of dummies, especially as she says we should just get it over with and do it cold turkey! I don't want to do this! I could cry at the prospect of my boys waking up many times at night being so distressed and looking all over their bed for their "nanny" (Dominic pronounces it as nunny but OH has told me not to call it that any more but to say nanny instead LOL. I had to look nunny up as I didn't know the expression!). And what am I supposed to do then? Go into them and just ignore their pleas? Or just ignore their cries? No way! So I am not sure what to do, I guess be stricter with them during the day at least and not ever let them have them. The lady is sending someone for a home visit to help with the dummy and sleeping situation and I am prepared to hear her out but I am NOT going cold turkey.

Sorry this was all about us but I have to go again and bloody well paint! :cry:
Sabrina and Clio your boys made me laugh! I love those convos! And Clio I agree with Borboleta your J sounds like a very very gifted child with his music, as I think is Thiago and the spelling. I am in awe! :hugs: to all others! xx
Evening all.

Kitty B is just adorable! The owl outfit is so incredibly cute, I just love it!

Angel I didn't enjoy L as a baby at all so I'm guessing its just not a twin thing! Actually the guy I sit beside in work (have done for 8 years) his sister is expecting twins, she is scheduled for a section on 19th Dec but she was in for a check up today as they are concerned one is a lot bigger than the other. It's a blessing she is having twins as last year she lost her little girl very late on in her pregnancy, I think 8 plus months! I hope all goes well for her.

Clio, J is a hoot, L is also obsessed with daddy's guitars but we haven't bought her a little one yet.. am I bad?

Borboleta sorry you had a rough night, they are killers! Exhaustion is terrible!

Hmm now I'm curious about the poo feeling seeing as its just me LOL. Maybe I'm just odd! It's exactly the way it was with L so I'm not concerned. The joys of pregnancy...

In other news L got bitten in nursery AGAIN today! Sorry SK and this is in no way to make you feel bad... I'm a little put out by strike 2. They aren't allowed to tell us who did the biting but as dh was collecting L as the same time as the biters dad was being told about the biting incident we now know. It's a hard one because I'm not annoyed with the child, her parents or the staff, I just don't want my child being bitten! I may contact the nursery to see if they have a diversion plan cause I'm going to be pretty piffed off if it happens again... Maybe they should discount me some money for every incident :)

As for cats, L is surrounded by them! We are up to 4 and she tortures the lot of them, she keeps trying to lift poor Poppy who is too old and frail so we are discouraging that. The cats are doing ok, but still separated, my 3 have been out briefly and so far they have come back so that's good.

Right I'm off to relax for 5 mins!
Ahhhhhhhh! Just lost a long post. Essentially it was saying Angel- I totally understand your anxious thoughts re: dummy weaning! I would def start gentle if I were you. As you say, daytime 1st.
Big hugs!!
Ps Angel I had a dummy til I was 4 :) I was told to stop all bottles at a year, um nope sorry but I won't take my childs bottle away cause I need sleep and will have a breakdown otherwise...
Angel: after storm told me about her experience with the paci and that it didn't make any difference to her speech I kind of stop worrying about it. I think you should do what you think it is best for them and you guys. Thiago is going thru teething and sometimes just the paci makes him feels better so I will give to him. But maybe you can start the the bottles. Thiago had no problem whining those. Just start giving the day bottles in a sippy cup for about a week and then do the night bottle.
I don't think seb has autism either. But I totally understand your worries :wacko:. And if makes you feel any better thiago would not look at us most of the time when we called him but now is doing better. So it could be just a fase. Remember he does interact with you guys and Dom so it is Just his personality. But it is probably a good idea to have his ears checked :thumbup:. :hugs: to you.
Kitty Blake is gorgeous and I love that owl outfit, so so cute and lovely to see a recent photo of him.

Claire :hugs: about feeling so bad about L's sleep. I am pretty sure it all in the genes and nothing whatsoever to do with any parenting choices, I do the same as you, co sleep, breastfeed and Sophia is a good sleeper I hate to say. Big :hugs: x

Clio, I do love your stories about J, I really feel like I know him, I wish I could write about Sophia the way you do about J but :nope: so I am afraid my stories are limited as I am sure they are very boring to read! However J and S are so so similar, she loves 4 things, cats, dogs , books ( mostly about cats and dogs :haha: ) and music....the drum, the xylophone, maracas, mini piano and yesterday we were at a friends house, he plays the guitar. He got it out and Sophia was just enthralled by it. She obviously doesn't sing like J but she does bop when you put music on, it's a very cute baby dance! Match made in musical heaven :thumbup:

SK, love that F said I was daddy who pooped :haha: made me laugh!

Borboleta, little T I one clever cookie with his alphabet! I love that you rock him to sleep with him saying the alphabet, very cute but sorry for awful night, hope tonight is better. As for crap husband of the month award, what a great idea! Yes Mr Storm totally deserves it :growlmad:

Angel, I feel your pain with the dummies :hugs: I so agree about not going cold turkey, i wouldn't either. Sophia has hers at night and for naps only, and I dread the day that I need to get rid of it. Good that you found a supportive HV who took your concerns seriously. I didn't realise that Sebastian doesn't respond to his name most of the time. My friends son was very similar with no talking and no responding and he did have glue ear, his speech has improved enormously since.

I have just had a horrible phone call with a good friend of mine, who thinks it's fine to tell me that I am not a cow, so shouldn't be breastfeeding Sophia now! Well I didn't take it quietly and ultimately my baby, my decision so p**s off:growlmad: she doesn't even have children of her own.....Grrrrrr some people can't just keep their nose out where it doesn't concern them!
Angel my nephew had glue ear in both ears and needed vents, his hearing improved dramatically. L ignores her name a lot because she's not interested in what I want her to do!

Charlie tell your friend to clear off! If you are happy and Sophia is happy what's the issue? I so hope I can bf new baby this time!

Night all, I'm wrecked x

Ps I've always been a chatterbox, the dummy didn't stop that!
Yes, kitty I too wanted to say his cute Blake looked in his owl outfit!! Scrummy!

Omg Charlie! Did you go mad at your childless "friend" ??? The bloody cheek!
I wonder what she would say to me still bf'ing at 22 months?? Lol

Angel- well, if you think storm having a dummy until she was 4, try this one.....
I had a bottle until I was about 9 or 10!!!!! It was my secret comfort thing. I obviously drank from cups etc and it was not a known thing outside my immediate family. It never caused a problem with my speech either.

Oh Charlie, the nerve of your friend!! Grrrr! I can't believe she would stick her nose in like that, I would've been so mad too! You know what's best for your LO for sure, and those types of comments are just plain annoying, and not constructive at all.

Borboleta - I take Blake out around the neighborhood when the weather is decent, I don't mind rain at all, just not when it's cold or too hot. We just go to the other side of the street if people are out. We live in a pretty big suburban neighborhood, so lots of different routes and directions to go. He doesn't seem to like the heat or sun anymore than I do (no wonder I love London, huh? :haha:), so he loves cloudy, cool days. I also take him out to play on the front yard, he had the most fun playing in the leaves! No, I don't go out during the week, sometimes on the weekend for errands, but early before the crowds.

I'm excited for tomorrow, I'm finally (after about 4 yrs) getting a cyst removed from my back! Yay! Who would think I'd get excited about that, but it bugs me and I can't wait to get rid of it. Then some toy/book shopping for Blakey as I've got a couple coupons.

Angel - sorry no advice on the dummies, Blake has never wanted to suck on them. But do what your gut tells you, mom knows what's best :hugs:
Thanks ladies! Claire, she would clearly be horrified :growlmad:

Angel, I never had a dummy but I sucked my thumb until I was 20.... No joke!
And OH had a bottle until he was 6.... Just wouldn't give it up :haha:
Storm - that does seem insensitive re the plastic gloves. Do you think he might have read it somewhere? I like Leah Sarah May.

Charlie - your friend clearly doesn't know much about BF. The average weaning age.worldwide is 4. The W.H.O. recommend nursing to age 2 and beyond

So tired today! X.
Storm - that does seem insensitive re the plastic gloves. Do you think he might have read it somewhere? I like Leah Sarah May.

Charlie - your friend clearly doesn't know much about BF. The average weaning age.worldwide is 4. The W.H.O. recommend nursing to age 2 and beyond

So tired today! X.

Clearly she doesn't...but she knows more now, since my fuming lecture on bfing including WHO!

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