any other over 35 first time mums?

It's my child that is going to have no teeth from all the milk.... I still figure she will get new teeth but I will be pushed over the edge with no sleep, she doesn't sleep without a bottle... *sigh*
actually, storm -- that is a good point - clio, it's the milk teeth (sic), not the permanent teeth that may be affected, so maybe not as much of a worry?


ps. after 7 hours, the neighbours have turned the music down - nice, huh?
Happy birthday, Charlie! :cake: Sorry about your father.....the day you planned sounded so perfect & special...I hope it was....

Clio....sorry your DH is so would think he'd comply at all costs...I just don't get it...:shrug:

Bottles...we do what Clio's basically 8 oz of water w a scoop of formula for nap time & bed time. He uses a cup for everything else, that's not the issue. It seems that most people continue to give bottles after 12 months old, but I worry about his teeth. My DH says 'who cares, he'll lose them anyway', but he hasn't see the bottle rot pics my
L doesn't use a bottle at all during the day, she fully insists on a proper cup! Ive managed to fob her off with a plastic little mermaid cup with handle instead of a glass though :)

This one..
had to post quickly because N was coming....

Anyway, we're going to try singing him to sleep, or showing him pics & videos on our phone....need a new bedtime routine...if he vehemently objects, we're not going to push it...
Thanks everyone. You are all lovely. We're back from Gymboree and now I'm sore and still have that horrid "just-cried-my-eyes-out" feeling. OH apologized, and promised never to do it again. My response was: "just like the last three times you promised me this?" He replied with a sheepish, "oh." I'm still angry, too, which doesn't help. I should try the sign, SK, but I also learned that he forgot to get the meds from the kitchen before he entered J's room and thus decided to rock him instead. Not that this is an excuse--and he admitted that--but it allows me to understand what happened. I still don't care, though. If it's your night, then you make sure his room is stocked with meds! Ultimately, the sign should read: "get the meds, you git!!!"

But at least J spent around half the time on the mat at Gymboree, joining in with the other kids, so that's an improvement. But he was flanked on both sides by me and OH, so he couldn't really run off. All of you Gymboree-ers--do your LOs "play along," or do they do their own thing on all the slides and ladders and so on during the class? I was the only one with a kid who refused to join the circle. He didn't even want to do the parachute, and was less interested in the bubbles this time. At least last year, he was so obsessed with Gymbo the Clown that he followed the stuffed doll everywhere, so you could con him into doing stuff. For example, if Gymbo went under the parachute, J would run after him and throw himself on him, giving him huge hugs and kisses. And this got J under the parachute. Now Gymbo doesn't even warrant a second glance. Poor Gymbo. :cry:

I don't know exactly how the cavities and the bottle work. I also thought that it would only affect his milk teeth, but I remember our dentist friend saying that this isn't true. I have no idea why, however. I'll get my mum to ask her.

Angel--I'm glad you're not offended. And your Egypt analogy is actually a very good one.

Okay, falling asleep--OH took J to Oma's so I can have a nap.
Thank you lovely ladies for all of your birthday wishes and kind words about today :flower:

I have to say that this had been a strange month full of emotions for me. Firstly Sophia turns 1 then my dads anniversary. This time last year I was looking after a newborn so I had no time to think of much, so this year I have found November quite a difficult month. Hard to explain but it feels like the first time I have been able to think about dad not been here. When he died, I was so occupied with looking after Mum, who just didn't cope at all, then I had Sophia, so now life is calmer and more steady, it's like all of a sudden I fing myself thinking about all that my father is missing, he would of adored Sophia, especially watching her eat! He LOVED good food. So I have shed quite a few tears this month, but all part of the process.

Today was lovely, we had a lovely sunny winter day and the park was full of people walking their dogs, like Dad use to, and children playing. It was a nice farewell. We then went to a pub for lunch and had a scrummy meal and Sophia met another 1 year old. She decided that she would give all her books and toys to her :dohh: she has developed a very generous nature, she seem to love giving all of her things away! she offers us her food at each meal now, including Charlie, and when we eat out, she offers people at the next table too, it's actually very sweet and funny, but meal time are getting longer!

Angel, thank you for asking after my mum, she still has up and down days with her memory etc but I think she has found some peace since loosing Dad, she said she was ready for today. It must be so hard loosing your life long partner.

Clio, sorry about your OH :nope: there is that book, why men don't listen and women can't read maps...well I can read a map, but I have yet to meet a man who listens, apart from my grandpa :cloud9: hope he keeps to his promise this time, 3rd time lucky I hope and hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.

Must dash on phone x
Hi ladies,

Clio: don't you love how many times we have to repeat ourselves over and over again to our OHs ? Like Sabrina and I am sure most of us mom's of boys I worry how my son will be :dohh:!! Hopefully like his grandfather :thumbup:.
Today OH had thiago most of the morning because I had to be at the studio for three hours working and when I came back home I called him ( he wasn't home yet) and I could see he was a bit distressed on the phone. So I asked him if everything was okay and he said no, and that thiago was impossible, crying and didn't want to listen .... Then I told him did you feed him any snack ( we gave him Advil this morning since he has been a little crabby and two hands down his mouth) and he said no. Poor boy ate at 6:45am this morning ( not much either). So I told OH just like you said Clio: give him a snack, if he is still crying is probably teething ( signs) and if he is still crying he is probably tired. I am sure it was a mix of tiredness but definetely hunger. Then in the car he said that thiago was misbehaving while he was talking to some neighbors and I told him that there are days like that and asked him if he misses his quiet office :haha:!!! He didn't answer so I take it as yes :haha:.

Storm: I totally agree with you and when I go teach my classes it is A break for me. Not that we don't love our LO's but sometimes is so wonderful to just go for a few hours and you come back more energetic. I have a Brazilian friend here that she doesn't drive and she has 2 kids ( 4 and almost 2) and she stays home with them the whole day :dohh:!! Her OH works and sometimes gets home late so I don't know how she does it.

Indigo: does Niko falls asleep on the bottle? Thiago has his milk too before he goes to sleep and then we rock him until he is out. I probably should give his milk downstairs and than brush his teeth and then go rock him to sleep. Maybe I will do that and see how it goes.

Thiago has regular whole milk and loves it. I think storm and Sabrina have too. Who else is on formula?

Leeze: happy second birthday to our little big girl Kia:). I love her pics on fb. She seems to be such a happy little girl:).

Angel: when did you go see the lady about S ears?

Kosh: what do they do with G glued ears?

Charlie: how was your birthday?

Trying to decide when to go to Santa's wonderland to have thiago's picture made. It is cold and raining in here!!! Definetely not going in the next couple of days but maybe Wednesday. I can wait to see what thiago is going to do when Santa tries to hold him. Suspense. I have the Christmas tree up and some Christmas decor around the house ready. Now I have to wait for the rain to stop so I can clean the yard ( tons of leaves :growlmad:!!) to put some decor outside. Thiago has been very good about not being rough with the Christmas tree :thumbup:.

He woke up. Talk to you ladies soon:).
I think the teeth thing is that it can also affect the developing teeth in the gums, I don't know when those bad boys start developing? I'm giving L a little longer then will work on it..

Anyway funny story from this am.. dh, L and I had all congregated on my bed. So I asked her 'does daddy have a baby in his tummy?' She lifts his pj top and says 'no', then I say 'does Lydia have a baby in her tummy?' She lifts her top, rubs her tummy and says 'no'. So obviously I go for the 'does mummy have a baby in her tummy?' She comes over, pulls back the duvet (cause I'm lying down), lifts my pj top (cookie monster no less) and instantly says in shock 'Its HUGE!'... We honestly couldn't stop laughing, I've never even heard her use the word huge before :) Funny little monkey.

As for worst hubby of the month, new baby was bouncing around and after a fair few strong kicks I asked dh tp come feel, his answer 'no, she stops every time I try'.. I was raging, I carry the baby 24/7 with all the bad points that go with that and he can't be arsed moving for 2 minutes... Grrr
Oh cross posting. Charlie I know what you mean about the first year, I didn't cope too well, I functioned, I cried every day but I didn't deal with my mums death. I too feel so sad that my mum doesn't know L, she would have loved her and had het whipped into shape.. I miss her advice, she was a great mum. I think that the best comfort you can take from missing your dad so much and being sad that S doesn't know him is that you were so very fortunate to have a great dad. Many people have rubbish parents and for both of us to have had patents we miss so desperately just goes to show what amazing people they were. I'm glad your mum coped with today too, such an emotional day my dear. Xxx
I think alot about my FIL who died back in 2010, who was a very sweet, gentle man and because of that, I do try to be a bit more patient with my very self-absorbed MIL! (Well, I try!) He would have loved his only grandson and sometimes, I have felt a presence around Finn (maybe looking into the Moses basket) when he was younger, so maybe all of our loved ones who have passed on are still around in some form?

Not a great night/not a bad one. I couldn't sleep (usual anxieties, etc) and then LO got fussy about 1.30am, so I offered some milk and we went to sleep with him on the bed and we woke up around 7am, so not too bad. It's not too bad when it's a weekend night because we can at least veg around the house, but weeknights are hard. (So, I didn't get OH to help out - gold stars for me!)....

Borboleta - if my OH could get away with numerous bottles of milk on his mornings, he would. (Yesterday, Finn had had three bottles by lunchtime, so of course, his tummy was full, but he was hungry!) This morning, I offered toast, rice crispies, sliced banana and raisins and some bacon bits (not Baco bits, but small pieces of bacon) and he nibbled a bit here and there, and I made some chicken macaroni with carrots and some herbs (no sauce) for after his nap. What does daddy feed him? Fish sticks/fish fingers every single weekend! If you can put fish sticks in the oven, you can put some cod with olive oil and herbs sprinkled on it, which is a wee bit healthier!

Sk at least your dh will feed your child, mine only feeds what I leave or rice krispies, weetabix or yoghurt... L doesn't get any milk during the day unless nursery give her some as I reckon 3-4 bottles from bedtime onwards is enough, and its full cream cows milk.. Actually I weighed L a couple of days ago, she's 2 stone 6 lb... She's so solid, but she isn't fat, actually I can see her loosing her baby shape :(

Today I had my brother, dad and brothers 3 kids for lunch, we had a little party with cake etc for my brother. I was a bit put out my sil didn't come, she stayed home to do chores as they are all going to her mums for dinner later... She is so clean obsessed! It cracks me up, she ditches so much so she can stay home and clean, I don't know what there is to clean! They don't have any pets and you have to take your shoes off to go into the house... Polar opposite to me, 4 cats a dog and I couldn't care less about the shoe rule... Anyway it was for my brother not my sil..

Lyds has only just gone for a nap and we had multiple wake ups last night, it wasn't a great night and I'm tired. My dad is still here, he's going to my other brothers for dinner and is hogging the tv to watch the rugby..

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

So, my son has decided that the sun shines out of my husband's bum, and I'm just furniture that doesn't even warrant sitting on.

All J wants is hugs from Daddy. "Daddy hug! Daddy hug!" I'm holding him and he wants Daddy's hug instead, even if he's upstairs. All the time, "Daddy hug!!!" I have been personae non grata for so long by now that it's breaking my heart. Before, I knew it had a lot to do with not feeling well and OH being the main caregiver for a few days, but then, as I said, I had pulled myself out of the funk, got back onto J's radar, and then OH pulls the stunt from two nights ago, which has exhausted me and my mood is down again. And now it's "Daddy hug" all over again. I just want to punch OH in the face.

It doesn't help that I'm furious. I've been trying to keep on top of a house that is rapidly deteriorating. Cleaning areas that are rarely cleaned. Doing bathrooms and the kitchen regularly. Vacuuming with the new vacuum I ordered just for my joint because OH simply wasn't using our other one. Shovelling the front with J. And then OH suggests that we shovel the back path and the deck. Sure, no problem, except when I get out there, I've discovered that OH's idea of shovelling the very expensive deck, which was one of the reasons we bought this house, is to just make a path and throw all of the immense amount of snow onto the other half of the deck. And we're talking LOTS of snow. Snow piles up to my chest. And I wanted to cry. I told him he couldn't DO this--the snow will all melt through the wood and warp it. I pointed out that the houses around us had all shovelled their entire deck, and that I was sick and tired of his half-assed jobs. He told me to "stop talking" (I was being bitchy) and he added that I should "do it yourself, then." Which I did. I only got through around a third of it before my anger got the best of me and I had to come inside, but I told OH I intended to work on it each day until it was done. I'm hoping he'll have a spark of conscience and do it himself.

Grumpy Stompy Little Man. Stomping all over my insides. :growlmad:

And I just want my son to adore me again. :cry:
Clio I conclude that most men do a half assed job of things, this is the reason women carry babies and give birth.. most men couldn't cope... Id be mad about the snow on the deck too!

As for J and the daddy thing, don't they all go through that? I'm sure its a toddler thing and not entirely because of you being unwell. I got asked numerous times were daddy was today (at work), she had to go and check under his duvet (incase I was lying) and had an entire one sided pretend conversation with daddy on the phone! In our case I think its cause daddy plays with her more cause he does shag all.else! Mummy does the chores, cooking etc..

More tomorrow, I am officially shattered x
Oh Clio I hope he does get a spark of conscience and do the rest. This cannot be good for your joint! :( And my OH is the same. I asked him to take the rubbish bag out the other day and he did. But he left the two bags of recycling where they were. I suppose I should have specified "the rubbish and the recycling". Maybe he thought I would like to keep the bags for decoration :growlmad:
And Dominic is the same as J really. "Daddy" is usually the first word he says to me when I come into their room in the morning. That or "cat" but daddy is always one of the first. And when I change his bottom and he has his usual meltdown he cries pityfully for daddy, maybe to come and rescue him! And when it is my morning to have lie in and OH had woken with the boys, they both get upset if he leaves the room but not when I do etc. So I think it really is normal that J is concentrating on your DH but I am sure he will come round soon. :hugs:
I get the 'daddy, daddy' all the time, too - so I just say that 'daddy's at work', etc, but at least OH gets 'mommmeee' too - maybe J is saying 'mama', too but when it's just your OH is there alone?

(clio - can you get a snow blower? That might help?).

LO slept well last night, but sadly, another biting at creche and he looks so sweet! He is my little vampire baby (a joke I made when he was awake at nights when he was first born, but now, it is, sadly, TRUE!)


Not time for a proper reply, just wanted to send Clio lots of hugs and yes, get a snow blower! You need one up there with all that snow (and a half-ass oh)! I have also been frustrated soooo many times with my oh doing things half-ass.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Clio
Again, you are all lovely. He DID get that spark of conscience and cleared the snow in 15 minutes flat while I was inside fuming.

Oh, SK and Kitty, I do so wish I had a snow blower! But people would laugh if I brought it out in Edmonton. There is simply so much snow that it would blow the first layer off in a fine mist and the rest would look mockingly at me, as would the neighbours. Plus, they're expensive... I was actually quite surprised at how well my hip is holding up. I've even thrown all the pain killers--except for the long acting ones--and the pot away (both of which OH watched me do with great trepidation) because I was tired of feeling all fuzzy all the time. And one of the reasons I threw the pot away is because I began to have huge anxiety attacks, which I never had before. I've always been very "chill."

The anxiety is being caused by a whole bunch of stuff which had been brewing under the surface, but didn't surface properly until yesterday. I was still in the throughs (sp?) of J preferring OH, which I blamed on my illness and my inability to play with him (stupid kids' chairs...murder on my joint), and frankly, while I like buying train stuff, I hate playing with them. Thank you for making me feel better about him favouring OH instead of me. My great fear is that it will never end.

And I'm so lonely here. I once told my mother that I envied not being in Oakville for our "Fridays with the Women," whereby my mum's best friend (the dentist), our housekeeper of over 20 years and now a good family friend, and I used to hang out in my mother's gorgeous solarium and drink tea and eat cakes and just feel, well, in good spirits, no matter what. My sister always eschewed these Fridays, until she had little G, and now she goes too, with the baby. And now, through some absurd logic, my mum leaves messages telling me that everyone just left, and what a lovely time they all had, and how they wished J and I were there, too. I cried over the last message. I keep thinking that dealing with J alone wouldn't be so bad if I weren't alone, and could just pop round my mum's.

Instead, I'm snowed in, I don't know where to go, and Eric's family isn't my family. Even my SILs have family in Edmonton, so they're not alone in this huge family that puts so much emphasis on their Dutch heritage and their Dutch names and want to claim J as Dutch (it's a common Edmonton thing. The city was founded only in 1905, and families came over in droves after the war and created large, close communities to hold onto their sense of identity). As a result, though, I'm missing Sunday Dinner after Sunday Dinner, and while they love me, they don't understand, and they also don't understand why it's been going on for so long.

And there are a whole host of other problems that I need to talk to someone about, but the system is taking so long. I have an appointment with a consultant in January (made months ago), who will then decide if I need someone who will talk to me and charge it through Alberta Health. Then I have to wait approximately another 10 months to get into see the actual psychiatric specialist to whom I've been assigned. In Ontario, we just had to make a few calls, pull a few strings (I know, unfair, but we were always desperate), and I was in before six weeks had passed. My family has been trying to do the same thing here, but no one knows anyone in this province. We have no strings to pull, sadly. And it's not like I can go home for a while, because as nice as Friday afternoons are, the visit always devolves...

I just want to feel so much less lonely. And isolated. We don't even have a car right now; OH, for some strange reason, assumed that every time he took the car in for something (which was really not often--it's a good car), that they were checking the oil. Well, they weren't, and the engine recently started to stall all the time. Turns out, it was full of the sludge that, four years ago, used to be oil. Our mechanic spent 2 days clearing out the oil, declared it ready to go, collected our hundreds of dollars, and the car stalled at the next red light. OH looked it up online, and discovered that if this problem can't be fixed by flushing out the oil, we'll need a new engine, which costs $5,000! We're praying that if it comes to that, our insurance will cover it. If they don't, I guess my retirement fund cheque will go straight to a new engine. We do have a second car--my tiny one from before I met OH--but he's always got it, and I'm petrified to drive it in this horrible snow and ice anyway.

Moral of story: don't have a child and move to Edmonton. Or really, just stay clear of Edmonton even if you don't have a child.
I really want a kitten. Is that a bad idea?

....Okay, yes. Bad idea. I just miss my own cat so much.
Clio - I completely understand and I think borboleta, kosh and angel do as well as we are all transplanted from our own countries (I think that's right?). My own MIL isn't much help, nor has she been at all since LO was born; my own SIL/BIL have never bothered with us much and he has never met his own cousins. LO has met family at weddings, to which I insist we go to, so at least OH's family see LO once a year or so. This is also why I am/was admamant that we go to the States for Christmas this year (and will every other year) as there are loads of people (my mum/stepdad, my brother, and my extended stepdad's family) who cannot wait to see Finn. I don't blame my OH too much. You, clio, are aware of how your illness can affect J, but my MIL doesn't or won't see and in that regard, I understand why my OH has distanced himself from his family (everybody always asks about his mother and it gets very frustrating).

sorry this isn't very long, I found out that a friend of mine's mum died yesterday and while she was quite poorly, I am a bit upset. My friend was my 'maid' of honour and her elder sister came also to my wedding in Rome; they were almost like a second family when I was in high school...

hugs and bye!

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