any other over 35 first time mums?

Thank you all so much for your compliments, you are very kind. It is indeed the Christmas Market in Basel in Switzerland :) But seriously, and I am not saying this to fish for compliments but this is not one of my best efforts. I am not happy with it. My mum always says "but you are never happy with your work" and while that is true, there are degrees of unhappy lol. For those of you who have me on FB, if you go to my photos and then select albums, there is one called Some of my cards. I have a few examples in there with which I was not quite unhappy lol.
I am now trying to work on my next card which has to be of a flower and I think I will go with a Lotus flower. I may regret that as the petals have small veins and I am not the type to skip that detail lol.

Indigo aww how cute is KissMuch!! Glad you are feeling festive, I am not at all yet :(

Storm how are you today? Did Miss L let you sleep last night? Hope she is ok too and no more throwing up?
Such great news about your friend! I hope they will have a great Christmas :D

SK your OH needs a good kicking too! Next he will say it is your fault cause you wanted a baby. My perennial favourite of his :growlmad:!
How is Finn today? Hope no sign of any lingering pain?

Charlie how are you feeling today? Better I hope?

Clio your little kitty is gorgeous! I hope she will bond firmly with you and be the little purry fur-cushion you want. Good for you for adopting her from the HS, we always take in rescue animals too. Alfie came from a re-homing centre and so did our beloved Mina.

Kosh I hope you and G are ok?

Claire how are things there? Is L ok? And are you getting more sleep now that your mum is so much better? I hope she is doing well still?

All ok here. Was my night to sleep so I missed that Dominic woke at 4:30 and yammered for 45 mins before dropping off again. OH didn't go into him cause he was not distressed just annoyed apparently and from experience we know that going into him will prolong the process as he then wants to play and starts howling when we leave. Sigh. But anyway, OH didn't sleep again after that so is having a nap now. We are supposed to go to gymboree today but my boys also seemed melt-down prone and super tired so I think I won't wake them and hope they sleep till almost 3.
But I wanted to tell you one or two cute things that Dominic has been doing, so doting mummy moments ahead!
For a few weeks now both boys have had little soft toy animals in their cots with them and they love them. Dominic has a cat and Sebastian a bunny (called buddy by Dominic). Yesterday morning I was woken by Dominic's voice over the monitor and when I looked he was lying on his back holding his cat in his hands and lifting it up and down over him, while saying Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down lol. He usually does this with me in the sitting room and he would raise himself on his tip toes and lower himself while we both call out Up, Down. :D
Another thing he did involves Sebastian. He always adored him and always wanted to pat (read: hit) him and sit on him and hug him. Unfortunately he usually does this so roughly that Sebastian flees as soon as Dominic approaches him with his affectionate "Ayyy!". But lately in the evening when we have cuddles on the nursery bed before sleepy time, he has taken to shuffling over to him and gently putting his forehead to Sebastian's and smiling at him and saying his affectionate Ayyy! Sebastian likes it and smiles back at him and stretches his arm out to him as if to call him back over when he moves away. :cloud9:
Dominic now also calls me over by repeating "Mummmy" over and over. He has called me Mummy before but only recently does he use it as often as Daddy. And he definitely puts three m's in the middle of Mummmy! How can I not drop all I am doing and run to my child when he is calling me soo sweetly! :cloud9:
As for Sebastian, he is sweet as always but back to only eating toast, peas and sweetcorn, yoghurt and fruit. I suppose yoghurt is good for a little bit of protein but really not enough. He now refuses to be fed any prepared meals again, so things are bit difficult there. Sigh. We have a home visit from a HV planned for next Wednesday morning though to advise re food and dummies, so we shall see. Told her already on the phone that I am not ditching the dummies cold turkey as I find it cruel. But if she has advice that I like I will definitely listen. It isn't as if they will take my boys away from me if I don't, right?
Ok got to go Master Dominic is standing in his cot and chucking dummies. Hm to go or not to go to gymboree now? It is only 2:10 and there would be enough time to get there. But do I wake my grumpy OH? Hmm...
Hugs and love to all!
Angel hearing S & D sweet...
Are you from Basel? Does this look familiar?

How is F today?

It's cold & rainy here & we have Christmas music & the fireplace going & are cooking & baking for tomorrow (US Thanksgiving Day). We will try to decorate for Christmas this weekend.

I hope everyone is well. :hug:


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Angel - I too love your S & D stories! That one about them being lovey with each other is so so sweet, must warm your heart!

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it tomorrow! SK do you guys do anything for the holiday, just curious?

I have so much to be thankful for this year, I feel like I hit the jackpot with blessings this past year with Blakey and his health! :cloud9:

Also wanted to tell you all I'm so thankful for YOU! This is such a wonderful, kind, caring, and fun group to be a part of, and you all welcomed me with open arms. I feel so thankful to have found you as my friends. <3 <3 <3 I love you girls! Thank you for your friendship! :hugs:
We have celebrated Thanksgiving for awhile, but on a very minor scale. Today, I made corn bread and made 2 pumpkin pies (didn't make the pastry, but shop bought) and have sweet potatoes and corn and a turkey crown for tomorrow. I will sleep in and let OH take LO to creche (yah!) and veg a bit until I go get him at 2pm. Then, will try to find Macy's parade on youtube/internet to show LO, but mainly relax. This year, we will be in the US for Christmas and go visit all our families, etc., so it will either be very exciting for LO or absolutely mental...

F was fine today, but another biting at creche....will post tomorrow as will have a chance to use
the computer to my heart's content....

Hi everyone,

Kitty: you are so sweet:). I feel the same way towards all the ladies here :kiss:. Isn't it funny even though we have never met each other ( well, angel, Charlie and Claire did :thumbup:) we still can grow a strong friendship? If we don't hear from each other for a while we worry about them or if something happens to any of our LO's we get concerned too. Hopefully one day we can get to meet us all in person :happydance:. Happy thanksgiving to you too:).

Indigo and Sabrina: happy thanksgiving!!

Indigo: I loved the kissmuch :haha:!!! How cute if that!!! You need to write that on his baby book ( which I am so behind!!!!). Do you ladies have a baby book for your LOs?

Sabrina: I am so glad to hear that Finn is okay. And you know what a lady told me the other day about baby bitting? She said that her son did that to her and she bit him back and he stopped biting :wacko:. She said you don't need to bite him hard just to a point that he might feel a little pain :dohh:!! Now I couldn't do that to thiago but has he ever gotten bitten in crèche before? Again, I am just passing information along :haha:.

Angel: Dom and seb exchanging snuggles .... How sweet is that :kiss:!!! That must be the best thing about having twins ... How they interact with each other:). And that is so wonderful that Dom now says mommy :kiss::). Maybe you can make another video of them and post it. I love seeing they together:).
I will check your fb and look at your beautiful cards:). You know that artists are like that never happy with their work :dohh:. My OH still works on his book that he already published :dohh:!!! I told him stop doing this!! Move on and go write something else :haha:!!! Most humans cannot be that creative and write or paint or sing or dance .... You guys have extraordinary talents!!!

Clio: talking about talents, when are you going to write a book yourself? Again, I will most definetely buy it and read it. And I am not a book reader :haha:!!

Charlie: hope you first day was not so hard on you and you are feeling better from your sickness :hugs:.

Today, I got to make sweet potato casserole. It smells so good in the house!!! I got a recipe from a foodnetwork from one southern lady chef. So it must be good. I still have to put on top of it some marshmallows, cashews and coconut and bake it a little more but the rest is done. And still have to make the mashed potatoes, but will get into it later on.
We are spending thanksgiving at my MIL and this year the guys decided to cook a fry turkey :thumbup:. They say it should taste good ( anything fried taste good). So I will let you know after tomorrow if it was :thumbup: or thumbs down. I am already salivating just imagining all the food that we are going to eat. Hopefully little t will be adventurous and try some of the food that will be served tomorrow. :dohh:.

Morning ladies &#8211; Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends across the water &#8211; I hope you all have a lovely day!

Kitty I love this little group &#8211; I can say what I want and exactly how I feel without the fear of judgement etc.. we don&#8217;t all agree on everything but we do respect each others choices as everyone knows you do what you think is best for your child! I&#8217;ve found it most helpful through the tough times &#61514;

We have officially hit the terrible twos, this mornings full on screaming tantrums were because a) we didn&#8217;t want to have our teeth brushed and b) bad mummy wouldn&#8217;t let her play with play doh at 7.30am when I was trying to get her out the door to nursery. Oh play doh how I hate you&#8230; santa brought it to her in nursery yesterday, its cheap non branded stuff and there are 2 tiny pots of the dough, one is orange which is fine but the other is navy and it&#8217;s a disaster! Its such a dark blue and appears to be making a wild mess. The little lady doesn&#8217;t know mummy has a whole bucket of play doh and accessories upstairs that she hasn&#8217;t let her loose on yet&#8230;

Oh my friend in works sister didn&#8217;t get her section yesterday &#8211; they didn&#8217;t have the space in the neonatal unit for the babies &#8211; but she is in right now getting a section with the twins. I hope all goes well, it was utterly tragic when she lost her little girl last year and these little babies are being delivered early, I desperately hope they and their mummy are ok. I don&#8217;t know their mummy but I&#8217;ve sat beside her brother in work for over 8 years!

Borboleta I want fry turkey! Is the whole turkey deep fried? I remember watching a program once where they did that and I remember thinking WOW a deep fried turkey how mad is that! Hopefully T will have a little pick through some of the food.

Angel the eating thing is so stressful &#8211; I&#8217;m very lucky that L does eat a lot of different things &#8211; but she still point blank refuses to eat sometimes. Last night she had stew for dinner, potatos, lean mince beef, carrots and onions &#8211; but the chances are the next time I offer her it she won&#8217;t eat it! Its very hit and miss. I hope your HV can help point you in the right direction &#8211; but don&#8217;t forget its only advice and its up to you as the mummy to decide whether to take it or not, some of them are lovely but others are just following the national guidelines and lets be honest those are going to change over the incoming years again.

Actually I have a question for those of you still BFing, do you BF during the night? I&#8217;m assuming if you do that you don&#8217;t brush your LOs teeth afterwards? I know BF is nothing like bottle feeding and the bottle feeding is horrendous for Ls teeth but I&#8217;m just curious..

I need to phone today for my whooping cough vaccine, not looking forward to that one, its meant to be sore on the old arm &#8211; but I think its best for baby if I do get it.

Oh and its my b&#8217;day tomorrow &#8211; 38! How did that happen? I don&#8217;t feel 38 most of the time, except when L has me up lots at night &#8211; 3 times last night &#8211; 5am she was crying MY MUMMY MY MUMMY MY MUMMY so it was straight into bed with me. I can&#8217;t say no to the little sobbing lady in the middle of the night, sometimes she just wants a mummy cuddle.

Charlie did you go to work? If so how was it?

Clio &#8211; how is Cleo? I mentioned to my dad last night that I could really do with him donating some cat food to the Poppy cat endless pit of a stomach fund, I hope he took the hint! She is point blank refusing to eat dried food these days so the number of tins we are going through is ever increasing! You should see my recycling I swear the men that collect the rubbish think I&#8217;m running an animal sanctuary!

I had a verbal conversation about the nursery bitings -they wouldn&#8217;t answer my email! I basically said that if L started biting in retaliation I wanted a free pass as it would be a direct result of being bitten in nursery (she hasn&#8217;t bitten at home for a year on Christmas day &#8211; when she bit her cousin LOL). Mid conversation L pretended to bite her arm pointed at Molly and said &#8216;Molly bite me!&#8217; I couldn&#8217;t stop laughing as the staff aren&#8217;t allowed to say who bit her. But anyway no more bitings so that&#8217;s good *phew* On the downside we had utter hysterics when I left her in yesterday &#8211; she was crying and clinging to me and shouting MUMMMMMYYYY I felt so bad, but she needs to go to nursery cause I need to go to work and I&#8217;m not sure what the sudden issue is. In 3 weeks she will be dropping to 2 days a week so we shall see how that goes, I can always take her out if she isn&#8217;t happy but she will need childcare when I come back to work *sigh* That and I&#8217;m still not sure how I am going to cope with Ls night time hilarities and a new born up a lot &#8211; what was I thinking?????

Anyway hope you all have a lovely day!

Ps Angel my DH thought your painting was really beautiful x
oooh, storm (and borboleta) - I couldn't bite him back, but I do wish that he might get a little nip at creche, so that maybe he would get the idea that biting hurts and last night, he bit me HARD on my shoulder I was putting him in his chair, but he did warn me - I think it is a last ditch effort to get his own way as he was screaming 'no' when I was putting him in the chair. In creche, they have a little table and chairs for the toddlers, and we have similar in the living room, but in the kitchen, he must be in the highchair, because creche doen't have two cats, litter trays, a hot oven and loads of other stuff to 'harm' LO!

Sort of a sleep-in, I did get up and assist this am as LO needed fingernails trimming and I can only do without my contacts in, but my, he does hate it! and then went back to bed. Up now (10am) , in order to....hoover the stairs, clean the kitchen and living room and do laundry.....if it was my OH, he would still be in bed and then claim that he had no time! LO was very good sleeping last night (or else I was very tired), we had cuddles at 6.30am and he looked so cute and sweet (but a vampire baby lurks beneath!)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Like Kitty, I am grateful to my over-35s as it means when OH acts up or says nasty stuff, I can counter with examples of your OHs (notice I mentioned OH, not LO!) as I am NOT crazy and he IS LAZY!


Borboleta - I made a sweet potato pie one year and it was so sweet with all the marshmellows on it - we're doing straight sweet potatoes mashed today (we? ME!)
Lol SK I wouldn't bite L either and don't suggest you do :) L hits in frustration and tantrums but thankfully not the biting, I think its cause the biting does so much damage and can obviously (but seldom) cause infection its such a big issue. I'm really struggling with her tantrums at the minute - she screams and cries so much over the tiniest of things that she almost makes herself sick! Shes a right little madam.

What on earth is this sweet potato pie thing - it just sounds ODD! :)

I've got the most awful heartburn and trapped wind at the moment (in my back) which I only get when pregnant - oh boy does it hurt - must move and try and get some relief!
Oh the baby book! I have one & haven't written a thing! :blush: The damned thing haunts me daily.... must have been so difficult to leave L at nursery. :hugs: I do admire how you don't dwell & just carry on w things.... & tell M to stop biting our L! :growlmad:....:haha: Happy 38th kiddo! :cake: I'm just curious....why are you keeping your father's cat?

I just made German apple cake & N & DH 'helped. It was so much fun! We're going to the ILs for T Day. My sister will be joining us.

Ok....get my DH wants #2! :dohh::dohh::dohh:

Kitty...such sweet words...& I totally agree...the nonjudgmental thing is soooo difficult to come by these days & I'm so grateful to be among you ladies again & thank you for welcoming me back so openly...

Off to bathe N! :hi:
hi ladies, sorry impossible to keep track of what's going on here :nope:
so just stopped by to send :hugs: and :dust: (sleepy and TTC) to all
Hi everyone!

Angel--I nearly died from adorableness while reading your stories about Dominic. It must be such a delight to watch! Do you hold your breath like I do, hoping that they don't notice you and stop what they are doing? I'm sorry about Sebastian and his not eating again. I know that when that happens with J (lately he's taken to refusing entire meals), my anxiety rises to such a degree that I have to leave the room, just in case I'm also adding to the problem. (Not that I'm saying you should leave the room--it's just what I need to do.)

Oh, and I agree with Borboleta--a video please!!!

Did you do the same as you do every year with your mum--one present for each day of Advent? I still can't get over what a wonderful and loving tradition that is.

Indigo--"KissMuch"! Slay me now! I think I'll teach J that word instead of "Christmas" because it is soooooo much sweeter! Are you hosting T-day dinner, or is someone else doing it? I hope it is a wonderful weekend for you!

SK--okay, now this may seem like a really out there idea, but have tried asking your OH why it's your fault? That's what I'm itching to know. And the head banging! I know! What I find so alarming is when J turns a corner and I see that he has a black eye! He's always fine, but you've got to wonder how he got it. Re: biting--don't you wish he could tell you why he does it? But even then, rationalizing with a toddler... :nope:

Kitty--that is the kindest thing to say, and right back atcha, my love! I agree that we are extremely lucky to have all found each other. I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. And absolutely, I give thanks for this thread. In particular, thank you kosh and Borboleta. It was Borboleta who got the thread she originally created moved to this part of the forum, where we then found kosh's.

Storm--I completely agree with you that this thread is such a safe place to "talk" without judgement. And I agree with you regarding the PlayDoh as well! I'm constantly finding large crusty pieces all over the house and then need to throw them out. We've also had to order gluten-free "Giggle Dough," which was $50 for only 6 cans! I'm just now envisioning finding large unusable bits of it hidden around the house and doing mental calculations about how much money that just cost us! :dohh: Does water restore it, by any chance? Leeze--you mentioned Magic Sand, but my MIL said she has made it and it's not particularly good. Bah.

Re: the terrible twos--I've decided to believe that they don't exist. Living in blissful denial until it happens (which, of course, it won't, because I don't believe in them) is helping to keep the anxiety down.

Do you think Little Miss L is reacting to the fact that another baby will soon be in the house?

Borboleta--I just got these for J, and he can't be without them:
They are very simply written (ex. "Pato is a duck."), but I could imagine J learning to read from them. We have to read each one four times before bed now. Luckily, they have no more than one sentence per page, so it doesn't take long. My mum also managed to order Pocoyo, Ellie and Pato off of ebay, which is pretty good for a 73 year old woman! Well, except she got banned by ebay in the end because she clicked "Buy It Now" for Ellie, but they would only let her pay by PayPal, and she didn't have an account. So, she just left it, not knowing the consequences... I had to buy it for her in the end. Mum didn't order Lula, though, because she doesn't know she's important, so I might have to buy Lula myself.

That is the nicest thing to say about writing a book! I was actually supposed to for my PhD, but I left the program before I even began the research. People have also suggested that I start a blog, but I wouldn't know what to write about other than J, my OH, and now my two cats. And everyone and their dog has a Mommy Blog! But again, you are so kind; I love to write and it's a real outlet for me. But I only write on forums. This is one of the reasons I was so sad that my other board (pregnancy .org) was abandoned--it used to be my writing outlet. But now I have all of you wonderful women as a completely captive audience. Muahahahahaha!!!

I've heard so much about fried turkeys and how good they taste, because, as you said, everything fried tastes good! I hear it fries very quickly, too, so you don't have to wait for hours for it to cook. Definitely tell us how it is! I always wonder why it's guys who decide to do it, though. Your description of your sweet potatoes is making me hungry, too! But I've got to say, I've never understood why people put marshmallows on top.

Charlie--you poor thing! Did your illness clear up for your first day at work? And how was that first day? Now, how is it going to work again? You will work in the mornings and your OH will take care of Sophia? But regardless, she isn't going into day care?

AFU--So the kitten is working out exactly as planned. She actually comes when I call her name, which none of my previous cats have done (I've had six before her), and she snuggles up on my chest when I'm on the couch or in bed, and she sleeps with me at night. When we take naps, she sleeps under my chin. I'm in cat heaven. She and Morgan have met, and Morgan is dealing really well with it. Lots of hissing, but none this morning, so that's good. Cleo is also like Morgan: she won't use her claws on anyone, especially J.

My GP is still dragging her feet on sending my referral to my new p-doc.:growlmad: I've waited two days now for her to do it, and nada. OH will call today; my GP always nervously steps up when he asks to talk to her. It's a man thing, I guess, but this feminist will happily use chauvinism to her advantage if need be.

Okay, J is off at the day house, so I'm going to try and take a nap. With my kitty. XOXO!
Clio, so glad the new kitty is working out well, she sounds like just what you need!

Indigo, I do dwell on things, I actually came out of daycare almost in tears because I never wanted my child to go to daycare :( then I reminded myself I finish work in 3 weeks and if we want she doesnt HAVE to go to nursery for 9 months... We shall see.

Ok reasons I have my dads cat, technically she was mine, but really she was my mums, when I moved out of home 11 years ago my mum refused to let me take her. She's lived here all her life, forgive me but I can't remember what age she is, about 15? She doesn't have a strong attachment to my dad, tbh I think she likes the house and the dog and the rest of the family calling in now my mum is gone. My dad is always out and tbh I think he can't be bothered. So I've kept her, with my 3 and its going ok... Apart from the food in and out like a horse, but she can't help that. At least I give her TLC and brush her! It will be ok :)

Ok L is bouncing on my head... Later
Thank you, you are all so kind re my boys :)! I couldn't film them at the cuddling cause it is usually almost dark in their room and both boys dislike my phone and tend to turn away. :(

Clio I am so glad Cleo is turning out to be such a cuddly little thing! Just what you needed :D
And yeah do let your man talk to your GP. If it works then it is no worse than pulling strings. ;) It isn't as if you, the little woman, are usually letting your big strong man take care of things. Imagine where your household would be if you did!! lol

Kitty I also am so grateful for this group! I don't have many friends in RL whom I talk to regularly any more but this group is wonderfully close to having a real circle of girl friends and I am so grateful to have you all :hugs:

Storm Happy birthday! Your programme for this day doesn't sound like fun but I am hoping the rest of the day will be good and that your DH earns the D by spoiling you rotten when you come home, and that Miss L lets you sleep tonight. :hugs:

Got to run again but haven't forgotten any of you other ladies, just never seem to have the time these days.
Just quickly, went to their hairdresser yesterday for Sebastian and they cut his hair much too short again. :( He still looks cute but a bit like a plucked baby bird and I preferred how he looked before. Mind you, it was too long in the back and the sides covered his ears but the front, though too long and in his eyes was so much cuter before :cry: The only consolation is that his hair will be that long again in about 2-3 months.

Before, on the way to the "barber":


Today at lunch
Thanksgiving was okay - I spent two days cooking and we had: turkey crown, corn, cornbread, two pumpkin pies, green beans and sweet potatoes. OH's response: 'where's the potatoes?' GROWL! At least LO appreciates my efforts (although the cranberry sauce did end up on the floor and he keeps putting my meat into his water 'glass', taking it out and eating it then) - everybody's a critic!

got the tooth pulled today, so hopefully, in a day or two, I'll be much better.

they're moving LO to toddler room next week (no bitings today or yesterday) but it seems that the toddlers and wobblers have breakfast together and then, toddlers go off to another room and LO tries to follow them and cries, trying to open the door to get to the toddlers and when he is with them, seems happier with all the new toys. I'm not sure, but he is doing numbers and letters, but his verbal skills don't seem to be as good as Thiago or Jonah (or the future wife - hehehe!) and I don't want him in a situation where he is frustrated by his verbal ability, but he does seem good at games, etc....

I'm not sure whether any of the north american mums know of Shaun the Sheep, but I love it and just introduced to LO, and he loves it! I have a little Shaun doll and LO stands shaking the little sheep along with the music and it so cute. Speaking of cute, LO also discovered the camera's video feature and we have 3 minute long video of little feet running around the living talking to himself (he can't hold it the right way) and it is very cute.

hugs to all!
Angel--I think Sebastian looks gorgeous with both before and after. But I know what you mean; I have to take J to the hairdresser's before his birthday because I have truly done a hatchet job on it on my own, but if his hair is anything like OH's (which it is), he's going to look awful for a week or so, until his hair gets long enough to become wavy again. So you might like it again pretty soon! Did he get the back buzzed with an electric razor? My SIL offered to do that, and I nearly yelled "Hell NO!" She does it to her own kids, and it looks awful. Which reminds me, I also wanted to add that the cut shows of the shape of S's head, which is wonderful. You know, silver lining and all that.

We're not certain if we have all of our ducks in a row yet with the new p-doc, but OH's conversation with the nurse at my GP's was ridiculous (OH had her on speaker). First, she said that she had sent the referral off a week ago. WTH? I had only talked to her two days earlier. Then she said that I hadn't given her the fax number, which I also knew she was lying about; the day before, during the second call, she was pissy with me because the number I had given her was...a fax number. I did talk to the new p-doc, though, and I couldn't help but blurt out in the end: "You sound so kind!" I haven't been exposed to such kindness from a doctor in seven years.

Storm--:cake: Happy Birthday!!! Man, I wish I could still say that I just turned 38...:kiss: Do you have anything planned?

Indigo--Sounds like you had a wonderful time baking! I LOVE it when J helps. He makes things SO much easier, and things go SOOOO much faster. :rolleyes: And et tu Brutus? (And yes SK, I know that was redundant.) Soon it'll just be me and Angel left here! Why does your OH now suddenly want a second one? Was the apple cake experience that good?

FB question--how can one block people's feeds? I only want to see all of yours, and a few other close friends, but otherwise, I want the vast majority of them gone! Any idea how to do this?

The kitten is doing wonderfully. She adores me, and doesn't care for anyone else. Especially J, who keeps trying to "hug" her by picking her up with his hands around her neck. He just tried to head butt her, too, as he considered this "hugging." So, everything is going as planned. The males in the house can have Morgan, and I have my Cleo.

Oops--found this post from hours ago. I have no idea how up to date it is. Oh, well, I'd better post it before I lose it.
Hi everyone,

Storm: happy birthday again:). What are you doing today?

Angel: I loved seb's new hair cut:). He looks adorable!!! Thiago got his hair cut today and no crying this time :happydance:!! We had leap frog and chips and he sat with mommy so I think that might be the right formula :thumbup:. Did seb cried?

Indigo: :haha: if you do it I will THINK about it :haha:!!! I was looking at some older videos of thiag just learning how to crawl and I missed him being a little baby :dohh:!! Not good, not good!!! :haha:
So cute that Niko helped with dinner. Maybe I can try to make thiago do the same.

Sabrina: I know Shaun the sheep. Can we see a little of the video of Finn? And thiago's verbal skill is not so great believe me :haha:. We are probably the only ones that can understand him most of the time :winkwink:.
I hope your teeth will stop hurting now that is gone :thumbup:.
And "where are the potatoes?" ... Really? :growlmad:

Clio: I loved your idea of the pocoyo books!!! I will definetely add to thiago's Christmas list.
So happy that your kitten is a part of the family too:). And let me check on the Facebook. I deleted a bunch of people that I am not really friends with a while ago so I will try to remember how I did it:thumbup:.

:hugs: to kosh, kitty and Charlie

Our thanksgiving was great. We ate a bunch and the fried turkey was delicious!!! I would totally recommend!! Thiago pretty much ate sweet potatoes ( first picking on the marshmallows :haha:) and some corn. That is about it :dohh:. But better than nothing.
The past two days he has been waking around 2am! So I am so tired!! The day before he was up and no one went to help him cause he wasn't crying but yesterday he woke up crying a little and OH went right to his room even though I told him not to cause he would have to stay there for 2 hours :growlmad:! Well, after 1 hour he came back and left thiago screaming in his crib and after 30 min I couldn't take it anymore so went there and he went to sleep after about 15 min of rocking. So I was up from 2:15am till about 5am ( couldn't fall back asleep) and thiago woke up again at 6:45am :dohh:!! I think it is because of the heater that makes his room really warm. So today I am going to try to put him is less warm pajamas and keep the tempeture lower in the house. Hope that will help.
And we are going to Santa's wonderland today for his Christmas pictures. Hope it will be a fun experience to all:). I will show you pictures later :thumbup:.

Bye everyone:).
Clio: you go on your friend's post and click on their name. It will bring you to your friends page. Right on the picture area ( the bigger one) that is three options - friend, message, gift. Tap on friend and it will give you an option to unfriend or edit friends list. Than you can take people off your Facebook account. They might be able to see your posts but you will not be able to see theirs I think :thumbup:.
Sorry ladies, selfish post here, wanted to post properly but just found out that a good friend and old colleague of mine had a cardiac arrest today and is in critical care, she's the one with the puppy that I think I have mentioned. She is 46! I am just in a state of shock, I want to go and see her, but work tomorrow so will go on Sunday. She's such an amazing woman, very gritty with a wonderful sense of humour! It's put my crap week into perspective for sure!

Sorry for selfish post, but was just getting down to catching up with all from the last few days when I got the phone call.

Hope you ladies are all well x

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