any other over 35 first time mums?

We need to bring it back the photo thread that I made a while ago. It is in the same lounge area. Maybe we can just let us all know when we put a picture there so we can go check it out:).

Clio: I totally agree that the bride should pay for the tux but I don't want to be nasty so I just go with the flow I guess :growlmad:. And the wedding is in 2 months :haha:. Thiago will be carried down the aisle by his 12 year old cousin. It will be sooo cute!! I will take pictures and post them here:).
And the dancing I will love to see if thiago will be like Jonah:). We both love music so I hope he will be bouncing too with the beats!.
Did I tell you that my dad's name is Jonas?

Angelk: can you find another doctor? I would be really mad too if they would just get time for me on the 21st! At least he ate a little more. So that is good.
Cannot say that my babies dance or sway to the rhythm at all as yet but they do listen when I sing. But maybe listen is not the right word, they might just be frozen in disbelieving horror lol.

Am very excited for the weaning when I read this sort of thing :) I hate cooking but I will manage that hopefully lol

This thread sometimes moves so fast that I forget what I wanted to say and answer to. And now my babies are crying and I will forget the rest again lol
The deleted posts were pictures. :)

Oh Kosh, anyone with so little sleep for that long would have jumped out the window by now. I hope you find someone to talk to, though.... :hugs:

:hi: Conina! Conor is adorable!

Borboleta...I hope we get to see pics of Thiago in his tux! :awww:

Clio...Well done with the 'cooking'. :thumbup: & yes, Jonah looks just like you!
angel - it was better, thanks, and yours? we had 2x 2 1/2 stretches :happydance: and then hourly wakes! :dohh: but at least we didn't have the par-tay in the middle of the night!
still, I am not feeling well since the other day, feel v down and upset. I feel I need to talk to someone, for the UK ladies, where would you ask for support? my HV is useless.

clio - Jonah is gorgeous! I know what you mean about them looking like a real boy, I have those moments too. how's he feeling now? i didn;t know you could use Vics on a baby! well, maybe next time...

Indigo - another STTN?? also, I'm really curious about your deleted posts now! :winkwink:

stranjegirl - my boobs are soooo not the same size, this morning I was A and F :dohh:

how's everybody else :flower:
Hi Kosh. Sorry to hear you're feeling down. Not sure if anyone else lap answered this yet as I haven't caught up with the rest of the thread yet. You could chat to your GP and they should be able to refer you to counselling if you want it. Have you checked out your local children's centres for groups or drop-in activities etc? I've made a few new mummy friends and they are a massive support already. Xx
Clio: I totally agree that the bride should pay for the tux but I don't want to be nasty so I just go with the flow I guess :growlmad:.
Did I tell you that my dad's name is Jonas?
Maybe ebay for the tux?

I think you might have, and it got lost in the shuffle. I don't think it's anywhere near the top 100 in the States or Canada, but apparently its really popular for German babies. My parents are German, so I guess I was channeling my heritage...

Cannot say that my babies dance or sway to the rhythm at all as yet but they do listen when I sing. But maybe listen is not the right word, they might just be frozen in disbelieving horror lol.

Am very excited for the weaning when I read this sort of thing :) I hate cooking but I will manage that hopefully lol


RE: dancing/listening/your singing--LOL!!!

RE: the "biscuits"-well, he didn't like them. But they had apple juice in them and he seems to hate apple juice. I've chosen to believe that this is the reason why.
Hi ladies,

Clio, jonah is so clever having so much rhythm this early and being able to dance standing, he defo does more than Georgie does and a much earlier starter! She dances to music now when sitting, it's a bit like a belly roll and is beyond cute!!

Kosh, so sorry you are feeling down, I remember really struggling with sleepless nights and I used to feel low and cry a LOT! I spoke to my hv at the time and she asked whether I thought I would feel better with a decent sleep or if it could be more so I'd maybe ask yourself that question and if you don't think it would be perhaps see your gp? Are you able to catch up on sleep during the day? Or is there anyone who can help you out? Big hugs xx
thank you SO much everybody for your concern and advise, it means a lot:hugs:
i know that with so little sleep anyone would be a bit down but as one of you suggested, it might be something else. we don't have any family around and not many friends either so i feel lonely sometimes. DH works 24/7 and is mega stressed. we have very little time together and as a family. don't know, these should be precious moments and i sometimes find myself worrying and worrying...anyway, yes, will make and appointment with the gp and get a referral.

clio - i think you may have a Barishnikov :winkwink:
we makes gael dance, and he loves it, but he doesn't dance on his own (yet!)

indigo - pictures of Niko??
Shame about the biscuits, Clio. I thought they sounded great. I tried to make Kia some carrot and lentil pattie things but the ended up rock hard and she screamed when I gave them to her. She likes cheese omelettes though and I keep meaning to make tuna croquettes. She loves her purees too but I'm keen to get her more into finger food. Roast peppers have been a big hit too
that reminds me, I'll make some roasted peppers for tomorrow

oh, and i have another question for you clio - is that an ikea high chair in one of your pictures? is it any good? we still have to buy one, but i wasn't too sure about that one as it doesn't fold.
Kosh, I felt lonely for ages after having Kia. I think it's also difficult for a lot of people to understand what it's like. I can remember thinking I should feel the happiest in my life because I had everything I wanted but the sleep deprivation meant every day was a struggle. And my OH and I always had these ideas about free time and how we would spend it together when actually there's really very little free time available. I started going to a weekly swimming group for babies and a weekly baby signing group and I've now got some local new mummy friends and it's changed my life. Not only do I feel less lonely in terms of having a daytime social life, but it's also helped me to chat to other new mums to realise they have similar struggles to me. I'd really recommend checking out local groups to where you are. What's also lovely about it is that, in my experience, most of the other mums are really keen to make friends too so it's much easier to make friends than you might think. It's not a bad idea to check out the counselling too, but if loneliness is a big issue for you then this is what really helped me. I can also be a real worrier but I think I'm coming to terms with the fact that in the short term it is still about getting through the day or the week, and hopefully in a year or so thinks will feel a lot more manageable. Big hugs xx
Kosh, I felt lonely for ages after having Kia. I think it's also difficult for a lot of people to understand what it's like. I can remember thinking I should feel the happiest in my life because I had everything I wanted but the sleep deprivation meant every day was a struggle. And my OH and I always had these ideas about free time and how we would spend it together when actually there's really very little free time available. I started going to a weekly swimming group for babies and a weekly baby signing group and I've now got some local new mummy friends and it's changed my life. Not only do I feel less lonely in terms of having a daytime social life, but it's also helped me to chat to other new mums to realise they have similar struggles to me. I'd really recommend checking out local groups to where you are. What's also lovely about it is that, in my experience, most of the other mums are really keen to make friends too so it's much easier to make friends than you might think. It's not a bad idea to check out the counselling too, but if loneliness is a big issue for you then this is what really helped me. I can also be a real worrier but I think I'm coming to terms with the fact that in the short term it is still about getting through the day or the week, and hopefully in a year or so thinks will feel a lot more manageable. Big hugs xx

thanks so much leeze, that's exactly it. i sometimes feel my whole world is upside down and i don't know to organise my days in this new life.
i've checked new groups to go to, i think you're right, it should help,hope to find other moms i can talk to.
thanks again xx
Hi ladies,

Clio, jonah is so clever having so much rhythm this early and being able to dance standing, he defo does more than Georgie does and a much earlier starter! She dances to music now when sitting, it's a bit like a belly roll and is beyond cute!!

She rolls to the music? That's so cute! I bet she'll be a gymnast. Jonah is NOT allowed to be a dancer.

Shame about the biscuits, Clio. I thought they sounded great. I tried to make Kia some carrot and lentil pattie things but the ended up rock hard and she screamed when I gave them to her. She likes cheese omelettes though and I keep meaning to make tuna croquettes. She loves her purees too but I'm keen to get her more into finger food. Roast peppers have been a big hit too

LOL! Frankly I think I would have screamed at carrot and lentil patty things, too.

We did the roast pepper thing, and he loved it, but I broke the cardinal rule of BLW--I got scared and dished the skin out. He's developed this new thing where he eats his fingers and the food at the same time, which, I believed, would keep him from spitting out what he needed to.

oh, and i have another question for you clio - is that an ikea high chair in one of your pictures? is it any good? we still have to buy one, but i wasn't too sure about that one as it doesn't fold.

Totally worth it. I even got it second hand off of the internet (do you have "Craig's List" in the UK? But it's cheap at IKEA, too. You don't need to fold it--the legs come off in an instant, and it's extremely light, even with the legs on. We just pack the whole thing into the car when we go out to eat at somebodies' place.

Okay, J is having a meltdown. A seriously meltdown... Bye!
Kosh...yes, pictures of Niko...:)...& :hug:...Sorry you're feeling so down & isolated...

Leeze....very good advice...
Kosh, I can imagine how hard it is for you to be in a different country without family and friends. My family is in brazil too but I have my hubby's family here so make things a lot better. Can someone from your family come and stay a little with you? And leeze said it perfect ... Sometimes you just get so tired of staying home and since your hubby works so much and you don't have bother adult to talk to it must be tough! And can you take naps when you LO takes naps too? I take one with thiago and he does sleep a lot better when I am in bed with him :haha:. Just 30 min makes a huge difference. :hugs:
At what time does you LO's go to bed at night? Thiago stays up till 9:30 or 10pm. I wonder if it is a little late. And maybe he will start going to sleep earlier as he gets older?
I was wondering the same thing. My DH was complaining he barely gets to spend time with N during the work week because he goes to bed so early. N goes to bed @ 7:30 - 8:30 pm.
At what time does you LO's go to bed at night? Thiago stays up till 9:30 or 10pm. I wonder if it is a little late. And maybe he will start going to sleep earlier as he gets older?

J chose a luxurious 6 pm for his bedtime. He simply cannot not stay up later than 6 o'clock. But it's backfiring--now we're dealing with the early morning PAR-TAYs. So I guess he'll be like my husband--early to bed, early to rise. And this is getting waaaaaay too early. Sometimes he's up for 3-4 hours before he'll allow us to put him down for a nap, and he woke up at 4 am.

Is he especially tired? Do you need him to go down? If not, stick with a sure thing.

ETA: kosh--I'm so sorry, I didn't know about how isolated you feel. I am living far from my parents as well, and if I didn't have the help of my MIL, well, I would want to move home so my own mom could help out. And I don't have a high-needs baby. Be kind to yourself, and eat some chocolate. It helps the soul. Is there any backdoor way of getting help quicker?
At what time does you LO's go to bed at night? Thiago stays up till 9:30 or 10pm. I wonder if it is a little late. And maybe he will start going to sleep earlier as he gets older?

J chose a luxurious 6 pm for his bedtime. He simply cannot not stay up later than 6 o'clock. But it's backfiring--now we're dealing with the early morning PAR-TAYs. So I guess he'll be like my husband--early to bed, early to rise. And this is getting waaaaaay too early. Sometimes he's up for 3-4 hours before he'll allow us to put him down for a nap, and he woke up at 4 am.

Is he especially tired? Do you need him to go down? If not, stick with a sure thing.

ETA: kosh--I'm so sorry, I didn't know about how isolated you feel. I am living far from my parents as well, and if I didn't have the help of my MIL, well, I would want to move home so my own mom could help out. And I don't have a high-needs baby. Be kind to yourself, and eat some chocolate. It helps the soul. Is there any backdoor way of getting help quicker?

Well it is like he knows that his bed time is not before 9:30pm. He is taking 3 naps during the day and the last one is around 6 or 6:30pm and I wish he would just stay asleep but no he wakes up after 30 to 45 min and them he survives till bed time. He was sleeping really good before this teething but now he does wake up between 4 or 5:30pm and them we just bring him to bed and feed him again and he is out again till 7ish. But I wish I had a little more time alone with hubby during the night. I would love if he would go down at 6pm:). When did Jonah started to go to sleep this early, I mean what age? How many naps does he takes a day?
At what time does you LO's go to bed at night? Thiago stays up till 9:30 or 10pm. I wonder if it is a little late. And maybe he will start going to sleep earlier as he gets older?

J chose a luxurious 6 pm for his bedtime. He simply cannot not stay up later than 6 o'clock. But it's backfiring--now we're dealing with the early morning PAR-TAYs. So I guess he'll be like my husband--early to bed, early to rise. And this is getting waaaaaay too early. Sometimes he's up for 3-4 hours before he'll allow us to put him down for a nap, and he woke up at 4 am.

Is he especially tired? Do you need him to go down? If not, stick with a sure thing.

ETA: kosh--I'm so sorry, I didn't know about how isolated you feel. I am living far from my parents as well, and if I didn't have the help of my MIL, well, I would want to move home so my own mom could help out. And I don't have a high-needs baby. Be kind to yourself, and eat some chocolate. It helps the soul. Is there any backdoor way of getting help quicker?

Well it is like he knows that his bed time is not before 9:30pm. He is taking 3 naps during the day and the last one is around 6 or 6:30pm and I wish he would just stay asleep but no he wakes up after 30 to 45 min and them he survives till bed time. He was sleeping really good before this teething but now he does wake up between 4 or 5:30pm and them we just bring him to bed and feed him again and he is out again till 7ish. But I wish I had a little more time alone with hubby during the night. I would love if he would go down at 6pm:). When did Jonah started to go to sleep this early, I mean what age? How many naps does he takes a day?

Jonah started to go down at 6 o'clock at 2 months. It happened just after we took him out of his moses basket and put him into the bassinet section of his Pack 'n Play. Turns out, the boy likes to stretch out and felt the basket was just too restricted. The transfer to a crib was even easier--TONS of room. I think we were just lucky because we stumbled across how he liked to sleep.

If we're lucky, 2. Sometimes, they're 30 minutes and 45 minutes each. Sometimes they're a long, 2.5 hour "fat nap" in the morning and a good one in the afternoon. There is no telling with this kid. Though, somedays, he takes no naps. Those days are awesome. :growlmad: He will never go to sleep after 3:30 either, so we often have a long wait until bedtime.
Welcome Conina! Thanks Clio Avery is mucher cuter then OH but you know!! HAHAHA

I'm lost - where are the pictures of Avery and your OH? can't find them!

I don't know I never went back to check, when I get on my own laptop I can repost of feel free to add me on FB there are WAY more there then you would EVER EVER want to see.

So I just made J his second BLW fully baked meal. These are awesome, because they are SO FRIGGIN' EASY. Yesterday:

Banana French Toast
Banana, milk, bread
Mix, dip and fry

Some sort of biscuit
Baby rice
Apple juice
Mix and bake. I even screwed this one up, and it still worked!

Oh, I'm loving this. I don't cook (I'm 40, a student until I was 34 (!), and never had a kid before; there was never any need to bother much about this), but this makes me feel like such a good mother! AND he ate the french toast. He's sleeping right now, so I don't know how he'll do with the biscuit thingy, but still, I MADE IT.

Okay, still no answer on my baby dancing question. I'm soooo curious. If you missed it: J dances all the time. If there is music on, he is dancing. No exaggeration. Is this common?

The deleted posts were pictures. :)

Oh Kosh, anyone with so little sleep for that long would have jumped out the window by now. I hope you find someone to talk to, though.... :hugs:

:hi: Conina! Conor is adorable!

Borboleta...I hope we get to see pics of Thiago in his tux! :awww:

Clio...Well done with the 'cooking'. :thumbup: & yes, Jonah looks just like you!
The biscuit recipe...what are the measurements...seems like something I could try.
Kosh...yes, pictures of Niko...:)...& :hug:...Sorry you're feeling so down & isolated...

Leeze....very good advice...

I wanna see some Niko pics too...

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