any other over 35 first time mums?

creatingpeace--I just did a FB request. And I saw that you grew up in Georgetown! I'm from Oakville!
Got you :)

You are so right, it's awful and gets worse, there is currently broccoli florets, cauliflower, bits of chicken and mini sausages all over my floor! We are desperate for new wood flooring in our living room but not while this is going on, haha! Plus G pulls her bib off all the time now so her clothes are all covered in crap too! Nice!
Noooooooo way Clio!!!!!!! No wonder you are so cool!! Haha small world. I am in Muskoka now, where are you?
Sorry for all th eposts...annoying aren't I heehee Kristy I just added you!
At what time does you LO's go to bed at night? Thiago stays up till 9:30 or 10pm. I wonder if it is a little late. And maybe he will start going to sleep earlier as he gets older?
Kia normally goes to sleep somewhere between 8.30 and 10.30. It used to be a lot later, more like 11pm or even midnight. We start bath and bedtime stories etc around 6.30 but she always takes ages to settle. She doesn't normally get up until about 8 or 8.30 am though. Someone told me recently that their LO started going down earlier once they started crawling and using up lots of energy during the day. I'm trying not to worry too much about it but it does me OH and I don't get much time alone in the evening
Those biscuits do sound yummy. We're off to a festival and then to stay with some friends so I probably won't be around for a week or so. I might drop by to say hello tomorrow but probably will be in the middle of last-minute packing madness. Wishing you all a good week with lots of rest, if possible! X
At what time does you LO's go to bed at night? Thiago stays up till 9:30 or 10pm. I wonder if it is a little late. And maybe he will start going to sleep earlier as he gets older?
Kia normally goes to sleep somewhere between 8.30 and 10.30. It used to be a lot later, more like 11pm or even midnight. We start bath and bedtime stories etc around 6.30 but she always takes ages to settle. She doesn't normally get up until about 8 or 8.30 am though. Someone told me recently that their LO started going down earlier once they started crawling and using up lots of energy during the day. I'm trying not to worry too much about it but it does me OH and I don't get much time alone in the evening

Same here. That is what I am hoping that when he starts crawling he will worn himself out and needs to go to bed earlier:).

It is so nice to know some of you ladies real name and look at the baby pictures on fb:). Love it!
By our 4 hour rota the boys should go to bed by 7:30 or even 8 but by 7 both of them get really red eyebrows and Dom gets fussy and cranky. So we usually give the last bottle round 7. But that doesn't mean that Dom will then sleep like a good boy, oh no. At the moment we are still at it trying to settle him, as he keeps waking up and crying. he wants to sleep but cannot or misses being rocked or his dummy falls out etc. I don't mind the nights as much as the evenings and these constant battles of getting Dom to sleep. Well no, getting him to fall asleep is not hard. Just pick him up and rock him. But how to get him to stay asleep, ah that is the difficulty :S
My dad and sister are coming next month :)!! I am sooo excited. It has been about 2 years since I last seen them. I don't think about it that much when they are not here but when I see them and than they leave I get sooo depressed:(! It is really hard.

i know, it's weird how you can live without thinking too much about it but then when you have them close you realise how much you actually miss them!!

Try signing up for fb ... You can chat with your family and friends for Argentina:). What part the country are you from? I have friends from there here:)! I love them!! They are sooo special. The kind of people that they will do anything to help you out:)!

it's very true! i know we don't have very good reputation among our latin-american neighbors, but we're actually nice!:winkwink:

I'm from Buenos Aires, where are you from?

Morning! (Well, for me, anyway...)

kosh and Angel--were your nights any better? Last night I read the bad sleepers thread and now have a much better sense what you guys have been dealing with for so long. And now I understand why a 2 hour stretch is a really good thing.

thanks Clio, I know it's difficult to understand/believe....
my night was average, he's doing a couple of 2hr stretches and then, who knows how many hourly ones :wacko: but I fund out today that we have a 3rd teeth coming so maybe (hahaha) that's why he was waking so often

Those biscuits do sound yummy. We're off to a festival and then to stay with some friends so I probably won't be around for a week or so. I might drop by to say hello tomorrow but probably will be in the middle of last-minute packing madness. Wishing you all a good week with lots of rest, if possible! X

have a brill time at the festival!!!
Have a great time, Leeze! Lucky you!
So I already wrote about this in Kosh's other thread but we now know what is wrong with our little Sebastian. We got an emergency appointment at the GPs today cause Seb was pulling on his ear so hard that the dry skin around the lobe started bleeding poor lil angel! But at any rate that proved to me that he does indeed have an earache though I was still not sure if internal or external. Turns out he has an (internal) ear and a throat infection! No wonder he is off his milk, I would be too! :( We got some syrup to give him and I really hope it helps quickly. I so hate the idea of my patient calm boy in pain for so long and me not realising. What a crap mum am I?!
So I already wrote about this in Kosh's other thread but we now know what is wrong with our little Sebastian. We got an emergency appointment at the GPs today cause Seb was pulling on his ear so hard that the dry skin around the lobe started bleeding poor lil angel! But at any rate that proved to me that he does indeed have an earache though I was still not sure if internal or external. Turns out he has an (internal) ear and a throat infection! No wonder he is off his milk, I would be too! :( We got some syrup to give him and I really hope it helps quickly. I so hate the idea of my patient calm boy in pain for so long and me not realising. What a crap mum am I?!

oh no, don't say that! :hugs: with so many things going on and so little sleep no wonder you missed it! at least you now know what's wrog with him and he'll feel better soon :hugs:
Barboleta -- my mum and stepfather came a few weeks ago (first time ever in Ireland, after I have lived here for 10+ years!) to meet LO, and it was GREAT - very relaxed, informal and a fantastic time!

Angel-- hope LO and YOU feel better soon....

My news isn't very exciting, but we're transition moving LO from moses basket to cot and started putting him in his sleeping bags and he is falling asleep within 5-10 minutes of being rocked to sleep (we're putting him in the basket and then into the cot)....all his naps today and his bedtime sleep tonight -- we've been swaddling him, but decided not to use blankets in his cot....I feel so stupid -- we've had these sleeping bags for ages, but I thought he preferred swaddling.....(he was sleeping okay swaddled, but about 1 out of 4 sleep-times, he would kick and fight to stay awake...the sleeping bag seems to contain his legs and now, he seems to 'click' sleep....odd...long may it last!)

oh, and I decided to go back to work three mornings a week and am visiting a creche next week (am already impressed with reputation and friends' recommendation)....because I need a little non-mummy time and, as an older mum and as LO will be an only (I got lucky at 43/44, don't see that happening again, especially since I'm too tired to DTD much), would like him to socalise a little with other children before proper school....

anyway, it's OH's night to take LO into the spare room, so I am going to be very crazy and...go sleep (it's 11.30) and sleep all night long (OH will bring LO into my room around 7, before he goes to work)....

So I already wrote about this in Kosh's other thread but we now know what is wrong with our little Sebastian. We got an emergency appointment at the GPs today cause Seb was pulling on his ear so hard that the dry skin around the lobe started bleeding poor lil angel! But at any rate that proved to me that he does indeed have an earache though I was still not sure if internal or external. Turns out he has an (internal) ear and a throat infection! No wonder he is off his milk, I would be too! :( We got some syrup to give him and I really hope it helps quickly. I so hate the idea of my patient calm boy in pain for so long and me not realising. What a crap mum am I?!

Poor baby! :hug:

What are you talking about? You figured it out & now mama is going to fix it! :winkwink::hugs:
I have a FB account, but rarely use it & haven't fleshed it out yet. I'm with Kosh, I need time AWAY from the iPad...I friended everyone here, though. :winkwink:
N has been awake since 8:30 am.
He has only had 2 15-20 minute naps.
It is now 6:41 pm.!!!!
What on earth is going on???
This is not like him at all!
His appetite is normal.
His mood is good.

I have a FB account, but rarely use it & haven't fleshed it out yet. I'm with Kosh, I need time AWAY from the iPad...I friended everyone here, though. :winkwink:

thanks indigo, glad i'm not the only one!!:winkwink:

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