any other over 35 first time mums?

Thank you ladies :) Seb is eating but it still a struggle and I think he is still uncomfy but so hungry that he will have some and then give up as soon as he doesn't feel quite so hungry any more but he won't eat his fill. I am hoping this will gradually get better now :)
I just feel I should have insisted that the GP see us earlier. They obviously DO have appointments open for emergencies and I guess they thought mine wasn't one. Though how it cannot be serious when 4 month old baby won't eat, I don't know. Probably dismissed me as a silly mother who frets about 100ml or something. So yeah I just feel bad for not being more forceful with them. Why do I always worry about being a bother? I was like that during pregnancy too. Ok I was healthy throughout but when something felt weird I was always worried that I was being too sensitive and that I would be wasting the hospitals/doctors time. This is why BnB has been soooo helpful! :)

As for what they are wearing in this muggy weather: last night the room was 25.5C so we had them in their nappy and their woombies with cellular blankets ready if it should get colder. The nights before we left them in their vests inside the woombies. The woombies count as 1 tog though we have bigger looser ones too that are only 0.5 tog but they aren't as effective as the tighter ones. Dom is a very sweaty baby too and always gets too hot anyway so it's a bit difficult at times to know what to dress the boy in.
borboleta - been here for 14 years and we're planning to stay at least another 5 maybe. my DH would love to move to Canada afterwards...

everyone - what do your LOs sleep in when is hot? I have the feeling mine might be waking up at night because i stupidly misjudge the temperature :dohh:

Canada? What an excellent idea! :winkwink: Do you know where in Canada he'd like to move?

As for what they wear, this one is driving me nuts. When I put him down, he's hot and it is hot (usually 27 degrees). Then it cools off, and on my nights, I notice how cool his legs feel during the night feed. Then I feel guilty, but I know that putting a sleep sack on him will wake him up, so I leave him, and then can't sleep because I'm just imagining how cold he is. But he always falls asleep just fine. But tonight, I am putting a sleep sack on him!!! (Unless it's hot again, and then I'll wiffle and waffle and wonder "what if?") I wish we had those cellular blankets like you in the UK have. That would solve the problem...

Clio - His mood was fine. :shrug:

It does sound like a one off. Maybe he'll make up for it by sleeping all day today.

Thank you ladies :) Seb is eating but it still a struggle and I think he is still uncomfy but so hungry that he will have some and then give up as soon as he doesn't feel quite so hungry any more but he won't eat his fill. I am hoping this will gradually get better now :)
I just feel I should have insisted that the GP see us earlier. They obviously DO have appointments open for emergencies and I guess they thought mine wasn't one. Though how it cannot be serious when 4 month old baby won't eat, I don't know. Probably dismissed me as a silly mother who frets about 100ml or something. So yeah I just feel bad for not being more forceful with them. Why do I always worry about being a bother? I was like that during pregnancy too. Ok I was healthy throughout but when something felt weird I was always worried that I was being too sensitive and that I would be wasting the hospitals/doctors time. This is why BnB has been soooo helpful! :)

I'm exactly the same way. Plus, I don't want to worry anybody needlessly. But doctors' offices can be intimidating. If they tell you not to worry, it's hard to push the matter. But I'm glad things with Seb are improving.

Again, nothing new here. Man, I'm boring. Today J goes to my MIL's so we get a bit of a break. It's a standing arrangement, so we always know that on Wednesdays (and Saturdays--she really adores him and has explained that if she takes care of him twice a week, then he won't make strange with her once separation anxiety sets in) we can get the things done that we couldn't do before. Which, for me, means NAP. I've got to say, I've never really understood those threads in BC where people don't want to leave their LOs with family because they don't want to be separated from their baby. Me, I'm ready to pack him up at the drop of a hat.
I got to say, I've never really understood those threads in BC where people don't want to leave their LOs with family because they don't want to be separated from their baby. Me, I'm ready to pack him up at the drop of a hat.


How long does she keep him?

Feel better soon....
Why do I always worry about being a bother? I was like that during pregnancy too. Ok I was healthy throughout but when something felt weird I was always worried that I was being too sensitive and that I would be wasting the hospitals/doctors time. This is why BnB has been soooo helpful! :)

Same here and I HATE asking for help....
Thank you ladies :) Seb is eating but it still a struggle and I think he is still uncomfy but so hungry that he will have some and then give up as soon as he doesn't feel quite so hungry any more but he won't eat his fill. I am hoping this will gradually get better now :)
I'm sure he'll be back to normal soon!
Dom is a very sweaty baby too and always gets too hot anyway so it's a bit difficult at times to know what to dress the boy in.

Gael is exactly the same - really sweaty!

Canada? What an excellent idea! :winkwink: Do you know where in Canada he'd like to move?

tbh, i don't know! i panic and 'close' my ears every time he talks about it!
don't get me wrong,nothing against Canada at all (quite the opposite) but it's so far away from my family and friends (in Spain)

re. clothes - I have him with nappy and a babygro and if it gets cold a little blanket, do you think it's too much? it's around 23 degrees in the room

re. living them with family - I wish I could!
just came back from the dentist - it's the first time since April that I leave G for more than 2 hours! It felt so strange to be on my own and I totally relaxed. and guess what? I fell asleep in the waiting room!! :haha:

another question for those with more than two teeth (their LOs that is! :winkwink:) which one was the third coming through?
one more - those doing BLW, do you always eat with your LO?

oh and indigo - how's N today?
I got to say, I've never really understood those threads in BC where people don't want to leave their LOs with family because they don't want to be separated from their baby. Me, I'm ready to pack him up at the drop of a hat.


How long does she keep him?

Feel better soon....

For around 5 hours each time. And it takes my husband a half hour drive each way to drop him off and pick him up. So it can be up to a luxurious six hours. It's crazy, she'll phone us, barely say hello and demand "are you bringing the boy tomorrow?" I love it. This started when he was around a month old, so he knows her and his grandfather really really well.

one more - those doing BLW, do you always eat with your LO?

oh and indigo - how's N today?

No, and I feel so badly about it. But as I said, my husband and I were childless for so long that meals simply weren't a big issue. We eat different things (he has celiac) and eat at different times. The dining room table has always served as a desk for my husband, and every inch of it is usually covered (like right now). When I feed J, I'll sometimes sit down next to him and eat a floret very slowly so he has the sense that someone is eating with him. I don't think he buys it, though.

Yes, Indigo, tell us about N!

ETA: thanks for your sympathy, everyone. But I've just woken up from one nap and and am about to go down for another. I intend to sleep this cold away. I've done it before and I'll do it again.

ETA again: And Angel! How is Seb doing so far?
Thank you ladies :) Seb is eating but it still a struggle and I think he is still uncomfy but so hungry that he will have some and then give up as soon as he doesn't feel quite so hungry any more but he won't eat his fill. I am hoping this will gradually get better now :)
I'm sure he'll be back to normal soon!
Dom is a very sweaty baby too and always gets too hot anyway so it's a bit difficult at times to know what to dress the boy in.

Gael is exactly the same - really sweaty!

Canada? What an excellent idea! :winkwink: Do you know where in Canada he'd like to move?

tbh, i don't know! i panic and 'close' my ears every time he talks about it!
don't get me wrong,nothing against Canada at all (quite the opposite) but it's so far away from my family and friends (in Spain)

re. clothes - I have him with nappy and a babygro and if it gets cold a little blanket, do you think it's too much? it's around 23 degrees in the room

re. living them with family - I wish I could!
just came back from the dentist - it's the first time since April that I leave G for more than 2 hours! It felt so strange to be on my own and I totally relaxed. and guess what? I fell asleep in the waiting room!! :haha:

another question for those with more than two teeth (their LOs that is! :winkwink:) which one was the third coming through?

I thought that thiago was going to have the top ones after getting his lower ones but he got his next lower one. I guess every baby is different:).
That is funny that you felt asleep in the waiting room :haha:!!!!
And I know the feeling of going out without LO! Pretty weird :wacko:!!! I normally go teach my classes at night time for about one or 2 hours and when I come back I fell like I have not seeing him in ages!!!! I miss him sooo much! But when I am with him I wish I could have a little time for myself :dohh:! Go figure!
Clio enjoy your free day:)!!! And rest bunches!!!

Here in Texas is so freaking hot that we need a/c for sure! We keep the house around 24 degrees but outside 40 degrees is normal :growlmad:! Can't wait for the fall!!!!
Conina, strangegirls and vintage : how are you girls doing? Hope is all well with you all :thumbup:.
Clio, I am the same as you, totally happy to leave Georgina with my parents, she has slept over at theirs once a month since she was 4 weeks old! I'm starting her at nursery next month two afternoons per week and I'm looking forward to my free time!!

Posted too quick damnit!

Kosh, same as barboleta, G got her next bottom ones after her first two so she had 4 bottom before the top started. Re eating, I feed Georgie dinner around 5pm, oh and I never eat that early (he's not home usually) but her and I often eat lunch together especially if we are out.

I'm having a bad mum evening, I cooked cottage pie tonight using a sachet for the mince and obvs didn't check it clearly enough and Georgie reacted to it as it had egg in it. She was really crying and her hands came up in hives :( I just keep crying I feel so bad :(
Hi there. Kia is sleeping on the boob right now so I thought I'd say hi. Angel, that's great they've found out what's wrong with Seb. Don't give yourself a hard time, you knew something was wrong and you persisted until you found out what it was. Indigo, at 6 weeks Kia would often have days where she hardly slept then she would sleep the whole day the next day, only waking up for feeds and falling asleep straight after. Kosh, after the bottom 2 teeth in the middle, Kia's next tooth was one of the top middle ones. In this hot weather she sleeps in a long-sleeved vest and a 0.5 tog sleeping bag. We've had a tough day today. I've been trying to pack while looking after Kia and she's been screaming most of the day unless I'm holding her. I'm pretty sure it's teething related. Those little fellas cause a lot of trouble in this house! Now my OH has just come in and. Kia's woken up. I might have to do some more one-handed packing! Have a great evening and a lovely weekend everyone xx
Posted too quick damnit!

Kosh, same as barboleta, G got her next bottom ones after her first two so she had 4 bottom before the top started. Re eating, I feed Georgie dinner around 5pm, oh and I never eat that early (he's not home usually) but her and I often eat lunch together especially if we are out.

I'm having a bad mum evening, I cooked cottage pie tonight using a sachet for the mince and obvs didn't check it clearly enough and Georgie reacted to it as it had egg in it. She was really crying and her hands came up in hives :( I just keep crying I feel so bad :(

oh no!! :hugs: i would have never thought it could have eggs in it!!
how is she now?:hugs:
Hi all

Angel :hugs::hugs:for poor lil man. But don't beat yourself up, you've got it sorted now.

Clio feel better soon!

Has anyone's LO had milk spots? Conor's face has been quite bad but I wasn't worried, it's not bothering him and it looks like the photos of milk spots I've seen on the internet so I just assumed that was it.

But the MW was here this morning (for the last time - glad to see the back of the nasty woman :wacko:) and she said I should take him to the dr's if it hasn't cleared up by Friday?? :shrug:

Do you think she's just being overly cautious or should I worry?
Hi all

Angel :hugs::hugs:for poor lil man. But don't beat yourself up, you've got it sorted now.

Clio feel better soon!

Has anyone's LO had milk spots? Conor's face has been quite bad but I wasn't worried, it's not bothering him and it looks like the photos of milk spots I've seen on the internet so I just assumed that was it.

But the MW was here this morning (for the last time - glad to see the back of the nasty woman :wacko:) and she said I should take him to the dr's if it hasn't cleared up by Friday?? :shrug:

Do you think she's just being overly cautious or should I worry?

i didn't think milk spots were anything to worry about? :shrug:
Kosh I didn't expect it either but I still feel really guilty as I should have checked harder. She's ok, sound asleep for about 1.5 hours now altho I just had to change her dirty nappy and she never poos at night these days, might just be coincidence. The antihistamine I give her works pretty much instantly so her skin calms down quickly and she was normal by bed time, thanks Hun xx
Hi all

Angel :hugs::hugs:for poor lil man. But don't beat yourself up, you've got it sorted now.

Clio feel better soon!

Has anyone's LO had milk spots? Conor's face has been quite bad but I wasn't worried, it's not bothering him and it looks like the photos of milk spots I've seen on the internet so I just assumed that was it.

But the MW was here this morning (for the last time - glad to see the back of the nasty woman :wacko:) and she said I should take him to the dr's if it hasn't cleared up by Friday?? :shrug:

Do you think she's just being overly cautious or should I worry?

Thiago had them too while I breastfeed him. I heard is your homone changes passing to him. Never had to take him to the doctor because of that:). How is he doing? Are you getting used to the sleep depravation? So your MW is not your favorite person:)?

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