any other over 35 first time mums?

Love the pics of G. Love his long hair. He's such a cutie!

Very bad night w N.....I'm assuming it's teething....those molars are such a PITA! DH leaves today. He recorded a few videos for N to watch in his absence.

I want red hair, too.

It sounds like D is going through the language explosion everyone talks about here. I have a feeling S will just surprise you one day w perfect pronunciation of all the words D practices w you.

An aquarium....what a lucky little girl!

I'm just so tired....need a 2nd cup of coffee...

I'm in awe of all of you who do not get a good night's sleep...

It's cold this morning so the fireplace is on.....makes everything cozy...
Oh gosh Sk 9 stone.. haven't been that since I was a child! I'm a UK 10 to 12 at 11stone and if I drop below that people start asking if I'm I'll :) I'm happy at a size 12.. maybe by the summer..

Anyway L and I had a lovely day while dh slept after night shift, we went to the petstore to see the rabbits, fish etc. Got some cat food, fish food and dog treats. Then went to mothercare and got crib sheets for the baby as I seem to have lost them. Then went for lunch, to the book shop and the chemist etc. Then we met my friend at the local leisure centre (the mw friend) and went to the kids playzone where L and her 3 and 5 year old ran around non stop! Clio I thought of you as it sounds like J needs an area like this, it was a 3 story softplay area and the kids just ran non stop only popping back to us for juice... They had a ball!

I wonder if it's got a website brb...

sounds like a great day!
didn't she have a nap at all? wasn't she cranky?

Lol! I had the same reaction, and read L's day to OH. We both sat here puzzled, asking each other questions like: "Did they have a stroller? What about a nap? Did they walk everywhere? Did Storm carry L because that's the only way, other than a stroller to get to so many places? Did they have a car and have to deal with the car seat each time?"

Seriously. All these questions. If you would be so kind so answer them, it would greatly unconfuse us. :haha:
thanks ladies, I love his long hair too, and I'd say that it's more than just slightly wild, charlie :haha:

charlie - could you somehow asked to be taken out of infectious diseases? or is this impossible?

clio - I too wondered how storm and L managed to do all that!

angel - that picture of N's plate is hilarious! but can I ask, are you sure that it trully has to do with stopping eating when he is already full? because I know that, in the same way that you have post-war families where you'd have to eat everything that was on the plate (my dad's was an example too) other side of this, is to leave food on the plate to 'show' that you are not starving (ie you are not poor) and also have good manners.
N covers his eyes w his hands; he says 'dark' & then giggles. (Over & over again)

He climbs into his wagon, then stands up & climbs over the back of the sofa & then slides off the sofa & runs around the sofa to the wagon & does it again.....& again.....& again.... To make things more challenging, he will do it while holding onto Honey Bear. He sometimes throws HB over the sofa first & then follows.

I know I shouldn't allow him to climb the furniture. I know it, but he's having so much fun. My DH gets annoyed w me for allowing it. I really thought I'd be the stricter parent.

DH is feeling anxious & guilty about leaving today. He took N to TRU to buy him a rocking horse. He recorded 9 videos of himself eating, talking, singing, playing, cooking, doing laundry, dancing, feeding the cats & shaving...
Oh gosh Sk 9 stone.. haven't been that since I was a child! I'm a UK 10 to 12 at 11stone and if I drop below that people start asking if I'm I'll :) I'm happy at a size 12.. maybe by the summer..

Anyway L and I had a lovely day while dh slept after night shift, we went to the petstore to see the rabbits, fish etc. Got some cat food, fish food and dog treats. Then went to mothercare and got crib sheets for the baby as I seem to have lost them. Then went for lunch, to the book shop and the chemist etc. Then we met my friend at the local leisure centre (the mw friend) and went to the kids playzone where L and her 3 and 5 year old ran around non stop! Clio I thought of you as it sounds like J needs an area like this, it was a 3 story softplay area and the kids just ran non stop only popping back to us for juice... They had a ball!

I wonder if it's got a website brb...

sounds like a great day!
didn't she have a nap at all? wasn't she cranky?

Lol! I had the same reaction, and read L's day to OH. We both sat here puzzled, asking each other questions like: "Did they have a stroller? What about a nap? Did they walk everywhere? Did Storm carry L because that's the only way, other than a stroller to get to so many places? Did they have a car and have to deal with the car seat each time?"

Seriously. All these questions. If you would be so kind so answer them, it would greatly unconfuse us. :haha:

That's a typical day for us....:shrug:

On Sunday my DH took N to 7 places, though, and he refused to get into the car on Monday, poor thing.... I am...pls let me know when I can delete this....I hope it's intimate enough for you, Borboleta...:winkwink:....:haha:
Aww Indigo!! What an awesome piccie! It brings back such memories!! :cloud9: Thank you for sharing!

Oh and I meant to say that Sebastian also says nine and eight. Plus we use the letter P (foamy letters from a floor thingy) wedged under the boys' bedroom door so they can't close it during the day. Sebastian picked it up the wrong way round about a week ago and said Nine and has said several times since then! :D I think he got this from a nursery song we downloaded from youtube. "There were 10 in a bed and the little one said roll over". It's these little bears all in a bed and the boys love the song.
Also I finally got a phone call today from the speech therapist. She is going to come for a home-visit on the 28th at 9:30am. I hope Sebastian won't go hysterical for the entire hour lol. Oh and guess who will be cleaning and tidying like mad? Sigh. Seems I only ever really clean and tidy when we have visitors lol
Lol how did we manage it all, easily! Miss L never stops, we did use the car but she happily walks lots too. The pram is in the boot of the car and I ask her if she wants the pram or to walk, she usually says no :) She's a very active little madam and naps are hit and miss so I don't fuss. The pet shop and mothercare are in one retail park, then we drove to the next one for lunch etc.. where she walked loads and then drove to the playzone, I was most impressed there as that child didn't stop for over 2 hours!

Aww indigo what a fab photo! Love it!

So all fine at the mw, although I'm measuring 39 weeks, but baby is totally free and very high up.. I can't breathe! Not unusual for a second child, L had totally dropped by now. Next appt is 3rd Feb but she said she may or may not see me, I'm guessing she will but hoping she won't!

Ps Clairey have you had fish before? I only have goldfish but in a 180 litre tank and goldfish are pretty hardy. For tropical you need your cycle well established in your tank before you get the fish. L loves looking at all the fish, your L will just love them!
Also molars, we are half way there, 2 to go! They really unsettled L so I can't wait til the last 2 are done!
Angel I meant to say, any time I offer dh anything, be it the most expensive delicious single chocolate he actually thinks about if he is hungry and often says no! How!
That's funny about your OH leaving such a teeny bit Angel, maybe Kosh is right though. I had a friend as a child whoose mum would keep on piling food on my plate....problem was I was eating some things that I hated as a child, but to be polite I ate it all, so empty plate to her meant I wasn't full! I learnt eventually and would always leave a tiny bit!

Indigo, I love that picture, a beautiful moment! Does your DHs guilt mean that he won't do this again?

Storm, the mw thinks she may not see you on the 3rd, that's 2 weeks away, so basically anytime now! How are you feeling about it? Meaning labour and the birth?

Angel, I am getting use to been at work and the craziness of it all. But it's harder at home for sure as we only get 1 day a week as a family and in that day, we need to get so much done, so it's not a nice chilled day together. But hopefully that will change in 6 months or so when OH does longer days and less of them, then we will have 2 days off together, which will be way better for all of us. The meningococcal bacteria is airborne, so yep can be contagious, but more so for children. Kosh, I couldn't ask that as so many of us have children at home and it would look a bit pants as a team leader!

Must dash Sophia is up x
Storm I am a size 18 and all the pics you have seen of me are only of my face. So in that way I do hide it well ;) I was happy in a size 12 too. Well sort of. Happier at least ;)
I keep meaning to tell you, the other day in the local toyshop I came across these cute little "Sorgenfresser" which means worryeaters. I thought that maybe this might help L with her nightmares? She can put her worries in their mouth, zip it up and they eat it and it is gone. She might be too young to understand the concept of course but I thought the idea just too cute and bought some for our boys for later :)

Clio my mum isn't like the one in the article either. For me it was just about being careful to not be disparaging about self in front of children. I would hate for my boys to think that only skinny women are worthy and all fat women or those struggling with their weight were stupid cause this is how I feel about myself. My brother seemed to think like that when we grew up. I hated him for it but of course he has his own insecurities etc. and he was only a teenager.

Borboleta I agree, what you say about the things your husband sometimes says, is exactly the same sort of thing as the article wants to address. When he says he is a loser in front of his son, he could do untold damage! So we all have to watch it and make sure that we pass on self esteem and not hang ups :)

Going to have a bath and it is about to run over. Will be back later hopefully :) xx

I can completely see where you are coming from, on that front. I, too, have to keep it in mind.

On the weight front, I don't know if I'm losing any, but I've been very active, which is a complete turnaround from before, since winter set in. Monday is the Music class, Tuesday and Thursday, J goes to the Day Home so OH can get some work done (small house, no place to go with J, so the Day Home it is). Then Wednesday is the Active Tot class, then Friday and Saturday I'm making it standing swimming sessions for me and J, until his official Saturday class starts in February. But I'll still take him to the Friday one I set up on my own.

On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, when J is at the Day Home, I go to the gym and walk with my belt. I get lapped by grandmothers, but still, I'm moving. I even bought new sneakers (they're a weird colour blue, but it was either that or every neon colour under the sun. What happened to simple blue and white?), new exercise pants, because I wore my old, loose ones while pregnant and extremely overweight and it's time to get ones that are not ridiculously stretched. And embarrassingly out of date. I even got a new water bottle, seeing as I had...none. I am that dedicated. Especially since I have an outrageously expensive pass to this place.

Then I do my stretches after my walks, which are really old ones from my abandoned physio. I just couldn't handle going downtown in horrible weather for physiotherapy anymore, and it was so expensive that I've settled for my beginner stretches. Maybe I'll go back and pay for another session in a month or two, so I can get that nice massage and some new stretches.

As I always do after I exercise, I feel morally superior. Do you experience that, too?

What a boring and unnecessarily long post. I think I'm hopped up on coffee. *Ding ding ding!!!*
Hi ladies,

I am exhausted!! We had a playgroup here and thiago is not in his best mood and woke up early and it was tired. So didn't have much fun with the kids and just wanted me to hold him :wacko:. I am happily sitting in my chair relaxing while thiago is taking a nap. These days he just seems happier if he is outside. He doesn't have a lot energy in the morning but a night he is full of it, running, chatting all happy. Not my child :haha:!

Indigo: I loved your picture:)!!! Thank you so much for sharing! And yes it is intimate enough :haha:! I actually forgot you had a csection. Why did you have one?
And your OH sounds so cute. 9 movies for N :flower:. He is a good daddy:). Does he works from home?

Kosh: Gael is adorable. I too love his hair but couldn't do that with thiago cause I wouldn't be able to stand and wait for his hair to grow like that. Scissors would be calling my name :haha:. I remember when I lived in Brasil and it was summer time and we would go to the beach and we could tell how the gringos were ( from Argentina) because they all had long hair and long swimming shorts :haha:! While the brazilians had short hair and wore the small speedos :haha:!!! Does your OH has long hair?
Does your OH workout every day? My OH likes working out too, but now with work he is lucky if he can do it twice a week.

Angel: I laughed so hard at your comment about your OH and how good he is of controlling his food intake :haha:!! I am just like you and if I just have a little piece of something I will shove it in my mouth :dohh:! It is just a little piece, so we might as well :haha:.
And Dom speech is amazing!!!! Thiago is not near that yet. But seb is catching up. You wait and it will be the day that we will say here : " my child doesn't stop talking!!!". Actually that remind me the other day we were at the park with thiago and this lady had 5 kids with her and she was yelling at one of them telling him to stop being disrespectful or he was going to see his teeth on the floor!!!! Can you believe she said that!!! I told OH that first she shouldn't be having all these kids and second her son will probably be a bully in school because his mother is one :growlmad:!
Anyways, not sure why I thought of that :haha:. I hope the appointment with the speech therapist goes well, even though I think you don't need it anymore :thumbup:.

Storm: L is crazy :haha:!! Again she needs to give thiago some of that energy :winkwink:. So how many weeks are you again? Is the baby's head facing down at least?

Claire: we had a fish pond in the backyard. I totally ignore the poor things and they are only fed 2 times a week! Well at least they have leaves and their own poop to eat :dohh:! I was a lot better at taking care of them before thiago came along.

Clio: I meant to say that I thought it was so cool that you wear spanks :thumbup:!! I have one pair and love it. Do you wear all the time?

Charlie: poor S:( don't you hate when they have colds. And I love love love the picture of her on fb. Can she be any cuter with that big smile!!!
Like you I would be scared of bring diseases home to her. That is a hard one.

Oh, angel no grey hair yet!!! You are so blessed girl :haha:!!!! I was thinking about doing thAt ombré look. What do you think? I am letting my bangs grow so I thought it would be a nice change. But I am super scared of doing it :haha:.
And I checked my size number in the UK clothing and I am a size 8 or 10 depending on the clothes. If I am wearing spanks definetely a 8 :haha:!!
Angel: I meant to compliment your beautiful silverware:). You are so fancy:). Love it:)
Clio: I am so proud of you sticking to your exercising :happydance:! And I totally understand your morally superior feeling :thumbup:. It is a mix of tiredness, happiness, accomplishment, than all of a sudden full of energy feeling.
And what is wrong with neon color shoes :haha:!!!! Here is what I have:

- a black reeboks with white soles and bright pink shoe laces
- a new balance half bright yellow and half bright pink
- a sky blue new balance with black shoe laces
- another reebok's , like the old style that goes up your ankles, pink ( like a salmon color) with orange and purple details in it

- and I am dying to get some new Zumba shoes that are purple!!!
You like the neon shoes? It's enough to make a girl put off working out until the style changes....:haha:

No, DH doesn't work from home...he works at the Uni & gets a lot of time off & has a lot of autonomy in his position.

I had a CS because I had developed GD & the docs thought he'd be 10+ lbs & we all know how the obgyns love to cut here in the US. :growlmad: Imagine our surprise when he came out 8 lbs.

Storm...ugh...I forgot about the breathlessness...I slept in a recliner the last few weeks...I really hated that feeling..

Charlie...he'll probably do it again...
Angel...yes, I think u have beautiful taste, too.
Storm- I have had fish before but goldfish, not tropical. Mine lived decades so I guess I managed to do ok?! Lol
I would have gone for goldfish again this time but we are so limited on space that I knew we wouldn't be able to accomadate a tank big enough for them. So teeny tiny tropical fish it will be.
I have my testing kit for the water and I'm not rushing to get the fish until the time is right.
We had such a mega busy day todayin London and at the London aquarium....lucy loved it! They even had some penguins there too.....bonus! We left he house at just after 9am and we didn't get home until after 4pm! Shattered.
We even managed to take her on an old London bus.
I will post some pics on fb but will try and put. Few on here too.
Hugs to all.
Indigo - im on tablet and cant see your picture! :-(
You saw penguins!?!

I'm strangely very jealous right now!

Sounds like she had the perfect day! Well done, Mama!
Indigo: yes I love the neon shoes :haha:!! I started with the black shoes first and went down hill from there:). The other day I saw a lady at the studio and she was wearing a black nike shoes that looked like a paint brush had splattered all the colors of the rainbow on her shoes ... Off course I loved it :haha:!! Some ladies like high heels and some like me like colored tennis shoes and of course boots of any kind :thumbup:.

I forgot to tell you that I think Niko looks like you :thumbup: although I couldn't see your OH ( but his eyes). Does he really favors you?

I had GD too :thumbup:!! It was not fun when you cannot have carbs while pregnant isn't it :growlmad:! Thiago was born 6lbs 15 oz. How much weight did you gain while pregnant? I gained 22lbs.

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