any other over 35 first time mums?

Okay, J is busy "playing" the piano, so I've got some time.

Storm--I'm going to have to go back and check the link you gave me, but did the soft play have something like this structure?

That is just the middle of it. It's part of my recreation centre's soft play room.
Clio - yep, the idea of the typing cows is brilliant! And I love the end with the ducks. :thumbup:

storm - sorry to hear the funeral was too much.
You know I was thinking today, I cant believe you are already going to have your second child! I still remember when you got pregnant with L andwe were all in theover 35 TTC board!!

Borboleta - we only call the american gringos!
Ok will look fora decent picture of me
Have a question foryou - I know you saybthat T is a velcro baby, does he cry when you leave the room? Or whenleft with your DH? Gaels separation anxiety is piking again :nope:

Angel - I meant to comment re. Sebs speech. Im sure he'll start to talk more whenever he is ready, but I understand it must be difficult foryou because you have two side by side and it must be impossible not to compare.
When is the appointment? (sorry I missed that)
Kosh: thiago doesn't really cry when I leave him with people he knows like my MIL, FIL, SIL or of course OH. But if I am in the same space as he is he will be around me or wants me to hold him. I can say goodbye to him when,I have to teach my classes and he is normally okay with it. But I totally understand Gael crying when you leave. It is normal and they say it won't go away till they are around 3':wacko:
Ugh...6 months of hardcore winter?!? Are the skies at least blue or are they low & white or gray and oppressive? My sister lives in Chicago & they plan a trip somewhere warm every January or February. Could you go away for a week or 2?

We have a Peg Perego convertible car seat. We love it, but don't love the price. I didn't have many options because we wanted to keep N rear-facing for as long as possible & because of his size, we needed something with generous weight & height limits for rear-facing. It's red! :)

Ok...Kosh & Kitty pics are next? I think I saw Kosh once...she is lovely & petite & looks so young... I will post my CS pic again for those who missed it... My DH joked that I should also post my bump shot taken the day before the CS if I really wanted to scare you all...:haha:

Storm...I'm sorry the funeral experience was so horrible. :hugs: It sounded exhausting...:nope:

Separation anxiety is so heart-breaking...I don't know how we're supposed to remain calm & strong. :shrug: Or, is it one of those things that gets easier over time?
aargh! I think I have the man flu! Feeling better, but will curl up back in bed with the electric blanket in a few minutes. I know we complain about our OHs, but mine deserves a gold star - he came and picked me from work yesterday (I did ask him because I was literally exhausted and my migraine was starting up again - regular headache I can tolerate, but my migraines hit the back of the neck, which means you can't lift your head) and he looked after LO yesterday afternoon while I slept and took him again last night (two nights in a row)...!

I have great sympathy for you storm -- at least I can dope myself up with meds and I have no baby kicking me (LO is another story - he thinks it funny to try and smack my face when I am coughing, not sure why -- either he is trying to get the phlegm out or...he just likes to hit mommy!

on a positive, I've found a postgraduate certificate course at the University of Wales (distance learning) in Latin, and although term starts in two weeks, might get the application in on time (will post Monday) -- I would start at Intermediate II, then in September, do the Advanced level. I think it will help my secondary school/independent schools possible job applications as then I can 'prove' I have the level of Latin needed, and I love Latin, so on a personal level, I miss studying it in an academic setting, so this should be ideal.

weight: I look best between 9-10 stone (about 126-130s), but remember, I am 5 foot tall, so about 120 is considered 'ideal', not skinny....

Nothing else here, hope all are well and hugs!

Borboleta - having two 21 months apart has been and is hard work, but incredibly rewarding, and dh and I were discussing the other day that we think it's possibly the best age gap. Dd wasnt too willful when ds was born, and I don't think she really remembers life without a little brother. Although having said that, she does remember my mum, who died when I was 7 months pregnant with Gil.

Angeluk - will endeavour to post more! You seem like a great bunch on this thread!

This weekend is just me and kids as dh is away on stag do. Started well yesterday with car that wouldn't start! Last night was a struggle balancing 2 screaming kids at bedtime. Not that I don't do bedtime on my own often, just worse knowing they knew daddy wasnt around!
Morning ladies. Ah yes Kosh it is mad I'm about to have my second and LAST child, sometimes I wonder how on earth that happened!

L is still asleep (beside me) she's just had ten minutes of kicking me in the back and rubbing her little (well not so little) feet through my hair! She did brilliantly last night and ironically I was awake most of the night coughing and with awful heartburn... Oh she's kicking again... Wee monkey! We have to get up anyway, it's tiny tutus soon and she should get her tutu today... She's going to hate it! Dh is at work so at least it will kill a few hours, will post more later!
Ugh...6 months of hardcore winter?!? Are the skies at least blue or are they low & white or gray and oppressive? My sister lives in Chicago & they plan a trip somewhere warm every January or February. Could you go away for a week or 2?

We have a Peg Perego convertible car seat. We love it, but don't love the price. I didn't have many options because we wanted to keep N rear-facing for as long as possible & because of his size, we needed something with generous weight & height limits for rear-facing. It's red! :)

Ok...Kosh & Kitty pics are next? I think I saw Kosh once...she is lovely & petite & looks so young... I will post my CS pic again for those who missed it... My DH joked that I should also post my bump shot taken the day before the CS if I really wanted to scare you all...:haha:

Storm...I'm sorry the funeral experience was so horrible. :hugs: It sounded exhausting...:nope:

Separation anxiety is so heart-breaking...I don't know how we're supposed to remain calm & strong. :shrug: Or, is it one of those things that gets easier over time?

That play structure looks amazing.....& a little scary...

Yup--winter for over half a year. But yes, because we live on the prairie, the sky is sometimes high, huge and blue. Which is nice when you're out driving, but doesn't do much to help when you're inside. Oh well, we're going swimming again today, this time with OH, so we're all out of the house again. With any luck, the sky will be gorgeous. I would love to go somewhere warm, and have looked into trips to Mexico, but OH is always teaching, which means he can't get away.

I know--that apparatus looks very scary, doesn't it! But J and the rest of the kids love it, and I've gone up with J to show him how to get to the enormous slide, and it's not too dark inside. It's dark and warren-ish, but not scary. What I don't like about it is that you can't see the kids when they're up there, so if J were to hurt himself somehow, I wouldn't know right away.

Re: separation anxiety--how long is it supposed to last? I've been learning more about my niece, and discovered that, at one year, the kid has separation anxiety. I know that isn't strange at all, but she's had it since 4 months old and it hasn't let up in the slightest. Only my sis, BIL and sometimes my mother can hold her, and if my sister is out of the room for too long, the LO loses it. My sis now has to go back to work, and her husband, who is a teacher and took a leave, can only stay home with my niece until September. So they have to solve it somehow, or daycare in September will be a nightmare. Does anyone have any suggestions/experiences?
Kosh: thiago doesn't really cry when I leave him with people he knows like my MIL, FIL, SIL or of course OH. But if I am in the same space as he is he will be around me or wants me to hold him. I can say goodbye to him when,I have to teach my classes and he is normally okay with it. But I totally understand Gael crying when you leave. It is normal and they say it won't go away till they are around 3':wacko:

Oh. I guess my separation anxiety question was answered already by Borboleta. Until three?! How does one get them off to daycare?
Clio L goes to daycare no problem as iit's part of her routine BUT it took a long time for her to settle. Daycare are used to dealing with babies not wanting to leave mummies so I guess just lots of crying til the LO gets used to it. I found it really traumatic for months!
Clio You look lovely and way slimmer than you make out to be! You certainly look slimmer than me! And as for the hair thing, mine is down to the middle of my back and I never wear it down. I think it ages me, plus I don't like it when my boys pull on it. But having it that long makes it easier to just do a messy bun and be done lol.
I don't think your nieces separation anxiety will stay as acute and bad as that though, surely!? Plus I don't think T was ever like that? Sebastian certainly still has SA but again also not as bad as that. Mind you, if he sees my OH sitting down in the kitchen, he will have a meltdown at the gate with head banging and sobbing, even though the gate is about 2m away from daddy. But he does occasionally play with Dominic for 30 mins till he decides that's enough of that! And of course he still has stranger anxiety too.
How are things with your sister and her LO? Is she an ok mother? I remember she was a bit deluded about many things before she had her baby?

kosh the speech therapist is coming to our house on the 28th. I wonder how that will go with Sebastian's stranger anxiety. :/

Borboleta I hope you will have a great time with your fellow Brazilian ladies :)

Kitty woohoo for Blake finding his balance! He will be cruising all over the place and then walking in no time. My boys started cruising within a few days I think of being able to pull up. At first only along the coffee table but then along the sofa too. :)
Have any of your extended family met Blake yet? Is he allowed visitors now? Mind you, I am always anxious about colds etc and other ppl even though I don't have to be as careful as you with Blake. My boys caught a cold in gymbo yesterday I think as they are super snotty. So I wouldn't blame you if you delayed a bit longer!
And wow you must be skinny to fit into a size 2! I think over here that is a size 4 which I don't think many stores even do! How tall are you though? I do envy you having lost so much of your pregnancy weight too. Do you exercise a lot? If so what do you do? I really must do something now to shift this yucky fat (;))
But as for your father... wow just wow! How tactful. lol

Man that was a short nap! Must go. Love to you all xx
Angel--my sis turned out to be a very good mum; very loving, and apart from a very difficult beginning, when the baby wouldn't eat and was far too small, the LO is a happy child. That is, until my sis leaves the room. I always wonder, though, how my niece must have felt being brought daily to one of my sister's friends or to the constant get-togethers with her "Mommy Friends." I always thought that that might have added to the SA, for if my sis has to leave the room, the LO is left with veritable strangers. But what do I know; I'm no child psychologist.

Thank you Angel, for your comment! The weight is still going down, so that's good. But my tummy with all of its stretched and loose skin!!! Ugh! I want a tummy tuck! Can we all still go down to Brazil and get it done cheap, Borboleta? And I'm exactly like you with the hair Angel. It is so much easier just to pull it back, and I wish mine were long enough again!

J slept until 7:30 this am! :shock: We were about to get him up when we finally heard him stir. He must have been really tired from the day before, when he barely got a nap at all. But OH and I still got up at our normal, now-programmed-into-our-bodies 4 am and 6 am, respectively, and I am already wiped (insomnia, too). I'm going to see if OH will let me go back to bed for a bit. The boy is in a good mood, so hopefully OH won't need me.

DH came home to N napping in his own room & in his own bed! He was shocked! :haha:

His absence was not as keenly felt by N as I thought it would be as my sister spent the night & was here in the morning, so he was sufficiently distracted. The only time he became a bit agitated was when I tried to show him the videos DH recorded for him. I think N though he was doing FaceTime w dad & became annoyed & thought my DH was ignoring him, or something.

My sister, N & I went out for breakfast this morning & she fed him pancakes. :wacko: She is his new favorite person now. He also spent almost 3 hours at his grandparents' house yesterday & had a great time, only asking for me at the very end after dinner. Now I'm wondering if the seperation anxiety phase is over, or if I missed something before....maybe he was more unwell than I thought? :shrug:

My hair is long, too....a few inches past my bra strap & I have been wearing it up in a bun, but now that it's cold, I wear it down again & it's strangely liberating... N rarely pulls it anymore.

Every time you mention S's head-banging, IDK why, but it breaks my heart, even though I know it's not unusual & just a phase. Is it something you're used to now?

I hope you post a recent pic of Blake, too!

I would love to see L a tutu! :)

I love the avatar pic of T. He is so handsome! He definitely has 'old soul' eyes.

It's good to hear you excited about the Latin course!

Oh, and I thought I'd mention that I very much appreciate the American equivalents in parentheses! :thumbup: :)
Along the same lines but different Clio :)

That is soooo helpful. :rofl: :winkwink:

I know, I'm useless! Ours is more like a big solid 3 story structure with lots of padded slopes and tunnels etc.. and yes I agree you can only see them in certain parts which is worrying. I can't take a photo either as you aren't allowed. Actually all that's a question, are other countries so strict when it comes to children being photographed etc? I can see why it's necessary but it's quite restrictive over here. As many of you know I help out with the little ones in Church and for that I have to be background checked by the police and attend a child protection course every 2 years which I fully agree with, but not being able to take a photo of my own child in a public play area I'm not so sure about!

L and I made banana pancakes today, she loved them, basically a large mashed banana with 2 eggs, a good splash of milk and a bit of flour chucked in. They were nice I have to admit although harder to cook than normal pancakes.

Then we had 3 hours of cousins, so no nap and my amazing brother got us pizza for dinner and even embarrassed himself by asking for a half meat feast half vegetarian pizza :) for me! I love veg pizza but I knew L and I would only have a slice each so wanted the rest for dh who is working.

Other than that I'm in agony, can't sit, stand, lie down, I cannot get comfortable this baby is so high up and apparently is unlikely to drop until I go into labour...

Sk everytime you mention Latin I think of the books we had to use at school with Cornelia, Flavia and Sextus which we used to giggle at... Ah the innocence of childhood....
Storm- Ecce Romani! I remember those books we'll. we too used to laugh at sextus! Lol :haha: was his friend called Marcus?
Hi ladies,
Just dropping by for a quick catchup.

Clio- I agree with the others about you not looking big at all and you definitely make yourself sound much bigger than you really are. The same goes for Angel too. Do you think sometimes we can suffer from a bit of body dis morphia ?

Re: separation anxiety. Lucy is quite clingy and always wants mummy when I'm around, but if I'm not around she seems to cope fine?

Storm- I really hope baby drops a bit soon so you can at least get more comfortable.

Can't remember what other things I wanted to reply too?

Ah yes, borboleta the theme for Lucy's cake was a childhood tv programme from the 1980's. I used to watch it and loved it. Lucy loves it now too.
Google it. It's called button moon.

Afm- I had my girlie afternoon tea today and it was so lovely.
I will post a few pics for those not on fb.
Hugs to all
View attachment 722783

image.jpg this is where we were
You ladies might even recognise the place as it has been in loads of movies.
Layer cake, Bridget jones's diary, James bonds- gold finger and tomorrow never dies.

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