any other over 35 first time mums?

So my "adding" escapade resulted in some sad news. Rowan/Cheryl wrote and said that we have heard so little from her because Martha has autism.
She told me it was okay to tell you.

That's so sad, poor Rowan and Martha.
Oh no I am so sorry to hear that about Rowan and Martha. :(
Wow that's a bit of a shock about Martha, she is very very young to be diagnosed? In NI they generally won't confirm until they are 4. I'm sure Rowan hasn't time to do anything.. oh little feet arriving...y
After a not brilliant night with many wake ups due to OH's snoring and apnoea squeaks, Dominic got me out of bed at 7:30 which to us is now early. While I was reading on here and waiting for Sebastian to wake too, Dominic has now fallen asleep again. Man!

And Claire yes Storm is right, I went home to Switzerland and slept in my old room.
We are looking to move too even though I sadly know that ttc is not in the cards. Are you going to stay in the area you are? I actually had a look on rightmove cause you said how lovely it was there. Yeah we cannot afford ANYTHING up there lol So good luck!
Btw are any of you ladies as addicted to rightmove as I am? I love looking at other ppl's houses and here I can do it and it is legit lol

Storm your bump is quite big but you are not massive! I am so excited for you though! Any time now you are going to meet your new little bean!! :D And do resist Sarah! I prefer your choices for names! lol
L looked adorable in her tutu!! What a shame she doesn't like it. But actually I am kinda proud of her that she doesn't. I always hoped that if I had a girl she wouldn't be a delicate pink princess either but exactly like your beautiful headstrong little whirlwind (minus the bad sleeping, mind you!) :D

Kosh is there no way you could join us on FB? Maybe just create a false profile just for there? It would be much easier for some of the ladies, such as Leeze and hopefully also Jules once again. And maybe Rowan will be able to occasionally come there too?

Ok Sebastian is awake and I need another coffee before Dominic wakes too.
Hope all are well. xx
quick as am late for class....

slept okay last night (me and LO)!!!!
am sorry to hear about M -- but isn't it too early to tell?
will check on fb as am intriqued by group (I think I'm part of...?0

omg - that's so sad about Martha :nope: hope they are coping ok? how/when was she diagnosed? as others said it does sound a bit early, isn't M just 2yo?
As you know I have been worrying about Sebastian and have therefore read threads on autism etc on the toddler section here on BnB and it seems that it can sometimes be diagnosed as early as 18 months and that the earlier you do find out, the better the child can be helped. I have every confidence that Martha will get great help cause we surely all remember what a great mum and all round energetic and determined person Rowan is. Still, it must be so hard and I am so sorry that what most of us feared at some point or another for our own LOs has had to come true for one of our own thread ladies :(
angel - I too missed your trip to Switzerland. why did you have to go this time? and also, how's your friend Andrea?
yes, I love rightmove too! have you seen that website called 'terrible state agaents photographs'? it's hilarious!
re. fb I would consider openinga false account just to join you ladies if that makes it easier for some. have you created a new group or something? I have no idea how it works etc

borboleta - yes, we do co-sleep :blush: what I meant was that I had to spend the beginning of the night with him (8-11pm) which meant I could not have dinner!

indigo - glad to hear N has no fever, but sorry about the rash. is it very itchy you yhink? Gael is better. he actually slept quite well yesterday and only woke at 1 and 5am (I think?). you know, until you mentioned it I had forgotten about the MMR....

question - does any of your LOs grind their teeth in their sleep?:wacko:

have to go, hugs to all
I am totally addicted to rightmove Angel, love nosing into homes I want to move to. I do searches with no upper limit, just to see how the other half live! :haha: we were thinking of moving, well moving all of us and mum and getting a decent sized house, but I have changed my my mum, she needs me a lot and I constantly feel full of guilt about her living alone, but honestly I cannot live with her! We couldn't get a house big enough unless we moved to Texas!! However my next door neighbour is relocating to Switzerland and is renting her place out, so we are going to have a look this afternoon, could be a perfect compromise and make my life easier and my mum happier!

Kosh, Indigo created a secret group on FB so no one else can access it or see a thing except it's members, come and have a secret FB account with us! About teeth grinding, no Sophia doesn't do it in her sleep, we co sleep too and that would drive me nuts, but she does it while she is awake and it drives me nuts :dohh:
Clio: my heart just sank when talked about Martha :cry:!!! How is she coping? Do you know what kind of autism she has?

I know--it's the next morning and I'm still so sad about it. Do you remember when Rowan came on a while after Michael was born and said that Martha was great, but had stopped speaking? I guess it kept on going. She says that some days, it's like nothing is wrong, and the old Martha is back, but other days/weeks, there are regressions, skills lost, and she no longer speaks anymore at all. Rowan says she has to wait until M is diagnosed at 3 (!!!) before she'll get any help. They don't do anything before that.
Clio: my heart just sank when talked about Martha :cry:!!! How is she coping? Do you know what kind of autism she has?

I know--it's the next morning and I'm still so sad about it. Do you remember when Rowan came on a while after Michael was born and said that Martha was great, but had stopped speaking? I guess it kept on going. She says that some days, it's like nothing is wrong, and the old Martha is back, but other days/weeks, there are regressions, skills lost, and she no longer speaks anymore at all. Rowan says she has to wait until M is diagnosed at 3 (!!!) before she'll get any help. They don't do anything before that.

That's so heartbreaking, it must be so hard to cope with especially if she has no official diagnosis by the sound of it, very sad.
re: Autism. If we go by kosh's info about regression peaking at 18 months, I remember that being around the time that M stopped speaking. Rowan says she doesn't come to the thread because it's hard to watch M's peers develop normally.

I still want to cry when I think about it.

Angel--do you still worry about S?

Re: FB--I'm having difficulty following the convos. Will we be putting only pics up there, and continuing to talk here? (And I will probably continue to make my posts look pretty using my pics here, too.)
Clio yes I was thinking of that too about Martha and the stopping to talk.
As for Sebastian, yes am worried yes but I don't think he has autism or aspergers. He is too involved with us and too interactive with Dominic (did I tell you that he is now hugging Dominic back?). And of course he never had a regression either, never having started talking at 18 months.
But I am thinking he does have some sort of speech delay. We shall know more next Tuesday I hope when the therapist is coming to visit us. Maybe it is just down to the whole twin thing :shrug:
re: Autism. If we go by kosh's info about regression peaking at 18 months, I remember that being around the time that M stopped speaking.

as you know my presence in this thread has been very random, but I was trying to remember whether Rowan had mentioned anything previously?

Rowan says she doesn't come to the thread because it's hard to watch M's peers develop normally.

I still want to cry when I think about it.

Clio yes I was thinking of that too about Martha and the stopping to talk.
As for Sebastian, yes am worried yes but I don't think he has autism or aspergers. He is too involved with us and too interactive with Dominic (did I tell you that he is now hugging Dominic back?). And of course he never had a regression either, never having started talking at 18 months.
But I am thinking he does have some sort of speech delay. We shall know more next Tuesday I hope when the therapist is coming to visit us. Maybe it is just down to the whole twin thing :shrug:

have you been to the '2 and not talking thread'? (I'm sure you have!). what do they say there?
I'm not expert but I would imagine that Seb is still waaay too young to tell and also within the normal developmental range. Are you concerned bacause he's not talking at all, or because he talks less than Dom? (sorry, I'm sure you must have said this 100s of times, I apologise)

It looks like my best friend's daughter might have speach delay and it is only now that she is almost 4 years old that can be assessed.

anyway, :hugs: if you are concerned
I too have been thinking a lot about little Martha, every parent wants the best for their child and it's quite some curve ball BUT I have every faith that Martha will do incredibly well with Rowan behind her all the way. I have a few friends who have children with aspergers and aspergers/adhd combined and yes it's hard but they are doing well. Then I looked at L jumping up and down on her bed this am shouting 'jump jump' and I was so incredibly thankful that she is ok but almost felt guilty if that makes sense? Then I instantly started worrying about the new baby and hoping and praying she is ok! See you start worrying before they even arrive...

L went to nursery today, protesting she doesn't like it while I did laundry, some cooking and my friend for lunch (she has 7 year old twins and a little girl just younger than L), she's going back to work soon as a teacher in a special needs school after a career break. Lunch was lovely but then I had to run around trying to get a baby present, engagement present and present for my sil, I failed epically on the sil present so she will be getting mostly money. I'm just so vague and indecisive at the end of pregnancy.. I just feel odd! Not in labour odd, just vague odd... Oh the joy.

Dh has been rather helpful today, he walked the dog, put a curtain rail up and curtain across the back door as oddly it seems draughty and changed the fish. I did need him to get cat litter and milk but I don't think he did, thankfully our local Tesco is 24 hours so he can go later :)

Ok I'm whittering now... Bye ladies
I can understand how rowan feels -- it must be hard when M's 'peers' are developing 'normally', but all at their own pace. I don't feel that Finn's vocal skills are as strong as they could be, BUT if the others in the creche aren't worried, I'm not. He loves to babble alot and we can understand him most of the time, and I guess that's the main thing.

am busy trying to do job applications and fill out paperwork for my course that starts in a week or so -- instead of just knitting on the bus now, I sit reviewing Latin verbs (slightly manically, I think - is 'manically' a word?)

as for FB and here, I'll probably post pictures on both since members of my family and some close friends are on fb, but leave the epistles to BnB....!

and storm -yay for DH :happydance: (and I noticed he's back to 'dh')

um....that's it - OH is making dinner and I am half-watching LO watching Shaun the Sheep and thinking of starting another application -bless email and the internet age because I can procrastinate just that little bit more (you can download most applications from websites, but I do check and can at least email to request if not) and feel virtuous if I finish and email an application today, which is due on Monday! hehehe!

and Angel and charlie- there are a few jobs in the London area, so I might be over in the next few weeks?! and just saw - kosh, am filing out an application for Royal Grammar School in Newcastle!

hugs, bye!
Hi ladies,

Clio: I am with you and having a little trouble following fb and here :haha:. I will do my best :thumbup:.
Like you and most of us I am just keep thinking about Rowan and Martha :cry: and can totally understand why she wouldn't be want to come here. It must be really difficult specially because we all knew how Martha was way ahead of a lot of babies milestones. And after you mentioned I totally remember when she said that Martha had stopped talking. So sad :cry:! But hopefully they will be able to help her and even though life is tough for people with autism they say that it gets easier as they grow older. My SIL has a student that has autism and she said it was hard in the beginning for him to adjust to some of the changes that needed to be done in school but now he is doing fine. And actually his dad's is autistic too and he is very smart with number and has his own company doing logistics. So he must do well because his son is in a private school. And I just read in a magazine that Daryl Hannah is autistic too and she still has some hard time interacting with people but she is happy now.

Angel: I so understand your fear but like you said seb and thiago are connecting with us and trying to say words even though we are the only ones that might understand what they are saying. A friend of mine just told me that her daughter would cry everytime she heard a load sound when she was little, so every kid is different, we just have this idea in our heads that children have to be talking at certain age, have to be full of energy and playing with other children at that age. And like thiago's doctor said kids are weird and do unusual things :haha:.

Kosh: I liked your response in the conditioner :haha:. And poor you couldn't even have dinner:(. Gael is a momma's boy like thiago :thumbup:.

Storm: yesterday after I read about Martha I gave thiago an extra cuddle while rocking him. And yes we worry even before they are here in this world!!! So you just have less than 3 weeks to go :dohh:!!!

Charlie: come move to Texas :happydance:!!! You will get a job as a nurse here in no time :thumbup:. Did you like your next door neighbor's house? And I totally understand I love my mom but cannot live in the same house as her :haha:. I would be the same with my dad :haha:.

I have to tell you a cute/sad story, most of you saw the pics of thiago and Patti the cat and what good friends they are. Well, the other day they were playing and thiago decides to touch patti's tale and than his foot and he didn't like that and hiss ( not writing this word right :dohh:) and moved his paw towards him. Than I saw thiago coming my way with the most sad face ( bless his heart) I ever seen! Like he had his heart broken by patti! His lip was turn down like he was going to cry and he was holding his little hand and I picked him up because I couldn't resist that little sad face and than of course he starts crying. Later in I saw a little scratch in his hand. Poor thing he got little sad about what patti did to him. I guess cats are just that way right? Sometimes they are up for playing and sometimes they are not :shrug:.

Going to go check fb while thiago is down for a nap. Oh, by the way do I need to upload a video on YouTube before I post it on our page?
Only just read about Martha! Poor Rowan! She must feel quite helpless right now.
Do you ladies think there is a chance it might not be autism? Either way I'm sure she will be fine.
Sk, I'm not far from London so could always meet with angel and Charlie if you come over!

Can't think of what I wanted to say? I don't even have pregnancy or a newborn to blame! Lol


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