any other over 35 first time mums?

um...not much here - I tried to take some pictures of LO, but he can sense a camera and immediately runs towards us.....

we have some board books, but the ones with paper pages, he tends to rip....

not in a good mood (teething and a bit cranky)....

B - if T likes counting type books, this is my favorite of all the books we have...

It's a cute story with a number (and then that number of bugs) on each page. Blake LOVES it! One of the ones he will he with his attention focused.

His other favorite is Roadwork...all the steps to building a roads with fun rhyming language...
Found the name of the book in English: it is called One to ten... And back again by Susie shakir. Thiago loves it and it has these really cool ribbons in between pages with the bugs and frogs imprinted in it. Starts with one ribbon and by the number 10 there are 10 ribbons.

Kitty: don't you love when they sit with you when you read to them :kiss:. Thiago has always loved books from the beginning and till now he sits with us and we read to him, unless is a long story like you said. Than he might be off playing or something :haha:. But he always brings books to us, specially when I am washing the dishes :haha::dohh:!!

Angel : poor Sebastian and Dom taking his turn for him to pick the books. But at this age it is hard to reason with them. It will be a day that you will be able to tell Dom that now it is seb's turn to pick a book and vice versa.
Did you tell the speech therapist to call seb sebeling and see if he respond to that?

Clio: now you have to explain to me why do put the second diaper on the reverse :haha:. Very curious about your response:).

Today we had a tiny bit of snow here :haha:. I wish I could show the miniature snowman pictures on fb :haha:!!! Hilarious :haha:!!! They have a say that everything is bigger in Texas and now they are adding except the snowman :haha:!!!!!! It is soooo cold but thank you Lord in the next 2 days we are going back to 60s :thumbup:. Stayed home with t all morning and we actually had fun and played together. I am not teaching tonight ( canceled my classes due to cold weather and dangers road conditions :haha:).

Hugs to all :hugs:.
Sorry about the typos:wacko:

SK - yes! We keep putting the "paper" books on higher shelves, but that won't last long, he's pulling up on everything now! Hope teething F feels better soon.
Kitty: just added the blueberry to thiago's wish list:). And so cute that B likes the road trucks one:).

I had something else to say to Clio I think and I forgot :dohh:!!!
Oh I remembered: the give a mouse a cookie series is soooo cute!! I loved reading those to the kids I baby sat. Thiago has the mouse one or the moose one. Now that you mentioned I actually should try to find it and try to read it to him and see what he thinks. If I am not mistaken I think there is about 5 books in the series and they are all very cute. Chick filet was giving them in the kids meal a long time ago. Now it is the click clack moo stories. I just hate chick filet :haha:!
Clio I have just discussed it with OH and we have come to the conclusion that Sebastian's favourite book is this The Wheels on the Bus. We have to sing it of course and change some of the lyrics to ones he knows from the youtube nursery songs cause he does the Ding Ding Ding of the bell (sort of) rather than the beep beep of the horn. But I think he also likes all the details of the pictures. Dominic likes that one too and loves to point out all the animals and babies and sippies etc. Which is probably why he ripped that book to shreds just this evening :dohh:

As for books with paper pages, we gave Dominic this Toddler Treasury today and so far he loved it and has not tried to rip the pages. He loves books with lots of things to discover I guess :) Mind you, while the pages aren't made of board, they are definitely a sturdier, thicker variety of paper. But I still won't let him have it when I am not there to supervise. :haha:
I love buying books for them and love reading all your recommendations but we are literally overflowing already. Maybe I should do another culling. So hard to part with some though.

Kitty Blake sounds like a completely adorable sweetheart! And it sounds like you two have great fun together :cloud9:. Having them on your lap and reading to them is wonderful isn't it :)

Sabrina our boys also seem to sense the presence of a camera but they run the other way or just turn their backs to us. So frustrating, isn't it! Maybe I will have to take more piccies of them in their highchairs. They cannot run from that :haha:

Borboleta yes we told the therapist his nickname but he doesn't react to this name most of the time even when we call him. It is getting better though, as is his speech. So who knows, maybe he will be one of those kids who suddenly have a speech explosion and speak really well. He walked later than Dominic but his first steps were much more balanced and sure than Dominic's too. Dominic did one or two steps first, Sebastian got up and crossed the room. So who knows, here is hoping anyway. :)

Storm any news on the bean-arrival front? you have been quite quiet this afternoon ;) (/me is excited!)

But one cute thing they both did this evening shows me that Sebastian's understanding is not that behind. One of the nursery songs they have on the HD is "There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name". I don't know if you know the song but basically you are asked to clap, pat your tummy, your legs, your head and to jump etc. I have not trained this with them other than doing it myself in front of them and certainly not lately. But both boys did the commands exactly right, even my Sebastian clapping and patting his legs, Dominic even trying to jump, which is just too cute for words lol. And Dominic then said eggain eggain (again again). :)
No sign of bean I'm afraid, I'm just feeling rough and not in a I'm going into labour way unfortunately. More of I have the cold, horrendous heartburn and the top of my stomach aches, like the muscles have just given up.. I want this baby out. Also miss L refused to go to bed and my spirit is weak so here we are again..she's stealing all the bed and bump and I are squashed and uncomfortable!

So any baby eviction ideas that don't include DTD?
Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle
To Market, To Market by Miranda Stevens
& the Roger Priddy books...

That's about it....:(
Oh & the 'G'Night Safari' book's the only screen time he gets....(right before bedtime...)
Love hearing about all these books that our lo's love. Sophia has always loved books, in fact her favourites are identical to Dominic's, she loves tabby McTat, Mog, slinky Malinky. One of her favourites is my old cat care book... A book with advice about caring for your cat! She gets it off the shelf and finds the pictures in it and then if Charlie is awake she shows them to her, if she's asleep she leaves the book in front of Charlie's bed, it's cute! She happily reads on her own a lot and is getting better at reading with us, but she turns the pages so fast and is really more interested in the pictures so you can't really read to her properly! Oh the other favourite that is bedtime book is Paddington, I loved Paddington as a child :)

Storm, hmmm eviction ideas but no DTD....why not? :haha: walking walking and walking and if you can be bothered going up and down stairs a lot! Other things that I have heard but not a clue if they work is curry and pineapple I think, :shrug: but walking is a very good way to get that baby moving and the stairs I think may only help once baby is engaged as it widens your pelvis so helps baby to get further down and around the bends, so that more to speed up labour.

SK Sophia also dives for the camera which is why I took that photo from behind, or you have to be fast :dohh:

Borboleta....snow in Texas, I never knew it ever snowed there! And I would love to see this miniature Texan snowman!
um...not much here - I tried to take some pictures of LO, but he can sense a camera and immediately runs towards us.....

we have some board books, but the ones with paper pages, he tends to rip....

Charlie no DTD cause I'm too sore and have acquired some particularly lovely varicose veins in my upper inner thighs (im too scared to look where they go) and they are burning! No DTD yet, I may get desperate enough :)
Charlie no DTD cause I'm too sore and have acquired some particularly lovely varicose veins in my upper inner thighs (im too scared to look where they go) and they are burning! No DTD yet, I may get desperate enough :)

I wish I could give you some advice, but I tried everything to bring on labour, but as you know she was 2 weeks late and had to forced out! Lol
Hope she comes soon for you.
many thanks for your support ladies it means a lot to me :hugs:

re my job - it may get easier once I know more about it and feel more confident etc, but the problem is that being a research scientist means you are kind of expected to be fully devoted to your work, and I am not: a) I don't have the energy. b) I am not interested!
could expand on this, but storm's question is more imporant!

they say walking, DTD, pineaple and curries work. I tried them all and was still 2 weeks overdue and had to be induced :dohh:
Now, if you are really serious about it, I think you should try nipple estimulation. I used a breast pump in teh days after giving birth and I can say for sure that it produced contractions! Found a very interesting link, it is even used to help with arrested labour in extreme situations, see this!

don't know if it works to start labour, but you can always try!
angel - I am glad you liked the therapist and the assessment made you feel less unsure. May I ask you something? Did she say what would make the difference between a 'real delay' and being just slower than the average? Are there any words/sounds/etc that a baby at X age should be definetely be doing? I still think that babies develop at such a different rates that it is almost impossible to assess.
Also, I am not a fan of 'shoulds'...I am sure that many would think that a 2 year old 'baby' should STTN :coffee:

re books -

this is definetely one of Gael's favorites now:

and this one for some reason?

not his favorite yet, but I love this:

(I forgot to attach the link to the word :dohh:)
No sign of bean I'm afraid, I'm just feeling rough and not in a I'm going into labour way unfortunately. More of I have the cold, horrendous heartburn and the top of my stomach aches, like the muscles have just given up.. I want this baby out. Also miss L refused to go to bed and my spirit is weak so here we are again..she's stealing all the bed and bump and I are squashed and uncomfortable!

So any baby eviction ideas that don't include DTD?

Ahem. J came after I "serviced myself." It's a bit embarrassing, so I don't tell...well...anyone, actually, but yup, I finished, and J started! My waters broke immediately. J even came two weeks early!

Something about the release of whatever that hormone is when you have an orgasm--that apparently helped start things.

I'm sorry that you're feeling so rotten!
kosh normally I would agree about the shoulds and should nots. But in this case it's a bit different and it isn't so much about only having a certain number of words at a certain age. A toddler of Sebastian's age who doesn't talk and who for example doesn't have any shared enjoyment or eye contact, who doesn't ask for reassurance (via eye contact) and who perhaps can concentrate to the point of complete absorption for a significant length of time (or perhaps not at all) and never asks for help would definitely raise some red flags.
I think they usually don't diagnose ASD till 3 but I think it can be very clear from 18 months if there are serious problems. So my relief is that Sebastian is in all likelihood not on the spectrum and having heard it from the therapist is what makes me feel more assured.
I am not sure what the distinction is between just a bit slower than others and speech delayed. I suppose the difference would be in how big the delay is and I think there must be a margin before "a bit slow" becomes a delay.
LO having loads of temper tantrums today...sigh. Now it looks like OH has my cold, sigh....

hugs to all...must go and cuddle/comfort LO....

Clio :rofl: it's oxytocin, the hormone of love and uterine contractions!

Kosh, it's tough been a working mum isn't it? I hope it gets easier for you. I totally understand not been that interested in work, I am the same, happy to go do my bit and leave, but tbh honest am not interested beyond that and I need to be too. I have requested to further reduce my hours, we can't really afford it, but I would prefer to do locum shifts as and when I can. But I am lucky I have that option, I think your line of work sounds less flexible. :hugs: hope it gets better soon.

I guess the just been slower with development compared to actually been developmentally delayed is something that you can't really tell until later which is why it is hard to pinpoint problems earlier rather than later. So many lo's have massive language explosions at 2ish or even later and speak really well, very quickly. Like Sebastian did with his's hoping for a language explosion for Sebastian...would love to hear what he has to say to Dominic and the little conversations that they would have.

So this morning we went to a music group called pandemonium, it was good fun and different to anything else I have been to. Sophia enjoyed it, but was uncharacteristically glued to my lap, I think a combination of teething and shyness in a new place, but something I haven't seen before, but still she seemed to enjoy it. Wednesday is my normal working day, but not today, so will have to convince OH to take Sophia there, not sure how keen he will be as, as usual, it's full of mums.

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