any other over 35 first time mums?

Congrats to Mr. Clio! :wohoo:

Angel said it all so have such a lovely, tender soul & are not a nut...

There's a reason preschool starts at 3yo....I wouldn't worry about it at all. Isn't it around 2 that they get territorial about toys, too? Also, many children won't be comfortable until they're more verbal.

You are not alone. N is always on the go. Still, we try to read every day, but it's always on his terms... Have I mentioned he has over 100 board books? I was soooo looking forward to reading w him. Sometimes I actually find myself following him around the house reading to him as he's doing his own thing. When he's low on energy, he'll look at a few books & once in a while, he'll bring me one to read... He definitely prefers books w photographs or realistic illustrations.

DH is off tomorrow, too! We have been having lots of fun in our jammies. N experienced his first snowy day. We were in & out most of the day. He thinks icicles are the coolest thing ever... He had his first cup of cocoa...his eyes actually widened after the first sip...:haha:
6 cm??? Sad. Just sad. I hear the whole South screeched to a halt!
We had 26cm on our wedding day, which was freakishly bad for here!
Gah still no sign of junior, this bit does drag! L is at nursery and I have just got showered and dressed and it's late afternoon. Dh is working the next 3 days which is going to kill me with her ladyship so I figured I'd slob today!

Anyway hope everyone is well, I'm off for a waddle round the park with the dog :)
My husband did the sweetest thing--he's been waking me at 6 am to help with the boy and it's always pitch black outside. Even as late as 7:30, it's still dark out. But I've been having problems with my mood, and complained that waking to utter darkness to begin my day is becoming horrific. So the sweet man let me sleep until after 8 am, and took J to the Day Home, so I came down to daylight and no J. So nice!

Ah, my über-super carpet cleaner worked again! I found cat sick in a never-used corner of the basement, days after the cat was sick. So I sprayed on my cleaner, waited till this morning, and just vacuumed it all up! I am SO in love with this cleaner that I'd patent it, if I hadn't gotten it off of the internet.

Thanks for the congrats on OH's new position. It's not tenure, SK, but it's the first step on a somewhat long and unconventional road to get there. It is so complicated to explain, and boring, too, so we'll just leave it at: :wohoo: I think that the first thing I want is a housekeeper. And even before that, a cleaning crew to do "spring cleaning," where they wash down your walls, do your stove, fridge, etc. Then it'll all be ready to go for when they become weekly cleaners. It's a pipe dream, I know, but it's nice to day dream about.

Kitty--I agree with the others. How you felt about the bird reveals a very kind heart, and not one you should feel you need to bury! And as for being someone who can't go outside all day, what on earth do you guys do all day long inside?

Thank you for all of the book suggestions, guys. I think I'll go order something now. Oh, and as for destroying paper pages, J did it once to his favourite (at the time) book, and when I showed him that it was now broken and I had to tape it up, he never tore one up a page again. That's how you do it, made them sad about what they've done. :haha:
just woke up from a 3 hour nap (it's 6.30ish pm) and found that LO was also napping - OH looked after him this afternoon. I was so tired at work that my contact lens (only 1 - not both) was itchy, which is odd? turns out it was probably the central heating irritating my eyes...

hope all are well, but need to do laundry and make something to eat.

kitty - I'd missed your post about the bird. As the others have said, not a bad omen, but I can understand why you felt that way :hugs: I cant see animals dying either :nope:

Storm - any news? Remind me, when is /was your DD

Im feeling slightly better. At least Im trying to be as organised and as efficient as possible at work so I dont feel so overwhelmed.
Cant remember who asked, I think it was kitty? Im mainly doing data analysis (ie computer work) at the moment but my usual workplace used to be the lab. I work on genetics of neuromuscular disease now.

Gael has grown so much in the last couple of months its unbelievable. He's talking non stop. His favorite question is 'what's xx doing?' (but in spanish) and xx is usually me, or his dad, but also himself! :haha: so he'll be playing with legos and say 'what's Gael doing?' and you have to say: 'Gael is making a tower'! :haha: and then when im washing the dishes, i ask him 'what's mama doing?' and he replies: mama abua pato (mama dish water) :cloud9:
Morning ladies, another night of Miss L sleeping in mummys room, tbh it's easier than dragging my big bump out of bed, it's hard enough turning over! She wasn't bad last night, 3 bottles, 1 nappy change but practically no crying, just the odd clunk on the head with an empty bottle demanding a new one.

But oh my pelvis! I can only lie on one side for about 20 mins and then I have to move and every time it makes this almighty clunky click sound... But it's not too bad during the day so I don't think it's spd? I must mention it to the mw on Monday.

Kosh that's great about G, I keep forgetting some of out LOs are bilingual! My due date is 11th Feb, so not yet!

Clio, Mr Clio sounds like a sweetie letting you sleep, bless him. How is the alcohol consumption these days? I loved the photo of him with J and the Dr zuess books he looks just lovely (dh I mean)..

Sk how are you feeling today? Is F any less grumpy? And no bitings for a while is great!

Angel I laughed at you cleaning for the health visitor, I do that too! It sounds like it went well too!

Clairey how is Ls twin L getting on with the sleeping? I wonder how the 2 little madams would get on!

Charlie when are you starting to wean S? After her next injection?

Kitty how are you feeling after the little bird. Not to upset you but I had to kill a bird the cats got once, it was in a terrible state with NO chance of survival.. I cried for the rest of the day, which given it was my nieces birthday party wasn't ideal. I knew I'd done the right thing but it was just awful, poor bird. That's the downside of cats, the 'presents'..

Must dash, L is phone grabbing!
a quick one - horrible, wet miserable day here!

haven't had any responses to job applications (have only done 5 or 6, though), so am feeling glum (the weather doesn't help, either)....

since our cats are indoor, no 'presents', although Sabrina gets very interested in the birds (the other cat is very confused about this aspect of cat life and runs away from any birds!)

I can't believe that Finn will be 2 on Monday! No party, but we're trying to think of something to do as all petting zoos and outdoor activites aren't an option....

growl and hugs!

Kosh that's great about G, I keep forgetting some of out LOs are bilingual! My due date is 11th Feb, so not yet!

oh! I was confused then, I thought it was earlier! Maybe because my friend at work who is also pregnant is now over her due date. I'm very excited I'll get to hold a newborn soon!!

sorry your hip is painful, hopefully not that long to go!

can I ask you - when you say '3 bottles' is that during the night I guess? does she wake up and ask for milk? just curious
Yes 3 bottles overnight, she screams if you don't give them to her, then she goes to sleep holding it, if she wakes up and it's empty she hits you on the head with the empty bottle and says MORE MILK! Sigh....

Sk my kitty cats are allowed out during the day, funny enough they won't go out today the weather is awful!
Storm, sorry about your pelvic pain, I remember that in the night too, it kept on waking me up, if I had ever got to sleep. It's so tough those last weeks of pregnancy.

I will probably wean Sophia between 15 and 16 months, so likely some time next month. And yes after her MMR, which reminds me, must make appointment!

I bought Sophia some more appropriate rainwear today, a bargain rain coat and pants and a pair of the cutest wellies, nothing fancy, just a yellow pair, but they just look so unbelievably cute...and yey it's raining, so I think a walk in the new outfit this afternoon :)

Charlie doesn't give us pressies any more either, too old for that at 16. But I had to kill a mouse that was half dead once....I shed a lot of tears and poor Charlie wondered why I was so distraught I am sure.

Hope you are all having a lovely day ladies x
Morning, everyone. And do I mean morning. It's not even 6 am yet, and I'm up because J was banging on the wall with his feet, letting the whole house know that it was time to get him out of this crib! So no lovely sleep-in for me, but that was a one time shot for me (that is, OH letting me sleep until it was light out). J is now downstairs in the basement, yelling at the cats to eat water.

Ooooh, but earlier, I watched the scariest thing, and it made me question OH's sanity. OH had mentioned that yesterday he and J made his oatmeal together, and I assumed he held him while they "worked." No, turns out I misunderstood the situation. This morning, OH pulled a chair up to the stove for J to stand on as they made his mush!!! Then he said, "now don't touch anything else!" To a TWO year old!!! I put the kibosh on that one real quick, but OH is making it clear that I'm turning into the mean parent, because I'm removing dry erase markers that don't erase out of his clothes, I'm refusing to draw everything he asks me to, and I don't think that giving him old, precious photos to play with is an acceptable idea. OH, of course, is his current favourite parent.

Storm, how are you feeling? Has the head engaged, at least? Or will you not know until you see a midwife?
Clio I too am guilty of the chair at the stove thing, but for scrambled eggs which I can cook on a low heat and it makes me very nervous...

Baby was head down but free from the brim at last appointment. Not much happening, just lots of cramping and bhs, but that could go on for weeks...

We called to my sils this afternoon (bro was at work) and accidentally stayed nearly 4 hours. L had a ball and my niece was excellent with her, dancing, singing etc etc.. L didn't want to come home! No nap again today and in my bed, but dh is working so tbh it's easier for me as I'm struggling to move these nights.

Hope all are well, I'm shattered, nighty night!
aargh! a bit of a restless LO last night and an annoying OH, who fell asleep on the couch and then woke up LO as he went to bed (he literally 'dumped' him in my room, so of course, LO was not pleased, but at least, LO did go back to sleep shortly thereafter)....

almost over the cold, so am feeling a bit better...

Arghhh rubbish night for us, L has a cough and was unsettled all night, I'm wrecked. Then this am I woke (haha) with painful braxton hicks and feeling really crampy BUT it's all gone away now.... Bah

No ballet for L this more as I can't be bothered, bad but true, I just don't think I could manage sitting on the floor for 45 mins. That and we have Texas snow (as in a light scattered sprinkling) so I think I will light the fire and make pancakes instead!
Aw storm everyday I come on here hoping that you are starting labour. But then again if your DH is really busy with work and has nightshifts these next 3 days then maybe better not.

Clio that is scary! My boys of course aren't even allowed in the kitchen! Though I hope this Feburary I will be able to work on the kitchen so they can occasionally come in. But I am going to get one of those stove guard things I guess and tie ALL chairs to the table etc cause they are both such awesome climbers.

Charlie how did the walk in the rain go? I hope Sophia enjoyed it? :D

Sabrina I meant to ask how close to London are you applying? And do you realise how crazy expensive things are here the closer you get to London? Sigh! Even if they pay better you might not end up being better off. But you probably do know.

But generally I was actually wondering how all you ladies can afford nursery at all, unless it is very much cheaper where you are. Mind you, I have never had a high earning job (art history related jobs pay notoriously badly) so even with one child only I would have struggled in my last job where my hourly salary was £9.75, had that been my only source of income.
There is a new nursery that opened here in the park and it is meant to be affordable. "Only" £280 a week full time but £70 daily and £30 for an afternoon! And of course that is for one child only. But we were thinking that maybe in a while it might be good for the boys to perhaps go for an afternoon a week cause they would be able to do all sorts of things there that they couldn't at home, such as messy play, sand pits, finger painting and generally being mucky. But I am not sure if only one afternoon is worth the separation anxiety etc. But I don't think we could afford more anyway. We are already paying £320 for gymboree (13 weeks) which they love so much, so maybe that twice a week on its own is enough and all the messy play isn't that important? What do you ladies think?

I also wanted to ask you how you discipline a wilful child. I have a thread in the toddler section here on BnB but so far I haven't really read anything all that helpful (must check again in a minute). I don't like time outs plus I don't think Dominic would understand them or stay in time out. "No" works not at all on him but very well on Sebastian. I am currently doing the looking him straight in the eye and saying No hitting mummy, gentle hands. When I release his hands he does a sulky lip, frowns and hits me right again. Mind you it isn't often and not hard but I want to nip that right in the bud. He is better with throwing food but he still does throw books and crams them and his blocks behind the fireplace grid (we have made that tighter to the wall so now he cannot get the books in at least) or over the gate into the corridor or kitchen. We had to put the chair in the nursery into the cot since he will not listen to us when we tell him not to climb up to the shelves to rip out the cables of the Groegg and iPhone. Any tips? I don't want to shout him all the time even though it seems to have zero impact as it is.
Got to go make lunch. Hopefully post more later. xxx
Hi ladies,

Just popping in quickly cause I decided that 5 am was a good time for me to wake up while OH and thiago are sound asslep!! Today is OH's birthday and have lots to do:).

Thiago is being so cute the last couple of days :thumbup:. He had another playgroup here at the house and he did great. Co playing and actually took a plane from another little boy which I thought it was great but did tell him he cannot do that :haha:. We talked to my sister and dad on Skype and he was being all cute showing them how to put numbers together and he waved goodbye and blowed a kiss too :kiss:! Major achievement there for thiago :haha:!!!

Angel: you will find out yourself what is the best way to discipline the boys. For some it is time out, for some is spanking, for some a good talk and for some is nothing :dohh:! We are going go to with the time out. I will warn him first that if he does it again what he is not suppose to he will go to the corner and in the beginning if they don't stay you will need to hold them there and eventually they will get the idea. If they are 1 year old they should stay there for 1 min and if they are 2 they stay there for 2 long mins :haha: and so on. Once the time is done you remind them why there are there and they need to tell you that they are sorry for what they did. I remember when the kids that I worked with misbehaved in a public place I would either take them to the bathroom and give them a time out there or out them in the car seat and strap them in and that would be there time out right there. And they couldn't get out of the time out Umbria they said that they were sorry. It worked for them and I thought it was better than spanking for my personality type. But I am in favor of any kind of discipline I just couldn't do the spanking cause I would end up crying with my child :haha:. I really don't know how my dad could just spank my sister and I and don't feel bad about it. Well maybe he did :shrug:. It worked for us I guess cause we did respect him a lot growing up in the fears of being hit across the room :dohh:!!

Hugs to all of you ladies and we cheering for you storm :thumbup:. Come on baby!!
Boo to no labour Storm! Fingers crossed it happens soon! Hope you had a nice day pancake making, sounds better than sitting on the floor at ballet, have those women seriously never given you a chair? :saywhat:

Borboleta, Ahhhhhh love the skype story about T, especially blowing kisses...the closets I get is a mouth suck on my nose! We 're working on it!

Walk in the rain was lovely Angel, more so for Sophia than me but She loved it in her lovely yellow wellies! I will post a FB pic.

Discipline is a tough one as everyone does it differently and what works for one does not work for another. Sophia has started to ignore "no"now too. But she responds to a firm stop! She has become a thrower too. Tbh I think under 3, there is no quick fix, it's all about repetition and just setting boundaries consistently between you and OH over and over and over again and eventually they get it. Until they are 3 they really won't understand the whys of what they can and can 't do things, so you do become a parrot! I know that's probably no help to you, sorry!

Clio, your OH is nuts with a chair in front of the stove. I let Sophia in the kitchen but it's getting harder now the older she gets....yesterday I found her sitting next to Charlie while Charlie was eating, and she was eating Charlie's dried food:dohh: to stop it I had to take her out as it was clearly too yummy,she just wanted more and would not listen to my that's Charlie's, not Sophia's!

Right off for a nap, night shift for me tonight :cry:
Oh ladies, I'm feeling so upset today!
I was checking Lucy's teeth earlier (something she isn't normally very compliant about) and it looks to me like she has the early signs of decay on her top teeth.
There are white deposits on the gum line and the enamel looks a bit dull.
I'm so upset right now, that I have in some way neglected my baby (I haven't)
I know the dentist will probably say it's the brestfeeing ,but there are such mixed messages on this subject. I was under the impression that breast milk from the breast wasn't bad as it doesn't really come in contact with the teeth like cows milk/formula from a bottle etc. and it doesn't contain lactose?
Going away now to cry some more :cry::cry:

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