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any other over 35 first time mums?

LO is definitely in the terrible twos today - already had 5+ tantrums! For his b-day, lots of Shaun the Sheep (I don't think I can watch any more)....

will try to take pictures...


I am trying to introduce thiago to little Einstein. He seems to like it now but pocoyo is still his favorite. :dohh:
Happy Birthday, Finn! :cake::cake:

N demands applause & applauds for himself, too. He loves being the center of attention.

Hang in there, Storm!

Thiago's party sounds like it will be awesome! Wish we all could attend!

What do you do when F has a tantrum?
Charlie: you are so right. I guess I always imagine a shy baby as someone that hides behind your leg ( he doesn't do that) but I guess there is shy that is like thiago. My nephew was quite the opposite and loved all the attention he could get :haha:. He would dance and jump and do all this tricks so we could clap for him :haha:. Too cute:).

Clio: I forgot to thank you for the two diapers idea at night time :happydance:!!! Best invention ever!!! He hasn't licked for 2 night in a row :happydance:!!!

Yay!!! Did you try the backwards one?
It took 30 minutes to get N to nap today. I think I might order blackout curtains.

I really love this age. He's just so chatty & sweet & playful & funny & helpful right now. He's more independent & more into toys. He's starting to pretend more & it's just soooo cute!

:hi: & :hugs: all around xoxox
I am trying to introduce thiago to little Einstein. He seems to like it now but pocoyo is still his favorite. :dohh:

Tell me about it! :dohh: Luckily, Pocoyo is so much fun to listen to/watch that I'm glad that that's his favourite show.

What's Little Einstein?
It took 30 minutes to get N to nap today. I think I might order blackout curtains.

I really love this age. He's just so chatty & sweet & playful & funny & helpful right now. He's more independent & more into toys. He's starting to pretend more & it's just soooo cute!

:hi: & :hugs: all around xoxox

They've become real people at this point, don't you think? Really cute real people.
Happy Birthday, Finn! :cake::cake:

What do you do when F has a tantrum?

Ignore him (after making sure he's not in any danger) and lay/lie him on the couch or floor so if he starts hitting, screaming, etc., nobody is in any danger....usually, it stops within a minute or two....

it won't let me download photos - sorry, kosh! I will try later....

hugs, bye!
So we just got back from music class, and J was pretty good. He took part in more things this time, which I'm so proud of him for. It's like he's slowing down and taking in what's going on around him, while before he just ran around like a lunatic with no focus. He even sat in my lap during the story! :cloud9: I've decided to start Gymboree again, too. Though it's expensive! How much a month do you UKers pay?
Sabrina: post the pics on fb so we can see it sooner :haha:.

Clio: yes I did just like you said with the diapers. One in a normal way and the other backwards :thumbup:. And little Einstein is a great show, it is about 4 little kids that go around the world to help whoever needs help :haha:. What I like about it is that they always bring some kind of art to the story ( normally famous painters like Picasso, Van Gogh , etc) and a famous musician ( Bach, Schubert, Beethoven) incorporated to the story line. And it is a lot more calmer than pocoyo :haha:. I think thiago is drawn by the rocket ship that they fly around with. He is really into planes and anything that flies at the moment. When I go to the park with him and we are in the swing I sing and pretend that we are in our rocket ship and make the movements that they do in the show to help the rocket fly ( help thiago swing). He loves it! You should show it to J. He might like it.

Indigo: yes this is a really good age even though thiago is still the Velcro baby :dohh:! But after Charlie mentioned the shy toddler I googled and I was so happy to finally realize that thiago really could be labeled at the moment as a shy toddler. I am going to look for a book so I can understand a little more about it. He is definetely not an outgoing child. My mom was a very shy person and so as my sister and my FIL.
We had a playgroup today at a friends house and he did fine. Still doing being by my side and played a little with some toys and when one of the babies started dancing he actually stood up and started dancing by his side which freaked out the baby dancing and he ran away :haha:!!!! Kids!!!!
Clio- I think I pay £34 a month for one class a week? But I might have that wrong. It's around that figure anyway. I know angel will pay more for twins.

I have got lucy a dental appointment on wednesday:thumbup: but I swear her teeth look different every time I look at them :dohh:
I think I irritated her mouth by looking at them this evening as she kept saying itchy and rubbing her gum? Oops.

I hope Finn enjoyed his cake, it made me hungry just looking at it!

Hugs to all.
It took 30 minutes to get N to nap today. I think I might order blackout curtains.

I really love this age. He's just so chatty & sweet & playful & funny & helpful right now. He's more independent & more into toys. He's starting to pretend more & it's just soooo cute!

:hi: & :hugs: all around xoxox

They've become real people at this point, don't you think? Really cute real people.

That's exactly what I think too, they are sooooo cute! I'm so in love with Gael :cloud9:
not a great day - received documents in relation to the hearing next week and the neighbours have argued that everything is in my head, I'm the problem and I'm a terrible racist (they are nigerian)....it's very upsetting. Fortunately, I have photographs and other neighbours as witnesses, but growl!

Finn, however, is doing well! and well recovered from CAKE day!

hugs to all!

Oh SK how upsetting! I'm sure you couldn't care less what colour they are if they would just shut up and behave like decent neighbors! Big hug x
thanks, guys -- been getting upset on and off (part of it impending AF as well), but looking through the documents, it appears that they have no evidence and I have over 50+ pages of photographs, police reports and other neighbour statement) -- they also want money for their troubles! It is upsetting because I teach non-nationals and my doctor is black!

Finn is very stroppy-ish today, crying for whoever leaves the room...sigh!

(and I think a cat may have learned how to open a stair gate -- hopefully, Finn and the cats aren't working together!)

Sabrina what nonsense! If it was cause of their colour you would in all this time mentioned the fact that they are from Nigeria at least in passing. But I for one had no idea, so that's just a stupid "pity me" and get out of jail free card they are trying to pull! :growlmad: Good thing you have such a lot of proof! :hugs:
Not much to report today, we all got out hair cut, well hubby really needed his cut, I got mine fixed and L got a tiny trim. Other than that my dad came for dinner and that's about it. L is sleeping up my back while I watch tv. My dad is off to London tomorrow, he has a dinner function at the national history museum tomorrow night. I hope he has fun!

Still no sign of junior and I am now seriously fed up mixed with terrified, I know it's going to hurt so badly and I have to get Lydia sorted too... Eeeekkkkkkk

L seems to be struggling with her teeth again, her little cheeks are rip roaring red! I hope she sleeps tonight...
Sabrina - that's awful!! good job you have so much evidence against them!
Storm- I think all of us ladies near or in London should go and surprise your dad! "Hey,we're your daughters virtual friends!" :haha::haha:
The natural history museum is one of my favourite buildings to look at in London.....beautiful!

I hope for you that the birth is nice and quick and "relatively" easy.
Maybe you might just sneeze and she pops out?? Lol:shrug:
I hope L sleeps for you tonight.

Hugs to all.
Lol Clairey I wish you could go spy on him for me, it's a work do, but only him and one lady are going... Maybe something, maybe nothing!
I love London - I love the Imperial War Museum (I'm very interested in WWI... anybody seen Jeremy Paxman's new documentary on BBC1 (last night, I think, we recorded!).....no interviews yet, but an agency seems interested, so maybe will have to go that way, and thanks, angel - I judge them on the content of their character, not the colour of their skin (Martin Luther King Jr)...on a positive, OH keeps reminding me that he will be there (at the hearing) as well and he is very calm! I've also asked that the hearing be only landlord and us to begin with....

LO is crazy tonight, loads of tantrums and wants me to sit on the floor like a little chair so he can sit and be comfortable and watch TV?!


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